These financial policies and procedures shall be implemented at all times consistently
with the organization’s by-laws.
The fiscal year of the organization is July 1 through June 30.
I.! Budget Calendar. The budget year shall be the same as the fiscal year of the
II.! Budget Format. The budget shall be in a format substantially consistent with
Appendix B.
III.! Budget Process.
a.! Presentation of Budget. The Executive Director shall present a general annual
budget for the operation of the organization to the board of directors for action no
later than the June board meeting each year.
b.! Board action. The board of directors will receive the report and recommendation
of the Executive Director and adopt a budget based thereon.
IV.! Administration of Budget. Written documentation of expenses shall be provided to
the organization’s administrative office for payment of budgeted expenses. Expenses
not anticipated and approved by the budget (either in type or amount) shall be referred
to the board for review and direction as to payment.
I.! Creation. The organization shall maintain such bank accounts and investments as
consistent with the organization’s investment policy and as authorized by the board
of directors from time to time.
II.! Reconciliation. Monthly account statements shall be sent by the financial institution
to the Management Company and shall be delivered, unopened, to an employee of
the Management Company who does not have signatory authority over the account.
Promptly upon receipt of the monthly account statement, an employee of the
Management Company who does not have signatory authority over the account shall
reconcile the bank account transactions and ending balance with the financial records
of the organization.
a.! Signature Authority. The following individuals have signatory authority on
ATMAE bank accounts: The President
b.! The Executive Director
III.! Signature Requirements. The Management Company has authority to issue checks
up to and including $5,000. For any checks that are greater than
$5,000, the Treasurer must review the documentation and approve payment in
writing before the check is issued.
IV.! Transfer of Funds. No funds shall be transferred by the Management Company to
or from investment accounts (excluding transfers to and from a money market
account) without approval of the board of directors.
I.! Board Action. All reserve accounts shall be in such investments and in such amounts
as are established by the board of directors. The Management Company shall keep
detailed records of all reserve transactions, with board minutes reflecting approval of
all transfers of reserve funds.
II.! Purpose of Reserves. ATMAE should maintain sufficient reserves in either its bank
account or in its investments to pay for expenses that may be required if the
organization had to wind down its affairs or if its income stream is reduced but
expenses continue to be incurred.
III.! Accreditation Reserves. Every Year, as part of the budgetary cycle, funds shall be
designated as accreditation reserves for the express purpose of demonstrating that
ATMAE maintains predictable and stable resources to meet the expectations of
institutions, programs, and the public. These funds shall be determined through a
review of ATMAE’s capacity to support our accreditation mission by the Chair of
Accreditation, the ATMAE Board President, Treasurer, and Executive Director.
The basis of this determination will be two years’ operational costs to maintain
ATMAE’s accreditation mission. These funds will be noted in ATMAE’s monthly
and annual balance sheet.
I.! Introduction. ATMAE, from time to time, has funds that exceed its monthly
expenses. Rather than leave all of those funds in a checking account, ATMAE desires
to invest a portion of the funds in a conservative manner. This policy sets forth
ATMAE’s investment philosophy.
II.! Investment Objectives. The investment portfolio has the purpose of preserving
assets while maximizing total rate of return. Investment assets are to be managed with
diversification and little risk.
III.! Guidelines for Investments. All guidelines apply at time of purchase.
a.! Any mortgage backed or asset back securities or state or local securities must be
rated A or higher by Standards and Poor’s or by Moody’s
b.! Certificates of Deposits or other Bank instruments that are insured by FDIC are
c.! Conservative investments with minimal risk are permitted.
d.! Approval by the Board before any purchase is necessary.
I.! General. All organizational receipts for deposit shall be sent directly to the
Management Company for handling. In the event the Treasurer receives receipts for
deposit, they shall be mailed to the Management Company for deposit into the
organization’s bank account.
II.! Recognition of Income. Revenue will be recognized over the period to which it
relates. Such amounts earned, but not received, will be reported as receivables. Such
amounts received, but not earned, will be reported as deferred revenue. Membership
fees are non-refundable and shall be recognized as income upon receipt. Revenue
restricted by donor or other outside parties will be reported as an increase in
unrestricted net assets if a restriction expires in the year in which the revenue is
recognized. All other restricted revenue will be reports as an increase in temporarily
restricted net assets.
III.! Accounts Receivable. All receivables shall be treated as fully collectible.
Accordingly, no allowance for doubtful accounts is required. If accounts become
uncollectible, they will be charged to operations when that determination is made.
IV.! Checks. All checks shall be restrictively endorsed immediately upon receipt whether
by the Treasurer or the Management Company with the notation, “For Deposit Only,
[Bank Name], [Account Number].” Copies will be made of all checks received and
they, together with any corresponding invoices to which they pertain, will be
maintained by the Management Company.
V.! Cash. All receipts of cash will be accompanied by the issuance of a cash receipt by
the Management Company or any of its agents in a position to accept cash. The cash
receipts shall be sequentially numbered and indicate the amount received, the purpose
of the receipt, and be signed by the individual who received the cash on behalf of the
organization. The Management Company shall maintain control of the cash receipts
book at all times.
VI.! Deposits. All funds received for deposit by the Management Company shall be
promptly recorded and deposited into the organization’s checking account within a
week of receipt. Deposits shall be made intact and cash shall not be returned back
upon deposit.
I.! Dues Amounts. ATMAE dues amounts shall be assessed as follows:
a.! Professional Members will be assessed $100.00
b.! Student Members will be assessed $25.00.
c.! Retired Members will be assessed $25.00.
d.! Lifetime honorary memberships may be given to past presidents at no fee.
II.! Basis for Dues Assessments. Dues will be billed annually on a rotating basis. They
will be assessed monthly to those whose memberships are expiring.
III.! Dues Invoices. ATMAE’s administrative office will issue dues statements via e- mail
prior to the expiration of the memberships.
IV.! Posting Dues Policy. This dues policy and rates will be posted in the membership
section of the ATMAE website.
V.! Dues Ledger. The Management Company shall maintain a separate membership
database, identifying the member name, the amount invoiced, the amount of payment,
and the date of payment, and provide the ledger to the board of directors or any
members thereof as requested.
I.! Disbursements. Except as provided in the section below pertaining to Debit Cards,
all disbursements shall be made by pre-numbered checks.
II.! Cash Disbursement Vouchers. Documentation shall be prepared for each invoice
or request for reimbursement that details the date of the check, check number,
payee, amount of check, and description of expense account(s) to be charged.
Invoices or accompanying receipts will be attached as backup to the check stub.
III.! Checkbook. The Management Company shall maintain the organizational
checkbook. Signatories to the organizational checking account shall be the
President and the Executive Director. All individuals with signatory authority must
be authorized by appropriate resolution of the board of directors.
IV.! Check Preparation and Issuance. The Management Company shall be
responsible for preparing and processing all checks to vendors. The Management
Company employee responsible for preparation and processing of checks shall not
have signature authority over the checking account. Checks shall be mailed
promptly upon signature and after all authorizations are received.
V.! Disbursement Authorization. The Management Company is authorized to make
payments from the operating account for expenses within the approved budget up
to and including $5,000. Payments for unbudgeted expenses and payments for
budgeted expenses above $5,000 must be authorized in writing by the Treasurer.
VI.! Debit Cards. The organization may maintain debit cards to allow debit transactions
on the organization’s checking account. Use of organization debit cards shall be
strictly limited to payment of legitimate expenses of the organization. In no event
shall a debit card be used as an ATM card or otherwise to obtain cash. To the extent
reasonably possible, all debit card users shall notify the Management Company of
anticipated uses of the debit cards so sufficient
funds can be transferred into the organization’s checking account to cover future
debit transactions. As soon as practicable, but no later than ten business days
following the use of a debit card, the debit card user shall send supporting
documentation for each debit card transaction to the Management Company.
VII.! Expense Verification. Before signing any check, all check signatories shall
review invoices and supporting documentation to verify that it is a legitimate
expense of the organization. The Management Company shall verify vendor
invoices for accuracy in quantities ordered and received, prices charged, and
overall clerical accuracy. All paid invoices and supporting documentation shall
be stamped “paid” to avoid duplicate payment and shall include the date of
payment and number and amount of the check. Invoices from unfamiliar or
unusual vendors shall be reviewed and approved by the Treasurer before payment.
VIII.! Expense Reimbursements. Requests for reimbursement of expenses incurred by
organization officers, directors or members on behalf of the organization shall be
checked for mathematical accuracy and reasonableness before approval. All
requests for reimbursement shall be supported by receipts or other appropriate
documentation and shall include a statement of the purpose for which the expense
was incurred.
IX.! No Cash Transactions. Checks shall not be made out to “cash” nor shall checks
be signed in blank.
X.! Voided Checks. Voided checks shall be defaced and kept on file.
XI.! Prepaid Expenses. Expenses related to meetings and conferences to be held in
future periods will be classified as prepaid expenses and will be recognized as
expenses in the period during which the meeting or conference occurs.
XII.! Unpaid Invoices: Unpaid invoices shall be maintained in an unpaid invoice file.
I.! Chart of Accounts. The organization’s financial reporting will be consistent with a
Chart of Accounts attached as Appendix A.
II.! General. The Management Company shall create and maintain all financial books
and records. All such books and records shall be open to review by the Treasurer,
other members of the board, and other authorized agents of the organization at all
III.! Monthly Financial Reports. On a monthly basis as soon as practicable after receipt
of the monthly bank account statement and reconciliation of the internal financial
records to the bank account statement, the Management Company shall provide to
the Treasurer the following reports, who shall, in turn, promptly report in writing on
the state of the organization’s finances to the board:
a.! A Statement of Activities showing monthly financial activity and reflecting
beginning account balances, a detailed list of all cleared checks and other debits,
a detailed list of all cleared deposits and other credits, ending account balances, a
detailed list of all outstanding but uncleared debit or credit transactions, and
ending book balances. In addition, the monthly Statement of Activities shall
report year-to-date financial activity and show variances compared to the annual
budget. The Treasurer shall, after reviewing the same, cause the monthly
Statement of Activities to be forwarded to all officers and directors of the
organization to be considered as part of the agenda of the next meeting of the
b.! A copy of the monthly bank statement reflecting all checking account and other
account activity, and any other monthly statements pertaining to the deposit or
investment of organization funds.
c.! Documentation shall be maintained of all checks or other documents resulting in
the debit of funds from any organization financial account. Documentation shall be
maintained of all deposits or transfers of funds into any organization financial
account. The Treasurer shall be provided with all information relating to deposits
and debits on a monthly basis accompanying the monthly bank reconciliation.
d.! A Reconciliation Detail report showing the reconciliation between the check
register and the monthly bank statement.
IV.! Annual Financial Reports. On an annual basis as soon as practicable after receipt
of the monthly bank account statement for the twelfth month of the fiscal year, the
Management Company shall provide to the Treasurer the following reports:
a.! Annual Profit and Loss Statement showing income and expenses by budget
b.! End of Year Balance Sheet showing all organizational assets and liabilities as of
the last day of the fiscal year; and
the Treasurer or Executive Director shall cause copies of all annual financial reports to be
provided promptly to all members of the board.
V.! Publication of Annual Financial Reports. Annual financial reports of the
organization shall be made available to any member who requests the same. The
annual financial reports shall be posted in the members’ area of the organization’s
VI.! Other Financial Reports. The Management Company shall provide financial
reports of all member meetings, including preliminary budgets and interim and final
reports of income and expenses.
VII.! Form 990 reporting. The Management Company shall be responsible for supplying
such financial records to the organization’s outside auditor as are necessary for the
timely filing of the organization’s annual IRS Form 990. The Treasurer will review
and sign the 990 when it is ready to be filed.
I.! Board Authority. No employee, agent, independent contractor or other
representative of the organization shall bind the organization to any contract
involving a financial commitment of the organization except upon the authorization
of the board of directors, recorded in the minutes.
II.! Signed Contracts. All written contracts between the organization and any vendor or
other provider of goods or services to the organization or its membership shall be
signed on behalf of the organization by its President or the Executive Director.
I.! Audit Committee. The board as a whole shall act as an Audit Committee to fulfill
its oversight responsibilities with respect to the audit of the organization’s books and
financial records and ensure a system of internal controls that the organization has
established. The board shall annually hire an independent external auditor to audit
the financial records.
II.! Audit Committee Responsibilities. The Audit Committee’s responsibilities may
a.! Acting as liaison to the organization’s external auditor.
b.! Selection and review of the independent external auditor and review of the annual
fees to be paid for services rendered by the external auditor and each proposed audit
plan developed by management and the external auditor.
c.! Review with the independent external auditor of the organization’s annual financial
statements and reports.
d.! Review and evaluation of the management letter (if any) received from the
independent external auditor and discussion of recommendations for any changes
necessary to remedy problems identified in the letter.
e.! At the completion of the audit, review the audit fieldwork process with the auditor.
Obtain an understanding of the auditor’s evaluation of management and whether
the auditor encountered any difficulties or had any disagreements with management
during the audit. Review all journal entries proposed by the auditors.
f.! Interact with management to implement and monitor the internal control structure
and to take steps to insure that the possible risks of fraud or embezzlement are
g.! Ensure that proper federal and state tax filings are completed timely.
h.! Understand the organization’s internal controls and have policies in place to update
them as needed.
i.! Periodically review the organization’s insurance coverage and determine its
j.! Make recommendations necessary to improve the organization’s efficiency and/or
remedy problems identified by the committee or others.
k.! Identify and monitor related party transactions and review the conflict of interest,
ethics and related party disclosure policies periodically and update as needed.
l.! Monitor any legal matters that could impact the financial health and reporting of
the organization.
m.! Institute and oversee any special investigatory work as needed.
III.! Access to Records. The Management Company shall cooperate by providing the
outside auditor access to such books and records of the organization as are necessary
to carry out the audit function.
This Document Retention and Destruction Policy of ATMAE identifies the record retention
responsibilities of members of the Board of Directors, and administrative and service
providers for maintaining and documenting the storage and destruction of ATMAE’s
documents and records.
I.! Rules. ATMAE’s Board of Directors, and administrative and accounting service
providers are required to honor these rules: (a) paper or electronic documents
indicated under the terms for retention below will be transferred and maintained by
ATMAE’s administrative service provider or its equivalents; (b) all other paper
documents may be destroyed after three years; (c) all other electronic documents may
be deleted from all individual computers, data bases, networks, and back-up storage
after one year; and (d) no paper or electronic documents will be destroyed or
deleted if pertinent to any ongoing or anticipated government investigation or
proceeding or private litigation.
II.! Terms for retention.
a.! To be retained permanently:
i.! Governance records Charter and amendments, Bylaws, other
organizational documents, governing board and board committee minutes.
ii.! Tax records Filed state and federal tax returns/reports and supporting
records, tax exemption determination letter and related correspondence,
files related to tax audits.
iii.! Intellectual property records Copyright and trademark registrations and
samples of protected works.
iv.! Financial records Audited financial statements, attorney contingent
liability letters.
b.! To be retained for three years:
i.! Lease, insurance, and contract/license records Software license
agreements; vendor, hotel, and service agreements; independent contractor
agreements; employment agreements; consultant agreements; and all other
agreements (retain during the term of the agreement and for three years
after the termination, expiration or non-renewal of each agreement).
ii.! Correspondence files, past budgets, bank statements, publications,
employee manuals/policies and procedures, survey information.
c.! To be retained for one year:
i.! All other electronic records, documents and files.
III.! Exceptions. Exceptions to these rules and terms for retention may be granted only
by ATMAE’s President.
Directors and officers of the organization shall not have any personal or business interest
that may conflict with their responsibilities to the organization. In the event any matter
comes before the board of directors for action concerning which an officer or director or
any member of an officer or director’s family has a personal or business interest, the officer
or director shall fully disclose the same and shall not participate in any consideration of or
decision related to the matter. The minutes shall reflect the disclosure and non-
This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge, except as described below, I am not
now, nor at any time in the past, have been:
1.! A participant, directly or indirectly, in any material arrangement, agreement,
investment, or other activity with any vendor, supplier, or other party doing business
with ATMAE, which could result in personal benefit to me.
2.! Material recipient, directly or indirectly, of any compensation, loans, gifts of any kind,
or any free services, discounts, or other fees from, or on behalf of ATMAE or any
person or organization engaged in any transactions with ATMAE.
Any exceptions to #1 or #2 above are stated below with a full description of the
transactions and of the interest, whether direct or indirect, which I have, or had in the past
year, in persons or organizations having transactions with ATMAE:
Please Print Name and Title:
This Whistleblower Policy of ATMAE:
I.! encourages members, officers, directors and administrative and/or accounting service
providers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or serious
violations of adopted policies of ATMAE;
II.! specifies that ATMAE will protect the person from retaliation; and
III.! identifies where such information can be reported.
a.! Encouragement of reporting. ATMAE encourages complaints, reports or
inquiries about illegal practices or serious violations of ATMAE policies, including
illegal or improper conduct by ATMAE itself, by its leadership, or by others on its
behalf. Appropriate subjects to raise under this policy would include financial
improprieties, accounting or audit matters, conflicts of interest, ethical violations,
or other similar illegal or improper practices or policies.
b.! Protection from retaliation. ATMAE prohibits retaliation by or on behalf of
ATMAE against members, officers, directors and administrative and/or accounting
service providers making good faith complaints, reports or inquiries under this
policy or for participating in a review or investigation under this policy. This
protection extends to those whose allegations are made in good faith but prove to
be mistaken. ATMAE reserves the right to take appropriate action against persons
who make bad faith, knowingly false, or vexatious complaints, reports or inquiries
or who otherwise abuse this policy.
c.! Where to report. Complaints, reports or inquiries may be made under this policy
on a confidential or anonymous basis. They should describe in detail the specific
facts demonstrating the bases for the complaints, reports or inquiries. They should
be directed to the ATMAE President. If this person is implicated in the complaint,
report or inquiry, it should be directed to the ATMAE Secretary. ATMAE will
conduct a prompt, discreet, and objective review or investigation. ATMAE may be
unable to fully evaluate a vague or general complaint, report or inquiry that is made
I.! Board Notice. The Management Company shall calendar when renewals are due for
all insurance policies and shall provide those dates to the Board. Forty-five days
before renewal, the Management Company shall inform the Board that the renewal
is due and, unless otherwise directed by the Board, ensure that the payment is timely
II.! Directors and Officers Insurance. ATMAE shall maintain directors and officers
insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 with a $1000.00 deductible,
assuming that it is not cost prohibitive.
III.! Liability Insurance. ATMAE shall have a general liability insurance policy,
including a provision for defamation. If the Board believes additional coverage is
necessary, ATMAE shall also purchase for the annual meeting liability insurance.
IV.! Meeting Cancellation Insurance. The Board may decide to purchase cancellation
insurance policy for a particular meeting, depending on the cost and the provisions in
the hotel contract.
V.! Annual Insurance Review. On an annual basis, the Management Company shall
provide a review of the insurance policies ATMAE has, and make recommendations
whether there should be any changes to the policies. The Board shall make the
determination as to which policies shall be maintained.