Comparative Ergonomic
Evaluation of Spacesuit and
Space Vehicle Design
Scott England
, Elizabeth Benson
, Matthew Cowley
, Lauren Harvill
Christopher Blackledge
, Esau Perez
, Sudhakar Rajulu
MEI Technologies Inc.
2525 Bay Area Blvd. Suite 300
Houston, TX 77058, USA
Lockheed Martin
1300 Hercules
Houston, TX 77058, USA
National Aeronautics Space Association (NASA)
Anthropometry and Biomechanics Facility
NASA, Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX 77058, USA
With the advent of the latest human spaceflight objectives, a series of prototype
architectures for a new launch and reentry spacesuit that would be suited to the new
mission goals. Four prototype suits were evaluated to compare their performance
and enable the selection of the preferred suit components and designs. A
consolidated approach to testing was taken: concurrently collecting suit mobility
data, seat-suit-vehicle interface clearances, and qualitative assessments of suit
performance within the volume of a Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle mockup.
It was necessary to maintain high fidelity in a mockup and use advanced
motion-capture technologies in order to achieve the objectives of the study. These
seemingly mutually exclusive goals were accommodated with the construction of an
optically transparent and fully adjustable frame mockup. The construction of the
mockup was such that it could be dimensionally validated rapidly with the motion-
capture system. This paper describes the method used to create a space vehicle
mockup compatible with use of an optical motion-capture system, the consolidated
approach for evaluating spacesuits in action, and a way to use the complex data set
resulting from a limited number of test subjects to generate hardware requirements
for an entire population.
Kinematics, hardware clearance, anthropometry (suited and unsuited), and
subjective feedback data were recorded on 15 unsuited and 5 suited subjects.
Unsuited subjects were selected chiefly based on their anthropometry in an attempt
to find subjects who fell within predefined criteria for medium male, large male,
and small female subjects. The suited subjects were selected as a subset of the
unsuited medium male subjects and were tested in both unpressurized and
pressurized conditions. The prototype spacesuits were each fabricated in a single
size to accommodate an approximately average-sized male, so select findings from
the suit testing were systematically extrapolated to the extremes of the population to
anticipate likely problem areas. This extrapolation was achieved by first comparing
suited subjects’ performance with their unsuited performance, and then applying the
results to the entire range of the population.
The use of a transparent space vehicle mockup enabled the collection of large
amounts of data during human-in-the-loop testing. Mobility data revealed that most
of the tested spacesuits had sufficient ranges of motion for the selected tasks to be
performed successfully. A suited subject’s inability to perform a task most often
stemmed from a combination of poor field of view in a seated position, poor
dexterity of the pressurized gloves, or from suit/vehicle interface issues. Seat
ingress and egress testing showed that problems with anthropometric
accommodation did not exclusively occur with the largest or smallest subjects, but
also with specific combinations of measurements that led to narrower seat
ingress/egress clearance.
Spacesuits, Ergonomics, Biomechanics, Human System
Integration, NASA
The next generation space vehicle being designed at the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) is required to accommodate a large range of
crewmember anthropometry while enabling suited operations at a variety of
pressures and permitting all safety hardware to be used in all planned contingencies.
The Human-System Integration Requirements (CxP 70024) specify these various
human factors constraints including critical anthropometric dimensions that must be
accommodated by any spacesuits and space vehicles and the mobility and strength
required of crewmembers wearing spacesuits. These conflicting design objectives
necessitate a consolidated approach to testing and quantitative hardware evaluation,
bringing multiple groups together to investigate integration issues. However,
historically hardware testing has focused on qualitative evaluation of a single major
hardware system at a time. One such test, labeled Functional Mobility Testing
(England 2010), was conducted to determine the mobility requirements for the new
generation of spacesuits. This testing became the corner stone for MPCV suited
mobility requirements, despite relatively immature operational concepts and lack of
a high fidelity test environment. As vehicle, operations, and suit concepts became
more mature over several years, a consolidated test was envisioned to evaluate the
integrated performance of the resulting spacesuits and the latest vehicle design.
The primary goals of this study were to quantitatively evaluate the performance
of a series of prototype spacesuit architectures in the completion of a simulated
mission to the International Space Station (ISS) and to estimate this performance for
populations not currently accommodated by the prototype spacesuits. To accurately
simulate performance of the tasks, a high fidelity mockup of the Orion Multi-
Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) was needed. However, quantitative analysis of
spacesuit performance required extensive visual access for the motion capture
cameras. These conflicting objectives were resolved with the construction of an
optically transparent and fully adjustable vehicle frame mockup.
Once the objectives of this test were defined, personnel in NASA’s
Anthropometry and Biomechanics Facility (ABF) immediately began resolving
what operational concepts must be performed to evaluate the prototype spacesuits.
It quickly became obvious that, in order to accurately represent a mission-similar
environment, a high fidelity mockup of the MPCV would be required. The primary
challenge was that the internal volume of the MPCV is too small for an adequate
motion capture volume and existing vehicle mockups were fully enclosed. To
resolve these problems, ABF personnel began designing a fully adjustable mockup
of the vehicles critical work areas with as little solid structure as possible. The
adjustability of the mockup was critical as the MPCV’s design was still evolving. A
stress analysis of the resulting mockup was performed to verify that it was safe for
the ensuing test subjects. Commercially available bird netting wrapped around the
structure created a sense of the internal crew areas while permitting the use of an
optical motion capture system (Vicon, Oxford, UK). The ensuing mockup frame
(Figure 1) was constructed chiefly out of extruded aluminum beams (80/20 Inc.,
Columbia City, Indiana).
Figure 1: Modeled drawing of reconfigurable mockup
A Vicon capture volume was constructed around the perimeter of the mockup
such that subjects could be tracked while translating from the vehicle hatch to either
recumbent seat in either position shown in Figure 1. The Vicon system was also
used to validate the dimensions of the mockup against a computer aided design
(CAD) drawing of the relevant iteration of the MPCV by quickly enabling the
calculation of distances between key points.
Fifteen unsuited and five suited subjects participated in this study. Unsuited test
subjects were selected chiefly based on anthropometry, in an attempt to find
subjects who fit within defined categories for a medium male, large male and small
female. Suited test subjects were selected for their ability to adequately fit multiple
prototype suits and also were required to complete the test in the unsuited state.
Test subjects were fully instrumented with a set of retroreflective markers
positioned to enable the calculation of all major joint angles. Once instrumented
subjects completed an array of functional tasks representative of major tasks
performed in a mission to the International Space Station (ISS) as kinematic data
was recorded at 100 Hz (Figure 2). In addition to kinematic data; hardware
clearance, suited anthropometry and subjective feedback were recorded at key
instances throughout the test. Relevant operational tasks were performed while
with both seat positions and with suited subjects at each of three pressure states;
unpressurized, vent pressure, and nominal pressure. Suited anthropometry was
recorded for critical dimensions at each pressure. Hardware clearance was recorded
for hardware interference issues relevant to suited ingress and egress of the
recumbent seats (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Left – Suited anthropometry being collected in a suit at vent pressure, Right – Kinematic
data, hardware clearance and subjective feedback being recorded
Four prototype spacesuit concepts were evaluated in this study including the
Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2, Demonstrator Suit, and Zipper Entry ILC suit (ZEI).
These suits had multiple designs for helmets, mobility components and sizing
adjustments, and had varying pressurization strategies. Typically when fabricating
a new suit design concept, a single prototype is constructed for initial evaluation.
These prototypes are generally fabricated in a single size to accommodate an
approximately average sized male. Because the suits only accommodated a narrow
band of the potential population, findings from the suit testing were systematically
extrapolated to the extremes of the required anthropometry for crewmembers. This
analysis into accommodated populations was performed by first comparing the
suited test subjects’ performance with their unsuited performance and then applying
this relative performance ratio to the entire range of the population.
3.1 MockupforMotionCapture
The optically transparent mockup was a success in enabling the use of motion
capture technology while performing high fidelity tasks. Figure 3 shows an
unsuited test subject reaching for the Displays and Controls (D&C) panel in Vicon
and in video. Calculation of joint angles requires the reflective marker sets
comprising body segments on either side of a joint to be fully visible. Figure 3
illustrates that the upper body for the test subject was fully captured by the Vicon
cameras enabling calculation of all key joint angles for this task. Ranges of motion
(ROM) were then calculated for each joint by determining the maximum joint
mobility necessary for each task performed.
Figure 3: Large, unsuited test subject touching the Display and Controls Panel in Vicon (LEFT)
and on video (RIGHT)
The fidelity of the mockup was such that, for any critical dimension, the
reconfigurable mockup was never more than one inch from the dimensions in the
official CAD file and was often substantially less. This could rapidly be verified by
placing Vicon markers on key landmarks of the MPCV mockup and taking a short
data capture (Figure 4). Once landmarks of the physical mockup were recorded in
Vicon, they could be exported into a spreadsheet where distances between markers
were calculated and compared to the intended design of the vehicle.
Figure 4: Key landmarks from the reconfigurable mockup reconstructed in Vicon
3.2 SpacesuitEvaluation
The use of a transparent space vehicle mockup permitted large quantities of both
quantitative and qualitative data to be collected with human-in-the-loop testing.
While the intent of testing was to quantify the performance of the various spacesuit
prototypes, obviously qualitative evaluation was a simple but necessary data point
to paint a more comprehensive picture of how the suits performed. To that end, all
suits were largely successful in having sufficient mobility to complete tasks
required of them. Qualitatively, failures to complete a task were generally
attributed to problems with suit-vehicle integration, poor pressurized glove dexterity
and tactility, or field of view issues when seated rather than insufficient mobility
from the new spacesuits. All collected data was consolidated when determining
how to update the suit mobility requirements (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Pre and post-test mobility requirements for primary shoulder motions
3.3 PopulationAnalysis
Observational data and feedback from suited test subjects indicated few
challenges based on subject anthropometry within nominal operations of the suits.
For example, of the four inspected suits, only in the Demonstrator suit did subjects
indicate difficulty reaching any the upper-most controls on the D&C panel,
representing insufficient shoulder flexion. However, extrapolating this finding to
smaller subjects with shorter arms, it can be inferred that the suits would exacerbate
this problem, potentially requiring more mobility than they are currently capable.
For this reason, mobility requirements were buffered conservatively to produce
newer suits with greater mobility than was minimally necessary.
Ingress and egress of the recumbent seats provided the greatest opportunity for
problems to arise based on bulk of the suit and anthropometry of the test subjects.
Subjects often attempted multiple techniques unsuccessfully before finding an
approach that worked for them. These techniques included sliding into the seat
facing down, facing up, squeezing the helmet between the seat and D&C console
then laying down, hugging the strut, and more (Figure 6). Suited ingress of the
recumbent seat was easily the most challenging task encountered in this test and it
could potentially become more difficult with smaller test subjects. The smaller the
test subject, the closer the seat pan must be adjusted toward the D&C panel to
maintain proper eye alignment with the controls, which reduces the available
ingress window. Small unsuited test subjects were able to ingress the seat without
severe difficulty; however, comparison of suited anthropometry to unsuited
anthropometry indicates that this will not be the case for small suited crewmembers.
Figure 6: Multiple techniques were employed for ingressing/egressing the seat
The construction and use of a high fidelity mockup compatible with advanced
motion capture technology was quite successful. The mockup was validated to be
within acceptable tolerances of other high fidelity mockups of the Orion MPCV.
Additionally, the mockup enabled suited ROMs to be quantified for all suits in all
conditions as they completed the critical functional tasks. The update of mobility
requirements evident in Figure 5 reflect varying needs and capabilities of the new
prototype suits. For example, the requirements were updated to increase shoulder
flexion and adduction, which reflects a more mature series of operational concepts
in this round of tests and the need for greater arm mobility in a mission which now
is geared towards microgravity IVA while unpressurized or at a low vent pressure.
Previous mobility requirements included more significant operations for planetary
EVA operations including fall recoveries, geological exploration, and habitat
fabrication which all require much more significant lower body mobility.
Variation in subject anthropometry among unsuited subjects did not report any
serious design accommodation issues; however, analysis of suited anthropometry
and suited performance suggests that suited subject accommodation issues may
exist when prototype spacesuits are developed for other sized crewmembers. While
the seat ingress and egress evaluation of large and small unsuited test subjects did
not produce any outright failures, it did reveal some difficulties that may arise when
multiple circumstances coincide. The simplest example may be small subjects
failing due to the small clearance window, but that may be over simplifying the
issue. In practice, seated problems are more likely to occur for subjects with shorter
torsos and longer legs or wider shoulders, which results in larger body segments
needing to squeeze through smaller than normal access areas. Conditions may exist
where specific subject anthropometry merged with additional suit bulk exceed
hardware clearances. Care must be taken during crew selection and hardware
verification to avoid creating excessive rates of failure for nominal mission
Concurrent evaluation of prototype spacesuits in a vehicle mockup for multiple
test subject anthropometries is a difficult task yet necessary to provide meaningful
insight to hardware designers about spacesuit and space vehicle requirements
verification. The creation of an optically transparent, fully adjustable vehicle
mockup was challenging yet successful in practice. It enabled quantitative analysis
of the spacesuit prototypes while allowing inspection by all variety of stakeholders
in real time. This ability to observe the subjects in real time was secondary to the
three dimensional kinematic data in initial test priority yet ended up being very
useful for breaking down task completion beyond what is normally visible in a fully
enclosed vehicle mockup. While the test was successful in completing its
objectives, it must be acknowledged that this test had several key limitations
including all operations being performed at full gravity and a single test subject
completing tasks in an open mockup where at least two astronauts would be present
in actuality. Despite those acknowledged limitations, this series of consolidated
experiments still provided vast improvements in knowledge base for the data
collectors and stakeholders the involved hardware systems.
The authors would like to thank NASA’s EVA Systems group for providing
funding for this study. We appreciate Oceaneering International Inc., David Clark
Company Inc., and ILC Dover Inc., for providing spacesuits and relevant suit
hardware. We would also like to thank the test subjects for their time. Additionally
we would like to thank Lockheed Martin’s Orion Human Engineering group for
their assistance in validating the construction of the reconfigurable Orion mockup.
England, S. A., Benson, E.A., and Rajulu, S.L. Functional Mobility Testing:
Quantification of Functionally Utilized Mobility among Unsuited and Suited
Subjects. (NASA/TP-2010-216122) NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston,
TX, May 2010
Human-Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR) Revision D (CxP 70024).
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, December 2009