11 N. Summerlin Avenue, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32801-2959
P: (407) 423-1700 | F: (407) 425-3753
*Admitted Florida, New York, Massachusetts
Barry L. Miller*
Robert Garcia
David Berman
Christian Walters
Casey Scalise
Chris Santos, Legal Asst.
Kayla Manning,
Legal Asst.
1. PARTIES: __________________________________________________________________ (Buyer) grants
_____________________________________________ (“Broker”) the exclusive right to represent Buyer in locating
and negotiating the acquisition of real property as described below. The term “acquire” or “Acquisition” includes any
purchase, option, exchange, lease or other acquisition of an ownership or equity interest in real property.
2. TERM: This Agreement will begin on the ____ day of ____________, 20___, and will terminate at 11:59 p.m. on the
____ day of ____________, 20___ (“Termination Date). However, if Buyer enters into an agreement to acquire
property that is pending on the Termination Date, this Agreement will continue in effect until that transaction has
closed or otherwise terminated.
3. PROPERTY: Buyer is interested in acquiring real property as follows or as otherwise acceptable to Buyer (“Property”)
a. Type of property:
b. Location:
c. Price range: $ to $
Buyer has been
pre-approved by
for (amount and terms, if any)
e. Preferred terms and conditions:
a. Broker Assistance. Broker will:
i. use Broker's professional knowledge and skills;
ii. assist Buyer in determining Buyer’s financial ability to purchase;
iii. discuss property requirements and assist Buyer in locating and viewing suitable properties;
iv. assist Buyer to contract for property, monitor deadlines and close any resulting transaction;
v. cooperate with real estate licensees, if any, working with the seller to affect a transaction. Buyer
understands that even if Broker is compensated by a seller or a real estate licensee who is working with
a seller, such compensation does not compromise Broker's duties to Buyer.
b. Other Buyers. Buyer understands that Broker may work with other prospective buyers who want to acquire
the same property as Buyer. If Broker submits offers by competing buyers, Broker will notify Buyer that a
competing offer has been made, but will not disclose any of the offer's material terms or conditions. Buyer
agrees that Broker may make competing buyers aware of the existence of any offer Buyer makes, so long as
Broker does not reveal any material terms or conditions of the offer without Buyer’s prior written consent.
c. Fair Housing. Broker adheres to the principles expressed in the Fair Housing Act and will not participate in
any act that unlawfully discriminates on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status,
country of national origin or any other category protected under federal, state or local law.
Service Providers. Broker does not warrant or guarantee products or services provided by any third party
Broker, at Buyer’s request, refers or recommends to Buyer in connection with property acquisition.
5. BUYER’S OBLIGATIONS: Buyer agrees to cooperate with Broker in accomplishing the objectives of this
Agreement, including:
Buyer (___) (___) and Broker/Sales Associate (___) (___) acknowledgment receipt of a copy of this page.
a. Conducting all negotiations and efforts to locate property only through Broker and referring to Broker all
inquiries of any kind from real estate licensees, property owners or any other source. If Buyer contacts or is
contacted by a seller or a real estate licensee who is working with a seller or views a property unaccompanied
by Broker, Buyer will, at first opportunity, advise the seller or real estate licensee that Buyer is working with
and represented exclusively by Broker.
b. Providing Broker with accurate personal and financial information requested by Broker in connection with
ensuring Buyer’s ability to acquire property. Buyer authorizes Broker to run a credit check to verify Buyer’s
credit information.
c. Being available to meet with Broker at reasonable times for consultations and to view properties.
d. Indemnifying and holding Broker harmless from and against all losses, damages, costs and expenses of any
kind, including reasonable attorney's fees, and from liability to any person, that Broker incurs because of
acting on Buyer’s behalf.
e. Not asking or expecting to restrict the acquisition of a property according to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, age, handicap, familial status, nationality or any other category protected under federal, state or
local law.
f. Consulting an appropriate professional for legal, tax, environmental, inspections, permit searches,
engineering, foreign reporting requirements and other specialized advice.
6. RETAINER: Upon final execution of this Agreement, Buyer will pay to Broker a non-refundable retainer fee of
$ ____________ for Broker’s services (“Retainer”). This fee is not refundable and
will not be credited to
Buyer if compensation is earned by Broker as specified in this Agreement.
7. COMPENSATION: Broker’s compensation is earned when, during the term of this Agreement or any renewal or
extension, Buyer or any person acting for or on behalf of Buyer contracts to acquire real property as specified in this
Agreement. Buyer will be responsible for paying Broker the amount specified below but will be credited with any
amount which Broker receives from a seller or a real estate licensee who is working with a seller.
a. Purchase or exchange: $ _________ or _________% (select only one); plus $____________ (select only one)
of the total purchase price or other consideration for the acquired property, to be paid at closing.
b. Lease: $_________ or _________% (select only one) of the gross lease value, to be paid when Buyer enters
into the lease. If Buyer enters into a lease or lease-purchase agreement, the amount of the leasing fee which
Broker receives will not be credited toward the amount due Broker for the purchase.
c. Option or Lease Purchase: Broker will be paid $_________ or _________% of the option amount (select only
one), to be paid when Buyer enters into an option or lease purchase agreement. If Buyer enters into a lease
with option to purchase or a lease purchase agreement, Broker will be compensated for both the lease and the
option. If buyer subsequently exercises the option, the amounts received by Broker for the lease and option
will not be credited toward the amount due Broker for the purchase.
d. Other: Broker will be compensated for all other types of acquisitions as if such acquisition were a purchase
or exchange
Buyer Default: Buyer will pay Broker’s compensation immediately upon Buyer’s default on any contract to
acquire property.
8. PROTECTION PERIOD: Buyer will pay Broker’s compensation if, within ________ days after the Termination Date,
if Buyer contracts to acquire any property which was called to Buyer’s attention by Broker or any other person or
found by Buyer during the term of this Agreement. Buyer’s obligation to pay Broker’s fee ceases upon Buyer entering
into a good faith exclusive buyer brokerage agreement with another broker after Termination Date.
9. EARLY TERMINATION: Buyer may terminate this Agreement at any time by written notice to Broker but will
remain responsible for paying Broker’s compensation if, from the early termination date to Termination Date plus
Protection Period, if applicable, Buyer contracts to acquire any property which, prior to the early termination date,
was found by Buyer or called to Buyer’s attention by Broker or any other person. Broker may terminate this
Agreement at any time by written notice to Buyer, in which event Buyer will be released from all further obligations
Buyer (___) (___) and Broker/Sales Associate (___) (___) acknowledgment receipt of a copy of this page.
under this agreement.
10. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. This Agreement will be construed under Florida law. Any unresolvable controversies,
claims and other matters in question between Buyer and Broker arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement or its
breach, enforcement or interpretation (“Dispute”) will be resolved as follows: Buyer and Broker will have seven (7)
days after the date of the Dispute is made in writing to resolve the Dispute, failing which, Buyer and Broker shall submit
such Dispute to binding Arbitration in the Orange County, Florida in accordance with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association, Commercial Rules, by one Arbitrator. The prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from
the non-prevailing party costs and fees, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred in conducting the arbitration. This
Paragraph 10 shall survive closing or termination of this Agreement.
11. ATTORNEY FEES: In the event either party commences legal action to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the
prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement from the other party of its reasonable attorney’s fees and costs,
including any appeals.
12. NON-WAIVER. No delay or failure by a party to exercise any right under this agreement, and no partial or single
exercise of that right, shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right.
13. ASSIGNMENT; PERSONS BOUND: This Agreement is binding on Buyer’s and Broker’s heirs, personal
representative, administrators, successors, and assigns. Broker may assign this Agreement to another broker or listing
office. Buyer may not assign this Agreement. This Agreement will bind and inure to Broker's and Buyer’s heirs, personal
representatives, successors and assigns.
14. MISCELLANEOUS: The term “Buyer” as used in this Agreement includes buyer, tenants, exchangors, optionees, and
other categories of potential or actual transferees.
15. BROKERAGE RELATIONSHIP: Buyer authorizes Broker to operate as (check which is applicable):
Single agent of Buyer, Transaction broker, Single agent of Buyer with consent to transition into a transaction broker
Non-representative of Buyer
17. Acknowledgment; Modification. Buyer has read this Agreement and understands its contents. This Agreement cannot
be changed or modified except by written agreement signed by both parties.
Tax ID No: ______ - ______ - ______
Zip: _
Telephone: _
E-mail: ____________________________________
Tax ID No: ______ - ______ - ______
Zip: _
Telephone: _
E-mail: ____________________________________
Date:________________ Real Estate Associate: ___________________________________________________
Date:________________ Real Estate Broker:______________________________________________________