Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
1) Briefly describe your company or facility and the nature of your business.
Relevant information includes products or services, general processes used, general
description of raw materials used, wastes generated, size and nature of workforce and
any environmental considerations particular to your site (e.g., located adjacent to river
floodplain, etc.)
Headquartered in Myrtle Beach, S.C., South Carolina Widget Manufacturing (SCWM)
employs 27,108 and operates 25 plants in 21 locations. SCWM manufactures and sells
widgets throughout the country.
Conway Widget Manufacturing facility (CWM) is located at the intersection of
Highways 378 and 501 in Horry County. CWM began production in April 1972. CWM
sits on 188 acres of land and has 1.6 million square feet under roof. With 1250
employees, the facility produces 2.9 million widgets annually. CWM’s main supplier is
the semi finished product plant in Newberry, SC, which supplies metal to CWM.
Conway Widget Manufacturing facility complies with the principles of ISO 14001 and
our site’s environmental policy. These principles ensure that we are responsible stewards
of the land, air and water. CWM’s environmental commitment is outlined in Attachment
1. CWM’s mission statement is outlined in Attachment 2, and a copy of CWM’s ISO
14001certification is provided as Attachment 3.
CWM’s systems meet the widely recognized ISO 9001 standards for quality. In order to
achieve higher levels of process control and reliability, we continually analyze and
improve manufacturing processes to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers.
2.) A brief description of the company’s or facility’s compliance record during the
past five years, noting such things as number of permit exceedances, major violations,
fines (dollar amount), civil penalties, and criminal penalties. Should a notice of
violation be cited please provide a “Root Cause Analysis”, countermeasures taken and
how the violation ultimately affected the environment. Also, included environmental
improvements made during the five-year period and any additional steps taken to
prevent future noncompliance. Provide a list of operating permits including permit
numbers and issuing agencies.
CWM has an excellent compliance history. The widget industry as a whole has taken
huge steps to eliminate its negative environmental impacts. As a member of the Widget
Manufacturers Association, CWM is doing its part to reduce any negative environmental
impact the site may have. CWM has an extensive monitoring and self-auditing process to
assure that the site remains in compliance with all applicable regulations.
CWM has experienced 1 permit exceedance in the past five years. A description of the
incident is provided below:
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
October 2008 CWM simultaneously ran 4 boilers on #6 fuel oil. CWM is permitted to
run 3 boilers on #6 fuel oil in order to make sure that there are no violations of the
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). CWM self-reported the violation.
Even though running 4 boilers at a time violated our permit conditions, CWM was able to
demonstrate through computer air modeling that the NAAQS standards were not violated.
Issue was resolved to SCDHEC satisfaction. No fines were assessed .CWM has added an
additional step to their boiler start up procedures to prevent this type of an issue from
happening again.
List of Operating Permits: Permit Number
Hazardous Waste- Large Quantity Generator EPA ID Number SCD00000000
NPDES Stormwater Permit SCR0000000000
Title V Air Permit TV-0000-0000
Conway Widget manufacturing location continues to strive to be a good steward of the
environment. Some of the sites environmental accomplishments and programs are listed
Actively recycling plastic, aluminum, cardboard and paper
62 % Reductions in landfill waste.
Landfill Wastes 98 to 00
Participation in the South Carolina Adopt a Highway Program
Started a scrap metal recycling program. To date have recycled over 20
tons of metals with an overall savings of over $800,000.
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
Funds Recovered From Recycling
98 to 01
3.) Briefly describe any existing site contamination and actions taken to ensure its
containment. Describe the required minimum actions remediate.
4.) A brief description of the organization’s or facility’s environmental
improvements implemented, including goals set to achieve reductions and measurable
results of all projects or processes.
CWM currently recycles 85% of the waste generated at the facility and has a goal to be
zero waste to landfill by year 2015. Over the last two years, CWM has implemented
several water recycling programs such as mop water recycling that is successfully
conserving water and soap while reducing the amount of emulsifiers entering the
waterways. Another goal the facility is working to achieve is to decrease water usage by
another 5% over the next 3 years. Also, CWM plans to switch all lights to more energy
efficient bulbs and fixtures by 2016.
5.) Proof of commitment to environmental excellence. If membership is applied for
under Section A of the Program Requirements, attach documentation from another
environmental program as evidence of commitment to environmental excellence.
Documentation of registration, certification, or active membership must demonstrate
that you are a member in good standing. (Provide enough information about the
program so that consistency with the Program Requirements can be determined.)
Conway Widget Manufacturing facility requests membership under Section A of the
South Carolina Environmental Excellence Program. CWM complies with the principles
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
of ISO 14001 and our site’s environment policy. Currently, annual recertification is
required under the ISO 14001 guidelines. CWM’s environmental commitment is outlined
in Attachment 1. CWM’s mission statement is outlined in Attachment 2, and a copy of
CWM’s Environmental Excellence Plan is provided as Attachment 3.
6.) A brief description of the company’s or facility’s global warming strategy
and measures take to reduce greenhouse gases.
CWM has developed a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for 2005 2007, and will
update this inventory each year going forward. GHG emissions from the facility result
from the combustion of natural gas and other fuels in company equipment. CWM also
causes indirect GHG emissions as a result of electricity use at the facility. The facility
has identified energy usage reduction of 2% as a target and objective for 2008, which will
result in the reduction of direct and indirect GHG emissions. CWM will continue to
include energy usage reduction in its annual targets and objectives in order to continue to
reduce the GHG footprint of the operation.
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
W ork extremely hard towards improvement of everyday
I nform internally and externally
D isposals at landfills will try to be avoided
G reen is the color we are working our way toward for a
better facility
E stablish an annual environmental plan
T ake into account continual improvement and pollution
S tudy and evaluate every emission, discharge and waste
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
CWM Mission Statement
To enhance “good neighbor” relationships through
active participation in our community.
To aggressively address unsafe conditions and actively
develop safe behavior.
To maximize the efficiency, effectiveness and
flexibility or our manufacturing processes through
continual improvement.
To respond to the businesses needs by involving our
people in development opportunities.
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
Attachment # 3
Environmental Management
The Environmental Management Plan is based on the mission, vision, and beliefs of
South Carolina Widget Manufacturing. The plan is designed, taught, implemented,
measured and assessed, changed and improved to provide a safe, functional, and
sustainable environment for our staff and surrounding community.
South Carolina Widget Manufacturing’s environmental policy is supported by the
company’s environmental management system which is the key element of the facilities
efforts to meet or exceed all applicable environmental regulatory requirements as well as
our own environmental management standards; pursue pollution prevention and waste
reduction; encourage reuse and recycling; conserve natural resources; and, incorporate
state of the art environmental practices into our daily operations.
We will accomplish this high standard through integrating environmental management
into our business planning and decision making processes and by setting and tracking
measurable environmental performance goals and objectives.
The environmental management plan is directed by the Environmental Management
Committee which will be appointed by SCWM, will provide leadership, stewardship,
executive direction by establishing policies, setting objectives, and routinely reporting on
the progress toward goals.
The committee will consist of members from:
1. Administration
2. Safety & Environmental Health
3. Nursing Services
4. Engineering Services
5. Lab
6. Public Safety
7. Information Services
8. Purchasing
9. Marketing
10. Shipping
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
The Environmental Management Committee meets periodically throughout the year, and
reports to South Carolina Widget Manufacturing’s Administration on a quarterly basis.
The team is responsible for performing an annual evaluation to review critical events,
develop and evaluate goals, performance standards and progress.
An Environmental Task Force (Green Team) consisting of front line volunteers and key
stakeholders will assume ownership of goals and objectives for specific performance
indicators established by the environmental management committee. (Subcommittees)
The Environmental Health and Safety Office will support each committee, task force,
and subcommittee with research, materials and information contacts.
Environmental Management System Framework
The first step in developing an EMS framework was to articulate the company’s policy
concerning environmental behavior and performance. A copy of the company’s
environmental policy statement defining its commitment to environmental stewardship is
Environmental Key Focus Areas
SustainabilityThe ability of the manufacturer to fulfill its
mission and make decisions to improve the long-term quality,
diversity, and regeneration capacity of the environment, social
and economic systems that support industries activities and
Compliance – Conformance to applicable laws, rules,
regulations, best practices and other standards relevant to
operations and activities of manufacturer.
Stewardship – Lessening overall environmental impact by
developing and promoting practices that maximize beneficial
efforts and minimize harmful effects of operations on the
surrounding environment.
Resource Conservation –Utilizing, conserving, and protecting
our natural resources – land, air, energy, water, and biodiversity
– in ways that ensure long-term social, economic and
5 Key Focus
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
environmental benefits for SCWM today and the shaping of
SCWM for the future.
Education and AwarenessIncreasing staff awareness of
environmental issues; enhancing environmental education and
offerings information on the facilities’ environmental processes
and projects.
Performance Standards and Indicators
Specific performance standards, performance indicators, and metrics will be developed to
assess progress and to review and evaluate management processes and operational
outcomes. Institutionalizing measurement of appropriate indicators and ensuring a liberal
reporting process will enable the company to track its progress with respect to
environmental performance.
Performance Goals Matrix is attached as Appendix A.
Environmental Implementation and Operation
The Environmental Management Committee is responsible for operational control and
responsibility for environmental performance with support and input from administration,
staff, and coordinating departments.
Education and Training
Each department will be responsible for training their staff on environmental awareness
issues and the environmental goals of the organization. The Environmental Health and
Safety office will provide training resources and supplemental training to managers and
Environmental Incident Response Plan
South Carolina Widget Manufacturing’s “Emergency Management Plan” and “Hazardous
Waste Plan” outline steps for taking action to prevent environmental concerns, and
response and corrective procedures to take if and when an environmental incident occurs.
Environmental Communication Plan
The Environmental Health and Safety Office, in partnership with the environmental
management committee, will develop a collaborative communication plan utilizing
bulletin boards, newsletters, intranet sites, screen savers, and staff meetings to highlight
projects and activities associated with achieving continuous improvement in
environmental performance.
Environmental Monitoring and Corrective Action
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
The responsibility for monitoring and measuring environmental performance will be
assigned to each individual that is responsible for a given performance indicator. A
shared file titled “Environmental Management” is set up on our company’s R drive for
storing documentation and performance measuring tools. A quarterly report from the
environmental management committee will be generated and shared with management.
Management Review
The Environmental Management Committee will perform an annual evaluation that
measures the effectiveness of the plan as it relates to its objectives and standards with
regard to the selected performance indicators. This information will be shared with the
environment of care committee, departmental managers, and the facilities’ executive
Management Approval:___________________________
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
South Carolina Widget Manufacturing’s
Sustainability Goals and Responsibility Chart 2007
Appendix A
Means of
Green Purchasing
Use of green
products and
% Of purchasing
dollars spent on
materials and
products meeting at
least 1 EPP
awareness and
knowledge on the
part of staff.
Percent of survey
respondents scoring
above 75% on an
literacy survey
Greenhouse gas
Tons of carbon
dioxide emissions
will be below __ for
the health system
Use of carbon
calculator for the
vehicles, electricity,
and diesel fuel.
Solid Waste
Tons of solid waste
will be less than
1400 for the year
Monitor landfill
weights and convert
to tons
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste
generated will be
less than _____.
Indoor Air Quality
Number of indoor air
quality complaints
will be less than 3.
Number of calls
received by
Employee Health
Pesticide Use
Pounds / Gallons of
Pesticides used
Grounds crews
Water Use
Millions of gallons
used will be less
Monthly usage
figures form
engineering services
Computer and
Electronic Waste
Pounds of
Equipment recycled
per year.
IS destruction and
recycling records.
Recycling Efforts
Increase total
recycling effort of
Documentation from
recycling pick- ups.
Example SCEEP Application with Environmental Management
the faciliies by 15%
over 2005.
Construction Debris
% of Construction
Material recycled.