Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
1) Briefly describe your company or facility and the nature of your business.
Relevant information includes products or services, general processes used, general
description of raw materials used, wastes generated, size and nature of workforce and
any environmental considerations particular to your site (e.g., located adjacent to river
floodplain, etc.)
Headquartered in Myrtle Beach, S.C., South Carolina Widget Manufacturing (SCWM)
employs 27,108 and operates 25 plants in 21 locations. SCWM manufactures and sells
widgets throughout the country.
Conway Widget Manufacturing facility (CWM) is located at the intersection of
Highways 378 and 501 in Horry County. CWM began production in April 1972. CWM
sits on 188 acres of land and has 1.6 million square feet under roof. With 1250
employees, the facility produces 2.9 million widgets annually. CWM’s main supplier is
the semi finished product plant in Newberry, SC, which supplies metal to CWM.
Conway Widget Manufacturing facility complies with the principles of ISO 14001 and
our site’s environmental policy. These principles ensure that we are responsible stewards
of the land, air and water. CWM’s environmental commitment is outlined in Attachment
1. CWM’s mission statement is outlined in Attachment 2, and a copy of CWM’s ISO
14001certification is provided as Attachment 3.
CWM’s systems meet the widely recognized ISO 9001 standards for quality. In order to
achieve higher levels of process control and reliability, we continually analyze and
improve manufacturing processes to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers.
2.) A brief description of the company’s or facility’s compliance record during the
past five years, noting such things as number of permit exceedances, major violations,
fines (dollar amount), civil penalties, and criminal penalties. Should a notice of
violation be cited please provide a “Root Cause Analysis”, countermeasures taken and
how the violation ultimately affected the environment. Also, included environmental
improvements made during the five-year period and any additional steps taken to
prevent future noncompliance. Provide a list of operating permits including permit
numbers and issuing agencies.
CWM has an excellent compliance history. The widget industry as a whole has taken
huge steps to eliminate its negative environmental impacts. As a member of the Widget
Manufacturers Association, CWM is doing its part to reduce any negative environmental
impact the site may have. CWM has an extensive monitoring and self-auditing process to
assure that the site remains in compliance with all applicable regulations.
CWM has experienced 1 permit exceedance in the past five years. A description of the
incident is provided below: