Evaluation and Management
of Mercury-Containing Floors
in New Jersey Schools:
Guidance for School Districts
and their Environmental
February 6, 2020
ealth Consultation
prepared by:
ew Jersey Department of Health
Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program
Table of Contents
Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 2
Steps for Assessment of Flooring.............................................................................................. 3
Sampling Plan Overview ............................................................................................................. 4
Bulk Sampling ........................................................................................................................... 4
Indoor Air Sampling.................................................................................................................. 5
Risk Assessment .......................................................................................................................... 7
Evaluate and Mitigate Exposures .............................................................................................. 7
Disposal of Floor Materials ......................................................................................................... 8
This guidance document provides a systematic approach for school districts and
their environmental consultants to evaluate whether installed mercury-containing
flooring systems emit mercury vapors in excess of New Jersey Department of Health’s
(NJDOH) recommended maximum contaminant level of 0.8 micrograms per cubic meter
) of air.
In the 1960s, a number of companies began manufacturing and installing a thin
layer of synthetic, polyurethane flooring on top of concrete sub-floors, to provide a
resilient and rubberlike surface (ATSDR 2010; ATSDR 2006a; ATSDR 2006b).
Typically, liquid polyurethane was poured directly over concrete sub-floors, and in some
cases over a rubberized shock-absorbing cushion material. Certain formulations of
polyurethane incorporated mercury catalysts, such as phenylmercuric acetate (PMA), to
produce a solid, seamless rubber-like floor. Depending on the required thickness of the
floor, multiple pours of polyurethane were often employed. The concentration of
mercury in such polyurethane flooring systems are reported to contain between 0.1 and
0.2 percent total mercury (Bush 2011; ATSDR 2006a; Reiner 2005).
Mercury-containing polyurethane floors were widely installed in school
gymnasiums across the United States until being reportedly discontinued amid
concerns over their emissions of elemental mercury vapor (NEWMOA 2010). It is to be
noted that depending on the type and brand of polyurethane flooring, these floors may
have been installed even as late as in 2005 or 2006 (Washington Township, New
Jersey 2019; Bush 2011).
The following list of manufacturers are consistently referenced as having
produced polyurethane products known to contain PMA in their formulation (Garrison,
2019). It is important to recognize this list is not an all-inclusive list. It is believed other
manufacturers may also have included mercury catalysts in their polyurethane flooring
3M under the name of Tartan® floors and Tartan® track
American Biltrite Rubber Co. Inc.
Amtico Rubber Flooring
Athletic Polymer Systems (APS)
Crossfields Products (DexOTex)
Mondo Rubber
Pitzer Inc.
Pulastic Systems
Robbins Sport Surfaces - Chemturf
Selby Battersby & Company Surfacing Systems
Sportan Surfaces, Inc.
Whittaker Synthetic Surfaces
Studies have shown that some of these flooring systems emit mercury vapor into
the indoor air, leading to a concern about mercury exposures in schools. It is not known
how many of these floors currently exist, whether they are still being installed, or what
schools have them (ATSDR 2004; ATSDR 2006a; ATSDR 2006b; ATSDR 2010; Bush
2011; Garrison 2019).
This document provides guidance to school districts investigating the potential
mercury vapors being emitted from these floors.
Steps for Assessment of Flooring
1. School districts should conduct a visual inspection to determine if poured-
polyurethane floors (soft material in one contiguous piece that is clearly not wood
or tile) have been installed in the school. If this type of flooring is identified in the
school, a licensed indoor environmental consultant should be hired. A list of
these consultants can be found on the Departments website at:
NJDOH-licensed Indoor Environmental Consultant
2. Check if the manufacturer is noted in the list above and/or review the floors
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for PMA. If the presence of PMA is confirmed, then skip
step 3 below (as bulk sampling is not necessary to confirm the presence of
mercury). It is not possible to rule out the potential presence of mercury based on
the list above as other flooring system manufacturers and installers may have
incorporated PMA in their polyurethane formulations. Further, the SDS may not
be conclusive as the company might list the PMA ingredient as proprietary
3. If the record review was inconclusive, the district and its consultant may choose
to collect a bulk sample of the flooring material to test for the presence of
mercury. A bulk sampling plan overview is outlined below for the consultant to
follow. The consultant will determine the timing between the bulk sampling and
any indoor air sampling as these should not occur concurrently. The bulk
sampling test may be informative in confirming there is no mercury present. The
bulk sample must be analyzed by an American Industrial Hygiene Association
(AIHA) accredited laboratory available at: aihaaccreditedlabs.org/
4. If the record review or bulk sampling confirmed the presence of mercury in the
flooring, an appropriate air testing and monitoring program is warranted.
sampling plan overview is outlined below for your consultant to follow
Sampling Plan Overview
A sampling plan that includes specific sampling and analytical methods is critical
for evaluating mercury levels contained in synthetic flooring and the mercury levels in
the indoor air. The district should hire and work with a licensed environmental
consultant to understand the sampling plan before the plan is implemented. The
consultant must provide sampling protocols, procedures, and an understanding of how
to interpret the results to the district. The details for these procedures are provided in
the sections below.
Bulk Sampling
The purpose of the bulk sampling is to determine if mercury is present in the
flooring material and if indoor air monitoring is necessary. A sampling plan must be
developed to ensure that the bulk samples are representative of the floor area(s) being
evaluated. As noted above, the consultant will determine the timing between the bulk
sampling and any indoor air sampling as these should not occur concurrently. The plan
must include a diagram of the floor(s) showing the sampling locations and the laboratory
results of the bulk samples. The environmental consultant should identify the rooms that
contain the suspect flooring, coordinate the collection of bulk samples with school
facilities staff, and execute the bulk sampling plan. The environmental consultant must
ensure that all floor sampling locations are sealed and repaired after the bulk samples
are collected.
Sampling Methods and Procedures
1. An appropriate size sample of the flooring material needs to be collected for
analysis. The thickness of most poured polyurethane floors typically ranges from
¼-inch to 1-inch. Bulk samples of rubberized floor must represent the entire
thickness/depth of the floor material. Sampling of only the surface or partial
thickness of the floor must be avoided. Coring tools are commonly used to collect
the bulk sample of the floor material. The environmental consultant must provide
information on the bulk sample collection tools as well as the procedure to collect
the sample from the entire thickness of the floor.
2. The recommended number of samples is: one floor sample from rooms that are
less than 1,000 square feet, two samples from rooms 1,000 to 5,000 square feet,
and three samples from rooms greater than 5,000 square feet. The sample
locations should be selected, to the extent possible, in areas where the sample
extraction is less likely to present a visual blemish (such as in room corners, in
closets, behind doors, etc.)
Bulk samples of floor material must be analyzed using USEPA Method 7471B to
determine the mercury content. An accredited laboratory should be contacted to ensure
the proper amount of floor material is being collected. Typically, laboratories require 10
grams of floor material to analyze for mercury content.
If the floor contains mercury at any concentration, the NJDOH recommends
sampling of the indoor air to evaluate the mercury vapor levels.
Indoor Air Sampling
The primary route of exposure to mercury vapor is through inhalation. Therefore,
it is important to conduct air sampling to provide data which characterizes the mercury
vapor levels in the indoor air.
General Requirements
An indoor air sampling plan must be developed before any samples are
collected. The sampling plan should ensure that air samples are taken from
several locations to be representative of the floor area or room being evaluated.
Samples should be collected at the breathing zone level, which is typically
between three to five feet above the floor. Your consultant should include
procedures for using a direct read instrument, the NIOSH 6009 method or both in
the plan. See below for general sampling requirements using these methods. For
all sampling plans, a diagram of the floor area or room showing the locations of
the air samples must be developed. Sampling adjacent hallways and rooms
should be included in the sampling plan. Ambient readings should be collected
outside the facility to establish background levels.
Airborne mercury levels are affected by the operation of the Heating, Ventilation
and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. Given this relationship, the indoor air samples
should be collected under typical HVAC operational conditions. Sampling under these
conditions will represent the typical ventilation and temperature conditions under which
the building is being maintained and occupied. The room temperature and typical
operational settings of the HVAC system should be documented prior to collecting any
air samples.
Field notes should include a visual inspection of the condition of the floor at
locations where samples are collected, specifically noting if the floor surface is
compromised in any manner.
Sampling Methods and Procedures
The following two widely used sampling and analytical methods are available for
quantifying mercury levels in the indoor air.
1. Direct Reading Instruments:
The Lumex RA-915M Mercury Vapor Analyzer (OhioLumex Co., Inc.,) or the
Jerome J505 (AMETEK Arizona Instrument) can be used to measure mercury
vapor concentrations in air. These direct read instruments are portable mercury
vapor analyzers that have very little cross-sensitivity to chemicals other than
elemental mercury. These instruments have low detection limits (ranging from
0.002 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m
) to 0.05 µg/m
) and can measure
mercury vapor levels under a variety of sample collection protocols.
Sample Collection Procedures
Ensure that the instrument has been properly calibrated according to the
manufactures recommended procedures. Calibration records must be retained
to document that the instrument is functioning correctly.
Temperature, humidity, and air pressure measurements must be collected during
the sampling events.
Direct read measurements should be taken in a predetermined pattern
throughout the gym/room where the flooring material is located.
Direct reading measurements should be taken at various heights above the floor.
Readings collected at locations where the floor surface is compromised should
be noted.
2. Industrial Hygiene Sampling:
NIOSH Method 6009 - Analysis of Mercury in Air, is a common method for
collecting airborne mercury vapors for laboratory analysis. Using this method,
samples may be collected over customized periods of time to represent typical
occupied conditions. The sample collection method includes a solid sorbent tube
(Hopcalite sample collection media) which is connected to a properly calibrated
sampling pump. Sampling pumps must be calibrated using a recognized primary
standard to document the sampling flowrate. The NIOSH 6009 method should be
consulted for the sample collection flowrates and detection limits.
Sample Collection Procedure
To be representative of the gym/room, three to five samples should be collected.
The number of samples within the gym/room may vary depending on the size of
the room being evaluated. When determining the number of samples to be
collected, the consultant should ensure that there are a sufficient number of
samples to represent the gym/room and adjacent areas being evaluated.
Temperature, humidity, and air pressure measurements must be collected during
the sampling events.
Samples should be collected at a height between three and five feet above the
The sampling time should be between six to eight hours to represent a typical
day within the gym/room.
Samples should be collected at a flowrate between 0.20 0.25 liters per minute
Collect between 90 and 100 liters of air to ensure that the lowest limit of detection
(LOD) for the method is reached.
Record the sampling information on a chain of custody form for submission to the
accredited laboratory.
Follow the quality control procedures outlined in the method for the submission of
blank samples to the laboratory.
Submit the samples to an accredited laboratory for analysis.
Risk Assessment
The primary exposure to mercury vapor is by inhalation. The NJDOH has
adopted Standards for Indoor Environment Certification and for Licensure of Indoor
Environmental Consultants (N.J.A.C. 8:50
). These regulations provide a risk
assessment model that can be used to evaluate indoor air contaminants for school
children and staff. This model is very conservative and adjusts for body weight,
inhalation rate, and the amount of time spent in school for both children and staff. Based
on the toxicological information and this regulated risk assessment model, the NJDOH
has issued a guidance maximum contaminant level of 0.8 µg/m
for evaluating mercury
in flooring. This level is protective for children as young as three years old and is
based on an exposure frequency of 8-hours per day for 180 days (NJDOH 2017).
The NJDOH acknowledges that there are other guidance levels for mercury vapors
established by ATSDR, USEPA and other states, but there is no national standard
(ATSDR 2004; 2006a; 2006b; 2010; Bush 2011; OEHHA; USEPA). The NJDOH
guidance value is based on the exposure scenario in the risk model that is protective of
preschool-aged children and a level at which adverse health effects are not likely to
Evaluate and Mitigate Exposures
Based on the air sampling results, school districts may encounter the following
Airborne mercury levels lower or equal to 0.8 µg/m
Continue to use the gym/room under the occupied conditions that the samples
were collected.
Quarterly, seasonal sampling is recommended to ensure that the seasonal
variability’s impact on mercury concentrations is captured. Assessing the
seasonal mercury level variation will ensure that the mercury indoor air level is
always lower than 0.8 µg/m
. Mercury vapor levels are related to temperature, so
it is important to test during all seasons, especially during the heat of the
Maintain the room temperature and ventilation system to remain consistent with
the operations at the time of sampling.
If conditions of the flooring change, i.e., if there are cracks or other signs of
deterioration or damage, resampling of mercury vapors in indoor air is necessary.
Mercury vapor levels can be managed by active ventilation and temperature
control of the room.
Airborne mercury levels above 0.8 µg/m
Work with the environmental consultant to develop a feasible plan to reduce the
mercury vapor levels below 0.8 µg/m
. Mercury vapor levels can be reduced by
active ventilation and temperature control of the room.
Make adjustments to the HVAC system including increasing the ventilation/fresh
air intake and/or lowering the temperature in the room. Verify (by retesting) that
these adjustments have reduced mercury vapor levels to equal to or less than
0.8 µg/m
If these adjustments are inadequate to maintain the levels to 0.8 µg/m
or below,
reduce the amount of time spent in the room to less than 8 hours per day or do
not allow use of the room.
If ventilation adjustments sufficiently reduce the levels to less than or equal to 0.8
, monitor the indoor air at least quarterly to evaluate the mercury levels
during other seasons.
If ventilation adjustments do not sufficiently reduce the levels to less than or
equal to 0.8 µg/m
, additional actions including removal of the flooring should be
considered. Discussions with the environmental consultant will be needed to
determine the appropriate course of action.
In addition, the gym floor should be cleaned using non-abrasive cleaning methods to
avoid damaging the floor which could result in an increase in mercury emissions into the
Disposal of Floor Materials
If the flooring contains mercury and a decision is made to remove it, a
determination needs to be made whether the material would be regulated as a
hazardous waste for disposal. Contact the NJDEP’s Division of Sustainable Waste
for information on the proper disposal of the flooring material. The
Division of Sustainable Waste Management can be reached at (609) 633-1418 or (609)
For general questions, please contact the NJDOH - Consumer, Environmental, &
Occupational Health Services at 609-826-4920.
nj.gov/dep/enforcement/hw.html; nj.gov/dep/dshw/
ATSDR 1999. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Toxicological profile
for mercury. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
ATSDR 2004. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Mid-Michigan
Mercury Floor, Middleton, Gratiot County, Michigan. Michigan Department of
Community Health (MDCH). Available at:
ATSDR 2006a. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Mercury-Containing
Polyurethane Floors in Minnesota Schools. Mercury Vapor Release/Athletic Polymer
Floors. Available at:
ATSDR 2006b. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Health
Consultation: Salem-Keizer School District 3M Flooring. Prepared by Oregon
Department of Human Services Superfund Health Investigation and Education Program
(SHINE) Salem, Oregon. Available at:
ATSDR 2010. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Health Consultation.
Evaluation of Health Concerns Associated with Mercury-Containing Polyurethane
Gymnasium Floor in a Milwaukee Public School. Prepared by: The Wisconsin
Department of Health. Available at:
Bush. Christina., et al. (2011). Mercury Emissions from PMA-Catalyzed Polymer Floors:
Investigations, Mitigation, and Education. Available at:
Garrison, R. (2019). The Hazards Associated with Mercury containing Polymer Flooring
Materials in School Gymnasiums, Terracon, 10841 S. Ridgeview Road, Olathe, KS
(NEWMOA) 2010. Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association 2010. Mercury
Legacy Products in Schools. Available at:
NJDOH 2017. New Jersey Department of Health. September 2017. Guidance for New
Jersey Schools: Evaluating Mercury in Synthetic Flooring. Available at:
OEHHA 2014. California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental
Health Hazard Assessment. Appendix D. Individual Acute, 8-Hour, and Chronic
Reference Exposure Level Summaries pages 476-501. Available at:
Reiner, E.A. (2005). Letter to C. Herbrandson, Minnesota Department of Health. Re:
Questions About Rubber-Like Floors. 3M Environmental Health and Safety Operations,
St. Paul, MN. September 23, 2005.
USEPA 1995. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Integrated Risk Information
System (IRIS) U.S. Chemical Assessment Summary. Available at:
Washington Township Public Schools, Gloucester County, New Jersey March 2019.
Rubberized Flooring Mercury Investigation Occupied Air Sampling Report. March 26,
Technical Resources
Analytical Methods for Mercury
• EPA 7471B Mercury in solid or semisolid waste (manual cold-vapor technique)
• EPA TCLP Method 1311 SW-846 Test Method 1311: Toxicity Characteristic
Leaching Procedure epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-12/documents/1311.pdf
• NIOSH Method 6009 cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2003-154/pdfs/6009.pdf
TCLP test epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-12/documents/1311.pdf
Sources for Direct Reading Instruments for Mercury
• Lumex of Ohio, ohiolumex.com/mercury-analyzer-915m
• Arizona Instruments/Jerome, arizona-instruments-jerome-j505-mercury-vapor-
This health consultation providing guidance for evaluation of mercury in flooring was
prepared by the New Jersey Department of Health.
Somia Aluwalia, Ph.D.
Health Assessor
Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program
New Jersey Department of Health
Katharine McGreevy, MPA, Ph.D.
Program Manager
Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program
New Jersey Department of Health
Gary Centifonti, M.S., CIH
Consumer, Environmental and Occupational Health Service
New Jersey Department of Health
Any questions concerning this document should be directed to:
New Jersey Department of Health
Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program
Consumer, Environmental and Occupational Health Service
P.O. Box 369
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0369
This publication was made possible by Grant Number NU61TS000288-02-00 from the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or the Department of Health and
Human Services.