Montgomery County
Local Rules of
Civil Procedure
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule *200.
Rule 14.
Zoning Appeals.
(a) Appeals from the decision of a Zoning Hearing Board shall be
See Forms Index
(b) Within 10 days of the issuance of a writ of certiorari by this Court,
the appellant shall serve a copy of both the Notice of Appeal and
Writ upon the Solicitor for the Zoning Hearing Board, the Solici-
tor for the municipality within which the Zon ing Hearing Board
is located and all persons and/or entities who shall have entered
their written appearance in the proceedings before the Zoning
Hearing Board and the matter appealed from.
(c) The record submitted to the Court in compliance with the writ of
certiorari shall include a certied copy of the zoning ordinance in
effect when the decision was rendered.
(d) Whenever an appeal is taken from a decision of a Zoning Hear ing
Board and the record is returned by this Court to the Zoning Hear-
ing Board for further proceedings, and a subsequent appeal from
a decision of the Zoning Hearing Board is taken in the same case,
the number of the original appeal shall identify the subsequent
appeal led with the Prothonotary who shall docket and le such
subsequent appeal to the number of the original appeal.
Editor’s note: Rule 14 adopted November 5, 1984, effective January 2,
1985. Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Penn-
sylvania Bulletin.
Rule *200
Trial Readiness.
(1) Application. This Local Rule shall apply to all civil actions re-
quiring a Cover Sheet pursuant to Rule 205.5 led on or after
January 1, 2016, excluding cases commenced by Petition, Decla-
ration of Taking, Zoning Appeals, Board of Assessment Appeals,
Declaratory Judgment and Mass Tort cases. The maximum time
limits noted herein, including those identied in a Case Manage-
ment Order or subsequent Order of Court pursuant to subsection
(e), supersede any similar time limits established pursuant to the
agreement of the parties, or pursuant to a Discovery Management
Order under Local Rule 4019*;
(2) Within Arbitration Limit Cases.
a) A civil action requiring a Cover Sheet pursuant to Rule 205.5,
whereon the ling party checked the box in Section A noting
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Rule *200. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
the dollar amount requested is “within arbitration limits’
(excepting those involving title to real estate and equity cas-
es), shall be praeciped for Arbitration by the parties, pursuant
to Local Rule 1302, within 9 months of the date of ling of
said action, or in the event such a civil action is commenced
in Montgomery County as a “transfer from another jurisdic-
tion’’, within 9 months of the transfer date;
b) If an arbitration limit case is not praeciped for Arbitration
within 9 months of the date of ling or transfer of said action,
the case will be scheduled by the Court for a Case Manage-
ment Conference before the Court or its designee;
c) At the Case Management Conference, a Case Management
Order will be entered which establishes the following, if ap-
i) A date for completion of all discovery, except for deposi-
tions for use at trial;
ii) A date for plaintiff to submit expert reports and curricula
vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
iii) A date for defendant to submit expert reports and curri-
cula vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
iv) A date for the ling of all dispositive motions, and any
responses thereto;
v) The transfer of said case to the Outside Arbitration Limit
track, with set dates as noted above, based on a change in the
determination of the amount in controversy;
d) In no event shall the dates in the Case Management Order, as
noted in subsection (c) above, extend beyond 60 days from
the date of the Case Management Order. Absent the ling of
an intervening Arbitration Praecipe, the case will automati-
cally be placed in the Arbitration Inventory, for the schedul-
ing of an Arbitration Hearing, 60 days from the date of the
Case Management Order;
e) Any extension beyond the maximum time limit for the place-
ment of the case into the Arbitration Inventory, as noted in
subsection (d) above, must be approved by a Judge. Said re-
quest shall be in the form of a Motion for Extraordinary Re-
lief, which shall set forth the reason(s) why the requested re-
lief should be granted. The opposing side(s) shall have ve
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule *200.
(5) days in which to respond to said Motion, after which time
the Court will enter an appropriate order.
(3) Outside Arbitration Limit Cases.
a) A civil action requiring a Cover Sheet pursuant to Rule 205.5,
whereon the ling party checked the box in Section A noting
the dollar amount requested is “outside arbitration limits’’,
shall be praeciped for Trial by the parties, pursuant to Local
Rule 212.1*(d), within 18 months of the date of ling of said
action or in the event such a civil action is commenced in
Montgomery County as a “transfer from another jurisdic-
tion’’, within 18 months of the transfer date;
b) If an outside-arbitration limit case is not praeciped for Trial
within 18 months of the date of ling or transfer of said ac-
tion, the case will be scheduled by the Court for a Case Man-
agement Conference before the Court or its designee;
c) At the Case Management Conference, a Case Management
Order will be entered which establishes the following, if ap-
i) A date for completion of all discovery, except for deposi-
tions for use at trial;
ii) A date for plaintiff to submit expert reports and curricula
vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
iii) A date for defendant to submit expert reports and curri-
cula vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
iv) A date for the ling of all dispositive motions, and any
responses thereto;
v) The transfer of said case to the Within Arbitration Limit
track, with set dates as noted above, based on a change in the
determination of the amount in controversy;
d) In no event shall the dates in the Case Management Order, as
noted in subsection (c) above, extend beyond 120 days from
the date of the Case Management Order. Absent the ling of
an intervening Trial Praecipe, the case will automatically be
placed in the Civil Trial Inventory, for the scheduling of a
Pre-Trial Conference, 120 days from the date of the Case
Management Order;
e) Any extension beyond the maximum time limit for the place-
ment of the case into the Civil Trial Inventory, as noted in
subsection (d) above, must be approved by a Judge. Said re-
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Rule *200. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
quest shall be in the form of a Motion for Extraordinary Re-
lief, which shall set forth the reason(s) why the requested re-
lief should be granted. The opposing side(s) shall have ve
(5) days in which to respond to said Motion, after which time
the Court will enter an appropriate order.
(4) Track Transfer. If at any time during the pendency of an action
subject to this Rule, based on subsequent pleadings or a change in
the determination of the amount in controversy, a party or parties
determine that the case is not on the appropriate track, the party/
parties can request the scheduling of a Case Management Confer-
ence before the Court or its designee, wherein the issue will be
resolved. A Court Order is required to transfer a case from one
track to another. The Court can, sua sponte, order the transfer of a
case from one track to another.
1. Zoning Appeals cases shall proceed pursuant to Local Rule 14;
2. Board of Assessment Appeal cases shall proceed pursuant to Local
Rule 920;
3. Asbestos cases shall proceed pursuant to Local Rule 1041.1;
4. All cases involving title to real estate and equity cases are consid-
ered “Outside Arbitration Limit Cases.’
Editor’s note: Adopted October 19, 2015. Effective January 1, 2016.
Rule *205.2(a).
Required Redaction of Pleadings and
Other Papers Filed with the Court.
[ Rescinded.]
Editor’s note: Adopted November 3, 2010, effective upon publication on
the Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web Application Portal; rescinded November 27,
2017, effective on January 6, 2018.
Rule *205.2(b).
Cover Sheet.
The cover sheet required by Rules 208.3(b), 1028(c), 1034(a)
and 1035.2(a) shall be as follows:
(a) Cover Sheet of Moving Party
See Forms Index
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 205.4*.
(b) Cover Sheet of Respondent
See Forms Index
Comment: The Cover Sheet forms referenced in this rule are available
online at
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004; amended
November 4, 2004, effective upon publication on the web site of the Adminis-
trative Ofce of Pennsylvania Courts (; amended
May 24, 2010, effective upon publication on the Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web
Application Portal.
Rule 205.4*.
Electronic Filing and Service of Legal
(a)(1) The Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas hereby per-
mits the electronic ling of legal papers and the electronic service
of such papers, under the terms described in this Local Rule.
(b)(1) All legal papers shall be presented for electronic ling in porta-
ble document format (“pdf”). As authorized by Pa.R.C.P. No.
205.4(b)(1), in the event any legal paper is submitted to the Pro-
thonotary in a hard-copy format, the Prothonotary shall convert
such legal paper to pdf and maintain it in that format. The Protho-
notary shall return the hard-copy legal paper to the ling party for
retention as required by Pa.R.C.P. No. 205.4(b)(4).
(c)(2) All legal papers that are led electronically shall be led through
the Prothonotary’s Electronic Filing System (“Electronic Filing
System”) which shall be accessible through the Montgomery
County Prothonotary’s web site, To
obtain access to the Electronic Filing System, counsel and any
unrepresented party must apply to the Prothonotary’s Ofce for a
User Name and Password.
(d)(1) The Prothonotary will accept for payment of all ling fees the
following credit and debit cards: American Express, Discover,
MasterCard and Visa. The Prothonotary will not accept advance
deposit on account of future ling fees.
(f)(1) Upon receipt of the legal paper, the Prothonotary shall provide
the ling party with an acknowledgment, which includes the date
and time the legal paper was received by the Electronic Filing
System. The Prothonotary shall also provide the ling party with
notice that the legal paper was accepted for ling. If a legal paper
is not accepted upon presentation for ling or is refused for ling
by the Electronic Filing System, the Prothonotary shall
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Rule 205.4*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
immediately notify the party presenting the legal paper for ling
of the date of presentation, the fact that the document was not ac-
cepted or refused for ling by the system, and the reason therefor.
(2) Neither the Court nor the Prothonotary shall be required to
maintain a hard copy of any legal paper, notice or order led or
maintained electronically under this rule.
Editor’s note: Previous Rule 205.4* rescinded and current rule adopted
September 29, 2008, effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Judiciary’s
Web Application Portal. Adopted May 16, 2013, effective May 30, 2013, pub-
lished May 29, 2013.
Rule 205.6*.
Pursuant to the Public Access Policy of the Unied Judicial Sys-
tem of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the Appellate and Trial Courts
(herein referred to as “Policy’’), the following rules shall apply to all
lings made in the Civil and Family Divisions of this Court:
(A) Condential Information
(1) Any ling that includes any Condential Information, as de-
ned in Section 7.0(A) of the Policy, shall be led with two
(2) versions of the document. One shall be a “Redacted Ver-
sion’ in which any Condential Information is redacted in a
manner that is visibly evident to the reader. The other “Unre-
dacted Version’ may include the Condential Information
and shall be sealed, accessible only to the parties, their attor-
neys, and the Court except as Ordered by the Court. Any l-
ing that includes no Condential Information may be led as
only one docu-ment that shall not be sealed. Condential in-
formation is dened in Section 7.0(A) of the Policy as:
1. Social Security Numbers;
2. FinancialAccountNumbers,exceptanactivenancial
3. Driver License Numbers;
4. StateIdenticationNumbers;
5. Minors’namesanddatesofbirthexceptwhenaminoris
charged as a defendant in a criminal matter (see 42
Pa.C.S. § 6355); and
6. Abusevictim’saddressandothercontactinformation,
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 205.6*.
in family court actions as dened by Pa.R.C.P. No.
(2) Any ler is responsible for compliance with the Policy and
this Rule. A certicate of compliance shall be attached as a
separate page attached at the end of the ling and signed by
the ler, or as a required check box in an e-ling system, in
the following form:
of Pennsylvania: Case Records of the Appellate and
mation and documents.’
(B) Condential Documents
(1) Any Condential Document pursuant to Section 8.0(A) of
the Policy shall be sealed from public view. Any exhibit,
document or attachment led or offered in any proceeding
before the Civil Division or Family Division that is a Con-
dential Document as dened under the Policy shall be led
separately from the pleading, motion, memorandum or other
ling to which it relates, and shall be led with a “Conden-
tial Document Form.’ The Condential Document Form,
but not the document, shall be accessible to the public, ex-
cept as ordered by the Court. Condential Documents, as de-
ned by Section 8.0(A) of the Policy (and as further dened
in Section 1.0 of the Policy) are:
1. Financial source documents;
2. Minors’ educational records;
3. Medical/Psychologicalrecords;
4. ChildrenandYouthServices’records;
5. MaritalPropertyInventoryandPre-TrialStatementas
6. IncomeandExpenseStatementasprovidedinPa.R.C.P.
7. Agreementsbetweenthepartiesasusedin23Pa.C.S.
§ 3105.
(2) Any ler is responsible for compliance with the Policy and
this Rule. A certicate of compliance shall be attached as a
separate page at the end of every ling, and signed by the
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Rule 205.6*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
ler, or as a required check box in e-ling, in the following
documents differently than non-condential informa-
tion and documents.’
(C) Sanctions
If, after notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond, the
Court determines that this Rule has been violated, the Court may im-
pose a sanction on any ler who has violated this Rule or is responsible
for a violation.
Comment: Filers are encouraged to omit condential information and
condential documents not essential to the matters to be decided to minimize
the need for redaction, and where possible to le documents that contain no
condential information.
Editor’s note: Adopted November 27, 2017, effective on January 6, 2018.
Rule 206.1(a).
The following applications are dened as “petitions,” and are to
be governed by Rule 206.1, et seq.:
(1) Requests to transfer venue on the ground of forum non conve-
Comment: The following applications are not governed by Rule 206.1, et
seq. or by Rule 208.1, et seq., but rather are governed by the provisions of the
general rule(s) governing the particular matter: Request to Appoint Trustee or
Receiver pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 1533; Petition to Compromise, Settle or Dis-
continue Minor’s Action pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 2039 and Local Rule 2039(a)*;
Petition for Supplementary Relief in Aid of Execution pursuant to Pa.R.C.P.
3118; Petition to Fix Fair Market Value of Real Property Sold pursuant to
Pa.R.C.P. 3282; Petition for Appointment of Viewers pursuant to 26 P. S. §1-
504; Petition to Post Bond in Land Use Appeals pursuant to 53 P. S. §11003-A;
Petition to Intervene pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 2328; Petition for Change of Name
pursuant to 54 Pa.C.S.A.§701 et seq.
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule 206.4(c).
Issuance of a Rule to Show Cause.
. The issuance of a Rule to Show Cause for petitions gov-
erned by Rule 206.1, et seq., shall issue as a matter of course pur-
suant to Rule 206.6. Petitions governed by this Rule shall be led
along with:
(a) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 206.4(c).
(b) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210, and
(c) a proposed order in the following form:
See Forms Index
The petition and proposed order shall be led in the Prothonota-
ry’s Ofce, and forwarded to the Court Administrator, who shall have
the authority to sign the Rule to Show Cause Order.
If a petitioner requests a stay of execution pending disposition of
a petition to open default judgment, or any other petition governed by
this rule, the Court Administrator shall promptly refer the stay request
to the Civil Equity/Emergency Judge for review and determination.
(2) Disposition.
Forty-ve (45) days from the ling of the petition, the matter
shall be referred to a Judge for disposition. If discovery was requested
by either party on their respective cover sheets, said discovery shall be
concluded within forty-ve (45) days from the ling of the petition. If
oral argument was requested by either party on their respective cover
sheets, the matter may be scheduled for argument. If discovery or oral
argument were not requested by either party, the Judge may direct the
scheduling of discovery or oral argument, or may decide the matter
upon the lings. If the respondent did not le an answer to the petition
within the timeframe outlined in the proposed order, the Court will
consider the petition without an answer, and enter an appropriate order
in accordance with Rule 206.7(a).
See Forms Index
(3) Timely Filed Briefs. If the brief of either party is not timely led,
either in accordance with this Rule or by order of the Court, the
assigned Judge may:
(a) Dismiss the petition where the moving party has failed to
(b) Grant the requested relief where the respondent has failed to
comply, except that no civil action or proceeding shall be
dismissed for failure to comply. Nothing precludes the
assigned Judge from dismissing the matter on its merits,
(c) List the matter for argument, at which time only the
complying party shall be heard
Comment: the forms referenced in this rule are available online at
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Rule 206.4(c). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Editor’s note: Amended August 7, 2012, effective upon publication on the
Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web Application Portal. Amended October 15, 2015,
effective January 1, 2016. Amended December 9, 2015, effective upon publica-
tion on the UJS Portal.
Rule 208.2(c).
Motion. Brief Statement of Applicable
Any motion led pursuant to Rule 208.1 shall include a brief
statement of the applicable authority.
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule 208.2(d).
If counsel for the moving party determines that a motion is
uncontested by all parties involved in the case, counsel may le a
certication that the motion is uncontested. This certication lan guage
is included on the cover sheet of the moving party required by Local
Rule 208.3(b). By checking the appropriate box on the cover sheet of
the moving party, and signing the certication section of the cover
sheet, counsel for the moving party will satisfy the certication
requirement under this Rule.Disposition of an uncontested motion is
governed by Local Rule 208.3(a).
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule 208.2(e).
Motions Related to Discovery.
Any motion relating to discovery must include a certication by
counsel for the moving party that counsel has conferred or attempted
to confer with all interested parties in order to resolve the matter with
out court action. This certication language is included on the cover
sheet of moving party required by Local Rule 208.3(b). By checking
the appropriate box on the cover sheet of the moving party, and sign-
ing the certication section of the cover sheet, counsel for the mov-
ing party will satisfy the certication requirement under this rule.
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004
Rule 208.3(a).
The following “motions” shall be considered by the court with-
out written responses or briefs:
(1) Requests for Alternative Service pursuant to Rule 430;
(2) Requests to Proceed Informa Pauperis (Rule 240);
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 208.3(b).
(3) Any motion certied as uncontested pursuant to Local Rule
The foregoing motions, after ling with the Prothonotary, shall
be presented to the Court Administrator. The Court Administrator shall
promptly deliver the motion to the Civil Equity/Emergency Judge for
review and determination.
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule 208.3(b).
Motion Practice. Rule to Show Cause.
Disposition of Motions.
(1) Filing. All other “motions” as dened by Rule 208.1, excepting
those listed above in Local Rule 208.3(a), shall be governed by
this Rule. All such motions shall be faced with a cover sheet of the
moving party in the form set forth in Local Rule 205.2(b) and
shall be accompanied by the moving party’s proposed order. The
motion, together with the cover sheet, shall be presented to the
Court Administrator, after ling with the Prothonotary, for a
return day on the rule.
(2) Listing. Excepting motions for sanctions or contempt of a prior
court order, the Court Administrator shall x promptly a return
day which shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date of
ling of said motion, and the moving party shall forthwith serve
the respondent with a copy of the motion and the cover sheet indi-
cating the return day thereon. The moving party shall there after
le a certication that the motion and the rule return date were
served upon all parties, in substantially the following form:
See Forms Index
Motions for sanctions or contempt of a prior court order shall be
forwarded by the Court Administrator to the assigned Judge for the
scheduling of a hearing.
Motions that are alleged to be “emergencies” will not initially be
given a rule return date, but rather the Court Administrator will for-
ward the emergency motion to the assigned Judge. If the matter is
deemed to be an emergency by the assigned Judge, the Judge will pro-
cess the matter accordingly. If the matter is not deemed to be an emer-
gency, the matter will be returned to the Court Administrator for listing
pursuant to this Rule.
All pre-trial motions that are led after the underlying case has
been praeciped for trial or ordered on the trial list will be made rule
returnable “at time of trial.”
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Rule 208.3(b). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
(3) Response. At or before the call of the list on the return day, the re-
spondent shall le an answer to the motion, even if there are no
contested issues of fact. The answer shall be faced with the re-
spondent’s cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b) and
shall be accompanied by a proposed order.
(4) Initial Consideration of Motion—Rule Return Day. On the return
day, the Court Administrator or his/her designee shall call all mat-
ters listed. If a response is not led to the motion at or before the
call of the list, the court will treat the motion as uncontested, and
grant the requested relief, if appropriate, and if a proper certi-
cate of service was led pursuant to Local Rule 208.3(b)(2). In
the absence of a proper certicate of service, the motion will be
Matters relating to discovery in which responses have been
led will proceed by Local Rule 4019*. Motions raising appeal-
able matters in which responses have been led will proceed pur-
suant to section (2) herein. All other matters (interlocutory) in
which responses have been led will forthwith be referred to the
assigned Judge for disposition, including argument, if requested.
(5) Praecipe. On all motions raising appealable matters in which
responses have been led, the Court Administrator, after the
return day, will issue an order directing the completion of dis-
covery, if necessary, within sixty (60) days of the date of the
order. Upon completion of discovery, if necessary, any party may
le with the Prothonotary, in duplicate, a praecipe for argu ment in
the form set forth herein, including a certication that a copy
thereof has been served upon all other parties. The Protho notary
shall forthwith deliver a copy of the praecipe to Court
Administration. The praecipe shall be in the following form:
See Forms Index
(6) Briefs. For motions raising appealable matters, the brief of the
moving party shall be led in the Prothonotary’s Ofce within
thirty (30) days of the ling of the praecipe for argument, unless
otherwise directly by the assigned Judge. Regarding appealable
matters, the brief of the respondent shall be led within thirty (30)
days of the date of the ling of the moving party’s brief.
For motions raising interlocutory matters, where the Court
orders briefs, the brief of the moving party shall be led in the
Prothonotary’s Ofce within thirty (30) days of the date of said
order and the respondent’s brief shall be led within thirty (30)
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 208.3(b).
days of the ling of the brief of the moving party, unless other-
wise directly by the assigned Judge. A party may also voluntar ily
le a brief regarding interlocutory matters even though not spe-
cically directed by the Court.
If the brief of either party is not timely led, either per the di-
rective of this Rule or by order of the Court, the assigned Judge
(a) Dismiss the motion where the moving party has failed to
(b) Grant the requested relief where the respondent has failed to
comply, except that no civil action or proceeding shall be
dismissed for failure to comply;
(c) List the matter for argument, at which time only the com-
plying party shall be heard; or
(d) Impose such other sanctions upon the non-complying party
as the Judge shall deem proper.
(7) Disposition. Once briefs, if required, are led, the matter shall be
referred to a Judge for disposition. If oral argument was requested
by either party on their respective cover sheets or the argument
praecipe, the matter may be scheduled for argument. If oral argu-
ment was not requested by either party, the Judge may direct the
scheduling of argument, or may simply decide the matter upon
the lings.
1. Rule 208.1(b)(1)(iv) specically excludes motions to exclude expert
testimony pursuant to Rule 207.1 and motions in limine from the above pro cess.
These motions are led with the Prothonotary and referred to the trial judge,
upon assignment of trial.
2. Rule 208.1(b)(2)(i) specically excludes asbestos litigation matters from
the above process. Motions led in said matters are handled pursuant to Local
Rule 1041.1*.
3. Requests for leave to withdraw an appearance in family court actions
pursuant to Rule 1012 and requests under local Rule 229(a)*(1) are consid ered
“motions” that are subject to this Rule.
4. Appealable matters are those that are before the Court for nal judg
ment or adjudication. Please refer to the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Pro
cedure for further guidance.
5. Motions relating to discovery in family law actions—excluded from the
above process by Rule 208.1(b)(2)(iv)—are governed by Local Rule 4019.1*
Family Discovery Master.
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004; amended
August 16, 2004, effective upon publication on the website of the Administra tive
Ofce of Pennsylvania Courts (; amended Novem-
ber 4, 2004, effective upon publication on the website of the Adminis trative Of-
ce of Pennsylvania Courts ( Amended December
9, 2015, effective upon publication on the UJS Portal.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 15 3/26/2018 8:06:43 PM
Rule 208.4. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Rule 208.4.
Disposition of Motions. [Rescinded]
Editor’s note: Rescinded August 16, 2004, effective upon publication on
the web site of the Administrative Ofce of Pennsylvania Courts (www.ujspor tal.
Rule 210.
(1) Form. Briefs or memoranda of law shall be typewritten, printed or
otherwise duplicated, and endorsed with the name of the case, the
court term and number, and the name, address, and electronic
mail address of the attorney or the party if not represented by an
attorney. Briefs and memoranda of law shall contain concise and
summary statements, separately and distinctly titled, or the fol-
lowing items in the order listed:
(a) Matter before the Court: State the particular pleading (motion,
petition, objection, exception, application, etc.) before the court
for disposition, and the particular relief requested therein.
(b) Statement of question(s) involved: State the issue(s) in question
form containing factual context sufcient to present the precise
matter to be decided by the Court, each susceptible of a yes or no
answer, each followed by the answer desired or advocated.
(c) Facts: State the operative facts.
(d) Argument: State the reason(s) why the court should answer the
questions involved as proposed, including citation of the authori-
ties relied on. An authority shall not be cited for general reference
but in all cases shall be immediately preceded or followed by its
relevant holding or particular proposition for which it stands.
(e) Relief: State the specic action(s) requested of the court.
Comment: The forms referenced in this rule are available online at
Editor’s note: Adopted August 7, 2012, effective upon publication on the
Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web Application Portal.
Rule 212.1*
Civil Actions to be Tried by Jury. Civil
Actions to be Tried Non-Jury. Equity
Actions. Notice of Earliest Trial Date.
Time for Filing Pre-Trial Statements.
(a)* The Court hereby extends Pa.R.C.P. 212.1 and 212.2 to apply to
civil actions to be tried non-jury, and to equity actions. The notice
of scheduling for Pre-Trial Conference, generated by the Court
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 16 3/26/2018 8:06:43 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 212.1*(d).
Adminis trators Ofce at least 50 days prior to said conference
date, shall serve as notice of the earliest trial date required by
Pa.R.C.P. 212.1(a).
(b)* All pre-trial statements are to be led in the Prothonotary’s Of-
ce, and a hard copy provided to the Pre-Trial Conference Judge’s
Chambers, not later than 7 days prior to the Pre-Trial Conference
Comment: Pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 212.1(c)(2), Montgomery County has
altered the times set for the ling of pretrial statements as set forth in Pa.R.C.P.
212.1(b). This Rule applies to matters that are certied for trial pur suant to Local
Rule of Civil Procedure 212.1*(d).
Editor’s note: Adopted May 11, 1998, effective June 29, 1998; amended
July 21, 2010, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 212.1*(d).
(1) When a case is ready to be placed into the civil trial inventory,
counsel must le a trial praecipe containing a certication by -
ing counsel that all counsel of record consent to the ling of the
trial praecipe. Consent must be afrmatively obtained, but the
signatures of all counsel are no longer required on the trial prae-
cipe. The consent of unrepresented parties to the ling of the trial
praecipe is not required. If all parties to an action are unrepre-
sented, however, any such party may le a trial praecipe.
(2) Certication shall state that no motions are outstanding and that
all discovery has been comnpleted.
(3) No discovery shall be permitted after certication unless by
agreement of counsel or permission of Court.
(4) If any attorney refuses to join in certication of the case, counsel
who wishes the case listed shall request a conference with the desig-
nated Judge, and give ve days’ notice of that appointment to other
counsel. Thereafter the Judge shall rule on whether the case is ready
for listing and may order the case listed on motion of counsel if in
the opinion of the Court the case is ready for certication.
1. The trial praecipe form referenced in this rule is available on line at www.
President Judge’s note: Local Rule 212.1*(c) Conferences – Members of
the Bar are advised that the Board of Judges has agreed to discontinue the
practice of ordering cases on the civil trial list where discovery has not been
completed, and allowing for discovery to be ongoing. Delays in completing dis-
covery may be addressed through traditional available mechanisms; court or-
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 17 3/26/2018 8:06:43 PM
Rule 212.1*(d). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
ders, with sanctions for failure to comply. — President Judge Joseph A. Smyth,
February 1998.
Editor’s note: Adopted May 11, 1998, effective June 29, 1998. Amended
March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl vania Bulletin;
amended November 4, 2004, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl-
vania Bulletin.
Rule 212.2(a)(7)*.
Pre-Trial Statement. Content.
Pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 212.2(a)(7), the pre-trial statement shall
include the following additional information:
(i) the estimated length of trial;
(ii) any scheduling problems;
(iii) any special evidentiary issues;
(iv) a realistic settlement offer or demand.
Editor’s note: Adopted May 11, 1998, effective June 29, 1998.
Rule 223*.
Custody and Storage of Trial Exhibits.
(a) The moving party shall keep custody of and be responsible for all
non-documentary material submitted into evidence at trial. That
material shall not be left in the courtroom after the conclu sion of
the trial of the case.
(b) All trial exhibits which are larger than 8.5 x 11 inches shall re-
main in the custody of and be the responsibility of the moving
party. The moving party shall submit an original or copy of the
trial exhibit no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches to the Court, which
copy shall be marked and led of record.
(c) Notwithstanding the above provisions, any party may petition the
Court to retain custody of an Exhibit.
(d) Trial exhibits entered into evidence prior to the effective date of
this Rule, and those led of record pursuant to section (b) above,
shall be retained by the Prothonotary until it is determined wheth-
er an appeal has been taken from a nal judgment. If an appeal
has been taken, the exhibits shall be retained until dispo sition of
the appeal. Within sixty (60) days of the nal disposi tion of all
appeals or the date when no further appeal may be taken under the
Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure, the party who of-
fered the exhibits may reclaim them from the Pro thonotary. In
cases where nal disposition of all appeals pre dates the effective
date of this Rule by more than sixty (60) days, the sixty (60) day
time period within which to reclaim trial exhibits shall run from
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 18 3/26/2018 8:06:43 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule *301.
the effective date of this Rule. Any exhibits not so reclaimed may
be destroyed or otherwise dis posed of by the Prothonotary.
Editor’s note: Adopted January 13, 2003, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 225*(a)*(b).
Summing Up, Sequence of Speeches.
*(a) The defendant’s attorney may make an opening speech either im-
mediately following the opening speech of plaintiffs attorney or
at the opening of the defendant’s case.
*(b) The attorney for the party having the burden of proof shall rst
sum up. The attorney for each adverse party or group of parties
may then address the jury and the attorney who commenced the
nal summations may conclude, restricting himself or herself to
answering the arguments advanced.
Editor’s note: Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *229(a)*(1).
Discontinuances, Divorce Cases.
*(1) In divorce cases a discontinuance shall be entered only by leave
of Court after notice to the defendant, and correspondent, if any
be named.
Rule 230.2.*
Termination of Inactive Cases.
Editor’s note: Adopted November 19, 2012, effective 30 days after
publica tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Amended April 10, 2014. Effective 30
days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; rescinded October 16, 2017,
effective immediately.
Rule *262.
General Trial List.
Cases shall be placed on the general civil trial list only upon re-
ceipt of a praecipe for civil trial list certifying readiness for trial or
upon order of the Court.
Editor’s note: Rule *262 amended November 5, 1984, effective January
2, 1985. Rule *262(b) rescinded March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publi
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *301.
Argument Court—Interlocutory Matters.
Editor’s note: Rescinded April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
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Rule *302. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Rule *302.
Argument Court—Appealable Matters.
Editor’s note: Rescinded April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule *303.
Argument Court Forms. [Rescinded]
Editor’s note: Rescinded April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule 400.1(b)(1)*
Person to Make Service.
With respect to all actions led in Montgomery County, Penn-
sylvania, original process shall be served within the Commonwealth:
(i) by the sheriff or a competent adult in the actions in equity, parti-
tion, prevent waste and declaratory judgement when declaratory
relief is the only relief sought, and
(ii) by the sheriff in all other actions.
Editor’s note: Adopted August 4, 1999, effective 30 days after publica tion
in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *406.
Termination of Inactive Cases.
Editor’s note: Rescinded April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004.
Rule 430(b)(1)*.
Legal Periodical—Notice, Service,
(i) The Montgomery County Law Reporter is and shall be the legal
periodical for the publication of all notices.
(ii) One copy of each issue shall be deposited by the publication in
the Ofce of the Prothonotary and one in the Law Library of
Montgomery County for public reference.
(iii) Except as otherwise provided by acts of assembly, rule or spe cial
order of Court, service by publication shall be made by pub-
lication once in the Montgomery County Law Reporter, and in
one daily or weekly newspaper of general circulation within the
county, and in such manner that the person so served shall have at
least ve days after publication thereof to act thereon.
Editor’s note: Adopted March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *902.
Security for Costs.
In cases where proceedings in bankruptcy or insolvency are
pending against the plaintiff, the defendant, on ling an answer in ac-
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule *910.
tions in which an answer is required, and in other actions on ling of
an afdavit of a just defense to the whole of plaintiffs demand, may
enter a rule for security of costs. A garnishee in attachment exe cution
may, in like cases, enter a rule for security for garnishee’s costs, after
interrogatories and before answers are led. In default of security en-
tered at the time xed by the Court, judgment of non pros may be en-
tered by the Prothonotary in favor of the defendant, or the attachment
quashed in cases of attachment execution.
Editor’s note: Amended March 25, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *903.
Bill of Costs.
(a) Afdavit. The afdavit of the party or other person to the cor-
rectness of the bill and the attendance and materiality of the wit-
nesses shall be annexed, and shall be prima facie evidence to the
taxing ofcer.
(b) Taxation. Bills of costs shall be taxed, in the rst instance, by the
Prothonotary upon application of the party entitled to execu tion,
subject to exceptions, which exceptions shall be led on or before
the return day of the execution. A re-taxation shall then be had
before the Prothonotary upon 10 days’ notice thereof to both par-
ties, from which either party may appeal to the Court within ve
days thereafter, provided that the appellant shall, within three
days after appeal is entered, le a specication of the items to
which appellant objects and the grounds of all objections; other-
wise, the appeal will be dismissed. No excep tions or appeal shall
operate to stay execution or prevent the col lection of the debt or
costs; but when collected on execution or paid into Court, the
costs excepted to will be retained until the question is decided.
Editor’s note: Rule *903 amended November 5, 1984, effective Janu-
ary 2, 1985. Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the
Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *910.
Satisfaction of Judgment.
Whenever the Prothonotary is requested to mark any judgment
satised, whether by praecipe or otherwise, the person making or l-
ing the request shall rst satisfy the Prothonotary by afdavit, and, if
required by the Prothonotary, by additional proof that said person is
the owner of the judgment to be marked satised or has fullled the
requirements of Pa.R.C.P. 205.1. No judgment shall be satised by or
on the order of any attorney-at-law unless such attorney shall have rst
entered an appearance for the plaintiff.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 21 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule *910. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Editor’s note: Rule *910 amended November 5, 1984, effective January 2,
1985mended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl-
vania Bulletin.
Rule *920.
Board of Assessment Appeals.
(a) The Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure shall be applicable to
all assessment appeals led in Montgomery County before the
Court of Common Pleas. Nothing in this rule shall be con strued to
limit discovery as permitted under the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil
(b) In all cases where an appeal is taken from a real estate assess ment
xed by the Board of Assessment Appeals, the petition for allow-
ance of appeal shall have the parcel numbers of the prop erty being
appealed in the caption and shall have attached to it a photocopy of
the appeal from order of the said Board and shall have attached to
it a proposed preliminary decree which shall provide:
(1) that the appeal to Court is permitted and said case is to pro-
ceed in conformity with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil
(2) that within ve days from the date of the preliminary decree,
appellant shall serve a copy of the petition and pre liminary
decree upon the said Board, upon the Board of County
Commissioners of Montgomery County, the gov erning body
of the municipality and the Board of School Directors of the
school district in which the real estate is sit uated and their
Solicitors, and upon the property owner, if the property owner
is not the appellant;
(3) that the taxing authorities of the aforesaid and the property
owner, if the property owner is not the appellant, be and are
hereby entitled to intervene as parties appellee.
(c) Appellant, within 60 days of ling the appeal, shall provide to ap-
pellee and intervening parties a copy of their appraisal report
(which need not be the trial report) with copies of income and ex-
pense statements and rent rolls (if applicable) for the last three
years. In cases where a taxing authority is the appellant, the ap-
praisal report must be provided to appellee and intervening parties
within 60 days of appellant’s receipt of discovery requested of the
taxpayer, including but not limited to inspection of the subject
property provided that the taxing authorities for warded their dis-
covery requests to the taxpayer within 30 days of ling their ap-
peal. Where exemption is the sole issue, this paragraph is not ap-
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1012*.
(d) The appeal shall be forwarded by the Court Administrator to the
Court for a settlement conference upon the ling of a trial praec-
ipe containing a certication by ling counsel that all counsel of
record consent to the ling of the trial praecipe.
(e) A settlement conference shall be convened by the Court upon the
ling of a trial praecipe which shall be attended by the appellant
and all intervening parties. All parties must have a pre liminary
evaluation of the subject property at the conference and be pre-
pared to exchange information with opposing counsel. Expert
witnesses may attend the conference but are not required to do so.
(f) If the assessment appeal is not settled, the Court shall place the
matter in the trial pool. The parties shall exchange expert apprais-
al reports, to be used at trial, within 10 days of the receipt of no-
tice of the rst trial listing.
1. The trial praecipe form referenced in this rule is available on line at
Editor’s note: Amended November 5, 1984, effective January 2, 1985;
further amended September 21, 1992, effective October 15, 1992; and Octo ber
26, 1995; amended November 4, 2004, effective 30 days after publication in the
Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *953.
Eminent Domain.
(a) Service of Copy of Petition and Order upon Adverse Parties. A
copy of any petition for the appointment of viewers and of any
order appointing a Board of View shall be served promptly upon
the adverse party in the same manner as a complaint in assump sit
or by certied or registered mail. An afdavit of service of said
copy shall be led with the Prothonotary.
(b) Service of Copy of Petition and Order, etc., upon Board of View.
Upon appointment of a Board of View, the petitioner shall forth-
with deliver to the chairman of the Board:
(1) A copy of the afdavit of service required by Rule *953(a).
(2) A copy of the petition and order of appointment which peti-
tioner shall certify is true and correct.
(3) Detailed directions to the condemned property.
Editor’s note: Rule *953 amended November 5, 1984, effective Janu-
ary 2, 1985. Former rule *953(a) rescinded March 15, 1999, effective 30 days
after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1012*.
Entry and Withdrawal of Appearance.
(a) Every initial pleading or legal paper led with the Prothonotary or
the Domestic Relations Ofce by an attorney should be accom-
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 23 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1012*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
panied by a written entry of appearance. This written appear ance
will facilitate proper notication being given to all counsel of re-
cord of pending matters listed by the Court Administrator. In the
event an initial pleading or legal paper, including an initial respon-
sive pleading or legal paper, led by an attorney is not accompanied
by a written entry of appearance, the Prothonotary or the Domestic
Relations Ofce shall enter the name of said attorney as counsel of
record for the party on whose behalf the pleading or legal paper is
being led. A written withdrawal of appearance shall be required
when counsel is removing himself or herself from an action.
(b) No attorney shall represent the interest of a party to any civil ac-
tion in the Court or before a Domestic Relations Hearing Ofcer,
or special Master or Conciliator appointed by the Court unless or
until the attorney les a written entry of appearance, or until said
attorney’s name appears of record on the docket per section (a)
(c) Whenever any attorney changes his or her address, it SHALL be
the duty of said attorney to notify immediately the Court Adminis-
trator of Montgomery County in writing of such change.
Editor’s note: Rule 1012* amended November 5, 1984, effective Janu-
ary 2, 1985; further amended May 13, 1985, effective July 8, 1985; further
amended March 2, 1987, effective May 1, 1987. Amended March 15, 1999, ef-
fective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; amended October
7, 2008, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1018.1*.
Notice To DefendOfcetobeContacted.
As provided by Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 1018.1,
the following ofce is designated to be named in the Notice to Defend
prescribed by that rule as the ofce from which information about
hiring a lawyer can be obtained.
Lawyer Reference Service
100 West Airy Street (Rear)
Norristown, Pennsylvania 19404-0268
(610) 279-9660, Extension 201
Rule 1028(c).
Preliminary Objections
(1) Filing. All preliminary objections shall be led:
(a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1028,
(b) along with:
(1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 24 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1028(c).
(3) a proposed order, and
(4) a certicate of service.
(2) Response. The respondent shall le an answer to preliminary ob-
jections, if required:
(a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1028 and Pa.R.C.P. 1029,
(b) within twenty (20) days of the service of the preliminary
(c) along with:
(1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,
(3) a proposed order, and
(4) a certicate of service.
(3) Disposition. Forty-ve (45) days from the ling of preliminary
objections, the matter shall be referred to a Judge for disposition.
If discovery was requested by either party on their respective
cover sheets, said discovery shall be concluded within forty-ve
(45) days from the ling of preliminary objections. If oral argu-
ment was requested by either party on their respective cover
sheets, the matter may be scheduled for argument. If discovery or
oral argument were not requested by either party, the Judge may
direct the scheduling of discovery or oral argument, or may de-
cide the matter upon the lings.
(4) Timely Filed Briefs. If the brief of either party is not timely led,
either in accordance with this Rule or by order of the Court, the
Judge may:
(a) Dismiss the preliminary objections where the moving party
has failed to comply,
(b) Grant the requested relief where the respondent has failed to
comply, except that no civil action or proceeding shall be
dismissed for failure to comply. Nothing precludes the
assigned Judge from dismissing the matter on its merits,
(c) List the matter for argument, at which time only the
complying party shall be heard; or
(d) Impose such other sanctions upon the non-complying party
as the Judge shall deem proper.
1. The form referenced in this rule is available online at www.montcopa.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 25 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1028(c). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
2. Preliminary Objections may not necessarily be heard by the pretrial
Judge assigned to the case. The Court anticipates implementing an expedited
scheduling program for Preliminary Objections involving Senior Judges.
Editor’s note: Amended August 7, 2012, effective upon publication on the
Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web Application Portal. Amended October 19, 2015,
effective January 1, 2016. Amended December 9, 2015, effective upon publica-
tion on the UJS Portal. Amended December 1, 2016, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1034(a).
Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings.
(1) Filing. After the relevant pleadings are closed, but within such
time as not to unreasonably delay trial, any party may le a mo-
tion for judgment on the pleadings:
(a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1034,
(b) along with:
(1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,
(3) a proposed order, and
(4) a certicate of service
(2) Response. An answer to a motion for judgment on the pleadings is
required from the non-moving parties:
(a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1034,
(b) within thirty (30) days of the service of the motion,
(c) along with:
(1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,
(3) a proposed order, and
(4) a certicate of service
(3) Disposition. Forty-ve (45) days from the ling of the motion for
judgment on the pleadings, the matter shall be referred to a Judge
for disposition. If oral argument was requested by either party on
their respective cover sheets, the matter may be scheduled for ar-
gument. If oral argument was not requested by either party, the
Judge may direct the scheduling of oral argument, or may decide
the matter upon the lings.
(4) Timely Filed Briefs. If the brief of either party is not timely led,
either in accordance with this Rule or by order of the Court, the
assigned Judge may:
Dismiss the motion where the moving party has failed to comply,
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 26 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1035.2(a)
(b) Grant the requested relief where the respondent has failed to
comply, except that no civil action or proceeding shall be
dismissed for failure to comply. Nothing precludes the
assigned Judge from dismissing the matter on its merits,
(c) List the matter for argument, at which time only the
complying party shall be heard; or
(d) Impose such other sanctions upon the non-complying party
as the Judge shall deem proper.
1 The form referenced in this rule is available online at www.montcopa.
2 Motions for Judgment on the Pleadings may not necessarily be heard
by the pre-trial Judge assigned to the case. The Court anticipates implementing
an expedited scheduling program for Motions for Judgment on the Pleadings
involving Senior Judges.
Editor’s note: Amended August 7, 2012, effective upon publication on the
Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web Application Portal. Amended October 19, 2015,
effective January 1, 2016. Amended December 9, 2015, effective upon publica-
tion on the UJS Portal. Amended December 1, 2016, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1035.2(a)
Motion for Summary Judgment.
(1) Filing. After the relevant pleadings are closed, and prior to the l-
ing of a trial Praecipe, but within such time as not to unreasonably
delay trial, any party may le a motion for summary judgment:
(a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1035.2,
(b) along with:
(1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,
(3) a proposed order, and
(4) a certicate of service.
(2) Response. An answer to a motion for summary judgment is re-
quired from the adverse parties:
(a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1035.3,
(b) within thirty (30) days of the service of the motion,
(c) along with:
(1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),
(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,
(3) a proposed order, and
(4) a certicate of service.
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Rule 1035.2(a) Montgomery Civil Court Rules
(3) Disposition. Forty-ve (45) days from the ling of the motion for
summary judgment, the matter shall be referred to a Judge for
disposition, unless the underlying case has already been praeciped
for trial or ordered on the trial list, in which case the motion will
be assigned to the trial judge for disposition. If discovery was re-
quested by either party on their respective cover sheets, said dis-
covery shall be concluded within forty-ve (45) days from the
ling of the motion. If oral argument was requested by either par-
ty on their respective cover sheets, the matter may be scheduled
for argument. If oral argument was not requested by either party,
the Judge may direct the scheduling of oral argument, or may de-
cide the matter upon the lings.
(4) Timely Filed Briefs. If the brief of either party is not timely led,
either in accordance with this Rule or by order of the Court, the
assigned Judge may:
(a) Dismiss the motion where the moving party has failed to
(b) Grant the requested relief where the respondent has failed to
comply, except that no civil action or proceeding shall be
dismissed for failure to comply. Nothing precludes the
assigned Judge from dismissing the matter on its merits,
(c) List the matter for argument, at which time only the
complying party shall be heard; or
(d) Impose such other sanctions upon the non-complying party
as the Judge shall deem proper.
Comment: the form referenced in this rule is available online at www.
Editor’s note: Amended August 7, 2012, effective upon publication on the
Pennsylvania Judiciary’s Web Application Portal. Amended October 19, 2015,
effective January 1, 2016. Amended December 9, 2015, effective upon publica-
tion on the UJS Portal. Amended December 1, 2016, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1041.1*.
Asbestos Litigation—Special Provisions.
Asbestos litigation in Montgomery County is governed by the
Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure and the Montgomery County
Local Rules of Civil Procedure, except as follows:
(a) Local Rule *262 (relating to trial lists) shall not apply. Settle ment
conferences are scheduled and cases are listed for trial by Order
of Court.
(b) In addition to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil
Procedure and Local Rules 205.2(b) through 208.3 inclu sive,
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1041.1*.
1028(c), 1034(a) and 1035.2(a), copies of motions, peti tions,
responses thereto, and briefs, shall be served upon the appointed
judicial ofcer assigned to asbestos litigation. The l ing of an ar-
gument praecipe shall have the effect of commenc ing the brieng
schedule but not of listing the case for argument, which shall be
done by the Court with the assistance of the appointed judicial of-
cer assigned to asbestos litigation.
(c) Local Rule 4019* pertaining to discovery masters shall not apply.
When a discovery motion is at issue as provided in Local Rule
4019*, counsel shall notify the appointed judicial ofcer assigned
to asbestos litigation, who shall arrange for disposition of the
matter by the Court.
(d) Arguments, hearings, and trials are ordinarily listed only before
the Judge assigned to the asbestos litigation.
(e) The following procedure shall be in effect with respect to cases
subject, or alleged to be subject to Simmons v. Pacor, Inc., 543
Pa. 664, 674 A.2d 232 (1996):
(1) Within four months of the effective date of this subsection
with respect to asbestos cases pending on the effective date,
and within four months after the ling of each asbestos case
led after the effective date of this Rule, plaintiff in each such
case shall either elect to pursue a claim for medical
monitoring, or transfer the case to inactive status.
(2) A plaintiff desiring to pursue a claim for medical monitor ing
shall, by letter, notify the appointed judicial ofcer assigned
to asbestos litigation, with copies to all other coun sel. The
appointed judicial ofcer assigned to asbestos liti gation shall
consult with the Court, which will issue appropriate Orders
scheduling a conference, and thereafter list the case for
arbitration or trial, as appropriate.
(3) With respect to cases in which plaintiff does not presently
wish to pursue a claim for medical monitoring plaintiff shall
le with the Prothonotary, and serve on all other counsel and
on the appointed judicial ofcer assigned to asbestos
litigation, a praecipe to transfer to inactive status. The
praecipe shall be in the following form:
See Forms Index
(4) Anytime after the expiration of four months from the effec-
tive date of this subsection with respect to asbestos cases
pending on that date, and anytime after four months from the
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Rule 1041.1*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
commencement of any action commenced after the effective
date of this subsection, any defendant who asserts that any
case should be transferred to inactive status because it falls
within the rule of Simmons v. Pacor, Inc., supra., shall le
with the Prothonotary, a Motion to Trans fer to Inactive
Status. The Motion shall be in accordance with Pa.R.C.P.
208.1, et seq., and Montgomery County Local Rules of Civil
Procedure 208.1, et seq, and 1041.1*(b). The argument court
cover sheet shall request a rule return day in accordance with
Montgomery County Local Rule of Civil Procedure 208.3(b)
(1). Copies of the motion shall be served on all other counsel
in accordance with Montgomery County local rules and
practice, and shall also be served on the appointed judicial
ofcer assigned to asbestos litigation. The moving party’s
proposed order shall be in the following form:
See Forms Index
Responses shall be led at or before the time the rule is return-
able, and shall be served on all counsel and on the appointed judicial
ofcer assigned to asbestos litigation.
(5) Upon receipt of any responses, the appointed judicial ofcer
assigned to asbestos litigation shall refer the petition to the
Court, which will schedule the matter for argument or hear-
ing as appropriate. If no responses are led the Court
Administrator will forward the Petition to the Signing Judge.
(6) After a case has been transferred to inactive status, whether
by praecipe or by petition and order, the Prothonotary will
maintain the case as an inactive le, the appointed judicial
ofcer assigned to asbestos litigation will remove the case
from the list of pending cases eligible for trial listing, and no
party may take any action with respect to the case, except for
the taking of depositions of an aged or inrm witness for
purposes of preservation of testimony unless and until the
Court, by Order shall direct that the case be retransferred to
active status, upon petition and rule led in accordance with
the procedure set forth in subparagraph (4) above.
1. The Honorable William J. Furber, Jr., is the Administrative Judge for
Asbestos Litigation.
2. By Orders dated April 12, 1982 and January 27, 2005, the appointed
judicial ofcer assigned to asbestos litigation is: Donald J. Martin, Esq., 22 West Airy
St., Norristown, PA 194014769, Telephone: (610) 2776772, Fax: (610) 2774993.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 30 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1041.1*.
3. The Orders scheduling cases for trial and settlement conferences ordi-
narily contain deadlines, including deadlines for the completion of discovery and
for ling certain motions. These are completion deadlines. It is not neces sary for
a scheduling order to issue for counsel to engage in earlier, appropri ate,
discovery and motion practice.
4. Except as stated in sub-paragraph D below, a discontinuance of an
action as to less than all parties may not be entered without notice and an
opportunity to respond to all other parties. This may be accomplished as fol lows:
A. If a stipulation is signed by counsel for all parties to the litigation,
Pa.R.C.P. 229(b) does not require leave of court. The fully executed stip
ulation may be led with the Prothonotary.
B. A motion for approval of discontinuance may be led pursuant to
Pa.R.C.P. 208.1 et seq., and Montgomery County Local Rules of Civil
Procedure 208.2, et seq. A rule to show cause shall be requested on the
cover sheet. The cover sheet should be followed by a form of order
approving the discontinuance, by a petition, and by the original stipula tion
executed by counsel for plaintiff and counsel for the party against whom
proceedings are being discontinued. Upon receipt of the return day from
the Court Administrator counsel should serve all parties, and le with the
Prothonotary a separate certication of service indicating service of the
petition and the rule to show cause, noting the return day. If no answer is
led at or before the time the rule is made returnable, the petition will be
forwarded by the Court Administrator to the Civil Signing Judge in
accordance with the practice pertaining to any petition requiring a return
C. Stipulations for discontinuance signed by counsel for plaintiff and
counsel for the party against whom proceedings are being discontinued
may be presented to the Court at a scheduled settlement conference for
the case in question. If no objection is raised at the conference, the Court
normally approves the stipulation and returns it to counsel for ling and for
service on all parties.
D. If a case has been settled by all parties from whom plaintiff seeks a
recovery, a discontinuance may be entered as to any other parties by
stipulation signed by counsel for plaintiff, the original of which shall be
transmitted to the appointed judicial ofcer assigned to asbestos litiga tion,
with copies served on all other parties. The appointed judicial ofcer
assigned to asbestos litigation shall transmit the stipulation to the appro-
priate judge for approval. Since parties who may have claims for contri
bution or indemnication have not been given the opportunity to object,
such a stipulation is subject to being stricken on the petition of an inter
ested party. Counsel may wish to proceed in accordance with subpara-
graph B, above, to minimize this risk.
5. Certicates of service shall indicate the name and address of counsel or
the parties on which service has been made. A certicate of service “on all par-
ties,” or “on all counsel of record” without stating who they are, does not estab-
lish service on anyone.
6. At the time of the adoption of the addition of subparagraph (e) the Court
was aware that litigation was pending in other jurisdictions relating to the
manner in which claims for medical monitoring can be pursued, and if such
claims can be pursued. The provisions of this subsection (e) creating a proce
dure to pursue medical monitoring claims does not express the Court’s opinion
on this issue. This Rule does not preclude any appropriate motion in any case.
Editor’s note: Amended March 14, 2005, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 31 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1041.1.2* Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Rule 1041.1.2*
Diet Drug (Fen-Phen) Litigation—
Special Provisions
(a) In accordance with Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 1042.1,
Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 1041.1(a) and (c) through
(f) are applicable to actions to recover damages for inju ries
alleged to have been caused by the diet drugs known as “Fen-
(b) The diet drug litigation in Montgomery County is governed by
the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure and the Montgomery
County Local Rules of Civil Procedure, except as follows:
(1) The Local Rules governing certication and listing of cases
for trial shall not apply. Settlement conferences are sched-
uled and cases are listed for trial by Order of Court.
(2) In addition to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Rules of
Civil Procedure, and Local Rules 205.2(b) through 208.3
inclusive, 1028(c), 1034(a) and 1035.2(a), copies of motions,
petitions, responses thereto and briefs, shall be served upon
the appointed judicial ofcer assigned to com plex litigation.
The ling of an argument praecipe shall have the effect of
commencing the brieng schedule but not of listing the case
for argument, which shall be done by the Court with the
assistance of the appointed judicial ofcer assigned to
complex litigation.
(3) Local Rule 4019 pertaining to discovery masters shall not
apply. When a discovery motion is at issue as provided by
Local Rule 4019, counsel shall notify the appointed judicial
ofcer assigned to complex litigation, who shall arrange for
disposition of the matter by the Court or hear the motion and
make recommendations to the Court, as the Court shall
(4) Arguments are ordinarily listed only before the judge
assigned to the diet drug litigation.
(5) The Court has established a master docket for use in this lit-
igation, No. 04-00007. This docket is for Orders of general
application to all the litigation or classes of cases within the
litigation. It is not for the ling of motions of less than gen-
eral application, and motions which have relevance to indi-
vidual cases shall be led under such individual case number,
even if more than one case is involved. Upon the taking of an
appeal by any party, if any Orders entered under the general
number are relevant to the case on appeal, counsel shall, by
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1301*.
praecipe, le a copy of the relevant docu ment in the
individual le.
1. The Honorable Arthur R. Tilson is the judge assigned to the diet drug
2. The appointed judicial ofcer assigned to complex litigation is Donald
J. Martin, Esquire, 22 West Airy Street, Norristown, Pennsylvania 19401-4769.
Telephone: (610) 2776772. Fax: (610) 2774993.
3. Orders scheduling cases for trial and settlement conferences will ordi-
narily contain deadlines, including deadlines for the completion of discov ery and
for ling certain motions. These are completion deadlines. It is not necessary for
a scheduling Order to issue for counsel to engage in earlier, appropriate, discov-
ery and motion practice.
Editor’s note: Adopted March 14, 2005, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1066(b)*.
Form of Judgment, Writ of Possession.
*(5) Upon entry of judgment for a plaintiff in any action brought under
Pa.R.C.P. 1061(b)(4), the Court will order the Prothono tary to
issue a writ of possession.
Rule 1301*.
(a) Pursuant to §7361 of the Judicial Code, 42 Pa.C.S. §7361 and
Pa.R.C.P. 1301, et seq., all civil suits and actions in the Court of
Common Pleas where the amount in controversy, exclusive of in-
terest and costs, is fty thousand dollars ($50,000) or less per
plaintiff, excepting those involving title to real estate and equity
cases, shall rst be tried and decided by a Board of Arbitrators
consisting of three members of the Bar of this Court who are in
the active practice of law maintaining their principal ofce within
Montgomery County.
(b) Cases, other than those described in (a), may be referred to a
Board of Arbitrators by agreement of reference signed by all par-
ties or their counsel.
(c) The determination of the amount in controversy shall be made at
the time of the ling of a praecipe for arbitration or a praecipe for
civil trial.
Editor’s note: Amended November 5, 1984, effective January 2, 1985;
further amended December 14, 1992, effective February 2, 1993; and March 8,
1995, effective May 1, 1995. Court Administrator’s note rescinded March 15,
1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulle tin; amended
October 2, 2006, effective 30 days after publication in the Penn sylvania Bulletin.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 33 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1302*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Rule 1302*.
List of Arbitrators. Appointment to Board.
(1) The Court shall appoint a person to act as Arbitration
Administrator who shall serve at the discretion of the Court
and under the supervision and jurisdiction of the Court.
(2) Each active member of the bar of this Court who maintains
his or her principal ofce within Montgomery County, shall
le with the Arbitration Administrator information indicat ing
whether said member is a sole practitioner, is a member of a
rm or is associated with one or more lawyers. Upon any
change in the members status of practicing with or being
associated with any other lawyers, said member shall
immediately report such change to the Arbitration Adminis-
(3) The Arbitration Administrator shall keep on le all papers
pertaining to proceedings in arbitration cases until the same
are concluded, shall keep the arbitration list up to date, shall
prepare and furnish to the Prothonotary and keep up to date a
list of the members of the bar qualied to act, which list shall
be condential.
The Arbitration Administrator shall send a letter to all mem bers
of the Montgomery Bar Association within 60 days after their
admission to the bar of his or her right to accept an assignment of
Arbitrator by sending, in writing, a statement of his or her intention to
so act, which notice shall be directed to the Arbitration Adminis trator.
The Arbitration Administrator shall advise the members of the bar that
appointment as an Arbitrator shall have the same force and effect as a
Court commitment.
(1) Upon the ling of an arbitration praecipe containing a certi-
cation by ling counsel that all counsel consent to the l ing
of the praecipe, with notice to opposing counsel and any
unrepresented parties, the Arbitration Administrator shall
select the Board of Arbitrators, consisting of three members
of the Bar of this Court from the list of attorneys qualied to
serve as follows:
(a) The Arbitration Administrator shall select three attor-
neys from said list, two of whom shall have been
admitted to the practice of law for at least eight years.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 34 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1302*.
The attorney with the lowest “attorney identication
number” shall serve as chairperson of the panel.
(b) Upon the request of any party in writing led within 10
days of the ling of the praecipe for arbitration with
notice to opposing counsel, the Arbitration Administra-
tor shall nominate ve attorneys from said list, three of
whom shall have been admitted to the practice of law for
at least eight years. For each additional party with an
adverse interest, the Arbitration Administrator shall
nominate an additional attorney who has been admitted
to the practice of law for at least eight years. Each party
shall then have the right to strike one attorney so nomi-
nated by notifying the Arbitration Administrator in
writing within 10 days of the date of mailing of the list
of nominations by the Arbitration Administrator. The
three remaining attorneys or the rst three named on the
list, if one or more strikes are not exercised, shall serve
on the panel with the senior attorney to act as chairman.
(c) In the event of the disqualication or failure to act of an
appointed attorney, the Arbitration Administrator, in all
cases in which the panel was selected under (a) above,
shall appoint a similarly qualied and available attorney
in his/her place. In all cases in which the panel was
selected under (b) above, the Arbitration Adminis trator
shall nominate three similarly qualied and available
attorneys with an additional attorney for each additional
party with an adverse interest provided that there is
sufcient time in which to do so. Each party shall strike
as above one attorney so nominated and the remaining
attorney shall be appointed to the panel.
(d) An adverse party may raise an objection as to whether
the matter is arbitrable under these rules or as to the
composition of the panel selected under (b) above by
notifying the Arbitration Administrator in writing with
notice to opposing counsel within 10 days of the ling
of the praecipe or the mailing of notice of the composi-
tion of the panel. The Court shall decide such objection
before the matter is heard by the Board on the merits.
(e) If any counsel refuses to consent to the ling of the
praecipe for arbitration, any party may request a con-
ference before the designated Judge on the case in order
to determine whether the case should be placed on the
arbitration list and scheduled for hearing.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 35 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1302*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
(1) Each member of a Board of Arbitrators who has
signed a report or dissents shall receive as compen-
sation for his services in each case a fee of $100.
When more than one case arising out of the same
transaction is heard at the same hearing or hear ings,
it shall be considered as one case insofar as
compensation of the Arbitrators is concerned. In
civil actions, where no appearance has been entered
for the defendant and there is no contest, the
compensation of each of the Arbitrators shall be in
the sum of $25 per case. However, the Administrator,
in his discretion, may assign more than one such
case to a particular Board. In cases requiring
hearings of unusual duration or involving questions
of unusual complexity, the Court, on petition of the
members of the Board and for cause shown, may
allow additional compensation. The Court may
also, on petition of any party to a case, on cause
shown and to prevent injustice, reduce the amount
of such compensation or disallow compen sation
entirely. The members of a Board shall not be
entitled to receive their fees until after ling a report
with the Prothonotary. When the same is led, the
Prothonotary shall issue an order for pay ment of
such fees which shall be immediately paid from
county funds as in the case of all other county debts.
In the event that a case shall be settled or withdrawn
or otherwise terminated by or between the parties at
least one full weekday before the date of the hearing,
the Board members shall not be entitled to the
aforesaid fee.
1. The arbitration praecipe form referenced in this rule is available online
2. If all parties to an action are unrepresented, any such party may le an
arbitration praecipe.*Effective January 1, 1982, the compensation of Arbitrators
shall be increased to $100 and in the case of assessment of damages only to
$25 per case.
Editor’s note: Rule 1302* amended November 5, 1984, effective
Janu ary 2, 1985; further amended December 14, 1992, effective February 2,
1993. Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the
Pennsyl vania Bulletin; amended November 4, 2004, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 36 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1306*.
Rule 1303.
Hearing. Notice.
*(1) The Arbitration Administrator shall notify the Arbitrators
and the parties or their counsel, in writing, at least 30
days before the hearing of the date, time and place of the
(1) The written notice required by subdivision (a)(1) shall
include the following statement:
“This matter will be heard by a board of arbitrators at the
time, date and place specied but, if one or more of the parties
is not present at the hearing, the matter may be heard at the
same time and date before a judge of the court without the
absent party or parties. There is no right to a trial de novo on
appeal from a decision entered by a judge.”
*(1) The Arbitration Administrator shall have the power to grant
continuances and all applications for continuance shall be
submitted to him or her at least two working days prior to the
date of the hearing.
*(c) If any member of the Board dies or becomes incapable of acting,
or shall fail or refuse to perform his duties, after hearing but be-
fore a report shall be made, the case shall be decided and the re-
port signed by the remaining members of the Board. If they can-
not agree, they shall so notify the Arbitration Administrator, who
shall then appoint a third member from the list of attorneys in the
same manner as the original panel was selected to rehear and de-
cide the case.
Editor’s note: Rule 1303 amended November 5, 1984, effective Janu-
ary 2, 1985. Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the
Pennsylvania Bulletin; amended September 13, 2011, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1306*.
(1) The Board of Arbitrators shall not consider the subject of
damages for delay until after a decision has been reached on
the merits and has been entered on the award form.
(2) After the amount of the award has been so entered, the Board
shall make a determination as to damages for delay by
accepting a sealed envelope containing a stipulation set ting
forth whether an offer was made in writing and if so, the
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 37 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1306*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
amount as well as the date of the offer. If no such stipu lation
is submitted by counsel, the Board shall, following
announcement of the award, consider evidence from coun sel
relating to damages for delay.
Editor’s note: Rule 1306* amended November 5, 1984, effective
Janu ary 2, 1985.
Rule 1533*(i).
Notice by Assignees and Receivers.
(i) Assignees for the benet of creditors and receivers shall, after
they have entered security, give notice of their appointment to ev-
ery creditor and party in interest of whom they have knowl edge
and shall also publish notice thereof once a week for three succes-
sive weeks.
Editor’s note: Rule 1533*(a) amended November 5, 1984, effective Jan
uary 2, 1985.
Rule 1534*.
Accounts of Fiduciaries—Notice.
(a) At least three weeks before the presentation of the account of any
trustee, committee, guardian, assignee for the benet of creditors,
receiver or other duciary, notice of the ling thereof and of the
petition for distribution shall be served upon all par ties interested
(including creditors and shareholders) whose whereabouts are
known and except in the case of triennial accounts of trustees,
committees and guardians, shall also be published in the Mont-
gomery County Law Reporter and a news paper of general circu-
lation once a week for three successive weeks, unless publication
is waived by the Court.
(b) Said notice shall set forth that the account and petition for distri-
bution have been led in the Ofce of Prothonotary, and will be
presented to the Court at a certain time for such action as the
Court may deem expedient, and that the account may then be con-
rmed and distribution made of the fund, unless exceptions there-
to be previously led or cause shown to the contrary.
(c) Proof of service of said notices and of said publication shall be
submitted at the audit.
(d) If no exceptions have been led, the account may be conrmed
absolutely upon such proof of service.
(e) Similar notice must be given of petitions for the reconveyance of
assigned estates.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 38 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1568*(a).
(f) The accountant shall le with the account a petition for distribu-
tion of the fund in form similar to that of petitions for distribu tion
required by the Orphans’ Court to be presented at the audit of ac-
counts in that Court.
(g) The petition for distribution shall contain also (1) a list of the
names of creditors or claimants against the fund for distribution
whose claims are believed by the accountant to be just; (2) a list
of claims that are to be contested; (3) a list of claims that appear to
the accountant to be justly entitled to a preference or lien upon the
fund; (4) a list of claims for preference or lien that are disputed. In
all cases, the amount of the claim shall be stated.
(h) Schedule of Distribution. A proposed schedule of distribution
may be attached to or led with the account and after nal con-
rmation, the Court may, on motion, decree distribution in con-
formance therewith. If no proposed schedule of distribution has
been submitted with the account, or if a material change therein is
proposed, no decree of distribution will be made by the Court un-
til such notice has been given to the parties interested as the Court
may order.
(i) Exceptions to Accounts of Schedule of Distribution. Exceptions
to an account or schedule of distribution shall be placed on the
argument list.
Editor’s note: Adopted March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1568*(a).
Public Sale, Notice.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by act of assembly or special order
of Court, notice of the time and place of the sale of a prop erty at
public auction by a Master in partition shall be given by publica-
tion once a week for three successive weeks immediately preced-
ing such sale in the legal periodical designated by Rule 430(b)
(1)* and in one daily newspaper of general circulation, in each
county where any part of the property lies, such publica tions to
appear in all editions of such newspapers published on the days
the same appears; by posting the property to be sold, and by the
circulation of at least 50 handbills among those who may be
known to be interested in buying the property and in the neigh-
borhood in which it is situate. Whenever a property or properties
so sold lie in different counties the rst publication shall be made
at least 60 days before the date of the sale.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 39 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1568*(a). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Editor’s note: Rule 1568*(a) amended November 5, 1984, effective Jan
uary 2, 1985. Further amended December 9, 1996, Amended March 15, 1999,
effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl vania Bulletin.
Family Court Procedures
Rule *1854.
Cover Sheet Required.
(a) Whenever any Family Court action or petition is led with the
Prothonotary, the attorney shall attach a cover sheet to the docu-
ments with the le numbers of all previous Family Court cases
led in Montgomery County involving the same parties.
(b) The cover sheet shall be substantially in the following form:
See Forms Index
Editor’s note: Adopted April 22, 1991, effective May 1, 1991. Amended
March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulle tin.
Actions for Support
Rule 1910.10*. Alternative Hearing Procedure.
The Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas adopts the
alternative hearing procedure of Pa.R.C.P. No. 1910.12.
Editor’s note: Adopted May 26, 2016, effective July 18, 2016.
Rule 1910.11*.
Support Conciliation. [Rescinded.]
Editor’s note: Adopted November 27, 1995, effective January 1, 1996.
Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania
Bulletin. Rescinded May 26, 2016, effective July 18, 2016.
Rule 1915.3*.
Seminar for Separated and Divorced Parents.
(a) In an action for custody, partial custody or visitation, both parents
shall attend an approved education seminar on the general re-
sponsibilities of separated and divorced parents.
(b) Seminars shall be conducted by seminar providers as approved
by the President Judge. Seminars shall be conducted in the Mont-
gomery County Courthouse or at such other location as approved
by the President Judge. Each parent will be responsi ble to register
for a seminar and for payment of the seminar costs; however, the
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 40 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1920.13*(d).
costs may be waived by the Court for any party qualifying to pro-
ceed in forma pauperis.
(c) Seminar attendance is not required in connec tion with any peti-
tion to modify custody where the parties have already attended
the seminar within the past two (2) years.
(d) A Certicate of Attendance shall be led by the seminar pro vider
with the Prothonotary’s Ofce reecting that attendance was ful-
lled by the parent.
(e) For good cause shown, the Court may waive the requirement of
seminar attendance in a particular case.
(f) Upon a party’s failure to attend a required seminar, the Court may
impose sanctions, including but not limited to a nding of con-
tempt. A hearing on a custody petition shall not be delayed by a
party’s refusal or delay in completing the seminar.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 25, 1993, effective January 3, 1994.
Amended September 10, 1996, effective October 28, 1996; amended Deceme-
ber 3, 2008, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1915.8(e)*.
Physical and Mental Examination of
The court may assess and allocate the cost of the evaluation, the
report and the fee of the expert to appear in court to testify upon a party
or parties, upon the county (in whole or in part) or as otherwise permit-
ted by law.
Editor’s note: Promulgated March 18, 1991; amended September 21,
1992, effective December 1, 1992. Former rule rescinded and new rule
1915.8(e)* adopted March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the
Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Action of Divorce or
for Annulment of Marriage
Rule 1920.13*(d).
Duplicate Filing With Domestic Relations
The ling of any complaint, counterclaim or petition for child
support, spousal support, or alimony pendente lite with the Prothono-
tary does not commence proceedings for such relief until a duplicate is
led with the Domestic Relations Ofce.
Editor’s note: Amended March 31, 1992, effective July 1, 1992.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 41 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Rule 1920.33*(f). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Rule 1920.33*(f).
Initial Hearing Statement—Pre-Trial
(1) No later than 10 days prior to the date of the rst hearing before
the equitable distribution master, an initial hearing statement
shall be led which shall include the following:
(a) A statement of all marital and non-marital assets with veri-
cation of values, indicating date of valuation used.
(b) Summary of all marital and non-marital liabilities indicating
dates of valuation.
(c) Verication of any post-separation payment of marital debt.
(d) An expense statement in the form provided for in subsection
(e) Verication of current gross and net income in the follow ing
See Forms Index
(f) The last two led federal and state income tax returns.
(g) All present or past spousal support, alimony, pendente lite or
child support orders between the parties and any pres ently
existing alimony or child support order involving either party
separately and verication of any arrearages.
(h) The date of the parties’ separation.
(i) Verication of counsel fees costs and expenses, if claimed.
(2) No later than 20 days prior to the date of any subsequent hearing
before the equitable distribution master, each party shall le the
pre-trial statement, in the form required by subdivision (b) of this
(3) The failure of any party to comply with any provision subsec tion
of local Rule 1920.33(f) may subject that party to sanctions under
Rule 4019(c) and the barring 1920.33(d).
The equitable distribution master shall have the authority to im-
plement the provisions of this subsection or may request that the
Court enter an appropriate order to implement the provisions of
this subsection.
(4) Form
See Forms Index
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 42 3/26/2018 8:06:44 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1920.51*(f).
Editor’s note: Amended March 31, 1992, effective July 1, 1992. Amended
March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl vania Bulletin.
Rule 1920.42(d)*(3).
(3) Upon the ling of the Praecipe to Transmit in a divorce action
where the defendant has no attorney of record and the defendant
has not appeared for any proceeding before the Court, the plain-
tiff shall execute and le a Verication of Defendant’s Signature
in the following form:
See Forms Index
Editor’s note: Adopted February 15, 2011, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 1920.51*(f).
Dissolution of the Marital Status,
Appointment of Master, Notice of
(1) Appointment of Master. Any Master appointed pursuant to Rule
1920.51(a)(2)(i) shall be an active member of the Montgomery
Bar Association.
(2) Notice of Hearing. Notice of the rst hearing before the Master
shall be sent by the Master at least 10 days prior to said hearing.
(3) Notice of Filing Masters Report. Upon the ling of a report by
the Master in divorce with the Prothonotary, the Master shall
forthwith send written notice to the attorneys of record, and if a
party is not represented by counsel, to that party and to the guard-
ian ad litem of a minor or incompetent party except where service
has been by publication, and shall immediately le a certicate
that such notices have been duly sent. The notice shall state the
time and place of ling said report and that, if exceptions are not
led within 10 days after the report is led, the report will be pre-
sented to the Court for nal action. In a contested action, the Mas-
ter shall accompany the notice with a copy of the report and rec-
(4) Fees and Costs. In addition to the ling fee paid to the Protho-
notary under the Prothonotary’s fee bill at the institution of the
action, an additional sum as determined by the Prothonotary,
shall be deposited with the Prothonotary on behalf of the Mas ter.
Fees in excess of the sum deposited with the Prothonotary on be-
half of the Master shall be billed directly to the parties, as
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 43 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule 1920.51*(f). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
determined by the Master. Disputes regarding Masters’ fees shall
be resolved by the Court.
(5) [Rescinded.]
(6) Certication when unable to le afdavit as to military service. If
the plaintiff is unable to le such afdavit in accordance with
Pa.R.C.P. 1920.46(b), the plaintiff shall le certications from
the ve branches of the armed services that the defendant is not a
(7) Appointment of counsel for defendant in military service. When-
ever counsel is appointed by the Court for a defendant in the mili-
tary service, the attorney shall le brief report of his ser vices with
the record in the Prothonotary’s Ofce and shall be paid for the
services to be taxed as part of the costs.
Editor’s note: Amended November 5, 1984, effective Jan. 2, 1985;
fur ther amended April 13, 1987; and March 31, 1992, effective July 1, 1992.
Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl vania
Bulletin; amended November 27, 2017, effective on January 6, 2018.
Rule 1920.55-1*(c).
Alternative Hearing Procedure for
Matters Referred to a Master.
The court adopts the alternative procedure of Pa.R.C.P. 1920.55-
3 with regard to all divorce proceedings which are referred to a Master
for the resolution of economic claims.
Editor’s note: Adopted November 27, 1995, effective Jan. 1, 1996.
Rule 1920.73(c).
Notice of Intention to Request Entry of
Divorce Decree. Praecipe to Transmit
Record. Motion for Entry of Grounds
Order and Appointment of Equitable
Distribution Master. Forms.
(1) A Praecipe to Transmit the Record to request a nal Decree in Di-
vorce shall be led where:
(a) there have been no claims for equitable distribution of marital
property, alimony or counsel fees, costs, and expenses raised
in the pleadings, or
(b) all claims have been withdrawn and grounds for divorce have
been established, and the Moving party is seeking a nal de-
cree in divorce, or
(c) the parties have reached a written agreement, which resolves
all issues of equitable distribution of marital property, alimo-
ny and counsel fees, costs, and expenses, and grounds for
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 44 3/30/2018 7:55:39 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 1920.73(c).
divorce have been established, and the Moving party is seek-
ing a nal decree in divorce which incorporates the written
See Forms Index
(2) A Motion for Entry of Grounds Order and Appointment of Equi-
table Distribution Master shall be led where:
(a) there are pending claims for equitable distribution of marital
property, alimony or counsel fees raised in the pleadings, and
(b) no written agreement has been reached by the parties; and
(c) grounds for divorce exist and can be established.
See Forms Index
(3) The Moving party, ling the Motion for Entry of Grounds Order
and Appointment of Equitable Distribution Master, upon ling
said Motion shall:
(a) pay a required fee to the Prothonotary at the time of ling the
Motion; and
(b) certify in the Motion that discovery is complete by including
a listing of all assets and liabilities, including values as of the
date of ling of the Motion; and
(c) attach to the Motion the Moving party’s Initial Hearing State-
ment, which shall include a completed Inventory and Ap-
praisal, pursuant to Local Rule 1920.33(f); and
(d) the Motion and Initial Hearing/Inventory Statement, pursu-
ant to Local Rule 1920.33(f), shall be led with the Court and
served upon the Non-Moving party, and a Certicate of Ser-
vice of same shall be led with the Court.
(4) The Non-Moving party shall have forty-ve (45) days from the
date of service of the Moving party’s Motion and Initial Hearing/
Inventory Statement in which to complete all discovery, and pro-
vide the same certication to the Court and the Moving party, that
the Non-Moving party’s discovery is complete and includes a
listing of all assets and liabilities, including values as of the date
of ling of the certication by the Non-Moving party:
(a) the listing of all assets and liabilities shall be in the form of an
Initial Hearing/Inventory Statement, pursuant to Local Rule
1920.33(f), and shall be led with the Court and served upon
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 45 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule 1920.73(c). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
the Moving party, and a Certicate of Service of same shall be
led with the Court.
(5) The failure of either party to comply with any provisions of this
Rule may result in Sanctions to that non-compliant party and/or
the barring of the non-compliant party’s testimony or introduc-
tion/admission of evidence at the time of the equitable distribu-
tion proceedings.
Editor’s note: Adopted May 20th, 2014. Effective 30 days after publication.
Custody Mediation Orientation
Rule *1940.3.
Order for Orientation Session and
Mediation. Selection of Mediator.
(a) Except as provided in (c) below, in an action for custody, partial
custody or visitation, the parties shall attend a custody media tion
orientation session prior to the scheduled Custody Concilia tion
(b) An orientation session is an initial meeting between parties, and a
mediator pursuant to Local Rule 1940.4 below, to educate the par-
ties concerning the mediation process so that an informed choice
can be made about continued participation in that pro cess. The me-
diation is condential at the point, if any, that mediation commenc-
es during, or after, the initial orientation session.
(c) An orientation session shall not be mandated if a party or a party’s
child is or has been the subject of abuse either during the pendency
of the action or within 24 months preceding the ling of the action.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi cation
in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; amended January 22, 2007, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *1940.4.
Under Local Rule 1940.3.
(a) A mediator must meet, at a minimum, the following require ments:
(1) hold a post-graduate level degree in law, or a mental health eld
such as psychiatry, psychology, counseling or family therapy;
(2) have successfully completed basic training in a divorce and
custody mediation program approved by the Academy of
Family Mediators or equivalent program, such as a program
approved by the Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, or its
substantial equivalent;
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 46 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule *1940.5.
(3) certify that Mediator Professional Liability Insurance is
(4) participation in a program offered by the Family Law Sec tion
of the Montgomery Bar Association involving substan tive
law training, training concerning our local child custody
procedures and training concerning the local cus tody
mediation orientation program, including reporting
(5) continued compliance with the ethical standards and any
continuing educational requirements of the Academy of
Family Mediators, the Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers or
their substantial equivalents.
(b) The Court shall have the authority, upon cause shown, to decer-
tify any Montgomery County custody mediator who has not
complied with the foregoing local rule.
(c) Custody mediators must maintain a Montgomery County ofce
address for Court assignment purposes pursuant to these Rules.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin; amended January 22, 2007, effective 30
days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *1940.5.
Duties of the Mediator.
(a) At the orientation session, the mediator must inform the parties in
writing of the following:
(1) the costs of mediation;
(2) the process of mediation;
(3) that the mediator does not represent either or both of the
(4) the nature and extent of any relationships with the parties and
any personal, nancial or other interests that could result in a
bias or conict of interest;
(5) that mediation is not a substitute for the benet of indepen-
dent legal advice; and
(6) that the parties should obtain legal assistance for drafting or
reviewing any agreement.
(b) When proceeding from the orientation to mediating a custody
dispute, the mediator shall ensure that the parties consider fully
the best interests of the children.
(c) With the consent of the parties, the mediator may meet with the
parties’ children or invite other persons to participate in the
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 47 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule *1940.5. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *1940.6.
Termination of Mediation.
(a) Mediation, if undertaken after the initial orientation session, shall
terminate upon the earliest of the following:
(1) the complete agreement of the parties;
(2) a partial agreement of the parties and a determination by the
mediator that further mediation will not resolve the remain-
ing issues;
(3) a determination by the mediator that the parties are unable to
reach an agreement through mediation or that the pro ceeding
is inappropriate for mediation; or
(4) a refusal of one of the parties to continue with the media tion.
(b) If the parties reach a complete or partial agreement, the mediator
shall promptly prepare and transmit to the parties and their attor-
neys, if any, a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding set-
ting forth the terms of the parties’ agreement. In no event shall
any agreement, whether reected in the Memorandum of Under-
standing or otherwise, be binding on the parties unless and until it
is subsequently incorporated into a writing signed by the par ties.
(c) The mediator may mediate subsequent disputes between the par-
ties, but shall not act as attorney, counselor or psychotherapist for
any party either during or after the mediation of a custody action,
or in any matter which was the subject of mediation.
(d) The mediator is prohibited from asking the parties to sign any
Memorandum of Understanding or agreement. No mediator-
drafted Memorandum of Understanding or agreement shall be
submitted to the Court in any proceeding.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *1940.7.
to Initial Orientation Session.
(a) All mediation communications and mediation documents, as
those terms are dened in 42 P.S. §5949 of the Judicial Code, are
privileged, not subject to discovery and inadmissible as evi dence
in any proceeding; and
(b) No party, mediator or other person who participates, may be
called as a witness, or otherwise compelled to reveal any matter
disclosed in mediation undertaken, if any, during or subsequent to
the initial orientation session.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 48 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule *1940.11.
Rule *1940.8.
Mediator Compensation.
Mediators shall be compensated for their orientation services at
a rate to be established by the Court. Unless otherwise ordered, the rate
established for the custody mediation orientation session shall be
divided between the parties. The costs of the orientation session may
be waived by the Court for any party qualifying to proceed in forma
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The Court established the rate of mediator
compensation for the Court’s custody mediation orientation session at $150.00,
effective December 13, 1999, until further order of the Court.
Rule *1940.9.
On its own motion or the motion of a party, the Court may
impose sanctions against any party or attorney who fails to comply or
causes a party not to comply with these mediation rules. Sanctions
may include an award of mediation costs and attorneys fees, includ ing
those incurred in the ling and presentation of the motion for sanctions,
as well as a nding of Contempt. A hearing on a Custody Complaint or
Petition shall not be delayed, however, by a party’s refusal or failure in
attending the mediation orientation sessions.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *1940.10.
Evaluation of Custody Mediation
Orientation Program.
(a) The Court shall require mediators and Court personnel to evalu-
ate the mediation orientation program at least semi-annually.
(b) The President Judge shall appoint an Advisory Panel to the pro-
gram to oversee and implement the program consistent with local
Court rules, including, but not limited to, implementing and mon-
itoring the program consistent with Paragraph (a) above.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule *1940.11.
A certicate of compliance shall be led by the mediator with
the Prothonotary’s ofce, conrming compliance. Such certicate
shall reect only that such party or parties have complied with these
local rules, but shall in no event detail that such compliance was
comprised of attendance or disqualication, so as to ensure that con-
dentiality is not violated consistent with Local Rule 1940.7.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 49 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule *1940.12. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Rule *1940.12.
Available List of Mediators.
The Court shall maintain and make available to all parties and
counsel in the Prothonotary’s Ofce and the Custody Conciliators
Ofce a list of custody mediators who have satised the require ments
described more fully in Local Rule 1940.4. Such list shall include, at a
minimum, the names, addresses and the schedule of fees for mediation
services to be provided subsequent to the initial cus tody mediation ori-
entation session.
Editor’s note: Adopted October 18, 1999, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 2039(a)*.
Compromise, Settlement, Discontinuance
and Distribution [Rescinded].
Rule 2039(a)*.
 MinorsCompromise
No personal injury action in which a minor has an interest shall
be settled without court approval.
(1) Contents of Petition, Exhibits, and Proposed Decrees:
(A) Petition. A petition for approval of settlement shall set forth:
(1) The date of birth, social security number, and address of
the minor plaintiff, the name and address of the minor’s
parent(s) or guardian(s);
(2) The facts out of which the cause of action arose;
(3) The elements and items of damages sustained;
(4) A list of all expenses incurred or to be incurred, whether
or not they have been paid, by whom payment was
made, and arrangements for payment of unpaid bills;
(5) Any limits on the nancial responsibility of the defen-
(6) A statement as to whether or not a lien or claim has been
raised on behalf of any health care supplier, medi cal
supplier, health insurer, workers compensation car rier
or government entity, including the Department of Pub-
lic Welfare;
(7) The fees of counsel, which shall not exceed 25% of the
present value of a structured settlement, or 25% of the
gross recovery of any other settlement, unless counsel
has rendered extraordinary services;
(8) The present status of the minors health and injuries; and
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 50 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 2039(a)*.
(9) Any other circumstances relevant to the propriety of
granting the petition.
(B) Exhibits. The petition shall also contain the following
(1) A written report from attending health care providers
stating the extent of the injury, the treatment given and
the progno sis for the injured minor, except that in cases
where the gross settlement does not exceed $5,000, or in
other cases where the Court is satised that the treating
physician’s ofce notes and/or records set forth ade-
quately the injury, the treatment given and the progno-
sis, such notes and/or records may be provided in lieu of
a written report;
(2) The written consent of the minor, if (s)he is sixteen (16)
years of age or older; and
(3) Copies of counsel’s time sheets and other supporting
docu mentation showing the nature and extent of servic-
es ren dered, if counsel is claiming fees in excess of 25%.
(C) Decrees. If the gross settlement exceeds $10,000.00, counsel
shall submit both a preliminary decree setting a hearing date
and a proposed nal decree setting forth the proposed
distribution of the settlement proceeds. If the gross settlement
is $10,000.00 or less, counsel need submit only the proposed
nal decree.
(2) Filing of Petition. In any action where a civil suit has been initi-
ated by writ of summons or complaint, the petition shall be led
with the Prothonotary under the caption of the civil suit. No mo-
tions court cover sheet is required. In any action where no civil
suit has been initiated, the petition shall be led with the Clerk of
the Orphans’ Court under the caption “ABC, a minor.”
(3) Hearing. All petitions for gross settlements in excess of
$10,000.00 shall be set for hearing before a Judge of the Orphans’
Court. The minor’s presence is required at the hearing, unless (s)
he is excused by the Court for cause shown. Petitions for settle-
ments of $10,000.00 or less may be approved without hearing,
unless the Judge assigned to the matter, in his or her discretion,
determines that a hearing is necessary.
(4) Afdavit of Deposit. When a compromise settlement is approved
by the Court, an Afdavit of Deposit of Minors Funds shall be
led with the division of the Court where the petition was led
within 30 days of the date of the order approving the settlement.
The Afdavit shall be substantially in the following form:
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 51 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule 2039(a)*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Forms Index
Editor’s note: Amended November 5, 1984, effective January 2, 1985;
further amended November 5, 1984, effective January 2, 1985; and May 15,
1995, effective July 17, 1995. Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Amended December 7, 2015, effective
30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 2232(a)*.
Defective Joinder, Change of Parties,
(1) Notice of Pendency of Action. Notice required by this rule shall
contain a statement of the pendency of the action, shall state the
Prothonotary’s number of the action, the parties thereto and its
nature and that the person to whom it is addressed is required to
join therein within 20 days after receipt of such notice or his cause
of action will be barred and the action will proceed with out said
person. Proof of service shall be by afdavit accompa nied with a
copy of the notice and the return receipt, led with the Prothono-
Editor’s note: Rule 2232(a)* amended November 5, 1984, effective Jan
uary 2, 1985; amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in
the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 2232(c)*.
Intervenors in Zoning and Real Estate
Assessment Appeals.
(1) In every appeal from a real estate assessment xed by the Board
for the assessment and revision of taxes, the Board of Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County, the governing body of the mu-
nicipality and the Board of School Directors of the school district
in which the real estate is situated, and the property owner, if the
property owner is not the appellant, may intervene as of course,
by entering a written appearance. Prompt notice of such interven-
tion shall be given to the appellant, appellee and affected munici-
pal bodies.
Editor’s note: Rule 2232(c)* amended November 5, 1984, effective Jan
uary 2, 1985; amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in
the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 2957*.
  PraecipeforWritofExecution,Afdavit.
Plaintiff is required to provide the Prothonotary with an afda-
vit, which shall be forwarded to the Sheriff along with the Writ of Ex-
ecution, stating whether the notice required by Rule 2958.1 has been
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 52 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 3118(a)(6)*(A).
served, and stating how, if needed, the additional notices shall be
Editor’s note: Adopted March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 2974*.
Writ of Possession.
(a) Where a writ of possession is issued pursuant to a judgment of
possession based upon a residential lease containing a warrant of
attorney or cognovit provision, the writ shall have attached to the
face thereof a notice substantially in the following form:
See Forms Index
(b) The writ and notice shall be served by the sheriff, but no further
eviction proceedings shall be undertaken until the expiration of
20 days after the service of the writ and notice.
(c) A stay of execution of the writ of possession may be obtained by
the ling of a petition therefore in accordance with Pa.R.C.P.
3162, conditioned upon posting of a bond in an amount to be de-
termined by the Court in a manner similar to that required by
(d) Anyone presenting a petition for stay in accordance with subdi-
vision (c) shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the plaintiff or
his or her attorney of the date, place and time where the peti tion
for stay will be presented to the Court.
Editor’s note: Adopted June 1, 1983, effective September 6, 1983;
amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl-
vania Bulletin.
Rule 3105*(a).
Delivery of Writ.
(a) Where the writ directs the Sheriff to sell the real property of a de-
fendant the complete writ package must be received by the Sher-
iff before noon on the Last Day to File for the next monthly sale.
Editor’s note: Adopted November 6, 2002, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 3118(a)(6)*(A).
Levy, Denial of Entry to Premises.
(A) The Court may, on motion of counsel, after writ of execution has
been issued and after attempt by the sheriff to make a levy has
been unsuccessful, upon afdavit executed by the sheriff, that the
defendant or defendants have refused to allow the sher iff entry
into the premises where the property is located, autho rize the
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 53 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule 3118(a)(6)*(A). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
sheriff to enter by breaking in by force, to make a levy, upon
plaintiff posting such security as the Court may order.
Editor’s note: Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 3129.2(b)(1)*
Notice of Sale, Handbills,
Written Notice, Publication.
With respect to handbills, and legal publication, the “brief de-
scription” of the property required by Pa.R.C.P. 3129.2(b)(1) shall
consist of the street address, parcel identication number, and a copy
of the legal description of the property.
Editor’s note: Adopted February 12, 2001, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 3129.2*(e).
Internet Notice.
(e) In addition to the notice required by this Rule the Sheriff shall
post a list of all properties to be sold at each sale on the Sheriffs
ofcial county website. The form and content of the notice shall
be as determined by the Sheriff. Notice shall be posted at least 21
days prior to the date the property is initially scheduled for sale.
The Sheriff may at the Sheriffs discretion elect to update the list-
ed information to indicate the withdrawal, postponement or stay
of any sale. This additional information shall be for the conve-
nience of the parties. The failure of the Sheriff to update the origi-
nal information, or any inaccuracies in the update, shall not affect
the validity of any sale.
Editor’s note: Adopted November 6, 2002, effective 30 days after publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 3135*.
Sheriffs Deed to Real Property, Sale for
Costs Only, Acknowledgment of Deed.
(a) When the Sheriff sells real property in execution to the plaintiff
for costs only, the Sheriff, at the expiration of 10 days thereafter,
if no petition has been led to set aside the sale, shall execute and
acknowledge before the Prothonotary a deed to the property sold.
The Sheriff shall forthwith deliver the deed to the appro priate of-
cers for recording and for registration if required. Conrmation
of the sale by the Court shall not be required.
*(b) Sheriffs Return; Precede Acknowledgment of Deed. Writs of ex-
ecution must be returned and led before the acknowledg ment of
the Sheriffs deed for the real estate sold by virtue thereof.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 54 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 4007.1*(f).
Rule 3136*(e)(1).
Determination of Exceptions to Schedule
of Distribution.
(1) The Prothonotary shall deliver the exceptions to the Court,
who shall set a return day and notify the exceptant and the
execution creditor thereof. The exceptant shall immediately
notify all other parties in interest of such return day.
Editor’s note: Rule *3136*(3) amended November 5, 1984, effective Jan-
uary 2, 1985.
Rule 3139(a)(2)*.
(1) Sheriffs Return; Last Day to Make Return. The Sheriff shall
make the return within one month after completion or abandon-
ment of the execution proceedings.
Rule 3204*.
Title, Hearing.
(a) If a party in interest les a request for a formal hearing with the
Sheriff within 10 days after date of the mailing of the copy of the
claim, as provided by Rule 3203, the Sheriff shall schedule a
formal hearing prior to determining whether claimant is the prima
facie owner of the property in whole or in part. Said hear ing must
be held by the Sheriff within 30 days after receipt of request for a
Rule 3251*.
Praecipe for Writ of Execution; Money
Judgments; Content.
(a) Praecipe for Writ of Execution; Money Judgments; Content. The
praecipe for writ of execution shall include:
(1) Statement whether writ is against real property or personal
property, or both; certication whether exemption has been
(2) Description of real estate to Prothonotary. If the execution is
against real estate the Prothonotary shall be provided with a
description of the real estate, which he shall attach to the writ
of execution.
Rule 4007.1*(f).
Deposition by Telephone.
(1) The parties may stipulate in writing or the Court may, upon
motion, order that a deposition be taken by telephone. For the
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 55 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule 4007.1*(f). Montgomery Civil Court Rules
purposes of these rules a deposition taken by telephone is
taken at the place where the deponent is to answer the
(2) The appropriate ofcer before whom the deponent is sworn
shall be at the same place as the deponent during the taking of
the deposition. After the deposition, the ofcer adminis tering
the oath shall le a written certication that the depo nent was
identied, sworn and deposed in the ofcers presence.
(3) The parties’ agreement or the Court order shall prescribe the
manner in which the deposition will be taken and recorded
and may also include other provisions to assure that the
transcript of the testimony will be accurate.
(4) If any examining party desires to present exhibits to the
deponent during the deposition, copies shall be sent to the
deponent and all parties or their counsel prior to the taking of
the depositions.
(5) Nothing herein shall preclude any party from being repre-
sented in person or by counsel at the location of the depo nent
during the deposition.
Editor’s note: Adopted March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publica-
tion in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Rule 4012*.
Protective Orders, Depositions,
Place of Taking.
(c) Taking Depositions—Place. In the absence of an agreement be-
tween counsel for the parties, or unless otherwise allowed by spe-
cial order of the Court, all depositions shall be taken in the Mont-
gomery County Courthouse.
Editor’s note: Adopted May 16, 1994, effective July 4, 1994.
Rule 4015*.
Letters Rogatory, Form of Application.
(d) Letters Rogatory in the following form may be issued on the ap-
plication of either party.
See Forms Index
Rule 4019*.
Discovery Master.
In order to facilitate the prompt disposition of discovery
motions, the Court adopts Local Rule of Civil Procedure 4019*
implementing the “Discovery Master Program” as follows:
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 56 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 4019*.
(1) The Board of Judges shall appoint a designated number of mem-
bers of the Bar to serve as Discovery Masters, for an indeterminate
term, without compensation, at the pleasure of the Court.
Editor’s note: Amended November 30, 2017, effective 30 days after
publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
(2) All motions relating to discovery, originally processed under
Local Rule 208.3(b), other than a motion for sanctions, shall be
subject to this Rule.
(3) If the motion is resolved amicably prior to the return day issued
pursuant to Local Rule 208.3(b), the motion shall either be with-
drawn or a stipulated order shall be submitted to the Court
Administrator for submission to the signing Judge. If the motion
is opposed, the parties shall appear in a courtroom or arbitration
room designated by the Court Administrator on the Friday of the
week in which the rule was made returnable, to argue the matter
before the Discovery Master designated by the Court Adminis-
trator to hear the matter. In the event that Friday is a legal holi day,
the matter shall be argued before the Discovery Master on the
Thursday following the return day. Briefs in support of and in
opposition to the motion may be submitted to the Court
Administrators Ofce prior to the day on which the matter is to
be argued before the Discovery Master.
(4) After hearing argument and considering the motion, answer, and
any briefs led, the Discovery Master shall submit a written rec-
ommendation and proposed order to the assigned Judge for entry
of an appropriate order.
(5) In civil actions in which the damages sought exceed the jurisdic-
tional limit for compulsory arbitration, any party may request the
judge assigned to the case to direct the Court Administrator to list
the case for a Discovery Management Conference before a
Discovery Master. The Discovery Master may recommend a
Discovery Management Order, which establishes the following:
a. A date for completion of all discovery, except for deposi tions
for use at trial;
b. A date for plaintiff to submit expert reports and curricula
vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
c. A date for defendant to submit expert reports and curricula
vitae of said experts, or answer expert interrogatories;
(6) The parties may, by agreement in writing, extend any dates set
forth in the Discovery Management Order.
(7) Upon request of any party, for good cause shown, the Discovery
Master may recommend an extension of any dates set forth in the
Discovery Management Order.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 57 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Rule 4019*. Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Editor’s note: Revised April 14, 2004, effective July 26, 2004; amended
November 30, 2017, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsylvania
See Forms Index
Rule 4019.1*
Family Discovery Master.
In order to facilitate the prompt disposition of discovery in
domestic relations matters, the Court adopts the Family Discovery
Master Program as follows:
1. The Board of Judges appoints the Masters in Equitable Distribu-
tion and the Support Conference Ofcers to serve as Family
Discovery Masters.
2. All motions respecting discovery in domestic relations matters
shall be led with the Prothonotary. The moving party shall
include a cover sheet and a proposed order. The cover sheet must
state that counsel have conferred in a good faith effort to resolve
the discovery dispute.
3. The motions shall then be presented to the Family Discovery
Master for a rule returnable and argument date. A certicate of
service of the motion and rule returnable and argument date shall
be led in the Prothonotary’s ofce by the moving party on or
before the return date.
4. The rule returnable and argument date shall be at 1 p.m. on the
rst Wednesday following the 30th day subsequent to the ling of
the petition in a hearing room located at 321 Swede Street,
Norristown, PA.
5. If the motion is resolved amicably prior to the return day, the
motion shall either be withdrawn or a stipulated order shall be
submitted to the Family Discovery Master for submission to the
signing Judge. If the motion is not resolved amicably prior to the
return day, the parties shall appear, on the date and at the place
specied in the Rule accompanying the motion, for argument
before the Family Discovery Master. Should the moving party
fail to appear, the motion shall be dismissed. Briefs in support of
and in opposition to the motion may be submitted to the Family
Discovery Master not less than two days prior to the day sched-
uled for argument before the Family Discovery Master.
6. After hearing arguments and upon consideration of the motion
and answer, and any briefs led, the Family Discovery Master
shall submit a written recommendation and proposed order to the
Judge assigned to the case for entry of an appropriate order.
7. This rule does not apply to motions for sanctions.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 58 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Rule 4019.1*
Editor’s note: Adopted June 23, 1997, effective August 11, 1997.
Amended March 15, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the Pennsyl-
vania Bulletin. Amended June 29, 1999, effective 30 days after publication in the
Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Court Administrator’s note: Effective August 12, 1997, all motions “re-
specting discovery” in family cases are subject to the provisions of Mont gomery
County Local Rule 4019.1*—Family Discovery Master. Motions respecting dis-
covery in family cases are to be led in the Prothonotary’s Ofce and forwarded
directly to the Family Discovery Master for a rule returnable and argument date.
The Masters in Equitable Distribution and the Support Confer ence Ofcers
have been appointed to serve as Family Discovery Masters.
The rule returnable and argument shall be at 1 p.m. on the rst Wednes-
day following the 30th day subsequent to the ling of the motion in a hearing
room located at 321 Swede Street, Norristown. After hearing argu ment and
upon consideration of the motion and answer, the Family Discovery Master shall
submit a written recommendation and proposed order to the Judge assigned to
the case.
A revised Cover Sheet of Moving Party is to be used effective August 12,
1997.—John D. Dunmire, Esq., Court Administrator, July 1997.
See Forms Index
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03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 60 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery County
Local Rules of
Civil Procedure
Administrative Orders
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03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 62 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Administrative Orders
Live Scan Processing Fee;
Misc. 134 January 02
Administrative Order
And Now, this 4th day of February, 2002, effective immedi ately,
the Clerk of Courts is directed to assess a one-hundred-fty-dollar
($150.00) Live Scan Processing Fee against any defendant who was
processed at a Live Scan site in Montgomery County on or after the
effective date of this Order and is either:
1. convicted of any misdemeanor or felony upon their en-
try of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or after a guilty verdict
at trial; or
2. admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition
(ARD) program.
The rst $35,000 of the Live Scan Processing Fee, collected
pursuant to this Order, shall go directly to the County of Montgom ery
to offset the cost of installation of the video conferencing equip ment
associated therewith. Thereafter, the Live Scan Processing Fee shall
be divided as follows: one-third ($50) to the County of Mont gomery,
two-thirds ($100) to the municipality supporting the Live Scan facility.
By the Court
President Judge
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 63 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Administrative Orders Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Custody Mediation Advisory Panel Pursuant
to Local Rule of Civil Procedure *1940.10;
Administrative Order 2000
And Now, this 26th day of April 1, 2000, pursuant to Mont-
gomery County Local Rule of Civil Procedure *1940.10, the Court
hereby directs that the Advisory Panel to the Custody Mediation Ori-
entation Program shall be comprised of the following members:
the Montgomery County District Court Administrator;
the Co-Chairs of the Montgomery Bar Association’s Family
Law Section Mediation Sub-Committee;
two (2) active members of the Montgomery Bar, and
two (2) “mental health professionals.”
The names of the two active members of the Bar and the two
mental health professionals shall be submitted to the Court for
approval each year by the Mediation Subcommittee Co-Chairs.
The Court Administrator is directed to publish this Order once in
the Montgomery County Law Reporter and in the Legal Intelli gencer.
In conformity with Pa.R.C.P. 239, seven (7) certied copies of the
within Order shall be led by the Court Administrator with the
Administrative Ofce of Pennsylvania Courts. Two (2) certied cop-
ies shall be distributed to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publi-
cation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. One (1) certied copy shall be
led with the Domestic Relations Rules Committee. One (1) copy
shall be led with the Prothonotary, one (1) copy with the Clerk of
Courts, and (1) copy with the Court Administrator of Montgomery
County, one (1) copy with the Law Library of Montgomery County
and one (1) copy with each Judge of this Court.
By the Court
President Judge
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 64 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Administrative Orders
Local Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 3129.2(b)(1)*
Notice of Sale, Handbills, Written Notice,
Publication; Administrative Order 2000
And Now, this 25th day of July, 2000, it is hereby Ordered that:
With respect to the handbills, and legal publication, the “brief
description” of the property required by Pa.R.C.P. 3129.2(b)(1)
shall consist of the street address, parcel identication number,
and a copy of the legal description of the property.
This Order shall remain in effect until such time as 30 days from
the date of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of Mont gomery
County Local Rule of Civil Procedure 3129.2(b)(1)* — Notice of
Sale, Handbills, Written Notice, Publication.
By the Court
President Judge
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 65 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Administrative Orders Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Administrative Order 2011—Mediator
Compensation Pursuant to Local Rule of Civil
Procedure *1940.8; AD 41-2011
And Now, this 27th day of January, 2011, pursuant to
Montgomery County Local Rule of Civil Procedure *1940.8, the
Court hereby establishes the rate of mediator compensation for the
Court’s custody mediation orientation session at two hundred dollars
($200.00). This rate shall be effective March 1, 2011, and shall remain
in effect until further Order of this Court.
By the Court
President Judge
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 66 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Administrative Orders
Administrative Order 2013—
Prothonotary’s Ofce-Fee Schedule
And Now, to wit, this 12th day of April, 2013, upon consid-
eration of the within Petition to establish new fees presented by
the Prothonotary, Mark Levy, and in accordance with Title 42 P. S.
§ 21042.1 of the Prothonotary Fee Law, it is hereby Ordered and
Decreed that the fee schedule of the Montgomery County Protho-
notary Ofce is amended effective the 1st day of June, 2013. It is
further Ordered and Decreed that the fee schedule of the Mont-
gomery County Prothonotary which is attached to the Petition as
Exhibit “2’ is hereby approved and adopted effective the 1st day
of June, 2013.
By the Court
President Judge
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 67 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Administrative Orders Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Appointment of Civil Case Master Pursuant
to Local Rule of Civil Procedure *200.
Trial Readiness; Administrative
Order 2016-00004-0024
[46 Pa.B. 5728]
[Saturday, September 3, 2016]
And Now, this 18th day of August, 2016, pursuant to Montgomery
County Local Rule of Civil Procedure *200—Trial Readiness, the fol-
lowing individual is appointed Civil Case Master for the Montgomery
County Court of Common Pleas: Philip L. Gazan, Esq.
The appointment is effective as of the previous date, and shall
remain in effect until further Order of this Court.
By the Court
President Judge
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 68 3/26/2018 8:06:45 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Administrative Orders
Mortgage Foreclosure Conciliation
Program—Masters; Administrative
Order 2016-00004
[46 Pa.B. 4848]
[Saturday, August 6, 2016]
Memorandum and Order
The Montgomery County Mortgage Foreclosure Conciliation
Program (the “Program’’) was initiated to promote discussion and fa-
cilitate resolution between lenders and owners of certain residential
properties subject to foreclosure proceedings. Since the inception of
the Program, it has been administered and presided over by Judges of
the Court. The Court has determined that it is necessary and appropri-
ate to delegate certain aspects of the Program to the authority of court
appointed Masters. This will permit the Court to continue to address
the large number of cases and to better serve the interests of the parties
The Masters will be granted the authority to preside over all Pro-
gram proceedings, as well as to act as facilitators in the exchange of
documentation, the modication of terms, or, some other resolution of
the litigation. The Masters may authorize the continuance of matters to
allow for additional time for appropriate reasons. When appropriate,
the Masters may prepare recommendations on the form of proposed
Orders for review by the Judge or Judges assigned to preside over the
And Now, this 21st day of July, 2016, following a review of
qualications, it is Ordered that the following individuals are appoint-
ed as Masters to act in accordance with the provisions set forth previ-
ously and to serve until resignation or further Order of this Court:
Rochelle N. Bobman, Esquire, Pamela M. Tobin, Esquire and Berna-
dette A. Kearney, Esquire.
By the Court
President Judge
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Montgomery County
Civil Court Forms
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 71 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 72 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 14
In Re: Appeal of _______________________________ from the
Decision, Dated _________________________________ , of the
Zoning Hearing Board of the Township/Borough of:
____________________________________________________ .
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 73 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 205.2(b)(2)(a)
VS. : NO.
Date of Filing Moving Party
Counsel for Moving Party I.D. No.
Document Filed (Specify)
Matter is: ______ (Appealable) ______ (Interlocutory)
Oral Argument: ______ (Yes) ______ (No) Discovery Needed: ______ (Yes) ______ (No)
CERTIFICATIONS - Check ONLY if appropriate:
______ Counsel certify that they have conferred in a good faith effort to resolve the subject
discovery dispute. (Required by Local Rule 208.2(e) on motions relating to discovery.)
______ Counsel for moving party certifies that the subject civil motion is uncontested by all
parties involved in the case. (If checked, skip Rule to Show Cause section below.)
By: __________________________________________
Counsel for Moving Party
RULE TO SHOW CAUSE - Check ONE of the Choices Listed Below:
______ Respondent is directed to show cause why the moving party is not entitled to the relief
requested by filing an answer in the form of a written response at the Office of the
Prothonotary on or before the day of 20___.
Respondent is directed to show cause, in the form of a written response, why the
attached Family Court Discovery Motion is not entitled to the relief requested. Rule
Returnable and Argument the day of , 20___
at 1:00 p.m. at 321 Swede Street, Norristown, Pa.
Respondent is directed to file a written response in conformity with the Pennsylvania
Rules of Civil Procedure.
______ Rule Returnable at time of trial.
By: __________________________________________
Court Administrator
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 74 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
Nature of the Case:
Place an “X” to the left of the ONE case category that most accurately describes your
PRIMARY CASE. If you are making more than one type of claim, check the one that
you consider most important.
(do not include Judgments)
Buyer Plaintiff
Debt Collection: Credit Card
Debt Collection: Other
Employment Dispute:
Employment Dispute: Other
Eminent Domain/Condemnation
Ground Rent
Landlord/Tenant Dispute
Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential
Mortgage Foreclosure: Commercial
Quiet Title
Administrative Agencies
Board of Assessment
Board of Elections
Dept. of Transportation
Statutory Appeal: Other
Zoning Board
Common Law/Statutory Arbitration
Declaratory Judgment
Non-Domestic Relations
Restraining Order
Quo Warranto
(do not include Mass Tort)
Malicious Prosecution
Motor Vehicle
Premises Liability
Product Liability (does not include
mass tort)
Slander/Libel/ Defamation
Other Professional:
Toxic Tort - DES
Toxic Tort - Implant
Toxic Waste
Court of Common Pleas
Civil Cover Sheet
_______________________________ County
Updated 1/1/2011
For Prothonotary Use Only:
Docket No:
The information collected on this form is used solely for court administration purposes. This form does not
supplement or replace the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law or rules of court.
Name of Plaintiff/Appellant’s Attorney: _____________________________________________________________________
Check here if you have no attorney (are a Self-Represented [Pro Se] Litigant)
Commencement of Action:
Complaint Writ of Summons Petition
Transfer from Another Jurisdiction Declaration of Taking
Are money damages requested? Yes No
Is this a Class Action Suit? Yes No Is this an MDJ Appeal? Yes No
Lead Plaintiff’s Name:
Lead Defendant’s Name:
Dollar Amount Requested:
(check one)
 within arbitration limits
 outside arbitration limits
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 75 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 205.5. (Cover Sheet) provides, in part:
Rule 205.5. Cover Sheet
(a)(1) This rule shall apply to all actions governed by the rules of civil procedure except
the following:
(i) actions pursuant to the Protection from Abuse Act, Rules 1901 et seq.
(ii) actions for support, Rules 1910.1 et seq.
(iii) actions for custody, partial custody and visitation of minor children, Rules
1915.1 et seq.
(iv) actions for divorce or annulment of marriage, Rules 1920.1 et seq.
(v) actions in domestic relations generally, including paternity actions, Rules
1930.1 et seq.
(vi) voluntary mediation in custody actions, Rules 1940.1 et seq.
(2) At the commencement of any action, the party initiating the action shall complete
the cover sheet set forth in subdivision (e) and file it with the prothonotary.
(b) The prothonotary shall not accept a filing commencing an action without a
completed cover sheet.
(c) The prothonotary shall assist a party appearing pro se in the completion of the form.
(d) A judicial district which has implemented an electronic filing system pursuant to
Rule 205.4 and has promulgated those procedures pursuant to Rule 239.9 shall be exempt from the
provisions of this rule.
(e) The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Civil Procedural
Rules Committee, shall design and publish the cover sheet. The latest version of the form shall be
published on the website of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts at
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 76 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
Rule 205.2(b)(2)(b)
VS. : NO.
Date of Filing _________________ Respondent _____________________________________
Counsel for Respondent
I.D. No.
Document Filed (Specify)
RULE RETURN DATE of Related Motion __________________________
Matter is (Check One)
(Appealable) (Interlocutory)
Oral Argument ______ (Yes) ______ (No)
Respondent Requires (Specify Reason Only if Interlocutory) :
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 77 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
VS. : NO.
AND NOW, this ____ day of __________________, 200__,
upon consideration of the attached Petition, it is hereby ORDERED
(1) A rule is issued upon the Respondent to show cause why the
Petitioner is not entitled to the relief requested;
(2) The Respondent shall le an answer to the Petition within
twenty (20) days of service upon the Respondent;
(3) The Petition shall be decided under Pa.R.C.P. No. 206.7;
(4) Discovery related to the Petition shall be completed within
sixty (60) days from the date of ling of Respondent’s answer.
Court Administrator
See Rule 206.4(c)(1)
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 78 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 206.4(c)(2); Rule 1028(c);
Rule 1034(a); Rule 1035.2(a)
VS. : NO.
Please submit the following matter to the designated Judge
for disposition:
(Specify) _______________________________________
(Name of Moving Party) ___________________________
[ ] APPEALABLE matter:
(Specify) _______________________________________
(Name of Moving Party) ___________________________
ORAL ARGUMENT: [ ] Requested [ ] Waived
[ ] NO ANSWER FILED–(for petitions governed by Rule 206.1
ONLY)–Petitioner certies that the time period for response
to the above petition, as directed in the proposed order
attached to the petition, has expired, and that no answer was
led to the subject petition. Accordingly, peti tioner requests
the court to consider the petition without the need for briefs,
and enter an appropriate order in accordance with Rule
Signature of Filing Party
Name Typed and Attorney I.D. #
Phone Number
NOTE: Briefs or Memorandums to be led with the Prothonotary.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 79 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 208.3(b)(2)
vs. No.:
I certify that on , 20 , a true copy of the
foregoing has been served upon:
Manner of Service:
Regular First Class Mail
Certified Mail
Other (specify) :
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 80 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 208.3(b)(5)
VS. : NO.
Please submit the following matter to the designated Judge
for disposition:
(Specify) _______________________________________
(Name of Moving Party) ___________________________
[ ] APPEALABLE matter:
(Specify) _______________________________________
(Name of Moving Party) ___________________________
ORAL ARGUMENT: [ ] Requested [ ] Waived
[ ] NO ANSWER FILED–(for petitions governed by Rule 206.1
ONLY)–Petitioner certies that the time period for response
to the above petition, as directed in the proposed order
attached to the petition, has expired, and that no answer was
led to the subject petition. Accordingly, peti tioner requests
the court to consider the petition without the need for briefs,
and enter an appropriate order in accordance with Rule
Signature of Filing Party
Name Typed and Attorney I.D. #
Phone Number
NOTE: Briefs or Memorandums to be led with the Prothonotary.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 81 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 1041.1*e
Transfer the above-captioned matter to inactive status in ac-
cordance with Montgomery County Local Rule of Civil Proce dure
Attorney for Plaintiff
[Certicate of Service]*
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 82 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 1041.1*.
AND NOW, this _______ day of ____________________,
20____, IT IS ORDERED that the above-captioned mattered is
transferred to inactive status in accordance with Montgomery
County Local Rule of Civil Procedure 1041.1*(e).
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 83 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 1854
NO: __________________________________
________________________________ ID: ___________
Attorney for Plaintiff OR Pro Se Party
________________________________ ID: ___________
Phone Number(s)
________________________________ ID: ___________
Attorney for Defendant OR Pro Se Party
________________________________ ID: ___________
Phone Number(s)
On the space below, please provide the docket number of all other companion cases associated with
this case (including any closed files involving the same party-litigants) that related to:
1. Divorce Annulment ___________________ 2. Support _____________________
3. Equitable Distribution _________________ 4. Paternity ____________________
5. Custody/Visitation ____________________ 6. Special Relief ________________
7. Outstanding/Temporary/Final Protection from Abuse Order ____________________________
I certify that the information provided above is comprehensive and complete to the best of my
knowledge and that I have formally entered my appearance for the case captioned above:
BY: __________________________________________
R 10/11
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
Every Emergency Petition is sent directly to the Judge assigned to the case, by the Court Administrator’s Office, after
MATTER WILL BE HEARD IN DUE COURSE. If the Judge deems the matter is an emergency, a conference, hearing or
argument will be scheduled. To expedite this process, please complete all requested information, including telephone
numbers of all parties named in the captions or their attorney’s names and phone numbers.
SERVICE: The party initiating the Emergency Petition must (1) serve the other side with a TIME STAMPED copy
before the petition will go to the Judge, (2) fax a copy of the Certificate of Service to: Family Court, Court Administration,
(610) 292-2027, and (3) mail the original Certificate of Service to the Prothonotary.
_____________________________ID: ___________
Attorney for Plaintiff OR Pro se Party
Phone Number(s)
_____________________________ID: ___________
Attorney for Defendant OR Pro se Party
Phone Number(s)
AND NOW, this ___________day of ________________________________, 20______,
Designated Judge ____________________________________ has deemed this petition:
is an emergency, and has scheduled a conference/hearing/argument for ________________________
is an emergency, and orders __________________________________________________________
is not an emergency, and Court Administration is directed to schedule this in due course.
is to be scheduled for an expedited Custody Conciliation Conference.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 85 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 1920.33*(f)(1)(e)
Gross income (indicated how paid,
weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) $ ________________
Federal tax $ ________________
FICA $ ________________
Medicare tax $ ________________
State tax $ ________________
Local tax $ ________________
Net income $ ________________
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 86 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 1920.33*(f)(4)
A. Rent or home loan payment
(including any assessment or maintenance fee)$_________
B. Real estate taxes
(if not included in A) $_________
C. Utilities:
Electricity $_________
Gas $_________
Water $_________
Telephone $_________
Oil $_________
Other (specify) $_________
D. Home maintenance (repairs and upkeep) $_________
A. Alimony or spousal support $_________
B. Child support $_________
C. Insurance (not deducted from wages) $_________
Life $_________
Health $_________
Auto $_________
Homeowners or renters $_________
Other (specify) $_________
D. Installment payments:
Auto $_________
Other (specify) ___________________ $_________
E. Education (tuition and books) $_________
F. Medical, dental and medicine
(not covered by insurance) $_________
G. Other extraordinary expenses (specify) $_________
I verify that the information contained in the foregoing
statement of monthly expenses is true and correct. I understand
that false statements herein are made subject to the penalties of 18
Pa.C.S. §4904, relating to unsworn falsication to authorities.
________________ _________________
Date Signature
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 87 3/26/2018 8:06:46 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 1920.42(d)*(3)
I, , hereby state that I am the Plaintiff in the
above-captioned divorce matter, that I am familiar with the signature of Defendant, and that the
signature that appears on the following document(s) is that of the Defendant.
Check all that apply:
Acceptance of Service of the Divorce Complaint
Signature on Certified Mail Receipt
Property Settlement Agreement dated ______________________ (insert date)
Affidavit of Consent under Section 3301(c) of the Divorce Code
Affidavit under Section 3301(d) of the Divorce Code
Counter-affidavit under Section 3301(c) or 3301(d) of the Divorce Code (circle the
applicable section)
Waiver of Notice of Intention to Transmit the Record
Other (if this section applies, list the document(s)):
I verify that the statements made in this Verification of Defendant’s Signature are true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that false statements made herein are
subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.
Signature of Plaintiff
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03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 88 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 1920.73(c)(1)(c)
NO: ______________________
To the Prothonotary:
Transmit the record, together with the following information, to
the court for entry of a divorce decree.
1. Ground for divorce: irretrievable breakdown under §(3301(c))
(3301(d)(1)) of the Divorce Code. (Strike out inapplicable
2. Date and manner of service of the complaint: _____________
3. (Complete either paragraph (a) or (b).)
(a) Date of the execution of the Afdavit of Consent required by
§3301(c) of the Divorce Code:
by plaintiff ________________________________________;
by defendant ______________________________________.
(b) (1) Date of execution of the Afdavit required by §3301(d) of
the Divorce Code:
(2) Date of ling and service of the plaintiffs Afdavit upon the
4. Related claims pending: _____________________________
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Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
5. (Complete either (a) or (b).)
(a) Date and manner of service of the notice of intention to le
Praecipe to Transmit Record, a
copy of which is attach
(b) Date plaintiffs Waiver of Notice was led with the Prothono-
tary: ___________________.
Date defendant’s Waiver of Notice was led with the Prothono-
tary: __________________.
16. The following is requested:
Decree in Divorce with property settlement agreement attached.
Decree in Divorce with no other relief granted.
Attorney for (plaintiff)(defendant) OR Pro se
Print Name and I.D. Number
Telephone Number
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 90 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
__________________________________________ NO:
__________________________________________ IN DI-
Transmit the record, together with the following information,
to the court for entry of the requested Order. Listed below are
the names of all trial counsel. Moving party hereby certies
that the Moving party’s Discovery, including asset and liability
values as of today’s date, is completed. The Moving party’s Ini-
tial Hearing Statement, which includes a completed Inventory
and Appraisal, pursuant to Local Rule 1920.33(f), is attached
hereto. The Non-Moving party shall certify that their discovery
is complete within forty-ve (45) days from the date of service
of this Motion by including asset and liability values as of the
date of certication by the Non-Moving party. The Non-Mov-
ing party shall attach an Initial Hearing Statement, which in-
cludes a completed Inventory and Appraisal, pursuant to Local
Rule 1920.33(f), to said Certication. Agreement of counsel/
parties to continue discovery after the ling of this Motion
shall not be recognized by the Court as grounds for the continu-
ance of any proceedings before the Equitable Distribution
1. Grounds for divorce: irretrievable breakdown under
§(3301(c)) (3301(d)(1)) of the Divorce Code. (Strike out
inapplicable section)
See Rule 1920.73(c)(2)(c)
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Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
2. Date and manner of service of the complaint: ____________
3. Complete either paragraph (a) or (b).
(a) Date of the execution of the Afdavit of Consent required
by §3301(c) of the Divorce Code:
by plaintiff ____________________________________;
by defendant ______________________________________.
(b) (1) Date of execution of the Afdavit required by §3301(d)
of the Divorce Code:
(2) Date of ling and service of the plaintiffs Afdavit upon
the respondent:
4. Related claims pending: ____________________________
5. (Complete either (a) or (b).)
(a) Date and manner of service of the notice of intention to le
Praecipe to Transmit Record, a
copy of which is attach
(b) Date plaintiffs Waiver of Notice was led with the Protho-
notary: ___________________.
Date defendant’s Waiver of Notice was led with the Protho-
notary: ___________________.
6. The following is requested:
Bifurcated Decree in divorce with the Court to retain jurisdic-
tion over the unresolved claims
which shall be referred to the Ofce of the Equitable Distribu-
tion Master. Stipulation or Order
to bifurcate is attached.
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
Order approving grounds for divorce and referring unresolved
claims to the Ofce of the
Equitable Distribution Master.
Decree in divorce deferred.
7. Required Fee. Included with this Motion is a check made
payable to: The Prothonotary, for the
appointment of an Equitable Distribution Master, in the amount
of $____________________
Attorney for (plaintiff)(defendant) OR Pro Se
Print Name and I.D. Number
Telephone Number
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 93 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 2039(a)
__________________________________ :
VS. : NO.
_____________________________________ :
I, _________________________________ being duly sworn
according to law depose and say:
1. I am employed by ________________________________
as ________________________________.
(Name of bank or authorized depository)
2. I am authorized to make this afdavit on behalf of ________
(Name of
bank or authorized depository)
3. On ________________________ the sum of $ ___________
_____________________ was deposited by
_______________________________ in an insured, interest-
bearing Savings Account/Certicate of Deposit
No. ________________________ pursuant to Order of Court
dated ___________________________ to File
No. ________________________.
4. Account/Certicate No. ________________________ is en-
titled ________________________________.
5. The express prohibition of withdrawals of income or princi-
pal prior to ____________________________ without FURTHER
ORDER OF COURT has been noted on the depository’s records and
on the passbook/certicate.
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
Print Name/Title
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this day of , 20
Notary Public
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 95 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 2974
This paper is a Writ of Possession. It has been issued because
a judgment of possession has been entered against you. It may cause
you to be evicted from your home or apartment. You may have legal
rights to prevent your eviction. A lawyer can advise you more
specifically of these rights. If you wish to exercise your rights, you
must act promptly. You may contest or attack this judgment by
filing a Petition to Strike and/or Open Judgment with the
Prothonotary of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas
within 20 days from the date that this notice is served upon you. In
your Petition you may assert any rights which you may have under
Pa.R.C.P. 2959 or 3162.
Montgomery Bar Association
Lawyers Reference Service
100 W. Airy Street
Norristown, PA 19401
(610) 279-9660
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 96 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Forms
See Rule 4015
To the Appropriate Judicial Authority in
Whereas a certain suit is pending before us, in which A.B. is
plaintiff and C.D. is defendant, and it has been suggested to us that
there are witnesses residing within your jurisdiction, without
whose testimony justice cannot completely be done between the
said parties; we, therefore, request that, in furtherance of justice,
you will, by the proper and usual process of your court, cause such
witness or witnesses as shall be named or pointed out to you by the
said parties, or either of them, to appear before you or some
competent person by you for that purpose to be appointed and
authorized, at a time and place by you to be xed, and there to
answer on their oaths or afrmations, to the several interroga tories
hereunto annexed; and that you will cause their testimony to be
committed to writing, and returned to us under cover duly closed
and sealed, together with these presents; and we shall be ready and
willing to do the same for you in a similar case when required.
Witness, etc.
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 97 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Forms Montgomery Civil Court Rules
See Rule 4019* and 4019.1*
VS. : NO.
Date of Filing Moving Party
Counsel for Moving Party I.D. No.
Document Filed (Specify)
Matter is: ______ (Appealable) ______ (Interlocutory)
Oral Argument: ______ (Yes) ______ (No) Discovery Needed: ______ (Yes) ______ (No)
CERTIFICATIONS - Check ONLY if appropriate:
______ Counsel certify that they have conferred in a good faith effort to resolve the subject
discovery dispute. (Required by Local Rule 208.2(e) on motions relating to discovery.)
______ Counsel for moving party certifies that the subject civil motion is uncontested by all
parties involved in the case. (If checked, skip Rule to Show Cause section below.)
By: __________________________________________
Counsel for Moving Party
RULE TO SHOW CAUSE - Check ONE of the Choices Listed Below:
______ Respondent is directed to show cause why the moving party is not entitled to the relief
requested by filing an answer in the form of a written response at the Office of the
Prothonotary on or before the day of 20___.
Respondent is directed to show cause, in the form of a written response, why the
attached Family Court Discovery Motion is not entitled to the relief requested. Rule
Returnable and Argument the day of , 20___
at 1:00 p.m. at 321 Swede Street, Norristown, Pa.
Respondent is directed to file a written response in conformity with the Pennsylvania
Rules of Civil Procedure.
______ Rule Returnable at time of trial.
By: __________________________________________
Court Administrator
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 98 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Montgomery County
Civil and Family Index
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03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 100 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Index
Civil and Family Division Index
References are to Rule Numbers
Notice ..........................................1534*
Board of Assessment appeal .......................... *920
From zoning hearing board decision ...................... 14
Intervenors, zoning or real estate assessment appeal ....2232(c)*
Board of Assessment appeal ........................... 920
Appointment to board ..............................1302*
Award ..........................................1306*
Compensation of arbitrators .........................1302*
Hearing; notice ....................................1303
List of arbitrators .................................1302*
Scope ..........................................1301*
Appealable matters ................................. *302
Asbestos litigation—special provisions ...............1041.1*
Cover sheet, form of ................................*303
Interlocutory matters ...............................*301
Special provisions ...............................1041.1*
Security for costs ..................................*902
Entry or withdrawal of appearance .................... 1012*
Minors, compromise settlement ....................2039(a)*
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 101 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Index Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Argument court, appealable matters ....................*302
Argument court, interlocutory matters ..................*301
Bill of costs ........................................903
Security for costs ..................................*902
Computer Scheduling Program ......................1012*
Physical or mental examination ...................1915.8(e)*
Seminar for separated or divorced parents .............1915.3*
Divorce cases .................................229(a)*(1)
Asbestos litigation ...............................1041.1*
Board of Assessment appeal ........................... 920
Deposition by telephone .........................4007.1*(f)
Discovery after certication ...................... 212.1*(d)
Discovery Master Program ..........................4019*
Family Discovery Master Program ...................4019.1*
Letters rogatory, form of application ..................4015*
Motion respecting discovery ........................4019*
Motion respecting discovery, family master ............4019.1*
Protective orders, depositions, place for taking .......... 4012*
Afdavit as to military service, inability to le .......1920.51*(f)
Appointment of counsel, defendant in military. . . . . . .1920.51*(f)
Appointment of master .........................1920.51*(f)
Child support or alimony pendente lite ............. 1920.3*(b)
Discontinuance of case ..........................229(a)*(1)
Divorce papers under seal .......................1920.51*(f)
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Index
Duplicate ling with domestic relations ofce ...... 1920.13*(d)
Family Discovery Master Program ...................4019.1*
Fees and costs ................................1920.51*(f)
Initial hearing statement ........................1920.33*(f)
Notice of ling masters report ...................1920.51*(f)
Notice of hearing .............................1920.51*(f)
Notice of intention to request entry of divorce decree ..1920.73(c)
Pre-trial statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1920.33*(f)
Sanctions ...................................1920.33*(f)
Seminar for separated or divorced parents .............1915.3*
Procedure in general ................................*953
Non-jury trial .....................................*271
Notice by assignees and receivers ................... 1533*(i)
See also Custody and Visitation; Divorce; Support Actions
Cover sheet required ...............................*1854
Family Discovery Master Program ...................4019.1*
Account of duciary notice .......................1534*
Electronic Filing ..................................*205.4
Petitions, etc., raising appealable matters ................*302
Petitions, etc., raising interlocutory matters ..............*301
Transfer to, asbestos litigation ......................1041.1*
Zoning or real estate assessment appeal ..............2232(c)*
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 103 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Index Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Defective joinder, change of parties, notice ...........2232(a)*
Form of judgment, writ of possession ................1066(b)*
Levy, denial of entry to premises ..............3118(a)(6)*(A)
Praecipe for writ of execution ........................3251*
Satisfaction of .....................................*910
Schedule of distribution, exceptions to .............3136*(e)(1)
Sheriffs determination of claimant’s title, hearing ........3204*
Sheriffs return, before acknowledgment of deed ......... 3135*
Sheriffs return, time limit ......................3139(a)(2)*
Writ of possession. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2974*
Appeals ...................................... 1008*(D)
Notice to defend ofce to be contacted .............1018.1*
Asbestos litigation — special provisions ..............1041.1*
Compromise, settlement,
discontinuance and distribution ..................2039(a)*
Legal periodical for publication of notices ...........430(b)(1)*
Service by publication ..........................430(b)(1)*
See also Argument Court
Asbestos litigation — special provisions ..............1041.1*
Discovery master .................................4019*
Family discovery master ...........................4019.1*
Ofce to be contacted .............................1018.1*
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Montgomery Civil Court Rules Index
Account of duciary ............................... 1534*
Arbitration hearing .................................1303
Notice by assignees and receivers ................... 1533*(i)
Notice to defend, ofce to be contacted ...............1018.1*
Notice of earliest trial date ..........................212.1*
Notice of intention to request entry of divorce decree ..1920.73(c)
Partition of real property; public sale ................1568*(a)
Public sale ....................................1568*(a)
Zoning appeal ....................................... 14
Public sale, notice ...............................1568*(a)
Minors, settlement of action for personal injuries .......2039(a)*
See also Argument Court, Family Court
Asbestos litigation — special provisions ..............1041.1*
Effect of failure to testify or furnish depositions .........209*(c)
General requirements ...............................*251
Entry of appearance ............................... 1012*
Notice to defend, ofce to be contacted ...............1018.1*
Book accounts, attachment of copy ................... 1029*
See Settlement Conferences
Content ....................................212.2(a)(7)*
Divorce or annulment ..........................1920.33*(f)
Time for ling ....................................212.1*
Service by publication ..........................430(b)(1)*
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 105 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Index Montgomery Civil Court Rules
Afdavit, praecipe for writ of execution ................2957*
Board of Assessment appeal .......................... *920
Eminent domain ...................................*953
Intervenors, zoning or real estate assessment appeal ....2232(c)*
Levy, denial of entry to premises ..............3118(a)(6)*(A)
Partition; public sale, notice .......................1568*(a)
Praecipe for writ of execution .................. 2957*; 3251*
Sheriffs return, before acknowledgment of deed .......3135*(b)
Writ of possession. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2974*
Zoning appeal ....................................... 14
Notice by assignees and receivers ................... 1533*(i)
Account of duciary ................................ *951
Entering rule for ...................................*902
Asbestos litigation, service upon law clerk .............1041.1*
Service by publication ..........................430(b)(1)*
Electronic Filing ..................................*205.4
Asbestos litigation — special provisions ..............1041.1*
Board of Assessment appeal ........................... 920
Family Discovery Master Program ...................4019.1*
Nonsupport contempt proceedings ................1481*(a)(1)
Order after ofce conference ....................1910.11*(f)
Procedure in general ................................*406
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 106 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
Montgomery Civil Court Rules Index
Asbestos litigation—special provisions ...............1041.1*
Board of Assessment appeal ........................... 920
Certication requirements ....................... 212.1*(d)
Civil action to be tried non-jury ......................212.1*
Equity action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212.1*
Notice of earliest trial date ..........................212.1*
Pre-trial statement, time for ling .....................212.1*
Trial readiness ....................................*200
Intervenors in zoning appeal .......................2232(c)*
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 107 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM
03_2018 Montgomery Civil.indd 108 3/26/2018 8:06:47 PM