History of the Nevada Bureau of Mines
and Geology
The following chapter by Joseph V. Tingley was published in:
Socolow, A.A., ed., 1988, The state geological surveys - A history:
Association of American State Geologists, 499 p.
Since 1987, Directors and Acting Directors have been:
James L. Hendrix, 1987-88, Acting Director
Harold F. Bonham, Jr., 1993-95, Acting Director
Jonathan G. Price, 1988-1993, and 1995-2012, Director and
State Geologist
James Faulds, 2012-present, Director and State Geologist
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada-Reno,
Reno, NV 89557-0088. Phone 702-784-6691.
State Geologist, 1865
Position not filled
State Mineralogist, 1866-78
Richard H. Stretch, 1866
A. F. White, 1867-70
H. R. Whitehill, 1871-78
State Analytical Laboratory, 1895-1985
Robert D. Jackson, 1895-1899
CharlesP. Brown, 1899
GeorgeJ. Young, 1900-14
Francis Church Lincoln, 1914-24
Walter S. Palmer, 1924-51
Vernon E. Scheid, 1951-72
John H. Schilling, 1973-85
Nevada Bureau of Mines, 1929-71
John A. Fulton, 1929-39
Jay A. Carpenter, 1939-51
Vernon E. Scheid, 1951-71
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1971- present
VernonE. Scheid, 1971-72
John H. Schilling, 1972-87
By Joseph V. Tingley
On March 20, 1865, during its first
session, the Nevada Legislature created
the position of state geologist; an act
was passed that provided for
appointment by the Board of Regents of
a State Geologist of Nevada who,
...shall proceed to make a preliminary and
superficial geological survey of the mineral
regions of the state, ...and to prepare a
map, marked and colored in such a manner
as to indicate the general geological
divisions, as developed in the country
Not more than 8 months were to be
occupied in this task, and the grand sum
of $6,000 was appropriated to defray
expenses. Even with these formidable
conditions there were applicants for the
job, but the regents deemed it
"inexpedient" to make the appointment
and the position was not filled.
The following year, during the
second session of the legislature, an act
was passed which created the office of
State Mineralogist. The State
Mineralogist was to serve under the
Board of Regents and was, among other
things, to be superintendent of a state
mining school; to visit and examine
mineral properties within the state; to
collect, mark, and catalog mineral
specimens; to devise the course of
studies at the mining school; to teach at
the school; and to collect information
concerning the different modes of
working mines and reducing ores. In
addition, he was to establish and
supervise an assaying facility at the
mining school which would, at a fee
which covered only costs, analyze ores
delivered thereto. Professor Richard H.
Stretch was appointed State Mineralo-
gist in the spring of 1866 and
immediately set forth to accomplish the
tasks requested by the Legislature. As
State Mineralogist serving under the
Board of Regents, Stretch also became
the first employee of the University of
Nevada. By the time he filed his first
report to the Regents in December 1866,
he had compiled the first compre-
hensive accounting of activity in the
nearly 150 mining districts in the state.
In addition to comments on mines and
mining operations, Stretch's report also
noted that the Legislature had failed to
appropriate funds with which to pay
him. Stretch did not serve another term
and was succeeded by A. F. White in
1867. White, a Presbyterian minister,
was State Superintendent of Public
Instruction and a member of the Board
of Regents. In his first annual report,
White also remarked that no provision
had been made for payment of his
salary or expenses and,
To discharge the duties legally required of
me as State Mineralogist, I have therefore
economized as best I could; have advanced
my own funds at a heavy personal sacrifice;
and have labored under many disad-
In the spring of 1868 White joined with
the party of Clarence King of the U.S.
Geological Survey who was then
engaged in work on the Nevada portion
.of his survey of the Fortieth Parallel.
King provided White with field support;
White gave his services as a
mineralogist to the party and was
thereby able to continue his coverage of
mining activity in the state.
In 1869, the position of State
Mineralogist was removed from the
control of the Board of Regents and was
made an elective office; White was
appointed to continue in the position
until the general elections of 1870. H. R.
Whitehill was elected to the position
and took office in January 1871.
Whitehill held the job until 1878 when
the office was abolished by the
Legislature. The reports of the State
Mineralogist, issued biennially during
the 12-year life of the office, are in some
cases the only surviving records of many
mining operations in remote parts of the
Robert D. Jackson, first Director of the State
Analytical Laboratory, 1895-99. Source: Mackay
School of Mines archives.
In 1888, a School of Mining was
formally organized at the new Reno
campus of the University of Nevada
with Robert D. Jackson as its first
Director. In 1895 the Nevada
legislature charged the University with
the responsibility of providing an assay
service for citizens of the state and the
Mining Analytical Laboratory was
established. As the first public service
division of the University, the labora-
tory was the organizational predecessor
of the Nevada Bureau of Mines and
Jackson, in his capacity as head of
the School of Mines, also became
Director of the Mining Analytical
Laboratory. Jackson, a respected
mining engineer and educator, occupies
a somewhat unique place in the history
of the university. Like many mining
professors, both past and present, he
carried on a flourishing consulting
practice in addition to his teaching
duties. His outside commitments, how-
ever, took more of his time than the
regents felt was proper. In 1899, when
Jackson offered his resignation because
of a perceived affront from the regents,
it was quickly and eagerly accepted.
Jackson was very popular among the
students and, when news of his
departure spread, a demonstration was
held on campus and the students
marched through Reno in protest;
Jackson inadvertently was the cause of
the first student "riot" on the University
of Nevada campus.
It was the duty of the Mining
Analytical Laboratory to analyze, free
of charge, all samples of minerals and
ores submitted to it; all that was
required was that the submitters be
United States citizens and that the
samples be from locations within
Nevada. The laboratory was, however,
expressly forbidden to make assays for
gold or silver--the fire-assayer's lobby
was apparently quite strong in the
Nevada Legislature in 1895! The State
Analytical Laboratory shared space
with the School of Mines, and in 1895,
both organizations were housed in the
Hatch Building on the Reno campus.
Hatch Building, first school of mines building on the University of Nevada-Reno campus. The State
Analytical Laboratory was located in this building from 1895 until shortly after 1900. Source: UNR
This building, also known as the School
of Mines Building, was located on the
west side of the central campus area
approximately on the site of the present
Clark Administration Building. Shortly
after the turn of the century, the school
of mines expanded into a second
building, the former Agricultural
Experiment Station, on the southeast
side of the campus. This building, later
known as the Physics Building, was in
the area now occupied by the Mackay
Science Building. In 1905 an annex was
constructed on the east side of this
building to house the mining
laboratories. This annex became the
second home of the State Analytical
Laboratory until 1908 when it, along
with the rest of the school of mines,
moved into the new Mackay School of
Mines building.
Following Jackson's resignation in
1899, Charles P. Brown became the
second Director of both the School of
Mines and of the Mining Analytical
Laboratory. Brown, formerly a professor
of mathematics and metallurgy at the
University, died of typhoid fever a few
months after his appointment. George J.
Young was appointed Director of the
mining school and of the state
laboratory in 1900. Young had
graduated from the University of
California in 1899 and, in contrast to
Jackson, was almost totally lacking in
mining industry experience. He, again
in contrast to Jackson, devoted his
entire time and efforts to the school and
soon earned the respect of the faculty
and of the state's mining fraternity. In
1904, the School of Mines offered its
first publication; Vol. 1, No.1, Bulletin
of the Department of Geology and
Mining, by John A. Reid, described
building stones in Nevada. Director
Young authored the next three
The Agricultural Extension Building, located on the present site of the Mackay Science Building, was the
second home of the State Analytical Laboratory. The laboratory facilities were moved into this building
shortly after the turn of the century and were located in the low wing extending from the east side of the
older two-story structure. Source: Nevada Historical Society.
bulletins. These works, issued in 1909,
1911, and 1912, described the
ventilating systems in the Comstock
mines, fires in metaliferous mines, and
slime filtration.
George J. Young, Director of the State
Analytical Laboratory, 1900-14. Source: Mackay
School of Mines archives.
In 1906, an event that was to be a
major turning-point for Nevada's
mining school came about; Clarence H.
Mackay and his mother, Marie Louise
Mackay, widow of the late Comstock
mining magnate, John W. Mackay,
donated funds to build a school of mines
building on the University of Nevada
campus. This building, along with other
financial gifts from the Mackay family,
established the school--renamed the
Mackay School of Mines--as one of the
major mining schools in the United
States. The new mines building was
erected at the north end of what later
became the central quadrangle of the
Reno campus. The Mackay family
retained the noted architect Stanford
White to design the structure and a
statue of John W. Mackay was set in
front. The statue, created by Gutzon
Borglum, still serves as the focal point
of the University of Nevada's Reno
George Young continued as head of
the school and thereby became the first
Director of the Mackay School of Mines
under its new name. In 1914 Young was
replaced by Francis Church Lincoln who
served as Director of the Mackay School
of Mines and of the State Mining
Analytical Laboratory until 1923.
Lincoln was keenly interested in
Nevada mining history and, during his
tenure, amassed a great deal of
information on the geology, past
production, and mining history of
Nevada's mining districts. Published
privately in 1923 as Mining Districts
and Mineral Resources of Nevada, his
work became the standard reference on
mining districts of the state. It has been
republished twice, the last time in 1982,
and remains a prime historical
reference on Nevada mining districts.
In 1924, Lincoln was succeeded as
Director by John A. Fulton, setting the
tage for another turning point in the
history of the school and for the official
ormation of the State Bureau of Mines.
ulton, an 1898 graduate of the Nevada
mining school, returned to Reno early in
1924 after some 25 years engaged in the
ractice of mining engineering at gold
amps around the western United
tates. At the insistence of Emmet
Boyle, former Nevada governor and also
mining engineering graduate of the
Nevada School of Mines, Fulton was
asked to accept the directorship of the
school. He accepted the position on
December 1, 1924, and embarked upon a
program to strengthen both the student
enrollment and the reputation of the
school. Walter S. Palmer was given the
position of Director of the State
The Mackay School of Mines Building as it appeared shortly after its completion in 1908. The State
Analytical Laboratory was housed in this building from 1908 until 1962; the Nevada Bureau of Mines was
located in the building from 1929 until 1955. Source: Mackay School of Mines archives.
Analytical Laboratory; the first person
to hold that position who was not also
the Director of the School of Mines. A
1905 graduate of the University of
Nevada, Palmer received a mining
engineering degree from Columbia
University and returned to Nevada in
1910 as professor of metallurgy. In his
years of service with the state
laboratory he gained a reputation for
his uncanny ability to call the location
of samples submitted for assay, almost
to the exact outcrop, just by looking at a
hand specimen.
In 1929, under Fulton's director-
ship, the Nevada Bureau of Mines was
formed as the second public service
division of the University of Nevada.
Fulton took personal credit for
initiating legislation which led to the
formation of the Bureau. In a letter to
the President of the University in 1939,
Fulton stated:
The mining states of the West all have a
Bureau of Mines. ..The services performed
by these Bureaus are of great value to the
mining industry and inasmuch as mining is
the paramount industry in Nevada, it
seemed to me important to have such an
agency here. ..I therefore, after discussing
the matter with the President [of the
universityJ, had a bill introduced in the 34th
legislature in 1929 establishing a Bureau of
Mines. ..
Assembly Bill No. 83, approved March
29, 1929, brought the Nevada Bureau of
Mines into existence. It was to be under
the direction of the Board of Regents of
the University and "a competent mining
engineer" was to be appointed director.
Clearly spelled out in the bill were
objectives that Director Fulton must
have had in mind. The first listed was:
To, by questionnaire or otherwise, conduct a
thorough mineral survey of the state and to
catalog each and every mineral deposit and
occurrence, both metallic and nonmetallic of
whatsoever nature.. ., and to serve as a
bureau of information and exchange on
Nevada mining.
This still remains as one of the prime
functions of the organization. Another
section, although much further down
the page, stated that:
It shall be illegal for the director or any
attache of the bureau of mines to receive a
commission or to act as agent or broker of, or
for any purchaser, owner, or his or their
agents of a mining property, or to act in any
other than a wholly impartial way while so
The Nevada Bureau of Mines was
now set in a form that would carry it
through the depression, a world war,
and up to its next major transition. The
Bureau and the Mining Analytical
Laboratory, both public service
organizations, along with the teaching
departments, made up the Mackay
School of Mines. The Bureau and the
School were headed by Director Fulton;
the Analytical Laboratory continued
with Walter Palmer as its Director.
Lines between the three segments of the
school were not clearly drawn. All
faculty of the school were considered to
be staff of the bureau and of the lab;
neither the bureau nor the laboratory
had staff members solely their own.
Nevada's fight for an allocation of
Boulder Dam power was started by
Governor Balzar's administration about
the time that the Nevada Bureau of
Mines was established. The Colorado
River Commission had no reliable data
on the mineral resources of southern
Nevada. At their request Fulton
detailed Jay Carpenter, professor of
mining engineering, to make a mineral
survey of southern Nevada. Carpenter's
work, published as the first official
Bulletin of the Nevada State Bureau of
Mines, Vol. 1, No.1, Nov. 1929, formed
the basis of a report subsequently given
to the Secretary of the Interior by G. W.
Malone. Malone, then Secretary of the
Colorado River Commission and later
U. S. Senator from Nevada, credited the
Bureau report with results that touch us
...without the help of the Mackay School of
Mines staff, whether it was called the
Francis Church Lincoln, Director of the
Analytical Laboratory, 1914-24. Source: Mackay
School of Mines archives.
John A. Fulton, first Director, Nevada Bureau of
Mines, 1929-39. Source: Mackay School of Mines
Bureau of Mines or the Mackay School of
Mines, it would have been very doubtful
whether I could have made the proper
showing on such short notice before the
Secretary of Interior, which in my opinion
was absolutely necessary to secure a proper
allocation of power to the state of Nevada.
Nevada received a firm power
allocation and, in Director Fulton's
...the results we aided in obtaining
justified the creation of the Bureau of Mines
even if nothing else had been accomplished.
It was also during Fulton's term
that the Bureau began its ventures into
the publishing of timely information on
the geology and mineral resources of
the state. In the 10-year period between
1928 and 1938 the Bureau published 26
bulletins. The authors included Bureau
personnel but many bulletins were
written by geologists with the U.S.
Geological Surveyor with universities
(such as Stanford) who were working on
projects within Nevada. Each bulletin
usually contained a short but complete
coverage of a specific mine, mining
district, or perhaps a commodity in a
small portion of the state. The first two
of the Fulton-era publications were
issued as University of Nevada
Bulletins; the third, Carpenter's
mineral resource study of southern
Nevada, was Vol. 1, No.1, Bulletin of
Nevada State Bureau of Mines and
Mackay School of Mines; the next group
of 23 bulletins combined the two
organizational titles and came out as
University of Nevada Bulletins,
Bulletins of Nevada State Bureau of
Mines and Mackay School of Mines.
John Fulton died in 1939 and Jay A.
Carpenter was appointed Director of
both the School of Mines and the
Nevada Bureau of Mines. Carpenter
was a 1907 graduate of the School of
Mines. He remained to teach at the
school between 1908 and 1910, then left
to work in the mines in Tonopah,
Belmont, and other Nevada camps
before returning to the University as
professor of mining in 1926. Under
Carpenter, the Bureau of Mines and the
Analytical Laboratory continued to
operate much as they had during the
Fulton years; Carpenter was Director of
the Nevada Bureau of Mines, Walter
Palmer continued as Director of the
Analytical Laboratory, and the staffs of
all three divisions of the School of Mines
remained largely indistinguishable.
In 1948, the Nevada Bureau of
Mines acquired its first two staff
members, who were not also teaching
faculty of the School of Mines, when
Victor Kral and Fred L. Humphrey
joined the Bureau as field engineers.
Earlier, Director Carpenter had made a
practice of hiring short-term, or even
part-time, staff members to accomplish
specific projects.
With the acquisition of its own staff,
office space became a problem. The
Mining Analytical Laboratory shared
quarters on the second floor of the mines
building with the school faculty. Space
Jay A. Carpenter, Director, Nevada Bureau of
Mines, 1939-51. Source: Mackay School of Mines
for the new Bureau staff was found in a
corner of the unfinished basement along
with "overflow" publications from the
Mines Library.
The Bureau of Mines continued to
publish on Nevada geology and, on May
1, 1939, its publications series suffered
yet another name change; bulletins
were thereafter issued as University of
Nevada Bulletins with the designation:
"Geology and Mining Series No. --". The
series numbers were consecutive,
starting with the first publication in
1904, and cut across all of the various
bulletin names. Bureau publications
continued to stress mining district
descriptions and local geology, and in
1947, the first county-scale bulletin was
produced. When Carpenter directed
that work be started on county studies
in 1945, he intended them to be
supplements to Lincoln's 1923 publi-
cation and, in line with Lincoln's work,
the first few stressed mineral resources
rather than general geology. The first
counties chosen for study were those
that had not been covered in an earlier
county-study program carried out in
Nevada by the U.S. Bureau of Mines
(USBM). The USBM work by W. o.
Vanderberg in the 1930's resulted in
published reconnaissance studies of
mining districts in seven of Nevada's
counties. The first Nevada Bureau of
Mines publication in Carpenter's new
county series, Geology and Mining
Series No. 46, described the mineral
resources of Douglas, Ormsby, and
Washoe Counties; the second, Geology
and Mining Series No. 49 covered
Storey and Lyon Counties; and the
third, Geology and Mining Series No.
50, was Nye County alone. These
counties, eventually restudied in
greater detail and described in later
publications, were the first of a series of
bulletins which described geology and
mineral resources of each of the state's
seventeen counties. The last, Bulletin
101, Geology of Elko County, was
released in 1987.
Following the end of World War II,
Director Carpenter found himself at the
head of a venerable but definitely aging
institution. Most of his faculty had been
at the school since at least the early
1920's. Walter Palmer, Director of the
Analytical Laboratory, began his
service in 1910 and Carpenter himself
began teaching at the school in 1926.
Faced with an increasing student
enrollment brought on largely by
returning servicemen, a limited budget,
and a faculty that essentially had not
been enlarged since the Depression,
Carpenter and the school's alumni set in
motion measures which led to the
elevation of the Mackay School of Mines
to college status. The timing of this
move was rather good since, at this
time, two of the University regents were
mining engineering graduates of the
School of Mines.
Vernon E. Scheid, first dean, Mackay School of
Mines and director of the Nevada Bureau of
Mines and State Analytical Laboratory, 1951.
72. Source: Mrs. Vernon Scheid.
In 1951 the mining school, while
retaining the name Mackay School of
Mines, became a full-fledged college
within the University. Jay Carpenter
retired as Director of both the School of
Mines and the Bureau of Mines and was
replaced by Vernon E. Scheid, the first
Dean of the College of Mines. Walter
Palmer also retired this same year as
Director of the State Analytical
Laboratory. Scheid, in addition to being
Dean of the College of Mines, was
appointed Director of the Nevada
Bureau of Mines and Director of the
State Analytical Laboratory thereby
becoming the first person to hold the
position as the head of all three
divisions of the school. Dr. Scheid was
also the first "academic" geologist to
head the mining school. He held a Ph.D.
from Johns Hopkins University and,
prior to arriving at the Mackay School
of Mines, had taught geology at the
University of Idaho. Scheid first
concentrated his efforts on the school
and the task of accomplishing the
transformation from an undergraduate-
oriented hard-rock mining school to a
modern college of mines with a strong
graduate program. He also, however,
began to build up the Bureau of Mines
staff and, by 1959, had increased the
staff from 2 to 8 members.
With the larger staff the need for
separate Bureau quarters became
apparent. In 1921, the U.S. Bureau of
Mines had established a research
station on the University campus
housed in a small building immediately
to the rear of the Mackay School of
Mines building. By the early 1950's the
U.S. Bureau of Mines found that they
had outgrown the 1921 accommodations
and moved to new quarters to the north
of the campus. As the U.S. Bureau staff
moved out of the old building, the
Nevada Bureau staff moved in, and in
1955, the Nevada Bureau of Mines had
its first official headquarters.
, The building was in sad repair, the
roof leaked, paint hung in curling strips
from the ceilings, and later, it was
found that some of the old chemical
laboratories were contaminated with
radon. They were stripped of furnish-
ings and made "safe" for occupancy. It
was, however, home for the bureau for 8
years. During this time, the Analytical
Laboratory continued to occupy
quarters on the second floor of the
School of Mines Building.
In 1953 the last of the University of
Nevada Bulletins, Geology and Mining
Series, was issued; No. 51, The History
of Fifty Years Mining at Tonopah,
authored by Jay Carpenter and com-
pleted 2 years after his retirement,
became the last of this series. Beginning
in 1957 publications of the Nevada
Bureau of Mines were issued under the
Bureau's name--not as publications of
the University of Nevada. Bulletins
were issued in numerical sequence with
the old Geology and Mining Series; the
first issued therefore became Nevada
Bureau of Mines Bulletin 52. Rising
printing costs brought about a new
publication series in 1961. Issued as
"reports," the new series was designed
to present information on more limited
topics, to be more timely in releasing
information, and to be less formal in
presentation than were the bulletins. In
1962 a "map" series was added to the
Bureau's publications. The map series
was at first dominated by commodity
location maps--15 separate commodity
maps were issued during the first year
of the series--but other maps showing
power and transportation facilities,
metal mining districts, land status,
status of geologic mapping, and
earthquake epicenters were also issued,
and in 1967, the first of a series of 20-
sheet-scale gravity maps was released.
By 1960, the activities of the
Nevada Bureau of Mines had expanded
to the point that a full-time
administrator was needed and Dr. S. E.
erome was brought in as Associate
Director. Dean Scheid, retaining the
title of Director, continued to guide the
The old U.S. Bureau of Mines Experiment Station, now the Physical Plant Building. was occupied by the
Nevada Bureau of Mines between 1955 and 1962. Source: UNRarchives.
major policies of the Bureau. The new
Associate Director, however, handled
all other administration. Scheid also
continued as Director of the State
Analytical Laboratory. Dr. Jerome
received his Ph.D. from the University
of Utah and had worked in mineral
exploration throughout most of the
western United States before joining
the Nevada Bureau of Mines.
In 1963, the Bureau moved into
offices in the new Scrugham
Engineering-Mines Building con-
structed directly east of the old Mackay
School of Mines Building. Dean Scheid,
through persistent negotiations with
Nevada legislators, had managed to
have an entire wing of the new building
earmarked for the use of the Nevada
Bureau of Mines and the State
Analytical Laboratory. The Bureau in
1987 occupies most of the four floors of
the mines wing of this building.
Scrugham Engineering-Mines Building. The
Nevada Bureau of Mines and the State
Analytical Laboratory moved into the western
wing of this building in 1962. At the present
time, the combined Nevada Bureau of Mines and
Geology and the mining laboratory occupy the
first, third, fourth, and most of the second floors
of the mines wing of this building; the remainder
of the building houses the College of
Engineering. Source: Larry Jacox.
Jerome left the Bureau of Mines in
1965, returning to industry where he
became head of mineral exploration for
the Kerr-McGee Corp. Robert C. Horton
followed Jerome and became the second
Associate Director of the Bureau;
Horton, a 1949 graduate of the Mackay
School of Mines, had joined the Bureau
as a mining engineer in 1956. Horton
was born in Tonopah and came from a
Nevada mining family. His father had
mined in Diamondfield and Goldfield
and, in 1927, his older brother had
made discoveries on the father's claims
southwest of Tonopah that resulted in
one of Nevada's last boom gold camps--
Weepah. Horton served as Associate
Director for only 2 years, leaving in
1967 to pursue private interests. In
1981, he was appointed Director of the
U.S. Bureau of Mines by President
Reagan and served in that capacity
until 1987.
Arthur Baker, III, replaced Horton
as Associate Director of the Nevada
Bureau of Mines and held the position
until 1972. Baker, with a Ph. D. in
geology from Stanford University, had
worked in mineral exploration for many
years and, prior to joining the Bureau,
had operated his own consulting
practice out of Bishop, California.
In 1971, during Baker's tenure as
Associate Director, the state legislature
modified the objectives of the Bureau,
making changes which signified the
changing image of the organization.
The name was expanded from Nevada
Bureau of Mines to Nevada Bureau of
Mines and Geology, and the quali-
fications for director were changed from
"competent mining engineer" to
"competent scientist or engineer." Two
other sections of the assembly bill
outlining these changes carried more
importance than did the name changes.
The Director of the Bureau, with only
the Governor's approval, was
authorized to enter directly into
agreements with the U.S. Geological
'Survey for cooperative work; funds for
the state portion of this venture would
be through direct legislative
apportionment. The resulting
cooperative program with the U.S.
Geological Survey has assisted
topographic mapping in Nevada,
contributed to water resources studies,
and furthered the research efforts of
both agencies in the fields of general
geology and mineral resources.
Authorization was also given to the
bureau, subject to regents approval, to
allow publication sales money to be
retained as a printing and distribution
fund. This latter point has allowed the
Bureau great flexibility in its
publication efforts.
Vernon Scheid retired as Dean of
the Mackay School of Mines in 1972,
vacating as well the positions of
Director of the Nevada Bureau of Mines
and Director of the State Analytical
Laboratory. Arthur Baker moved into
the position of Acting Dean in 1972, and
in 1973, became the second dean of the
Mackay School of ~ines.
John H. Schilling replaced Baker as
Associate Director of the Nevada
Bureau of Mines in 1972. When Baker
assumed the Dean's position in 1973,
Schilling was appointed Director of both
of the school's public service divisions,
the first Director to hold both of these
positions who was not also the head of
the School of Mines. John Schilling
reported to the Dean, but he operated
the Bureau and Laboratory as units
quite separate from the school's
teaching division. John Schilling joined
the Nevada Bureau of Mines in 1960.
He was previously with the New Mexico
Bureau of Mines and had done extensive
work on the mineral deposits, especially
molybdenum, of that state. During
Schilling's time of service, the Nevada
Bureau evolved into its present form.
The staff expanded to over 20
professional and support personnel.
Public information services increased to
a point where information files now
occupy a good portion of one entire floor
of the building, and the Bureau has
computer ties with geologic data bases
of the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S.
John H. Schilling, Director of the Nevada
Bureau of Mines and Geology, 1972-87, and of
the State Analytical Laboratory, 1972-85.
Source: John Schilling.
Bureau of Mines, and others. One of
John Schilling's special interests was a
strong publications program, and
during his time as Director, the Nevada
Bureau of Mines and Geology main-
tained a high profile among other state
bureaus with the quality and quantity
of its publications. In 1973 a new
"urban map" series was issued. Maps in
this series cover such things as geologic
hazards, land use, vegetation, and
hydrology and are of special use to land-
use planners in urban areas. A "special
report" series was started in 1975.
Publications in this series incl ude
general interest subjects such as a
rockhound's map of the state, a treatise
on Nevada's weather and climate,
mining claim procedures in the state,
and a bibliography on geology and
mineral resources of Nevada. In 1979,
the Bureau began a system of releasing
information as open-file documents, a
procedure that allows research results
to be quickly made available for public
use. With these additions the Bureau
now publishes information in six
formats; bulletins, reports, special
publications, maps, urban series maps,
and open-file reports. Several of each
category are now issued each year and
selected publications are reprinted as
they are sold out.
In 1985 another major organiza-
tional change came about within the
School of Mines. The State Analytical
Laboratory, after 90 years of service,
was abolished by the state legislature
and its functions, personnel, and
equipment were transferred to the
Bureau of Mines and Geology. Although
always used to some extent by the
prospectors of the state to assay their
ore samples, the Laboratory's public
service function had been declining for
many years. In 1981, the practice of
providing free sample analysis had been
stopped and fees thereafter charged,
although minimal, had caused a further
decline in use. With its functions
transferred to the Bureau, the
laboratory still provides mineral iden-
tification and ore sample analysis for
prospectors, but its main service is now
research and support for the Bureau of
Mines and Geology.
In May 1987, after 27 years with the
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology--
the last 14 of these as its Director--John
Schilling left the service of the Bureau.
Upon Schilling's departure James V.
Taranik, then Dean of the Mackay
School of Mines, assumed the position of
Acting Director of the Bureau. Larry J.
Garside was appointed Acting Associate
Director. Garside received his graduate
degree in geology from the Mackay
School of Mines in 1968 and joined the
bureau staff that same year. He had
held positions with the Bureau as
geologist, energy resources geologist,
deputy to the director for research, and,
at the time he was appointed Acting
Associate Director, was serving as Chief
In July 1987 Taranik, who had
replaced Arthur Baker as Dean of the
Mackay School of Mines some 3 years
earlier, resigned to assume the
presidency of Desert Research Institute,
another branch of the University of
Nevada. James L. Hendrix, head of the
Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering within the
Mackay School of Mines, will serve as
Acting Dean of the school until a
permanent dean can be selected in
1988. Hendrix also assumed the Acting
Director's position while Garside
continued to serve as Acting Associate
Director and will hold the position until
a permanent director is selected in
The title "State Geologist" returned
to use in Nevada in 1981 when it was
assumed by John Schilling. Schilling
was active in the Association of State
Geologists and, since the Director of the
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
essentially functioned as a State
Geologist, he began to use "State
Geologist" as part of his title in June
1981. The University regents, perhaps
drawing upon authority granted to
them by the legislature in 1865*,
recognize the use of this title and when
a new head of the Nevada Bureau of
Mines and Geology is selected in 1988
the position will be described as
Director/State Geologist, Nevada
Bureau of Mines and Geology.
*The act providing for the appointment of a
state geologist by the board of regents,
passed by the legislature in 1865, was
apparently never repealed--the office was
never filled until assumed by John Schilling
in 1981. In reality, however, the 1865
statute is interpreted to have created the
position of state geologist only to do a
certain task which was to last no longer than
8 months--at the end of the 8-month job the
position would have passed out of existence.
Even though the job was never filled, it must
have expired since the first compilation of
Nevada statutes in 1873 makes no reference
to the position of state geologist.
Doten, S. B., 1924, An illustrated his-
tory of the University of Nevada:
University of Nevada, Reno, 235 p.
Larson,E.R.,1974-1975,Mackay School
of Mines, Reminiscences on the
growth of a college: University of
Nevada, Reno, 79 p.
tretch, R. H., 1867, Annual report of
the State Mineralogist of the state of
Nevada for 1866: State Printing
Office, Carson City.
hite, A. F., 1869, Report of the State
Mineralogist of Nevada for the
years 1867-1868: State Printing
Office, Carson City.