01116-21-02T 091508
Thank you for downloading Agent 77’s NEW HIRE REPORTING INFORMATION FOR
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1. What is the new hire law?
The “Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act” (PRWORA) of 1996
was passed as part of the larger welfare reform legislation. This Act requires that all
employers report information on people they hire or re-hire to a state directory shortly after
they are hired. Although a Federal law, this legislation looks to the individual states to
implement the law and to maintain the directories of new hires. Florida Statutes at Title 30,
Chapter 409, Section 409.2576 is the implementation of PRWORA within the State of
2. Why is new hire reporting required?
New hire reporting was designed to speed up any child support withholding order processes
by expediting collection of child support from parents who change jobs frequently. It also
helps locate non-custodial parents to help in establishing paternity and child support orders.
Thus, employers serve as key partners in ensuring financial stability for many children and
families by helping them receive the financial support they deserve.
3. Who is required to report?
Employers doing business in the state of Florida must report on the following employees:
New Employees: Employers must report information on newly hired employees who
reside or work in the State of Florida. This includes employees of all ages, those who
work less than a full day, those still in a probationary period, part-time and seasonal
employees. This information must be reported even if the employee is employed for
only one day before termination.
Rehired or recalled employees: Employers must report information on employees
who are rehired or recalled to work after being laid off, furloughed, separated, granted
a leave without pay or are terminated from employment and who reside or work in the
State of Florida. This includes teachers, substitutes, seasonal workers, etc.
Temporary employees: Temporary agencies are responsible for reporting information
on any employee hired to report for an assignment. This need be done only once,
employees do not need to be re-reported each time they report to a new client, unless
there is a break in service or gap in wages, in which case they need to be reported as
a rehire.
While Florida welcomes employers reporting on the hiring of Independent Contractors, it is
not required.
Employers doing business in the state of Florida must report information on anyone hired if
the individual is considered an employee for purposes of paying federal income tax
withholding. This includes employees of all ages, those who work less than a full day, those
still in a probationary period, part-time, seasonal employees and employees who are
rehired. This information must be reported even if the employee is employed for only a few
hours before termination.
Employers are not required to report information on terminated employees unless the
terminated employee had an Income Deduction Order for child support, in which case the
termination should be reported to the agency that issued the Order.
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4. What information must be reported?
In accordance with the Federal legislation, the State of Florida requires the following
information to be reported:
The employer’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). If the employer has
more than one FEIN, use the same one used to report quarterly wage information
The employer’s name
The employer’s address
The employer’s fax number (optional)
The employer’s phone number (optional)
The employer’s e-mail address (optional)
Medical insurance availability (optional)
The employee’s name (full name: first, middle and last)
The employee’s address
The employee’s Social Security Number
The employee’s date of hire
The employee’s date of birth (optional)
The state of hire (optional)
5. How and where is this information reported?
The Florida New Hire Reporting Center offers several options that make it easy for
employers to report new hires. The options available are:
Electronic Reporting
Go to and click “Register” to
register to report any new hires on-line.
Go to for the data specifications and
other instructions on how to send a tape, diskette or CD with new hire reporting
information. Mail any diskettes, CDs or tapes to the address below.
Go to to register to send a
secure file electronically through the Florida New Hire Reporting Center site.
Go to for information on additional
methods of sending a secure file electronically.
Go to and click the links for
instructions on how to send a secure file electronically through the Florida New Hire
Reporting site or using SSL file transfer protocol.
Go to for instructions on how to
send a secure file electronically using SSL file transfer protocol.
Contact the Florida New Hire Reporting Center at (850) 656-3343, or toll-free at (888)
854-4791 for instructions and information on sending new hire reports as an
attachment to an encrypted e-mail.
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Spreadsheet: You can create a spreadsheet containing all of the required data
elements and then send the file electronically or on a diskette or CD to the address
below. Go to: for detailed
instructions on using a spreadsheet to submit new hires and to view a sample
spreadsheet layout.
Non-Electronic Reporting
Printed List: If you cannot or do not wish to report new hire information electronically,
you might be able to have your accounting, payroll, or personnel software create a
printed list containing your new hire data. The printed list should contain all of the
required information, use at least a 10-point font size, and have the employer’s name,
Federal Employer Identification Number, and address clearly displayed at the top of the
New hire reporting form: Go to to
download the form or use the one attached.
W-4 form: You may choose to submit a W-4 form as a new hire report. If you do,
please ensure that the W-4 is easily readable and has the employer's name, Federal
Employer Identification Number, and address written in blocks 8 and 10 on each form.
New hire reports may either be faxed or mailed to the following:
Mail reports, diskettes, CDs or electronic tapes to:
Fax reports to:
Florida New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 6500
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6500
(850) 656-3343
Toll-free: (888) 854-4791
Other Reporting Methods
Payroll Service: Leading payroll services are already electronically reporting new hires
for thousands of employers. If you use one a payroll or accounting service see if the
service can report new hires for you.
6. How often must the information be reported?
Employers are required to submit new hire reports within 20 days after an employee is hired,
rehired or returns to work. If you have multiple new hires in a month and are submitting
electronic files, these files must be submitted in two monthly transmissions not more than
sixteen days apart.
7. What is the penalty if the report is late?
A penalty of $25 per employee per month may be assessed for each failure to report a new
hire. Also, a penalty of $500 may be assessed for the failure to report new hire information if
the failure is the result of conspiracy bet ween the business or government entity and the
8. How will the information be used?
Federal and State laws contain strict regulations on how new hire reporting information may
be used. New hire reporting information is matched against any open child support orders
to locate non-custodial parents and enforce these orders.
This information will also be fed into a national directory to provide more current information
for locating out-of-state noncustodial parents.
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New hire information may also be used by states to help detect and prevent fraudulent
payments to recipients of unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation and welfare
The use of this information helps maintain financial stability in Florida families and helps to
keep down the cost of welfare, unemployment and worker’s compensation insurance.
9. What to do if you have never reported new hires.
Begin by reporting any new employees you’ve hired or rehired in the last 180 days. Then
going forward be sure to report any new hires or rehires within 20 of the hire date.
10. Additional information.
For questions about new hire reporting you can contact the Florida New Hire Reporting
Center at (850) 656-3343, or toll-free at (888) 854-4791. The telephone system is available
24 hours and help desk staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Eastern Time.
You can also submit questions electronically by going to:
All About New Hire Reporting
The Florida New Hire Reporting Center provides employers with several efficient and convenient ways to report newly hired
employees. Our customer service staff is available from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (EST) to answer your questions or provide technical
All Florida employers are required to report all newly hired employees to the New Hire Reporting Center within 20 days of the hire
date. New Hire Reporting is mandated by Florida Statute 409.2576 and the Federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA).
Easiest and Fastest Way to Report
Our easy-to-use Web site allows you to establish a secure account and password exclusively for your company. Simply logon as an
employer, enter the employee data, and receive confirmation that your data has been accepted.
Visit us at:
Mailing Address
If you are mailing new hire reports,
please use the following address:
Florida New Hire Reporting Center
PO Box 6500
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6500
Why is new hire reporting important?
Employers play a pivotal role in helping Florida’s children receive the support they need. Those who don’t receive financial support
often depend on public assistance or live in poverty. By meeting the requirements of the new hire reporting law, you will help
children get the support they need.
How do I report new hires?
3. Submit the Report
Reporting New Hires is now easier than ever. Employers may report on line over the internet, by electronic media, by fax, mail or
phone. A New Hire reporting form is attached. Make copies for multiple use. When faxing reports do not send a cover sheet. Your
payroll service can also report your new hires.
How often should I report?
Reporting deadlines depend on the method of transmission.
✓ Manual Reports (mail, fax or phone) must be sent within 20 days of hire.
✓ Electronic Reports must be sent at least two times per month (if you have new employees), 12 to 16 days apart.
2. Create the Report
To create a report, you can use:
✓ Internet reporting at
✓ Microsoft Excel in electronic format
✓ Electronic reports via cartridge or diskette
✓ Electronic File Transfer
✓ W-4 Form (including company name, address, and FEIN)
✓ A computer print-out or other list of employees
✓ New Hire Reporting Form (attached)
1. Gather Information
You’ll need to gather:
✓ Your company name
✓ Your company mailing address
✓ Employer address for income deduction order*
✓ Your company’s Federal Employer Identification
Number (FEIN)
✓ Your company's Florida Unemployment Compensation
(UCT-6) Number**
✓ Employee’s name
✓ Employee’s mailing address
✓ Employee’s Social Security Number (SSN)
✓ Date of Hire
✓ Date of Birth**
✓ Medical insurance availability**
Fax Number
Documents can also be faxed to you by
calling the customer service number. To fax
new hire reports, please use the following:
1-888-854-4762 (toll free) or
850-656-0528 (Tallahassee area)
Telephone Number
To speak with a customer service
representative or to receive technical
assistance, contact us at:
1-888-854-4791 (toll free) or
850-656-3343 (Tallahassee area)
*if different from mailing address
Contact Name:
Rev (01/06)
(UCT-6) Number:
*optional information
Is (will) medical insurance be available to employee? Y/N