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Features of Intellectual Property
Intellectual property (IP) is knowledge which is structured and presented in particular forms
which allow it to be the subject of certain legal rights and to be tradeable.
Categories of IP are:
a) Patents
b) Copyright
c) Know how
d) Domain names
e) Trademarks
f) Designs
g) Breeders’ rights
Before we discuss specific aspects which scientists and technologists can expect to encounter
let us look briefly at some common features and differences between the main types. The table
shows in outline the main features.
Lifetime of
IP protection /
By whom
Normally life of
creator plus 70
Not required
Not applicable
Domain names
Directly or
through services
of service
Normally 10
years, renewable
affordable for
most entities
Required, by
country or
region. Normally
fairly easy
Layman for
simple marks,
trade mark
20 years, not
Significant, an
important factor
especially for
public research
Required, by
country or
region. Can be
complex and
Patent attorney
a) Patents
Patents are the most powerful and important form of intellectual property for scientists working
on innovations.
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A patent can be applied for to cover a new composition, product or process. It must be new (not
previously known in the public domain), not obvious to skilled persons, and useful in the sense
of solving some practical problem or generating something valuable to society.
Patent applications need to be made with adherence to certain logical structures (claims,
delineating the scope of what rights can be claimed, description and examples). Drafting patent
applications is almost inevitably work for patent attorneys specialized in the field. Great care
must be taken to ensure that the description and structure of the patent application is correct and
defensible, that the scope of claims is appropriate, and that the inventors are correctly listed as
well as the legal entity applying for patent protection.
Patent applications only proceed to become granted patents after they have survived
examination by the national patent offices. This generally takes several years and can involve
considerable expense. A granted patent confers in principle a commercial monopoly (but be
aware that third party patent rights may also be involved in exploitation, see below). The
monopoly lasts for 20 years from the date when the patent application was first filed in the first
country or region chosen.
The decision in which countries/regions to apply for patent coverage can be delayed up to 30
months from the date of first filing, but no longer. This time period allows more information to be
gathered as to the value of the patent, taking account of the expense of filing, examination
(separately in different countries or regions!) and maintenance during the life.
It is often said that patents are necessary to secure “freedom to operate”, but to practice the
invention may be dependent on third party patent rights in addition. This can arise, for example,
if the patent applied for is an improvement of a basic concept or idea patented earlier by another
party. The holder of the original basic patent right may then blocks exploitation of the
improvement or require compensation via a royalty or other form. The holder of the improvement
patent may similarly exercise its rights if the owner of the basic patent would wish to apply the
Patent rights can be transacted (licences granted) and are thus an important feature of
technology transfer arrangements. The existence of valid patents is often essential for start-up
companies, being an aspect of value for investors and for offering licences to industry partners.
Patent rights also provide a basis for valuation of developments and for providing rewards to
The patent literature is vast but fortunately good, searchable data bases exist which anyone can
use with only a little instruction. The European Patent Office ESPACENET data base
is an
excellent search engine for patents and published patent applications worldwide.
Some Perceptions and Issues with Patents
Filing patents takes too much time and delays publication unacceptably.
Scientists often make this claim. Some avoid patenting altogether for this reason. In practice,
a patent filing can usually be submitted within days or weeks of the first conception of an
invention. (The US patent office (USPTO) even has an online submission procedure available
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to everyone at minimal cost (the so-called US provisional application), although care should
be taken to have an experienced patent attorney formulate the text or the patent claims may
be non-optimal). Whichever country or region is selected for a first filing, good preparation
and discussion with a patent attorney are important in the process. With good planning delays
can be avoided in publication and defence of PhD theses.
The issue is not really about time but about quality. The best patent application may depend
on more research being done and early filing may therefore be disadvantageous. Individual
patents from academic institutions may anyway have limited value if competitors dominate
the patent landscape in the chosen field. Conversely, there are examples of cutting edge
science from which patents emerge with enormous value in exploitation by industry or start-
ups. There are also, regrettably, some examples of scientific breakthroughs which should
have been patented but were missed.
These issues need to be evaluated case by case.
Patents block innovation by complicating the sharing of data and resources.
Within big, open access, pre-competitive sharing communities, intellectual property can
sometimes be a block. Within the BMS infrastructures there are some good examples of
networks based on working with such models where there are no intellectual property rights,
or where these are not applied within the context of the collaboration.
Such models (“open access”, “expert centres” etc.) generally apply to pre-competitive
research among a large network of participants.
In other cases business models frequently depend on the existence of robust patents, and
this should be appreciated in many instances of public-private collaboration.
CORBEL thoughts
CORBEL offers innovation assistance to 11 biomedical science infrastructures, spanning a
whole range of different business models from open access data sharing to bilateral licensing
and research collaboration deals involving intellectual property. The Innovation Office is aware of
this diversity and will try to offer creative and tailor-made solutions appropriate to the various
situations arising.
The Help Desk can give advice on IP issues but often such advice is readily available from the
local technology transfer office (TTO).
In addition to help with specific cases, the CORBEL innovation initiative is also exploring wider
cooperation in Europe in the areas of:
Large consortia for sharing of data and resources to further accelerate innovation, making
use of large scale European networks and initiatives (e.g. the EU Open Science Initiative,
perhaps across a number of BMS infrastructures).
Patent pools/incubators across a wide scope and infrastructure. These could avoid the
problems of sub-optimal, fragmented patent filing thereby opening up the path for Open
Innovation models and improving the chances for successful application of knowledge to
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Information sources for patents
For more information visit the websites of the European Patent Office
, the US patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO)
and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
b) Copyright
Copyright is arguably the most widespread and pervasive form of intellectual property. Everyone
comes into contact with copyright issues and certainly for research scientists it is an essential
aspect of their work.
Written works (but also music, creative art and software) are protected by copyright, which
prevents others from making copies.
Copyright is established in most countries without the need for formal registration. Publication in
the public domain will establish it, and the copyright notices often attached to written works serve
to emphasize and remind people but are not strictly required.
Copyright is free of charge. The legal right lasts much longer than for patents, in many countries
for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years. Copyright is therefore often passed down by
inheritance, and can be the subject of family (inheritance) feuds!
As the rights restrict only the reproduction of a work the scope of protection is thereby limited in
comparison with other forms of IP such as patents. Copyright is nonetheless licensable, as
anyone seeking publication through a publishing house will know.
An important category for science is software licensing. Here the software code is protected,
often in situations where patent protection is not possible. This can be an important issue in
biomedical science if rights to use software need to be obtained from a third party.
c) Know-how
Know-how which is kept secret may be considered a category of intellectual property. There are
examples of products which are protected from being copied by strict enforcement of trade
secrets. Coca Cola is the best known example.
More generally, a product or process may depend critically on know-how elements which are
difficult to embody in patents or perhaps tactically better kept secret. Although know-how is
different from other IP categories in that it is not publicly disclosed, it can be the subject of
license agreements.
In the context of publicly-funded research, keeping knowledge permanently out of the public
domain is contrary to the principle of open publication. Increasingly there is a trend towards open
access sharing of knowledge and underlying data, perhaps after patents have been filed but as
soon as possible and making optimal use of on line facilities. Know-how as an IP instrument is
therefore unlikely in public-private collaborations unless it comes from the private party.
Academic researchers may be confronted by know-how if this is an element of secrecy
undertakings they are required to adhere to. As this may impede freedom to carry out research
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or to apply it commercially, this should be carefully assessed before secrecy undertakings are
agreed to.
d) Domain Names
Domain names are important to (start-up) companies and to businesses in general. They are
regulated by country or region, so that uniqueness is maintained. The fees for maintaining
domain names are low. A registered domain name can be renewed and maintained indefinitely.
To register a name it must be available, not having been previously claimed. This has led to
some speculation by domain name “pirates” claiming names they expect will be in demand and
can be profitably sold.
It is therefore important to take steps to establish if a desired domain name is available and to
register it without delay. This can be done easily through the domain registration authorities.
e) Trademarks
Trademarks are a recognized way to brand a product, service or entity. They can be registered
through the European Trademarks Office
or the World Intellectual Property Organization
Registration is for a country or region and fees are payable to maintain the marks. Trademarks
are renewable indefinitely but a condition is that they must remain in use.
The fees are less than for patents and are normally affordable for companies. The choice by
country or region means that a company or entity can apply for marks in accordance with its
geography, thereby containing costs.
Application for trademark protection can sometimes be done online, without the help of skilled
professionals, for word marks or simple designs, but more elaborate marks require the help of
trade mark attorneys. Marks must give differentiation and meet certain criteria.
As trademarks stand for quality, reputation and recognisability, they can accrue immense value
e.g. for multinational enterprises, and can therefore be the subject of litigation if infringement is
claimed. Trademarks are licensable.
Research scientists in public institutes are unlikely to be involved with trademarks except in the
case of start-up companies or occasionally a product or service line for widespread use which
will benefit from branding.
f) Designs
Design rights can be protected in the same way as patents but the scope of protection is limited
to the design itself (as given by a drawing or such like) and is therefore much less powerful than
protection offered by a patent (the embodiments and principles of a working product or device or
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Design rights are encountered sometimes in combination with other forms of intellectual
property. For example, the various features of a product may be protected by patents, designs,
trademarks and copyright in tandem.
g) Breeders’ Rights
This is a specialized area in respect mainly of protection for plant species obtained by breeding.
It is unlikely to be relevant outside this field. More information can be found here:
The table on page 1 showing in outline the main features of intellectual property is reproduced
by kind permission of Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA).