ISA Transfer Form
Transferring from another ISA manager
Help in completing the Transfer Form
To ensure a quick and successful transfer of your ISA it is essential we are provided with accurate information.
Current ISA manager's name and address details
If the ISA manager's name and address provided by you are incorrect, the transfer request will be delayed
until we receive the correct details.
If you have more than one ISA account with the same ISA manager, please complete the transfer details of
all ISAs to be transferred on the same Transfer Form. If you wish to transfer an ISA from a different ISA
manager, you must complete a separate Transfer Form. Photocopies of this form are acceptable.
Account details with your current ISA manager
For each ISA account being transferred to us you will need to provide the following information:
type of ISA to be transferred eg current year cash ISA or stocks and shares ISA
specify the tax year(s) to be transferred of 'All Years' with that ISA manager
the Account Number
• if a full or partial transfer is required. Partial transfers are not permitted for current year ISAs
Note: for the current tax year we can accept full transfers of cash and stocks and shares ISAs.
The transfers must be for the whole amount saved, up to the day of transfer. For prior tax years
we can accept full or partial transfers for cash or stocks and shares ISAs
'Transfer all eligible investments and uninvested cash'; or
'Sell all investments and transfer as cash'.
transfer type; you may either:
When requesting to transfer your ISA to us, you will be subject to your current ISA manager's ISAs terms
and conditions. You should check with your current ISA manager for any charges which may be levied. If
you choose to transfer your investments, any investments which we don't offer as part of our Sharedealing
service will be sold by your current ISA manager and the cash proceeds transferred to us.
Partial transfer details
If you wish to partially transfer an ISA, insert 'Partial' in the 'Full/Partial' column. Once you have listed all
ISAs you wish to transfer in from one ISA manager, complete the investment and/or uninvested cash
details of the ISA you wish to partially transfer. If you wish to transfer investments or any investments are to
be sold and transferred as cash, specify the stock name and quantity. If you wish to transfer uninvested
cash, you will need to specify the exact cash amount to be transferred.
To maintain the tax efficient status of your ISA, all cash and investments must be transferred directly from your
current ISA manager to first direct.
When you have completed the form please sign and date it. You must also complete the attached letter
of instruction to first direct. Both documents should then be returned to:
first direct shares
PO Box 716
Forum 1
The Forum
PO14 9QD
If you need help completing the transfer details, please call us on 03 456 100 105. Lines are open
7.30am - 9.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Because we want to make sure we're doing a good job calls may be monitored and/or recorded, we hope you don't mind.
G305-B (31/08/20)