Chapter 4
The Savings and Loan Crisis
The Savings and Loan Crisis
and Its Relationship
and Its Relationship
to Banking
to Banking
No history of banking in the 1980s would be complete without a discussion of the
concurrent crisis in the savings and loan (S&L) industry. A review of the S&L debacle (as
it is commonly known today) provides several important lessons for financial-institution
regulators. Moreover, legislation enacted in response to the crisis substantially reformed
both bank and thrift regulation and dramatically altered the FDICs operations.
The causes of this debacle and the events surrounding its resolution have been docu-
mented and analyzed in great detail by academics, governmental bodies, former bank and
thrift regulators, and journalists. Although the FDIC had a role in monitoring events as they
unfolded and, indeed, played an important part in the eventual cleanup, until 1989 S&Ls
were regulated by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB, or Bank Board) and in-
sured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) within a legislative
and historical framework separate from the one that surrounded commercial banks. This
chapter provides only an overview of the savings and loan crisis during the 1980s, with an
emphasis on its relationship to the banking crises of the decade. The discussion also high-
lights the differences in the regulatory structures and practices of the two industries that af-
fected how, and how well, failing institutions were handled by their respective deposit
A brief overview of insolvencies in the S&L industry between 1980 and 1982, caused
by historically high interest rates, is followed by a review of the federal regulatory structure
and supervisory environment for S&Ls. The governments response to the early S&L crisis
is then examined in greater detail, as are the dramatic developments that succeeded this re-
sponse. The corresponding competitive effects on commercial banks during the middle to
late 1980s are outlined. Finally, the resolution and lessons learned are summarized.
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168 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
U.S. League of Savings Institutions, Savings and Loan Sourcebook, (1982), 37. It should be noted that during the 1980s, the
state-sponsored insurance programs either collapsed or were abandoned.
For a discussion of these issues, see Chapter 6.
The S&L Industry, 19801982
In 1980, the FSLIC insured approximately 4,000 state- and federally chartered sav-
ings and loan institutions with total assets of $604 billion. The vast majority of these assets
were held in traditional S&L mortgage-related investments. Another 590 S&Ls with assets
of $12.2 billion were insured by state-sponsored insurance programs in Maryland, Massa-
chusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
One-fifth of the federally insured S&Ls,
controlling 27 percent of total assets, were permanent stock associations, while the remain-
ing institutions in the industry were mutually owned. Like mutual savings banks, S&Ls
were losing money because of upwardly spiraling interest rates and asset/liability mis-
Net S&L income, which totaled $781 million in 1980, fell to negative $4.6 billion
and $4.1 billion in 1981 and 1982 (see table 4.1).
During the first three years of the decade, 118 S&Ls with $43 billion in assets failed,
costing the FSLIC an estimated $3.5 billion to resolve. In comparison, during the previous
45 years, only 143 S&Ls with $4.5 billion in assets had failed, costing the agency $306 mil-
lion. From 1980 to 1982 there were also 493 voluntary mergers and 259 supervisory merg-
ers of savings and loan institutions (see table 4.2). The latter were technical failures but
Table 4.1
Selected Statistics, FSLIC-Insured Savings and Loans, 19801989
Number Total Net Tangible Tangible Capital/ No. Insolvent Assets in FSLIC
Year of S&Ls Assets Income Capital Total Assets S&Ls* Insolvent S&Ls* Reserves
1980 3,993 $ 604 $ 0.8 $32 5.3% 43 $ 0.4 $ 6.5
1981 3,751 640 4.6 25 4.0 112 28.5 6.2
1982 3,287 686 4.1 4 0.5 415 220.0 6.3
1983 3,146 814 1.9 4 0.4 515 284.6 6.4
1984 3,136 976 1.0 3 0.3 695 360.2 5.6
1985 3,246 1,068 3.7 8 0.8 705 358.3 4.6
1986 3,220 1,162 0.1 14 1.2 672 343.1 6.3
1987 3,147 1,249 7.8 9 0.7 672 353.8 13.7
1988 2,949 1,349 13.4 22 1.6 508 297.3 75.0
1989 2,878 1,252 17.6 10 0.8 516 290.8 NA
* Based on tangible-capital-to-assets ratio.
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History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 169
Table 4.2
S&L Failures, 19801988
Number of Estimated Supervisory Voluntary
Year Failures Total Assets Cost Mergers Mergers
1980 11 $ 1,348,908 $ 158,193 21 63
1981 34 19,590,802 1,887,709 54 215
1982 73 22,161,187 1,499,584 184 215
1983 51 13,202,823 418,425 34 83
1984 26 5,567,036 886,518 14 31
1985 54 22,573,962 7,420,153 10 47
1986 65 17,566,995 9,130,022 5 45
1987 59 15,045,096 5,666,729 5 74
1988 190 98,082,879 46,688,466 6 25
Sources: FDIC; and Barth, The Great Savings and Loan Debacle, 3233.
Tangible net worth is defined as net worth excluding goodwill and other intangible assets. In an accounting framework,
goodwill is an intangible asset created when one firm acquires another. It represents the difference between the purchase
price and the market value of the acquired firms assets. The treatment of goodwill in supervisory mergers of S&Ls is dis-
cussed in more detail below.
This estimate is based on the assumption that the liabilities of insolvent institutions exceeded their tangible assets by 10 per-
cent. National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement, Origin and Causes of the S&L De-
bacle: A Blueprint for Reform: A Report to the President and Congress of the United States (1993), 44, 79.
In its audit of the Resolution Trust Corporations 1994 and 1995 financial statements, the U.S. General Accounting Office
estimated the total direct and indirect cost of resolving the savings and loan crisis at $160.1 billion. This figure includes
funds provided by both taxpayers and private sources. See U.S. General Accounting Office, Financial Audit: Resolution
Trust Corporations 1995 and 1994 Financial Statements (1996), 13.
resulted in no cost to the FSLIC. Despite this heightened resolution activity, at year-end
1982 there were still 415 S&Ls, with total assets of $220 billion, that were insolvent based
on the book value of their tangible net worth.
In fact, tangible net worth for the entire S&L
industry was virtually zero, having fallen from 5.3 percent of assets in 1980 to only 0.5 per-
cent of assets in 1982. The National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recov-
ery and Enforcement estimated in 1993 that it would have cost the FSLIC approximately
$25 billion to close these insolvent institutions in early 1983.
Although this is far less than
the ultimate cost of the savings and loan crisiscurrently estimated at approximately $160
billionit was nonetheless about four times the $6.3 billion in reserves held by the FSLIC
at year-end 1982.
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170 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
William K. Black, Examination/Supervision/Enforcement of S&Ls, 19791992 (1993), 2.
James R. Adams referred to the FSLIC and the Bank Board as the doormats of financial regulation (The Big Fix: Inside
the S&L Scandal: How an Unholy Alliance of Politics and Money Destroyed Americas Banking System [1990], 40). See also
Martin E. Lowy, High Rollers: Inside the Savings and Loan Debacle (1991), 11112; Norman Strunk and Fred Case, Where
Deregulation Went Wrong: A Look at the Causes behind Savings and Loan Failures in the 1980s (1988), 12045; and Black,
Federal Regulatory Structure and Supervisory Environment
Federal regulation of the savings and loan industry developed under a legislative
framework separate from that for commercial banks and mutual savings banks. Legislation
for S&Ls was driven by the public policy goal of encouraging home ownership. It began
with the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of 1932, which established the Federal Home Loan
Bank System as a source of liquidity and low-cost financing for S&Ls. This system com-
prised 12 regional Home Loan Banks under the supervision of the FHLBB. The regional
Banks were federally sponsored but were owned by their thrift-institution members through
stock holdings. The following year, the Home Owners Loan Act of 1933 empowered the
FHLBB to charter and regulate federal savings and loan associations. Historically, the Bank
Board promoted expansion of the S&L industry to ensure the availability of home mortgage
loans. Finally, the National Housing Act of 1934 created the FSLIC to provide federal de-
posit insurance for S&Ls similar to what the FDIC provided for commercial banks and mu-
tual savings banks. However, in contrast to the FDIC, which was established as an
independent agency, the FSLIC was placed under the authority of the FHLBB. Therefore,
for commercial banks and mutual savings banks the chartering and insurance functions
were kept separate, whereas for federally chartered S&Ls the two functions were housed
within the same agency.
For a variety of reasons, the FHLBBs examination, supervision, and enforcement
practices were traditionally weaker than those of the federal banking agencies. Before the
1980s, savings and loan associations had limited powers and relatively few failures, and the
FHLBB was a small agency overseeing an industry that performed a type of public service.
Moreover, FHLBB examiners were subject, unlike their counterparts at sister agencies, to
stringent OMB and OPM limits on allowable personnel and compensation.
It should be
noted that the S&L examination process and staff were adequate to supervise the traditional
S&L operation, but they were not designed to function in the complex new environment of
the 1980s in which the industry had a whole new array of powers. Accordingly, when much
of the S&L industry faced insolvency in the early 1980s, the FHLBBs examination force
was understaffed, poorly trained for the new environment, and limited in its responsibilities
and resources.
Qualified examiners had been hard to hire and hard to retain (a government-
wide hiring freeze in 198081 had compounded these problems). The banking agencies
generally recruited the highest-quality candidates at all levels because they paid salaries 20
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 171
Black, Examination/Supervision/Enforcement, 2.
Ibid., 11.
to 30 percent higher than those the FHLBB could offer. In 1984, the average FHLBB ex-
aminers salary was $24,775; this figure was $30,764, $32,505, and $37,900 at the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency, the FDIC, and the Federal Reserve Board, respectively.
And retention was a problem because experienced examiners were regularly recruited by
the S&L industry, which offered far greater remuneration than the FHLBB could. Further-
more, FHLBB training resources were constrained by budget limitations and by a lack of
seasoned examiners available to instruct less-experienced ones.
The Bank Boards examination and supervision functions were organized differently
from those in the banking agencies. The examinations of S&Ls were conducted completely
separately from the supervisory function. Examiners were hired by and reported to the Of-
fice of Examination and Supervision of the Bank Board (OES). The supervisory personnel,
with authority for the System, resided within the Federal Home Loan Bank System and, in
effect, reported only to the president of the local FHLB. Thus, in contrast to the banking
agencies, no agency had a single, direct line of responsibility for a troubled institution.
Regulators interviewed for this study noted that the examination philosophy was to
identify adherence to rules and regulations, not adherence to general principles of safety
and soundness. Because most S&L assets were fixed-rate home mortgages, credit-quality
problems were rare. Loan evaluations were appraisal driven, and in the past the value of
collateral had consistently appreciated. Thus, losses on home mortgages were rare, even in
the event of foreclosure. Nevertheless, not until 1987 did S&L examiners have the author-
ity either to classify assets according to likelihood of repayment or to force institutions to
reserve for losses on a timely basis. Moreover, examiner recommendations were often not
followed up by supervisory personnel.
Supervisory oversight of the S&L industry was both decentralized and split from the
examination function. The FHLBB designated each regional Federal Home Loan Bank
president as the Principal Supervisory Agent (PSA) for that region; senior Bank staff acted
as supervisory agents. However, field examiners reported to the FHLBB in Washington
rather than to the regional PSA, and the regional PSA effectively reported to no one. In fact,
according to one insider, the regional Federal Home Loan Banks operated like indepen-
dent duchies.
Because the regional Banks were owned by the institutions they supervised,
the potential for conflicts of interest was quite strong. In any event, supervisory agents did
not receive exam reports until after they had undergone multiple layers of reviewsome-
times months after the as of date.
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172 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
Ibid., 12.
They included the power to issue a cease-and-desist order (C&D) requiring an institution to cease unsafe and unsound prac-
tices or other rules violations, and the power to issue a removal-and-prohibition order (R&P) against an employee, officer,
or director, permanently removing the person from employment in the S&L industry.
Quoted from p. 2 of Norman Strunks memorandum to Bill OConnell, attached as exhibit 3 in Black, Examination/Super-
This system generated mistrust and disrespect between the S&L examiners, who were
federal employees, and the supervisory agents, who were employees of the privately owned
regional Banks. Supervisory agents and PSAs were compensated at levels far above those
of the FHLBB staff, and while examiners suspected the supervisors of being overpaid in-
dustry friends, supervisory agents and PSAs viewed the Bank Board examiners as low
paid, heavy drinking specialists in trivial details.
Clearly, even the most diligent S&L ex-
aminer faced considerable difficulties in reporting negative findings and in seeing those
findings acted upon.
Although the FHLBB legally had enforcement powers similar to those of the banking
agencies, it used these powers much less frequently.
The S&L supervisory environment
simply was not conducive to prompt corrective enforcement actions. As indicated above,
S&Ls were traditionally highly regulated institutions, and before the 1980s the industry had
exhibited few problems of mismanagement. The industrys significant involvement in its
own supervision stemmed from its favorable image and protected status with lawmakers.
As one S&L lobbyist later wrote: When we [the U.S. League of Savings Institutions] par-
ticipated in the writing of the supervisory law, hindsight shows that we probably gave the
business too much protection against unwarranted supervisory action (emphasis added).
Because enforcement was a lengthy process if contested by the institution, the Bank
Board preferred either to use voluntary supervisory agreements or to rely on the states to
use their powers. More important, the lack of resources and the limited number of enforce-
ment attorneys (generally only five through 1984) led the FHLBB to adopt policies that
made it unlikely an institution would contest a case. For example, enforcement staff would
compromise on the terms of a cease-and-desist order, pursue only the strongest cases, and
generallybecause of lack of precedentsavoid cases alleging unsafe and unsound prac-
tices. Unfortunately, these policies undermined the effectiveness of both contemporary and
future enforcement actions.
Government Response to Early Crisis: Deregulation
The vast number of actual and threatened insolvencies of savings and loan associa-
tions in the early 1980s was predictable because of the interest-rate mismatch of the insti-
tutions balance sheets. What followed, however, was a patchwork of misguided policies
that set the stage for massive taxpayer losses to come. In hindsight, the government proved
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 173
National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle, 32.
Mehles action has been described as a remarkable step (Kathleen Day, S&L Hell: The People and the Politics behind the
$1 Trillion Savings and Loan Scandal [1993], 93).
Sanford Rose, The Fruits of Canalization, American Banker (November 2, 1981), 1.
In contrast, commercial banks were required to have a percentage of assets, a larger base than insured deposits, as a capital
cushion. For the bank capital requirements, see section on capital adequacy in Chapter 2.
James R. Barth, The Great Savings and Loan Debacle (1991), 54.
National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle, 3536.
singularly ill-prepared to deal with the S&L crisis.
The primary problem was the lack of
real FSLIC resources available to close insolvent S&Ls. In addition, many government of-
ficials believed that the insolvencies were only on paper, caused by unprecedented inter-
est-rate levels that would soon be corrected. This line of reasoning complemented the view
that as long as an institution had the cash to continue to operate, it should not be closed. For-
mer Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Roger Mehle even testified to that effect when a
failed savings and loan sued the Bank Board.
Although Mehle maintained he was testify-
ing as a private citizen, on other occasions he did take the position that thrifts did not have
a serious problem, because their income came in the form of mortgage payments whereas
most of their expenses were in the form of interest credited to savings accounts but not
withdrawn. Mehle stated, I wish my income was in cash and my expenses in the form of
bookkeeping entries.
Most political, legislative, and regulatory decisions in the early 1980s were imbued
with a spirit of deregulation. The prevailing view was that S&Ls should be granted regula-
tory forbearance until interest rates returned to normal levels, when thrifts would be able to
restructure their portfolios with new asset powers. To forestall actual insolvency, therefore,
the FHLBB lowered net worth requirements for federally insured savings and loan associ-
ations from 5 percent of insured accounts to 4 percent in November 1980 and to 3 percent
in January 1982.
At the same time, the existing 20-year phase-in rule for meeting the net
worth requirement, and the 5-year-averaging rule for computing the deposit base, were re-
tained. The phase-in rule meant that S&Ls less than 20 years old had capital requirements
even lower than 3 percent. This made chartering de novo federal stock institutions very at-
tractive because the required $2.0 million initial capital investment could be leveraged into
$1.3 billion in assets by the end of the first year in operation.
The 5-year-averaging rule,
too, encouraged rapid deposit growth at S&Ls, because the net worth requirement was
based not on the institutions existing deposits but on the average of the previous five
Reported capital was further augmented by the use of regulatory accounting principles
(RAP) that were considerably more lax than generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP). However, where GAAP was more lenient than RAP, the Bank Board adopted the
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174 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
Supervisory goodwill was created when a healthy S&L acquired an insolvent one, with or without financial assistance from
the FSLIC. It is known as supervisory goodwill because the FHLBB allowed it to be included as an asset for capital pur-
poses. For a more in-depth discussion of goodwill accounting, see National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L
Debacle, 3839, and Lowy, High Rollers, 3841.
An example of a typical transaction will help to explain the relevance of this change. The assets and liabilities of the thrift
would be marked-to-market, and since interest rates were very high, this usually resulted in the mortgage assets of the
thrift being valued at a discount. For example, a $100,000 loan paying 8 percent might have been marked down to $80,000
so that it was paying a market rate. However, the liabilities of the institution were generally valued at near book, so a
$100,000 deposit was still worth $100,000. Even if the acquirer paid nothing for the thrift, the acquirer was taking on an as-
set worth $80,000 and a liability of $100,000, a $20,000 shortfall. This would be recorded as an asset called goodwill with
a value of $20,000. One should note that the borrower would still have a $100,000 loan outstanding and would be expected
to pay back the entire loan balance. The $20,000 would be booked as an off-balance-sheet item called a discount. The ac-
counting profession considered the goodwill and the discount two independent entries.
After the merger, the goodwill would be amortized as an expense over a set period. The discount would be accreted
to income over the life of the loan, usually around 10 years. Under RAP accounting, before June 1982, goodwill was amor-
tized over the same 10-year period. Afterward, the accounting picture changed dramatically. Under GAAP, the goodwill
could be amortized over as many as 40 years. The expenses for the amortization of goodwill would be much lower than the
income from the accretion of the discount for many years. This allowed thrift institutions to literally manufacture earn-
ings and capital by acquiring other thrift institutions (Office of Thrift Supervision Director Timothy Ryan, testifying be-
fore the U.S. House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, Subcommittee on General Oversight and
Investigations, Capital Requirements for Thrifts As They Apply to Supervisory Goodwill: Hearing, 102d Cong., 1st sess.,
1991, 31).
former. As of September 1981, troubled S&Ls could issue income capital certificates that
the FSLIC purchased with cash, or more likely with notes, and they were included in net
worth calculations. That same month, the FHLBB began permitting deferred losses on the
sale of assets when the loss resulted from adverse changes in interest rates. Thrifts were al-
lowed to spread the recognition of the loss over a ten-year period, while the unamortized
portion of the loss was carried as an asset. Then in late 1982, the FHLBB began counting
appraised equity capital as a part of reserves. Appraised equity capital allowed S&Ls to rec-
ognize an increase in the market value of their premises.
Perhaps the most far-reaching regulatory change affecting net worth was the liberal-
ization of the accounting rules for supervisory goodwill.
Effective in July 1982, the Bank
Board eliminated the existing ten-year amortization restriction on goodwill, thereby allow-
ing S&Ls to use the general GAAP standard of no more than 40 years in effect at the time.
This change was intended to encourage healthy S&Ls to take over insolvent institutions,
whose liabilities far exceeded the market value of their assets, without the FSLICs having
to compensate the acquirer for the entire negative net worth of the insolvent institution.
Not surprisingly, between June 1982 and December 1983 goodwill rose from a total of $7.9
billion to $22 billion, the latter amount representing 67 percent of total RAP capital. The
FHLBB also actively encouraged use of this accounting treatment as a low-cost method of
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 175
Recognizing that the use of supervisory goodwill had contributed to the magnitude of the thrift crisis, Congress legislated
a five-year phaseout of goodwill that had been created on or before April 12, 1989. This change, and tighter capital re-
quirements for thrifts, rapidly forced a number of S&Ls into insolvency or near-insolvency. Many of these institutions sued
the federal government, and on July 1, 1996, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of three of them in United States v. Winstar
Corp. See, for example, Linda Greenhouse, High Court Finds Rule Shift by U.S. Did Harm to S&Ls, The New York Times
(July 2, 1996), A3; and Paul M. Barrett, High Court Backs S&Ls on Accounting, Declines to Hear Affirmative-Action
Case, The Wall Street Journal (July 2, 1996), 1.
National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle, 37.
In addition, the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 contributed to the boom in commercial real estate projects. For a de-
tailed description of all of these laws, see Chapters 2 and 3.
Public Law 97-320, § 202(d).
resolving troubled institutions. Unfortunately, like other Bank Board policies that resulted
in the overstatement of capital, the liberal treatment of supervisory goodwill restricted the
FHLBBs ability to crack down on thinly capitalized or insolvent institutions, because en-
forcement actions were based on regulatory and not tangible capital.
The Bank Board also attempted to attract new capital to the industry, and it did so by
liberalizing ownership restrictions for stock-held institutions in April 1982. That change
proved to have a dramatic effect on the S&L industry.
Traditionally, federally chartered
stock associations were required to have a minimum of 400 stockholders. No individual
could own more than 10 percent of an institutions outstanding stock, and no controlling
group more than 25 percent. Moreover, 75 percent of stockholders had to reside or do busi-
ness in the S&Ls market area. The elimination of these restrictions, coupled with the re-
laxed capital requirements and the ability to acquire an institution by contributing in-kind
capital (stock, land, or other real estate), invited new owners into the industry. With a min-
imal amount of capital, an S&L could be owned and operated with a high leverage ratio and
in that way could generate a high return on capital.
Legislative actions in the early 1980s were designed to aid the S&L industry but in
fact increased the eventual cost of the crisis. The two principal laws passed were the De-
pository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) and the
GarnSt Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (GarnSt Germain).
duced net worth requirements and GarnSt Germain wrote capital forbearance into law.
DIDMCA replaced the previous statutory net worth requirement of 5 percent of insured ac-
counts with a range of 36 percent of insured accounts, the exact percentage to be deter-
mined by the Bank Board. GarnSt Germain went even further in loosening capital
requirements for thrifts by stating simply that S&Ls will provide adequate reserves in a
form satisfactory to the Corporation [FSLIC], to be established in regulation made by the
GarnSt Germain also authorized the FHLBB to implement a Net Worth
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
176 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
The National Commission attributed the greater success of the FDICs forbearance policy to several factors, including a
more limited use of accounting gimmicks and growth restrictions for savings banks (National Commission, Origins and
Causes of the S&L Debacle, 32, 37). For a comparison of the two Net Worth Certificate Programs, see U.S. General Ac-
counting Office, Net Worth Certificate Programs: Their Design, Major Differences, and Early Implementation (1984).
For details on the debate over deregulation, see Chapter 6.
Moral hazard refers to the incentives that insured institutions have to engage in higher-risk activities than they would
without deposit insurance; deposit insurance means, as well, that insured depositors have no compelling reason to monitor
the institutions operations. The National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement con-
cluded that federal deposit insurance at institutions with substantial risk was a fundamental condition necessary for col-
lapse and that [r]aising the insurance limit from $40,000 to $100,000 exacerbated the problem (National Commission,
Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle, 56). For further discussion of the increase in the deposit insurance limit, see
Chapter 2.
Lawrence J. White, The S&L Debacle: Public Policy Lessons for Bank and Thrift Regulation (1991), 73.
Certificate Program for S&Ls. (Ironically, this form of capital forbearance was used more
extensively and more effectively by the FDIC for mutual savings banks.)
These two laws also made a number of other significant changes affecting thrift insti-
tutions, including giving them new and expanded investment powers and eliminating de-
posit interest-rate ceilings. But although such deregulation had been recommended since
the early 1970s,
when finally enacted it failed to give attention to corresponding recom-
mendations for deposit insurance reform and stronger supervision. Particularly dangerous
in view of these omissions were the expanded authority of federally chartered S&Ls to
make acquisition, development, and construction (ADC) loans, enacted in DIDMCA, and
the subsequent elimination in GarnSt Germain of the previous statutory limit on loan-to-
value ratios. These changes allowed S&Ls to make high-risk loans to developers for 100
percent of a projects appraised value.
DIDMCA also increased federal deposit insurance to $100,000 per account, a major
adjustment from the previous limit of $40,000 per account. The increase in the federal de-
posit insurance level and the phaseout of deposit interest-rate controls were designed to al-
leviate disintermediation, or the flow of deposits out of financial institutions into money
market mutual funds and other investments. However, the increase in insured liabilities
added substantially to the potential costs of resolving failed financial institutions, and has
been cited as exacerbating the moral-hazard problem much discussed throughout the
Deregulation of asset powers at the federal level prompted a number of states to enact
similar, or even more liberal, legislation. This competition in laxity has been attributed to
a conscious effort by state legislatures to retain and attract state-chartered institutions that
otherwise might apply for federal charters, thereby reducing the statesregulatory roles and
fee collections.
An oft-cited example is Californias Nolan bill, enacted in 1982 after
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 177
From 1980 to 1982 the number of state-chartered S&Ls in California fell from 126 with $82 billion in assets to 107 with
less than $30 billion (Barth, The Great Savings and Loan Debacle, 55). Day notes that funding for Californias supervi-
sory department diminished proportionatelystaff fell from 178 in 1978 to only 44 in 1983 (Day, S&L Hell, 124).
Strunk and Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong, 59, and for examples of liberal state laws, 6066.
For a discussion of Reaganomics and the early years of the thrift crisis, see Day, S&L Hell, 7381; and Lowy, High Rollers,
Strunk and Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong, 141. It is important to note, as discussed in Chapter 12, that the bank-
ing agencies themselves believed the number of exams could be reduced through greater reliance on computers and off-site
many of the states largest thrifts converted to federal charters.
Effective January 1, 1983,
state-chartered S&Ls in California had unlimited authority to invest in service corporations
and in real estate. Another state notable for its liberalizing legislation was Florida, whose
state-chartered thrift industry was virtually nonexistent before the enactment of a series
of liberal laws between 1980 and 1984.
Supervision of these institutions remained under
the states controller and remained weak. California and Florida, along with Texas, had
some of the nations most liberal state laws for thrifts. Unfortunately, as is detailed below,
the more liberal powers afforded by some states to their S&Ls added significantly to the
losses that eventually had to be made good by the federal government.
Finally, it should be noted that the Reagan administration was more directly involved
with the regulation of S&Ls than with the regulation of the banking industry. In other
words, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve System traditionally had more political indepen-
dence than the FHLBB (and therefore than the FSLIC). During the early years of the ad-
ministration, responsibility for the unfolding thrift crisis lay with the Cabinet Council on
Economic Affairs, chaired by Treasury Secretary Donald Regan. Its members included se-
nior officials from OMB and the White House. Firm believers in Reaganomics, this
group crafted the policies of deregulation and forbearance and adamantly opposed any gov-
ernmental cash expenditures to resolve the S&L problem.
Furthermore, the administration
did not want to alarm the public unduly by closing a large number of S&Ls. Therefore, the
Treasury Department and OMB urged the Bank Board to use FSLIC notes and other forms
of forbearance that did not have the immediate effect of increasing the federal deficit.
The free-market philosophy of the Reagan administration also called for a reduction
in the size of the federal government and less public intervention in the private sector. As a
result, during the first half of the 1980s the federal banking and thrift agencies were en-
couraged to reduce examination staff, even though these agencies were funded by the insti-
tutions they regulated and not by the taxpayers. This pressure to downsize particularly
affected the FHLBB, whose budget and staff size were closely monitored by OMB and sub-
jected to the congressional appropriations process.
The free-market philosophy affected
not only regulatory and supervisory matters but also thrift and bank chartering decisions.
Before the 1980s, new charters had been granted on the basis of community need. Under the
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
178 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
Day, S&L Hell, 100. For further discussion of these issues, see Chapter 2, the section on entry.
National Council of Savings Institutions, 1986 National Fact Book of Savings Institutions (1986), 10, 16; and FDIC, His-
torical Statistics on Banking: A Statistical History of the United States Banking Industry 19341992 (1993), 21921.
Reagan administration, the FHLBB and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ap-
proved any application as long as the owners hired competent management and provided
a sound business plan.
The devastating consequences of adding many new institutions to
the marketplace, expanding the powers of thrifts, decontrolling interest rates, and increas-
ing deposit insurance coverage, coupled with reducing regulatory standards and scrutiny,
were not foreseen.
Developments after Deregulation
The savings and loan industry changed swiftly and dramatically after the deregulation
of asset powers and interest rates. The period from year-end 1982 to year-end 1985 was
characterized by extremely rapid growth, as the industry responded to the new regulatory
and legislative climate. Total S&L assets increased from $686 billion to $1,068 billion, or
by 56 percentmore than twice the growth rate at savings banks and commercial banks
(approximately 24 percent). As discussed below, S&L growth was fueled by an influx of de-
posits (often via money brokers) into institutions willing to pay above-market interest rates.
In 1983 and 1984, more than $120 billion in net new money flowed into savings and loan
With money flowing so plentifully, risk takers gravitated toward the S&L industry, al-
tering ownership characteristics. Although more than a few of these new owners engaged in
Table 4.3
Number of Newly Chartered FSLIC-Insured S&Ls, 19801986
Year State-Chartered Federally Chartered Total
1980 63 5 68
1981 21 4 25
1982 23 3 26
1983 36 11 47
1984 68 65 133
1985 45 43 88
1986 13 14 27
TOTAL 348 144 492
Source: Lawrence White, The S&L Debacle, 106.
Note: Excludes state-chartered thrifts that converted from state-sponsored insurance funds to the FSLIC.
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 179
Figure 4.1
PercentageofS&L Assets in Mortgage Loans,
1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
highly publicized cases of fraudulent activity, many others were just greedy.
Sharp entre-
preneurs realized the large potential profit from owning an S&L, whose charter now al-
lowed a wide range of investment opportunities without the corresponding regulation of
commercial banks. Little capital was required to purchase or start an S&L, and the growth
potential was great. A variety of nonbankers entered the S&L industry, ranging from den-
tists, with no experience in owning financial institutions, to real estate developers, who had
serious conflicts of interest. To gain entry into the S&L industry, one either acquired control
of existing institutions (many of which had converted from mutual to stock) or started de
novo institutions. Between 1980 and 1986 nearly 500 new S&L charters were issued (see
table 4.3), with more than 200 of these issued in just two years1984 and 1985. In 1981
stock S&Ls had constituted 21 percent of the industry; in 1986 they constituted 38 percent
and controlled 64 percent of the industrys total assets.
Another major change resulting from deregulation was that, beginning in 1982, S&L
investment portfolios rapidly shifted away from traditional home mortgage financing and
into new activities. This shift was made possible by the influx of deposits and also by sales
of existing mortgage loans. By 1986, only 56 percent of total assets at savings and loan as-
sociations were in mortgage loans, compared with 78 percent in 1981 (see figure 4.1). In
National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle, 47.
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
180 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
In January 1985, the Bank Board adopted a rule restricting direct investments by FSLIC-insured thrifts to 10 percent of as-
sets unless permission was granted to exceed that level.
National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle, 43.
See, for example, Strunk and Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong, 5760; National Commission, Origins and Causes of
the S&L Debacle, 48; and Day, S&L Hell, 124.
White, The S&L Debacle, 8990.
One of the major themes of Martin Lowys book (High Rollers) is that thrifts were able to buy political favor in order to
keep regulators from interfering in their operations.
some states, direct investments in real estate, equity securities, service corporations, and op-
erating subsidiaries were allowed with virtually no limitations.
S&Ls invested in every-
thing from casinos to fast-food franchises, ski resorts, and windmill farms. Other new
investments included junk bonds, arbitrage schemes, and derivative instruments. It is im-
portant to note, however, that while windmill farms and other exotic investments made for
interesting reading, high-risk development loans and the resultant mortgages on the same
properties were most likely the principal cause for thrift failures after 1982. A large per-
centage of S&L assets was devoted to acquisition, development, and construction (ADC)
loans; these were very attractive because of their favorable accounting treatment and the
potential for future profit if the projects were successful. As discussed below, the entry of
so many S&Ls into commercial real estate lending helped fuel boom-to-bust real estate cy-
cles in several regions of the country.
In 1983, even when a sharp drop in interest rates returned many traditional S&Ls to
profitability, 10 percent of the industry was still insolvent on a GAAP basis and 35 percent
of the industrys assets were controlled by S&Ls that were insolvent on a tangible basis
yet these institutions were permitted to grow along with the rest of the industry, and to sub-
stitute credit risk for interest-rate risk. The high-growth period between 1982 and 1985 was
also the period when examination and supervision were weakest.
States that had enacted
liberal S&L laws, such as California, Florida, and Texas, were soft on supervision; and in
some cases, state-chartered institutions had close political ties to elected officials and to a
states regulators.
In the Southwest, existing weaknesses in the Bank Boards supervision
of federally chartered S&Ls were compounded by the relocation in September 1983 of the
Ninth District of the Federal Home Loan Bank System from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Dal-
las, Texas. The number of examinations in the district fell by one-third and remained low
during the critical years of 1984 and 1985.
Moreover, after it was realized in 1984 that a
number of fast-growing S&Ls were dangerously abusing their new powers, the FHLBBs
attempts to crack down were bitterly opposed by the industry, the administration, and those
key members of Congress who had been persuaded by S&L operators and real estate de-
velopers that regulators had become Gestapo-like and heavy-handed.
in late 1984 the Bank Board began to tighten the S&L regulatory system by imposing a
number of regulations designed to (a) curb rapid growth and direct investments by thrifts
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 181
For a chronological listing of these regulations, see, for example, National Commission, Origins and Causes of the S&L De-
bacle, 9899; and Barth, The Great Savings and Loan Debacle, 13032, 13741.
For a listing of RAP-insolvent and tangible-insolvent thrifts from 1981 to 1987, see White, The S&L Debacle, 114.
Eugenie D. Short and Kenneth J. Robinson, Deposit Insurance Reform in the Post-FIRREA Environment: Lessons from the
Texas Deposit Market, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Financial Industry Studies Working Paper (December 1990), 3.
with low net worth, (b) increase net worth standards, and (c) reform accounting practices.
In 1985, the FHLBB took the unusual step of transferring its examination staff to the Fed-
eral Home Loan Banks in order to become independent of OMBs restrictions on pay and
staffing levels.
Although these measures would help control future abuses, they could not reverse the
losses already incurred and those that would soon result from rapid declines in overbuilt
real estate markets. Furthermore, the FHLBB was trapped by its own policies: the agency
had to wait until an institution was insolvent under the relatively lax RAP before taking ac-
tion, and accounting distortions favored high-growth S&Ls that continued to report healthy
returns on assets and regulatory net worth. Independent of these problems, the FSLIC, with
reserves of only $5.6 billion at year-end 1984, did not have the resources to close even the
RAP-insolvent institutions, which at that time numbered 71 with assets of $14.8 billion.
Within two years, these figures had ballooned to 225 institutions with assets of $68.1 bil-
lion, largely as a result of the deflated southwestern economy. The Southwests problems
caused severe losses in the commercial banking industry as well (and are discussed in
Chapter 9). In fact, the unfolding S&L crisis in general, not just in the Southwest, negatively
affected the banking industry.
Competitive Effects on the Banking Industry
Enactment of GarnSt Germain and the deregulation of asset powers by several key
states led many S&Ls to change their operating strategies. These changes substantially in-
tensified the competitive environment of commercial banks and placed downward pressure
on bank profitability. Although in a free-market economy competition is normally consid-
ered healthy, regulatory forbearance in the thrift industry and moral hazard created market -
place distortions that penalized well-run financial institutions.
On the liability side of the
balance sheet, the bidding up of deposit interest rates by aggressive and/or insolvent S&Ls
increased the cost of funds, adversely affecting both commercial banks and conservatively
run thrifts. On the asset side of the balance sheet, commercial banks were negatively influ-
enced by the entrance of inexperienced and, in some cases, rogue S&Ls into commercial
and real estate lending.
The genesis of the bidding up of deposit interest rates was the S&L industrys dra-
matic growth between 1982 and 1985. This growth was facilitated by a flood of deposits
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
182 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
In a repurchase agreement, a thrift would sell mortgages or mortgage-backed securities to an investment banking firm and
promise to repurchase them at a future date and higher price. These transactions were essentially collateralized borrow-
ing (White, The S&L Debacle, 88).
Strunk and Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong, 105.
It should be noted that not all highfliers were located in Texas. American Diversified Savings Bank of Lodi, California,
grew from $11 million in 1982 to $978 million in 1985, while Bloomfield Savings and Loan of Birmingham, Michigan,
grew during the same period from $2 million to $676 million.
Lowy, High Rollers, 105, 127.
The MCP was designed to remove owners and managers of the worst-run insolvent institutions. Essentially, the FHLBB
would structure a pass-through receivership, recharter the S&L as a federal mutual association, and consign a group of man-
agers to run it. Between 1985 and 1988, the Bank Board placed over 100 S&Ls in the program.
into institutions willing to pay above-market interest rates to attract money to invest in new
activities. S&Ls would advertise their rates both locally and nationally, use in-house
money desks, or get in touch with brokerage firms that were happy to help move money
in large bundles to thrifts that were seeking to grow. In June 1984, when thrifts with annual
growth rates of less than 15 percent had more than 80 percent of their liabilities in tradi-
tional retail deposits (generally in accounts of less than $100,000), the comparable figure
for thrifts growing at rates in excess of 50 percent per year was only 59 percent. This latter
group relied more heavily on large-denomination deposits and repurchase agreements,
which together accounted for more than 28 percent of their liabilities.
Growth among thrifts was particularly strong in the Sunbelt and in states whose
economies were energy related and booming in the early 1980s. These included Arizona,
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Texas S&Ls were among the most ag-
gressive growers. Assets at the states thrifts increased by 117 percent between 1982 and
1985, a rate twice the national average.
This growth was concentrated in a number of
small but fast-growing institutions known as highfliers. One of the most egregious of these,
Empire Savings & Loan Association of Mesquite, grew between 1981 and 1983 from ap-
proximately $13 million in assets to more than $300 million.
When Empire failed in
March 1984, large certificates of deposit accounted for more than 90 percent of liabilities.
To attract this hot money, Empire and other Texas S&Ls paid about 100 basis points (1
percent) more than commercial banks for certificates of deposit.
After Empire Savings & Loan failed, the FHLBB imposed a regulation restricting
growth at undercapitalized thrifts to a rate equal to the interest credited on existing deposits.
S&Ls that met their net worth requirements could not grow at rates exceeding 25 percent
per year without supervisory approval. As a result, industry-wide asset growth dropped
from nearly 20 percent in 1984 to less than 10 percent in 1985. However, additional pres-
sure on deposit interest rates came from thrifts that were insolvent but still operating, such
as those in the FHLBBs Management Consignment Program (MCP).
For as the true con-
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 183
Elijah Brewer and Thomas H. Mondschean (The Impact of S&L Failures and Regulatory Changes on the CD Market, 1987-
1991) noted a significant relationship between deposit interest-rate premiums (that is, the spread over comparable Treasury
bill rates) and the capital-to-assets ratio and measures of S&L risk exposure for both wholesale and retail deposits. In the
case of wholesale deposits (over $100,000), the premium was attributed to risk compensation for uninsured depositors. In
the case of retail or fully insured deposits, the premium was attributed to moral hazard, or the incentive for insolvent
S&Ls, with nothing to lose, to bid up rates in a gamble for resurrection.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas published several studies on the Texas premium. See, for example, Eugenie D. Short
and Jeffery W. Gunther, The Texas Thrift Situation: Implications for the Texas Financial Industry (1988).
Texas Marketers Battle High Rates and Bad Publicity, Savings Institutions (September 1988): 84.
Short and Robinson, Deposit Insurance Reform in the Post-FIRREA Environment, 10.
The Southwest Plan sought to consolidate and shrink the Texas thrift industry by allowing groups of insolvent thrifts to be
acquired. To conserve cash, the FSLIC used notes and other forms of future payments, such as yield maintenance and cap-
ital loss coverage. The FSLIC also heavily advertised the tax advantages of acquiring an insolvent thrift before the end of
1988, when the law allowing S&L losses to offset other taxes would expire. The Southwest Plan became controversial be-
cause for wealthy acquirers it allowed substantial tax benefits to accrue but required little capital investment.
dition of the S&L industry became common knowledge, these institutions had to pay higher
rates than solvent institutions to attract and retain deposits.
Because Texas S&Ls had been among the most aggressive growers, the situation there
was particularly acute. By year-end 1987, insolvent Texas S&Ls accounted for 44 percent
of the assets in all RAP-insolvent S&Ls in the country, and the unprofitable Texas thrifts ac-
counted for 62 percent of all losses nationwide. The troubled condition of the states thrift
industry resulted in higher interest rates for all financial institutions in Texas: to maintain
their funding base, even well-capitalized banks and thrifts had to pay the so-called Texas
premium, estimated to be 50 basis points or more.
The ensuing bidding wars between sol-
vent and insolvent financial institutions resulted in a situation that was just out of control,
according to a Texas thrift executive.
The higher operating expenses associated with the
Texas premium not only increased the cost of resolving insolvent S&Ls but also weakened
the financial condition of healthier institutions.
Deposit premiums paid by Texas banks and thrifts peaked in mid-1987 and declined
thereafter in response to regulatory actions to resolve troubled institutions, so that by year-
end 1989, the average cost of deposits at Texas banks was only eight basis points higher
than in the rest of the United States.
One of those regulatory actions was a program that
the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas initiated in 1988 replacing high-cost deposits in in-
solvent Texas thrifts with lower-cost deposits gathered from solvent thrifts. Another was the
FHLBBs merging of some of the top rate payers as part of its Southwest Plan.
because of continuing uncertainty about the FSLICs ability to close insolvent thrifts, the
deposit premium for these institutions rose throughout 1989, until Congress passed the Fi-
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
184 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
The U.S. General Accounting Office declared the FSLIC insolvent on the basis of its contingent liabilities at year-end 1986.
In 1987, Congress passed the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987, which authorized the FSLIC to borrow up to
$10.825 billion but placed a $3.75 billion limit on borrowing in any 12-month period. For a discussion of this legislation,
see White, The S&L Debacle, 102103.
These topics are discussed in greater detail in Chapters 3 and 9.
William K. Black, Cash Cow Examples (1993).
Lowy, High Rollers, 77.
nancial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA).
regulators had the money to pay down high-cost deposits and take over insolvent institu-
tions, deposit premiums quickly declined.
After deregulation, commercial banks also faced competitive pressure from S&Ls on
the asset side of the balance sheet. Much of the growth in S&L assets between 1982 and
1985 was concentrated in commercial real estate lending. During that period the proportion
of total thrift assets invested in commercial mortgage loans and land loans rose from 7.4
percent to 12.1 percentan increase of $78.6 billion. By June 1984 aggressive thrifts,
growing at annual rates greater than 50 percent, already had 16.6 percent of their assets in
these two categories.
Real estate lending and investing were potentially very lucrative for
S&Ls. Changes in the federal tax code for real estate investments in 1981 and favorable ex-
pectations regarding oil prices led to a boom in commercial real estate projects, especially
in the Southwest.
Because S&Ls were allowed to take an equity interest in real estate de-
velopment projects, they stood to share in the upside of a booming market. Additionally, in-
terest rates on construction loans are much higher than on other forms of lending; and
regulatory accounting practices allowed S&Ls to book loan origination fees as current in-
come, even though these amounts were actually included in the loan to the borrower. For
example, a borrower might have requested a $1 million loan for two years for a housing de-
velopment; the institution might have charged four points for the original loan and 12 per-
cent annual interest. However, instead of requiring the borrower to pay the interest
($240,000) and the fee ($40,000), the S&L would have included these two items in the orig-
inal amount of the loan (which would have increased to $1.28 million), and paid the insti-
tution out of the loan proceeds.
There are many notorious examples of how this system was abused by unscrupulous
S&L owners reporting high current income on ADC loans while milking the institution of
cash in the form of dividends, high salaries, and other benefits.
A rapidly growing S&L
could hide impending defaults and losses by booking new ADC loans. The rush into con-
struction lending by S&Ls was such that among the fastest growers, loan fees accounted
for substantially all net income in the crucial years 1983 and 1984.
Moreover, although
the majority of S&Ls were not fraud-ridden, few had the management expertise necessary
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 185
Strunk and Case, Where Deregulation Went Wrong, 101.
Most accounts of the S&L debacle have noted this trend. It has been variously attributed to inexperience, fraud, rapid
growth, and the need to invest in high-risk ventures due to higher money costs.
Changes in commercial bank underwriting standards during the 1980s are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3.
Eric I. Hemel, Deregulation and Supervision Go Together, Outlook of the Federal Home Loan Bank System (Novem-
ber/December 1985): 10.
Mindy Fetterman,  NCNB Chairman Hugh McColl Touts His High-Rises Success, Despite Bankings Towering Real-
Estate Woes, USA Today (May 28, 1991), 1B.
for dealing with the new lending opportunities, particularly the inherently risky ADC lend-
ing. In many cases, prudent underwriting standards were not observed, and the necessary
documents and controls were not put in place. Lending on construction projects was ap-
praisal driven and was often based on the overly optimistic assumption that property val-
ues would continue to rise.
S&Ls sometimes loaned the entire amount up front, including
interest, fees, and even payments to developers, but did not check to ensure that projects
were being completed as planned. Moreover, S&L ADC loans frequently were nonre-
course: the borrower was not required to sign a legally binding personal guarantee.
S&Ls entered the commercial real estate lending arena at a time when banks were in-
creasing their own investments in commercial real estate loans, having lost many of their
traditional corporate clients to the commercial-paper and bond markets. At the same time,
chartering activity of de novo banks and thrifts was high. The result was simply a matter of
too many lenders chasing too few loans. The rush of new competitors, all eager to lend to
developers, had a negative effect on existing commercial banks, on their underwriting stan-
dards, and on the quality of their loans. Field examiners and bank regulators have noted that
in the 1980s borrowers could generate bidding wars between banks and S&Ls. Everyone
wanted to lend money and everyone wanted to grow. Although for the most part S&Ls lent
to lesser-qualified borrowers,
their presence in the marketplace contributed to the overall
decline in bank lending standards during the 1980s.
As S&Ls used lax underwriting stan-
dards to lure customers away from commercial banks, the banks began to imitate such S&L
practices as the up-front fee structure, interest reserves, and the small amount of equity in-
vestment by developers. This contamination effect has been called a variation of Gre-
shams Law that bad money drives out good. In this variation, risk-hungry institutions will
force careful institutions into taking greater risks as well.
Or in the words of Hugh Mc-
Coll, chairman of NCNB (now NationsBank): We may have the wisest underwriting pol-
icy (for loans) in the world. But if your next-door neighbor has a poor policy, it can cause
oversupply of space and crush even your wisest decision.
Competitive pressures from S&Ls were felt most acutely in states with a large num-
ber of aggressive and/or insolvent thrifts. Interviews with regional supervisory personnel
have indicated that Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas were states where banks were
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
186 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
See Jennifer L. Eccles and John P. OKeefe, Understanding the Experience of Converted New England Savings Banks,
FDIC Banking Review 8, no. 1 (1995): 117. The New England crisis is also discussed in Chapter 10.
For a detailed summary of the laws provisions, see Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance, ed. Charles J. Woelfel, 10th ed.
(1994), 44652. For a review and critique of FIRREA, see also White, The S&L Debacle, 17693.
particularly affected by S&L lending practices. Additionally, the flood of mutual-to-stock
conversions of savings banks in New England during the middle to late 1980s contributed
to the boom-to-bust real estate cycle there.
Clearly, competition from savings and loans
did not cause the various crises experienced by the commercial banking industry during the
1980s; these crises would have occurred regardless of the thrift situation. But the channel-
ing of large volumes of deposits into high-risk institutions that speculated in real estate de-
velopment did create marketplace distortions. These high-risk, speculating institutions
raised the cost of funds marketwide and encouraged risk taking by competitors. The flow of
capital was directed to geographic areas, like Texas, where real estate was being developed
far beyond the markets ability to absorb it. This oversupply contributed to the eventual bust
in real estate values and slowed economic recovery. In hindsight, the go-go mentality in
certain regions of the country during the 1980s affected not only banks and S&Ls but also
their regulators, who were slow to understand that some markets were being extravagantly
Resolution of the Crisis
Throughout the decade, losses in the S&L industry continued to mount as the decline
in real estate values deepened and affected various regions of the country. Efforts to recap-
italize the FSLIC in 1986 and 1987 were bitterly fought by the industry, which had consid-
erable influence with members of Congress. Although the Competitive Equality Banking
Act of 1987 provided the FSLIC with resources to resolve insolvent institutions, the amount
was clearly inadequate. Nevertheless, under the new FHLBB chairman, Danny Wall, the
FSLIC resolved 222 S&Ls, with assets of $116 billion, in 1988. These transactions were ef-
fected with minimal cash outlays and maximum use of notes, guarantees, and tax advan-
tages, all of which made these transactions more expensive than they would have been had
the FSLIC had adequate funds. But despite these resolutions, at year-end 1988 there were
still 250 S&Ls, with $80.8 billion in assets, that were insolvent based on regulatory ac-
counting principles. Resolution of the S&L crisis did not really begin until February 6,
1989, when newly inaugurated President George Bush announced his proposed program,
whose basic components were enacted later that year in FIRREA.
It is amazing that such
a monumental crisis, and one given top priority by the new administration, had been virtu-
ally ignored as an issue during the 1988 presidential campaign. This invisibility has been at-
tributed partly to Chairman Walls successful effort to downplay the problem during 1988,
partly to the continued reluctance to admit that taxpayer dollars would be required, and
Chapter 4 The Savings and Loan Crisis and Its Relationship to Banking
History of the EightiesLessons for the Future 187
Day, S&L Hell, 29596.
U.S. General Accounting Office, Financial Audit, 13.
partly to the fact that members of both political parties were vulnerable to criticism for their
role in the crisis.
It must be concluded that the savings and loan crisis reflected a massive public policy
failure. The final cost of resolving failed S&Ls is estimated at just over $160 billion, in-
cluding $132 billion from federal taxpayers
and much of this cost could have been
avoided if the government had had the political will to recognize its obligation to depositors
in the early 1980s, rather than viewing the situation as an industry bailout. Believing that
the marketplace would provide its own discipline, the government used rapid deregulation
and forbearance instead of taking steps to protect depositors. The government guarantee of
insured deposits nonetheless exposed U.S. taxpayers to the risk of losswhile the profits
made possible by deregulation and forbearance would accrue to the owners and managers
of the savings and loans.
The S&L crisis overlapped several regional banking crises in the 1980s and at first
was similar to the crisis involving mutual savings banks (MSBs). However, in contrast to
the FSLIC, the FDIC had both the money to close failing MSBs and the regulatory will to
put others on a tight leash, while allowing some forbearance in the form of the Net Worth
Certificate Program. To be sure, some MSBs later got into trouble with poor investments
and failed, but the cost of these failures pales in comparison with the cost of the failures in
the S&L industry, which was encouraged to grow and engage in risky activities with little
supervision. When the Bank Board realized that its strategies had failed, it attempted to cor-
rect the problem through regulation. In contrast, federal bank regulators used supervisory
tools and enforcement actions to limit growth and raise capital levels at commercial banks
and mutual savings banks. But both banks and S&Ls, and their regulators, got caught up in
boom-to-bust real estate cycles.
In the 1980s, a go-go mentality prevailed, along with the belief in many regions that
the economies in those regions were recession proof. In both the Southwest and New Eng-
land, the high-growth strategy pursued by many S&Ls increased the competition for de-
posits and therefore raised interest expense for both banks and thrifts. This situation
persisted and worsened as deeply insolvent S&Ls remained open because the FSLIC lacked
reserves. Banks also faced competitive pressures from the thrifts that aggressively entered
commercial mortgage lending markets and aggravated the risk taking already present in
commercial banking.
In response to the problems that arose in the 1980s, Congress enacted two major
pieces of legislation, both of which affected the FDIC. One was FIRREA, which abolished
An Examination of the Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s Volume I
188 History of the EightiesLessons for the Future
the FHLBB and the FSLIC and gave the FDIC initial responsibility for managing the Res-
olution Trust Corporation (RTC) and permanent responsibility for operating the new Sav-
ings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF). The other, passed in response not only to the
problems of the 1980s but also to the S&L-caused taxpayer losses and the FDICs near in-
solvency in the early 1990s, was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement
Act of 1991 (FDICIA), which dramatically changed the agencys operations.
The regulatory lessons of the S&L disaster are many. First and foremost is the need for
strong and effective supervision of insured depository institutions, particularly if they are
given new or expanded powers or are experiencing rapid growth. Second, this can be ac-
complished only if the industry does not have too much influence over its regulators and if
the regulators have the ability to hire, train, and retain qualified staff. In this regard, the
bank regulatory agencies need to remain politically independent. Third, the regulators need
adequate financial resources. Although the Federal Home Loan Bank System was too close
to the industry it regulated during the early years of the crisis and its policies greatly con-
tributed to the problem, the Bank Board had been given far too few resources to supervise
effectively an industry that was allowed vast new powers. Fourth, the S&L crisis highlights
the importance of promptly closing insolvent, insured financial institutions in order to min-
imize potential losses to the deposit insurance fund and to ensure a more efficient financial
marketplace. Finally, resolution of failing financial institutions requires that the deposit in-
surance fund be strongly capitalized with real reserves, not just federal guarantees.