Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners – Version 03/27/2024
• Cath/angiogram reports with full
motion images
• Admission (H&P)
5. Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI)
Limited Certificate Petition
6. Post-Event Cath with full motion
images on CD in DICOM format
Note: For antithrombotic therapy after
stenting, the applicant should be following
the current ACC/AHA guidelines for dual
antiplatelet therapy:
• Drug-eluting stents: One (1) year
• Bare metal stents: At least 30 days,
preferably for one year.
Limited second-class
medical certificate refers to a
second-class certificate with
a functional limitation such as
“Not Valid for Carrying
Passengers for
Compensation or Hire” or
"Not Valid for Pilot in
Command, Valid Only
When Serving as a Pilot
Member of a Fully Qualified
Two-Pilot Crew."
After the required recovery period,
6 months for:
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) or
Stent placed in LEFT MAIN coronary
3 months for:
Stent (PTCA) placed in any other coronary
artery or
MI/Heart attack or NSTEMI
Obtain the following items from the
Protocol for Coronary Heart Disease 1
Class (See protocol for specific details.)
1. A current, detailed cardiology evaluation
including functional status and attempts to
meet modifiable risk factors and risk.
2. Lab - Lipid panel + A1c. Include INRs
if using warfarin (Jantoven).
3. Post-Event Radionuclide stress test
Note: Stress ECHO or routine Exercise
Stress Test (Bruce) are NOT Acceptable.
4. Hospital records including:
Submit the
information to the
FAA for a possible
Special Issuance.
Once all information
is received, the
Federal Air
Consultant(s) review
these cases.