Distribution: A-FAF-0 (STD)
Initiated By: AJW-23
1. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is subject to numerous federal, state, and local
requirements in the areas of environmental protection and employee safety. Consistent with the
FAA’s mission to be the national and international leader in aviation, while fostering a safe, secure,
and efficient aviation system, is the need for an effective process to incorporate environmental and
occupational safety and health requirements in the planning, design, construction, maintenance and
decommissioning activities at NAS facilities.
2. This order prescribes policy, delegates authority, and assigns responsibility for ensuring agency
compliance with environmental and occupational safety and health requirements. This order is in
concert with the following:
a. FAA Order 1050.10C, Prevention, Control and Abatement of Environmental Pollution at
FAA Facilities, establishes agency wide policy, roles, and responsibilities pertaining to the prevention,
control, and abatement of environmental pollution at, or from, FAA-owned, -leased, -licensed, or
-operated facilities.
b. FAA Order 1050.17, Airway Facilities Environmental and Safety Compliance Program,
prescribes procedures and assigns responsibilities within the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) for the
implementation of FAA Order 1050.10C.
Teri L. Bristol
Chief Operating Officer
Air Traffic Organization
Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health (EOSH) Requirements in the Planning
and Execution of Construction and Maintenance Activities at National Airspace System
(NAS) Facilities
Air Traffic Organization Policy
JO 3900.57A
Effective Date:
02/25/2015 JO 3900.57A CHG 1
Table of Contents
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1. General Requirements
1-1. Purpose of This Order ................................................................................................... 1-1
1-2. Audience ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1-3. Where Can I Find This Order ....................................................................................... 1-1
1-4. Cancellation .................................................................................................................. 1-1
1-5. Explanation of Policy Changes ..................................................................................... 1-1
1-6. Effective Date ............................................................................................................... 1-1
1-7. Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 1-1
1-8. Safety Risk Management .............................................................................................. 1-3
1-9. Requirements/Summary of Policy ................................................................................ 1-3
Chapter 2. Planning
2-1. General .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
2-2. Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 2-1
2-3. Project Planning ............................................................................................................ 2-1
2-4. Environmental Processes .............................................................................................. 2-2
Chapter 3. Design and Acquisition
3-1. General .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3-2. Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 3-1
3-3. Design Phase ................................................................................................................. 3-1
3-4. Acquisition Phase.......................................................................................................... 3-1
Chapter 4. Construction
4-1. General .......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4-2. Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 4-1
4-3. Pre-Construction EOSH Checklist ................................................................................ 4-1
4-4. Permits .......................................................................................................................... 4-2
4-5. Resident Engineer Construction Safety Checklist ........................................................ 4-3
4-6. Deliverables .................................................................................................................. 4-3
Chapter 5. Maintenance
5-1. General .......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5-2. Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 5-1
5-3. Facility Risk Prioritization ............................................................................................ 5-1
5-4. Activity Risk Prioritization ........................................................................................... 5-1
5-5. Pre-Maintenance Checklist ........................................................................................... 5-2
Chapter 6. Decommissioning and Disposition
6-1. General .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
6-2. Responsibility ............................................................................................................... 6-1
6-3. Real Property ................................................................................................................ 6-1
6-4. Reutilization and Disposition of Personal Property ...................................................... 6-2
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Chapter 7. Administrative Information
7-1. Distribution ................................................................................................................... 7-1
7-2. Background ................................................................................................................... 7-1
7-3. Authority to Change This Order ................................................................................... 7-1
7-4. Definitions and Acronyms ............................................................................................ 7-1
7-5. Related Publications...................................................................................................... 7-1
7-6. Forms and Checklists .................................................................................................... 7-3
Appendix A. Acronym List
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Chapter 1. General Requirements
1-1. Purpose of This Order. The purpose of this FAA order is to prescribe FAAs environmental
and occupational safety and health (EOSH) policy, delegation of authority, and assignment of
responsibility to ensure agency compliance, and establishing effective processes that incorporate
EOSH requirements in planning, design, construction, maintenance and decommissioning of National
Airspace System (NAS) systems and facilities that will foster a safe, secure and efficient NAS.
1-2. Audience. Air Traffic Organization (ATO) headquarters and field organizations that are
involved with the operation and support of NAS facilities. At the headquarters level, these
organizations include System Operations Services (AJR), Safety and Technical Training (AJI), Air
Traffic Services (AJT), Mission Support Services (AJV), and Technical Operations Services (AJW).
At the field level, this includes the Service Center, Service Areas, and all of the organizations
subordinate to the Service Areas involved with the operation and/or support of NAS facilities.
1-3. Where Can I Find This Order. You can find an electronic copy of this order on the Directives
Management System (DMS) website: https://employees.faa.gov/tools_resources/orders_notices/, or
go to the MyFAA Employee website, selectTools and Resources’, then selectOrders and Notices’.
1-4. Cancellation. FAA Order 3900.57, FAA Pre-Construction and Maintenance Project Safety and
Health Checklist, dated January 11, 1999, is canceled.
1-5. Explanation of Policy Changes. The order has been revised to include:
a. Roles and Responsibilities. Provides updated roles and responsibilities reflecting current
FAA organizational structure and assignment of program responsibilities.
b. Project Management. Requires the review of EOSH requirements prior to budget planning
and the completion of checklists for design, construction, and maintenance activities that have the
potential to generate EOSH impacts to FAA employees and NAS operations. The order addresses
project management aspects of EOSH planning and requirements throughout the facility lifecycle.
c. EOSH Requirements. Establishes a process that will minimize and/or eliminate EOSH
impacts from design, construction, and maintenance projects at NAS facilities. The order addresses
EOSH requirements in order to minimize NAS outages, environmental impacts, and employee safety
1-6. Effective Date. The requirements of this directive are to become effective six months after
1-7. Roles and Responsibilities.
a. Chief Operating Officer, AJO-0, ensures that ATO organizations implement the
requirements of this order into the planning and execution of their programs and activities.
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b. Vice President, Office of Safety and Technical Training, AJI-0, implements the
requirements of this order into training programs and other activities managed by his or her
organization, including any interaction of this order with the Safety Management System (SMS).
c. Vice President, System Operations, AJR-0, implements the requirements of this order into
programs and activities managed by their organization.
d. Vice President, Air Traffic Services, AJT-0, implements the requirements of this order into
the planning, design, and deployment of new systems as well as the modernization and/or
refurbishment of existing NAS facilities; and implements the requirements of this order into planning
for lifecycle requirements.
e. Vice President, Mission Support Services, AJV-0, implements the requirements of this
order into programs and activities managed by their organization.
f. Vice President, Program Management Organization, AJM-0, implements the
requirements of this order into programs and activities managed by their organization.
g. Vice President, Technical Operations Services, AJW-0, implements the requirements of
this order into the design and deployment of new systems as well as the modernization and/or
refurbishment of existing NAS facilities; implements the requirements of this order into planning for
lifecycle requirements; and ensures compliance with the requirements of this order by field
organizations in AJW.
h. Service Area Directors for AJT and AJW. The ATO Service Area Directors, or designees,
implement the requirements of this order by field organizations.
i. Service Center Directors. The ATO Service Center Directors, or designees, assist the ATO
Service Area Directors for AJT and AJW in implementing the requirements of this order; and
implement the requirements of this order into the processes for the planning of projects.
Implementation support may include the formulation and review of budgets and requirements, and
technical support on EOSH topics.
j. ATO Technical Operations Services, Air Traffic Control (ATC) Facilities, EOSH
Services Group ensures EOSH requirements are incorporated into all new NAS systems in order
to maximize employee safety, minimize negative impacts to the environment, and comply with
federal regulations. EOSH Services ensures compliance with the requirements of this order for
applicable activities.
k. Engineering Services Managers, AJW, implement the requirements of this order into the
design and deployment of new systems as well as the modernization and/or refurbishment of existing
NAS facilities and implement the requirements of this order into planning for lifecycle requirements.
l. District Office Managers, AJW, ensure compliance with the requirements of this order for
applicable activities.
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m. Technical Support Center Managers, AJW, ensure compliance with the requirements of
this order for applicable activities.
1-8. Safety Risk Management. The FAA SMS requires that safety assessments be performed on
changes to the NAS that have significant safety impact on aviation safety. The SMS does not address
occupational safety (e.g., Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)). Instead, the SMS
focuses on the broader topic of aviation safety and safe provision for air traffic control and navigation
services. This order is subordinate to the SMS.
1-9. Requirements/Summary of Policy. This order is organized by life-cycle of the facility
(design, establish, improve, maintain, decommission). The purpose of the order is to ensure that
EOSH requirements are incorporated into both project planning and execution throughout the facility
a. Planning. Chapter 2 contains the requirements for the planning phase. Appropriate project
planning for EOSH issues and requirements will reduce risks to FAA employee safety, and impacts
on the environment. The requirements of this chapter will be carried out by the organization
implementing the project (e.g., Engineering Services Managers for Engineering Services projects,
national Program Offices for turnkey projects managed by Headquarters, and the appropriate front line
manager for local projects).
b. Design and Acquisition. Chapter 3 contains the requirements for the design and acquisition
phases. The chapter introduces aspects of sustainable design and affirmative procurement
requirements for projects and programs. The requirements of this chapter will be carried out by the
organization implementing the project (e.g., Engineering Services Managers for Engineering Services
projects, national Program Offices for turnkey projects managed by Headquarters, and the appropriate
front line manager for local projects).
c. Construction. Chapter 4 contains the requirements for the construction phase. The chapter
outlines requirements for pre-construction coordination of EOSH issues, as well as EOSH
considerations during construction. The requirements for construction safety and environmental
issues during construction are the responsibility of the organization directly managing the project, with
the assistance and coordination of EOSH professionals in their organization. The organization
managing the project should coordinate with EOSH professionals in the Service Center, District
Office, and/or the Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager (SECM) at the Technical Support
d. Maintenance (In-Service Management). Chapter 5 contains the requirements for the
maintenance phase. The requirements of this chapter will be carried out by the organization
implementing maintenance.
e. Disposition. Chapter 6 contains the requirements for the disposition phase, which includes
decommissioning and demolition. The requirements for safety and environmental issues during
demolition or decommission are the responsibility of the organization directly managing the project,
with the assistance and coordination of EOSH professionals in Engineering Services, the Service
Center, District Office and/or the SECM at the Technical Support Center.
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Chapter 2. Planning
2-1. Overview. The planning phase of a construction project must consider EOSH requirements
relative to the risks to NAS operations. Early EOSH planning helps to manage possible issues over
the lifecycle of the facility. Lifecycle engineering is part of project planning, and every project from
conception through completion must include multidisciplinary EOSH expertise. Proper planning can
reduce hazardous wastes and liability concerns, improve public and stakeholder perception, improve
employee and contractor safety, and lessen overall costs to the FAA.
2-2. Responsibility. Engineering Services Managers ensure the requirements of this chapter are
incorporated into all applicable projects managed by Engineering Services. For turnkey projects
managed by Headquarters organizations, the national Program Office ensures that the requirements of
this chapter are incorporated into their projects and ensures that sufficient resources are provided in
terms of EOSH technical support. For non-Engineering Services projects managed exclusively by
local facilities and/or field organizations, the appropriate manager (e.g., District Office Manager or
System Support Center [SSC] Manager) ensures that the requirements of this chapter are incorporated
into applicable projects (e.g., fence construction, painting, remodeling).
2-3. Project Planning.
a. EOSH Planning Requirements. The organization responsible for planning any construction,
maintenance, or renovation project (e.g., national program office, District Office management) is
required to consider potential EOSH issues. To that end, organizations planning projects may use the
Project Planning EOSH Checklist, FAA Form 3900-16. The purpose of the checklist is to identify
EOSH issues in the project that may impact the design, budget, and schedule. This form identifies
program areas that may be subject to compliance obligations, as well as potential opportunities to
minimize health and safety risk, and environmental impacts, such as waste generation, ecological
degradation, energy consumption, and raw material consumption over the entire life of the project.
The consequences of improper planning for EOSH requirements can be severe, including disruption
of NAS operations, project delays, cost increases, and non-compliance with safety and environmental
requirements. Non-compliance with EOSH requirements puts FAA employees and contractors at risk
and exposes the agency to environmental risks and liability under OSHA regulations (29 CFR) and
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations (40 CFR).
b. Elements of the Project Planning EOSH Checklist. During the planning stages of an
engineering, construction, or maintenance project, the organization implementing the project must
consider the potential EOSH hazards and risks in the various program areas listed below and
discussed in FAA Form 3900-16, Project Planning EOSH Checklist. Organizations implementing
projects must consider sensitive NAS operations and all facility occupants impacted by this project, as
well as known or potential EOSH hazards. Any hazards identified in the Project Planning EOSH
Checklist must be addressed through changes in the budget, schedule, or design of the project.
Mitigation may include, but is not limited to, selection of alternative designs and/or sites, and
budgeting for expected costs of hazardous material removal, environmental permitting, or other
EOSH concerns.
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Occupational Safety and Health Areas
Construction Safety
Hazard Communication
Confined Space Entry
Equipment and Tool Safety
Working Conditions
Hazardous Energy
Indoor Air Quality
Climbing, Walking, Working Surfaces
Employee Health Exposure
Vehicle Safety
Respiratory Protection
Personal Protective Equipment
Hearing Conservation
Fire Protection
Environmental Areas
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Drinking Water
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Waste
Nonhazardous Solid Waste
Fuel Storage Tank
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)
Natural Resources
Cultural Resources
Environmental Due Diligence Audits
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Environmental Cleanup/CERCLA
c. EOSH Areas of Concern for Planning Review. The key EOSH requirements for planning,
implementation, and oversight of projects at ATO facilities include the following:
Figure 2-1. EOSH Areas of Concern for Planning Review
2-4. Special Environmental Compliance Topics. The organization responsible for the siting and
planning phase implements the following environmental processes as required by law, regulations,
and FAA orders. The organization implementing the project must initiate the request for the
following environmental processes with the appropriate EOSH professionals (i.e., Engineering
Services EOSH Coordinator, SECM, or Program Office) as early as possible, and no later than at
receipt of the project authorization. Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
and environmental due diligence audit (EDDA) requirements may pose significant impacts on project
design, budget, and schedule.
a. NEPA. NEPA requires federal agencies to systematically identify and evaluate potential
environmental impacts associated with implementing major federal actions. The organization
implementing the project must comply with NEPA and commence NEPA analysis and associated
documentation in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures. See FAA Order 1050.1E Paragraph 310, Categorical Exclusions for Facility Siting,
Construction and Maintenance, for the list of categorical exclusions for FAA actions involving
acquisition, repair, replacement, maintenance, or upgrading of grounds, infrastructure, buildings,
structures, or facilities that generally are minor in nature. An action on the categorically excluded list
is not automatically exempted from environmental review under NEPA. The responsible FAA
official must also review FAA Order 1050.1E Paragraph 304, Extraordinary Circumstances, before
finalizing a decision to categorically exclude a proposed action, or to proceed with an environmental
assessment or an environmental impact statement.
b. Environmental Due Diligence Audit (EDDA). To minimize the FAA’s liability during real
property transfers (e.g., acquisitions, disposals, lease actions) and to comply with the requirements of
the Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act (CERFA) and General Service
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Administration (GSA) real property transfer requirements, ATO must determine the applicability of
an EDDA when real property transfer is involved in project implementation. The organization
implementing the project must determine need for an EDDA and commence EDDA documentation in
accordance with FAA Order 1050.19B, Environmental Due Diligence Audits in the Conduct of FAA
Real Property Transactions. See FAA Order 1050.19B Paragraph 1-9, Determining the Need for an
EDDA, for more information on EDDA applicability.
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Chapter 3. Design and Acquisition
3-1. Overview. EOSH requirements must be incorporated into the design and acquisition of new
facilities and renovation of existing facilities. Identifying applicable EOSH requirements and possible
areas for improvement provides opportunities to improve design and to be proactive in promoting
sustainable design and buildings. Incorporating EOSH concerns into the design and acquisition
processes allows more thorough application of requirements and provides more oversight of EOSH
issues throughout the program lifecycle.
3-2. Responsibility. The organization implementing the project must incorporate the requirements
of this chapter into applicable engineering, construction, or renovation projects. Engineering Services
Managers ensure the requirements of this chapter are incorporated into all applicable projects
managed by Engineering Services. For turnkey projects managed by Headquarters organizations, the
national Program Office ensures that sufficient EOSH technical support resources are provided. For
non-Engineering Services projects managed exclusively by local facilities and/or field organizations,
the appropriate manager (e.g., District Office Manager or SSC Manager) ensures that the requirements
of this chapter are incorporated into applicable projects (e.g., fence construction, painting,
3-3. Design Phase. The organization implementing the project must review the following processes
and incorporate them in order to improve project design:
a. FAA Form 3900-17, Design Risk Analysis EOSH Checklist. The design phase of a
construction project must identify applicable EOSH considerations included in FAA Form 3900-17,
the Design Risk Analysis EOSH Checklist.
b. Sustainability. It is required that projects incorporate the applicable requirements for
sustainable design during the design stage of the project per Executive Orders 13423 and 13514.
These orders set forth requirements for sustainability, including energy management, water
conservation, sustainable design, and diversion of construction waste. Resources include the Whole
Building Design Guide and the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and
Sustainable Buildings (see Paragraph 7-5).
c. Safe Distance. Ensure that the proposed project complies with FAA Order 6050.32B,
Chapter 16, in terms of the project’s location and the safe distance to adjacent transmitting facilities.
3-4. Acquisition Phase. In the acquisition phase the following processes must be reviewed and
applied as required:
a. Incorporate the results of the Design Risk Analysis EOSH Checklist into acquisition
documents such as the market survey and screening information request (SIR). There are three
categories of SIRs: qualification information, screening information, and request for offers. Each
category of SIR is discussed in FAA Acquisition System Toolset (FAST) Acquisition Management
Policy Section (http://fast.faa.gov/).
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b. Review project design submittals and/or other acquisition documents based on criteria
established in Form 3900-17, Design Risk Analysis EOSH Checklist.
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Chapter 4. Construction
4-1. Overview. The requirements in this chapter apply to all NAS construction activities with
potential EOSH impacts to FAA employees/contractors and NAS operations. The purposes of these
requirements are as follows: (1) safeguarding NAS operations from outages, (2) ensuring construction
safety is enforced at work sites, (3) ensuring employees/contractors at FAA facilities are not exposed
to hazards during construction, and (4) complying with environmental and safety and health
a. The construction phase of a project must address the EOSH considerations as identified in
Form 3900-17, Design Risk Analysis EOSH Checklist, completed during the design phase.
b. The organization that directly manages the construction project is responsible for evaluating
the potential EOSH impact to NAS operations, reviewing site-specific procedures and project
management plans, identifying potential hazards, ensuring measures and controls address applicable
hazards, conducting site inspections, and ensuring the application, submittal, and compliance with all
4-2. Responsibility. Engineering Services Managers must ensure requirements in this chapter are
incorporated into all applicable projects. Turnkey projects managed by national Program Offices at
Headquarters organizations must ensure requirements in this chapter are incorporated and that
sufficient EOSH technical support resources are provided. For projects managed directly by the
District Office and field organizations other than Engineering Services (or projects not managed by
Engineering Services and not turnkey projects), it is the responsibility of front line manager or
supervisor (e.g., District Office Manager) to ensure the requirements of this chapter are applied to
those projects.
4-3. Pre-Construction EOSH Checklist.
a. The organization that directly manages the construction project is responsible for completing
the FAA Form 3900-18, Pre-Construction EOSH Checklist, and coordinating with the appropriate
District Office prior to commencement of the project. Actual work on the project (i.e., construction)
may not be initiated prior to completion and review of FAA Form 3900-18. In most cases, the
organization directly managing the day-to-day activities in a construction project will be outside FAA
Headquarters (e.g., Service Area Engineering Services, District Office, or Field Maintenance
Program). If an FAA Headquarters office directly manages a construction project, it will need to
coordinate the completion of the checklist with the District Office.
b. FAA Form 3900-18 is a tool used by each Resident Engineer (RE), Contracting Officer’s
Representative (COR), designated facility point of contact, or District Office Manager who oversees
construction and maintenance activities that potentially have EOSH impacts on NAS operations. This
checklist should be used, as appropriate, during critical phases of construction and maintenance
activities (e.g., the pre-construction meeting, 30-60 days prior to commencement of work,
daily/weekly construction meetings). Emphasis should be placed on using the checklist as a tool to
assess, as well as reassess, hazards as the project progresses. The checklist contains detailed
instructions regarding its use. Prior to starting a construction project, the organization directly
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managing the day-to-day activities of the project will complete FAA Form 3900-18 Section B, Work
Summary Information. The intent of Section B is to provide a description of the construction project
and identify key personnel responsible for project completion. After completing Section B, the
organization directly managing the day-to-day activities in the construction project and/or
maintenance tasks will fax/mail/e-mail/deliver the checklist to the District Office Manager or
designee. The designee may be the Contracting Officer’s Representative, SSC Manager or other
c. The District Office Manager or designee will complete Section C of the checklist, Evaluation.
The intent of Section C is to allow the District Office Manager to determine whether the remainder of
the checklist needs to be completed by the organization directly managing the day-to-day activities in
the construction project. If necessary, the District Office Manager or designee shall be provided any
additional information regarding the project that will facilitate their determination on whether the
remainder of the checklist should be completed.
d. The remainder of the checklist shall be completed by the organization directing the
construction project. Completion of the checklist will require further coordination between the
District Office and the organization directly managing the day-to-day activities in the construction
project. The checklist shall not be considered complete until the District Office Manager or designee
signs in Section H of the checklist. Therefore it is the responsibility of the organization managing the
day-to-day activities of the construction project to ensure that the checklist is complete with the
District Office approval. The organization directing the project will also ensure that the District Office
is provided a copy of the completed checklist.
e. A copy of the completed checklist shall be kept on file electronically or in hard copy at the
District Office in which the work was accomplished for a minimum of two years after the construction
is completed. A copy of the completed checklist shall be forwarded in accordance with the
distribution list on the checklist. As appropriate, each RE, COR, District Office Manager, or
designated facility point-of-contact is responsible for distribution of the checklist.
4-4. Permits. Develop and submit the following permits, if applicable:
a. Asbestos Work Permit. FAA Order 1050.20A, Airway Facilities Asbestos Control Program,
requires a work permit for construction activities impacting asbestos containing material. The
checklist contained in this order does not replace the permit requirement in Order 1050.20A.
b. Confined Space Permit. See FAA Order 3900.19B, Chapter 11, Confined Space Entry
c. Energized Electrical Work Permit. See FAA Order 3900.19B, Chapter 34, Electrical
Safety. An Energized Electrical Work Permit is a requirement as per National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) 70E, Article 110.8(B)(2), and Article 130.1(B).
d. Hot Work Permit. A permit may be necessary in order to comply with the requirements for
hot work in 29 CFR §1910.252 and/or NFPA 51B.
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e. Environmental Permits. FAA Order 1050.10C requires that all FAA facilities be designed,
constructed, managed, operated, maintained and decommissioned to conform to applicable pollution
control statutes (e.g., Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act). Some of the pollution control statutes require
permits, such as the following:
(1) Air pollution control;
(2) Fuel storage tank notification and state permits;
(3) Local fire marshal notification for bulk flammable/combustible/reactive liquids;
(4) PCB management;
(5) Nuclear Regulatory Commission license for radioactive materials;
(6) Permits for connections to municipal drinking water lines, sewer connections;
(7) Sediment control and storm water management; and
(8) Wastewater pretreatment.
4-5. Resident Engineer EOSH Checklist. The purpose of the Resident Engineer EOSH Checklist
is to ensure adherence to construction safety requirements at the construction site. It must be noted
that contractors are responsible for ensuring the safety of their employees. The checklist does not
release the contractors of this responsibility. The checklist may be used by the RE as a tool to support
their oversight role. The checklist may be completed at the time of the pre-construction conference
and reviewed and updated as the project proceeds. EOSH risks associated with each construction
project vary considerably. Some projects are small in scope and present relatively few EOSH risks,
while others are more complex and offer a variety of EOSH risks. The RE will assess the risks
associated with construction projects at NAS facilities and based on their risk assessment, determine
the need to apply the Resident Engineer Construction Safety Checklist. The Checklist may also be
used by others in the construction process, including the project engineer or representatives from
parties involved in construction.
4-6. Deliverables. As part of project management, ensure that the following deliverables, if
applicable, are provided to the District Office in addition to documents required for the Joint
Acceptance Inspection (JAI). Development of deliverables is the responsibility of the organization
directly managing the project. It is anticipated that the completion of the deliverables may be done
through a collaboration between several groups, including contractors, facility personnel, EOSH
personnel, and Engineering Services staff.
a. Written lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures.
b. Fall protection procedures and equipment.
c. Occupant Emergency Plans.
d. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for hazardous materials.
e. Hazardous material storage lockers (e.g., flammables cabinets).
f. Hazardous material spill kits.
g. Air pollution permits.
h. Fuel storage tank (FST) permits.
i. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.
j. Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan.
k. Other permits as necessary (e.g., hot work permit, asbestos permit).
l. Test certifications and documents (e.g., fire life safety system).
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m. Training and information on systems as necessary (e.g., fire life safety system).
n. Documentation of asbestos-free construction as per FAA Order 1050.20A.
o. Arc Flash Hazard Analysis in accordance with FAA Order 3900.19B, Chapter 34,
Electrical Safety.
p. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for the system, facility, and/or equipment being deployed as per
29 CFR §1910.132(d) and FAA Order 3900.19B, Chapter 23, Job Hazard Analysis. The JHA will
analyze the employee safety hazards associated with the system, facility, and/or equipment and
associated maintenance tasks.
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Chapter 5. Maintenance
5-1. Overview. Numerous maintenance activities are performed at NAS facilities every day. These
activities include preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, facility modifications, and
equipment modifications. Each of these maintenance activities may pose EOSH risks.
a. The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance to prioritize the indoor air quality risks
associated with those maintenance activities and provide guidance to manage the highest priority
b. Chapter 4 addresses construction projects. Large-scale maintenance projects are essentially
construction projects. The requirements of Chapter 4 may be applicable to the following large-scale
maintenance tasks:
(1) Tasks that involve construction activities such as, but not limited to road grading, tree
removal, pesticide application, equipment installation, and facility infrastructure modifications (e.g.,
roofing repairs).
(2) Activities in an air traffic control area that require the use of hazardous material (e.g.,
paint, solvent) or activities that may impact a hazardous material such as asbestos.
c. This chapter addresses indoor air quality risks specifically. The Resident Engineer EOSH
Checklist (FAA Form 3900-19) may be used to account for and manage other EOSH risks related to
maintenance projects.
5-2. Responsibility. District Office Managers ensure the requirements of this chapter are
incorporated into all applicable projects.
5-3. Facility Risk Prioritization. Based on the volume and complexity of air traffic control
operations, the following prioritization will be used for NAS facilities in terms of managing indoor air
quality risks during facility maintenance:
a. Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).
b. Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON).
c. Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT).
d. Other staffed NAS facilities.
e. Unstaffed NAS facilities.
5-4. Activity Risk Prioritization. In terms of maintenance activities, the following scheme will be
used for prioritization:
a. Maintenance activities involving the facility’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) system.
b. Maintenance activities involving the use of volatile materials (such as paints and solvents).
c. Maintenance activities involving welding or brazing inside NAS facilities.
d. Maintenance activities involving cutting, grinding, and demolition inside NAS facilities.
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Table 5.1. Prioritization of Indoor Air Quality Risks for Maintenance Projects at NAS Facilities
project involving:
Staffed NAS
NAS Facility
Facility’s HVAC
Volatile materials
(paints, solvents,
roofing sealants,
Welding or brazing
Cutting, grinding, or
5-5. Pre-Maintenance EOSH Checklist. Table 5.1 presents a basic prioritization for indoor air
quality risks associated with maintenance projects at NAS facilities. The risks associated with each
maintenance task are unique, and should be addressed accordingly. FAA Form 3900-20 is the
Pre-Maintenance EOSH Checklist. The District Office Manager and/or their designee should rely on
technical guidance provided by the SECM at the Technical Support Center to assess the risks
associated with maintenance projects in their NAS facilities, and based on their risk assessment,
determine the need to apply the Pre-Maintenance EOSH Checklist. The Pre-Maintenance EOSH
Checklist may not necessarily apply to all maintenance activities, but should be used to manage
activities with the highest risk.
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Chapter 6. Decommissioning and Disposition
6-1. Overview. The decommissioning phase of a NAS facility must include applicable EOSH
considerations identified in the Project Planning EOSH Checklist (refer to FAA Form 3900-16). This
checklist identifies compliance obligations and project planning issues to minimize waste generation, health
and safety impacts, ecological degradation, and raw material consumption over the entire lifecycle of the
project. In addition, this checklist is designed to correctly identify and highlight EOSH cost considerations
and impacts to the project. Proper planning will result in a reduction of hazardous wastes, reduced liability
concerns, improved public and stakeholder perception, improved employee and contractor safety and less cost
to the FAA.
6-2. Responsibility.
a. National Program Offices, as part of pre-deployment planning provisions in the AMS, are required
to complete an In Service Review (ISR) checklist. The ISR checklist and FAA Order 4600.27A, Personal
Property Management, requires that a disposition plan be developed for personal property that will be
disposed as a result of new NAS system installation.
b. Manager, Engineering Services, ensures the requirements of this chapter are incorporated into all
applicable projects managed by Engineering Services. For turnkey projects managed by Headquarters
organizations, the national Program Office ensures that the requirements of this chapter are incorporated into
their projects and ensures that sufficient EOSH technical support resources are provided.
c. District Office Managers ensure the requirements of this chapter are incorporated into all applicable
projects (i.e., projects planned and executed at the local level).
6-3. Real Property. For decommissioning projects involving real property, the following processes must be
reviewed for applicability and, if applicable, completed:
a. NEPA. Comply with NEPA and complete appropriate NEPA requirements prior to commencing
actions, in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures. See
Paragraph 310, Categorical Exclusions for Facility Siting, Construction and Maintenance.
b. EDDA. Determine need for an EDDA and commence EDDA documentation in accordance with
FAA Order 1050.19B, Environmental Due Diligence Audits in the Conduct of FAA Real Property
Transactions. The order also briefly describes compliance with disclosure and reporting requirements of 40
CFR Part 373 and the Federal Management Regulation (FMR) applicable to the selling, transferring, or
disposal of federal real property. The disclosure and reporting requirements may be included as part of the
EDDA documentation.
c. Asbestos. Comply with FAA Order 1050.20A, Airway Facilities Asbestos Control, and review
demolition projects regarding impact to asbestos-containing material.
d. Other environmental considerations. Comply with FAA Orders regarding environmental and
hazardous materials considerations in facility decommissioning and disposition, including Order 1050.12,
Order 1050.16, 1050.17, Order 1050.19B, and Order 1050.20.
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6-4. Reutilization and Disposition of Personal Property. Unrequired or excess FAA personal property
will be utilized or disposed in compliance with FAA Order 4600.27A, Personal Property Management.
a. Many FAA systems and equipment are unique and serve no practical purpose to other entities, and
may endanger NAS integrity if used outside the NAS. Under the provisions of Title 49, United States Code,
Section 4011(c)(2)(F), the FAA is exempted from the provisions of the FMR regarding the disposition of
FAA airport, airway systems, or technical equipment with the capacity to transmit across NAS-controlled
airway frequencies. Implementation of this authority is delegated to AJW. All NAS systems require a
reutilization and disposition plan.
b. Specific guidance resources regarding personal property are listed below.
(1) FAA Order 4600.27A, Personal Property Management.
(2) FAA Order 1050.20A, Airway Facilities Asbestos Control Program, requires pre-construction
asbestos surveys (including demolition and renovation).
(3) For NAS systems, the approved reutilization and disposition plan.
(4) FMR, 41 CFR Part 102, Subpart B. Specific additional requirements regarding certification
apply to materials that meet the definition ofhazardous personal property” (see 41 CFR §102-36.40).
Specifically, 41 CFR §102-36.425 requires that executive agencies dispose of excess hazardous property in
accordance with 41 CFR Part 101-42.
(5) ATO Logistics Personal Property Management Bulletin PPB 11-01, of December 2010,
Compliant Disposal of Electronic Equipment.
(6) AMS Policy
(7) Exhibit 300 Program Baseline (OMB Circular A-11).
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Chapter 7. Administrative Information
7-1. Distribution. This order is distributed to all Technical Operations field offices with a standard
7-2. Background.
a. The FAA ATO is responsible for managing myriad aspects of NAS operations, from
constructing new facilities to controlling air traffic to maintaining the NAS infrastructure. The
employees of the ATO are service providersthe 38,000 controllers, technicians, engineers, and
support personnel whose daily efforts keep air traffic moving. ATO’s mission is to safeguard NAS
operations, while ensuring the safety of its employees and minimizing its impact on the environment.
b. This order revises and updates a previous order, 3900.57, which laid out a checklist for pre-
construction coordination of EOSH issues. This order designates responsibilities and opportunities for
organizations involved in the lifecycle of ATO facilities to address EOSH issues.
c. Numerous organizations in the FAA fund, plan, design, and manage activities throughout the
NAS facility life cycle. These organizations are responsible for properly planning and coordinating
construction activities to minimize EOSH risks to FAA employees and NAS operations.
7-3. Authority to Change This Order.
a. ATO. The ATO has the authority to add new chapters, or change existing chapters that
are proposed by organizational elements of FAA after appropriate coordination with internal
stakeholder organizations. The COO has the right to further delegate this authority.
b. FAA Organizational Elements. Changes proposed by an organizational element within the
FAA must be submitted to the ATO, EOSH Services, AJW-23, who will evaluate, or assign a
designee to evaluate, the changes for incorporation. When using this order, all organizations are
encouraged to assess its effectiveness and usefulness. Organizations should provide feedback
regarding the effectiveness and usefulness of the order to EOSH Services, AJW-23, through
memorandum or electronic mail. FAA Form 1320-19, Directive Feedback Information, may also be
7-4. Acronyms and Definitions. A list of acronyms is provided in Appendix A.
7-5. Related Publications.
a. Guiding Principles. The Memorandum of Understanding entitled Federal Leadership in
High Performance and Sustainable Buildings (January 2006),
http://www.wbdg.org/sustainableEO/mou.php, defines guiding principles for agency policy The
guiding principles are as follows:
(1) Employ Integrated Design Principles;
(2) Optimize Energy Performance;
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(3) Protect and Conserve Water;
(4) Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality;
(5) Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials.
b. Whole Building Design Guide is a web-based portal, http://www.wbdg.org/, providing
government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range
of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a whole buildings perspective. The portal
is organized into the following major categories:
(1) Design guidance;
(2) Project planning, management, and delivery;
(3) Facilities operations and maintenance;
(4) Documents and references;
(5) Tools;
(6) Continuing education;
(7) Building Information Modeling; and
(8) Applied research.
c. Executive Orders 13423 and 13514 establish requirements for sustainability and affirmative
purchasing for Federal agencies. The requirements in these Executive Orders establish targets for
environmentally preferable purchasing, recycling, and other environmental requirements.
d. Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) establishes requirements for energy management
and affirmative procurement for federal agencies.
e. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007) lays out further reduction
goals for energy use at federal buildings and specifies standards for high-performance buildings,
procurement of energy efficient products, and reporting on energy costs, energy efficiency, and
greenhouse gas emissions.
f. FAA Orders. You can find an electronic copy of FAA Orders on the DMS website:
https://employees.faa.gov/tools_resources/orders_notices/. The FAA Orders referenced in this order
are listed below.
(1) FAA Order 1050.1E, Policies and Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts.
(2) FAA Order 1050.10C, Prevention, Control and Abatement of Environmental Pollution
at FAA Facilities.
(3) FAA Order 1050.12, Application of Nonrestricted and Restricted Use Pesticides
(4) FAA Order 1050.15A, Fuel Storage Tanks at FAA Facilities.
(5) FAA Order 1050.16, Implementation Guidelines for Compliance with Underground
Storage Tanks
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(6) FAA Order 1050.17, Airway Facilities Environmental and Safety Compliance Program.
(7) FAA Order 1050.19B, Environmental Due Diligence Audits in the Conduct of FAA
Real Property Transactions.
(8) FAA Order 1050.20A, Airway Facilities Asbestos Control Program.
(9) FAA Order 3900.19B, FAA Occupational Safety and Health Program.
(10) FAA Order JO 3900.63, ATO Fall Protection Program.
(11) FAA Order 4600.27A, Personal Property Management.
(12) FAA Order 6000.54, Airway Facilities Hazard Communication Program.
g. Federal Regulations. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) specifies applicable standards
and requirements for federal agencies. Applicable sections include, but are not limited to: 29 CFR
Parts 1910 and 1926, 40 CFR Parts 1 - 1299, and 49 CFR Parts 171 - 180, and other applicable
regulations mentioned in this and other orders.
7-6. Forms and Checklists. The following forms are provided to supplement this directive.
Document retention is described below. The forms are available on the FAA Forms website at
a. Project Planning EOSH Checklist (FAA Form 3900-16). The Project Planning EOSH
Checklist is for use when reviewing plans/projects during the initial conceptual stage of planning for a
project. It is intended to identify environmental and safety issues in the project that may impact the
design, budget, and schedule. Retain as desired, checklist is not mandatory.
b. Design Risk Analysis EOSH Checklist (FAA Form 3900-17). This checklist is intended to
be used as a tool by the Project Engineer and/or Program Manager to identify and fully characterize
areas that may potentially have EOSH related impacts to FAA projects. Retain a copy with project
engineering documents, as necessary, through the duration of the project, in electronic or hard copy.
c. Pre-Construction EOSH Checklist (FAA Form 3900-18). This checklist is intended to
review construction, installation and non-routine maintenance activities, prior to commencement, that
potentially have occupational safety and health related impacts on NAS operations and employees.
Retain a copy with project engineering documents, as necessary, through the duration of the project, in
electronic or hard copy.
d. Resident Engineer EOSH Checklist (FAA Form 3900-19). This checklist is intended to be
used as a tool by the RE to ensure adherence to construction safety requirements at the FAA
contractor site. It must be noted that contractors are responsible for ensuring the safety of their
employees. The checklist may be used by the RE as a tool to support their oversight role at the
construction site. This is a voluntary checklist. If used during a project, retain a copy with project
engineering documents.
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e. Pre-Maintenance EOSH Checklist (FAA Form 3900-20). This checklist is intended to be
used as a tool by those who design, review and/or oversee maintenance activities that have potential
airborne contaminant impacts on NAS operations. This tool should be used, as appropriate, during
design and review phases of construction and maintenance activities. Maintain a copy in the Facility
Data File, as appropriate.
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Appendix A
Appendix A. Acronym List
ABU Office of Budget
ACM Asbestos-Containing Material
AGC Office of the Chief Counsel
AMS Acquisition Management System
APP Office of Airport Planning and Programming
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
AST Aboveground Storage Tank
ATCT Airport Traffic Control Tower
ATO Air Traffic Organization
BACT Best Available Control Technology
CAA Clean Air Act
CERFA Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
DMS Directives Management System
EDDA Environmental Due Diligence Audit
EOSH Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FAST FAA Acquisition System Toolset
FMR Federal Management Regulation
FST Fuel Storage Tank
GSA General Service Administration
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Program
ISR In Service Review
JAI Joint Acceptance Inspection
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
LOTO Lockout/Tagout
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
NAS National Airspace System
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
O&M Operations and Maintenance
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Appendix A
PACM Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PPB Personal Property Bulletin
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RE Resident Engineer
SECM Safety and Environmental Compliance Manager
SIR Screening Information Request
SMS Safety Management System
SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure
TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control
TWA Time Weighted Average
UBC Universal Building Code
UFC Universal Fire Code
UST Underground Storage Tank