[Provided for educational purposes only - not construed to represent legal advice or documentation]
________, Landlord, and
_______, tenant
For the period _________ to _____________
I. Property Description
The landlord hereby leases to the tenant, to occupy and use for agricultural and related purposes the
following described property:
Tax parcel: ______________________________
Acres rented: __________________
General Terms of the Lease
A. The provisions of this lease shall be in effect for ____ months, commencing on the ___ day of
_________ and continuing in effect from year to year thereafter unless written termination is given by
either party to the other at least 90 days prior to expiration of the lease or any year of continuance.
B. If either party wishes to propose changes to this lease agreement, the party proposing such change
must give the other party at least 60 days written notice of such proposed change and request a meeting.
Amendments and alterations to this lease must be in writing and signed by both the landlord and the
C. The tenant plans to make improvements including fences, gates, and cattle handling facilities and the
landlord agrees with these plans. The tenant will provide to the landlord written documentation of the cost
of these improvements which will be completed by the end of the first year of this lease period. To protect
the investment of the tenant, both parties agree that these improvements have a five year life and that a
maximum of _____________ of investments will be made by the tenant. In the event that the landlord
wishes to terminate this lease for any reason, other than the tenant's default of terms of this lease, before
the end of the five year period, the landlord will pay the tenant at the rate of 20% of the per year for each
year of remaining life of the improvements, if the tenant wishes to terminate the lease during the life of
the improvements, the tenant will forfeit all investment interest in those improvements.
D. No partnership intended. It is particularly understood and agreed that this lease shall not be deemed to
be nor intended to give rise to a partnership relationship.
E. No right to sublease. The landlord does not convey to the tenant the right to lease or sublease any part
of the leased acreage or to assign the lease to any person or persons whomsoever.
Land Use
A. Land use. Land use shall be consistent with Cornell Cooperative Extension and NRCS
recommendations and practices.
B. Restrictions. The land shall be used only for the production of horticulture crops / hay or pasture for
IV. Amount and Payment of Rent
A. Amount. The rent shall be $____ per acre per year due and payable in full on the first day of April of
each year.
B. It is further agreed that the tenant will maintain a farming operation that is eligible for Agriculture
Assessment, which can make the leased property eligible for an Agricultural Value Assessment under the
Agricultural District Law. No later than February 1 of each year, the tenant will provide to the landlord
the information needed by the landlord to apply for the Agricultural Assessment. In the event that the
tenant changed his / her operation in a manner by which the leased property is no longer eligible for the
Agricultural Value Assessment, the tent will pay additional rent by September 1 equal to the difference
between the taxes levied by the town, county and school district and the taxes that would have been levied
with an Agricultural Value Assessment.
v. Operation and Maintenance of the Property. In order to continue the most efficient operation of this
farmland and to maintain it in a high state of productivity, the parties agree as follows:
A. The landlord agrees:
1. To pay all taxes when due.
B. The tenant agrees:
1. General Maintenance. To provide the unskilled labor necessary to maintain the farm and its
improvements during his tenancy is as good condition as it was at the beginning. Normal wear and
damages from causes beyond the tenant's control are accepted.
2. Insurance. Not to violate restrictions in the landlord's insurance policy. The tenant shall provide his
own insurance policy for his equipment and livestock, and liability with a minimum limit of $300,000.
3. Noxious Weeds. To use diligence to prevent noxious weeds from going to seed on the farm.
4. Addition of improvements. Not to erect any structure or building without permission of the landlord.
5. Conservation. Control soil erosion as completely as practicable; keep in good repair all terraces, open
ditches, inlets and outlets of drains; preserve all established water courses or ditches including grasses
waterways; and refrain from any operation or practices that will injure such structures. The tenant will
also strive to use practices which will result in the quality of water leaving the property to be equal quality
that that entering the property.
6. Damages. When he/she leaves the farm, to pay the landlord reasonable compensation for any damages
for the farm for which the tenant is responsible. Any decrease in value due to ordinary wear and
depreciation or damages outside the control of the tenant are excepted.
7. Costs of operation. To pay all costs of operation.
VI. Resolution of Differences
Any differences between the landlord and the tenant as to their rights and obligations under this lease that
are not settled by mutual agreement shall be submitted to one disinterested person agreeable to both
parties. The arbitrator's decision shall be final.
Landlord: ______________________ Date: ________________________
Tenant: ________________________ Date: _________________________