Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Christina Gradl
CSR Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School
The material in this publication is copyrighted. Quoting, copying, and/or reproducing portions or all
of this work is permitted provided the following citation is used:
Christina Gradl (2013). “Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
–A Case Study." Cambridge, MA: the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by the
John F. Kennedy School of Government, or Harvard University.
This report would not have been possible without the collaboration of a great number of
stakeholders in the Olyset ecosystem, listed on page 33. In particular, the author is grateful for the
ongoing support provided by Lisa Goldman of Sumitomo Chemical.
The author would also like to thank her CSR Initiative colleagues Jane Nelson and Beth Jenkins for
the thoughtful reflection and insightful feedback they provided throughout the research and
writing process.
Finally, the author would like to thank Edouard Barthen for research support.
Written by Christina Gradl
Designed by Alison Beanland
Cover photographs: M. Hallahan/Sumitomo Chemical
© 2013 by the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School
1.1 Malaria – A global disease 11
1.2 A brief history of combating malaria 12
1.3 The market for bednets 16
1.4 Challenges 16
2.1. Olyset Net 18
2.2 The A to Z – Sumitomo Joint Venture 20
2.3 The future of Vector Health International 21
3.1 Beginnings 23
3.2 The Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (TNVS) 24
3.3 More programs 25
3.4 Results 26
4.1 The boundaries of ecosystems change 29
4.2 Combination of structures 30
4.3 Lessons learned 31
A Interviews 33
B Literature 33
C List of abbreviations 35
D Endnotes 36
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
4 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
evelopment challenges, such as tackling poverty
and unemployment; improving food, water and
energy security; increasing access to education,
health care and nutrition; and adapting to climate
change, are notoriously systemic. They have their roots
in public awareness, regulatory and policy frameworks,
social and cultural norms, market dynamics, institutional
capacity, infrastructure, and many other factors that
shape people’s incentives and drive their behavior. And
behind each of these factors is a set of interconnected,
interdependent stakeholders.
Increasingly, the private sector is being recognized by
the development community as a crucial partner in
helping to address these challenges. New technologies,
products and services and more inclusive business
models are helping to improve livelihoods and quality
of life for millions of low-income households while at
the same time improving the efficiency of natural
resource use and decreasing environmental degradation.
Yet, with a few notable exceptions such as the
development of mobile banking, most of these
market-based solutions have not achieved business
growth and development impact at scale. Many are
impeded by a combination of market failures,
governance gaps, insufficient financing, and inadequate
individual and institutional capacity. There is an
enormous need for more collaborative solutions that
leverage the combined resources and capabilities of
business, government and civil society to overcome
these barriers.
In this context, the Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School has
undertaken research on the different strategies and
structures that companies are using to strengthen the
ecosystems around their inclusive business models. We
have looked at three approaches that can help overcome
barriers to scaling these business models:
Private initiative by an individual company along its
own value chain;
Project-based alliances between a company and one
or more other organizations; and
Platforms that are formal networks of potentially
large numbers of players, established for a common
These structures are complementary, and companies
often use them in combination, either sequentially or
simultaneously. The following case study looks at a
private initiative for providing bednets for use against
malaria in Tanzania and the rest of Africa.
Sumitomo Chemical is a leading global chemical
company based in Japan. In 1993, the company
developed a technology whereby insecticide could be
embedded directly in polyethylene fiber. Olyset Net was
born. Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Net (LLIN)
remain effective in killing mosquitoes for five years or
longer. With this technology, Sumitomo Chemical was
confronted with a fascinating opportunity and a new
responsibility: it could make a significant contribution
to fighting malaria, a disease that kills approximately
one million people every year.
Sumitomo Chemical decided to use this opportunity
to empower a local ecosystem for net production in
Tanzania. As part of a joint venture in 2007, it
transferred the technology royalty-free to A to Z Textile
Mills Ltd., a local producer already engaged in the
manufacturing of bednets. Demand for bednets soared
as donors made the fight against malaria a priority. A
new factory in Arusha can produce 30 million nets per
year and employ 7,500 people. Through awareness-
raising campaigns, Sumitomo Chemical also invested
in increasing the demand for and use of bednets
globally. After donors had achieved their coverage goals
and faced budget constraints as a result of the global
financial crisis, demand for bednets fell drastically. The
company and its local partner A to Z Textile Mills Ltd.
are currently at an inflection point. How can they use
the production capacities to keep the thousands of
people employed? Is there a way to reinvigorate demand
from end consumers?
The Olyset case study shows, above all, the complexity
of strengthening inclusive business ecosystems. In
particular, it shows the limitations of private initiative
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 5
in this endeavor. Much of the inclusive business
literature is based on an implicit premise that the
government is absent in the markets of the poor and
that these markets are largely informal. In the market
for bednets, however, governments and donors are the
most important and influential players. Fighting
malaria is a public health concern both locally and
globally. Changing policies from governments and
donors can rapidly alter the conditions for companies in
this market.
The case study raises more questions than it can answer.
This is a good thing: it provides food for thought and
discussion on the interplay between public and private
actors in strengthening inclusive business ecosystems.
Sumitomo Chemical, we believe, is a particularly
interesting example to advance our understanding of
the strengths and limitations of both public and private
actors in creating markets and addressing social
problems. The joint venture between Sumitomo
Chemical and A to Z Textiles Ltd. was hailed as a
landmark example for inclusive business when it was
created a few years ago. It is also an example for how
public procurement can stimulate job creation, capacity
building and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa.
We hope that this case study can open up new
perspectives on public-private collaboration in inclusive
business ecosystems.
Since it was founded in 2003, the CSR Initiative at
Harvard Kennedy School has worked to bridge theory
and practice in the field of multi-stakeholder
partnerships. This case is part of a series focused on
collaboration between business and other sectors to
drive systemic change. Our goal is to learn in real time
how a new generation of collaborative initiatives
designed for systemic change and scale are mobilized,
and how they work. We hope others will benefit from
the experiences of these initiatives and be able to
accelerate their own progress in developing models that
achieve both business benefit and development impact
through tackling some of the world’s most pressing
development challenges.
Jane Nelson
Director, CSR Initiative
Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government
Harvard Kennedy School
6 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Case Study Background
This case study is part of a Harvard Kennedy School CSR
Initiative workstream on systemic approaches to creating
business opportunity and development impact at scale.
An initial framing paper, Tackling Barriers to Scale:
rom Inclusive Business Models to Inclusive Business
Ecosystems, was published in September 2011.
This document is one of three in-depth case studies to
generate knowledge and provide practical guidance on
what such systemic approaches look like and how to
structure and implement them.
Inclusive business includes people living in poverty into
the value chain as producers, consumers, employees
and business partners. Inclusive business ecosystems
are the communities or networks of interconnected,
interdependent players whose actions determine whether
or not a particular companys inclusive business model
will succeed. These players typically include individuals,
companies, governments, intermediaries, NGOs, public
and private donors, and others.
Broadening the focus from developing inclusive business
models to strengthening inclusive business ecosystems,
the research suggests, helps companies deal more
efficiently and effectively with the widespread challenges
in the slums and villages where the poor reside.
Companies use a variety of strategies to strengthen the
ecosystems around their inclusive business models.
These include awareness-raising and capacity-building,
research, information-sharing, public policy dialogue,
and creating new organizations.
Companies execute these strategies using three structures
to harness the necessary resources and capabilities and
overcome the incentive problems inherent in coordination
and cooperation: 1) private initiative by an individual
company, 2) project-based alliances and 3) platforms.
This case study explores an example of a private initiative.
Private initiative by an individual company is the default
structure for firms seeking to strengthen their inclusive
business ecosystems, because it enables them to move
quickly with fewer transaction costs. It presumes sufficient
resources and the necessary capabilities, and typically
works best when incentive problems are limited to the
company and its direct customers and suppliers – and can
be addressed through payment and certification systems
already embedded in the business model.
umitomo Chemical and its activities around Long-Lasting
Insecticide-Treated Nets (LLINs) was chosen as a case study
because it highlights the challenges and limitations of an
ecosystem approach. The Japanese chemical company has
developed a technology that maintains such nets as
effective and intact for more than five years. To enable
production of nets in Africa, where the need for them was
greatest, Sumitomo Chemical transferred the technology
to A to Z Textile Mills Ltd., a manufacturer in Tanzania.
The joint venture quickly scaled up to 7,500 employees,
producing much of the global supply of mosquito nets
for the ongoing Universal Coverage Campaign. But with
increasing competition and decreasing donor funding
for nets, the joint venture is now struggling to keep
employees at work. At the same time, Sumitomo Chemical
is engaged on the global level in raising awareness for
LLINs. The limitations of private initiative to strengthen
inclusive business ecosystems are clearly the boundaries
set by the public sector. The challenge confronting
Sumitomo Chemical is to navigate the complex ecosystem
around LLINs, which is at once global and local, public and
private, and stay abreast of changes in the ecosystem.
The research sought to generate insight into the following
How can private initiatives strengthen inclusive business
ecosystems? Where are the limitations?
How can private initiatives be combined with other
structures to strengthen inclusive business ecosystems?
This case study was conducted between June and
September 2011, including on-site interviews in Tanzania
between August 28 and September 12. Tanzania was
selected as a site for field research since several examples
of inclusive business ecosystem development had been
identified there.
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 7
Executive Summary
The global LLIN ecosystem
Malaria is still a major cause of illness and death in
developing countries around the world. Approximately
half of the world's population is at risk of malaria,
especially children under age 5 and pregnant women.
Nearly one million people died of the disease in 2008,
mostly children living in Africa. Malaria is caused by
parasites that are spread to people through the bites of
infected Anopheles mosquitoes, called malaria
vectors”, which bite mainly between dusk and dawn.
Malaria is a preventable disease. “Vector control”,
eliminating or keeping away the mosquitos that
transmit the disease, can help prevent infections. Today,
the main instruments for vector control are
Indoor-Residual Spraying (IRS), where walls are
sprayed with insecticide, and the use of Long-Lasting
Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs), a special type of
bednet that contains insecticide and does not need to be
After a failed elimination program in the mid-20th
century, malaria came back on the global agenda in the
1990s, after a dramatic increase in malaria mortality
and morbidity. In 1998, the WHO, UNICEF, UNDP
and the World Bank launched the Roll Back Malaria
Partnership (RBM) as a global framework to
implement coordinated action against malaria.
Subsequently, a series of global goals to reduce the
burden of malaria were announced, from halving
malaria mortality by 2010 to universal coverage of all
beds with nets by 2010 to achieving near-zero mortality
from malaria by 2015.
As a result, international funding for malaria control
rose steeply. Disbursements reached their highest ever
levels in 2009 at US$ 1.5 billion. The Global Fund to
Fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, launched
in 2002, is by far the biggest donor, having disbursed
almost US$ 1 billion in 2009 alone. The US President's
Malaria Initiative and the World Bank also provide
significant funding.
Donors spent much of their budget on procuring and
disbursing LLINs. By the end of 2010, approximately
289 million LLINs had been delivered to sub-Saharan
Africa, enough to cover 76% of the 765 million persons
at risk. All LLINs procured under these schemes have to
be certified by the WHO. In 2011, donors had
achieved the goals defined by the Universal Coverage
Campaign, and funds available reduced drastically, also
as a result of the global economic crisis.
The results of the global campaign have been
significant: A total of 11 countries in Sub-Sahara Africa
showed a reduction of more than 50% in either
confirmed malaria cases or malaria admissions and
deaths in recent years. The challenge will be to keep up
this level of control. Nets will need to be replaced soon.
In addition, resistance of mosquitoes against
pyrethroids, the only insecticide class currently used for
LLINs, is increasing fast.
8 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Sumitomo Chemical’s role in the global
LLIN ecosystem
Sumitomo Chemical is a leading global chemical
company. Its customers are almost exclusively
businesses that buy inputs for their production.
Sumitomo became involved in the fight against
malaria because it had developed a superior
technology for Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) in
1993. Olyset Net is a LLIN that remains effective in
killing mosquitoes for five years or longer.
For Sumitomo Chemical, Olyset Net, though rather
small in terms of revenue, is a critical CSR activity. It
allows the company to show the social value of its
products in a very tangible way. Therefore, Sumitomo
Chemical is not just producing the nets, but is
investing significant resources in promoting its net
technology and malaria prevention in general around
the world. Among other initiatives, it supports
Malaria No More and, in partnership with the Royal
Commonwealth Society (RCS), launched the Me
and My Net” competition. Moreover, dedicated staff
represent Sumitomo Chemical in the global discourse
around net provision.
Olyset Net was the first net that received WHO
Pesticides Evaluation Scheme (PES) certification in
October 2001. Consequently, WHO asked Sumitomo
Chemical to increase the capacity for producing
LLINs to meet the surging demand from international
donor agencies and funds. The company found
partners in China and Vietnam to produce nets, and
others in Kenya, Malawi and Ethiopia to do the
Sumitomo Chemical felt that nets should be produced
where they were most needed, in Africa. In this way,
production would also create jobs and income for
local people. In 2003, the company entered into a
partnership with A to Z Textile Mills Ltd. to produce
Olyset Net in Arusha, Tanzania. It transferred the
technology royalty-free and helped with the setup of
the production. In 2007, the two companies created
the joint venture Vector Health International
(VHI). A new factory was built that employs 7,500
people and has the capacity to produce 30 million nets
per year.
After some years of quick scale up and enormous sales,
the joint venture is now at an inflection point. Today,
10 manufacturers are certified by WHO, and so
competition has increased. Because tenders define only
a minimum durability of three years and usually take
the cost of production as the price criterion, the two
competitive advantages of VHI’s Olyset Nets
longevity and local production in Africa are not being
considered, which makes it increasingly hard to win
tenders. In September 2011, ordering books were
empty and machines were standing still, also due to
energy scarcity in Tanzania.
In order to use the production capacities, Sumitomo
Chemical decided to actively create new markets. It has
just launched Olyset Net on the commercial market in
Kenya, where the net is now available in all sales
channels. It has installed a machine to recycle the nets
at VHI. Finally, the company has entered into a new
joint venture with A to Z, where both companies are
establishing a research site in Arusha. Among other
things, the facility will develop new net technology with
new insecticides to counter looming resistance.
Global policies and the local LLIN
ecosystem in Tanzania
Sumitomo Chemical entered the market in Tanzania
with the joint venture with the intention to build local
capacity for LLIN production. Tanzania was also the
arena for the global debate among proponents of free
net distributions and those defending the power of
market forces and sales of nets. Tanzania thus provides
an interesting case study for how global policies can
affect local markets and companies.
From 1998, public health NGO Population Services
International (PSI) started a multi-year social marketing
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 9
campaign to develop a commercial market for nets. As a
result, Tanzania became the biggest producer of
insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), the predecessor technology
to LLINs, with four local manufacturers. 20,000 retailers
sold the nets to customers, who bought them for around
US$ 3
. In 2004, 3.3 million nets were sold.
In 2004, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
under the National Malaria Control Programme
initiated the Tanzania National Voucher Scheme
(TNVS). The scheme provides a subsidized net to all
pregnant women and their infants. This subsidy further
stimulated the commercial market. In 2009, the TNVS
was readjusted to ensure that women had to pay no
more than US$ 0.3 per net. To implement the complex
control system required by this new policy, LLINs had
to be produced and distributed by just one
manufacturer, VHI. This change effectively left the
three other manufacturers without business, since
without LLIN technology, they could not compete on
the global market. In addition to the TNVS, two
campaigns for free distribution of nets were
implemented from 2008 to 2011, the Under-five Catch
Up Campaign and the Universal Coverage Campaign.
In total, 25.3 million free nets were handed out to
Tanzanians, a population of 44 million, as part of these
campaigns. As a result of these interventions, the
commercial market for nets has completely dried up.
VHI has become a very important player in this local
ecosystem. It is the sole provider of nets to the national
voucher scheme. Some donors even started to worry
that its position was too strong for the local market.
With 7,500 employees, A to Z Textile Mills Ltd.
became one of Tanzanias largest employers. Yet, the
success of A to Z Textile Mills Ltd./VHI depends to a
great degree on global policies which it is unable to
influence. While global, local and corporate priorities
seemed to be aligned at one point, this alignment has
been lost over time. The global LLIN campaigns
resulted in good coverage for the moment, but have
been unable to strengthen local ecosystems that would
maintain these high levels. As a result, Sumitomo
Chemical’s effort to build local capacities and thus
strengthen local ecosystems might not reap the social
and economic benefits that were intended.
Systemic change approach and
Sumitomo Chemical found itself stretched between the
global and the local ecosystem for LLINs. On the global
level, donors were keen to scale up production and
increase competition for nets. On the local level, the
production partnership with A to Z increased market
power of A to Z to the degree that global donors were
concerned about it. At the same time, local policies
drove other competitors out of the market, and the lack
of global funds led to local problems when orders did
not come any more. What was the role for the chemical
company in strengthening this ecosystem?
The case of Sumitomo Chemical shows the limitations
for companies in actively shaping inclusive business
ecosystems. Most of the unavoidable limits for
companies to shape the ecosystem around them are
defined by the public sector. By coordinating the
multiple players in a sector or around an issue,
companies partially take on public responsibilities. This
happens when there is a certain public void when
government is either not functional or not interested.
This is precisely why ecosystem change is so important
for inclusive business, especially business in the context
of slums and villages, where government is often rather
absent. In a situation where the public sector is stepping
up and clearly leading the way, companies can only act
on the execution level and provide their inputs to the
policy makers.
Even in situations where the public sector is strong,
companies can play an important role in strengthening
the ecosystem within the boundaries of the political
framework. Sumitomo Chemical provided its technology
royalty-free to A to Z Textile Mills in order to build
local production capacity for the nets that would
mainly be used in Africa. It thus helped to bring
another player into the picture, which might not have
10 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
been able to participate otherwise, and created jobs and
income opportunities in Tanzania. Through its
project-based alliances, it helps to raise awareness for
vector control globally. Finally, its active involvement
on the global issue platforms makes sure the private
sectors concerns, from tendering policies to resistance
and recycling, are heard and influence the public
Sumitomo Chemical maintains an ongoing
commitment to strengthening the LLIN ecosystem.
However, the company wants to learn how better to
navigate the complex LLIN ecosystem. How can the
company balance the demands of global and local
stakeholders? How can the different interests of
Sumitomo Chemical and A to Z Textile Mills be
aligned under the joint venture? The case study shows
that combining structures for strengthening ecosystems
is not without challenges. Though the diverse
stakeholders and frameworks may be aligned at one
point in time, alignment can be lost over time as
framework conditions change.
The case study of Sumitomo Chemical and the LLIN
market highlights the challenges as well as the potential
of strengthening ecosystems through private initiatives.
Technology transfers and the accompanying capacity
building can lift local companies in developing
countries into the league of global players, creating
employment and economic opportunity. By providing
evidence of the positive impact of such initiatives,
companies can make the case toward public agencies to
revise their procurement policies and support similar
initiatives. Sumitomo Chemical has only started to get
more engaged into discussions with donors about these
issues. The example of VHI may well influence donors
approach the procurement of LLINs and other goods in
the future.
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 11
1.1 Malaria – A global disease
Malaria is still a major cause of illness and death in
developing countries around the world. In 2010, the
WHO counted 216 million cases of malaria. 655,000
people died of the disease that year, mostly children
living in Africa. In Africa, a child dies every minute of
malaria. The disease accounts for 22% of all childhood
Malaria also causes significant economic losses. The
WHO estimates that gross domestic product (GDP)
can decrease by as much as 1.3% in countries with high
levels of transmission. The health costs of malaria
include both personal and public expenditures on
prevention and treatment. In some heavy-burden
countries, the disease accounts for up to 40% of public
health expenditures, 30% to 50% of inpatient hospital
admissions, and up to 60% of outpatient health clinic
visits. Malaria disproportionately affects poor people
who cannot afford prevention and treatment or have
limited access to health care.
Malaria is caused by
Plasmodium parasites.
The parasites are
spread to people
through the bites of
infected Anopheles
mosquitoes, called malaria vectors.” They bite mainly
between dusk and dawn. Symptoms appear seven days
or more after the infective mosquito bite. The first
symptoms fever, headache, chills and vomiting may
be mild and difficult to recognize as malaria. If not
treated within 24 hours, malaria can progress to severe
illness, often leading to death.
Approximately half of the world’s population is at risk
of malaria. In 2008, malaria was present in 108
countries and territories. Especially at risk are children
under age 5 who have not yet developed immunity
against the most severe forms of the disease. Malaria
infection during pregnancy results in high rates of
miscarriage and low birth weight as well as maternal
1 The global LLIN ecosystem
Figure 1. Malaria prevalence around the world
High global deaths
Low global deaths
Malaria free
Picture 1. Anopheles mosquito
©James Gathany
Source: World Malaria Report 2008, Geneva: WHO (2006 data)
12 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
1.2 A brief history of combating malaria
Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease. Vector
control,” i.e. eliminating or keeping away the
mosquitoes who transmit the disease, can help prevent
infections. A variety of medicines have been developed
over the years to treat those who fall sick.
In the mid-19th century, malaria was endemic in most
regions of the world, affecting about 90% of the world’s
population. After successful efforts to reduce malaria
with DDT beginning in 1945, the 8th World Health
Assembly launched the Global Malaria Eradication
campaign for most malarious countries in 1955. The
countries of sub-Saharan Africa were excluded, since
eradication did not yet seem in reach. The main
approach to malaria eradication was indoor residual
spraying (IRS), primarily with DDT. In all, 37 of the
143 countries that were endemic in 1950 were free of
malaria by 1978, of which 27 were in Europe or the
Americas. The effort helped to reduce malaria in almost
all targeted countries. However, some of the countries
were unsuccessful in interrupting transmission. Basic
health services were not widespread enough, and
funding was lacking. By 1973, it was concluded that in
some countries a time-limited eradication program was
impracticable, and strategies were shifted into long-term
integrated control programs.
The Global Malaria
Eradication campaign was abandoned. Little attention
was paid to malaria over the subsequent years.
Malaria mortality and morbidity began to increase again
in the 1980s. Parasites and vectors had become resistant
to the current anti-malarial drugs and insecticides. At
the same time, traditional malaria control programs
weakened, along with the health systems in which they
were embedded. This dramatic increase led to the
adoption of the Global Malaria Control Strategy in
1992. In 1998, WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the
World Bank launched the Roll Back Malaria (RBM)
The RBM Partnership is a global framework to
implement coordinated action against malaria through
resource mobilization and consensus building. It
comprises more than 500 partners, including
malaria-endemic countries, development partners, the
private sector, nongovernmental and community-based
organizations, foundations, and research and academic
It is hosted by WHO. WHO provides
general guidance for malaria control and treatment
policies and interventions.
Table 1. Main malaria interventions
ector control
Insecticide-Treated Nets In addition to keeping mosquitos away, ITNs kill mosquitos resting on them. Since the mosquitoes
(ITNs) feed at night, nets mostly hang above the bed and cover it completely. Long-lasting insecticide
treated nets (LLINs) already contain and release the insecticide,so they don't have to be treated
separately with it.
Indoor Residual Spraying Interior walls of homes in malaria affected areas are sprayed with insecticide.
(IRS) The insecticide kills mosquitos that rest on the wall.
Intermittent preventive To avoid infection during pregnancy, pregnant women receive at least two preventive
treatment for pregnant treatment doses of an effective antimalarial drug during routine prenatal clinic visits.
women (IPTp)
Artemisinin-based Artemisinin is currently the most effective drug against malaria. The WHO recommends using it in
Combination Treatment combination with other antimalarials, in order to avoid the development of drug resistance
(ACT) against artemisinin.
Source: Author
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 13
igure 2. Evolution of malaria mortality globally
Figure 3. History of malaria eradication and control programs and targets
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990
Goals (2015)
Bill and Melinda Gates
Calls for eradication of malaria
Global Malaria Action Plan
The GMAP provides a
global blueprint for control,
elimination and eventual
eradication of malaria
UN Secretary-General calls
for Universal Coverage
UN Secretary-General Ban
Ki-Moon appoints UN Special
Envoy for Malaria and calls for
universal coverage of malaria
interventions by end-2010
UNITAID (2006)
World Bank Booster
Programme (2005)
US President’s Malaria
Initiative (2005)
The Abuja Declaration
African leaders
committed to halving
malaria mortality by 2010
Amsterdam Ministerial
Conference on Malaria
Declaration of moving to
a malaria “control” strategy
Global Malaria
Eradication Era
Achieved much success
outside of the tropics but
abandoned with failing
insecticides, concerns
over drug resistance and
Roll Back Malaria Partnership
(1998) WHO, UNICEF, World Bank,
UNDP create partnership with the
goal of halving malaria deaths by
2000 and halving again by 2015
RBM Goals (2015)
1900 1920 1940 1960 20001980
Annual deaths (million)
Treatment: Quinine only
Heavy use of DDT spraying
Drug resistance growing
China and NE Asia
S Asia and Middle East
The Americas
Source: R. Carter and K. Mendis (2002) Evolutionary and historical aspects of the burden of malaria. Clinical
Microbiological Reviews 15 (4), p. 564-594
Source: Roll Back Malaria Partnership (2011) A Decade of Partnership and Results
Source: R. Carter and K. Mendis (2002) Evolutionary and historical aspects of the burden of malaria.
Clinical Microbiological Reviews 15 (4), p. 564-594
Funding Procurement
14 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
International attention for malaria increased in
subsequent years. The United Nations’ Millennium
Development Goals call for halting and reversing the
incidence of malaria by 2015. In the Abuja Declaration
in 2000, African leaders affirmed their commitment to
halving malaria mortality by 2010. In April 2008, the
UN Secretary General called for universal coverage by
the end of 2010 to halt malaria deaths. The table below
summarizes the international targets.
Figure 4. Important global actors to fight malaria and their roles
Table 2. International goals to control malaria
2015 (established in the Millennium
(established at the 2000 Abuja Summit)
2010 targets
(established in the 2005 RBM Partnership
Global Strategic Plan 2005-2015)
Universal coverage target
(established in the 2008 RBM Partnership
Global Malaria Action Plan)
(established in 2011 by WHO)
Vector control
> 60%
> 60%
Burden of
Halve the spread of
Halve malaria mortality
between 2000 and 2010
Halve the malaria burden
between 2000 and 2010
Near zero mortality
Guidance on control and treatment policies and approaches
Certification of LLINs through WHOPES
Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM)
esource mobilization and consensus building
00 partners from all sectors
Fostering competition
nd ensuring funding
for ACTs
Malaria No More
Nothing But Nets
United Against
Affordable Medicines
Facility Malaria (AMFm)
egotiating ACT prices
(among others) procurement
World Bank
S$ 760 mn 2005-2011
President’s Malaria
Initiative (PMI)
US$ 1.2 bn 2005-2010
Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS,
Malaria and Tuberculosis
US$ 1 bn in 2009
Intermittent treatment
for pregnant women
> 60%
Source: Author
Sources: RBM Partnership, Global Malaria Action Plan, 2008.14 RBM Partnership, Global Strategic Plan 2005-2015, 2005.15 African Summit on Roll
Back Malaria, The Abuja Declaration and Plan for Action, 2000.16 UN Statistics Division, 2011.17 Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Special
Envoy for Malaria, 2009.18.
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 15
As a result of the increased attention, international
funding for malaria control has risen steeply in the past
decade. Disbursements reached their highest ever levels
in 2009 at US$ 1.5 billion, but new commitments for
malaria control stagnated in 2010.
The Global Fund to
fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis was set up in
2002 as an innovative mechanism to pool donor
funding. The Global Fund is by far the biggest donor,
having disbursed almost US$ 1 billion in 2009 alone.
The US President’s Malaria Initiative ranks second,
having committed US$ 1.2 billion from 2005 to 2010.
The third biggest donor is the World Bank, having
committed more than US$ 760 million since 2005. All
funding is provided to governments of malaria-endemic
countries. The Global Fund alone had procured and
delivered over 100 million mosquito nets, and a similar
number of ACT malaria treatment courses, by the end
of 2010.
The increased financing resulted in significant progress
in vector control. By the end of 2010, approximately
289 million ITNs had been delivered to sub-Saharan
Africa, enough to cover 76% of the 765 million persons
at risk. WHO estimates that 42% of households in
Africa owned at least one ITN in mid-2010, and that
35% of children slept under an ITN. IRS programs
increased the number of people protected in
sub-Saharan Africa from 13 million in 2005 to 75
million in 2009.
The health benefits have been considerable. A total of 11
countries in sub-Sahara Africa showed a reduction of
more than 50% in either confirmed malaria cases or
malaria admissions and deaths in recent years. WHO
estimates that the number of cases of malaria rose from
233 million in 2000 to 244 million in 2005 but
decreased to 225 million in 2009. The low absolute
decrease is explained by the high level of population
growth. In Africa, population grew by 28% between
2000 and 2009.
The number of deaths due to malaria
is estimated to have decreased by 20%, from 985,000
in 2000 to 655,000 in 2010.
As the era of ready funding for Universal Coverage
Campaigns comes to an end, and budgetary constraints
of donor countries as a result of the ongoing global
financial crisis, contributions to the Global Fund
decreased significantly. As a result, funding round 11
was cancelled. At the moment, it is unclear how funding
for malaria programs will continue.
Figure 5. international donor disbursements to
malaria endemic countries, 2000–2009
Figure 6. Cumulative number of ITNs distributed in
sub-Saharan Africa, 2000-2009
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Disbursements US$ millions
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Manufacturer deliveries
NCP distribution
Number of ITNs (in millions)
Source: RBM (2011b) Source: WHO 2010 World Malaria Report
16 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
1.3 The market for bednets
Insecticide treated nets form an essential part of current
malaria control efforts. Bed nets have proved effective
in reducing the prevalence of the disease. Together with
IRS, insecticide treated nets (ITNs) became the main
element of global prevention strategies.
In 2000, delegates at the African Summit on Roll Back
Malaria in Abuja, Nigeria proposed expanding ITN use.
Starting from close to zero, they set a target of 60%
coveragefor all pregnant women and children by 2005.
Between 2002 and 2005, there was a 10-fold increase
in the coverage of ITNs in more than 14 sub-Saharan
countries, largely attributed to the distribution of
subsidized or free ITNs to pregnant women and
children. Still, by 2005 fewer than 5% of eligible
children slept under ITNs.
Distributing nets to people in rural areas of sub-Saharan
Africa was a challenge. An even bigger challenge was
to provide them with retreatment kits periodically.
Since kits were expensive, there was little demand and
hence retailers would not stock them. Raising peoples
awareness on the need for nets and how to use them was
also difficult. Most people did not see malaria as an
issue, because they had become (partially) immune to it.
Originally, users had to wash and treat ITNs with
insecticide. Nets were made out of polyester and came
packaged with an insecticide sachet. ITNs had to be
retreated every six months. A sachet for the treatment
cost US$ 1.20 very expensive for most people in
The development of LLINs addressed many of
the shortcomings of conventional ITNs. LLINs are
pre-treated with insecticides, they last for at least three
years without retreatment. Today, most of the nets that
are being used as part of the global fight against malaria
are LLINs.
The market for bed nets, and LLINs specifically, is
completely dominated by the public buyers, i.e.
governments and donors. At least in sub-Saharan Africa,
few nets are bought by private end consumers. Public
buyers have to rely on the evaluation of WHO for their
purchasing decision. All donors make it a requirement
that ITNs comply with WHO specifications. Hence,
only LLINs recommended by the WHO Pesticide
Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) can apply for tenders.
WHOPES evaluates pesticide-based health commodities
intended for public health programs.
In 2010, seven manufacturers supplied almost all the
ITNs in Africa: Vestergaard-Frandsen, Sumitomo/A-Z,
Clarke, BASF, Tana Netting, and Yorkool. Almost all
ITNs distributed are LLINs.
Vestergaard-Frandsen and
Sumitomo/A-Z share the greatest part of the market,
with Vestergaard-Frandsen clearly in the lead.
1.4 Challenges
The Global Fund sees the goals of the universal coverage
campaign as widely achieved. Even though not all
sleeping places have been covered with a net, scale up
has worked fast.
However, in November 2011, round
11 of the Global Fund’s funding cycle was delayed
indefinitely due to resource constraints. Experts are
debating how best to best keep coverage high.
The lifespan of LLIN is currently at least, but not
necessarily more than, 3 years. The nets delivered now
will soon be due for replacement, and some already are.
WHO warns: “Failure to replace these nets could lead to
a resurgence of malaria cases and deaths.”
Picture 2. Mother with children under an LLIN in Kenya
© M.Hallahan, Sumitomo Chemical-Olyset Net
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 17
d o
f v
l a
t th
e G
l M
g in
g l
f resistance in ne
WHO intends to
a global s
ategy to tack
le the p
roblem by the end
2011. Fo
r n
ow, it reco
ds ro
g in
secticides fo
. But ul
y, e
y n
ew cl
s of i
in particul
ar fo
r I
Ns, are needed.
Figure 7. Resistance to pyrethoid in Africa
Source: WHO
18 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
umitomo Chemical is a leading global chemical
company. Its customers are almost exclusively
businesses that buy inputs for their production.
Sumitomo became involved in the fight against malaria
in 1993, when Dr. Takaaki Ito and Takeshi Okuno (of
Sumitomo Chemical) developed Olyset Net. Insecticide
was embedded in the polyethlylene fiber net, and was
slowly released over time. The net remained effective at
killing mosquitoes for at least five years. Olyset Nets
thus provided a solution to the enormous procurement
and distribution challenge that came with the global
campaign to fight malaria using bed nets. By using
long-lasting nets, these campaigns could be much more
effective. In response to global demand Sumitomo
Chemical took its responsibility seriously and stepped
up production of Olyset Nets. It also became an active
contributor to the global campaigns to raise awareness
for malaria protection. Moreover, the company created
a joint venture with A to Z Textile Mills to produce
Olyset Nets in Tanzania. Over the years, Sumitomo
Chemical learned to navigate the complex and
changing ecosystem of the market for LLINs.
Sumitomo Group is one of the largest industrial groups
in Japan. Like the Toyota group or Mitsubishi, it is a
Keiretsu, a consortium of interlocking businesses,
including banking, trading, electronics, cars (Mazda)
and many other activities. The group was founded in
about 1615 by Masatomo Sumitomo, a former
Buddhist priest. Even today, the company management
is guided by his “Founder’s Precepts.”
Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited, was founded
in 1913 in order to produce agricultural fertilizer. It has
since expanded into many other areas of chemical
production, including plastics, pharmaceuticals, and
crop protection. It is one of the world’s leading
companies for insect control, and its chemicals are
ingredients for insect repellents and mosquito coils.
In 2010, the company counted sales of approximately
US$ 26 billion and almost 30,000 employees.
2.1 Olyset Net
Sumitomo Chemical developed Olyset Net in 1993.
The inventors, Dr. Ito and Mr. Okuna, had already
experimented with other applications of fusing resins
and insecticides, such as window screens.
mosquito net was a natural next step. The nets are
produced out of polyethylene fiber containing the
insecticide permethrin, which is slowly released over
time. Hence, the nets dont need to be retreated with
insecticide and remain effective for at least 5 years, in
practice 7 years or more.
The invention of Olyset Net became even more
relevant when global efforts to control malaria
reawakened with the foundation of Roll Back Malaria
in 1998. Olyset Nets had also been used in the Japanese
government’s vector control initiative in developing
countries. When WHO recommended ITNs as a
strategy to keep malaria at bay, Sumitomo Chemical
submitted the product for certification with WHO. In
October 2001, it became the first LLIN recommended
To meet the surging demand from international donor
agencies and funds, WHO subsequently asked
Sumitomo Chemical to increase the capacity for
producing LLINs. Until then, Sumitomo had produced
the net in Japan. In addition to capacity constraints, high
labor costs rendered the end product very expensive.
Sumitomo was looking for production partners in
countries with cheaper labor costs. It found a partner in
China, and produced 3 million nets in 2003.
2 Sumitomo Chemical’s role in the global
LLIN ecosystem
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 19
When Hiromasa Yonekura, Chairman of Sumitomo
Chemical, attended the World Economic Forum in
2005, Benjamin Mkapa, president of Tanzania at the
time, raised awareness of the need for more mosquito
nets, and actress Sharon Stone emphatically supported
his plea. The presentations made Mr. Yonekura aware of
the fact that Olyset Net could play a key role in fighting
the disease. Subsequently, he strongly supported
expansion of Olyset Net production.
In 2003, the company entered a joint venture with A to
Z Textile Mills Ltd. to produce Olyset Net in Tanzania.
The next section will explore this partnership more in
depth. In addition, the company started production at
two new plants in Vietnam and China in 2006. It also
initiated business partnerships in Kenya, Malawi and
Ethiopia to stitch the nets. These local manufacturers
would receive the Olyset textile for cutting and sewing.
However, the stitching operations largely failed.
Sumitomo Chemical also explored opportunities to
enter a joint venture in Nigeria, but operating costs
were too high and the company was unable to identify
a partner interested within the public health parameters.
For Sumitomo Chemical, Olyset Net, though relatively
small in terms of revenue, is a critical CSR activity. It
allows the company to show the social value of its
products in a very tangible way. Therefore, Sumitomo
Chemical is not just producing the nets, but is investing
significant resources in promoting its net technology
and malaria prevention in general around the world.
In 2005 and again in 2010, Sumitomo Chemical
donated nets for the Millennium Villages in Africa,
totalling more than US$ 4 million worth of bednets.
Since 2009, Sumitomo Chemical has supported the
Malaria No More initiative in a variety of its
projects, including support for Senegal’s most
famous musician Youssou N’Dour with the ‘Senegal
Surround Sound’ campaign.
In 2010, Sumitomo Chemical collaborated with the
United Against Malaria partnership in production
of public service announcements featuring over 20
African football champions from across the
malaria-endemic continent.
The company continues to donate nets to support
local awareness raising efforts across Africa. For
example, it provided nets to people in Angola on
Malaria Day in November 2010. In Madagascar the
company distributed locally printed booklets
explaining the correct way to use mosquito nets.
In 2011, Olyset Net entered into a partnership with
the Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) to launch
the “Me and My Netcompetition. The initiative
aims to raise the awareness of teenagers in 54
commonwealth nations on the importance of
mosquito nets in malaria prevention.
Moreover, dedicated staff represents Sumitomo
Chemical in the global discourse around net provision,
primarily through participation in the Roll Back
Malaria (RBM) Partnership framework. Various staff
members provide the company’s view to the large
international donors and during global meetings on
malaria prevention through the RBM framework. Lisa
Goldman, the companys representative on the Private
Sector Delegation to RBM, states: “Historically, our
competitors have been much more directly involved in
the political dialogue. As a Japanese company,
Sumitomo Chemical emphasized the quality of its
product and did not want to get involved to deeply
with the political processes. However, over time, the
company came to the conclusion that in this heavily
donor-driven environment, it is indispensable to
present ones arguments directly to the political players,
and so we are now engaging more actively in the RBM
framework.” Vestergaard Frandsen, the company with
the biggest share in the LLIN market, has emphasized
the engagement on global platforms from the
beginning and has represented the private sector on the
Executive Committee of RBM for a long time. Given
how quickly the political environment around nets can
change, Sumitomo Chemical is now also dedicating
more resources to this global dialogue. In May 2012,
20 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Lisa Goldman was elected to the Board and Executive
Committe of RBM.
2.2 The A to Z – Sumitomo Joint Venture
One challenge for Sumitomo Chemical was to bring
down the cost of production of Olyset Nets. It first
outsourced production of nets from Japan to China.
But since most of the nets were needed in sub-Saharan
Africa, the company wanted to build local production
capacity for nets. Local production of nets would have
additional benefits, above all jobs and income for local
In 2003, Sumitomo transferred the technology
royalty-free to A to Z. Production started in 2004 at A
to Zs production site in downtown Arusha. Soon, it
became clear that production capacity had to increase
significantly to meet the rising global demand for nets.
he partnership between Sumitomo Chemical and A to Z
Textile Mills was organized by a number of other players
in a loose alliance that came together only for this
purpose and quickly dissolved when all arrangements had
been finalized. The idea to produce nets in Africa was
triggered in 2002 by Pierre Guillet, then vector control
specialist at WHO's global malaria program in Geneva. Guillet
had met the CEO of a Tanzanian producer of nets, A to Z
Textile Mills , during a conference of the Multilateral Initiative
on Malaria in 2000 in Dar es Salaam. Guillet had presented
WHO's perspective that LLINs should be used for vector
control activities. A to Z CEO Anuj Shah, who had just invested
in increasing production capacity for polyester nets, asked
Guillet to facilitate a technology transfer and help the
company to remain competitive.
Guillet presented the idea of creating a partnership to
produce LLINs in Africa at the fourth meeting of Roll Back
Malaria at the World Bank in Washington in April 2002.
Sumitomo Chemical and ExxonMobil, who attended the
meeting, were both interested in the approach. Guillet
introduced both companies to A to Z Textile Mills, and all
agreed to pursue the idea further. Thus, the core of the
consortium that would organize the technology transfer
had been established.
In a next step, Guillet asked the Acumen Fund, a fund for
investment in social innovations, for a meeting with the
partners. UNICEF, as a major multilateral player in the fight
against malaria, also joined the meeting in New York. Both
became partners of the consortium. Acumen Fund provided
the first interest-free loan of US$ 325,000 to A to Z in 2003 in
order to invest into the new technology. UNICEF was on board
mainly to endorse the initiative.
In the ensuing meetings, the partners developed a common
plan of action and blueprint for implementation. ExxonMobil
pushed the partners to move quickly to the desired
objectives, contributing to the professionalism of the team.
As it turned out, the resin ExxonMobil produced was not
adequate for production of Olyset Nets. Once the blueprint
had been defined, the consortium dissolved. It had only
been necessary to provide the impetus and conceptualize
the approach. But only A to Z and Sumitomo were required to
execute the technology transfer. Initially, there had been
plans to go beyond production and collaborate to facilitate
the end-user market for nets. But dedication to the initiative
dwindled for personal reasons when the setup of the core
team of representatives changed. Guillet draws as a lesson
from this process: A good partnership starts with the
individuals who can understand and mutually respect each
other. Organizations are important to support the process.
But the people involved need to have common objectives.
The best way to initiate a functional partnership is to create
the conditions to meet the right people, and let people come
on their own.
A public-private alliance to facilitate technology transfer
Picture 3. Olyset Net factory
© M. Hallahan/Sumitomo Chemical
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 21
The partners decided to build a new production facility
outside of Arusha. They created a 50/50 joint venture
called “Vector Health International” for this purpose.
Acumen Fund provided another US$ 675,000 as both
loan and grant for expansion of the production facilities
in 2005. The new facility opened in February 2008. It
was praised internationally as an example of how public
health efforts could help strengthen local economic
development. The Vice President of Tanzania attended
the opening ceremony, and President George Bush
visited the factory soon after.
The new facility brought production capacity of LLINs
in Arusha to 30 million nets per year, over 50% of
global capacity for Olyset Net production in 2011. It
currently employs 7,500 people.
2.3 The future of Vector Health
In the first few years, Vector Health International
(VHI) benefitted enormously from the rising demand
for LLINs. Yet, with increasing competition in the
market, it became more and more difficult to win
tenders. In 2011, there were already nine other
companies offering WHOPES nets. Most of those
companies produce their nets in Asia, facing much
lower costs for energy, transportation, and other
production variables. Most tenders use “Free on Board”
(FOB) as a price criterion rather than “Delivered Duty
Unpaid/Paid” (DDU/DDP). This means shipping and
delivery costs are not considered in the tender, which
effectively neutralizes the cost advantage of local
manufacturing. Even though donors had praised VHI
and the local production of mosquito nets, tender
policies did not recognize the benefits – both in terms
of delivery time and price.
In addition, WHOPES only provides minimum criteria
LLINs have to meet. Specifically, it requires nets to last
for at least three years. Studies have shown that Olyset
Nets last for at least five years. The thick polyethylene
fiber make them much sturdier, but also more
expensive. The cost of covering a bed for one year is
significantly cheaper with Olyset Nets. Yet tenders most
often choose by the “FOB” price, which only considers
cost of production. Thus, tenders systematically ignored
the two main advantages of VHI’s Olyset Nets:
durability and location.
In addition, the companys original success in its home
market Tanzania turned into a disadvantage when
public buyers started to feel that A to Z was too
dominant in the country, and looked to bring in other
suppliers. For example, VHI lost a tender to deliver nets
to Zanzibar, an island off the coast of Tanzania. Its FOB
price was slightly more expensive. Yet, the main reason
for choosing another manufacturer according to the
buyer was a new criterion, which compared the date
when a sample could be collected. The competitor in
Asia could provide the sample two days earlier.
The Universal Coverage Campaign had ended in 2010.
As a result, demand for nets fell dramatically in 2011.
Funds for procurement of nets were almost used up.
The future and funding of the Tanzanian voucher
scheme was unclear. The commercial market had been
completely crushed by the free distribution of nets. In
September 2011, machines at VHI stood still for the
first time since its opening. The order books were
Picture 4.
Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania
Dr. Ali Mohammed Shein, CEO of A to Z Textile Mills, Ltd.
Anuj Shah, and President of Sumitomo Chemical Hiromasa
Yonekura visit the newly opened Olyset Net factory in
Arusha, Tanzania.
© William Daniels
22 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
empty and energy prices in Tanzania had reached an
all-time high due to dramatic shortages in supply.
Both Sumitomo Chemical and A to Z stood at a critical
inflection point. How should they continue with their
joint venture, in the face of these insecurities? The two
partners are each responsible to sell 50% of the
production. Both pursued different strategies to keep
machines running and employees at work.
Sumitomo Chemical sees the future in end-consumer
markets for nets. The company assumes that now that
consumers have experienced the benefits of nets, many
of them will pay to replace the net once it is worn out.
Experiences with different nets might also lead people
to prefer Olyset Nets, which has proven its robustness
and durability. Hence, the company is working to
increase sales in the commercial market. The company
launched its first consumer sales initiative in October
2011, together with a local distribution partner in
Kenya. Kenyan customers have more purchasing power
on average, and the country has not seen as much
distribution of free nets. Customers in Kenya are now
able to buy Olyset Nets in all leading supermarkets
and other shopping channels. The company also
plans to adjust the net to meet consumer preferences.
On the donor market, consumer-friendly product
modifications have not been possible, since all such
modifications add to the cost per unit, and tenders are
won on lowest cost. Yet, even though the commercial
market for nets is likely to grow in the next years, it will
not have the same volume as the market during the
Universal Coverage Campaign.
Sumitomo Chemical has also installed a new machine
to recycle Olyset Nets at VHI. In the coming years,
millions of nets will need to be replaced once they are
broken or the insecticide has run out. Sumitomo
Chemical has developed a technology to recycle the nets
that could be used for lamp oil.
A to Z Textile Mills Ltd. is fully betting on a
diversification strategy. A new state-of-the-art facility
for the production of cement bags was being installed
in September 2011. The company also looked into
agricultural nettings, textiles and plastic goods. After
all, A to Z was already present in other markets,
including plasticware and bottled water.
The two companies also created a new joint venture in
2011: the Technical Resource Center Arusha. The
research center will have modern technical facilities
and dedicated staff. Sumitomo Chemical and A to Z
will both use the facility for their joint and individual
purposes. A to Z has a high interest in developing
nettings and other products for agribusiness, since
investment is currently flowing into Africa to increase
agricultural productivity. Sumitomo Chemical will
focus research on improving its mosquito net
technology. Since resistance of mosquitoes to
permethrin, the only insecticide currently used, is a
real threat, one main goal is to develop nets with other
types of pesticide.
Picture 5.
Empty stitching section at VHI in September 2011
© Christina Gradl
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 23
umitomo Chemical entered the market in Tanzania
with the joint venture with the intention to build
local capacity for LLIN production. It took the
opportunity to join forces with A to Z Textile Mills, a
dynamic and already dedicated local company. Tanzania
already had a very established local bednet ecosystem
with local producers and retailers, which had been
carefully cultivated over the years with public support.
Tanzania was also the arena for the global debate among
proponents of free net distributions and those defending
the power of market forces and sales of nets. By entering
Tanzania, Sumitomo Chemical found itself in the eye
of the storm of the rapidly changing ecosystem around
Indeed, Tanzania is a case study in the changing
approaches to bednet delivery and the global public
health landscape that influences it. Over the years,
Tanzania went from a market-based approach to a
publicly led approach. These changes have resulted in
dramatic effects on the national actor ecosystem around
bed nets.
Tanzania is a nation of 44 million people in East Africa.
Malaria is endemic all over Tanzania (see Figure 8).
Malaria is a leading cause of disease and mortality. It
accounts for up to 40% of all outpatient attendance.
The disease kills an average of 80,000 people every year.
60% of these are children under the age of five.
3.1 Beginnings
In the early 1980s, bednets were considered a luxury
product and not a basic health necessity. Coverage was
close to zero. In 1998, public health NGO Population
Services International (PSI) started a multi-year social
marketing campaign to develop a commercial market
for nets, including producers, a system of wholesalers
and retailers, and end customers as the buyers. The
campaign was facilitated by tax and duty exemption for
nets by the government. International donors, above all
DFID, provided funding.
As a luxury product, the government had levied a sales
tax of 125% on bednets. In 1994, ITNs were being
recognized as important tools for malaria control. As a
result, the sales tax was removed on ready-made nets.
Suddenly, nets cost half the price. Consequently, sales
of the only manufacturer at the time, Sun Flag Ltd, rose.
3 Global policies and the local LLIN
ecosystem in Tanzania
Figure 8. Distribution of Endemic Malaria in Tanzania
Source: MARA/ARMA 2002
24 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
In order to bring down the price of nets even further,
PSI proposed creating competition in the producer
market. By promising a market and providing
insecticide sachets for free, the NGO convinced
Arusha-based textile company A to Z Textile Mills Ltd.
to start production in 1998. Two more manufacturers
joined the market: TMTL Ltd started manufacturing
in 1999, and Moshi Textile Mills Ltd. joined in 2005.
All of the companies produced simple polyester nets,
which had to be manually treated with insecticide. A
tendering process ensured that all four could get
business, keeping the race for the lowest price going.
Production capacity rose sharply. By 1999, the three
manufacturers produced 5 million nets and exported
to several countries in Africa. Tanzania was the biggest
manufacturer of nets in the region. Stakeholders also
convinced the government to waive value-added tax
on mosquito nets in 1999, and on netting items in
2004. Prices fell from US$ 5 per net in 1995 to less
than $3.5 in 2004.
Nets were also adjusted to
consumer tastes, with a diversity of colors and shapes.
SMARTnet, the strategic social marketing for
expanding the commercial market for nets, was created
as a partnership between the Ministry of Health and
PSI in 2002. PSI identified wholesalers in each region
and linked them to the manufacturers. It provided
subsidies for storage for wholesalers and retailers and
for transportation. More than 20,000 outlets sold
mosquito nets all over the country, even in remote
areas. The campaign provided marketing materials,
such as umbrellas and megaphones. A whole sales
ecosystem was now in place from the manufacturer to
the street vendor at the open air market.
In 2003 and 2004, 3.3 million nets bundled with
retreatment kits were sold. In addition, 3.6 million
retreatment kits were sold. Household coverage
changed from 37% in 2001 to over 50% in 2004.
Household surveys showed that children under five
were given priority to sleep under nets. Thanks to a
far-reaching awareness raising campaign, including
demonstrations in the villages, radio messages and
posters, most people understood why to buy and how
to use a net.
3.2 The Tanzanian National Voucher
Scheme (TNVS)
In 2004, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
under the National Malaria Control Programme
initiated the Tanzania National Voucher Scheme
(TNVS). It is also known as Hati Punguzo in
Kiswahili, or death-reducing tool.” The scheme aimed
at creating access to nets for the highest risk group,
pregnant women and infants. A targeted subsidy would
address the persisting equity issue, where despite price
reductions, poor people were unable to afford nets.
TNVS is funded by the Global Fund and the Presidents
Malaria Initiative (PMI) and implemented by the
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA).
PSI is responsible for social marketing.
Phase 1: fixed voucher value
Initially, the voucher provided a subsidy of TShs 2750
(US$ 2.75 in 2004) to retailers. Women and children
could obtain the voucher during examinations at the
hospital or with the local doctor. Nets produced for the
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Figure 9. Sales of bednets in Tanzania, 2001-2007
nsubsidised nets
lyset Nets
Free nets
Source: PSI Tanzania
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 25
scheme were specially branded and could not be sold on
the open market. Retailers close to hospitals, such as
pharmacies, could register as vendors for the program.
Depending on how much the retailers thought to gain
as profit, women had to spend between US$ 0.5 and
US$ 1.5 to get a net, including a free insecticide
treatment kit.
The voucher scheme intentionally built on and
strengthened existing market structures. It provided
strong incentives for retailers to stock ITNs. Registered
retailers increased from less than 1,000 in 2002 to
10,000 in 2005. The goal was to have at least one
retailer in each of Tanzanias 12,500 villages. Sales
figures at the retail and wholesale level increased by 50
to 80%. Four national suppliers produced the nets.
Market-based implementation also ensured that nets
could be delivered quickly through existing wholesale
and retail systems to reach the target group. By 2005,
approximately 80% of the pregnant women in the
TNVS areas were using the voucher to buy an ITN. In
addition, more women came to a clinic during
pregnancy to obtain a voucher.
Phase 2: fixed LLIN price
Yet, the leeway provided to retailers in pricing the net still
resulted in an equity issue: most of the poorest women
did not buy the net. In October 2009, the value of
the discount voucher was increased and the top-up price
of LLINs fixed at Tshs500 (approximately US $ 0.3).
In order to ensure that women did not have to pay more
than the fixed top-up to the retailer, a sophisticated
logistics system was devised. By means of a unique
barcode, each net could be traced along the whole
distribution chain. Only upon presentation of the
voucher and the barcode from the net could the retailer
redeem a new net for free. Retailers just had to pay for
the initial stock of nets, and then were provided with
free nets to replace sold nets. They could keep the TShs
500. The price was displayed prominently on the
package so that women knew that they should not pay
more. In order to implement this system, the voucher
scheme had to collaborate with just one supplier. The
tender went to A to Z, since it was the only local
company able to produce LLINs certified by WHOPES
and it bid the most competitive price. As a result, the
other three producers lost the business of the Tanzanian
market, which eventually led them to leave the market
or file insolvency.
A to Z worked closely together with MEDA to develop
the delivery system. MEDA kept control of the nets sold
through the barcodes. Because nets could not simply be
purchased on the market anymore but needed to be
exchanged for vouchers and barcodes as proof of nets
sold, nets had to be delivered to retailers directly.
Therefore, A to Z built up a whole sales force with more
than 100 employees across the country and invested in
its own fleet of lorries to be able to distribute the nets to
even remote areas in Tanzania. It reached 10,200
retailers in January 2011.
3.3 More programs
Over the years, more programs have been added to
complement the voucher scheme. As malaria was made
a priority of global health policy, more funding became
available on the global level. Reaching the vulnerable
group of pregnant women and children under five was
not seen as sufficient anymore. Led by the success of
malaria interventions in reducing all-cause child
mortality, in 2008 the objective was changed to aim for
universal coverage of LLINs (defined as 80% of the
Picture 6. Mother with LLIN
© National Malaria Control Program. Tanzania
26 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
entire population), and, ultimately, to eliminate malaria.
Researchers had shown that with 80% coverage with
LLINs, the anopheles gambiae population decreases to
almost zero, unless there are cattle around (see Figure
10). In addition, research suggested that giving away free
nets was more effective both in terms of cost and
usage – than selling subsidized nets. A trial showed that
greater coverage could be achieved with free nets. Since
one net not only benefits the user, but also others in the
community, by killing mosquitoes and slowing the
spread of the parasite, greater coverage outweighed the
added cost.
Finally, providing nets was ranked as one
of the most efficient development interventions available
by the Copenhagen Consensus, a panel of renowned
No wonder Jeffrey Sachs stated, We’ll distribute free
nets all over Africa, and we’ll do it again and again.
Theres no reason why markets should be able to handle
this problem.He flew to Tanzania in July 2008 to
persuade President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete to adopt a
new plan for free distribution of nets.
Apparently, his
plea was successful. From 2009, a number of free
distribution campaigns have been conducted.
The Under-five Catch Up Campaign was implemented
between 2008 and May 2010. It provided a free
LLIN to every child under five. Altogether, more
than 8.7 million nets have been distributed. The
campaign was funded by the Global Fund, the
World Bank, the Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI)
and the United Nations Childrens Fund, with
funding from Malaria No More. Contributions also
came from Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation and from the Government of Tanzania.
The Universal Coverage Campaign provided free
LLINs to cover all remaining sleeping spaces not
already reached by previous campaigns. The
one-time distribution began in August 2010 and was
rolled out across all 21 regions of mainland Tanzania.
The objective was to cover a minimum of 80% of all
sleeping spaces. It is funded by the Global Fund and
was completed by November 2011. More than 16.6
million nets have been distributed.
Together, $160 million were spent on these two
campaigns. On average, distributing one net cost $7.
VHI also won tenders to supply these campaigns. Along
these distribution campaigns, efforts continue to raise
awareness and increase the use of nets. The figure below
summarizes the various programs and actors involved in
providing ITNs to the Tanzanian population.
3.4 Results
The various campaigns over the years have achieved
good results in terms of coverage. The last Tanzania
Democratic and Health Survey in 2010 found that 72%
of all children under 5 had slept under a net the night
before the survey, and so had 68% of pregnant women,
as shown in Figures 11 and 12. Most of them used
ITNs. In 1999, only 21% of children slept under a net.
According to data from the National Malaria Control
Programme reported by Magesa et al., coverage had
already increased sharply in the years after 1999,
reaching 58% coverage for children and 49% for
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 10 . Anopheles gambiae with no alternative
hosts, LLINs
85% protection
Total population ITN usage
Relative exposure EIRc/EIRo
Source: Killeen et al. 2007
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 27
pregnant women by 2003. These nets were sold purely
on the commercial market.
It is interesting to note,
even though the two data sets cannot be directly
compared, that coverage rates seemed to have decreased
by 2005, after introduction of the voucher scheme. This
may be due to a variety of reasons, including political
insecurity, budget constraints within the social
marketing activities, or reduced willingness to buy nets
among the population.
Overall, child mortality has decreased in Tanzania. In
2010, 81 children per 1,000 live births died before their
fifth birthday, down from 112 deaths per 1,000 live
births in 2004-05.
Back in 2008, when free distribution of nets started,
there was a debate about who could better deliver
protection for Tanzanians. Jane Miller, then director of
malaria initiatives for PSI in Tanzania, said: “Weve built
up a system that gets people to appreciate and buy and
look after [bed nets].” She was concerned that the mass
distribution campaign could undercut the commercial
sector for nets that PSI had so carefully helped to
develop. “Were trying to think more clearly about [what
happens] after the donor money runs out. At the
moment, the donors seem to [be] saying that money is
no object. But it certainly will be in the future.” Brian
Trelstad, chief investment officer for the New
York-based Acumen Fund, added: “We think there will
be opportunities for complementary public free
distribution and stimulation of private channels. People
will need to have access to nets even when the wave of
free distribution ends.
In the end, the free campaigns turned out to be rather
devastating for the commercial sector. The dense
network of wholesalers and retailers that had evolved by
2008 has all but vanished. Even in the biggest market
area of Dar es Salaam, it is hard nowadays to find a net.
Logistics for the voucher scheme is now exclusively
managed by A to Z. The company delivers nets to
10,000 certified retailers. Free nets are distributed in
mass campaigns through NGOs such as MEDA.
Figure 12 . Percentage of children under 5 sleeping
under a bednet in Tanzania, 1999-2010
Figure 11 . Percentage of pregnant women sleeping
under a bednet in Tanzania, 2001-2010
1999 2001 2003 2005 2008 2010
2001 2003 2005 2008 2010
Source: TDHS 2004-5, TDHS 2007-8, TDHS 2010 Source: TDHS 2004-5, TDHS 2007-8, TDHS 2010
28 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Three of the four manufacturers of nets are either out of
business or dont produce nets anymore. Thanks to a
technology transfer by Sumitomo Chemical, A to Z was
able to produce nets that were certified by WHOPES
and could apply for tender to implement the fixed-prize
voucher scheme. But A to Z also faces difficult times
ahead. To respond to global demand, the company has
quickly ramped up production capacity to 30 million
nets per year and currently employs 7,500 people.
by the end of 2011, tenders by the international donors
had become rare, competition had increased and the
order books were empty. The company is now rapidly
diversifying into other activities.
VHI has become a very important player in this local
ecosystem. It is the sole provider of nets to the national
voucher scheme. Some donors even started to worry
that its position was too strong for the local market.
With 7,500 employees, A to Z Textile Mills became one
of Tanzania's largest employers. Yet, the success of the
company depends to a great degree on global policies
which it is unable to influence. While global, local and
corporate priorities seemed to be aligned at one point,
this alignment was lost over time. The global LLIN
campaigns have resulted in good coverage for the
moment, but have been unable to strengthen local
ecosystems that would maintain these high levels. As a
result, Sumitomo Chemical’s effort to build local
capacities and thus strengthen local ecosystems might
after all not reap the social and economic benefits that
were intended.
Figure 13 . Chronological overview of ITN programs and actors in Tanzania
Production Financing
Sales tax on netting
items removed
National Voucher
Scheme started
Under 5 Catch-up
Voucher top-up
value fixed to
1994 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Certified retailers near hospitals 10.200
A to Z Textiles Ltd
Retailers 20.000
A to Z distribution system
Universal coverage: $ (GF)
Voucher Scheme
End consumers .3.3 million sold
Moshi Textile Mills Ltd
Sun Flag Ltd
Source: Author
Under 5 Catch-up
Universal coverage
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 29
reating a market for mosquito nets is a systemic
issue. In countries where malaria is endemic,
people develop immunity to the disease over
time. They may still fall ill, but then they just feel a
slight fever similar to a flu. Yet, they still act as carriers
of the parasite, thus helping to spread the disease
further. In these areas, only small children and pregnant
women generally get severely ill and die from malaria.
People in rural areas and slums are often not aware of
that risk. As long as people are not aware of the reasons
for and risks of malaria, they dont see the need to use
mosquito nets. Awareness-raising is thus a precondition
for a functional market for nets. This task cannot be
accomplished by net producers, since they are not
perceived to be objective. NGOs and public institutions
need to come in to raise awareness, advocate for
behaviour change, and create the necessary incentives
on all levels, from the consumer to the retails and
producers, to produce, distribute and use nets.
Moreover, malaria prevention is a public health issue.
Even people with very low incomes should be able to
afford a net. Equity is not the only reason. The more
people are protected by nets, especially ITNs, the more
mosquitoes will die from the pesticide. Moreover, fewer
people will carry the parasite and pass on the disease.
Nets thus reduce the prevalence of malaria overall.
These externalities led scientists Cohen and Dupas
to conclude that giving away free nets is more
cost effective than selling subsidized nets, at least
when comparing a one-off distribution of nets.
Consequently, public subsidies are often used as a tool
to reach those who could not afford a net.
Finally, to create access for people even in remote areas,
a network of retailers needs to be established. But
retailers will only stock nets when there is a demand for
them. Hence, production, awareness raising, subsidies
and distribution need to go hand in hand. A
comprehensive ecosystem of players need to collaborate
to bring mosquito nets to all households.
4.1 The boundaries of ecosystems
Sumitomo Chemical found itself stretched between the
global and the local ecosystem for LLINs. On the global
level, donors were keen to scale up production and
increase competition for nets. On the local level, the
production partnership with A to Z increased market
power of A to Z to the degree that global donors were
concerned about it. At the same time, local policies
drove other competitors out of the market. Global lack
of funds led to local problems when orders did not
come any more. What was the role for the chemical
company in strengthening this ecosystem?
The case of Sumitomo Chemical’s LLIN activities
points out the limitations for companies in advancing
inclusive business ecosystems. The main lesson from
the developments in the global and Tanzanian market
for LLINs is that
the limit of private action to create
inclusive business ecosystems is defined by the public
sector. Where the public sector has a strong agenda, and
the capacities and resources to implement it, the private
sector should not and need not take the lead in
organizing the actors around this issue. Hence, building
inclusive business ecosystems is only required, and will
only work, in a public void,’ where the government is
either not functional or not interested in the specific
issue. Here, private companies play the role of defining
an agenda, and sometimes bring the public sector on
board to create the right framework conditions.
In the case of LLINs, the main challenge in creating a
sustainable inclusive business ecosystem seems to be the
changing political environment. Over the years, the
approach of the public donors to combating malaria
has been changing, from creating local markets to
distributing free nets at a large scale, from malaria
prevention for high-risk groups to elimination. As a
result, the way national governments intervened in the
market has also changed. In the case of Tanzania, the
country had established a functional voucher scheme
that was supplementing social marketing efforts and the
commercial market to reach vulnerable populations.
4 Systemic change approach and limitations
30 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
The initial version of the voucher scheme stimulated
rather than stifled the commercial market. Then, the
goal to achieve universal coverage called for a quick
scale-up of distribution efforts. Instead of building on
the already existing voucher scheme, the Tanzanian
government opted for free distribution campaigns. Free
distribution has apparently crowded the commercial
retailers out of the market. In addition, public
procurement policies for the free campaigns and the
new voucher scheme with a fixed top-up amount have
left three out of four local manufacturers without
business because they had not developed LLINs and
had no WHOPES certification. A to Z, the remaining
one, is struggling to keep its 7,500 employees on the
payroll. As donor funding is drying up, the problem
becomes how to replace nets once they are worn out. In
this changing political environment, Sumitomo
Chemical could only try to keep up with policy, by
staying in touch with the discussion and adjusting the
own course of action at each stage. Sumitomo Chemical
got its net certified by the WHO, invested for
large-scale production in Africa, and is now looking to
build sustainable commercial markets.
4.2 Combination of structures
But even in situations where the public sector is strong,
companies can play an important role in strengthening
the ecosystem, within the boundaries of the political
framework. Sumitomo Chemical seeks to advance the
ecosystems for LLINs with a variety of models. In fact,
it employs all three structures identified in the
background paper for strengthening inclusive business
ecosystems: private initiative, project-based alliances,
and platforms.
Private initiative
The company takes this private initiative above all to
position itself as a responsible corporate citizenand
make its contribution to society tangible. Sumitomo
Chemical provided its technology royalty-free to A to Z
Textile Mills in order to build local production capacity
for the nets that would mainly be used in Africa. It thus
helped to bring another player into the picture that
might not have been able to participate otherwise, and
created jobs and income opportunities in Tanzania. It
continues to invest in research and development around
malaria vector control, into state-of the art production
facilities and into the creation of commercial markets.
In Kenya, the company has started an initiative to
market Olyset Nets like any other consumer product
through supermarkets and other sales channels. The
hope is that this pilot project can work because Kenyan
consumers are already aware of the benefits of using
nets, and have a higher income on average than in other
countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Sumitomo Chemical
also participates in the global dialogue around vector
control, adding its expertise and corporate perspective.
Project-based alliance
Together with A to Z, Sumitomo Chemical has created
a new company, VHI, to manufacture nets in Tanzania.
In the contract to set up this joint venture, the partners
agreed on clear objectives and tasks. Day-to-day business
is managed by A to Z. A representative of Sumitomo
Chemical visits the Arusha site for several weeks every 4
months to control quality and supervise the
implementation of new projects, like the new recycling
machine. Strategic decisions are being taken jointly. The
collaboration has not been without frictions, since the
modus operandi of a Japanese global player and an
Indian family business in Africa differ significantly. Still,
the partners have expanded their collaboration recently
with a new technical research facility.
The partnership was initially facilitated by a consortium
of partners. While Acumen Fund provided grants and
loans to set up the new technology and expand the
factory, ExxonMobil, UNICEF, and WHO had no
ownership stakes in the project. Their role was to
conceptualize the partnership, create a vision for it, and
drive it towards implementation by creating a
blueprint. They stepped out once the concept for the
local manufacturing was clear. Project-based alliances
can be very short term, informal and immaterial. They
can simply serve as spaces to catalyze new ideas and
reorganize the player landscape.
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 31
Sumitomo Chemical also works in other project
based-alliances, such as with Malaria No More or the
Royal Commonwealth Society, to raise awareness for
malaria protection. In these classic public-private
partnerships, partners implement a clearly structured,
time-limited project with clear responsibilities.
Finally, Sumitomo Chemical is involved in the global
issue platforms, such as the Global Fund. There, it
articulates its concerns, from tendering policies to
resistance and recycling, and influences the public
debate. For example, in 2011 the company flagged the
issue of longevity of nets to the UN Special Envoy for
Malaria, the RBM Executive Director and the WHO
Global Malaria Program leadership: WHOPES is a
minimum standard and assumes that all nets last only
3 years. Polyethyelene and polypropylene nets have
been proven to last much longer, but this difference is
not acknowledged in common tendering practices. As
a result, the issue of value for money in the bednet
markethas become a focus within the community. A
series of technical meetings is underway, and
recommendations are being prepared for the Global
Fund Market Dynamics Advisory Group (MDAG) to
address durability issues in 2012. Finally, Sumitomo
Chemical used the existing global platforms around
malaria to participate in the ongoing discourse in
effective approaches to malaria prevention.
4.3 Lessons learned
Sumitomo Chemical maintains an ongoing commitment
to strengthening the LLIN ecosystem. However, the
company still suggests that it needs to learn how to
navigate the complex LLIN ecosystem better. Signing
up to the global framework of RBM and the
commitment to the local project-based alliance VHI in
Tanzania sometimes created friction. How can the
company balance the demands of global and local
stakeholders? The company has scaled up production
in Tanzania responding to urgent donor needs for more
nets. Now, as demand is dwindling, it feels a
responsibility towards the 7,500 employees at VHI.
While Sumitomo Chemical is purely dedicated to
vector control efforts with VHI, A to Z Textile Millss
sees itself primarily as a plastics producer, and is
diversifying into many other sectors. How can the
different interests of partners be aligned under the joint
The case study shows that combining structures for
strengthening ecosystems is not without challenges.
Though the diverse stakeholders and frameworks may
be aligned at one point in time, alignment can be lost
over time as framework conditions change. In particular
where public policy changes rapidly, it can be tough for
private companies to keep track and change structures
and activities as quickly. Insecurity in the political
environment makes it hard for companies to invest in
inclusive business ecosystems, since policy changes can
render these investments worthless.
The case poses questions for companies. To what degree
is private initiative for strengthening inclusive business
ecosystems dependent on public policy and the
frameworks created by global issue platforms? And if
there are strong dependencies, how reliable are these
broader frameworks and how is the private initiative
affected when these frameworks change?
The case study also poses questions to players from
development organizations. For example, it may be
worth reconsidering the process of supporting
individual companies through grants or technology
transfers. Would it be preferable to organize such
support through competitive processes that provide
access to such benefits to more than one company?
Moreover, it seems that donor programs that rely on
the procurement of large amounts of goods can have a
significant positive impact on local economic
development. A to Z Textile Mills became the biggest
private employer in the Arusha region. On the other
hand, halting procurement processes can have a
detrimental impact on such local companies. Revising
procurement policies to support local economic
development is now best practice among donor
32 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
agencies. The World Food Programme bought 80% of
the US$ 1.25 billion worth of food commodities it
procured in developing countries. Procuring other
goods and services locally may require donors to join
forces with the private sector to build capacities and
transfer technologies, as has happened in the example of
VHI. Companies can help to strengthen these local
inclusive business ecosystems by making donors aware
of the benefits of local production and by collaborating
with companies in developing countries, as Sumitomo
Chemical has been doing.
The case study of Sumitomo Chemical and the LLIN
market highlights the challenges of strengthening
ecosystems through private initiative, but also shows its
potential. Technology transfers and the accompanying
capacity building can lift local companies in developing
countries into the league of global players, creating
employment and economic opportunity. By providing
evidence of the positive impact of such initiatives,
companies can make the case to public agencies to
revise their procurement policies and support similar
initiatives. Sumitomo Chemical has now started to get
more engaged in discussions with donors about these
issues. The example of VHI may well influence donors
approach the procurement of LLINs and other goods in
the future.
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 33
Appendix A: Interviews
In alphabetical order by surname:
Lisa Goldman, Sumitomo Chemical
Pierre Guillet, VHI
Godfrey Kalagho, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Scott Mitchell, Sumitomo Chemical
Tatsuo Mizuno, Sumitomo Chemical
Nathan Rawe, PSI
Dr. Romanus Mtunge, PSI
Ken Nakanishi, Sumitomo Chemical
Divyesh Ramanandi, A to Z Textile Mills Ltd.
Kalpesh Shah, A to Z Textile Mills Ltd.
Appendix B: Literature
Abuja Declaration on Roll Back Malaria in Africa. 2000. Africa
Summit on Roll Back Malaria. Available at
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected
Tropical Diseases (APPGMNTD) (2011) The Control of
Malaria 2005-15: progress and priorities towards
Armstrong-Schellenberg, Joanna R M, Salim Abdulla, Rose
Nathan, Oscar Mukasa, Tanya J Marchant, Nassor
Kikumbih, Adiel K Mushi, Haji Mponda, Happiness Minja,
Hassan Mshinda, Marcel Tanner, Christian Lengeler (2001)
“Effect of large-scale social marketing of
insecticide-treated nets on child survival in rural Tanzania.
Lancet 357, p. 1241–47.
Barclay, Elisa (2008) “Charity vs. Capitalism in Africa.
Businessweek January 2, 2008.
Bernard, Jubilate, George Mtove, Renata Mandike, Frank Mtei,
Caroline Maxwell and Hugh Reyburn (2009) “Equity and
coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in an area of
intense transmission of Plasmodium falciparum in
Tanzania” Malaria Journal 2009, 8:65
Bonner, Kimberly, Alex Mwita, Peter D McElroy, Susan Omari,
Ally Mzava, Christian Lengeler, Naomi Kaspar, Rose Nathan,
Joyce Ngegba, Romanus Mtunge, and Nick Brown (2011)
“Design, implementation and evaluation of a national
campaign to distribute nine million free LLINs to children
under five years of age in Tanzania. Malaria Journal 10:73
Butler, Declan (2011) “Pyrethroid Insecticides are Losing Their
Edge Against Malaria. Nature 475, 19 (2011)
Case Studies for Global Health (2009) “NATNETS Succeeds in
Controlling Malaria in Tanzania With Effective Public,
Private and Nonprofit Partners.
Cohen, Jessica and Pascaline Dupas (2010) “Free Distribution
or Cost-Sharing? Evidence from a Randomized Malaria
Prevention Experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics
125(1), pages 1-45
Ito, Takaagi and Takeshi Okuno (2006) “Development of Olyset
net as a Tool for Malaria Control. Sumitomo Kagaku (R&D
Report) vol. 2006-II
Jennings, Michael (2011) “Economic Impact of Local
Manufacturing of Bednets – A Survey. London: School of
Oriental and Asian Studies.
34 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Appendix B: Literature continued
John, Devotha (2010) ”Tanzania: Malaria Costs Dar Sh157
Billion Annually. The Citizen, 14 April 2010.
Karugu, Winifred and Triza Mwendwa (2008) A to Z Textile
Mills: A Public Private Partnership Providing Long-Lasting
Anti-Malaria Bed Nets to the Poor. New York: UNDP
Growing Inclusive Markets Initiative.
Khatib, Rashid A, Gerry F Killeen, Salim MK Abdulla, Elizeus
Kahigwa, Peter D McElroy, Rene PM Gerrets, Hassan
Mshinda, Alex Mwita and S Patrick Kachur (2008) “Markets,
voucher subsidies and free nets combine to achieve high
bed net coverage in rural Tanzania. Malaria Journal 2008,
Killeen, Gerry F., Smith, Tom A., Ferguson, Heather M., Mshinda,
Hassan, Abdulla, Salim, Lengeler, Christian and Steven P.
Kachur (2007). “Preventing Childhood Malaria in Africa by
Protecting Adults from Mosquitoes with
Insecticide-Treated Nets. PLoS Medicine
Magesa, Stephen M, Christian Lengeler, Don deSavigny, Jane E
Miller, Ritha JA Njau, Karen Kramer, Andrew Kitua and Alex
Mwita (2005). “Creating an enabling environment’ for
taking insecticide treated nets to national scale: the
Tanzanian experience. Malaria Journal 2005, 4:34 .
Marchant, Tanya, David Schellenberg, Rose Nathan, Joanna
Armstrong-Schellenberg, Hadji Mponda, Caroline Jones,
Yovitha Sedekia, Jane Bruce, and Kara Hanson (2010).
Assessment of a national voucher scheme to deliver
insecticide-treated mosquito nets to pregnant women.
Canadian Medical Association Journal 182(2).
Mulligan, Jo-Ann, Joshua Yukich and Kara Hanson (2008).
“Costs and effects of the Tanzanian national voucher
scheme for insecticide-treated nets. Malaria Journal 2008,
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Tanzania (2005) Tanzania
Demographic and Health Survey 2004-2005.
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) [Tanzania], Ministry of
Health and Social Welfare [Tanzania], and Macro
International Inc. (2006). “Tanzania Service Provision
Assessment Survey 2006: Key Findings on Family Planning,
Maternal and Child Health, and Malaria. Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania: National Bureau of Statistics and Macro
International, Inc.
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Tanzania (2011) Tanzania
Demographic and Health Survey 2010.
Rodriguez, William and Kileken ole-MoiYoi (2011) “Building
Local Capacity for Health Commodity Manufacturing: A to
Z Textile Mills Ltd. Harvard Medical School.
Roll Back Malaria Partnership (2008) The Global Malaria Acion
Plan for a Malaria-free World. Geneva: WHO.
Roll Back Malaria Partnership (2011) “Eliminating malaria:
learning from the past, looking ahead. Geneva: WHO.
Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania, Zanzibar AIDS Commission (ZAC) Zanzibar.
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
Office of Chief Government Statistician (OCGS) Zanzibar
and Macro International Inc. (2008) Tanzania HIV/AIDS and
Malaria Indicator Survey 2007-08.
The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (2011)
Annual Report 2010. Geneva: WHO.
WHO (1974) “Malaria Control in Countries where Time-limited
Eradication is Impracticable at Present: Technical Report
Series 537. Geneva: WHO.
WHO (2011) “WHO Global Malaria Report 2010. Geneva: WHO.
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 35
Appendix C: List of abbreviations
ACT Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy
EO Chief Executive Officer
DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (insecticide)
DDP/DDU Duty Paid/Unpaid
FOB Free off board
Global Fund Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis
IRS Indoor Residual Spraying
ITN Insecticide-Treated Net
LLIN Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net
NGO Non-governmental organization
PMI President's Malaria Initiative
RBM Roll Back Malaria Partnership
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund
WHO World Health Organization
WHOPES WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme
36 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
. Quoted in Barclay 2008
2. WHO 2011
3. WHO 2011
4. WHI Malaria Factsheet
5. WHO 1974
6. This brief history is based on Rodriguez, William and
Kileken ole-MoiYoi 2011
7. Roll Back Malaria website
8. WHO 2011
9. APPGMNTD 2011
10. WHO 2011
11. RBM 2011
12. WHO 2011
13. Rodriguez 2011
14. Rodriguez 2011
15. WHO 2011
16. The exact efinition of the target measure for “universal
coverage has been adjusted over the year 2010, from
sleeping places covered” to resources identified”.
17. WHO 2011
18. WHO 2011
19. Butler 2001
20. Butler 2001
21. Olyset Net website
22. Encyclopedia Britannica website
history/ history/index.html)
23. Ito and Okuno 2006
24. Quoted in Rodriguez and ole-MoiYoi 2011
25. NBS 2011
26. John 2010
27. Magesa et al. 2005
28. Magesa et al. 2005
29. Magesa et al 2005
0. The question arises: why none of the other producers in
Tanzania acquired the capacity to produce LLINs? Did they
not have the capacities to step up production? Did the
support A to Z received by Acumen and Sumitomo Chemical
create an unfair advantage that competitors were not able to
Likewise, it would be interesting to understand why the
donor community did not build on the example of the
Sumitomo Chemical / A to Z joint venture, which received
international acclaim, to support other companies in Africa in
taking up LLIN production. By creating competition among
local producers, donors could have escaped the dilemma of
being unable to support local procurement and not create an
unfair advantage. These questions deserve further inquiry.
31. Natnets website
32. Cohen and Dupas 2010
33. Copenhagen Consensus website
34. Barclay 2008
35. Magesa et al 2005
36. TDHS 2010
37. Barclay 2008
38. Jennings 2011
39. Cohen and Dupas 2010
40. For more detailed accounts of the partnership between
Sumitomo Chemical and A to Z Textiles, see, for example,
Karugu and Mwendwa 2008 and Rodriguez and ole-MoiYoi
Appendix D: Endnotes
Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets 37
Christina Gradl has spent more than ten years researching
and advising companies on CSR, sustainable development,
and inclusive business. She is a fellow of the Corporate Social
Responsibility Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School and a
a strategic advisor to the UNDP Growing Inclusive Markets
Initiative. She is also a founder and managing director of
Endeva, an independent research and consulting institute
working towards enterprise solutions for development.
Christina has co-authored more than ten publications on
inclusive business. With Beth Jenkins, she wrote the UNDP
report “Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business
with the Poor. In collaboration with the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and
GIZ, she developed, inter alia, the "Inclusive Business Guide."
Besides a focus on the energy, insurance, and agribusiness
sectors, Christina is particularly interested in the ecosystems
of various players, their individual contributions and their
collaboration, that make inclusive businesses work.
Currently, Christina completes a PhD in economics and
business strategy on the business model concept. She holds
an MSc in Philosophy of Public Policy from London School of
Economics and a Masters degree in International Business
and Regional Studies from the University of Passau, Germany.
She was the Kofi-Annan-Fellow on Global Governance
2006/07 and an associate with McKinsey & Company.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative (CSRI) at the
Harvard Kennedy Schools Mossavar-Rahmani Center for
Business and Government (M-RCBG) is a multi-disciplinary
and multi-stakeholder program that seeks to study and
enhance the public contributions of private enterprise.
The initiative explores the intersection of corporate
responsibility, corporate governance, and public policy, with
a focus on analyzing institutional innovations that enhance
governance and accountability and help to achieve key
international development goals. It bridges theory and
practice, builds leadership skills, and supports constructive
dialogue and collaboration among business, government,
civil society and academics. Founded in 2004, the CSR
Initiative works with a small Corporate Leadership Group
consisting of global companies that are leaders in the fields of
corporate responsibility, sustainability or creating shared
value. The group currently consists of the following
companies: Abbott Laboratories; AbbVie; Chevron; The
Coca-Cola Company; ExxonMobil; Intercontinental Hotels
Group; Microsoft; Nestlé; SAP; Unilever; and Yara. The Initiative
also works with other leading CSR and sustainability
organizations, government bodies, nongovernmental
organizations and companies to leverage innovative policy
research and examples of good practice in this field.
About the Author
About the CSR Initiative at the
Harvard Kennedy School
38 Sumitomo Chemical and the Fight Against Malaria Using Bednets
Related CSR Initiative Reports
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SAFO – Strengthening the Inclusive Business Ecosystem for
Reducing Vitamin A Deficiency: A Case Study
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Mobilizing the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of
Tanzania: A Case Study
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Tackling Barriers to Scale: From Inclusive Business Models to
Inclusive Business Ecosystems
Christina Gradl and Beth Jenkins
Expanding Opportunity and Access: Approaches that harness
markets and the private sector to create business value and
development impact
Jane Nelson
Scaling Up Inclusive Business: Advancing the Knowledge and
Action Agenda
Beth Jenkins, Eriko Ishikawa, Alexis Geaneotes, John H. Paul
(CSRI with IFC)
Business Partnerships for Development in Africa: Redrawing
the Boundaries of Possibility
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Unleashing the Power of Convergence to Advance Mobile
Money Ecosystems
Piya Baptista and Soren Heitmann (CSRI with IFC)
Corporate Partnerships for Entrepreneurship: Building the
Ecosystem in the Middle East and Southeast Asia
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Accelerating the Development of Mobile Money Ecosystems
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Developing Inclusive Business Models: A Review of Coca-Cola's
Manual Distribution Centers in Ethiopia and Tanzania
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Business Linkages: Enabling Access to Markets at the Base of
the Pyramid
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Supporting Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid
through Business Linkages
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Barthes (CSRI with IFC and IBLF)
Developing Mobile Money Ecosystems
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Expanding Economic Opportunity: The Role of Large Firms
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The Role of the Extractive Sector in Expanding Economic
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The Role of the Financial Services Sector in Expanding
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The Role of the Food and Beverage Sector in Expanding
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The Role of the Health Care Sector in Expanding Economic
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The Role of the Information and Communications Technology
Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity
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The Role of the Tourism Sector in Expanding Economic
Caroline Ashley, Peter DeBrine, Amy Lehr, and Hannah Wilde
The Role of the Utilities Sector in Expanding Economic
Christopher N. Sutton
Business Linkages: Lessons, Opportunities, and Challenges
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(CSRI with IFC and IBLF)
Building Linkages for Competitive and Responsible
Entrepreneurship: Innovative Partnerships to Foster Small
Enterprise, Promote Economic Growth, and Reduce Poverty in
Developing Countries
Jane Nelson
Tanzania: Lessons in Building Linkages for Competitive and
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Tamara Bekefi
Viet Nam: Lessons in Building Linkages for Competitive and
Responsible Entrepreneurship
Tamara Bekefi
Business as a Partner in Overcoming Malnutrition: An Agenda
for Action
Jane Nelson (CSRI with The Conference Board and IBLF)
Business as a Partner in Strengthening Public Health Systems
in Developing Countries: An Agenda for Action
Jane Nelson (CSRI with the Conference Board and IBLF)
Investing in Social Innovation: Harnessing the Potential of
Partnership between Corporations and Social Entrepreneurs
Jane Nelson and Beth Jenkins
CSR Initiative
Harvard Kennedy School
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138