Financial Conduct Authority
March 2016
Future regulatory treatment of CCA
regulated rst charge mortgages
Policy Statement
Financial Conduct Authority 1March 2016
PS16/7Future regulatory treatment of CCA regulated rst charge mortgages
Abbreviations used in this paper 3
1 Overview 5
2 Summary of feedback and our responses 8
1 List of non-confidential respondents 13
1 Made rules (legal instrument) 15
In this Policy Statement we report on the main issues arising from Consultation Paper CP15/36 (Future
regulatory treatment of CCA regulated first charge mortgages) and publish the final rules.
Please send any comments or enquiries to:
Terence Denness
Strategy and Competition Division
Financial Conduct Authority
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Financial Conduct Authority 3March 2016
PS16/7Future regulatory treatment of CCA regulated rst charge mortgages
Abbreviations used in this paper
CBA Cost benefit analysis
CCA Consumer Credit Act 1974
CONC Consumer Credit sourcebook
CP Consultation paper
DISP Dispute Resolution: Complaints
FEES Fees Manual
FOS Financial Ombudsman Service
HM Treasury Her Majesty’s Treasury
FSMA Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
MCD Mortgage Credit Directive
MCOB Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business sourcebook
MIRPU The Prudential sourcebook for Mortgage and Home Finance Firms and Insurance
MLAR Mortgage Lenders and Administrators Return
PERG Perimeter Guidance Manual
PS Policy Statement
PSD Product Sales Data
SUP Supervision manual
TC Training and Competence
Financial Conduct Authority 5March 2016
PS16/7Future regulatory treatment of CCA regulated rst charge mortgages
1.1 In November 2015 we consulted on the future regulatory treatment of first charge mortgages
which were entered into before 31 October 2004 and are regulated under the Consumer
Credit Act 1974 (CCA) and our Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC). In this policy statement
we summarise the feedback we received on the consultation and our response. In general,
respondents agreed with our proposed amendments. We are now publishing final rules which
come into effect on 21 March 2016; however, they will only apply when the affected loans
become regulated mortgage contracts on 21 March 2017, unless the firm in question takes
steps to apply the relevant rules before that date. In this paper the affected loans are called
pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages.
Who does this affect?
1.2 This policy statement will interest any firm currently administering, or advising on or arranging
variations on a book of pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages, or anyone who has this kind
of mortgage.
Is this of interest to consumers?
1.3 Consumers who hold these mortgages will be entitled to different regulatory protections, for
example an enhanced form of annual statement, and new protections for arrears and payment
1.4 In November 2015 the Government made legislation which means the administration of
and other activities relating to pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages will become regulated
mortgage activities from 21 March 2016. Mortgage regulation under the Financial Services and
Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) began on 31 October 2004. Mortgages entered into before that
date are regulated under the CCA and CONC, provided that they did not exceed the financial
threshold in place when they were entered into. This threshold was:
£25,000 between 1 May 1998 and 31 October 2004
£15,000 between 20 May 1985 and 1 May 1998
6 Financial Conduct AuthorityMarch 2016
PS16/7 Future regulatory treatment of CCA regulated rst charge mortgages
£5,000 before 20 May 1985
1.5 The legislation will mean that the CCA will no longer generally apply to these loans. In CP15/36
we consulted on applying our existing mortgage regime to these loans in the same way
as it applies to firms in relation to other regulated mortgage contracts, with some limited
modifications or exceptions.
1.6 In CP14/20 we consulted on the regulatory treatment of second charge back book loans
including those entered into before 31 October 2004. In PS 15/9 we confirmed our intention
to apply our mortgage regime to all second charge back book loans. However, neither the
legislation made by HM Treasury nor the rules in PS 15/9 achieved that aim; only second charge
mortgage contracts entered into on or after 31 October 2004 were brought into the regulated
mortgage regime. HM Treasury has now clarified the regulatory status of these loans, and the
rules attached to this policy statement align with the amended legislation and confirm that our
rules apply to second charge mortgages entered into before 31 October 2004.
Summary of feedback and our response
1.7 In general, respondents welcomed our proposed approach. Some had concerns or questions
about the application of certain rules to pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages. We have
made several minor amendments to our rules in response, which we discuss in Section 2. We
believe the rules published with this policy statement do not differ from the draft published in
CP15/36 in a way which is significant.
1.8 Our draft rules and guidance were intended to apply to pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages
from 1 October 2016, with firms able to adopt the new rules from 21 March 2016 if they
wished to adopt early. However, one respondent was concerned about firms ability to adopt
the changes by 1 October 2016.
1.9 The legislation has since been amended to make activities relating to pre-2004 CCA mortgages
regulated mortgage activities from 21 March 2017, although firms can adopt the new rules
from 21 March 2016 if they wish. We have amended our rules and guidance to reflect this
new date.
Impact of changes on mutual societies
1.10 Section 138K of FSMA requires us to consider if our proposed rules have a significantly different
impact on mutual societies compared with other authorised persons.
1.11 In our consultation paper, we asked for comments or information on any issues for mutual
societies arising from our proposals. We did not receive any feedback on potential issues for
mutual societies, so we consider that our proposals will not have a significantly different impact
on mutual societies compared with other authorised persons.
Equality and diversity considerations
1.12 We are required under the Equality Act 2010 to consider whether our proposals could have
a potentially discriminatory impact on groups with protected characteristics (age, gender,
disability, race or ethnicity, pregnancy and maternity, religion, sexual orientation and gender
reassignment). We are also required to be aware of the need to eliminate discrimination and
support equality of opportunity when carrying out our activities.
Financial Conduct Authority 7March 2016
PS16/7Future regulatory treatment of CCA regulated rst charge mortgages
1.13 We published our initial equality impact assessment in CP15/36 and invited comments or
information about our proposals’ potential impact on equality and diversity issues. Our initial
assessment was that our proposals will not create any equality and diversity issues and we did
not receive any comments to contradict this view during the consultation process.
Next steps
What do you need to do next?
1.14 Firms conducting activities relating to pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages should check they
have the appropriate permissions in place for when the legislation takes effect (21 March 2017,
unless they transition their mortgages sooner) and consider how our rules will affect their
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Summary of feedback and our responses
2.1 In this chapter we outline the feedback received to the CP15/36 and set out our responses.
Q1: Do you agree with our proposal to apply MCOB 7 on
post-contractual disclosure to pre-2004 rst charge
CCA mortgages?
2.2 The majority of respondents welcomed this proposal, with one saying it would allow
harmonisation of existing processes across all mortgages.
2.3 One respondent was concerned about the need to issue an MCOB compliant annual statement
within 12 months of issuing the final CCA compliant statement. They explained that because of
current system constraints, it may be difficult to issue an MCOB statement within the required
12 months. However, they anticipate being able to do so very shortly afterwards.
2.4 One respondent was worried about needing to give an annual statement in a new format. They
believe that the new format may lead to confusion among consumers. They also expressed
concern that the proposed rules would apply retrospectively.
Our response
As the majority of respondents welcomed our proposal we will continue with
our proposed approach. There will be a minor amendment to our rules to allow
for a 13 month period between the nal CCA statement and the rst MCOB
statement rather than 12 months.
We consider that our MCOB 7 annual statement requirements are the most
appropriate for making sure customers receive the right information about
their mortgage accounts. We can also confirm that our rules will only apply to
disclosures from 21 March 2017 (or an earlier date when a firm choses to adopt
the rules early).
Q2: Do you agree with our proposed approach on MCOB 12
(Charges) for pre-2004 rst charge CCA mortgages?
2.5 The majority of respondents agreed with our proposed approach. One trade body flagged that
there may be difficulties if a mortgage was created as a second charge, but became the first
charge due to the redemption of the original first charge. They suggested this could result in a
different approach to default charges.
2.6 Two respondents requested that MCOB 12.3.5G on the CCA early settlement regulations be
amended to include reference to pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages.
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Our response
We will continue with our proposed approach, and amend the guidance at
MCOB 12.3.5G to show that pre-2004 first charge CCA mortgages will continue
to be covered by early settlement regulations. Under our proposals, all pre-2004
CCA mortgages will be covered by our MCOB 12 requirements. This means the
same arrears charges requirements will apply regardless of whether the loan is
secured by way of a first or second charge. Lenders with a second charge that
has become a first charge can apply a consistent approach from 21 March 2016
if they wish to.
Q3: Do you agree with our proposed approach on arrears,
payment shortfalls and repossessions for pre-2004 rst
charge CCA mortgages?
2.7 All respondents agreed with our proposed approach.
Our response
We do not intend to make any changes to our proposed approach.
Q4: Do you agree with our proposal to apply our rules
on contract variations to pre-2004 rst charge CCA
2.8 Respondents agreed with our proposed approach.
Our response
We do not plan to make any changes to our proposed approach.
Q5: Do you agree with our proposal to apply the general
conduct of business standards set out in MCOB 2 to
pre-2004 rst charge CCA mortgages?
2.9 Respondents agreed with the proposed change, though one respondent asked that the rules
should not apply retrospectively.
Our response
We will proceed with our proposal. Our rules do not apply retrospectively.
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Q6: Do you agree with our proposal to introduce MCOB
rules for pre-2004 CCA regulated lifetime mortgage
2.10 The majority of respondents agreed with our proposed changes.
Our response
We will proceed with our proposed approach.
Q7: Are there any other impacts of amending the denition
of ‘administering a regulated mortgage contract,
‘advising on a regulated mortgage contract’ or
‘arranging a regulated mortgage contract’ to include
pre-2004 rst charge CCA mortgages which you wish to
comment on?
2.11 One trade body noted that the definition of “legacy CCA mortgage contract” does not
distinguish between first and second charge loans. They asked for further information on the
transitional, including our expectations of firms who are switching from the CCA regime to our
new rules.
2.12 One trade body said that our proposed changes would streamline existing processes rather
than increasing complexity.
Our response
The denition of “legacy CCA mortgage contract” does not distinguish
between rst and second charge mortgages, but where relevant we have
expressly limited our rules and guidance’s application to legacy CCA mortgage
contracts secured by a rst legal charge.
When firms adopt our new rules, we will not require them to notify their
customers of their loans’ change in regulatory status. However, firms may
choose to notify customers, as a way to transition the pre-2004 first charge CCA
mortgages into the regulated mortgage regime earlier than 21 March 2017.
Q8: Do you agree with the FOS mirroring these proposed
changes to the Glossary for the voluntary jurisdiction?
2.13 All respondents were in favour of the proposed changes.
Our response
The proposed changes will be mirrored for the voluntary jurisdiction.
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Q9: Do you agree with our proposal not to apply the
prudential requirements in MIPRU to rms that only
administer or undertake mediation activity in respect of
pre-2004 rst charge CCA mortgages? And to exclude
income from pre-2004 rst charge CCA mortgages from
the income based capital calculations in MIPRU 4.3?
2.14 The majority of respondents were in favour of our proposed changes. One trade body suggested
that the legacy mortgage definition should include pre-2004 second charge CCA mortgages,
as the proposed definition assumes they do not overlap.
Our response
We will proceed with our proposed approach. We recognise that there is an
overlap between “second charge regulated mortgage contracts” and “legacy
CCA mortgage contracts” but the rule does not assume these terms to be
mutually exclusive. Both terms cover the mortgages referred to by the trade
body (second charge mortgages entered into before 31 October 2004 that
are currently regulated under the CCA), and we can conrm that income from
these mortgages will be ignored for the purposes of MIPRU 4.3.3R and 4.3.7AR.
We have also taken this opportunity to make presentational amendments to
MIPRU 3.1.1R to clarify its meaning and application.
Q10: Do you agree with our proposal to introduce MLAR data
reporting for pre-2004 rst charge CCA mortgages, and
not to introduce PSD reporting?
2.15 The majority of respondents were in favour of our proposed changes. One respondent was
concerned that one of our changes to the MLAR guidance would not explain how firms should
report CCA-exempt loans entered into before 31 October 2004, and which would otherwise
meet the definition of a regulated mortgage contract if entered into after that date.
Our response
We have amended the MLAR guidance (SUP 16 Ann 19BG8 (iii) (a)) to clarify
that there should be no change to how this type of loan is reported.
Q11: Do you agree with our proposal that staff undertaking
contract variations of pre-2004 rst charge CCA
mortgages should be subject to training and
competency requirements?
2.16 The majority of respondents were in favour of our proposed changes. One trade body asked
for confirmation that it would apply to firms undertaking variations of pre-2004 second charge
CCA mortgages.
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Our response
We do not plan to make any changes to our proposed approach. We can
confirm that these requirements will apply to firms advising on or arranging
variations of pre-2004 second charge mortgages in line with other second
charge mortgages on 21 September 2018.
Q12: Do you agree with our proposal to extend DISP rules
for rms currently carrying on regulated mortgage
activities to rms administering pre-2004 rst charge
CCA mortgages?
2.17 All respondents agreed with our proposal.
Our response
No changes are needed. We will continue with our consultation approach.
Q13: Do you agree with our proposal approach to FEES
for rms administering pre-2004 rst charge CCA
2.18 All respondents agreed with our proposal.
Our response
No changes are needed. We will proceed with our consultation approach.
Q14: Do you agree with our proposed changes to PERG?
2.19 All respondents agreed with the proposal.
Our response
No changes are needed. We will go ahead with our consultation approach.
Financial Conduct Authority 13March 2016
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Annex 1
List of non-confidential respondents
British Bankers Association
Building Societies Association
Council of Mortgage Lenders
Coventry Building Society
Lloyds Banking Group
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PS16/7Future regulatory treatment of CCA regulated rst charge mortgages
Appendix 1
Made rules (legal instrument)
FCA 2016/22
FOS 2016/4
Powers exercised by the Financial Ombudsman Service
A. The Financial Ombudsman Service Limited makes and amends the voluntary
jurisdiction rules and fixes and varies the standard terms for voluntary jurisdiction
participants relating as set out in Annex A to this instrument in the exercise of the
following powers and related provisions in the Financial Services and Markets Act
2000 (“the Act”):
(1) section 227 (Voluntary jurisdiction);
(2) paragraph 18 (Terms of reference to the scheme) of Schedule 17; and
(3) paragraph 22 (Consultation) of Schedule 17.
B. The making and amendment of the voluntary jurisdiction rules and the fixing and
variation of the standard terms by the Financial Ombudsman Service Limited, as set
out in Annex A, is subject to the approval of the Financial Conduct Authority.
Powers exercised by the Financial Conduct Authority
C. The Financial Conduct Authority makes this instrument in the exercise of the powers
and related provisions in or under the following sections of the Act:
(1) section 137A (The FCA’s general rules);
(2) section 137T (General supplementary powers);
(3) section 139A (Power of the FCA to give guidance);
(4) section 226 (Compulsory jurisdiction); and
(5) paragraph 13 (The FCA’s procedural rules) of Schedule 17 (The Ombudsman
D. The rule-making powers listed above are specified for the purpose of section 138G
(Rule-making instruments) of the Act.
E. The Financial Conduct Authority approves the voluntary jurisdiction rules made and
amended and the standard terms fixed and varied by the Financial Ombudsman
Service Limited in this instrument.
F. This instrument comes into force on 21 March 2016 immediately after the Mortgage
Credit Directive (Amendment No 2) Instrument 2015 comes into force.
Amendments to the Handbook
G. The modules of the FCA’s Handbook of rules and guidance listed in column (1)
below are amended in accordance with the Annexes to this instrument listed in
column (2) below:
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Glossary of definitions
Annex A
Prudential sourcebook for Mortgage and Home Finance Firms, and
Insurance Intermediates (MIPRU)
Annex B
Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business sourcebook
Annex C
Supervision manual (SUP)
Annex D
Compensation sourcebook (COMP)
Annex E
Amendments to material outside the Handbook
H. The Perimeter Guidance manual (PERG) is amended in accordance with Annex F to
this instrument.
I. This instrument may be cited as the Mortgage Contracts (Legacy CCA) Instrument
By order of the Board of the Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd
16 March 2016
By order of the Board of the Financial Conduct Authority
17 March 2016
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Annex A
Amendments to the Glossary of definitions
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text,
unless otherwise stated.
Insert the following new definition in the appropriate alphabetical position. This text is not
legacy CCA mortgage
a regulated mortgage contract which:
was entered into before 31 October 2004; and
was a regulated credit agreement immediately before 21
March 2016.
Amend the following definitions as shown.
administering a
regulated mortgage
the regulated activity, specified in article 61(2) of the Regulated
Activities Order, which is in summary: administering a regulated
mortgage contract where:
the contract was entered into by way of business on or after
31 October 2004; or
the contract was entered into by way of business before that
date and is a legacy CCA mortgage contract.
advising on regulated
mortgage contracts
the regulated activity, specified in article 53A of the Regulated
Activities Order, which is in summary: advising a person if the
is advice on the merits of his:
varying the terms of a regulated mortgage contract
entered into by him on or after 31 October 2004, or a
legacy CCA mortgage contract entered into by him, in
such a way as to vary his obligations under that
arranging (bringing
about) regulated
mortgage contracts
the regulated activity, specified in article 25A(1) and (2A) of the
Regulated Activities Order which is, in summary, making
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for another person to vary the terms of:
a regulated mortgage contract entered into by him as
borrower on or after 31 October 2004; or
a legacy CCA mortgage contract entered into by him
as borrower; or
regulated mortgage
(in relation to a contract) a contract which:
is not a home purchase plan, a limited payment
second charge bridging loan, a second charge
business loan, an investment property loan, an exempt
consumer buy-to-let mortgage contract, an exempt
equitable mortgage bridging loan or a limited interest
second charge credit union loan within the meaning of
article 61A(1) or (2) of the Regulated Activities
Order; and
if the contract was entered into before 21 March 2016:
at the time the contract was entered into,
entering into the contract constituted the
regulated activity of entering into a regulated
mortgage contract; or
the contract is a consumer credit back book
mortgage contract within the meaning of
article 2 of the MCD Order .
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Annex B
Amendments to the Prudential sourcebook for Mortgage and Home Finance Firms, and
Insurance Intermediates (MIPRU)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text.
Professional indemnity insurance
Application and purpose
This chapter applies to a firm with Part 4A permission to carry on any of the
insurance mediation activity; [deleted]
Subject to the exceptions in (3) to (8), this chapter applies to a firm
with Part 4A permission to carry on any of the following activities:
insurance mediation activity;
home finance mediation activity; and
MCD article 3(1)(b) credit intermediation activity.
home finance mediation activity or MCD article 3(1)(b) credit
intermediation activity, as indicated and unless any of the following
exemptions apply: [deleted]
in In relation to insurance mediation activity, this chapter does not
apply to a firm if another authorised person which has net tangible
assets of more than £10 million provides a comparable guarantee; for
this purpose:
in In relation to home finance mediation activity, this chapter does
not apply to:
the comparable guarantee provisions of (3) apply
(as if the firm was carrying on insurance mediation
activity) but substituting £1 million for £10 million
in (3)(a) and (b); or
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a firm which carries on home finance mediation activity
exclusively for legacy CCA mortgage contracts;
in In relation to home finance mediation activity, …
in In relation to home finance mediation activity, …
in In relation to MCD article 3(1)(b) credit intermediation activity,
Capital resources
Application and purpose
Application: MCD firms
This chapter does not apply to a firm which only carries on one or more of
the following:
home finance mediation activity exclusively for legacy CCA
mortgage contracts; or
home finance administration exclusively for second charge
regulated mortgage contracts; or
home finance administration exclusively for legacy CCA mortgage
Calculation of annual income
Annual income
For a firm which carries on insurance mediation activity or home finance
mediation activity, annual income is the amount of all brokerage, fees,
commissions and other related income (for example, administration charges,
overriders, profit shares) due to the firm in respect of or in relation to those
activities. But it does not include income generated from carrying on any
home finance mediation activity for:
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second charge regulated mortgage contracts; or
legacy CCA mortgage contracts.
Annual income for home finance administration
In the calculation of the capital resources of a firm that carries on any home
finance administration activity, the annual income does not include annual
income from:
second charge regulated mortgage contracts; or
legacy CCA mortgage contracts.
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Annex C
Amendments to the Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business sourcebook
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text,
unless otherwise stated.
Application and purpose
General application: who? what?
Requirement for evidence before treating a loan as being solely for business
purposes, or a customer as a high net worth mortgage customer or a professional
Where the regulated mortgage contract is a legacy CCA mortgage
contract, the firm should not treat the customer as a high net worth
mortgage customer for the purposes of MCOB unless it is aware from
evidence in its possession that the customer satisfied the definition of high
net worth mortgage customer at the time the contract was entered into.
Applicability of MCOB to second charge regulated mortgage contracts entered
into before 21 March 2016 which had previously been regulated credit
From 21 March 2016, where a second charge mortgage contract was
entered into before 21 March 2016 (subject to certain exceptions in article
28 of the Mortgage Credit Directive Order 2015) the provisions of MCOB
that apply include:
MCOB 7 (disclosure at start of contract and after sale);
MCOB 12 (charges);
MCOB 13 (arrears, payment shortfalls and repossessions: regulated
mortgage contracts and home purchase plans).
By virtue of amendments to articles 60B, 60C and 61 of the
Regulated Activities Order which came into force on 21 March 2016,
certain regulated credit agreements became regulated mortgage
contracts (but see the transitional provisions described in (3) below).
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The provisions of MCOB that apply to these regulated mortgage
contracts include:
MCOB 7 (Disclosure at start of contract and after sale);
MCOB 12 (Charges); and
MCOB 13 (Arrears, payment shortfalls and repossessions:
regulated mortgage contracts and home purchase plans).
Where a regulated mortgage contract is a second charge regulated
mortgage contract which was entered into before 21 March 2016,
MCOB applies to the contract from 21 March 2016.
Where a regulated mortgage contract is a legacy CCA mortgage
contract secured by a first charge legal mortgage, MCOB applies to
the contract from the earliest of:
the date on which the lender first acts in compliance or
purported compliance with rules in the FCA Handbook which
apply to regulated mortgage contracts in respect of the
the date from which the lender notifies the borrower in writing
that it will act in compliance with such rules in respect of the
contract; and
21 March 2017.
Distinguishing regulated mortgage contracts and regulated credit
MCOB applies to regulated mortgage contracts entered into on or after 31
October 2004. For certain categories of regulated mortgage contract,
MCOB applies from the dates mentioned in MCOB 1.2.21G. A contract
credit agreement secured on land that was entered into before 31 October
2004, and that is subsequently varied on or after that date, will is not be a
regulated mortgage contract but, for example because the borrower is not
an individual or a trustee, may be a regulated credit agreement to which the
CCA and CONC apply (see CONC 1.2.7G). If, however, a new contract is
entered into on or after 31 October 2004, replacing the previous contract,
this may be a regulated mortgage contract. PERG 4.4.13G contains
guidance on the variation of contracts entered into before 31 October 2004.
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Charges under second charge regulated mortgage contracts which had previously
been regulated credit agreements
The rules in MCOB 12.4 (Payment shortfall charges: regulated mortgage
contracts) and MCOB 12.5 (Excessive charges: regulated mortgage
contracts, home reversion plans and regulated sale and rent back
agreements) apply to:
second charge regulated mortgage contracts entered into before 21
March 2016, in relation to charges imposed on a customer for events
occurring from that date onwards on or after 21 March 2016; and
regulated mortgage contracts which are legacy CCA mortgage
contracts secured by a first charge legal mortgage, in relation to
charges imposed on a customer for events occurring on or after the
earliest of:
the date on which the lender first acts in compliance or
purported compliance with rules in the FCA Handbook which
apply to regulated mortgage contracts in respect of the
the date from which the lender notifies the borrower in writing
that it will act in compliance with such rules in respect of the
contract; and
21 March 2017.
Early repayment charges: regulated mortgage contracts
Early settlement charges on second charge regulated mortgage contracts
The effect of article 29 of the MCD Order is that various provisions of, or
made under, the CCA continue to apply to “consumer credit back book
mortgage contracts” (as defined in article 2 of the MCD Order). The These
include the Consumer Credit (Early Settlement) Regulations 2004, which
continue to apply to a second charge regulated mortgage contract entered
into before 21 March 2016 and to a legacy CCA mortgage contract.
After TP 1 (Transitional Provisions) insert the following new transitional provisions. The
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text is not underlined.
TP 5
Transitional Provisions: Regulated mortgage contracts
Transitional provisions for regulated mortgage contracts entered into before 31
October 2004
Material to
which the
(4) Transitional provision
dates in force
coming into
In relation to a legacy CCA
mortgage contract, the firm must
provide the first statement in
respect of the contract required
by MCOB 7.5.1R no later than
thirteen months after the date on
which the last statement in
respect of the contract required
under section 77A of the CCA
was due.
21 March
2016 to 30
31 October
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Annex D
Amendments to the Supervision manual (SUP)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text.
Appointed representatives
Contracts: required terms
Required contract terms for all appointed representatives
Under the Appointed Representative Regulations, an appointed
representative is treated as representing other counterparties if,
broadly, it:
for a person to vary a home finance transaction
entered into by a person as customer (or as plan
provider in the case of a home reversion plan)
before 31 October 2004 (in the case of a legacy
CCA mortgage contract), or on or after 31 October
2004 (in the case of a any other regulated
mortgage contract) or 6 April 2007 (in all other
cases) with other counterparties;
gives advice (within articles 53A, 53B or 53C of the
Regulated Activities Order) on the merits of:
persons varying home finance transactions entered
into by them as customer (or as plan provider in
the case of a home reversion plan) before 31
October 2004 (in the case of a legacy CCA
mortgage contract), or on or after 31 October 2004
(in the case of a any other regulated mortgage
contract) or 6 April 2007 (in all other cases) with
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other counterparties;
Reporting requirements
Product Sales Data Reporting
Content of the report
A performance data report must contain performance data in respect of
regulated mortgage contracts other than legacy CCA mortgage contracts.
Integrated Regulatory Reporting
Regulated Activity Group 5
Description of
data item
Data item (note 1)
Note 4
Not applicable if the firm exclusively carries on home
finance administration or home finance providing
activities in relation to second charge regulated
mortgage contracts or legacy CCA mortgage contracts
(or both).
Regulated Activity Group 9
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Description of
data item
Data item (note
Note 3
This item does not apply to firms who only carry on
home finance mediation activities exclusively in relation
to second charge regulated mortgage contracts or
legacy CCA mortgage contracts (or both) and who are
not otherwise expected to complete it by virtue of
carrying out other regulated activities.
16 Annex 18B
Notes for Completion of the Retail Mediation Activities Return
Section C: Client Money and assets
Note 3A: this data item does not apply to firms who only carry on home
finance mediation activities exclusively in relation to second charge
regulated mortgage contracts or legacy CCA mortgage contracts (or both)
and who are not otherwise expected to complete it by virtue of carrying out
other regulated activities: see SUP 16.12.28AR, Note 3).
Section D: Capital Resources
(i) Section D1 covers the appropriate capital resources and connected
requirements in MIPRU chapter 4 for firms carrying on home finance
mediation activity (save for firms carrying on home finance mediation
activities exclusively in relation to second charge regulated mortgage
contracts or legacy CCA mortgage contracts, or both) , and/or insurance
mediation activity relating to non-investment insurance contracts (the
requirements have to be completed for all applicable categories), or both.
16 Annex 19B
Notes for Completion of the Mortgage Lenders & Administrators
Return (‘MLAR’)
Introduction: General Notes on the Return
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Loans made before 31 October 2004
Classifying the ‘back book’
Many loans made before 31 October 2004 became regulated
as regulated mortgage contracts on 21 March 2016 or,
depending on nature of the loan and the applicable
transitional provisions, on a date no later than 21 March
2017; these loans should be treated as regulated mortgage
contracts in the MLAR accordingly. Loans made before 31
October 2004 which continue not to be regulated as regulated
mortgage contracts fall into the following categories:
Specific treatment of residential loans to individuals
Any loans made before 31 October 2004, that otherwise
satisfy the specific requirements of a regulated mortgage
contract have not become regulated as regulated mortgage
contracts, should be reported as non-regulated loans in the
various parts of the MLAR.
This reporting basis for loans made before 31 October 2004
should continue until such time, if ever, that a subsequent
transaction on the loan causes it to be formally treated as a
regulated contract.
Further advances on loans made before 31 October 2004
which have not already become regulated as regulated
mortgage contracts
We cannot be prescriptive about whether, after the onset of
mortgage regulation, a further advance (or any other
variation) to a pre-31 October 2004 mortgage which has not
already become regulated as a regulated mortgage contract
(see (i) above) will have the effect of creating a new
regulated mortgage contract. Our perimeter guidance (at
AUTH App 4.4.13G) considers the effect of variations to
contracts entered into before the onset of mortgage
regulation. Whether a variation amounts to creating a new
contract will depend on each lender's individual mortgage
documentation. This documentation will differ, possibly
significantly, between firms. Each lender will need to review
its existing documentation and take a view on the scope that
this provides for making changes.
In practice this means that:
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if the lender can make a further advance without creating
a new contract (i.e. makes a variation to the existing
mortgage contract), then the further advance should be
added to the original loan and the combined loan treated
as a single loan for MLAR reporting. This combined loan
should be reported as ‘non-regulated’
if making a further advance creates a new contract, (and
this further advance is a regulated mortgage contract)
then the correct reporting approach will be determined as
where the original loan was made before 31 October
2004, has not in the meantime become a regulated
mortgage contract (for example, because it is not a
regulated credit agreement) but would otherwise
satisfy the specific requirements of a regulated
mortgage contract, and the further advance is
documented in a new loan agreement separate from
the original loan (and is not a variation to the existing
mortgage contract), the original loan and further
advance may be treated as one for MLAR reporting,
being shown as "Regulated" under "Residential loans
to individuals". ;
where the original loan did not satisfy the defined
conditions of a regulated mortgage contract at the
time it was entered into and has not in the meantime
become a regulated mortgage contract, and the
further advance is documented in a new loan
agreement separate from the original loan (and is not
a variation to the existing mortgage contract), the old
loan and further advance will be treated as two
separate loans for most aspects of MLAR reporting,
the former being ‘unregulated’ while the latter will be
reported as ‘regulated’. However, for the LTV and
Income Multiple analysis, while the firm firm should
only show the amount of the further advance in the
relevant “cell”, the “cell” should be determined by
using the total amount of the loan (old loan + further
advance) when deciding which LTV band and which
Income Multiple band are applicable. ; and
where the lender decides to combine the original loan
and the further advance to create a single new contract
that replaces the existing mortgage contract and is a
regulated mortgage contract, this should be reported
as ‘regulated’.
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The purpose of this data item is so that a firm can provide an analysis of its
credit risk capital requirement credit risk capital requirement as calculated
under MIPRU 4.2A, 4.2B and 4.2C. But this section does not apply to a firm
which exclusively carries on home finance administration or home finance
providing activities (or both) in relation to second charge regulated
mortgage contracts or legacy CCA mortgage contracts (or both): see SUP
16.12.18BR, Note 4.
The purpose of this data item is for a firm to comply with the liquidity
resources requirements in MIPRU 4.2D. But this section does not apply to a
firm which exclusively carries on home finance administration or home
finance providing activities (or both) in relation to second charge regulated
mortgage contracts or legacy CCA mortgage contracts (or both): see SUP
16.12.18BR, Note 4.
16 Annex 20
Products covered by the reporting requirement in SUP 16.11
SUP 16.11.3R, SUP 16.11.5R and SUP 16.11.5AR require certain firms to
report product sales data and, in respect of regulated mortgage contracts
other than legacy CCA mortgage contracts, performance data. For reporting
purposes, a reportable sale applies (other than in the case of a mortgage
transaction) where the contract has been made and the premium has been
16 Annex 21
Reporting fields
The following data reporting fields must be completed, where
applicable for all relevant regulated mortgage contracts, except
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any second charge regulated mortgage contract that is entered
into before 1 April 2017 and any regulated mortgage contract
which is a legacy CCA mortgage contract:
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Annex E
Amendments to the Compensation sourcebook (COMP)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text.
Protected claims
Protected home finance mediation
This section does not apply in respect of a regulated mortgage contract
which is a legacy CCA mortgage contract.
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Annex F
Amendments to the Perimeter Guidance manual (PERG)
In this Annex, underlining indicates new text and striking through indicates deleted text.
Authorisation and regulated activities
Activities: a broad outline
Arranging deals in investments and arranging a home finance transaction
There are ten arranging activities that are regulated activities under the
Regulated Activities Order. These are:
arranging (bringing about) regulated mortgage contracts, which
includes arranging for another person to vary the terms of a
regulated mortgage contract entered into by him as borrower after
31 October 2004 or a legacy CCA mortgage contract entered into by
him as borrower (article 25A(1) and (2A));
Advising on regulated mortgage contracts
Advice on varying terms as referred to in (2) comes within article 53A only
where the borrower entered into the regulated mortgage contract on or after
31 October 2004, or the contract is a legacy CCA mortgage contract, and the
variation varies the borrower's obligations under the contract. Further
guidance on the scope of the regulated activity under article 53A is in PERG
4.6 (Advising on regulated mortgage contracts).
Exclusions applicable to particular regulated activities
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Arranging deals in investments and arranging a home finance transaction
Under article 29A, an unauthorised person is excluded from the
regulated activity of arranging for another person to vary the terms
of a regulated mortgage contract entered into on or after 31 October
2004 or a legacy CCA mortgage contract (article 25A(1)(b)) or a
home reversion plan or home purchase plan entered into on or after
6 April 2007 (articles 25B(1)(b) and 25C(1)(b)) or a regulated sale
and rent back agreement entered into on or after 1 July 2009 (article
25E(1)(b)). …
Guidance on regulated activities connected with mortgages
Regulated activities related to mortgages
There are six regulated mortgage activities requiring authorisation or
exemption if they are carried on in the United Kingdom. These are set out in
the Regulated Activities Order. They are:
administering a regulated mortgage contract where that contract is
entered into by way of business on or after 31 October 2004 or the
contract was entered into by way of business before that date and is a
legacy CCA mortgage contract (article 61(2) (Regulated mortgage
contracts)); and
Arranging regulated mortgage contracts
Definition of the regulated activities involving arranging
Article 25A of the Regulated Activities Order describes two types of
regulated activities concerned with arranging regulated mortgage contracts.
These are:
making arrangements:
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for another person to vary the terms of a regulated
mortgage contract entered into by him that person as
borrower on or after 31 October 2004 or a legacy CCA
mortgage contract entered into by that person as borrower
in such a way as to vary his that person’s obligations under
the contract; and
Advising on regulated mortgage contracts
Definition of ‘advising on regulated mortgage contracts’
Article 53A of the Regulated Activities Order (Advising on regulated
mortgage contracts) makes advising on regulated mortgage contracts a
regulated activity. This covers advice which is both:
advice on the merits of the borrower:
varying the terms of a regulated mortgage contract entered
into by the borrower on or after 31 October 2004, or a
legacy CCA mortgage contract entered into by the
borrower, in such a way as to vary the borrower’s
obligations under the contract.
Although advice on varying the terms of a regulated mortgage contract is
not a regulated activity if the contract was entered into before 31 October
2004, unless the contract is a legacy CCA mortgage contract, there may be
instances where the variation to the old contract is so fundamental that it
amounts to entering into a new regulated mortgage contract (see PERG
4.4.4G). In that case, giving the advice would be a regulated activity.
Administering a regulated mortgage contract
Definition of ‘administering a regulated mortgage contract’
Article 61(2) of the Regulated Activities Order makes administering a
regulated mortgage contract a regulated activity ‘where the contract was
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entered into by way of business’ on or after 31 October 2004 or the contract
was entered into ‘by way of business’ before that date and is a legacy CCA
mortgage contract.
The definition does not include administration of a regulated mortgage
contract which was not entered into by way of business. See PERG 4.3.3G
for a discussion of the ‘by way of business’ test. The definition also does not
include administration of a mortgage which was entered into before 31
October 2004 unless the contract is a legacy CCA mortgage contract. See,
however, PERG 4.4.4G for a discussion of how a variation of a mortgage
contract entered into before 31 October 2004 could amount to the entry into
a new regulated mortgage contract on or after 31 October 2004.
Interaction with the Consumer Credit Act and consumer credit regulated
Entering into and administering a regulated mortgage contract
Regulated mortgage contracts that were in place at 31 October 2004 and
which are subject to the CCA will remain subject to the regime in the CCA
and may be regulated credit agreements for the purposes of the credit-
related regulated activities in Chapter 14A of Part 2 of the Regulated
Activities Order. But there may be instances where a variation of an existing
contract amounts to entering into a new regulated mortgage contract (see
PERG 4.4.4G and PERG 4.4.13G). [deleted]
Periodical publications, news services and broadcasts: applications for
Does the article 54 exclusion apply?
The formats
But the exclusion applies only if the principal purpose of the publication or
service is not:
to lead or enable persons:
to buy, sell, subscribe for or underwrite securities or
relevant investments; or
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to enter as borrower into regulated mortgage contracts, or
vary the terms of regulated mortgage contracts entered into
by them as borrower on or after 31 October 2004 or the
terms of legacy CCA mortgage contracts entered into by
them as borrower; or
The principal purpose test
The exclusion applies only if the principal purpose of the publication or
service is not:
to lead or enable persons to:
to buy, sell, subscribe for or underwrite securities or relevant
investments; or
to enter as borrower into regulated mortgage contracts, or
vary the terms of regulated mortgage contracts entered into
by them as borrower on or after 31 October 2004 or the
terms of legacy CCA mortgage contracts entered into by
them as borrower; or
Financial promotion and related activities
Financial promotions concerning agreements for qualifying credit
Controlled activities
Arranging qualifying credit is a controlled activity under paragraph 10A of
Schedule 1 to the Financial Promotion Order; that is, making arrangements:
for a borrower under a regulated mortgage contract entered into on
or after 31 October 2004 or a borrower under a legacy CCA
mortgage contract to vary the terms of that contract in such a way as
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to vary his that person’s obligations under that contract.
Advising on qualifying credit is a controlled activity under paragraph 10B of
Schedule 1 to the Financial Promotion Order; that is, advising a person if
the advice is:
advice on the merits of his that person doing any of the
varying the terms of a regulated mortgage contract
entered into by him that person on or after 31
October 2004 or the terms of a legacy CCA
mortgage contract entered into by that person in
such a way as to vary his that person’s obligations
under that contract.
Financial Conduct Authority
© Financial Conduct Authority 2016
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