Florida Prepaid College Foundation, Inc.
Private Donor
Policies and Procedures
Contract Year 2010/2011
Exhibit “A”
Authorized by the legislature in 1989, the Florida Prepaid College Foundation, Inc. is a partnership
between state government and the private sector. The Foundation administers the scholarship program,
which was designed to provide Prepaid postsecondary tuition scholarships to students to redirect their lives
and enhance their career goals.
The Florida Prepaid College Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) direct support
organization for the Florida Prepaid College Board.
Table of Contents
Page Number
(1) Definitions 3
(2) Donor Participation Process 4
(3) Payment/Purchase Options 4
(4) Contract Pricing/Fees 4
(5) Contract Plan Types 5
(6) Scholarship Assignment 7
(7) Identification Cards/Contract Benefits/Exclusions 8
(8) Transferability 9
(9) Cancellation of Contracts/Terminations 10
(10) Refunds 10
(1) Definitions:
(a) Florida Prepaid College Foundation Scholarship- a Florida
Prepaid College plan purchased by the Donor through the
Florida Prepaid College Foundation.
(b) Memorandum of Understanding “MOU”-Contract agreement
between the Florida Prepaid College Foundation and the Donor,
pursuant to the Policies and Procedures of the Florida Prepaid
College Foundation Board.
(c) Foundation-the Florida Prepaid College Foundation, Inc., as
established by F.S. 1009.983 and F.S. 1009.984.
(d) Foundation Board- the Florida Prepaid College Foundation
Board, pursuant to F.S. 1009.983(5).
(e) Board-the Florida Prepaid College Board, pursuant to F.S>
(f) Donor-A nonprofit organization described in s. 501(c)(3) of the
United States IRS Code and exempt from taxation under s.
501(a) of the United States IRS Code, pursuant to F.S.
1009.984, may/that purchases scholarships for a scholarship
program that has been approved by the Board and is operated
by the purchasing organization.
(g) Designated beneficiary-means the recipient of a Florida
Prepaid College Foundation scholarship selected/identified by
the Donor.
(h) Assignment- means a designated beneficiary’s personal
information and residency documentation has been sent to the
Foundation and the beneficiary’s name and information are
attached to a scholarship.
(i) Qualified Beneficiary- Individuals qualified to participate in
the Florida Prepaid College Foundation scholarship program
must meet the following criteria:
1. An individual who is under the age of 21 and has not
completed the 12
2. A resident of Florida for 12 consecutive months prior to
assignment to a Foundation Prepaid scholarship, or a non-
resident who is the child of a non-custodial parent who is a
resident of this state. Documentation shall be in such form
as required by the Board and may include a copy of the
court order. The qualified beneficiary must be either a
United States citizen or a resident alien.
3. Graduate from an accredited high school in this state, or
meet the minimum criteria, pursuant to F.S. 1003.433(2)-K-
12 Public Education Instruction, for admission to a
postsecondary education institution.
(2) Donor Participation Process:
A. There is no application process for Donors wanting to purchase
Florida Prepaid College Foundation Scholarships. First time Donors
must send, in writing, to the Foundation certification that they are a
state or local government or an organization described in s. 501(c)(3) of
the IRS Code, and 19B-5.007(2) F.A.C. Potential Donors must agree to
comply with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, Florida
Statutes and Rules governing the Florida Prepaid College Board and
Foundation, pursuant to F.S. 1009.983 and 1009.984, and the Policies
and Procedures of the Florida Prepaid College Foundation.
(3) Payment/Purchase Options:
A. Once the Donor organization/individual is approved by the Board to
participate in the Florida Prepaid College Foundation Scholarship
Program, the Donor may purchase scholarships by sending a letter
indicating the number of scholarships, plan type of scholarships,
age/grade level of scholarships, and a check for the total cost of the
scholarships, plus a $50.00 application fee for each scholarship
purchased. Scholarships, purchased through the Florida Prepaid College
Foundation, must be paid in advance by providing a lump sum payment
to the foundation.
B. The information and check should be mailed to the Florida Prepaid
College Foundation, P.O, Box 1117, Tallahassee, Florida, 32302. A
Memorandum of Understanding will be mailed to the Donor for signature
once the scholarships have been purchased.
C. Scholarships may be purchased from October 1 through August 30 of
each year
(4) Contract Prices/Fees:
A. Florida Prepaid College contracts are established by the Florida
Prepaid College Board annually in September and are based on actuarial
assumptions pursuant to 19B-4.002, F. A. C. Foundation prices are valid
October 1 through August 30 of each year.
B. A fifty dollar ($50.00) nonrefundable application fee will be collected at
the time of purchase of all/each Foundation scholarship(s).
C. A fee of ten dollars ($10.00) will be assessed to any Local Fee Plan,
Tuition Differential Fee or Dormitory Plan that is subsequently added to
an existing Tuition Plan purchased prior to August 30, 2010, or to a
Dormitory Plan that is added subsequently to a Prepaid Plan purchased
after September 1, 2010.
(5) Contract Plan Types:
A. The Foundation offers 5 separate plan types that prepay the tuition,
registration fees, the tuition differential fee and local fees at a state
university or Florida College.
4-Year Florida University Plan - The 4-Year Florida University Plan prepays
tuition, registration fees, the tuition differential fee and local fees for 120
undergraduate semester credit hours at a state university in Florida.
2 + 2 Florida Plan - The 2 + 2 Florida Plan prepays tuition, registration
fees and local fees for 60 lower division semester hours at a Florida
College and tuition, registration fees, the tuition differential fee and local
fees for 60 semester credit hours at a state university.
4-Year Florida College Plan - The 4-Year Florida College Plan prepays
tuition, registration fees and local fees for 60 lower division semester
credit hours as well as 60 upper division semester credit hours at a
Florida College.
2-Year Florida College Plan - The 2-Year Florida College Plan prepays
tuition, registration fees and local fees for 60 lower division semester
credit hours at any of the 28 Florida Colleges.
2-Year Florida College Foundation Plan
- The 2-Year Florida College Plan
prepays tuition, registration fees and local fees for 72 lower division
semester credit hours at any of the 28 Florida Colleges
B. The local fee plan may be added to a tuition only plan purchased prior
to August 30, 2010. The Local Fee Plan covers the required activity and
service, health and athletic fees charged by Florida’s state universities
and/or the required student activity and service and technology fees
charged by Florida Colleges. Local fee contracts purchased after July 1,
1999 also cover the technology fee imposed by the universities and
Florida Colleges.
Local fee plans consist of four separate plans:
4-Yr University Local Fee Plan The 4-Yr University Local Fee Plan
prepays the local fees for 120 credit hours at a state university.
2 + 2 Local Fee Plan The 2 + 2 Local Fee Plan prepays the local fees for
60 credit hours at a Florida College and 60 credit hours at a state
2-Yr FL College Local Fee Plan The 2-Yr FL College Local Fee Plan
prepays local fees for 60 credit hours at a Florida College.
2-Yr FPCF Local Fee Plan
The 2-Yr FPCF Local Fee Plan prepays the
local fees for 72 credit hours at a Florida College.
C. The tuition differential fee plan may be added to a tuition only plan
purchased between October 1, 2007 and August 30, 2010. The Tuition
Differential Fee Plan covers the tuition differential fee charged by a public
university in Florida pursuant to Section 1009.24(16), Florida Statutes.
All state universities in Florida charge this fee.
Tuition Differential Fee plans consist of two separate plans:
4-Yr University TDF Plan The 4-Yr University TDF Plan prepays the
tuition differential fees for 120 credit hours at a state university.
2 + 2 TDF Plan
The 2 + 2 TDF Plan prepays the tuition differential fees
for 60 credit hours at a state university.
D. Florida Prepaid College plans do not cover fees and costs related to
books, meals, transportation, graduate school, and institutionally-
imposed fees such as laboratory fees.
Dormitory Plan
The Dormitory Plan prepays the payment for a standard, double-
occupancy, air-conditioned dormitory room at a Florida state university.
The Dormitory Plan may be purchased in one-year increments for up to
two years (with a 2 + 2 Florida Plan or a 2+2 Tuition Plan) and up to four
years (with a 4-Year Florida University Plan or a 4-Yr FL University
Tuition Plan) and is offered only for a child in the eleventh grade or
below. You may purchase a Dormitory Plan along with a corresponding
Prepaid Plan or supplement an existing Prepaid Plan at a later date.
The state universities determine which dorms are designated for Florida
Prepaid College Plan students. Not all dorms are offered. Rooms are
assigned first-come first-serve, so there is no guarantee that the student
will receive a room assignment. If a student applies for housing at a state
university but does not receive a room assignment, the account owner
may request a refund equal to the average dormitory rate for a standard,
double-occupancy, air-conditioned dormitory room at the state university
the student is attending. The Dormitory Plan cannot be used in summer
(6) Scholarship Assignment:
A. The Florida Prepaid College Foundation and organizations operating
scholarship programs that purchase Florida Prepaid College Foundation
scholarships do not need to identify the qualified beneficiary at the time
the scholarship is purchased, however, the beneficiary must be assigned
to the scholarship by May 15 of the anticipated matriculation year for the
beneficiaries to receive their identification cards in a timely manner.
B. To assign a scholarship to a qualified beneficiary, you must provide
the following student information to the Foundation office prior to the
beneficiary registering for classes:
Florida Prepaid College Plan Account Number
Student’s Social Security Number
a beneficiary unless a social security number is submitted.
- No identification card will be issued to
Permanent Home Address and Phone Number
Name of Parent/Guardian
Date of Birth
Proof of Residency
a. Florida driver’s license, for the student, issued at lease one
year ago.
- may consist of one of the following documents:
b. Transcript or report card for the student from the 11
c. Florida driver’s license, for parent or guardian, issued at
least one year ago.
d. Florida voter’s registration card, for the parent/guardian,
issued at least one year ago.
e. Florida homestead exemption certificate, for the parent/
guardian for prior year.
f. Documentation of full-time employment in Florida, for
parent/guardian, from at lease one year ago.
g. Military orders, for parent/guardian, showing Florida is the
home of record.
C. The Donor or beneficiary must notify the Foundation, upon
assignment, if the qualified beneficiary is permitted to use their
scholarship at an in-state private institution, technical institution or an
out-of-state institution. If the beneficiary is going to attend an in-state
private institution, technical institution or an out-of-state institution, the
Donor or beneficiary must call Customer Service at 1/800/552-4723 and
request a transfer authorization form or download it from the web site.
The Donor or beneficiary must fill-out the authorization form and mail it
back to the address provided on the form.
D. Qualified beneficiaries may begin to receive benefits during the
summer semester of their scheduled matriculation year, provided they
are assigned to their scholarship by February 1.
(7) Identification Cards/Contract Benefits/Exclusions:
A. When a qualified beneficiary is assigned by the Donor to a Florida
Prepaid College Foundation scholarship, an Identification card is issued
to the beneficiary in the spring of each matriculation year and is valid for
one year.
B. The credit hours provided by a scholarship may be used during any
semester of postsecondary undergraduate enrollment. The fees paid for
each credit hour will depend upon the type of Prepaid Plan included in
the scholarship
C. Only one qualified beneficiary is allowed per contract, and a specific
beneficiary can be named in only one contract. However, if a student is
awarded a Florida Prepaid College Foundation Scholarship and a Prepaid
contract was purchased for them by a purchaser (parent, grandparent…),
pursuant to F.S. 1009.97(3)(e), the purchaser may receive a scholarship
refund, pursuant to Rule 19B-11.001(1), which states: …moneys paid for
the purchase of the advance payment contracts shall be returned to the
purchaser in semester installments coinciding with the matriculation by
the beneficiary in an amount not to exceed the redemption value of the
advance payment contract.
D. The contract may be used within three years in advance of the
selected matriculation date with no penalty or additional cost. However,
to utilize a scholarship prior to the selected matriculation date, the
Donor must notify the Foundation, in writing, at the time of assignment.
E. The benefits of a scholarship may be received for up to a ten-year
period after the matriculation date. This ten-year limitation may be
extended upon written request to the Foundation Board. Any time spent
by the qualified beneficiary in the military service tolls the time for
receiving contract benefits under all contract plans. The matriculation
date is the projected college enrollment year of the qualified beneficiary,
based on the information about the qualified beneficiary’s age or grade at
the time the contract was purchased/assigned to the qualified
F. No graduate program, adult basic, or adult secondary program is
available under this plan.
(8) Transferability
A. The Florida Prepaid Foundation Scholarship is designed to be flexible
and allows beneficiaries to attend the postsecondary institutions of their
choice regardless of the type of plan, unless otherwise indicated by the
Donor at the time the beneficiary is assigned to their scholarship. The
Florida Prepaid College Plan may be used at any eligible educational
institution as defined in s. 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. To view a
list of eligible institutions, visit www.myfloridaprepaid.com.
B. Scholarship benefits will be automatically converted upon receipt of a
valid postsecondary institution invoice based upon the respective tuition
rate at the time of the qualified beneficiaries' actual matriculation date.
For example, if the qualified beneficiary received a 4-year university plan
and will be attending a Florida College for the first two years; if the
Florida College tuition rate is two-thirds of the university rate at the time
of matriculation, three FloridaCollege credit hours will be used to pay for
two university credit hours.
C. Transfer to In-State Independent College or University- In the event
the qualified beneficiary matriculates in an independent college or
university in Florida, upon receipt of a valid invoice, the Foundation will
forward to the institution a value of no more than 15 credit hours per
semester at the in-state public institution rate.
D. Transfer to Out-of-State Schools- In the event the qualified
beneficiary matriculates in an eligible out-of-state community college,
college or university, the Foundation will forward to the out-of-state
institution a value of no more than 15 credit hours per semester at the
in-state public institution rate.
E. Transfer to In-State Vocational-Technical Schools- A qualified
beneficiary of the Florida Prepaid College Foundation may transfer the
benefits of their scholarship an applied technology diploma program or a
vocational certificate program conducted by a Florida College listed in s.
1000.21(3), F.S., or an area technical center operated by a district school
board. The amount of such benefits that may be transferred shall not
exceed the redemption value. For purposes of a transfer to an applied
technology diploma program or vocational certificate program conducted
by a Florida College, the redemption value shall be the amount of tuition
and local fees, respectively, charged by the Florida College at the time of
matriculation. For purposes of a transfer to an area technical center
operated by a district school board, the redemption value shall be the
average amount of tuition and local fees, respectively, charged by the
state universities or Florida Colleges at the time of matriculation. If the
cost of the fees charged by the Florida College or area technical center is
less than the corresponding fees charged by a state postsecondary
education institution, the amount transferred shall not exceed the actual
cost of the fees charged by the Florida College or area technical center.
The amount transferred may only cover the number of semester credit
hours stipulated in the original contract.
(9) Cancellation of Contracts/Terminations:
A. If a qualified beneficiary is assigned to a Florida Prepaid Foundation
Scholarship, and does not use the scholarship, the Donor may remove
the student’s name from the scholarship and assign it to another
qualified beneficiary.
B. The Donor may cancel a Stanley Tate Project STARS scholarship at
any time, upon written/signed notification to the Foundation by the
Donor. The Donor may select one of two options when cancelling the
1. Traditional Cancellation - The Donor will receive their portion of
the remaining principal balance on the account.
2. Scholarship Reinvestment Opportunity The Donor will receive the
current redemption value for the remaining hours on the contract to be
used towards purchasing a new scholarship. No funds will be
transferred back to the Donor. All funds will be reinvested into new
scholarships at the current contract prices.
C. The Donor may request cancellation/termination of a Florida Prepaid
College Scholarship if it is determined that a qualified beneficiary has not
complied with the terms/conditions of the Florida Prepaid College
Foundation Board, as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding,
Policies and Procedures, and/or by the agreement between the
Beneficiary and Donor at the time of selection.
D. Involuntary Termination- The Foundation Board may involuntary
terminate a scholarship upon a finding by the Foundation Board, of
fraud in the verification of residency of a qualified beneficiary, or failure
to meet the eligibility requirements, pursuant to the terms and
conditions of the Policies and Procedures of the Florida Prepaid College
Foundation Board.
(10) Refunds:
A. Application fees are non-refundable.
B. Within forty-five days of receipt of Donor’s written
cancellation/termination request to the Foundation Board office, a
refund will be issued to the Donor.
C. Termination of student status after the official drop/add period
eliminates the refund option for that semester.
D. Refunds may exceed the amount paid for the contract pursuant to
19B-11.001(1). F.A.C.