NO.S 65
First published in the Government Gazette, Electronic Edition, on 23rd February 2009 at 5:00 pm.
1. Citation and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Exclusions
4. Right to cancel contract
5. Effect of cancellation of contract
6. Return of goods by consumer on cancellation of direct sales contract
7. Compensation for services on cancellation of regulated contract
8. No imposition of additional duty or liability on consumer
9. Burden of proof
10. Revocation
11. Transitional provision
The Schedules
In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 11, 18A and 20 of
the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act, the Minister for Trade
and Industry hereby makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Consumer Protection
(Fair Trading) (Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations 2009 and shall
come into operation on 15th April 2009.
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2.—(1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise
‘‘cancellation period’’ means the period specified in regulation
‘‘consumer information notice’’ means a notice in writing
containing the information required under regulation 4(6);
‘‘designated person’’ means a person designated in a consumer
information notice as the person to whom notice of
cancellation of a contract may be given;
‘‘direct sales contract’’ means a consumer transaction which is
entered into
(a) during an unsolicited visit by a supplier to
(i) the place of residence of the consumer;
(ii) the place of residence of another person; or
(iii) the place of business of the consumer;
(b) during a visit by a supplier to any place referred to in
paragraph (a) at the express request of the consumer
(i) the goods or services to which the contract
relates are not goods or services for which the
consumer requested the supplier’s visit; and
(ii) the consumer did not know, or could not
reasonably have known, the supply of such
goods or services formed part of the supplier’s
business activities; or
(c) after an offer was made by the consumer in respect of
the supply by the supplier of the goods or services in
the circumstances referred to in paragraph (a)or(b);
‘‘initial contact’’ means
(a) any meeting of the supplier and the consumer at
a place other than the supplier’s permanent place of
business; or
(b) any communication between the supplier and the
consumer by telephone;
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‘‘notice of cancellation’’ means a notice of cancellation given
under regulation 4;
‘‘regulated contract’’ means a direct sales contract, a time share
contract or a time share related contract;
‘‘suppliers permanent place of business’’ does not include the
suppliers temporary premises at a trade fair, exhibition or
promotional event;
‘‘time share related contract’’ means a contract to assist
a consumer to dispose of his time share rights conferred
under a time share contract;
‘‘trade-in allowance’’ means the greater of
(a) the price or value of the consumers goods as set out in
a trade-in arrangement; or
(b) the market value of the consumers goods when taken
in trade under a trade-in arrangement;
‘‘trade-in arrangement’’ means an agreement or arrangement,
contained in a direct sales contract or forming the whole or
part of a related contract, under which the consumer sells or
agrees to sell the consumers own goods to the supplier or
any other person and the goods are accepted as the whole or
part of the consideration under the direct sales contract;
‘‘unsolicited visit’’ means a visit by a supplier, whether or not he
is the supplier who supplies the goods or services, which does
not take place at the express request of the consumer.
(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, references to a supplier
(a) shall be construed as references to a supplier, within the
meaning of the Act, with whom a consumer enters into
a contract; and
(b) in the definitions of ‘‘direct sales contract’’ and ‘‘unsolicited
visit’’ in paragraph (1) and in regulation 3(e) and (f), shall
include an employee or agent of the supplier.
(3) For the purposes of the definition of ‘‘unsolicited visit’’ in
paragraph (1), a consumer shall not be considered to have made
an express request for a visit by the supplier by reason only that
the consumer consented to the visit by the supplier during or after
an initial contact at which the supplier indicates expressly or by
implication that the supplier is willing to visit the consumer.
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(4) In these Regulations, section 7(8) of the Act shall apply for
the purposes of construing the meaning of the term ‘‘business use’’.
3. These Regulations shall not apply to
(a) any excluded transactions specified in the First Schedule to
the Act;
(b) any lease of residential property;
(c) any contract for the supply of goods or services intended for
business use;
(d) any contract under which the total payments to be made by
a consumer do not exceed $50;
(e) any direct sales contract if, prior to the visit during which the
consumer entered into the contract or made an offer referred
to in paragraph (c) of the definition of ‘‘direct sales contract’’
in regulation 2(1), the terms of the contract were read by or
explained to the consumer in the absence of the supplier;
(f) any direct sales contract resulting from prior negotiations
between the consumer and the supplier which took place in
circumstances other than those referred to in paragraph (a)
or (b) of the definition of ‘‘direct sales contract’’ in regulation
(g) any direct sales contract entered into by a consumer
(i) during a visit made by the supplier at the express
request of another person to that other persons place
of residence or business; or
(ii) after an offer was made by the consumer in respect of
the supply of the goods or services in the circumstances
referred to in sub-paragraph (i),
if the consumer attended the visit with the prior knowledge
that the supplier would be present to engage in the supply of
the goods or services to which the contract relates; and
(h) any contract for the supply of financial products or financial
services in respect of which a right of cancellation exercisable
within a specified period is conferred on the consumer by
any written law administered by the Monetary Authority of
Singapore or directions issued under section 101 or 293 of
the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) by the Monetary
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Authority of Singapore, if that specified period expires later
than 5 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public
holidays) after the day on which the contract was entered into.
Right to cancel contract
4.(1) A regulated contract may not be enforced against the
consumer at any time earlier than 5 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays
and public holidays) after
(a) the day on which the regulated contract is entered into; or
(b) if the consumer information notice has not been brought to
the attention of the consumer before or at the time when
the regulated contract is entered into, the day on which
the consumer information notice is subsequently brought to
the attention of the consumer.
(2) Where a consumer has entered into a regulated contract, the
consumer may give notice of cancellation of the contract in accordance
with this regulation at any time within the cancellation period.
(3) If, in a case falling within paragraph (1)(b), the consumer affirms
the regulated contract at any time after the expiry of 5 days (excluding
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) after the day on which the
regulated contract was entered into
(a) these Regulations shall not prevent the contract from being
enforced against the consumer; and
(b) the consumer may not at any subsequent time give notice of
cancellation under paragraph (2).
(4) If the consumer, having given notice of cancellation of
a regulated contract in accordance with this regulation, subsequently
enters into a contract (referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (5)
as the subsequent contract) with the supplier on substantially the same
terms as the cancelled regulated contract at any time before the expiry
of the cancellation period of the cancelled regulated contract
(a) the subsequent contract shall not be enforced against the
consumer at any time within the cancellation period of
the cancelled regulated contract; and
(b) the consumer may give notice of cancellation of the
subsequent contract at any time within the cancellation period
of the cancelled regulated contract.
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(5) Paragraph (4) shall not prevent paragraphs (1) and (2) from
applying to the subsequent contract if the subsequent contract is
a regulated contract.
(6) A consumer information notice shall inform the consumer of his
right to cancel the contract under these Regulations and in particular
shall contain the information specified in the First Schedule.
(7) A notice of cancellation may be in the form set out in the Second
Schedule or in any other notice in writing of the consumers intention
to cancel the contract under these Regulations.
(8) Subject to paragraph (9), a notice of cancellation shall be
(a) by delivering it to a designated person personally;
(b) by leaving it at, or by sending it by pre-paid post to,
an address designated in the consumer information notice;
(c) by sending it by facsimile transmission to a facsimile number
designated in the consumer information notice.
(9) If the consumer information notice has not been brought to the
attention of the consumer or does not contain any of the information
specified in Part A of the First Schedule, a notice of cancellation may
be given by leaving it at or by sending it by pre-paid post to
(a) the usual or last known address of the place of business of
the supplier or designated person (if any); or
(b) in the case of a body corporate, the registered office or
principal office of the supplier or designated person (if any).
(10) A notice of cancellation sent by a consumer by pre-paid post
shall be deemed to have been given at the time of posting, whether or
not it is actually received.
(11) Notwithstanding paragraphs (8) and (9), if the supplier agrees
to accept notice of cancellation by any additional means, including
electronic means, the notice may be given by the means so agreed.
Effect of cancellation of contract
5.(1) Where a contract is cancelled under regulation 4
(a) the contract shall cease to be enforceable;
(b) any sum which the consumer has paid under or in
contemplation of the contract to the supplier, or to any
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person who is the agent of the supplier for the purpose of
receiving that sum, shall be repaid to the consumer by the
supplier within 60 days after the consumer has given notice
of cancellation of the contract to the supplier;
(c) the consumer or any person on his behalf shall have a lien on
any goods in the possession of the consumer or any person
on his behalf for any sum payable to the consumer under
sub-paragraph (b) or paragraph (2)(b);
(d) any security which the consumer has provided in relation to
the contract shall be treated as not having had effect and any
property lodged with the supplier solely for the purposes of
the security shall be returned by the supplier within 60 days
after the consumer has given notice of cancellation of the
contract to the supplier;
(e) subject to regulations 6 and 7, no sum or other consideration
may be recovered by or on behalf of the supplier from the
consumer in respect of the contract; and
(f) any other contract arranged by the supplier and entered into
by the consumer for the purposes of the contract prior to the
cancellation shall not be enforceable against the consumer.
(2) In the case of a trade-in arrangement, if the contract is
cancelled under regulation 4, the supplier shall either
(a) return the goods delivered by the consumer under the trade-in
arrangement to the consumer in a condition substantially
the same as when they were delivered by the consumer; or
(b) pay to the consumer a sum equal to the trade-in allowance.
(3) When a consumer recovers an amount equal to the trade-in
allowance, then, if the title of the consumer to goods delivered by
the consumer under the trade-in arrangement did not pass from the
consumer, the title shall vest in the person entitled to the title under
the trade-in arrangement.
(4) Subject to paragraph (5), the breach of any duty imposed by
these Regulations on a supplier or consumer shall be actionable as
a breach of statutory duty in a court.
(5) In the case of an action for a breach of duty under paragraph
(1)(b), the value of the claim shall not exceed $30,000.
(6) If, apart from these Regulations, a consumer could have
cancelled the contract under any rule of law or any contractual right
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or other arrangement with the supplier, the fact that the consumer
has cancelled the contract pursuant to these Regulations shall not
prejudice his right to any compensation that he would have if he had
cancelled the contract under that rule of law, contractual right or
(7) In determining the amount recoverable in a claim for
compensation under a right referred to in paragraph (6), the court
shall take account of any compensation which has been given to the
consumer in satisfaction of any claim for a breach of duty under these
Regulations relating to the cancellation of the same contract.
(8) In determining the amount recoverable in a claim by a consumer
for a breach of duty under these Regulations, the court shall take
account of any compensation which has been given to the consumer in
satisfaction of any claim for compensation referred to in paragraph (6)
relating to the cancellation of the same contract.
Return of goods by consumer on cancellation of direct sales contract
6.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a consumer who has, before
cancelling a direct sales contract under these Regulations, acquired
possession of any goods by virtue of the direct sales contract shall
(a) be under a duty, subject to any lien, upon the cancellation to
return the goods to the supplier; and
(b) for the time being retain possession of the goods and take
reasonable care of them.
(2) The consumer shall not be under a duty to return
(a) perishable goods;
(b) goods which by their nature are consumed by use and which,
before the cancellation, were so consumed;
(c) goods supplied to meet an emergency; or
(d) goods which, before the cancellation, had become
incorporated in any land or thing not comprised in the
(3) Where paragraph (2) applies, the consumer shall be under a duty
to pay reasonable compensation for the supply of the goods and for
the provision of any services in connection with the supply of the goods
before the cancellation.
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(4) The consumer shall be discharged from any duty to retain
possession of the goods or return them to the supplier at the time
he delivers the goods to the supplier or to a person designated by
the supplier for such purposes.
Compensation for services on cancellation of regulated contract
7. Where a consumer cancels a regulated contract under these
Regulations, the consumer shall be under a duty to pay reasonable
compensation for the services supplied under the contract before
the cancellation.
No imposition of additional duty or liability on consumer
8.(1) The supplier shall not by a term in a contract impose, directly
or indirectly, any additional duty or liability on the consumer in relation
to the duties imposed by these Regulations.
(2) Where any term in a contract is inconsistent with paragraph (1),
it shall be void to the extent of such inconsistency.
Burden of proof
9. In any proceedings taken in any court between the consumer and
a supplier where a dispute arises as to whether
(a) the consumer information notice has been brought to the
attention of the consumer in accordance with regulation
4(1)(b); or
(b) the consumer information notice informed the consumer
of his right to cancel the contract under these Regulations
and that it contained the information specified in the First
Schedule, in accordance with regulation 4(6),
section 18A of the Act shall apply so that the supplier shall bear the
burden of proving that the requirement referred to in paragraph (a)
or (b), as the case may be, has been complied with.
10. The Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Cancellation of
Contracts) Regulations (Rg 1) are revoked.
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Transitional provision
11.(1) These Regulations shall not apply to any regulated contract
entered into before the coming into operation of these Regulations.
(2) In respect of the cancellation of direct sales contracts and time
share contracts entered into before 15th April 2009, the revoked
Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations shall
continue to apply as if these Regulations had not been enacted.
Regulations 4(6), (9) and 9(b)
Part A
Suppliers Contact Information
1. Name of supplier.
2. Suppliers reference number, code or other details to enable the transaction
to be identified.
3. Designated person(s) to whom notice of cancellation to be given, including
at least one name and at least one address or facsimile number.
Part B
Consumers Right to Cancel Contract
under Consumer Protection (Fair Trading)
(Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations
1. The consumer has a right to cancel a regulated contract within 5 days
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) after
(a) the day on which the consumer entered into the contract; or
(b) if the consumer information notice was not brought to the attention of
the consumer before or at the time he entered the contract, the day on
which the consumer information notice was subsequently brought to
his attention.
2. If the consumer affirms the regulated contract at any time after the expiry
of 5 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) after the day on which
the regulated contract was entered into, the consumer will lose his right to cancel
the contract under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Cancellation of
Contracts) Regulations (the Regulations).
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3. If, having cancelled the regulated contract, the consumer enters into a
subsequent contract (on substantially the same terms as the cancelled contract) with
the supplier at any time before the expiry of the cancellation period of the cancelled
contract, the cancellation period for the subsequent contract will expire when the
cancellation period of the cancelled contract would have expired. If, however, the
subsequent contract is itself a regulated contract, the consumer can also rely on the
cancellation period explained in paragraph 1 above if it is longer.
4. To cancel the contract under the Regulations, the consumer should give
the supplier a notice of cancellation expressed in the form set out in the Second
Schedule to the Regulations or in any other notice in writing of the consumers
intention to cancel the contract under the Regulations.
5. A notice of cancellation must be delivered personally to the person
designated in the consumer information notice, or left at or sent by pre-paid post
to the address designated in the consumer information notice, or sent by facsimile
transmission to the facsimile number designated in the consumer information
6. If the supplier did not designate the necessary person, address or facsimile
number in the consumer information notice, the consumer can give notice of
cancellation under the Regulations by a notice in writing left at or sent by pre-paid
post to the usual or last known address of the place of business of the supplier or
designated person (if any). If the supplier or designated person is a body corporate,
the notice can be left at or sent by pre-paid post to its registered office or principal
7. If the supplier agrees to accept a notice of cancellation by any additional
means, the consumer can do so by the means so agreed.
8. A notice of cancellation sent by pre-paid post is deemed to have been
given at the time of posting, whether or not it is actually received. The consumer is
advised to send the notice by registered post to facilitate proof of posting.
9. The consumer may have other rights to cancel the contract apart from the
Regulations. Cancellation under the Regulations does not prejudice those other
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Regulation 4(7)
under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading)
(Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations
Supplier: (Insert name of supplier)
Reference: (Insert suppliers reference number, code or other details to enable the
transaction to be identified.)
I hereby give notice that I wish to cancel my contract referred to above under the
Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) (Cancellation of Contracts) Regulations.
Telephone No.(optional):
Fax (optional):
E-mail (optional):
Made this 13th day of February 2009.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Trade and Industry,
[MTI/121/14-1-5 PT2 V2; AG/LRRD/15/2001/14]
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