INT109 - Flagging and Traffic Control
Document Type: District Master Course Outline
Proposal Type: New Course
Requester(s): Karen L Whitney Holly Moore Danette Randolph
College: South
Origination Approved: 11/07/2012 - 1:24 PM
Karen L Whitney
Holly Moore
Danette Randolph
South Seattle Community College
Apprenticeship-GT Campus
Holly Moore
Proposed Course Number:
Prefix: INT Number: 109
Request a new Prefix
This will be a common course
Full Title:
Flagging and Traffic Control
Abbreviated Title:
Flagging and Traffic
Catalog Course Description:
Covers basic knowledge, information and awareness for individuals to direct traffic or set-up traffic
control devices within the State of Washington and perform flagging and traffic control job duties
safely. The program covers the topics in the Evergreen Safety Council Flagger Handbook. This course is
recognized by the Washington State Traffic Control Oversight Committee. Flagger certification earned in
this course is good for three years and is recognized in Oregon and Idaho.
Course Length:
NA Request an Exception
10 Hours - 1 Day - 1 Credit
Course Prerequisite(s):
Students Must be 18 years old
Topical Outline:
Evergreen Safety Council Handbook
1. Flagger Training Requirements
2. Flagger Qualifications/Responsibilities
3. Positioning for Safety
4. Motorists’ Safety
5. Flagging Signals
6. Temporary Traffic Control Zone
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7. Road Signs
8. Channelization and Devices Used
9. Night Traffic Control
10. Pavement Markings & Special Lighting
11. Flagging on High Speed Roads/Freeway Flagging
12. Flagging at Intersections
13. Utility Flagging
14. Surveying Along the Centerline
15. Emergency Response Flagging
16. Open Book Exam - Evaluation - 80% on Written Test
Funding Source:
Institutional Intent:
22..................Vocational Supplemental
This Course is a requirement for the following program(s):
(No Programs Selected)
My Course Proposal is a requirement for a program not on this list
Program Title/Description/Notes:
Industrial Manufacturing Basics - STT Certificate
Will this course transfer to a 4-year university?
Is this course designed for Limited English Proficiency?
Is this course designed for Academic Disadvantaged?
Does this course have a Workplace Training component?
CIP Code:
Request Specific CIP Code
EPC Code:
767 Request Specific EPC Code
Will this course be offered as Variable Credit?
List Course Contact Hours
Lecture (11 Contact Hours : 1 Credit)
Lab (22 Contact Hours : 1 Credit)
Clinical Work (33 Contact Hours : 1 Credit)
Other (55 Contact Hours : 1 Credit)
Total Contact Hours
Total Credits
Flagging and Traffic Control (District MCO)
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Proposed Quarter of Implementation:
Winter 2013
Request Provisional Exception
Class Capacity:
Modes of Delivery: (Check all that apply)
Fully On Campus
Fully Online
Other Explanation:
Class Schedule Description:
Covers basic knowledge, information and awareness for individuals to direct traffic or set-up traffic
control devices within the State of Washington and perform flagging and traffic control job duties
safely. The program covers the topics in the Evergreen Safety Council Flagger Handbook. This course is
recognized by the Washington State Traffic Control Oversight Committee. Flagger certification earned in
this course is good for three years and is recognized in Oregon and Idaho.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Read and listen actively to learn and communicate
Read and identify all symbols, traffic situations and warnings as outlined in the Evergreen Safety
Council Flagger Handbook
Speak and write effectively for personal, academic, and career purposes
Using appropriate language apply the concepts of flagging and traffic safety
Human Relations
Use social interactive skills to work in groups effectively
Ability to recieve and communicate specific intructions and give instructions
Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Think critically in evaluating information, solving problems, and making decisions
Ability to receive and communicate specific instructions clearly, firmly and courteously
Select and use appropriate technological tools for personal, academic, and career tasks
Control signaling devices, such as paddles and flags in order to provide clear and positive guidance to
drivers approaching a TTC zone in frequently changing situations
Personal Responsibility
Manage personal health and safety
Receive, understand and take positive appropriate action based on
Flagging and Traffic Control (District MCO)
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Program Outcomes:
At the end of the program the graduates will:
Describe and utilize manufacturing techniques, tools and safety practices.
(SLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)
Apply the concepts of diversified manufacturing, CPR, First AID and Electronics to promote quality
and safe production and designs. (SLO 1,2,3,4,7
Employ the appropriate actions regarding workplace culture, safety and industry standards; (SLO
3, 6)
Evaluate one's own capabilities and limitations, identify individual needs of continued growth is able
to seek consultation from superiors. (SLO 3, 6)
Communicate effectively and appropriately in the workplace. (SLO 1, 3, 4, 6)
Practice within the standards established by the profession, and identify the parameters of
accountability. (SLO 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Course Outcomes/Objectives:
Recognize dangerous traffic situations and warn workers to avoid injury
Ability to receive and communicate specific instructions clearly, firmly and courteously
Ability to Move and Maneuver quickly in order to avoid danger
Control signaling devices, such as paddles and flags in order to provide clear and positive guidance
to drivers approaching a TTC zone in frequently changing situations
Ability to understand and apply safe traffic control practices, in stressful or emergency situations
Receive, understand and take positive appropriate action based on information/instructions
presented verbally and/or in writing.
Pass Open Book Exam - with 80% or better
Receive Flagging Certification Card
Qualification for application for an entry level positon as a licensed flagger.
Explain the student demand for the course and potential enrollment:
This courses is being created for credit as part of the Industrial Manufacturing Basics Short Term Training
Certificate. This course is being created a 1 credit class
Currently a shorter version this couse is offered as non-credit through the Georgetown Campus for only 6
hours. This course is a bit explanded to meet the 1 credit requirement. - 10 hours. 1 day.
Student demand for flagging is high.
Explain why this course is being created:
Flagging and Traffic Control (District MCO)
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Course is part of a requirement to complete the Industrial Manufacturing Basics Short Term Training
What challenges, if any, do you foresee in offering this course:
No challenges - this course is in high demand
Flagging and Traffic Control (District MCO)
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This is to certify that the above criteria have all been met and all statements are accurate to the best of my
Faculty involved in originating this program:
Karen L Whitney
Karen L Whitney
Print Name Signature Date
Holly Moore
Holly Moore
Print Name Signature Date
Danette Randolph
Danette Randolph
Print Name Signature Date
Holly Moore
Holly Moore
Print Name Signature Date
Results of SSCC Curriculum Coordinating Council Findings
Participating Faculty Response and Remarks
Recommended for approval
Not recommended for approval
X This course did not go through Committee Review
Chairman, Curriculum Coordinating Council:
Print Name Signature Date
Vice President for Instruction:
Donna Miller-Parker
Donna Miller-Parker
Print Name Signature Date
Flagging and Traffic Control (District MCO)
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