Department of Labor and Industries
Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Keeping Washington safe and working
This directive establishes inspection procedures and compliance policies related to
workplace Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) hazards.
This directive applies statewide for both consultation and compliance staff when they are
evaluating workplace hazards relating to IAQ. It replaces all previous instructions on this
issue, whether formal or informal.
Scope and Application
Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers
EPA, 1991. EPA 402-F-91-102, December 1991 Indoor Air Quality Information
Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 37133, Washington, D.C. 20013-7133;
An Office Building Occupant’s Guide to Indoor Air Quality – EPA 1997. Indoor
Air Quality Information Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 37133, Washington, D.C.
20013-7133; 1-800-438-4318;
Building Air Quality Action Plan EPA/NIOSH – 1998. Indoor Air Quality
Information Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 37133, Washington, D.C. 20013-7133;
IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit – EPA et. al, 1995. Indoor Air Quality Information
Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 37133, Washington, D.C. 20013-7133;
School Indoor Air Quality Best Management Practices Manual – Washington
Department of Health-2003,
Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control – ACGIH 1999. ACGIH, 13300 Kemper
Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240-2020;
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality – American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 62 – 1989.
ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.
DOSH IAQ Website:
Indoor Air Quality
(Updated) Date: January 14, 2011
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 2 of 16
DOSH continues to receive inquiries from employers and employees regarding indoor air
quality (IAQ). This directive establishes a process to determine the potential for WISHA
rule violations, provides examples of serious and non-serious hazards, and provides
guidelines on appropriate responses to workplace IAQ complaints.
Although the focus of this directive is on control of airborne contaminants, a vital role is
played by ventilation, temperature, and humidity. Their importance in productivity,
comfort, and a sense of health and well-being among building occupants should not be
underestimated. It is also important to remember that factors such as noise, lighting,
ergonomic stressors (work station and task design), and job-related psychological
stressors can – individually and in combination – contribute to IAQ-related concerns.
The greatest challenge posed by IAQ investigations is that the reported symptoms and
health complaints are generally diverse and usually not suggestive of any particular
medical diagnosis or readily associated with a causative agent. A typical spectrum of
symptoms includes headaches, fatigue, itching or burning eyes, skin irritation, nasal
congestion, dry or irritated throat, and other respiratory irritations. Typically, the
workplace environment is implicated because employees report that their symptoms
lessen or cease once they leave the workplace. In such cases, however, it is often difficult
to support a WISHA violation.
In some instances, specific illnesses can be associated with identifiable exposures in the
indoor environment, and employers may be subject to a DOSH citation. Examples of
such illnesses include Legionnaires disease, asthma, carbon monoxide poisoning, and
allergic reactions associated with exposure to molds.
A. Evaluating Complaints.
Compliance Policies
1. Historically, few IAQ investigations have resulted in WISHA violations.
Therefore, it is critical that the compliance supervisor carefully evaluate each
complaint or other request prior to committing staff resources. Points to consider
include the:
Potential for identifying specific causative agent(s)
Likelihood of an exposure pathway existing between the contaminated
materials or sources and the building occupants, and
Specificity and severity of the symptoms or illnesses reported.
Note: See Appendix C, Decision Tree for Conducting Indoor Air Quality
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 3 of 16
2. An investigation will normally only be conducted when a serious or potentially
serious hazard is suspected. Examples of IAQ problems that normally indicate a
serious hazard may exist include the following:
Complaints of headaches, nausea, lethargy, and/or dizziness (especially if
onset was sudden and/or severe), and carbon monoxide poisoning from
combustion sources is suspected.
Complaints of fever/chills and fatigue, or cough and shortness of breath
(especially severe, or widespread complaints), other symptoms, or physician
diagnosed disease (for example, Legionnaires’ disease, histoplasmosis
consistent with exposure to airborne microorganisms (see Appendix A).
Wheezing or other indications where chemicals are present that might prompt
or aggravate asthma in a worker.
Complaints of significant mold growth within a building (see Appendix A).
3. A phone/fax/email response may be used in accordance with the guidance in the
DOSH Compliance Manual. Examples of IAQ problems that normally will be
addressed by phone/fax/email include:
Non-specific health symptoms shared by a group of employees who associate
their problems with the building but no source of biological or chemical
contamination has been identified. Recommend that a qualified person inspect
the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for proper air
supply and distribution throughout the area where the complaints were
Respiratory or eye irritation reported by employees after remodeling activities
or installation of new carpets/furnishings. Recommend the employer increase
outdoor air supply to the area and perform remodeling work after regular work
Allergic reactions from biological contamination within the building are
suspected by employees, but no significant water damage or mold
contamination is reported or can be identified as a possible agent. Recommend
that a qualified person search for moisture or water damage and promptly
remove or clean these materials/areas using appropriate protective measures.
Regular maintenance procedures are recommended to identify and eliminate
situations where moisture could promote biological growth.
4. Investigations will not be initiated over issues of comfort, and such issues
normally will not result in a phone/fax/e-mail response.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 4 of 16
B. Citation Policy.
1. Follow the guidance regarding Indoor Air Quality in the DOSH Compliance
Manual, whenever citations, including safe place citations (WAC 296-800-110),
are issued.
2. Most IAQ hazards are not covered by specific DOSH standards. Those that could
apply, depending on the hazard, include hazard communication, accident
prevention programs, safety and health committee, air contaminants, and the safe
place standard.
Note: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is not covered by this Directive, but
is a recognized hazard covered under WAC 296-800-240, Environmental Tobacco
Smoke in Office Environments.
3. Assistance in evaluating potential violations involving IAQ issues may be
obtained from DOSH Technical Services.
A. Consultation supervisors should rely on the guidance provided in Section V above,
and on consultation priorities when determining whether to schedule an on-site visit.
Such a visit should be scheduled when it is determined that a serious hazard may
Consultation Policies
B. When no visit is scheduled, the employer should be directed to the resource materials
provided on DOSH, Department of Health, and Environmental Protection Agency
IAQ websites.
Michael Silverstein, MD., Assistant Director
Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Department of Labor and Industries
For further information about this or other DOSH Directives, you may contact the Division of
Occupational Safety & Health at P.O. Box 44610, Olympia, WA 98504-4610 – or by telephone
at (360) 902-5436. You may also review policy information on the DOSH website
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 5 of 16
Appendices A, B, B-1, and C, are attached to this Directive]
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 6 of 16
Appendix A
Further investigation of a potentially serious hazard may be appropriate if all three
of the
following criteria are met:
A Source:
The building is significantly water damaged, contaminated with molds, or
reservoirs of other microorganisms (e.g., Histoplasma, Legionella) exist;
An Exposure Pathway:
An exposure pathway is likely; and
Illness and Symptoms:
Evaluating the Source
A physician has diagnosed a building-related illness or building
occupants are suffering from symptoms consistent with exposure to the potential source
A serious hazard can only be determined to exist if the workplace exhibits one of the potential
sources of microbiological contamination listed in Table A-1 in this appendix. Consideration
should be made of the possible extent of contamination. Small areas of contamination (i.e., traces
of mold on a wall or ceiling tile) may not necessarily warrant classification as a serious hazard
(although it may a superficial indicator of hidden problems), as opposed to a contaminated air
plenum or an extensively water-damaged wall.
Normally, mold contamination is easily recognizable due to moldy odors and their unique visual
characteristics. If it is necessary to confirm the presence of molds at the source, it may be
appropriate to take “Scotch tape” samples of the affected area (see Appendix B for more details).
Other specialized sampling may be required if Legionella or any other pathogenic (disease-
causing) microorganism is suspected. Contact the DOSH laboratory for assistance.
Evaluating the Potential for an Exposure Pathway
Bioaerosol sampling has been used by many investigators to demonstrate the existence of
exposure pathways. However, the numerous technical limitations and difficulties associated with
this method make the sampling results extremely difficult to interpret. In general, bioaerosol
sampling should not be performed, unless there are special circumstances that warrant this
The IH should qualitatively evaluate factors such as the magnitude and proximity of the
contaminated materials and potential exposure pathways. See Table A-1 in this appendix for
potential sources and pathways for consideration.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 7 of 16
Appendix A - Evaluating Microbiological Contamination (continued)
Evaluating Illnesses and Symptoms:
Examples of illnesses and symptoms consistent with exposure to molds and other
microorganisms are indicated below. The IH must recognize that many of the listed symptoms
are relatively common complaints and are not necessarily reflective of a workplace exposure or
serious illness.
Physician-diagnosed illnesses associated with microbial contamination include:
• Allergic rhinitis or sinusitis
• New-onset asthma
• Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
• Pneumonia
• Fever/flu-like illness
• Recurrent airborne infections
Symptoms associated with microbial contamination include:
• Dry, irritated or sore throat
• Wheezing
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Chronic postnasal drip
• Chronic cough
• Continual throat clearing
• Frontal headaches or facial pain that increases with bending over or straining
• Eustachian tube dysfunction (ear pain)
• Altered hearing, smell and/or taste
• Recurrent fevers or chills in addition to general malaise and muscle aches
Examples of Microbiological IAQ Evaluation Determinations:
The following examples may assist evaluating compliance or consultation industrial hygienists
determine the disposition of typical employee or employer generated complaints or referrals
generated complaints are enforcement issues that may result in an inspection, while
employer generated complaints are consultation issues that may result in a consultation visit).
Example 1 – Triggers an inspection or consultation visit:
The Complaint: A complainant reports that a physician has diagnosed new-onset asthma
in a worker, whose workspace has evidence of chronic water damage, including several
stained ceiling tiles and water-stained walls.
Employee complaint: The complaint results in a compliance inspection if there is also an
apparent or alleged failure on the part of the employer to take appropriate steps to address
the issue.
Employer complaint: The complaint results in a consultation visit.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 8 of 16
Appendix A - Evaluating Microbiological Contamination (continued)
Example 2 – Triggers an inspection or consultation visit:
The Complaint: A complainant reports that several workers are no longer able to tolerate
working in a building. As soon as they come to work, they start to suffer from a variety of
allergic-type symptoms (sneezing, coughing, and headaches). The roof has been leaking
for years and there is evidence of water damage in their workspace carpets are
periodically soaked and ceiling tiles are stained.
Employee complaint: The complaint results in a compliance inspection if there is also an
apparent or alleged failure on the part of the employer to take appropriate steps to address
the issue.
Employer complaint: The complaint results in a consultation visit.
Example 3 – Phone/fax and possibly recommend a qualified independent IH contractor (See
also the DOSH Compliance Manual)
The Complaint: A complainant reports that workers are suffering from a variety of
allergic-type symptoms, but there is no evidence of water intrusion, water damage, or
microbial growth in the building.
Employee Complaint: Compliance generates a letter (with appropriate information and
resource material) to the employer.
Employer Complaint: Consultation sends appropriate information and resource material
to the employer. No letter is required.
Example 4 – No inspection or consultation visit, but possibly recommend use of a qualified
independent IH consultant:
The Complaint: A complainant reports that workers are not feeling well in their building.
There are reports of headaches, metallic taste in the mouth, and muscle aches, but there
are no objective symptoms that can be verified and no evidence of water intrusion, water
damage, or microbial growth in the building.
Employee complaint: Compliance generates a letter (with appropriate information and
resource material) to the employer.
Employer complaint: Consultation sends appropriate information and resource material
to the employer. No letter is required.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 9 of 16
Appendix A - Evaluating Microbiological Contamination (continued)
Table A-1
Potential Sources of Biological Agents or Bioaerosol entry Routes into Buildings
Source/Route Related Factors
Outdoor air intakes (OAIs)
Bioaerosol sources near OAIs (e.g., plant debris, feathers and
bird droppings, insect or rodent infestations, sanitary air vents,
cooling towers or evaporative condensers, standing water);
below-grade OAIs
Dampness; microbial growth on filters; gaps between filters
and housings; low efficiency filters
Heat exchangers
Dirty heating or cooling coils; excessive water in condensate
pans inadequate drainage from collection pans; blow-through
of water droplets onto surfaces downstream of coils; dampness
and microbial growth on acoustical lining; poorly maintained
air washers or humidifiers; stagnant water in air washers or
Supply air plenums and ductwork
Excessive surface deposits; dampness and surface microbial
growth; inaccessible humidifiers
Supply air diffusers
Surface deposits, rust, or microbial growth on louvers; soiling
of adjacent ceilings and walls; poor air mixing
Source/Route Related Factors
Water damage
Evidence or history of plumbing or roof leaks, water intrusion
or spills, high indoor humidity (70%), attempts to clean or
disinfect carpets and other materials, musty or moldy odors
Chronic condensation
Inadequate insulation or intrusion of humid outdoor air that
results in chronic condensation on windows, perimeter walls,
or other cool surfaces
Window air conditioners and evaporative air coolers
Location inconvenient for maintenance; dirty grills; standing
water in condensate pans or sumps; dampness and surface
microbial growth near units
Fan coil and induction units
Dirty heating or cooling coils or filters; excessive water in
condensate pans inadequate drainage from collection pans;
dampness and surface microbial growth near units
Poorly maintained or water-damaged carpet that serve as
sources for dirt accumulation or microbial growth
Fabric office partitions, wall coverings, drapes;
upholstered furniture
Poorly maintained or water-damaged fabric-covered and
upholstered items that serve as sources for dirt accumulation or
microbial growth
Portable (console) humidifiers
Poorly maintained units with microbial growth in the water
reservoirs; spray or mist units
Return air plenums
Excessive surface deposits, dampness, and surface microbial
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 10 of 16
Appendix B
Equipment needed:
Gloves (latex, vinyl, or nitrile)
Sharp permanent marker pen
Glass microscope slides
Transparent tape
When microbial contamination is suspected on a surface, the simplest and most inexpensive
method to confirm the presence of microorganisms and identify fungi (molds) to the genus level
is by transparent tape sampling. The sample is shipped to a qualified mycologist for microscopic
evaluation. The minimum PPE requirement is the use of gloves. If there is any potential for
disturbing the contaminated material, then Tyvek and a 1/2-face respirator with N-95 filters
should be worn also.
A piece of transparent tape 1"-2'' long is taken from the dispenser and lightly pressed against the
contaminated surface. Ensure that powder from the gloves does not stick to the tape in the area
that will be subsequently examined. The tape is then pressed against a clean, lint-free microscope
slide. The slide should then be labeled with the date and other sample ID information.
The DOSH Lab is not set up to do microbial identification and slides must be sent to an outside
private lab. Slides should be mailed promptly.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 11 of 16
Appendix B-1
Every year, DOSH receives numerous inquires and complaints from employees and employers
on the subject of indoor air quality (IAQ) in the workplace. Office buildings and public schools
in particular are common sites of indoor air quality problems. Because DOSH has no specific
regulations for indoor air quality, we are limited in how we can respond to employer requests for
assistance or employee complaints. In most cases, DOSH will not conduct an onsite investigation
unless there is sufficient evidence of exposure to a known chemical, gross mold contamination or
other evidence of exposure to disease-causing microorganisms. However, there is a wealth of
information and guidance available on this subject from EPA and other non-governmental
organizations. A number of consulting engineering firms in the state of Washington also
specialize in solving IAQ problems.
1. What is “indoor air quality”?
Indoor air quality or IAQ refers to the quality of air inside buildings where people work or
live. Air quality can be a problem when there is inadequate fresh air ventilation, when
chemicals are used in the building, when gas furnaces malfunction, when outdoor pollutants
enter fresh air intakes, or when mold or other microorganisms grow inside the building or in
the heating and ventilation system. The term “indoor air quality” is usually used in reference
to non-industrial workplaces, such as office buildings, governmental institutions, hospitals,
libraries, and schools.
2. Does the Dept. of Labor & Industries - DOSH have regulations covering indoor air
DOSH does not have specific regulations that address the general topic of indoor air quality.
DOSH does have specific regulations that prohibit smoking in offices (see question 14).
Other DOSH regulations protect employees from exposures to specific chemicals that can
cause ill effects. These regulations specify concentrations of certain chemicals that must not
be exceeded and are called “permissible exposure limits” (PELs). However, these
permissible exposure limits are usually much higher than levels found in most office
buildings or other non-industrial workplaces.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 12 of 16
Appendix B-1
3. How does DOSH handle employee complaints of indoor air quality problems?
Because DOSH has no general indoor air quality regulation, most complaints of this nature
are not investigated. Instead, the employer is contacted advising them of complaints and
asking them to investigate the situation. Exceptions that would likely initiate an inspection
include complaints of carbon monoxide exposure, exposure to high levels of chemicals
during their use, or evidence of exposure to life-threatening infectious agents like Legionella
(Legionnaire’s disease) or Histoplasma (histoplamosis).
Under certain specific circumstances, an investigation may also be warranted if there is
extensive water damage to a building, gross mold contamination and reports of adverse
health effects associated with mold exposure. See Section V above for more information on
this subject.
4. What help will DOSH provide to employers in solving their IAQ problems?
DOSH Consultation staff can provide some limited assistance. This may include sending out
information, recommending private IAQ consultants, and in some cases conducting an
investigation to look for visible mold contamination or water damage, measuring
temperature, humidity, or measuring carbon dioxide levels as an indicator of the amount of
fresh air ventilation.
5. Will DOSH conduct air monitoring for an indoor air quality problem when requested?
DOSH will not normally conduct air monitoring for chemicals in indoor air quality problem
situations. Past experience in air monitoring has shown that levels of chemicals in the air
rarely exceed current DOSH permissible exposure limits. Exceptions include situations
where there is evidence of employee exposure to carbon monoxide or high levels of other
chemicals being used in the workplace.
Normally, air monitoring for molds or other microorganisms will not be performed because
of technical difficulties associated with this type of sampling and the lack of standards for
levels of mold or mold spores in the air. Instead, DOSH recommends that ongoing sources of
water (roof leaks, leaking pipes) be fixed, mold-contaminated material be removed or
cleaned by qualified personnel, or the pathway between the mold source and building
occupants be identified and removed or blocked.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 13 of 16
Appendix B-1
6. Will DOSH inspect my heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC) to
see if it is operating properly?
will not normally inspect HVAC systems since we do not have regulations regarding
these ventilation systems. Instead, DOSH recommends that qualified HVAC consultants be
contacted for assistance. For a list of environmental consultation firms go to:
7. Where can I get additional information on IAQ problems and how to solve them?There
is a great deal of information and guidance available to assist you in solving IAQ problems.
The following internet sites provide general IAQ information:
EPA Indoor Air Quality homepage at
This website has several publications and guidelines that can be downloaded or ordered.
National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) at or by calling 1- 800-CDC-INFO (800-
232-4636) TTY: (888) 232-6348 • American Lung Association at
Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control. from the American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists. To order a copy, call (513)742-2020or e-mail:
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
at This organization publishes technical documents and standards
on ventilation and indoor air including the ASHRAE standard 62.2-2007, Ventilation for
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise residential buildings.
EPA Tools for Schools. available on the Environmental Protection Agency IAQ website
School Indoor Air Quality Best Management Practices Manual. Published by
Washington Dept. of Health in 2003 and available at
8. What should be done if there is mold contamination at my workplace?
Visible mold contamination should be addressed promptly be either removing contaminated
porous material such as rugs, ceiling tiles or sheetrock or thoroughly cleaning contaminated
hard surfaces such as ductwork, cooling coils in HVAC systems or drip pans. All
investigation and cleanup operations should be conducted in such a manner that
investigators, cleanup personnel and building occupants are not exposed to the contaminated
material. This may require using gloves, coveralls and respirators during removal and
conducting removal work when the building is not occupied and the HVAC system is shut
down. Since mold cannot grow without moisture, all sources of moisture or water leaks must
be stopped or repaired, to prevent contamination from re-occurring.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 14 of 16
Appendix B-1
9. Does DOSH have any requirements for temperature control in offices?
DOSH does not have regulations on temperature in offices. We may conduct an investigation
in workplaces where heat stress (heat exhaustion or heat stroke) has occurred or is a
possibility. This typically will occur only when temperatures are sustained above 90 degrees
F. and employees are physically active on their job. In these cases, heat stress measurements
can be taken with special instruments. If specified levels are exceeded, DOSH may require
that the employer take remedial measures. Similarly, employee exposure to cold
temperatures below freezing may also require remedial measures.
10. Should I be concerned about strong odors from hot tar roofing on my building or a
nearby building?
While hot tar operations can be smelly and even cause adverse symptoms in some people, the
permissible limits are rarely exceeded in offices or workplaces inside the building. For this
reason, DOSH cannot usually direct a tarring crew to cease operations. However, because
fresh air intakes are often on the roof or downwind of the tarring operation, the odors and
fumes can be drawn into the building and affect sensitive individuals. The best solution is to
have the tarring operation done during non-business hours. Another less effective measure
would be to temporarily close down or block the affected fresh air intakes.
11. What should be done during remodeling or construction in my building?
Remodeling or construction conducted in a building while occupied by office workers can
sometimes expose them to significant amounts of dust, noise and chemicals. The operation
should be isolated as much as possible from office workers with temporary barriers. In some
cases exhaust ventilation will be needed in the construction area to remove dust or chemical
vapors. Alternatively, remodeling and construction can be done after hours or on weekends.
Occasionally these operations can expose office workers to levels of contaminants above
their permissible exposure limits. In these cases, if DOSH is asked to investigate either by an
employee complaint or by a request from management, we may require that measures be
implemented to reduce employee exposures.
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 15 of 16
Appendix B-1
12. The new carpet in my office has a strong odor. Is it a health hazard?
While some new carpets can smell strongly after installation, they do not emit gases or
vapors that exceed permissible exposure limits. Some sensitive people however, may be
temporarily affected by the odors. Generally, the odors diminish within a few days or weeks.
If time allows, the carpet can be installed several days prior to occupancy and maximum
fresh air ventilation be provided to reduce odors when employees occupy the building or
room. Low-odor carpets can also be purchased from some manufacturers.
For more information on carpets and carpet adhesives related to indoor air quality, see the
Carpet and Rug Institute webpage at
13. What can I do about airborne contaminants coming into my building or office from
other businesses in my building or adjacent to my building?
The first step is to express your concerns to the manager of the business generating the
contaminants or the building manager or owner. If the company or building owner fails to
take action, you can call the local air pollution authority and ask for their investigation. If an
employee files a complaint with DOSH, an inspector may inspect both your business and the
adjacent business and may require either or both to control their employee exposures to
tobacco smoke or chemicals that exceed permissible exposure limits. In some instances, a
building owner directly in control of activities in the building may be required to control
exposures to building occupants. If an employer asks for assistance from a DOSH consultant,
the consultant may also recommend a course of action to as needed to control employee
exposures. However, if permissible exposure limits are not exceeded, DOSH cannot compel
an employer, adjacent business or building owner or manager to stop or change their
14. Is smoking allowed in workplaces?
DOSH has specific regulations (WAC 296-800-240) which prohibits smoking in offices or
office buildings except in specially ventilated rooms. DOSH has no regulations that limit or
prohibit smoking in workplaces other than offices.
Department of Health (DOH) regulates under RCW 70.160 Smoking in Public Places. RCW
70-160 prohibits smoking with 25ft of any public entrance. For information go to the DOH
Tobacco Prevention and Control website at
15. How Can I contact L&I with questions concerning IAQ?
You can contact your regional office at phone numbers found on the following website:
For further information and a list of private indoor air quality consulting companies go to:
DOSH Directive 10.10 (Updated 1/14/11) Page 16 of 16
Appendix C