EOU (export oriented unit) scheme is one of the export promotion schemes of Govt of
India and is in existence since 1980.
Under this scheme, manufacturing or service sector units are allowed to be set up
with the objective of exporting entire production of goods manufactured or services
except permissible sales in DTA.
Sector specific EOU schemes are STP scheme for export of software, EHTP for export
of electronic hardware, BTP for export of bio technology products.
As compared to SEZs, it offers a wide options in locations with reference to factors
like source of raw material, ports of exports, hinterland facilities, availability of
technological skills, existence of an industrial base and the need for a larger area of
land for the project.
EOU unit can export all goods and services except items that
are prohibited in ITC(HS).Export of special chemicals,
organism, material, equipments, technologies shall be subject
to fulfillment of conditions indicated in ITC(HS).
Trading units are not permitted to be set up under EOU
EOU can engage in manufacturing, services, development of software, repair,
remaking, reconditioning, re- engineering which includes:
Textiles/ garments
Food processing
Computer software
Gem and jewellery
Engineering goods
Electrical goods
Agriculture, agro processing, aquaculture, animal husbandry, floriculture,
horticulture, bio-technology, pisiculture, viticulture, poultry, sericulture.
Boosting exports
Earning foreign exchange
Attracting foreign investment
Generating employment
Backward and forward linkage by way of sourcing of raw material from and supply of
finished goods to DTA.
Attracting latest technology to the country
Upgrading the skills and creating source of skilled man- power
Development of backward area.
An EOU unit may import, without payment of duty, all types of goods including capital goods
required by it for its activities, provided they are not prohibited items of imports in the
It can procure from DTA, without payment of central excise duty, specified goods for
creating central facility for use by software development units.
EOUs are eligible for reimbursement of GST.
EOUs are eligible for reimbursement of duty paid on fuels procured from domestic oil
EOUs are eligible for claiming Input tax credit on the goods or services and refund thereof;
Exemption from industrial licensing for the manufacture of items reserved for SSI sector .
Supplies by DTA manufacturer are eligible for deemed export benefits which include
refund of excise duty and duty free imports to the DTA supplier.
Full reimbursement of central sales tax on goods purchased from DTA for manufacture of
goods for exports.
Import and export of goods including precious goods permitted through personal
carriage and foreign post office.
FDI upto 100% permitted as per the guidelines of Dept. of Industrial Policy and
Software units are allowed to use computer systems for training purposes (including
commercial training).
EOUs are allowed to install one fax machine and two computers outside the bonded
area of unit.
Besides incentives, some limitations are:
No income tax exemption available to EOUs.
EOUs are not exempted from payment of service tax, however CENVAT credit is
allowed for service tax paid.
Arms and
defense aircrafts
and warships
Explosives and
allied items of
defense equipment
and atomic
Cigarettes and
tobacco substitutes
Alcoholic drinks
Need for
for EOU
EOU basically function under the administrative control of the Development
Commissioner of SEZ.
MINIMUM INVESTMENT CRITERION: The project must have a minimum investment of
Rs.1 crore in plant and machinery. This condition doesn’t apply to STP, EHTP, BTP.
Further, EOU involved in handicrafts, agriculture, animal husbandry, handmade
jewellery, etc. does not have any minimum investment criterion.
EOUs Obligations: The EOUs are required to achieve the minimum NFEP and
minimum EP as per the provisions of EXIM policy which vary from time to time and
sector to sector.
Location: EOUs can be set anywhere in the country, but where the population is
more than one million such as Bangalore, it should be set atleast 25 km away from
the Standard Urban Area limits of that city, unless it is to be located in an area
designated as an “Industrial Area”.
Bonding period of EOU: As per the EXIM Policy, the period of bonding is
initially for five years which is extendable to the another five years by
the DC or on request by EOU unit by Commissioner/Chief Commissioner
of Customs.
Obtaining EOU status: A Letter of Permission(LOP) is given by DC to set
up EOU or for conversion of existing DTA unit into an EOU which have an
initial validity of 2 years and could also get an extension for a period of
upto one year.
Exit from EOU scheme: An EOU may opt out of scheme with the
approval of DC. In case the unit has not achieved obligations, it shall be
taxable to a penalty of Excise and Custom Duties and industrial policy in
force at the time of exit.