Roadside Assistance Providers
Fatally Struck by Vehicles
at the Roadside: Incidence
and Characteristics
JAN 2024
607 14th Street, NW, Suite 701
Washington, DC 20005
© 2024 AAA Foundation for Trac Safety
Roadside Assistance Providers Fatally Struck by Vehicles at the Roadside: Incidence and
(January 2024)
Brian C. Tefft
, Anqi Wei
, and Rebecca Steinbach
1. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
2. Georgia Institute of Technology
When a vehicle breaks down or a minor crash has occurred, drivers and their families
can become stranded on the side of the highway as traffic speeds past. Roadside
assistance providers courageously dedicate themselves to helping motorists during this
time of great vulnerability, often placing themselves in harm’s way to ensure that others
are able to return home safely. Unfortunately, every year, far too many roadside
assistance providers are stuck by passing vehicles and are unable to return home to their
own families.
Since its founding in 1947, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has been dedicated to
preventing injuries and saving lives on our roads. However, as a foundation created and
supported by AAA, finding ways to protect the roadside assistance providers who
dedicate themselves to protecting the rest of us is uniquely personal. This report
describes the results of research that seeks to understand the characteristics of crashes
in which roadside assistance providers have died in the line of duty, to help us find ways
to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future. This report should be of interest
to roadside assistance professionals as well as first responders, road authorities with
responsibility for traffic incident management, policymakers, and all motorists.
C. Y. David Yang, Ph.D.
President and Executive Director
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
About the Sponsor
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
607 14
Street, NW, Suite 701
Washington, D.C. 20005
Founded in 1947, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in Washington, D.C., is a
nonprofit, publicly supported charitable research and educational organization
dedicated to saving lives by preventing traffic crashes and reducing injuries when
crashes occur. Funding for this report was provided by voluntary contributions from
AAA/CAA and their affiliated motor clubs, individual members, AAA-affiliated insurance
companies, and other organizations or sources.
This publication is distributed by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety at no charge, as a
public service. It may not be resold or used for commercial purposes without the explicit
permission of the foundation. It may, however, be copied in whole or in part and
distributed for free via any medium, provided the Foundation is given appropriate credit
as the source of the material. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety assumes no liability
for the use or misuse of any information, opinions, findings, conclusions, or
recommendations contained in this report.
If trade or manufacturer’s names are mentioned, it is only because they are considered
essential to the object of this report and their mention should not be construed as an
endorsement. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety does not endorse products or
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................... vi
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Method ........................................................................................................................... 5
Records of Roadside Assistance Providers who Died ........................................................... 5
Data on All Fatal Crashes in the United States ....................................................................... 6
Results ............................................................................................................................ 9
Overall Trends and Patterns ..................................................................................................... 9
Characteristics of Crashes ........................................................................................................ 11
Characteristics of Striking Vehicles and Drivers ................................................................. 15
Discussion .................................................................................................................... 18
Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 23
Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................................. 25
References .................................................................................................................... 27
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
DOT Department of Transportation
ERSI Emergency Responder Safety Institute
FARS Fatality Analysis Reporting System
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
MMUCC Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RAP Roadside Assistance Provider
Executive Summary
Roadside assistance providers including motor vehicle towing personnel, mobile
mechanics, and safety service patrollers often work on or alongside highways to help
stranded motorists after vehicle breakdowns or crashes. This places them at risk of being
struck by passing vehicles. Research is needed to understand the circumstances of
crashes involving roadside assistance providers, to inform and prioritize efforts to
protect them.
Unfortunately, when roadside assistance providers are injured or killed in
crashes, the sources of data used most in traffic safety research do not reliably report the
fact that the victim was a roadside assistance provider. When they are struck while
working outside of their vehicle, they typically are reported simply as pedestrians,
rendering them indistinguishable from other pedestrians injured or killed in crashes.
This has hindered past efforts to study roadside assistance provider safety.
In the current study, industry records were used to identify roadside assistance
providers struck and killed by vehicles. Those records were matched to a federal
database of all fatal crashes nationwide to determine which crash victims in the
database were roadside assistance providers. These matched data were then used to
examine the characteristics of the crashes in which roadside assistance providers were
killed, with a focus on types of factors relevant to the selection or prioritization of
potential countermeasures to protect roadside assistance providers.
The study identified 123 roadside assistance providers fatally struck while
working in the road or at the roadside in years 2015 (the first year of victim records
available) through 2021 (the latest year of national fatal crash data available). There
appears to have been an increasing trend in the number of roadside assistance providers
killed each year; however, trends should be interpreted with caution as it is possible that
some cases were missed. The vast majority of these deaths occurred on Interstate
highways or other high-speed limited-access highways. Most crashes occurred during
good weather on roads that were not slippery. Nearly two-thirds occurred in darkness;
however, information regarding use of high visibility safety apparel, emergency lighting,
and other safety equipment was unavailable in most cases. Approximately one in four
crashes occurred in the travel lanes of the roadway, highlighting the importance of
increasing compliance with Slow Down, Move Over laws, which require drivers to move
over one lane or reduce speed when approaching roadside assistance providers, police,
firefighters, emergency medical service providers, and in some states also other workers
working at the roadside. However, more than half of all crashes occurred when the
striking driver departed the roadway and struck the roadside assistance provider on the
shoulder or roadside, suggestive albeit not necessarily indicative of the involvement of
factors such as impairment, fatigue, or distraction. More than one-third of striking
drivers who were tested for alcohol were alcohol-positive; however, nearly half were not
The current study represents the most comprehensive compilation of data on
roadside assistance provider fatalities of which the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is
aware. Records of 123 roadside assistance providers fatally struck by vehicles were
identified; slightly more than reported in a federal occupational fatality database and far
more than in national fatal motor vehicle crash data.
Based on the findings of this research, as well as the limitations encountered, this
report makes the following recommendations:
There is a need to reinforce public awareness of and increase motorist
compliance with Slow Down, Move Over laws; research to investigate the most
effective approaches to increase compliance is also needed.
Countermeasures are needed to protect roadside assistance providers and first
responders from out-of-control vehicles that depart the roadway by preventing
the original road departure, by protecting those at the roadside from being struck,
or by reducing the severity of any impact that may occur. Research is needed to
determine what countermeasures are most effective and practical to meet this
Training for roadside assistance providers should emphasize the importance
avoiding working or standing on the traffic-facing side of the incident scene
whenever possible and minimize time spent on the traffic-facing side of the scene
when it cannot be avoided altogether, as well as provide strategies for how to do
In cases where countermeasures are site-specific or where deployment must be
prioritized, results of the current study suggest that efforts should focus on
protecting roadside assistance providers working on high-speed limited-access
State police crash report forms should include data fields designed to report
whether a crash victim was an incident responder, and type of responder when
applicable, as called for in the current edition of the Model Minimum Uniform
Crash Criteria. Additionally, states should consider collecting additional
information in crashes in which roadside assistance providers and other
emergency response personnel are struck by vehicles, or at least in those that
result in the injury or death of a responder.
Roadside Assistance Providers (RAPs) including motor vehicle towing personnel,
emergency roadside technicians, mobile mechanics, and safety service patrollers work to
assist motorists whose vehicles have become disabled due to mechanical failures,
crashes, or other causes. Whereas law enforcement, firefighting, and emergency medical
service personnel are classified “first responders,” RAPs are often termed “second
responders.” When RAPs are called to assist a motorist at the roadside, they are often
required to work under high-risk conditions, such as on the shoulder or even in the
travel lane of a high-speed roadway that remains open to traffic, placing them at risk of
being struck by passing vehicles. Using occupational fatality and employment data from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) between 2005 and 2015, a previous study by Bunn et
al. (2018) found that the motor vehicle towing industry had more than double the
occupational fatality rate of other transportation incident management industries
including law enforcement and fire protection.
Although RAPs clearly face substantial risk in the line of duty, little research has
examined characteristics of crashes in which RAPs are injured or killed (Chandler &
Bunn, 2019). Studies examining first responders as well as RAPs often include relatively
little data specifically regarding RAPs, likely due at least in part to crash report forms
and data reporting conventions that hinder the identification of crash victims as RAPs
(Horrey et al., 2021). Although the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC)
(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA], 2017, 2024) calls for the
collection of data including whether each crash-involved person was an incident
responder and the type of responder if applicable, NHTSA reported that state police
crash reports collected fewer than 50% of the MMUCC data elements as of 2022 (Agency
Information Collection Activities, 2022). It is evident from the few studies that have
attempted to examine injuries or fatalities of RAPs that the current state of data
collection and reporting has hindered research on the topic.
Yu et al. (2013) examined a sample of 265 crashes in Wisconsin between 2000 and
2010 in which emergency responders were struck by vehicles; however, most involved
law enforcement officers and few were RAPs. (The article did not specifically report the
number of RAPs; however, calculations from reported data indicate it was fewer than
10.) The authors noted that the state’s police crash report form did not provide any data
fields to note that a crash-involved person was a tow-truck driver, likely leading to
undercounting of towing operators struck by vehicles. Carrick & Srinivasan (2023)
examined Florida crashes between 2011 and 2020 in which a driver was cited for a
violation of the state Slow Down, Move Over” law. In most of the crashes examined, only
the responder’s vehicle, not the responder, was struck. The authors reported that of 519
crashes examined, only 34 involved a responder struck as a pedestrian, the majority of
which were law enforcement officers. Of the 34, only nine were RAPs (seven towing and
two safety service patrol), thus limiting the depth of analysis that could be conducted
regarding the characteristics of crashes in which RAPs were struck. The authors noted
that the state’s crash database lacked detail necessary to identify all emergency roadside
response personnel, and that their method of identifying only crashes in which a driver
was cited for violating the state’s Slow Down, Move Over law would not identify all
crashes in which responders were struck. Chandler & Bunn (2019) examined injuries and
deaths of towing operators reported in an Occupational Safety & Health Administration
(OSHA) database between 2002 and 2017, and identified 106 total injuries or deaths of
towing operators, including 39 in which the towing operator was a pedestrian struck by
a passing vehicle. However, the authors noted that OSHA is not required to investigate all
occupational injuries that occur on public roadways and thus that OSHA’s database likely
did not include all such injuries and deaths.
Bunn et al. (2018) examined traffic incident management occupational fatalities in
Kentucky between 2005 and 2016 identified through the state’s National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-funded Fatality Assessment and Control (FACE)
occupational fatality surveillance program. Of 29 such traffic incident management
fatalities identified, 11 were RAPs (six towing and five transportation agency personnel,
e.g., safety service patrol or similar). The article noted that the state’s crash database only
correctly identified the occupation of four of the 29 fatalities in total, including only
three of the 11 RAPs. Thus, had crash data been the only source of information used, a
large majority of all deaths of traffic incident management personnel, including but not
limited to RAPs, would not have been identified as having involved traffic incident
management personnel or RAPs. Importantly, however, the study noted that the
occupations of all but one of the traffic incident management fatalities were identified
correctly through a different source of data: media reports.
Yang et al. (2023) examined media reports describing over 5,000 incidents in
which emergency responders including RAPs were struck or nearly struck by vehicles
between 2001 and 2020. Although not stated explicitly in the article, the study data
appeared to include approximately 85 RAPs who died and roughly an additional 200 who
were struck or nearly struck. Although the study notes that results could potentially be
biased by differential media reporting in relation to incident severity or responder type,
results suggest that incidents involving RAPs were significantly more likely to be fatal
than incidents involving other types of responders. This study was able to make effective
use of data from media reports to identify crashes involving emergency responders
including RAPsat least partially overcoming this key shortcoming of state and national
crash databases discussed previously. However, many crash-related details almost
universally available in crash databases (e.g., location relative to the roadway, driver
actions contributing the crash, even the time of day) were not reported in a substantial
proportion of the media articles and thus were not available for analysis.
Given the well-documented limitations of crash databases that hinder the
identification of crash victims as RAPs, as well as the noted success of identifying them
through media reports, the current study sought to use data from both sources to
identify and examine the characteristics of crashes in which RAPs were struck and killed
by vehicles.
This purpose of the current study was to conduct a descriptive analysis of the
characteristics of crashes in which RAPs were struck and killed by vehicles. Because
RAPs are not consistently identifiable in crash databases, RAPs struck and killed by
vehicles were first identified using records compiled by two organizations that
memorialize RAPs who died. These records were then matched to a database of all fatal
crashes in the U.S. to obtain additional information about the crashes. These matched
records were then analyzed to describe the characteristics of the crashes in which RAPs
were killed in years 20152021.
Records of Roadside Assistance Providers Who Died
Records of roadside assistance providers who died were obtained from two
sources: The National Tow List’s “Fallen Operators” (20152021) and the Emergency
Responder Safety Institute’s struck-by-vehicle fatality incidents data (20192021).
The National Tow List maintains a free list of towing providers globally on their
website and maintains an up-to-date list of all towing related news on their publicly
available Facebook page
. Each year starting in 2016, the National Tow List has compiled
a list of “Fallen Operators” in their Facebook photo albums, which details the name, age,
date, location (city and state), and circumstances of death for tow operators who died in
the preceding year. The list of Fallen Operators from years 20152021 included a total
334 deaths of tow truck drivers, including deaths unrelated to being struck by a vehicle
(e.g., medical events, incidents involving equipment). The authors manually reviewed
the descriptions of the circumstances of each death. Based on this review, 122 deaths for
which circumstances were described as “struck” or similar were included in the current
The Emergency Responder Safety Institute (ERSI) maintains a list of struck-by-
vehicle fatalities of all types of emergency responders on its website
(ERSI, 2023). The list
is compiled from daily searches of internet sources, news reports, social media pages,
and through contacts in the police, fire, EMS, and towing industries. The list details the
name, date of the incident and death, location (state and county), type of emergency
responder, on/off-duty status, organization/employer, and activity of struck-by fatalities
along with a hyperlink to a news story or source. The first full year for which ERSI’s
struck-by-vehicle fatality incident data is available was 2019. ERSI receives funding and
support from the U.S. Fire Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the
Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, and the Federal Highway
Data obtained from ERSI included 155 records of responder deaths, including law
enforcement, EMS/firefighters, tow truck drivers, road service technicians, mobile
mechanics, and safety service patrollers. From these records, 68 were identified as RAPs
(i.e., towing, road service technicians, mobile mechanics, and safety service patrollers),
and were included in the current study.
Records from the National Tow List and ERSI were combined into a single list
(hereafter referred to as RAP records). This included 59 deaths reported by the National
Tow List in 20152018, 63 deaths reported by both organizations in 20192021, and five
additional deaths reported only by ERSI in 20192021. After removing duplicates, the
final combined list of RAP records included records of 127 roadside assistance providers
struck and killed by vehicles in 20152021.
Data on All Fatal Crashes in the United States
Data on all fatal crashes in the U.S. were obtained from the NHTSA’s Fatality
Analysis Reporting System (FARS) (NHTSA, 2023a). FARS includes a record of every crash
that involves a motor vehicle in-transport, occurs on a public roadway, and results in the
death of at least one involved person within 30 days of the crash. Data in FARS are
compiled from police crash reports and include detailed information about all vehicles
and people involved in fatal crashes, as well as information about the characteristics of
the road, environmental conditions at the time of the crash, and the sequence of events
that led up to the crash.
Matching RAP Records to Fatal Crash Data
RAP records were matched to corresponding records in FARS through a multi-
stage process. Data available in both RAP records and in FARS included the victims’ age,
date of death, and the state in which the crash occurred. (The National Tow List also
included the city of the crash; ERSI also included the crash date and the county.)
In the first round of matching, the date of death, victim’s age, and state from RAP
records uniquely identified 95 records in FARS. An additional seven RAP records each
matched two FARS records on the basis of these variables.
For records with multiple possible matches, the authors sought media reports
about the crashes to obtain additional information that could potentially help to
determine which FARS record was the correct match. For RAP records obtained from
ERSI, the links provided by ERSI were used. For RAP records obtained from the National
Tow List, the authors performed Google searches for relevant media articles using search
terms including the victim’s name, state, date of crash or death, and search terms crash
OR accident OR hit OR struck OR killed OR died OR fatal). When articles were located, the
authors manually abstracted information such as the approximate time of the crash, the
name of the road on which the crash occurred, and sometimes additional location
information. These additional data were then used to determine which of the FARS
records, if any, was the correct match for each RAP record. Using this procedure, the
seven RAP records each initially matched to two FARS records were uniquely matched to
a single FARS record, yielding 102 matched records, after which 25 remained
For the 25 remaining unmatched records, online news reports were searched as
described above, both to obtain additional information as described above and to
confirm or correct information in the original RAP records. Several corrections were
made to victim’s ages (in most cases by ±1 year) and crash and death dates (usually by ±1
day). Such corrections to ages in dates in the RAP records resulted in three additional
matches to FARS, leaving 22 RAP records still unmatched.
For the remaining unmatched records, matching criteria were relaxed to allow
discrepancies of ±1 day in the crash date and date of death, age was not required to
match, and new potential matches were examined manually to check for agreement with
respect to the crash city or county, time, and the road on which the crash occurred and
determine which, if any, was the correct match. This process yielded 17 additional
matches including several with age discrepancies of 1 year, one with an age discrepancy
of 2 years, one with an age discrepancy of 4 years, and six with discrepancies of 1 day in
the date of death. In one additional case, RAP records listed a fatally injured towing
operator as 61 years of age but the matched FARS record (matched on state, county, road,
date, time, and number and type of vehicles in the crash) listed the victim’s age as 34.
The authors identified the same crash in the relevant state crash database, and in it the
victim’s age was listed as 61. The authors thus concluded that this was the correct match,
and that the victim’s age was entered incorrectly into FARS.
Of five cases remaining unmatched, no online news article could be found
pertaining to two of the crashes/victims. Another was determined through online news
articles to be outside the scope of state and national traffic fatality data because the
victim died several months after the crash. In one case, it was unclear whether the
towing operator had died or not, as multiple sources of data provided conflicting
information. For this crash, an article on a crowdsourced website described a crash in
which a 35-year-old male driver of a sedan struck a stopped tow truck, killing the 48-
year-old male towing operator. The FARS record of what was clearly the same crash
(matched on date, time, state, city, road, makes and models of vehicles involved, and
approximate ages of their drivers) indicated that the 35-year-old male driver of the
striking vehicle died while the 47-year-old male driver of the struck tow truck survived.
Given this discrepancy, the authors searched a death notice for the towing operator and
found none. However, a search for the striking driver yielded a death notice for a person
of the same name (per media report), age, and state who died on the date of the crash.
Given these conflicting data, this crash was not included in the current study.
The last unmatched case was confirmed through multiple mainstream television
and print media reports to have been a tow operator who was struck and killed by a
vehicle on a public road thus was clearly within the scope of FARS; however, FARS
contained no record of any fatal crash in the corresponding city within several weeks of
the crash date indicated in the RAP record and media reports. The authors uniquely
identified the relevant crash in the state Department of Transportation’s crash database
based on the crash date, time, county, city, and road. However, the crash was coded in
the state’s database as a non-fatal crash. In attempt to reconcile RAP record and media
reports with the state’s coding of the crash as non-fatal and its absence from FARS, the
authors requested and obtained a redacted copy of the police crash report for the
relevant crash. In the police report, the police officer’s narrative clearly stated, “Unit #1
did not see the tow truck…and struck the tow truck driver who was standing next to Unit
#2 killing him.” However, the tow truck driver was erroneously omitted from the portion
of the police report that lists the injury severity of persons who were injured or killed,
and a checkbox at the top of the form intended to be marked for fatal crashes was not
marked, collectively explaining the miscoding of the crash in the database as non-fatal
and consequent omission from the FARS database. This case was included in the study.
The authors used data abstracted from the police report to populate relevant variables in
the study database. Ultimately, 123 RAP records were matched to their corresponding
records in crash databases.
Identification of Roadside Assistance Providers Using FARS Alone
Before 2019, the FARS database did not specifically identify motor vehicle towing
personnel, safety service patrollers, or other RAPs when they were struck while outside
of their vehicle (NHTSA, 2023b). However, it included a code for emergency services
personnel including but are not limited to RAPs. Of the 123 RAPs identified in the current
study through RAP records, 55 were killed in 20152018, and only 9 of them were
identified in FARS as emergency services personnel.
The NHTSA added new codes to the FARS database in 2019 to facilitate the
identification of crash victims as towing operators or other transportation workers
(including but not limited to RAPs, e.g., state highway safety service patrollers). In years
20192021, 26 crash victims were coded as towing operators and 16 as transportation
workers. By comparison to RAP records, 22 of the 26 persons coded in FARS as towing
operators and 3 of 16 persons coded in FARS as transportation workers were confirmed
to have been RAPs. Media reports regarding the other four crash victims identified in
FARS as towing operators indicated that two were not struck by vehicles; no reports
were identified regarding the remaining two. Of the 13 transportation workers identified
in FARS but not in the RAP records, 12 were determined to have not been RAPs (most
were road construction/maintenance workers) and one could not be determined.
In sum, FARS only identified as RAPs 34 of the 123 crash victims identified
through RAP records, including those who were identified in FARS as emergency services
workers as well as the those identified more specifically as towing operators or
transportation workers. Moreover, the new variables added to FARS in 2019 identified
only 25 of the 68 RAPs identified through RAP records in years 20192021 and between
zero and three additional RAPs not identified through the RAP records. Thus, it was
determined that FARS alone was insufficient to identify RAPs struck and killed by
vehicles, even with the new variables added in 2019.
The 123 RAP records and matched FARS records were analyzed to describe the
characteristics of the crashes in which RAPs were fatally struck by vehicles, with a focus
on factors potentially relevant to the development or prioritization of countermeasures
to protect RAPs.
Overall Trends and Patterns
Figure 1 shows the distribution of the 123 RAP deaths identified by year. The data
are indicative of a statistically significant increasing trend in the number of RAPs
identified who were fatally struck by vehicles each year (P=0.001 for linear trend). While
the total number of people killed in all crashes each year also increased over the study
period, fatalities identified as RAPs also increased significantly as a proportion of total
traffic fatalities (P=0.0064 for linear trend in proportion), indicating that the increasing
trend in RAPs fatally struck by vehicles was even greater than the overall increasing
trend in all traffic fatalities. Note that trends should be interpreted with caution; if RAP
records were less complete in earlier years than in later years, this could result in the
magnitude of the trend being overestimated.
Figure 2 shows the number of RAP fatalities identified in each state over the study
period. Unsurprisingly the three most populous states (California, Texas, and Florida)
accounted for the largest numbers of RAP fatalities. Differences between states should be
interpreted with caution, however, as the methodology used to identify cases could have
resulted in the unintentional omission of some RAP fatalities, and even a small number
of additional cases could impact the distribution of fatalities by state significantly.
Figure 1. Annual Number of Roadside Assistance Providers
Struck and Killed by Vehicles, United States, 20152021.
Figure 2. Number of Roadside Assistance Providers Struck and Killed by Vehicles,
by State, 20152021.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Figure 3 shows the ages of RAPs fatally struck by vehicles. Their average age was 41
years, the youngest was 21, and the oldest was 80. All of them were men.
Figure 3. Ages of Roadside Assistance Providers Struck and
Killed by Vehicles, United States, 20152021.
Characteristics of Crashes
Roadway and Environment
Figure 4 shows the types of roads on which RAPs were struck and killed by
vehicles. In total, 85% of all deaths of RAPs struck by vehicles occurred on high-speed
limited-access highways. More than two-thirds of all cases occurred on Interstate
highways; the majority of the remainder occurred on other limited-access highways.
Nearly 90% of all RAP fatalities occurred at locations with speed limits of 55 mph or
higher; only six occurred at locations with speed limits below 45 mph.
Figure 4. Functional Classification and Speed Limit of Roads on which Roadside Assistance
Providers were Struck and Killed by Vehicles, United States, 20152021.
30 30
21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80
Age of Roadside Assistance Provider
84 (68%)
21 (17%)
15 (12%)
3 (2%)
≤ 40
45-50 55-60 65+
Speed Limit (miles per hour)
Figure 5 shows the time of day and lighting conditions present when RAPs were
struck and killed by vehicles. The majority occurred during nighttime hours. Nearly two-
thirds occurred during darkness, most of which occurred at unlit locations. Nearly one-
third of all RAP fatalities occurred between the hours of 9 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Figure 5. Time of Day and Lighting Conditions when Roadside Assistance Providers were
Struck and Killed by Vehicles, United States, 2015 2021.
Figure 6 shows the weather and roadway surface conditions present at the
locations where RAPs were fatally struck. The road was reported as dry and weather was
reported as clear or cloudy without precipitation in 103 of the 123 crashes examined
(84%). Precipitation was only noted in 16 crashes (13%). Similarly, the road was only
noted as wet in 13 crashes (11%) and icy in seven (6%).
Figure 6. Road Surface and Weather Conditions Present when
Roadside Assistance Providers were Struck and Killed by Vehicles,
United States, 20152021.
5-9a 9a-1p 1-5p 5-9p 9p-1a 1-5a
Dry road,
no precip.
Wet road,
no precip
Wet road,
Icy road,
no precip.
Icy road,
freezing rain
Pre-Crash Circumstances
Figure 7 shows the locations of RAPs when they were struck. All but four of them
were outside of their vehicles. Sixty-three percent (77 of 123) were standing or working
outside of the travel lanes on the shoulder or roadside. Approximately one-third (39 of
123) were working or standing in the travel lanes. Three were known to be outside of
their vehicles, but it was unclear whether they were located in the travel lanes or on the
shoulder/roadside. Of the four RAPs who were killed while inside of their roadside
assistance vehicle, three were parked on the shoulder or roadside and one was reported
in FARS as in-transport on the roadway.
Figure 7. Location of Roadside Assistance Providers Struck and Killed by Vehicles,
United States, 20152021.
Table 1 shows the general sequence of events in crashes in which RAPs were
struck and killed by vehicles, up to the point at which the RAP was struck. Note that
crashes that shared similar major events were grouped together, the details provided are
intended to be representative examples of a general type of crash; they do not
necessarily fully capture all of the details of every crash in the same group. Also note that
events that occurred after the RAP was struck were not examined, as the focus was on
understanding events that occurred leading up to the RAP being struck.
Outside vehicle,
on shoulder/roadside/etc.
Outside vehicle,
in travel lanes
Outside vehicle,
location unknown
Inside vehicle,
on shoulder/roadside/etc.
Inside vehicle,
in travel lane
Table 1. General Sequences of Events in Crashes in which RAPs were Struck and Killed,
United States, 20152021.
Crash Type
General Description
Specific Details
Number (%)
Vehicle in transport
strikes RAP directly
RAP struck in travel lanes of
24 (20%)
Vehicle departs road first, then
strikes RAP outside of travel lanes
36 (29%)
Vehicle in transport
strikes RAP vehicle
and/or disabled
vehicle, then one of
those vehicles
strikes RAP
RAP vehicle or disabled vehicle
struck in travel lanes of roadway
4 (3%)
Striking vehicle departs road first,
initial impact occurs outside of
travel lanes
39 (32%)
Striking vehicle departs road and
strikes RAP vehicle (RAP inside of
3 (2%)
Vehicles collided on the road first, then one of those
vehicles strikes the RAP
16 (13%)
RAP vehicle struck while re-entering traffic with
disabled vehicle in tow
1 (1%)
In the most common general type of crash, labelled A in Table 1, a vehicle in
transport (i.e., a vehicle being driven on the roadway) struck the RAP directly. This
general type of crash accounted for 60 of the 123 RAP fatalities examined (49%). In crash
type A-1, which accounted for 40% of type A and 20% of all RAP fatalities, the RAP was
standing or working in the travel lanes of the roadway when the vehicle struck him. In
type A-2 (60% of crash type A and 29% of all RAP fatalities), the vehicle first traveled out
of the travel lanes and onto the shoulder or roadside before striking the RAP. As noted
previously, these generalized descriptions are intended only to capture the key details
leading up to the RAP being struck and do not fully capture every detail of every crash.
For example, in some of these crashes, the striking vehicle may have struck the RAP
vehicle, the disabled vehicle, a guardrail, etc., after striking the RAP; however, data
indicate that the striking vehicle struck the RAP directly, before any other impacts in the
crash. Finally, of particular note, in 25 of these crashes, only the RAP worker and neither
the RAP vehicle nor disabled vehicle was struck.
In crash type B, a vehicle in transport first struck the RAP vehicle or a disabled
vehicle, leading to a chain of events resulting in the RAP being struck and killed. This
general crash type accounted for 43 of the 123 RAP fatalities examined (37%). Most
commonly, in 39 of the cases examined, a vehicle in transport first departed the
roadway, and then struck the RAP vehicle or disabled vehicle outside of the travel lanes
of the roadway, after which one of these vehicles (the vehicle in transport, the RAP
vehicle, or the disabled vehicle) fatally struck the RAP (crash type B-2 in Table 1). These
include cases in which the RAP was standing on the shoulder or roadside when struck as
well as cases when the RAP was standing on the RAP vehicle (e.g., standing on the flatbed
actively securing the disabled vehicle to the flatbed) and cases where the RAP was
standing between the RAP vehicle and disabled vehicle and became pinned when the
disabled vehicle was struck. In multiple cases, media reports or other sources described
the vehicle in transport driving up the ramp of the flatbed, becoming airborne, and
striking the RAP upon landing. Also included within crash type B were four cases that
occurred within the travel lanes of the road (i.e., where the striking vehicle did not
depart the road prior to the crash) and three in which the RAP was seated inside the cab
of the parked RAP vehicle and was killed when the vehicle was struck.
In a less common yet still significant scenario, 16 cases (13% of all RAP fatalities)
followed an initial collision between two or more vehicles in transport on the road (type
C in Table 1). In most of these cases, one of the vehicles involved in the initial collision
then struck the RAP directly, though a few involved more complex chains of events (in
two cases, one of the original vehicles then struck the RAP vehicle, which then struck the
RAP, and one case involved multiple impacts between multiple vehicles in transport on
the roadway before one of those vehicles subsequently struck the RAP).
Finally, in one case, a vehicle in transport struck the RAP vehicle while the RAP
vehicle was attempting to re-enter traffic with the disabled vehicle in tow.
Characteristics of Striking Vehicles and Drivers
The characteristics of the vehicles and drivers who struck RAPs were examined to
gain additional insight into the safety risks experienced by RAPs. Note that in cases
where the RAP was struck in a complex sequence of events that involved multiple
vehicles, this analysis focused on the vehicle and driver that crash data indicate initiated
the sequence of events that led to the RAP being struck, even if it was not necessarily the
same vehicle that physically struck the RAP. Also note that 26 of the drivers who fatally
struck RAPs (21%) left the scene of the crash; some still had not yet been identified before
the FARS data were finalized, resulting in some missing information about striking
drivers and vehicles.
Figure 8 shows the types of vehicles that struck and killed RAPs. Slightly more
than one-third were pickup trucks, vans, or SUVs and slightly fewer than one-third were
passenger cars. Nearly one in four was a large truck. Vehicle type was unknown for eight
striking vehicles.
Figure 8. Types of Vehicles that Struck and Killed
Roadside Assistance Providers, United States, 20152021.
Figure 9 shows the ages of the drivers of the vehicles that struck and killed RAPs.
Age was unknown for nine drivers who left the scene and were not subsequently
identified. Excluding those of unknown age, the median age of these drivers was 38
years, the youngest was 17 and the oldest was 80. Excluding nine for whom sex was not
determined, 82 (72%) were men and 32 (28%) were women.
Figure 9. Ages of Drivers who Struck and Killed Roadside
Assistance Providers, United States, 20152021.
Figure 10 shows data regarding alcohol involvement among drivers who struck
RAPs. Of drivers who were tested for alcohol and had confirmed results (58 of 123), 20
(16% of all drivers; 34% of those with alcohol data) tested positive for alcohol, and 16
(13% of all; 28% of those with alcohol data) had a blood alcohol concentration higher
than the legal limit, including nine whose blood alcohol concentration was more than
double the legal limit. Notably, however, 48 of 123 drivers (39%) who struck and killed
RAPs were not tested for alcohol, and no information about alcohol testing and/or results
were available for another 17 (14%).
39 (32%)
46 (37%)
30 (24%)
8 (7%)
16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 Unknown
Age of Driver of Striking Vehicle
Figure 10. Blood Alcohol Concentration of Drivers who Struck and
Killed Roadside Assistance Providers, United States, 20152021.
Figure 11 shows the driver license status of drivers who struck and killed RAPs.
Among those whose license status could be determined (113 of 123), one in eight lacked a
valid driver’s license. Three were completely unlicensed, nine were driving with a
suspended or revoked license, and two had an expired driver’s license. Note, however,
previous research has shown that drivers who leave the scene of crashes are
disproportionately likely to lack a valid license (Benson et al., 2021), thus it is likely that
at least some of the 10 whose license status was not determined may have lacked a valid
license. Among those who were driving large trucks requiring a commercial driver’s
license, all held the appropriate class of license for their vehicle.
Figure 11. Drivers License Status of Drivers who Struck and
Killed Roadside Assistance Providers, United States, 20152021.
0.010.07 0.080.15 ≥0.16
Not Tested Unknown
Blood Alcohol Concentration of Striking Driver
99 (80%)
Suspended/Revoked: 9 (7%)
Expired: 2 (2%)
Unlicensed: 3 (2%
Unknown: 10 (8%)
Figure 12 shows selected items on the driving records of the striking drivers in the
5 years preceding the crash for 110 of the 123 striking drivers; driving history
information was unavailable for 13. The data indicate that 26 of them (24% of those with
available data) had one or more convictions for speeding violations in the past 5 years,
and 24 (22%) had one or more convictions for other moving violations. Twenty-one
striking drivers (19% of those with driving history data) had had their license suspended
at least once in the past 5 years, 18 (16%) had been involved in at least one crash, and
eight (7%) had at least one previous driving under the influence (DUI) conviction. Note
that the previous statistics are not mutually exclusive and should not be added. In total,
more than half of all striking drivers with available driving history data (57 of 110) had
at least one conviction for speeding, DUI, another moving violation, a license suspension,
or a crash on their recent driving records.
Figure 12. Driving History in Previous 5 Years, Drivers who Struck
and Killed Roadside Assistance Providers, United States, 20152021.
Note: Speeding, other moving violation, and DUI refer to convictions only;
violations not resulting in convictions are not included. Data are based on
110 drivers with driving history data available.
Although previous research had examined particular subsets of crashes involving
traffic incident management or roadside assistance personnel (Carrick & Srinivasan,
2023; Chandler & Bunn, 2019; Yu et al., 2013), the current study is, to the best of the
authors’ knowledge, the first study that has sought to identify and characterize all
crashes in which RAPs, including motor vehicle towing personnel, safety service
patrollers, emergency roadside technicians and mobile mechanics, were fatally struck by
passing vehicles while working at the roadside.
Other Moving
1 or More
of the Above
Previous research noted that RAPs were not readily identifiable in state crash
databases (Bunn et al., 2018) due to limitations in police crash report forms (Carrick &
Srinivasan, 2023; Yu et al., 2013), and are not comprehensively covered in an OSHA
database of occupational fatalities because OSHA is not required to investigate
occupational fatalities on public roads other than in work zones (Chandler & Bunn,
2019). However, a study of NIOSH-funded state-level occupational fatality surveillance
concluded that traffic incident management fatalities including those of RAPs were
reliably identified by media reports (Bunn et al., 2018). While media reports are useful to
identify incidents involving RAPs, they lack much of the contextual information typically
available in crash databases (Yang et al., 2023). Thus, the current study identified RAPs
fatally struck by vehicles using lists previously compiled by two industry organizations,
largely based on media reports in conjunction with other sources, to memorialize towing
operators and emergency responders who died. These records were then linked to
NHTSA’s FARS databasea database of all fatal crashes in the obtain additional
information to enable the examination of crash characteristics.
Results indicate that at least 123 RAPs were struck and killed by vehicles on U.S.
roads in 20152021. The true number could be higher as it is possible some cases were
missed. The data suggest that there was an increasing trend over the study period in the
annual number of RAPs struck and killed by vehicles. Moreover, while there was an
overall national increase in traffic fatalities over the study period, the increase in
fatalities of RAPs struck by vehicles was shown to be significantly greater. The trend
should be interpreted with caution given the possibility that some cases could have been
missed; however, unless a very large number of cases were missed disproportionately
among the earlier years of the study, it does appear that the annual number of RAPs
stuck and killed by vehicles is increasing.
Results include many similarities but also differences relative to past research and
provide several insights that may help to inform countermeasures to protect RAPs. In a
study of Florida crashes in which a driver was cited for a Move-Over Law violation, none
resulted in the death of a responder (Carrick & Srinivasan, 2023). In a Wisconsin study of
road worker and incident responder struck-by crashes, <10% resulted in a worker or
responder’s death (Yu et al., 2013). Not unexpectedly, crashes examined in the current
studyall of which resulted in the death of a RAPdiffered from those in many respects.
In the current study, 68% of RAP struck-by deaths occurred on Interstate
highways and 18% occurred on other limited-access highways, and nearly 90% occurred
at locations with posted speed limits of 55 mph or higher, all far higher than in previous
studies. In another study of crashes involving disabled vehicles not focused specifically
on RAPs, Spicer et al. (2021) found that fatalities of pedestrians attending to disabled
vehicles increased by 27% from 2014 to 2018. While that research did not distinguish
between RAPs and other motorists (e.g., the drivers of the disabled vehicles), it highlights
that substantial proportions of such fatalities occur late at night and on Interstates,
consistent with findings from the current study. While it is important for motorists and
responders to take precautions at all times, when considering ways to prevent future
struck-by fatalities of RAPs, it is important to recognize that the overwhelming majority
of RAP struck-by fatalities occur on high-speed limited access highways. While
Interstates and other limited access highways often provide wide shoulders and long
sight distances to improve safety, working outside of a vehicle on such facilities is clearly
dangerous to RAPs, both because drivers do not ordinarily expect to encounter
pedestrians on freeways or Interstates, and because high traffic speeds increase the risk
that a crash will be fatal (Tefft, 2013). These results indicate that, in the context of any
potential countermeasures that are site specific or that can only be deployed on a limited
basis, the need to protect RAPs from being struck and killed by passing vehicles is clearly
greatest on high-speed limited-access highways.
In contrast to previous studies of mainly non-fatal crashes (Carrick & Srinivasan,
2023; Yu et al., 2013), a substantial majority of crashes examined (63%) occurred in
darkness, of which nearly twice as many occurred at unlit locations as at locations with
lighting. While FARS does not include details regarding responders’ use of emergency
lighting, flares, high-visibility safety apparel, or other countermeasures to increase their
conspicuity to passing motorists, the high proportion of RAP struck-by fatalities
occurring in darkness highlights the potential importance of countermeasures to
increase the visibility and conspicuity of the scene and workers.
In a study of occupational safety data from OSHA, Chandler & Bunn (2019) noted
that a substantial proportion of cases in which towing operators were struck occurred
while the operator was actively loading or securing the disabled vehicle onto the tow
trucka scenario in which the authors noted that the raised flatbed or the disabled
vehicle could potentially block approaching drivers’ view of the vehicle’s emergency
lighting. It would be useful to investigate the prevalence of this scenario in a larger
sample of crashes such as those examined in the current study; however, such details are
beyond the scope of FARS. Multiple media reports of crashes examined in the current
study described the striking vehicle driving up the raised ramp of the flatbed and then
either landing on the tow operator or pushing the disabled vehicle (already on the
flatbed) into him; however, most crashes were not described in sufficient detail to
determine how many of the crashes examined involved this or similar scenarios. This
suggests, albeit not conclusively, that there may be a particular need to ensure the
visibility and conspicuity of tow trucks and towing personnel while a disabled vehicle is
actively being loaded onto the tow truck.
Carrick & Srinivasan (2023) noted that many responders struck by vehicles were
positioned on the traffic-facing side of the incident scene when struck. Chandler & Bunn
(2019) also identified entering/exiting the vehicle and working on the traffic-facing side
of the scene as prominent factors in injuries and fatalities of towing operators reported
in an OSHA database. Although FARS data only indicate the responders’ location as in the
travel lane versus on the shoulder and not specific position relative to vehicles, data
suggest that many of the fatally injured RAPs were likely positioned on the traffic-facing
side of the scene as well. In nearly half of the crashes examined, the first harmful event
of the crash was a vehicle in transport striking the RAP (i.e., before having struck the
RAP’s vehicle or disabled vehicle). In fact, in approximately one-third crashes examined,
only the RAP and not the RAP’s vehicle nor the disabled vehicle was struck. It is possible
that some of these RAPs were positioned elsewhere. For example, the narrative
description of one case from the current study that was also identified in an OHSA
database of workplace fatality inspections stated that the RAP was walking behind his
vehicle removing cones from the road when he was struck. However, the data would
appear to suggest that a substantial proportion of RAPs who were struck and killed by
vehicles were likely positioned on the traffic-facing side of the scene. Another case
identified in the above-mentioned OSHA database stated that the RAP was attempting to
change a tire on the traffic-facing side of a semi-trailer when he was struck. Current
safety training practice for towing operators emphasizes the importance of minimizing
exposure to traffic and suggests strategies such as entering and exiting the vehicle on the
passenger side and using passenger side controls wherever possible. However, in some
circumstances working at least briefly on the traffic-facing side of the scene may be
inevitable. Nonetheless, collectively, these findings suggest that reinforcing RAP training
to avoid working on traffic-facing side of the scene whenever possible may be
particularly important to protecting RAPs from being fatally struck by vehicles.
The current study identified 29 fatal crashes in which either the RAP or their
vehicle was struck directly in the travel lanes of the road, killing the RAP. Slow Down,
Move Over laws are a key countermeasure to protect RAPs as well as other first
responders. These laws generally require drivers to move over one lane whenever
possible, and to reduce speed if moving over is impossible, when passing emergency
response personnel, RAPs, and in some states also certain other types of vehicles stopped
on the side of the road (AAA, 2023). Compliance with Slow Down, Move Over lawswhich
require drivers to move over one lane or reduce speed when approaching roadside
assistance providers, police, firefighters, emergency medical service providers, and in
some states also other workers working at the roadsideshould prevent such crashes
and deaths. Previous AAA Foundation research has found that use of vehicle-mounted
variable message signs (Liu et al., 2023) and cones and flares (Blomberg et al., 2023)
increase the likelihood of drivers moving over, though both studies reported that
compliance was not universal even when these countermeasures were used.
Another important finding of this research, however, is that 60% of incidents in
which RAPs were struck and killed by vehicles were preceded by the striking vehicle
driving off the road onto the shoulder or roadside. In a study of crashes in which RAPs,
as well as first responders, were struck by vehicles, Yang et al. (2023) reported that
crashes in which responders were killed were significantly more likely to involve out-of-
control vehicles, compared with crashes in which the responder survived. While not
conclusive, these observations suggest that many drivers who drove off the road before
striking a RAP might have been impaired, fatigued, or distracted. In the current study,
approximately one-third of the striking drivers who were tested for alcohol tested
positive, although nearly 40% were not tested. While not investigated in the current
study, the roles of fatigue and distraction are known to be substantially underreported in
crash data (Tefft, 2012). Although none of these features are unique to RAP fatalities,
RAPs are particularly vulnerable to such crashes given their exposure to traffic while
working on the side of high-speed highways.
Protecting RAPs from apparently out-of-control vehicles leaving the road and
striking them on the roadside presents a difficult challenge. If a substantial proportion of
these drivers are indeed impaired, fatigued, distracted, or otherwise not actively
controlling their vehicles, awareness of Slow Down, Move Over laws and motivation to
comply may not be sufficient to prevent these crashes. Moreover, in addition to the 60%
of RAP fatalities preceded by another motorists departing the road, another 13% were
preceded by a collision between multiple vehicles in transport, after which one of the
vehicles involved in the original crash then struck the RAP. While preventing vehicles
from departing the road or colliding on the road in the first place would be optimal, most
countermeasures to prevent road departure are vehicle-based (e.g., advanced driver
assistance systems such as lane departure warning or automatic emergency braking) or
infrastructure-based (e.g., rumblestrips to alert drivers that road departure is imminent
and given them an opportunity to redirect their vehicle). Beyond general
countermeasures intended to prevent road departure, there are also countermeasures
measures to provide advance warning to approaching motorists through in-vehicle GPS
or mobile apps, giving them more opportunity to respond by changing lanes or slowing
down. Whether such measures would effectively reduce the risk of other motorists
departing the road or colliding near the original incident scene (e.g., by helping the
approaching motorists to regain situational awareness sooner) is unclear, likely depends
on the causes of the original road departure or collision, and would also be dependent
upon the approaching drivers having and using relevant technology. While such
countermeasures should help to protect RAPs, they are outside of the immediate control
of the RAPs working on the side of the road. Blomberg et al. (2023) provides a review of
countermeasures that RAPs can deploy in the field and notes that many require
additional evaluation and some pose questions of practicality. Thus, results of the
current study suggest that countermeasures deployed by RAPs in the field to redirect out-
of-control vehicles, prevent them from striking a RAP, or mitigate the severity of any
impact, may be especially important for preventing RAP fatalities. More research is
needed, however, to identify countermeasures that are both effective and practical to
deploy in the conditions in which RAPs work.
Results also highlight shortcomings in current crash data collection and reporting
practices and needs for improvement with respect to data related to RAPs. Only 34 of the
123 RAPs identified in the current study were identifiable in FARS as RAPs or emergency
services personnel. Before 2019, NHTSA’s FARS database lacked sufficient detail to
identify crash victims as RAPs, and identified only 9 of the 55 in the current study as
emergency services personnel. In 2019, NHTSA added new data elements to FARS to
identify crash victims who were specific types of incident responders including tow
operators and other transportation workers (NHTSA, 2023b). However, even after this
addition, FARS identified only 25 of the 68 fatally struck RAPs who were identified
through RAP records in the current study, and at most three additional RAPs not
identified through those RAP records. Thus, although FARS now includes these new data
elements, it will not be possible to rely solely on FARS to identify fatally injured RAPs
unless and until individual states update their police crash report forms to record this
information, as individual police crash reports are the main source of information used
by NHTSA to enter information into FARS.
Moreover, while the methodology used for the current study was premised on the
belief that all RAPs struck and killed by vehicles on public roads would be present in
FARS (but not necessarily identifiable as RAPs), the authors identified one RAP fatality
that was absent from FARS altogether. Further investigation revealed that its absence
from FARS was due to the corresponding state police crash report erroneously not being
marked as fatal, even though the officer’s narrative clearly stated that a tow truck driver
was killed. The incidence of fatal crashes missing from FARS due to errors in the original
crash reports is unknown.
This research is subject to several limitations that should be noted. No existing
source of research data reliably identifies all RAPs fatally struck by vehicles (Horrey et
al., 2021). The current study relied on records compiled by two industry groups that
memorialize RAPs who died. It is possible that some fatally injured RAPs were
overlooked, as those organizations’ records were compiled from news reports, social
media, and word of mouth. The BLS reports that 90 persons employed in the motor
vehicle towing industry were killed in “pedestrianvehicular incidents” during the 2015
to 2021 study years excluding 2019 (corresponding BLS data were unavailable for 2019)
(Bureau of Labor Statistics Data, n.d.); the current study found records of 106 fatally
injured RAPs, including 98 towing operators and eight other RAPs during the same years.
Thus, even if the current study failed to identify some RAPs who should have been
included, it appears that the current study nonetheless examined a more comprehensive
set of RAP fatalities than had ever previously been assembled. Until all states update
their police crash report forms to enable the identification of crash victims as towing
operators or other roadside service providers as provided in the MMUCC (National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2017), there remains a need for research using
other sources of data both to produce accurate statistics regarding RAP fatalities and
injuries and to examine crash circumstances in greater depth to inform and prioritize
efforts to protect them.
In addition, while FARS contains extensive data about the circumstances of
crashes, it was not designed specifically to collect information at the level of detail that
would be desirable to understand the circumstances of crashes in which RAPs were
struck by vehicles. For example, while this research identifies that 63% of fatalities of
RAPs occurred in darkness, it provides little information about use of vehicle lighting,
high visibility safety apparel, or temporary traffic control devices such as cones and
flares, all of which are important to the safety of RAPs working at the roadside.
Additionally, while results suggest that nearly half of fatally injured RAPs may have been
on the traffic-facing side of the incident scene when strucka finding with important
implications for RAP trainingthe data lack the level of detail needed to confirm this
conclusively. As noted previously, research has suggested that risk of being struck may
be particularly high while actively loading the disabled vehicle onto the raised flatbed,
possibly due to the RAP vehicle’s emergency lighting being obscured (Chandler & Bunn,
2019); however, the data available for the current study lacked sufficient detail to
determine the prevalence of this scenario. If pertinent data were routinely collected in
investigations of crashes in which RAPs (and other emergency response personnel) were
struck by vehicles, or at least in those resulting in severe injuries or fatalities, it would
provide valuable data for researchers as well as practitioners that would help to inform
and prioritize efforts to protect them. Such information could be collected in a
supplemental form conceptually analogous to supplemental forms used for crashes
resulting in fatalities and crashes involving commercial vehicles. While it is
acknowledged that states are sensitive to increasing the length and complexity of forms
that law enforcement officers are required to complete when investigating crashes, it
should also be noted that far fewer than 1% of all crashes involve RAPs or emergency
response personnel, thus any such supplemental data form would be used extremely
Finally, while fatalities represent the worst possible outcome, the current study
was unable to examine non-fatal RAP injuries. The current study relied on memorials of
RAPs who died to identify casesa methodology clearly not generalizable to non-fatal
crashes. In a study of crashes related to disabled vehicles but not specific to RAPs, Spicer
et al. (2021) estimated that an average of 1,111 pedestrians were injured and 294 were
killed each year while working on, entering, exiting, or attending to disabled vehicles
nationwide in 2014 to 2018. If assumed to be applicable to RAPs, the ratio of non-fatal
injuries to fatalities in that study would suggest that for every RAP fatally struck, there
may be perhaps three to four additional RAPs who are struck as pedestrians and suffer
non-fatal injuries, or perhaps roughly 100 annually in recent years. Clearly more
research is needed to quantify and examine the characteristics of RAPs who are struck
by vehicles yet survive, both because any of these crashes could have been fatal had
circumstances been different, and because non-fatal injuries can nonetheless result in
inability to work, lost wages, and even life-altering disability. Contrasting the results of
the current study to previous studies of predominantly non-fatal crashes of incident
responders (Carrick & Srinivasan, 2023; Yu et al., 2013), it appears likely that the
characteristics of non-fatal crashes in which RAPs survive crashes differ in many ways
from fatal crashes.
Conclusion and Recommendations
This research represents the most comprehensive examination of struck-by
fatalities of roadside assistance providers of which the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
is aware. Results indicate that at least 123 roadside assistance providers were struck and
killed by vehicles between 2015 and 2021. There appears to have been an increasing
trend in fatalities of roadside assistance providers struck by vehicles during these years,
even larger than the increasing trend in traffic fatalities overall over the same period.
Results highlight the importance of reinforcing motorist compliance with Slow Down,
Move Over laws. However, results also indicate that a substantial proportion of these
incidents involve out-of-control vehicles that departed the road prior to striking roadside
assistance providers, suggesting an additional need for countermeasures to prevent
vehicles from departing the road in the first place, redirecting out-of-control vehicles to
prevent them from striking roadside assistance providers, and/or mitigating the severity
of any impact that may occur. Results also suggest, albeit inconclusively, that some of the
roadside assistance providers who died may have been working on the traffic-facing side
of the scene, reinforcing the importance of training to avoid operating on the traffic-
facing side of the scene to the greatest extent possible. Comparison of the number of
cases identified through industry memorial websites versus through variables coded in
crash data highlight the need for improvements in data collection forms and reporting
procedures to ensure that roadside assistance providers who are injured or killed in the
line of duty are identifiable in crash reports and databases, as such data are critical to
researchers as well as practitioners to identify, develop, and prioritize ways to protect
roadside assistance providers.
Based on the findings of this research, as well as the limitations encountered, this
report makes the following recommendations:
There is a need to reinforce public awareness of and increase motorist
compliance with Slow Down, Move Over laws; research to investigate the most
effective approaches to increase compliance is also needed.
Countermeasures are needed to protect roadside assistance providers and first
responders from out-of-control vehicles that depart the roadway by preventing
the original road departure, by protecting those at the roadside from being struck,
or by reducing the severity of any impact that may occur. Research is needed to
determine what countermeasures are most effective and practical to meet this
Training for roadside assistance providers should emphasize the importance
avoiding working or standing on the traffic-facing side of the incident scene
whenever possible and minimize time spent on the traffic-facing side of the scene
when it cannot be avoided altogether, as well as provide strategies for how to do
In cases where countermeasures are site-specific or where deployment must be
prioritized, results of the current study suggest that efforts should focus on
protecting roadside assistance providers working on high-speed limited-access
State police crash report forms should include data fields designed to report
whether a crash victim was an incident responder, and type of responder when
applicable, as called for in the current edition of the Model Minimum Uniform
Crash Criteria (NHTSA, 2024). Additionally, states should consider collecting
additional information in crashes in which roadside assistance providers and
other emergency response personnel are struck by vehicles, or at least in those
that result in the injury or death of a responder.
AAA. (2023). Slow Down/Move Over AAA Exchange.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Notice and Request for Comment; Evaluation of
the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria Program. (2022, March 29). Federal Register.
Benson, A. J., Tefft, B. C., Arnold, L. S., & Horrey, W. J. (2021). Fatal hit-and-run crashes:
Factors associated with leaving the scene. Journal of Safety Research, 79, 7682.
Blomberg, R. D., Wright, T. J., Finstad, K., Brunsen, E., Van Houten, R., Radmehr, N., Yepez,
J., & Johnson, T. (2023). Protecting Roadside Workers: Field Evaluation of Flares, Cones,
and Tow Truck Light Patterns.
Bunn, T. L., Slavova, S., Chandler, M., Hanner, N., & Singleton, M. (2018). Surveillance of
traffic incident management-related occupational fatalities in Kentucky, 2005-2016.
Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(4), 446453.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2023, from
Carrick, G., & Srinivasan, S. (2023). Characterizing Incident Responder Crashes Involving
Move Over Law Violations. Transportation Research Record, 2677(2), 741752.
Chandler, M. D., & Bunn, T. L. (2019). Motor vehicle towing: An analysis of injuries in a
high-risk yet understudied industry. Journal of Safety Research, 71, 191200.
Emergency Responder Safety Institute. (2023). Yearly Fatality Reports 2019-2021
Horrey, W. J., Tefft, B. C., Arnold, L. S., & Villavicencio, L. (2021). Improving Roadside
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