Resident Handbook
Basic Resident Policies and Procedures
City of Faith Residential Re-Entry Center
Revised 3/2/2018
City of Faith’s purpose is to assist you in successfully reentering society while maintaining the
security and safety of the surrounding community. Of course, for you to ultimately return to your
family and community in a timely manner you must first successfully complete your stay here.
One area of responsibility you must satisfy to successfully complete your stay here is strict
adherence to every rule and regulation enumerated below. You will be held accountable for any
and all rule infractions.
1. Residents are required to be courteous, cooperative, and congenial when interfacing with
staff personnel, residents, and visitors.
2. Residents are not allowed in “UNAUTHORIZED AREAS” unless accompanied, or given
permission by appropriate staff personnel.
3. Residents are not allowed to engage in inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior.
Residents are required to submit to random searches of their person, property, and
personal possessions.
4. Residents are required to submit to random searches of their person, property, and
personal possessions without prior notice and without debate.
5. Smoking is simply not allowed anywhere in City of Faith facilities, vehicles and
anywhere on City of Faith grounds in Little Rock, AR and in the Federal RRC’s in
Monroe, LA.
6. Residents are not allowed to possess pornographic or other similar material.
7. Residents are expected to be prompt when attending scheduled meetings, interviews, and
8. Residents are expected to maintain their personal hygiene.
9. Residents are expected to keep their apparel clean and in good repair. Clothing which are
provocation and/or representative of gang affiliation is strictly prohibited.
10. Residents are required to be fully dressed when outside of their personal areas.
11. Residents are expected to not abuse their phone privilege and to be respectful of another
resident’s need to use the phone
12. Resident’s mail may be subjected to monitoring.
13. Residents are not allowed to possess any narcotic medication and/or psychotropic drugs.
These medications must be turned over to resident security at the front desk, who will be
responsible for its dispersal.
14. Residents are required to maintain gainful employment, perform satisfactorily, abide by
the rules of the workplace, and to return immediately to City of Faith upon completion of
their days work.
15. A resident shall not enter into any contract without the prior approval of the Director and
the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
16. Requests for driving privileges must be submitted to your Federal Case Manager for
approval from the Facility Director and/or Federal Probation Officer.
17. Residents may use radios, televisions, and the like in their respective living quarters as
long as they are not played in a loud and obtrusive manner that would result in the loss of
such a privilege.
18. A resident who is found not to be in his bed after lights out, pursuant to a random bed
check, will be considered on escape status unless such resident is authorized to be
19. Bed Time is 10:30 P. M. Sunday through Thursday, and 12:00 A. M. Friday and
Saturday. Wake up time is 5:00 A. M. Monday through Friday, and 8:30 A. M. Saturday
and Sunday mornings.
20. Residents are expected to maintain their personal living area in an appropriate manner.
Beds are required to be made military style when residents are not sleeping. Personal
effects and clothing, including footwear, are to be kept in resident’s locker at all times.
Residents are expected to cooperate with each other to ensure overall cleanliness of their
respective living quarters.
21. Consumption of food containing poppy seeds may result in a positive test result for
unauthorized drug use; therefore its consumption is strictly prohibited.
22. Residents are prohibited from participating in medical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic
City of Faith has zero tolerance concerning all forms of sexual abuse/misconduct. Resident on
Resident, Staff on Resident and Resident on Staff sexual assault, sexual abuse, and/or sexual
relationships will not be tolerated. Residents will be free from fear of sexual assault and if a
report of sexual assault is made, it will be investigated thoroughly and with respect to the
resident’s safety, dignity, and privacy, without fear of retaliation.
Resident on Resident, Staff on Resident or Resident on Staff sexual abuse or assault is defined as
one or more residents engaging in, or attempting to engage in a sexual act with one another or
the use of threats, intimidating, inappropriate touching, or other actions and/or communications
by one or more persons aimed at coercing and/or pressuring another to engage in a sexual act.
In order to ensure your safety, all residents are encouraged to report instances of sexual assault to
a staff member. Residents may also report a sexual assault/abuse through a grievance form or
contacting the agency PREA coordinator. All allegations will be taken seriously and thoroughly
investigated and staff shall take the necessary steps to separate the victim from the accused. Staff
will make assistance available for the resident to receive a medical evaluation and care as well as
needed mental health support.
Appropriate steps will be made to protect the resident including, but not limited to: transferring
to another facility where they can be housed more appropriately (i.e. single room) moved to
another room in the facility closer to the staff office, increased contact with case management to
provide ongoing support, etc.
Resident victims of sexual abuse shall receive timely, unimpeded access to emergency medical
treatment and crisis intervention services, the nature and scope of which are determined by
medical and mental health practitioners according to their professional judgment. Resident
victims of sexual abuse while incarcerated shall be offered timely information about and timely
access to emergency contraception and sexually transmitted infections prophylaxis, in
accordance with professionally accepted standards of care, where medically appropriate.
Treatment services shall be provided to the victim without financial cost and regardless of
whether the victim names the abuser or cooperates with any investigation arising out of the
City of Faith shall offer medical and mental health evaluations and, as appropriate, treatment to
all residents who have been victimized by sexual abuse in our facility. The evaluation and
treatment of such victims shall include, as appropriate, follow-up services, treatment plans, and,
when necessary, referrals for continued care following their transfer to, or placement in, other
facilities, or their release from custody.
Victims will be provided with medical and mental health services consistent with the community
level of care. Resident victims of sexually abusive vaginal penetration while incarcerated shall be
offered pregnancy tests. If pregnancy results from conduct specified in paragraph (d) of this
section, such victims shall receive timely and comprehensive information about and timely
access to all lawful pregnancy related medical services.
Resident victims of sexual abuse while incarcerated shall be offered tests for sexually transmitted
infections as medically appropriate.
Treatment services shall be provided to the victim without financial cost and regardless of
whether the victim names the abuser or cooperates with any investigation arising out of the
Residents, who are mandated to attend AA/NA meetings as a condition of their parole or work-
release, are required to attend all such meetings. Unexcused absences will be reviewed by the
Federal Case Manager, and appropriate action will be taken.
Any resident who is arrested will be returned to the custody of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and
charged with technical escape. You will also be considered a program failure.
It is the policy of City of Faith that no resident will be in a position of authority or control over
any other resident, subcontract employee or staff member while at the facility. You will avoid
any actions or statements that might give the appearance of authority or control over other
residents. Authority and control rest solely with the City of Faith director or other authorized
City of Faith staff.
Residents are required to be on the premise when they are not at work or signed out for an
approved activity. To ensure that residents are in compliance, bed checks and headcounts are
conducted randomly and frequently. Any resident who can not be readily accounted for may be
considered on escape status.
Each resident will have meetings with the Social Services Coordinator and will be assigned a
Case Manager who will be available for consultation and direction. Both the Social Services
Coordinator and Case Manager will aid the resident in planning for release; provide direction in
analyzing vocational training needs, selection of work assignments, establishment of goals, and
assist in obtaining treatment and education programs.
The use of Cell Phones in City of Faith is a privilege and not a right. Residents that are
granted the privilege of a cell phone, must remain current with their subsistence and be
free from write-ups. Since use of a cell phone is a privilege, they are subject to
disciplinary sanctions, including temporary or permanent loss of the privilege.
After completing orientation, residents are permitted possession of one cell phone that
must be registered with facility staff. The specific model/type of allowed is dictated by
the Director, and no deviations will be allowed.
Cell Phones are subject to monthly search protocols. In order to obtain a cell phone, the
resident must provide staff full access to the phone on demand. No lockouts or
passwords will be allowed on the phone. The resident must submit a copy of their
monthly bill and/or provide online access to the account and calling records to their Case
Manger to monitor usage.
At no time will the cell phone number be blocked.
Residents are not permitted to use cell phones for the purpose of accountability. All
accountability phone calls will be made using a land line.
Residents are not permitted to text or call former COF residents or inmates.
Absolutely no photos will be allowed on the phone and no photos should be sent via text.
Residents can use their cell phone to call the facility in the event of an emergency, such
as a flat tire, accident or if they are stuck in traffic congestion which will make them late.
Traffic congestion means that there are unusual circumstances that is holding up traffic
and which will be verified. Running late is not considered an emergency.
Residents are not to use their cell phones after curfew hours. Use of the phone after
curfew will result in loss of cell phone privileges.
Cell Phones are required to be on vibrate at all times when on facility grounds.
Cell Phones are prohibited in group meetings, counseling, resident meetings or any other
center related activity where the objective is programming.
Residents are prohibited from allowing other residents use of their cell phone.
When signing in or out of the center, or during any communications with staff, the
resident is not to be on the cell phone. Therefore, all phone calls must stop prior to
entering the facility to sign in, or before signing out.
Cell phones are prohibited in staff offices.
Residents are prohibited from talking on cell phones while driving, unless they have a
hands free device.
Residents must answer their cell phone if a call from City of Faith is received.
City of Faith accepts no responsibility or liability for any charges on the cell phone, or
liability for loss or damage.
Possession of an unauthorized cell phone, will result in loss of cell phone privileges and
will be confiscated as contraband.
Misuse by the resident of the cell phone will result in loss of cell phone privileges.
Phone chargers will be confiscated of left plugged into the wall with no phone attached.
Violations of this policy will result in the loss of cell phone privileges. The possession/use of
cell phones is provided for the sole benefit of the resident and their family. It is not to interfere,
disrupt or circumvent facility operations, rules, programs or quality of life.
Resident is responsible for his own clothing. At no time should any resident sag or be sagging
while in the facility. Residents are not allowed to wear two (2) pairs of pants at one time.
The use of corporal or unusual punishment, humiliation, mental abuse, punitive interference or
sexual harassment at City of Faith is strictly prohibited.
The City of Faith Community Corrections Center program is divided into three types of
Community Corrections Component (CCC)
Residents in this component are confined to the facility except for job searches, employment,
church, and required aftercare meetings. Residents in this component are not allowed social
passes or weekend passes. In order for a resident in this component to go anywhere other than
work, or aftercare meeting, an approved request signed by either the resident’s Case Manager or
the Facility Director is required. Probation cases remain on CCC for the entire length of their
stay at the City of Faith, whereas those residents here as institutional transfers remain on CCC
for the first 15 days after their arrival. Residents who have not obtained employment within the
first 15 days of their stay at the City of Faith will remain on CCC. The CCC component is also
used as a sanction for violating certain rules and regulations of the program.
Pre-Release Status
The pre-release component is for those institutional transfer residents (residents who come from
the Bureau of Prisons) who have been at City of Faith 21 days and have obtained employment.
Being in the pre-release status normally allows the resident a little more freedom, such as social
passes (Wal-Mart, haircut, and church), weekend passes, etc. Residents in the pre-release
component are expected to be current on all conditions of the City of Faith program. This means
all personal aftercare obligations that were established by you and and your Federal Case
Manager in the individual program plan. These obligations include opening a savings account,
attending drug counseling, accountability, etc.
Home Confinement Component
The home confinement component is for those residents on pre-release status. These residents
are in the custody of the BOP and City of Faith. It is the responsibility of the City of Faith staff
to maintain proper documentation of the whereabouts of residents on home confinement at all
times. This means documenting all of the resident’s movements. This component is similar to
house arrest; the resident must make calls to City of Faith to inform the staff of their pre-
approved movements. Failure of a resident to report all movements will result in the termination
of the resident’s home confinement, and possibly the City of Faith’s program overall. Failure to
document any of the resident’s movements could result in the same. Home Confinement is a
privilege, not a right. Home Confinement residents do not pay subsistence but are still required
to submit their check stubs to the Program Manager within 48 hours of receiving the check.
City of Faith observes national curfew (9pm-6am). During these hours residents are not allowed
outside, in common areas, or out of the building unless given permission from their Federal Case
Manager or the Facility Director. Residents will be allowed to leave their dormitory areas
starting at 5am for chores. Residents leaving for work will be allowed to leave earlier as needed.
All residents not completing chores will be allowed to leave their dormitory areas starting at
Residents are not permitted to decorate their closets, lockers, or rooms with personal possessions,
such as pictures and /or posters.
City of Faith provides dental care to each resident under the direction and supervision of a
licensed dentist in the area. Any fees incurred are the responsibility of the resident.
It is the policy of City of Faith to prohibit discrimination of any sort based on a resident’s race,
religion, national origin, sex, disability, or political views.
City of Faith follows Federal Bureau of Prisons Program Statement 5270.09, Inmate Discipline
Program an all matters that concern inmate discipline.
INFORMAL DISCIPLINE RESOLUTION - City of Faith utilizes an informal resolution
system to resolve minor rule infractions. City of Faith believes that this form of resolution
should take place first and foremost, unless the rule violation dictates that formal resolution must
occur. City of Faith will expunge the incident report if informal resolution is accomplished from
the resident’s file. Staff may suspend disciplinary proceedings for a period not to exceed two
calendar weeks while informal resolution is undertaken and accomplished. If informal resolution
is unsuccessful, the disciplinary proceedings may be reinstated at the same stage they were
A resident caught violating the contraband list will receive the following:
offense: Confiscate contraband and loss of privileges
offense: Confiscate contraband, Loss of social passes and/or visitation for 2 weeks from time
of sanction
offense: Confiscate contraband Formal disciplinary procedures.
A resident caught violating any of the house rules will receive the following:
offense: Verbal Warning
offense: Loss of social passes and/or visitation for 2 weeks from time of sanction.
offense: Formal disciplinary procedures.
A resident caught violating any of the house rules will receive the following:
offense: Restriction to quarters.
offense: Formal incident report (handled by in-house CDC), loss of privileges for 30 days
(not to include work, looking for work, or treatment), loss of visitation for 30 days, & loss of
confiscated item.
offense: Formal incident report, recommend loss of good time and/or recommend transfer to a
more secure institution
If a resident refuses to hand over any contraband item that has been identified by staff, the
resident will be written up for refusal and interfering with a staff member’s duties. This will
result in termination from the City of Faith program and transfer to a more secure facility. USPO
cases will be considered a program failure.
IN-HOUSE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE - City of Faith maintains an In-House
Disciplinary Committee, which is comprised of at least one (1) and no more than three (3)
administrative staff personnel. Such Committee only reviews violations, which fall under the
major and/ or minor categories. Terminal violence is handled exclusively by the Federal Bureau
of Prisons.
IN-HOUSE DISCIPLINARY RULES AND SANCTIONS - All City of Faith residents are, of
course, required to comply with the Federal Bureau of Prisons Prohibited Acts during the course
of their entire stay. In addition, City of Faith maintains In-House Disciplinary Rules, which all
residents are also required to strictly adhere to. In an effort to ensure that residents know what is
expected of them as well as penalties for non-compliance, violations are divided into three
categories: terminal, major and minor. Categories, violations under each category and correlative
sanctions are discussed below.
TERMINAL CATEGORY - Terminal category violations may subject a resident to immediate
termination from City of Faith’s Work Release Program. City of Faith, immediately upon
gaining knowledge of a violation within the Terminal category will contact the Bureau of Prisons
Community Corrections Manager, appropriate Federal parole officer and/or social law
enforcement agencies both Federal and State if the situation so warrants.
Terminal category violations that will subject a resident to immediate termination are:
1. ARSON. Setting or attempting to set a fire.
2. CONTRABAND. Possession and/or distribution of firearms, knives, sharpened
instruments or other weapons. Unauthorized possession or distribution of any
narcotic, drug or intoxicant not prescribed for the resident by medical personnel.
Any resident who fails a drug test and/or breath test may be considered in
violation of this rule.
3. ESCAPE. Leaving or being absent from City of Faith without authorization and
whereabouts unknown. Leaving or being absent from a job site or unauthorized
place without permission with whereabouts unknown. Attempting, planning or
conspiring any of the above.
4. EXTORTION. Threatening another with bodily harm. Demanding or receiving
anything of value, either articles or services in return for protection from injury or
other considerations.
5. FIGHTING. Fighting which results in serious injury. Serious injury is defined as
an injury that requires medical attention outside that which City of Faith can
6. KILLING. Taking or attempting to take another’s life. Self defense is force or
action used to protect oneself, with such action not exceeding that necessary to
protect oneself from injury.
7. PROPERTY DESTRUCTION. Major destruction of property or damage to City
of faith property and/or another resident’s personal property either willfully or
through gross negligence. Residents will be held financially responsible for
damages due to their intentional acts or gross negligence. Major damage is
defined as costing more than two hundred fifty dollars (250.00) to repair.
8. RIOTING. Rioting, attempting to riot or causing, aiding or conspiring to riot.
9. SELF MUTILATION. Causing or attempting to cause injury to oneself.
10. SEX OFFENSE. Engaging in or attempting to engage with sexual acts with
11. WORK OFFENSE. Refusing to work, either directly or indirectly, encouraging
others to refuse to work or participating in a work stoppage. Violation of any
condition of a resident’s Work Release Agreement.
MAJOR CATEGORY - Major category violations could possibly result in a resident’s
termination, but normally results in a resident incurring severe sanctions:
1. BRIBERY. Bribing or attempting to bribe any staff member.
2. DISOBEDIENCE. Disobeying posted policies, directives, direct verbal orders or
instructions from staff. When orders conflict, the last verbal order must be
3. DISRESPECT. Displaying and/or voicing any verbal and/or nonverbal
disrespectful action towards a staff member or another resident. Directing
profanity towards staff or resident is an example.
4. FIGHTING. Fighting which results in no or only minor injury. Minor injury is
defined as an injury that can be handled with in-house first aid.
5. PROPERTY DESTRUCTION. Minor destruction or damage to City of Faith
property and/or another resident’s personal property either willfully or through
gross negligence. Residents will be held financially responsible for damages due
to their intentional acts or gross negligence. Minor damage is. defined as costing
less than two hundred and fifty dollars (250.00) to repair.
6. TAMPERING. Tampering with or blocking any locking device. Tampering with
vending machines or laundry appliances.
7. THEFT. Stealing or misappropriating anything of value from City of Faith, its
staff or any of its residents.
8. SMOKING: Smoking is prohibited on City of Faith grounds, facilities and
SANCTIONS FOR MAJOR VIOLATIONS - Up to three (3) sanctions may be imposed for
any one incident after a finding of guilt by the In-House Disciplinary Committee.
1. Reprimand
2. House restriction for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days.
3. Extra duty not to exceed eight (8) hours.
4. Loss of visitation not to exceed two (2) scheduled visitation days. Attorney and
clergy visits are unaffected.
5. Loss of telephone privileges for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days.
Attorney and clergy visits are unaffected.
6. Loss of shopping trips not to exceed fourteen (14) days.
7. Loss of furlough and/or pass privileges and/or recreational sign out for any period
up to the remainder of the resident’s stay.
8. Restitution or reimbursement of loss or damage.
9. Termination
Minor category violations that may result in a resident incurring minor sanctions:
1. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Playing televisions, radios, or any other
component having a speaker at a level, which disturbs others. Exhibiting
excessively boisterous, rowdy or loud behavior, including horseplay.
2. GAMBLING. Operating or participating in any game of chance involving bets,
wagers, goods or other valuables.
3. UNAUTHORIZED AREA. Being in an unauthorized area without staff
4. UNAUTHORIZED CONTACT. An outsider meeting a resident on City of Faith
grounds outside of a regularly scheduled visit and without written authorization
from the Director.
5. UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS. Possession of items not considered contraband, but
specifically prohibited by City of Faith. Examples of which are personal pillows,
unauthorized blankets, personal bedding, clothing which a resident is unable to fit
in his/her allotted locker space, unauthorized over-the-counter medication and
pornographic material.
6. UNSANITARY PRACTICES. Dropping litter or cigarette butts anywhere but
into a proper receptacle. Failure to maintain personal hygiene. Failure to maintain
room and belongings in a clean, orderly and presentable fashion.
Up to two (2) sanctions may be imposed for any one incident after a finding of guilt by the In-
House Disciplinary Committee.
1. Warning
2. Reprimand
3. House restriction for a period not to exceed seven (7) days.
4. Extra duty not to exceed four (4) hours.
5. Loss of one (1) scheduled visitation day. Attorney and clergy visits are
6. Loss of telephone privileges for a period not to exceed seven (7) days. Attorney
and clergy calls are unaffected.
7. Loss of shopping trips not to exceed fourteen (14) days or 1 facility shopping trip.
8. Loss of recreational sign-out for a period not to exceed seven (7) days.
9. Loss of privileges
Special Conditions for VCCLEA and PLRA offenders
All high category offense charges for a VCCLEA offender rated as violent and for a PLRA
offender will be referred to the Disciplinary Hearing Officer (DHO).
The In-House Disciplinary Committee ordinarily will refer to the DHO a moderate category
charge for a VCCLEA offender rated as violent or for a PLRA offender if the offender has been
found to have committed a moderate category offense during the offender’s current anniversary
In the case of a low-moderate category offense, the In-House Disciplinary Committee will refer
to the DHO, a VCCLEA offender rated as violent or for a PLRA offender, if the offender has
been found to have committed two (2) low moderate category offenses during the current
anniversary year.
Residents are required to adhere to the following dress code:
City of Faith maintains no specific requirements regarding length and style of a resident’s hair.
However, City of Faith does require residents to maintain full-time employment, therefore a
resident may consider a length and style conducive to employment.
Residents are required to be clean-shaven. Beards are allowed as long as they are kept neatly
trimmed and are of reasonable length.
Residents are required to keep their nails clean and closely clipped.
Residents are not permitted to wear unacceptable headwear, which includes but is not limited to:
do-rags, shower caps, skullcaps or bandanas.
Residents are not allowed to wear revealing or provocative clothing.
Residents are not allowed to “sag” but must keep their pants up and belted around the waist.
Residents are required to wear their clothing in an acceptable manner. Excessively ragged or torn
clothing is unacceptable unless the nature of the resident’s employment requires such and
pursuant to Facility Director or Case Manager approval.
Anytime residents are outside their respective living areas they must dress appropriately. No
resident can leave his or her room unless fully dressed.
Since it is City of Faith’s responsibility to ensure that its facilities maintain a high level of
cleanliness, all residents are required to properly maintain their respective living areas. In
addition, to facilitate the cleanliness of the entire facility and its surrounding area, residents will
be assigned on a rotating basis, janitorial responsibilities. A written assignment schedule will be
posted in a conspicuous location within the facility.
City of Faith conducts monthly fire and emergency drills. Exits are clearly marked. Residents
will be instructed on City of Faith’s emergency evacuation procedures during their orientation.
It is the policy of City of Faith to provide for, and maintain, twenty-four (24) hour per day
emergency medical, dental, and mental health care availability, as outlined in the City of Faith
Emergency Health Care Plan, which is incorporated into the City of Faith “approved”
Emergency Plan; and which, at a minimum, includes arrangements for the following:
1. On-site emergency first aid and crisis intervention;
2. Emergency evacuation of the resident from the facility;
3. Use of an emergency medical vehicle;
4. Use of one or more designated hospital emergency rooms or other appropriate health
5. Emergency on-call physician, dentist, and mental health professional services when the
emergency health facility is not located in a nearby community;
6. Security procedures providing for the immediate transfer of residents, when
Residents are required to maintain full-time employment. Full-time is defined as 32-40 hours per
week. For residents attending either academic or vocational school, the director will determine
the appropriate number of hours to be worked. Residents have twenty-one (21) calendar days in
which to obtain employment after completion of the orientation process.
Any employment obtained by residents must pay at least minimum wage. You will not be
allowed to switch jobs for forty-five (45) days and will not be able to continue searching for
work for forty-five (45) days unless you receive prior approval from the Facility Director or the
Employment Placement Specialist.
Residents are allowed to seek employment within a hundred (100) square mile radius of City of
Faith and one hundred and fifty square (150) mile radius of City of Faith-LR. All employment
must be approved by the Director and verified by the Federal Case Manager. Residents may not
change employment without prior approval of the Director.
Residents who are terminated from their job due to unsatisfactory performance, poor attitude, or
misconduct may incur sanctions including being returned to the custody of the Bureau of
Residents are not allowed to work in an establishment where alcohol is the primary commodity
or where alcohol is the primary source of income. Residents are not allowed to work for
companies, subsidiaries, or be under the direct supervision of a family member.
Residents are not allowed to be signed out of the facility for more than twelve (12) hours. Any
request for exceeding the twelve (12) hour limit must be submitted to the Employment
Placement Specialist (EPS) thirty (30) days prior. All requests are approved by the Residential
Reentry Manager (RRM). All schedules must be submitted to the EPS for verification 48 hours
before the schedule starts.
A resident who has not obtained work, might receive these sanctions:
offense: Loss of privileges, must find a job in 9 days.
offense: In-house formal, loss of privileges, must find a job in 10 days.
offense: Formal incident report, transfer to a more secure institution
Other than employment or a City of Faith sanctioned and escorted trip, a resident is allowed to be
absent from the facility only as a result of the following:
PASS - A pass is used for overnight or weekend absences and is limited to a 100 mile radius.
Residents in the Community Corrections Component are not ordinarily eligible for passes.
A pass begins typically on Friday at 5:00 PM and may extend to curfew (9:00 PM) on Sunday.
In the event a resident works on the weekends, then the pass will be for a similar period during
their off days. A Pass Request Form must be submitted to the Director no later than the
Thursday morning preceding the Weekend Pass.
SOCIAL RECREATIONAL LEAVE- Absences from the City of Faith by Pre-Release
Component residents for social/recreational purposes (Wal-Mart, haircut, church) may be
authorized by the Director for after work, not to exceed three (3) hours and not to extend past
curfew (9:00 Pm). A requesting resident is required to give the Director at least twenty four (24)
hour advance notice.
FURLOUGH- A furlough is required for an absence from City of Faith which exceeds one
hundred (100) miles. Community Correctional Component residents are not ordinarily eligible
for a furlough. Examples for a reason for a furlough include a critically ill relative, funeral,
medical treatment not otherwise available, work etc. A Furlough Application Approval Form
must be submitted to the Director in advance of such request.
An on-site visit of a resident’s home must be conducted by City of Faith staff personnel before a
resident can go home on Pass or Social/ Recreational Leave. Also, other than employment, an
aftercare obligation or AA/NA attendance, a resident must be physically present at City of Faith
by no later than 9:00 Pm (curfew) each night unless specified otherwise by the Director.
A resident may register a complaint at any time for immediate disposition without any threat of
discharge or reprisal.
All complaints which successfully proceed through the proper channels will be ultimately
reviewed by the Director or her designee and should the complaint warrant an investigation, an
investigative committee will be appointed by the Director. This committee will be comprised of
three staff members: one from administration, one from security, and one from accounting. The
Complainant will be notified of the committee’s findings an disposition of the respective
complaint. All complaints will be kept on file in the Federal Case Manager’s office.
City of Faith has developed the “Administrative Remedy Program” for residents. City of Faith
staff will not allow any deviation from this procedure.
Formal Administrative Remedy Procedures will assure City of Faith residents are aware of their
right to formally present their issues of concern to appropriate BOP staff and, at the same time,
will facilitate the BOP's oversight capability of City of Faith.
Although residents will be encouraged to attempt informal resolution with City of Faith staff, it
is not a requirement. Formal or Informal resolution, residents shall follow the proper chain of
command outlined in the City of Faith handbook and in the Administrative Remedy Program.
Any resident who desire to file a complaint is required o utilize the following chain of command:
On Duty Security Staff Program Manager
Security Supervisor Director
Case Manager Bureau of Prisons CCM Dallas
City of Faith provides separate sleeping and hygiene facilities for male and female residents. At
no time is a male resident allowed in a female sleeping or bathroom area, nor is a female resident
allowed in a male sleeping or bathroom area. In the event a resident is found to be in an opposite
sex area, they will be subject to disciplinary actions.
All residents, on a rotating basis, are required to maintain all common areas twice daily, before
7:00 am and before 10:00 PM. Weekly assignment sheet will be posted in conspicuous places
throughout the facility.
Aside from the resident’s responsibility of cleaning an assigned common area, each resident is
responsible for maintaining his or her own personal living area.
Daily responsibilities include:
Making bunk military style, while ensuring such is tight, neat, and has a six inch (6")
Sweeping and mopping around bed area.
Dusting bed frame and locker exterior.
Emptying trash can.
Weekly responsibilities include:
Cleaning and straightening wall locker and bunk drawer.
Wipe down ceiling fans and blades.
Wipe windows, window ledges and mini blinds.
Wipe baseboards and walls.
The following general housekeeping rules are to be strictly adhered to:
All clothing and personal items must be stored in a resident’s wall locker.
All footwear must be stored in a resident’s locker.
Food and beverages are not allowed in a resident’s room.
Extension cords are not allowed in a resident’s room and are subject to confiscation.
Mini blinds are to be completely closed at dusk and while dressing and undressing.
Lights, televisions and radios are to be turned off when rooms are not occupied.
All game systems must be put away when not in use or any residents in the room are in
the building.
It is the policy of City of Faith to provide and ensure that indigent residents receive postage and
materials needed to maintain contact with their community ties. The resident must request these
items from their Case Manager.
Whenever a resident wants to leave the City of Faith grounds, he/she must get permission from
their Federal Case Manager. To get permission the resident must fill out one of the three
itinerary sheets located in the front lobby of the center.
Job Search Itinerary
Residents are required to be on an active job search from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. until hired. These
itineraries are used by the residents in order to go out to seek employment. The resident is
allowed to be out at 3-hour intervals to look for employment. The resident must turn in their
itinerary to their Employment Placement Specialist 24 hours prior to departing on a job
search. Exceptions to this rule can be made at the discretion of the Employment Placement
Specialist. Job searches can only be approved by the Employment Placement Specialist. All
the information must be filled out before being approved (i.e. name of business, phone number,
address, contact person, etc.). The resident must call when they have arrived and before leaving
each approved location, as well as before returning to the facility. Job searches are done on
appointment basis only. Residents will not be allowed to randomly select places to job search.
Along with your job search itinerary you are required to fill out a job search log and turn it in to
the EPS weekly (Fridays).
Daily Itinerary
Daily Itinerary forms are used if the resident wants to request to have a pass to anywhere else
other than searching for employment. The resident must turn in their itinerary in to their Federal
Case Manager prior to departing from the facility. Daily itineraries are approved by the residents
Federal Case Manager. All the information must be filled out before being approved (i.e. name
of place, phone number, address, etc.). The resident must call when they have arrived and before
leaving each approved location, as well as before returning to the facility.
Weekend Itinerary
Weekend itineraries are used to request weekend passes to an approved pass site. Residents are
expected to be current on all conditions and obligations of the City of Faith program before they
are eligible for weekend passes (i.e. basic phone line, AA/NA meetings, Aftercare, etc.). On
Sunday, residents are allowed to go to church. The resident cannot substitute another place for a
church pass. The resident can only go where he/she has indicated at the time approved.
Locations or times cannot be changed once the resident has signed out on weekend pass.
Residents are not allowed to go to any other homes other than the home that was verified for pass
(the site the resident requested on the Pass Site Verification form located in the Intake Book).
The resident must make all required calls or he/she will be required to return to the facility
before their weekend pass is completed. Weekend pass are a privilege not a right.
The weekend pass schedule is as follows:
& 3
weekends: Haircuts 2 ½ hours
Saturday only: Department stores (Wal-Mart or the like, up to your case manager’s
discretion.) Buy enough supplies to last, 2 hours max
Sundays: Church 3 hours (does include drive time)
These times to do include driving time unless otherwise noted on your itinerary. It is your
responsibility to notice time changes. These times durations may be reduced by your case
manager at his/her discretion.
Residents should not ask security to change times or locations on passes they are not
allowed to approve/change any itinerary; they also will not call Federal Case Managers
neither at their homes to request passes, or changes to passes.
Residents are only allowed to utilize the following locations for money order, haircuts, and retail
Sports Clips 410 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72205, 501-664-4247
Town & Country Barber Shop 3014 S. University, LR, AR 72204 501-565-9835
King of Fades 5202 Mabelvale Pike, Little Rock, AR 72209, 501-565-4210
Images Plus Salon 3032 S. University, Little Rock, AR 501-562-3000
The Local Hair Shop 2915 Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205, 501-661-4004
Identity Hair Studio 517 Schester, Little Rock, AR 72204, 501-399-9200
Skillz Barbershop 6801 W. 12
Ste AA, Little Rock, AR 72204, 501-562-9191
Headz-Up II 7212 Geyer Springs Ste4, Little Rock, AR 72209, 501-562-5600
Wal-Mart - 2700 Shackleford Rd., Little Rock, AR 72205, 501-223-0604
Dodge’s Store (money order) - 5102 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72209, 501-562-2581
Mapco (money order) - 5420 12
St., Little Rock, AR 72204, 501-664-4828
All locations are on the bus line and will allow you to use their phones. At Wal-Mart, ask for a
CSM (Customer Service Manager) and show them your COF ID.
When a resident leaves the facility for any reason to go anywhere, he/she is required to telephone
the center upon their arrival at the location on the itinerary that was approved by their Federal
Case Manager. The resident is also required to call upon their departure of that location. For
example, if you sign out of the center to seek employment at three separate locations, you are
required to call upon arrival and departure of each location. This rule also applies to the daily
itineraries and weekend pass itineraries.
When a resident acquires employment, he/she must call when arriving to work and departing
from work every day, they are scheduled to work. This includes if the resident leaves on an
errand for the company or for lunch. If the resident has a job that requires them to move to
different locations each day, they must notify the center when they leave one job site to go to
another and they must call when they arrive at the next job site.
Any unauthorized departures from the City of Faith Residential Re-Entry Center by a resident
serving a federal sentence will be deemed as ESCAPE. Below are the conditions that constitute
the meaning of escape:
1. Any failure to remain at the approved place of employment, training or treatment during
the hours specified by the terms of the employment, training or treatment
2. Any failure to return to the facility at the prescribed time.
3. Any failure to abide by the conditions concerning accountability of an authorized pass or
4. Any failure to return from any authorized furlough or pass at the time and place
5. Any failure to abide by the residence, employment or curfew conditions of home
6. Any arrest.
7. Any voluntary departure from the facility, employment, training or treatment without
Any person residing at City of Faith as a Condition of Probation or bond is not in the custody of
the U.S. Attorney General or the Federal Bureau of Prisons and therefore cannot be prosecuted
for escape if they leave the facility for any of the above listed reasons. However, any
unauthorized departure from the facility by those on probation or bond will be immediately
reported to the appropriate personnel.
City of Faith is responsible for knowing a resident’s whereabouts each hour of everyday of
his/her stay. If City of Faith staff is unable to contact the resident for 20 minutes, the BOP must
be notified that he/she has escaped. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the loss of
social activities and passes or removal from the program.
It is your responsibility to check for notices, documents, receipts, etc. that is possibly left in your
folder at the front desk (ie: your folder is your mailbox). Ask security politely to review any
information in your folder that is necessary for your stay at City of Faith. Additionally, you are
all responsible for all the information posted on the bulletin boards. Make it a point to review
these regularly.
If residents request emergency medical treatment after hours (4pm-8am daily or entire
weekends), an ambulance service or 911 must be called at the resident’s expense. If the medical
treatment need isn’t an emergency, residents will be allowed to see a physician the next business
day (at the resident’s expense). Security will call emergency medical services for residents
unable to make the call for themselves. It will be the responsibility of the resident to check-in
with City of Faith hourly until admitted to the medical facility or returned to the facility. Failure
to do so could result disciplinary action.
Once returning to City of Faith from an approved pass, you are required to sign in and submit
your car keys (if applicable). Failure to submit your keys to on-duty security could result in loss
of driving privileges. Be sure to bring in all items from you vehicle upon arriving to the facility.
You will not be allowed to return to your vehicle until your next authorized departure.
City of Faith provides laundry rooms, which contain washers and dryers. The laundry room
opens at 5:00 am and closes at 10:30 PM Sunday through Thursday, while staying open until
midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. In addition, vending machines are also located in most
houses. All residents are expected to treat all laundry equipment and vending machines with
respect and care. Also, residents are responsible for ensuring their laundry is removed promptly
after each washing or drying to enable all residents to make optimum use of the laundry facility.
Residents are responsible for providing their own laundry detergent.
Each resident will be issued the following items upon their arrival at City of Faith:
1. (1) laundry bag 6. (1) wash cloth
2. (1) pillow case 7. (1) plastic glass
3. (1) fitted sheet 8. (1) roll toilet paper
4. (1) flat sheet 9. (1) blanket
5. (1) towel
If a resident is in need of hygiene items, he/she will be issued (1) personal hygiene packet
1. Deodorant 2. Soap
3. Razor 4. Toothpaste
5. Toothbrush 6. Shampoo
7. Comb 8. Special Hygiene items for female residents.
All residents’ rooms contain an approved fire-retardant trash can. This can is not to be removed,
there should not be a liner in the trash can, nor is any other type of can to be substituted.
City of Faith, CCC provides each resident with a fire-retardant pillow upon arrival. Personal
pillows/bedding are not allowed and will be immediately confiscated. Room assignments
will be issued without regard to age, race, religion or creed. All resident requests for room
changes are to be directed to the Case Manager. All foot lockers and storage lockers are labeled
with your name as well as denoting your bed assignment. You are responsible for all contents in
your assigned lockers at the time you take possession. A resident may have only one bed, one
locker/bunk drawer and one lock. All unused lockers will be kept locked and unused until a new
resident takes possession of that locker.
City of Faith does not limit the amount of mail a resident may receive or send. City of Faith
maintains the option to randomly monitor the resident’s mail. This includes the inspection of
mail for contraband and when based on legitimate facility interests of order and security, mail
may be read and/or rejected. First class letters and packages will be forwarded to residents who
have left City of Faith, providing a forwarding address is given. It is the resident’s responsibility
to inform their correspondents of the City of Faith mail policy.
City of Faith provides residents with a hot and nutritious breakfast and dinner, with the noon
meal being facilitated by means of a sack lunch. Residents are required to sign up for sack
lunches. Residents who do not sign up for sack lunches will not receive a lunch. Special diets
are provided as prescribed by appropriate medical personnel or for residents with special
religious requirements and requests must be in writing. Sack lunches are distributed during
breakfast. The meal schedule is listed below. The Little Rock facility will operate their dinner
in shifts of half the in-house population to accommodate everyone in the facility. It is up to the
discretion of the on-duty security to account for the correct number of people in each shift while
considering those residents signed out of the facility requesting dinner at a later time (ie: to-go
trays for approved absent residents).
Weekday Meal Times:
6am 6:45am Breakfast for Female Residents
6:45am 7:30 Breakfast for Male Residents
11:00am 12:00pm Lunch for Female Residents
12:00pm 1:00pm Lunch for Male Residents
6pm 6:45pm Dinner for Female Residents
6:45pm 8pm Dinner for Male Residents
Weekend Meal Times:
8am 8:30am Breakfast for Female Residents
8:30am 9:30 Breakfast for Male Residents
6pm 6:45pm Dinner for Female Residents
6:45pm 8pm Dinner for Male Residents
* If you leave for work before your meal time begins, you will need to sign up for a
breakfast/dinner tray with security.
**If you are on a job search during your lunch time, you can eat lunch when you return to the
facility or you may take your lunch with you.
Monday through Friday: (Monroe)
Breakfast: 5:00a.m. through 7:00a.m.
Dinner: 5:00 p.m. through 8:30 pm
Weekend/ Holiday : (Monroe)
Breakfast: 6:00a.m. through 8:00a.m.
Dinner: 5:00p.m. through 8:30p.m.
Upon arrival, all residents must turn in prescription medication to security at the front desk.
Security is responsible for dispensing all narcotic, psychotropic and prescription medication that
requires refrigeration, during set pill calls. Residents are allowed to possess prescription
medication that is not narcotic, psychotropic. You are required to maintain your medication in
the original prescription bottle. All medication must be presented to security for verification of
ingredients upon entering the facility. Residents are required to take their medication(s) as
prescribed and are not allowed to deviate from the prescription. Only a doctor can change a
resident’s prescription or release a resident from a prescription.
Medication is dispensed by staff at the following times: 6:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.
Two of the principles City of Faith was founded upon are a resident must be productive in the
workplace and that a portion of those wages must be deposited in savings to ensure that a
resident returns to his or her community with the necessary funds to facilitate a successful
transition. Consequently, upon a resident’s arrival, he or she is required to meet with his/ her
case manager to develop an individual program plan which includes a mutually determined
amount that the resident will deposit from their earnings into savings. Resident savings will be
closely monitored by their case manager.
Residents are required to pay a subsistence fee of 25% of gross earnings. Unemployed residents
with a means of financial support will put an amount determined by the Bureau of Prisons
(BOP). Submittal of subsistence is a primary responsibility of each resident and such is subject
to audit by the BOP. A resident’s unjustified failure in paying their subsistence may result in
their removal from City of Faith. Resident will have 2 days from the date of their paycheck to
pay their subsistence to City of Faith. Failure to do so will result in an informal incident report.
Resident’s will have 24 hours from the time of the incident report to pay their subsistence. If a
resident underpays their subsistence they will also be issued an incident report and will have 24
hours from the incident report to pay the correct amount due. Failure to pay subsistence by the
day after receipt of a paycheck will result in a formal incident report and possible removal
from the City of Faith program. All subsistence payments must be made in the correct amount
(see below chart for help, remember to use your GROSS wages not your NET wages).
A resident caught violating the subsistence payment instructions will receive the following:
offense: Informal incident report, Loss of privileges.
offense: Formal incident report, recommended loss of good conduct time/transfer to more
secure facility
Please follow the procedures below to calculate subsistence fees:
1. Find the gross amount of your check (the amount before any taxes or
deductions are taken)
2. Multiple the gross by 0.25
3. You will pay the dollar amount. Do not add the cents to fee.
Gross Amount:
Gross Amount:
Gross Amount:
Gross Amount:
x 0.25
x 0.25
x 0.25
x 0.25
You pay: $63.00
You pay: 149.00
You pay: 75.00
You pay: 3.00
City of Faith allows its residents to retain a reasonable amount of personal property in their
possession, which includes the following items:
a. Legal documents
b. Prescription eye wear;
c. Hearing aids;
d. Dentures;
e. Clothing that meets facility dress code requirements
f. Personal hygiene articles
g. Books, magazines, letters, correspondence, etc.
h. Mementos
i. Approved photographs
j. Personal radio
k. Other items as may be approved by the Facility Director
Personal property is not to be left out of your locker or closet. Any property left out it is subject
to confiscation. Residents are not allowed to possess any property over $100 in value without
prior approval. A new inventory sheet for these items must be completed by security. Residents
will not be allowed to possess cash over $100 while residing in the facility. All items and cash
exceeding $100 in value need to be immediately removed from the facility.
All residents will meet with Staff Personnel and design and complete a personalized program
plan that will measure your accomplishments, expected behavior, needs, and set a timeline for
personal goals as well as goals set by staff. Residents are encouraged to make input into this
program plan during this process and once completed, both the resident and Case Manager will
sign the plan, Periodically, the Personalized Program Plan will be reviewed by the Case
Manager and resident.
Upon the death, escape, returned to secure custody, or hospitalization of a resident, their property
must be immediately secured and inventoried. Two or more staff members must accomplish
inventory of resident property, each of whom will sign the completed inventory list (BP383
(58)). A resident’s property will be immediately secured and inventoried prior to the end of the
work shift. Personal property left behind by an escapee will be considered voluntarily
abandoned. The facility director or designee shall contact the person the resident identified to be
notified in case of emergency and advised to pick up the residents property. If the property
(including confiscated cell phones) is not picked up within 10 days, it will be donated to a local
charity or destroyed.
1. Mouthwash, toothpaste, and/or any item containing alcohol
2. Medication (Narcotic, Psychotropic or Medication requiring refrigeration), over
the counter sleeping aids, over the counter weight loss aids, and all body building
3. Tools cannot be kept in facility.
4. Food and Beverages- nothing in the way of food or beverage is allowed in the
dorm areas.
5. Dice or gambling paraphernalia of any kind.
6. Pornography or anything that could be construed as pornography by City of
7. Metal utensils of any kind.
8. Bleach, Ammonia, and/or vinegar.
9. Cameras, Video Equipment (or any device that can record video or take
pictures), Boom Boxes, Computers (or related devices that can obtain a Wi-Fi
connection), Software or any DVD or CD that does not have a Manufacturer’s
label (ie. Burned/copied CD’s/DVD’s) or extension cords
10. Unauthorized cell phones
11. Any type of Energy Drinks such as Boost, No Fear, Etc. Also any and all energy
12. Lighters, matches, rolling papers, synthetic cannabinoids, chewing tobacco, and
any tobacco products and smoking paraphernalia including electronic and/or
vapor cigarettes.
13. Plug-in air fresheners
14. Non-clear backpacks or purses
15. Extension cords, heating blankets/pads, space heaters, & multi-plugs (power
16. personal pillows, unauthorized blankets, personal bedding,
17. Clothing which a resident is unable to fit in his/her allotted locker space
City of Faith provides both indoor and outdoor recreational and leisure time activities for
residents. Televisions with either a VCR or DVD player are available for residents use along
with outside leisure activities. Residents may participate in these activities at their own
discretion. City of Faith is not responsible for personal injury. Inspect all equipment before use.
Notify Security is something is broken or unusable. Workout at your own risk.
Recreation Times:
6am - 7:30am Recreational Time for Male Residents
7:30am - 9am Recreational Time for Female Residents
6pm 7:30pm Recreational Time for Male Residents
7:30pm 9pm Recreational Time for Female Residents
Weekdays 4pm 6pm
The men can be upstairs or outside in the recreation area
The women can be in their room or in the kitchen area
Weekend Recreation Times:
6am - 7am Recreational Time for Male Residents
7am 8am Recreational Time for Female Residents
8am 10:30am Recreational Time for Male Residents
10:30am 1pm Recreational Time for Female Residents
5pm 7pm Recreational Time for Female residents
7pm 9pm Recreational Time for Male residents
All resident records are CONFIDENTIAL and the contents of such will only be revealed to
authorized personnel. In certain instances, residents may be required to sign a Release of
Information Form to authorize access to specific information such as medical records.
Bureau of Prisons personnel have unlimited and unrestricted access to all applicable resident
records. Residents have access to review their records at the discretion and only in the presence
of the Director, and then only those records allowed by the Bureau of Prisons to be reviewed.
It is the policy of City of Faith to provide and ensure that all residents have the opportunity to
participate in the practice of their religious faith and in accordance with their desires.
Upon the recommendation of the Director, any resident may be removed from City of Faith for
proper cause and immediately returned to the Bureau of Prisons. Should a resident desire to
return to the federal institution, he/she should make that request in writing and submit the request
to the Director.
A resident’s person, property or possessions may be searched at any time by City of Faith staff
and/ or officials of any Federal Law Enforcement Agency. Upon arrival, residents are issued a
combination lock for use on their clothing and personal items locker. Consequently, a
resident’s use of his or her own personal lock is prohibited. If City of Faith and/ or a Federal
Law Enforcement Agency finds it necessary to enter a resident’s locker and a lock other than the
one issued by City of Faith is found on the respective locker, such lock will be cut off with
possible disciplinary action resulting. Any resident who has approved driving privileges will be
subject to vehicle searches at any time.
Resident’s accountability is paramount. During your stay at City of Faith, it is mandatory that
City of Faith knows your whereabouts at all times. To facilitate and ensure that your
whereabouts is always known, residents are required to sign out to any and all locations where
they will physically be and to sign in immediately upon their arrival back at the facility.
Required information includes:
1. Time and date signed out
2. Location (s)
3. Address and phone number of locations (s)
4. Purpose
5. Time and date expected to return
6. Time and date resident returns to the facility
Residents are required to sign out to any and all locations and provide appropriate times. An
example: should a resident plan to go to an AA/NA meeting and then directly to church services
without returning to the facility, this must be indicated on the resident’s sign out/ in sheet
complete with each separate location’s address and telephone number and relevant times. Staff
must know at all times a resident’s location. Failure of a resident to be at a location for which he
or she has signed out may cause such resident to be considered on escape status with appropriate
measures being immediately invoked.
It is of utmost importance that any deviation from a resident’s itinerary be immediately
communicated to City of Faith staff. An example would be if a resident is going to be later than
the time previously indicated for returning to the facility.
Residents are solely and ultimately responsible for ensuring City of Faith staff knows their
whereabouts for any and all discrepancies.
City of Faith provides phones free of charge for resident use. These are local calls only.
(Residents are expected to utilize discretion while being considerate of fellow resident phone
needs.) A resident’s abuse of phone privileges will result in disciplinary action.
City of Faith does NOT provide transportation for residents to and from work or to look for
Residents are responsible for all costs and transportation associated with their medical care.
An employer may pick up and return a resident to and from work if authorized by the Director.
Family or friends may transport a resident to and/or from work.
A resident may use the city bus lines. The facility has bus route maps available along with all
day bus passes for sale for 31-day passes. The bus lines are fully available to all residents. All
new residents may receive one free 31-day bus pass upon arrival.
Permission for a resident to drive any vehicle can only be given by the Facility Director.
Documentation needed is copy of insurance, proof of registration, copy of driver’s license,
driving record, and a notarized letter from the owner of the vehicle giving permission for the
resident to have possession of the vehicle. A notarized letter is not needed if the vehicle is in the
resident’s name. If a resident’s driving record is not clear, they will be required to attend a
defensive driving class at their expense. All residents approved to drive are required to place a
COF vehicle decal on their front bottom left side windshield. This decal must be visible at all
times and must be placed by staff. At no time should a nonregistered vehicle be left on the City
of Faith parking lot. Vehicles not registered with City of Faith will be towed at the owner’s
expense. Noncompliance with these rules will result in a loss of this privilege.
Rules for residents with driving privileges:
- No other residents are allowed to ride in your vehicle
- If you are caught with a resident who is a member of the opposite sex, you will be issued a
formal incident report
- Turn keys into the front desk upon arrival (your keys will be considered a prohibited item
while you are in the building
- Personal vehicles are only for work, medical, or drug treatment needs
- Must keep all documentation up-to-date (turn updated information into Program Manager)
- Cannot change vehicles without authorization
- No prohibited items in the car with the exception of legal smoking paraphernalia
- You are NOT allowed to return to your vehicle once you are signed in to the facility
BOP residents are not allowed to ride with USPO cases and vice versa. Members of the opposite
sex (including those residents who are related) are not allowed to ride together.
Residents are allowed to drive to work, transitional services, medical services, and other outside-
approved programming requirements as well as weekend/social passes.
City of Faith will assist the resident in locating housing suitable for release purposes, either
through direct assistance or through referral to appropriate agencies.
The building and ground of the City of Faith comprise a Restricted Area. Outsiders are not
allowed to come and go as they please nor meet residents without permission. Besides regular
scheduled visitation on Saturdays & Sundays, a resident may not be personally contacted by
family, friends, or other persons at City of Faith without prior written permission from the
Director. Should a resident be contacted by an outsider on City of Faith ground without prior
Director approval, such contact would constitute unauthorized visitation. If a staff member
observes such contact, the outside individual will be asked to leave and the resident will face
appropriate disciplinary sanctions.
A resident may receive personal items through the mail. However, other than through the mail, a
resident may not receive food, clothes or other items directly or personally from any other person
than a member of City of Faith’s staff without prior written authorization from the Director.
Should a resident obtain the Director’s approval, the item(s) must be delivered directly to an on-
duty security personnel, who will examine the item(s) for contraband and unauthorized item(s) to
the resident.
Drug screen urinalysis and alcohol testing will be conducted on a random basis as well as for
specific cause.
City of Faith does require a previously approved visitation list. Residents are free to visit
immediate family members or significant other named in their PSI as long as the following
guidelines are stringently adhered to:
1. Visitation hours are as follows:
Little Rock: on Saturdays (A-M) and Sundays (N-Z) from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
Monroe: on Sundays 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
Should a resident desire to visit at a time other than the time specified above, he/she
should submit a request at least forty eight (48) hours in advance. Such request must be in
writing and is subject to the Director’s approval. The only exception being a resident
who is required to work during the regularly scheduled visitation hours noted above,
arrangements will be made to facilitate visitation at another time.
2. All visitors are required to have proper identification, which, in most instances, is a valid
driver’s license. Visitors must register at the front desk and along with providing the on-
duty security officer with proper identification, must provide the following:
A. Name and BOP register number of resident to be visited
B. Name, address and phone number
C. Relationship to resident
3. City of Faith may refuse to allow any person or persons the privilege of visiting a resident
for any of the following reasons:
A. Failing to provide proper identification.
B. Refusing to submit to a search if requested by the Director or her designee. A visit
is immediately terminated upon a visitor’s refusal to submit to such a search. A
staff member of the same sex will search a visitor who consents to a search. A
search may include a pat-down search of the visitor’s person as well as their
personal belongings and vehicle.
C. Arriving for a visit-intoxicated and/ or under the influence of a controlled
substance. The Director or her designee may make such determination.
D. Being in possession of a weapon and/or firearm.
4. A resident’s visit may be terminated for the following reasons:
A. A visitor refuses to comply with posted visitation rules.
B. A visitor’s conduct constitutes a violation of federal, state, parish, and/or city law
including but not limited to, assault, battery, disturbing the peace, introduction or
attempted introduction of contraband.
C. A disturbance occurs at the facility during visitation prompting the Director or her
designee to terminate visitation for safety reasons.
D. A visitor becomes boisterous, purposefully loud, uses profanity, and/ or fails to
show proper respect toward staff, resident’s and/ or other visitors.
5. An ex-felon who has not been finally discharged from an institution or from probation or
parole for more than two (2) years without an intervening criminal record or who has
pending criminal charges is not allowed to visit. Any exception is dependant upon the
Director’s approval.
6. A visitor is not allowed to visit a resident in his or her assigned room, laundry room, on
any property adjacent or in the vicinity of City of Faith, or any place designated as an
“Unauthorized Area”.
7. Children visiting residents are expected to be supervised and well behaved. Residents are
responsible for the behavior of the children visiting them. Failure by a resident to restrain
a child’s errant behavior may result in termination of visitation and the suspension of
such child’s privilege to visit.
8. Attorneys, their employees and law students in approved clinical programs may visit their
clients at any time during normal working hours (7:00 am- 4:00 PM, Monday through
Friday). A request for an attorney visit outside these times may be submitted to the
Director for her consideration. Except in emergency cases, visits by attorneys, their
employees and law students must be scheduled twenty four (24) hours in advance.
9. Privacy will be afforded to the degree that security permits when a resident visits with a
legal counsel or clergy. Under no circumstance will conversations be monitored.
10. Any person other than a resident’s legal or spiritual counsel may be denied the privilege
of visiting a resident who has had his visitation privileges suspended due to disciplinary
11. A resident is only allowed 5 visitors at a time. This includes children. Once a visitor
leaves, they are not allowed to return during that visitation cycle.
100 Killing.
101 Assaulting any person, or an armed assault on the institution’s secure perimeter (a charge for
assaulting any person at this level is to be used only when serious physical injury has been
attempted or accomplished).
102 Escape from escort; escape from any secure or non-secure institution, including community
confinement; escape from unescorted community program or activity; escape from outside a secure
103 Setting a fire (charged with this act in this category only when found to pose a threat to life or a
threat of serious bodily harm or in furtherance of a prohibited act of Greatest Severity, e.g., in
furtherance of a riot or escape; otherwise the charge is properly classified Code 218, or 329).
104 Possession, manufacture, or introduction of a gun, firearm, weapon, sharpened instrument,
knife, dangerous chemical, explosive, ammunition, or any instrument used as a weapon.
105 Rioting.
106 Encouraging others to riot.
107 Taking hostage(s).
108 Possession, manufacture, introduction, or loss of a hazardous tool (tools most likely to be used
in an escape or escape attempt or to serve as weapons capable of doing serious bodily harm to
others; or those hazardous to institutional security or personal safety; e.g., hacksaw blade, body
armor, maps, handmade rope, or other escape paraphernalia, portable telephone, pager, or other
electronic device).
109 (Not to be used).
110 Refusing to provide a urine sample; refusing to breathe into a Breathalyzer; refusing to take
part in other drug-abuse testing.
111 Introduction or making of any narcotics, marijuana, drugs, alcohol, intoxicants, or related
paraphernalia, not prescribed for the individual by the medical staff.
112 Use of any narcotics, marijuana, drugs, alcohol, intoxicants, or related paraphernalia, not
prescribed for the individual by the medical staff.
113 Possession of any narcotics, marijuana, drugs, alcohol, intoxicants, or related paraphernalia,
not prescribed for the individual by the medical staff.
114 Sexual assault of any person, involving non-consensual touching by force or threat of force.
115 Destroying and/or disposing of any item during a search or attempt to search.
196 Use of the mail for an illegal purpose or to commit or further a Greatest category prohibited
197 Use of the telephone for an illegal purpose or to commit or further a Greatest category
prohibited act.
198 Interfering with a staff member in the performance of duties most like another Greatest
severity prohibited act. This charge is to be used only when another charge of Greatest severity is
not accurate. The offending conduct must be charged as “most like” one of the listed Greatest
severity prohibited acts.
199 Conduct which disrupts or interferes with the security or orderly running of the institution or
the Bureau of Prisons most like another Greatest severity prohibited act. This charge is to be used
only when another charge of Greatest severity is not accurate. The offending conduct must be
charged as “most like” one of the listed Greatest severity prohibited acts.
A. Recommend parole date rescission or retardation.
B. Forfeit and/or withhold earned statutory good time or non-vested good conduct time (up to
100%) and/or terminate or disallow extra good time (an extra good time or good conduct time
sanction may not be suspended).
B.1. Disallow ordinarily between 50% and 75% (27-41 days) of good conduct time credit available
for year (a good conduct time sanction may not be suspended).
C. Disciplinary segregation (up to 12 months).
D. Make monetary restitution.
E. Monetary fine.
F. Loss of privileges (e.g., visiting, telephone, commissary, movies, recreation).
G. Change housing (quarters).
H. Remove from program and/or group activity.
I. Loss of job.
J. Impound inmates personal property.
K. Confiscate contraband.
L. Restrict to quarters.
M. Extra duty.
200 Escape from a work detail, non-secure institution, or other non-secure confinement, including
community confinement, with subsequent voluntary return to Bureau of Prisons custody within
four hours.
201 Fighting with another person.
202 (Not to be used).
203 Threatening another with bodily harm or any other offense.
204 Extortion; blackmail; protection; demanding or receiving money or anything of value in return
for protection against others, to avoid bodily harm, or under threat of informing.
205 Engaging in sexual acts.
206 Making sexual proposals or threats to another.
207 Wearing a disguise or a mask.
208 Possession of any unauthorized locking device, or lock pick, or tampering with or blocking any
lock device (includes keys), or destroying, altering, interfering with, improperly using, or damaging
any security device, mechanism, or procedure.
209 Adulteration of any food or drink.
210 (Not to be used).
211 Possessing any officers or staff clothing.
212 Engaging in or encouraging a group demonstration.
213 Encouraging others to refuse to work, or to participate in a work stoppage.
214 (Not to be used).
215 (Not to be used).
216 Giving or offering an official or staff member a bribe, or anything of value.
217 Giving money to, or receiving money from, any person for the purpose of introducing
contraband or any other illegal or prohibited purpose.
218 Destroying, altering, or damaging government property, or the property of another person,
having a value in excess of $100.00, or destroying, altering, damaging life-safety devices (e.g., fire
alarm) regardless of financial value.
219 Stealing; theft (including data obtained through the unauthorized use of a communications
device, or through unauthorized access to disks, tapes, or computer printouts or other automated
equipment on which data is stored).
220 Demonstrating, practicing, or using martial arts, boxing (except for use of a punching bag),
wrestling, or other forms of physical encounter, or military exercises or drill (except for drill
authorized by staff).
221 Being in an unauthorized area with a person of the opposite sex without staff permission.
222 (Not to be used).
223 (Not to be used).
224 Assaulting any person (a charge at this level is used when less serious physical injury or contact
has been attempted or accomplished by an inmate).
225 Stalking another person through repeated behavior which harasses, alarms, or annoys the
person, after having been previously warned to stop such conduct.
226 Possession of stolen property.
227 Refusing to participate in a required physical test or examination unrelated to testing for drug
abuse (e.g., DNA, HIV, tuberculosis).
228 Tattooing or self-mutilation.
229 Sexual assault of any person, involving non-consensual touching without force or threat of
296 Use of the mail for abuses other than criminal activity which circumvent mail monitoring
procedures (e.g., use of the mail to commit or further a High category prohibited act, special mail
abuse; writing letters in code; directing others to send, sending, or receiving a letter or mail
through unauthorized means; sending mail for other inmates without authorization; sending
correspondence to a specific address with directions or intent to have the correspondence sent to an
unauthorized person; and using a fictitious return address in an attempt to send or receive
unauthorized correspondence).
297 Use of the telephone for abuses other than illegal activity which circumvent the ability of staff
to monitor frequency of telephone use, content of the call, or the number called; or to commit or
further a High category prohibited act.
298 Interfering with a staff member in the performance of duties most like another High severity
prohibited act. This charge is to be used only when another charge of High severity is not accurate.
The offending conduct must be charged as “most like” one of the listed High severity prohibited
299 Conduct which disrupts or interferes with the security or orderly running of the institution or
the Bureau of Prisons most like another High severity prohibited act. This charge is to be used only
when another charge of High severity is not accurate. The offending conduct must be charged as
“most like” one of the listed High severity prohibited acts.
A. Recommend parole date rescission or retardation.
B. Forfeit and/or withhold earned statutory good time or non-vested good conduct time up to 50%
or up to 60 days, whichever is less, and/or terminate or disallow extra good time (an extra good
time or good conduct time sanction may not be suspended).
B.1 Disallow ordinarily between 25% and 50% (14-27 days) of good conduct time credit available
for year (a good conduct time sanction may not be suspended).
C. Disciplinary segregation (up to 6 months).
D. Make monetary restitution.
E. Monetary fine.
F. Loss of privileges (e.g., visiting, telephone, commissary, movies, recreation).
G. Change housing (quarters).
H. Remove from program and/or group activity.
I. Loss of job.
J. Impound inmates personal property.
K. Confiscate contraband.
L. Restrict to quarters.
M. Extra duty.
300 Indecent Exposure.
301 (Not to be used).
302 Misuse of authorized medication.
303 Possession of money or currency, unless specifically authorized, or in excess of the amount
304 Loaning of property or anything of value for profit or increased return.
305 Possession of anything not authorized for retention or receipt by the inmate, and not issued to
him through regular channels.
306 Refusing to work or to accept a program assignment.
307 Refusing to obey an order of any staff member (may be categorized and charged in terms of
greater severity, according to the nature of the order being disobeyed, e.g. failure to obey an order
which furthers a riot would be charged as 105, Rioting; refusing to obey an order which furthers a
fight would be charged as 201, Fighting; refusing to provide a urine sample when ordered as part of
a drug-abuse test would be charged as 110).
308 Violating a condition of a furlough.
309 Violating a condition of a community program.
310 Unexcused absence from work or any program assignment.
311 Failing to perform work as instructed by the supervisor.
312 Insolence towards a staff member.
313 Lying or providing a false statement to a staff member.
314 Counterfeiting, forging, or unauthorized reproduction of any document, article of
identification, money, security, or official paper (may be categorized in terms of greater severity
according to the nature of the item being reproduced, e.g., counterfeiting release papers to effect
escape, Code 102).
315 Participating in an unauthorized meeting or gathering.
316 Being in an unauthorized area without staff authorization.
317 Failure to follow safety or sanitation regulations (including safety regulations, chemical
instructions, tools, MSDS sheets, OSHA standards).
318 Using any equipment or machinery without staff authorization.
319 Using any equipment or machinery contrary to instructions or posted safety standards.
320 Failing to stand count.
321 Interfering with the taking of count.
322 (Not to be used).
323 (Not to be used).
324 Gambling.
325 Preparing or conducting a gambling pool.
326 Possession of gambling paraphernalia.
327 Unauthorized contacts with the public.
328 Giving money or anything of value to, or accepting money or anything of value from, another
inmate or any other person without staff authorization.
329 Destroying, altering, or damaging government property, or the property of another person,
having a value of $100.00 or less.
330 Being unsanitary or untidy; failing to keep one's person or quarters in accordance with posted
331 Possession, manufacture, introduction, or loss of a non-hazardous tool, equipment, supplies, or
other non-hazardous contraband (tools not likely to be used in an escape or escape attempt, or to
serve as a weapon capable of doing serious bodily harm to others, or not hazardous to institutional
security or personal safety) (other non-hazardous contraband includes such items as food,
cosmetics, cleaning supplies, smoking apparatus and tobacco in any form where prohibited, and
unauthorized nutritional/dietary supplements).
332 Smoking where prohibited.
333 Fraudulent or deceptive completion of a skills test (e.g., cheating on a GED, or other
educational or vocational skills test).
334 Conducting a business; conducting or directing an investment transaction without staff
335 Communicating gang affiliation; participating in gang related activities; possession of
paraphernalia indicating gang affiliation.
336 Circulating a petition.
396 Use of the mail for abuses other than criminal activity which do not circumvent mail
monitoring; or use of the mail to commit or further a Moderate category prohibited act.
397 Use of the telephone for abuses other than illegal activity which do not circumvent the ability of
staff to monitor frequency of telephone use, content of the call, or the number called; or to commit
or further a Moderate category prohibited act.
398 Interfering with a staff member in the performance of duties most like another Moderate
severity prohibited act. This charge is to be used only when another charge of Moderate severity is
not accurate. The offending conduct must be charged as “most like” one of the listed Moderate
severity prohibited acts.
399 Conduct which disrupts or interferes with the security or orderly running of the institution or
the Bureau of Prisons most like another Moderate severity prohibited act. This charge is to be used
only when another charge of Moderate severity is not accurate. The offending conduct must be
charged as “most like” one of the listed Moderate severity prohibited acts.
A. Recommend parole date rescission or retardation.
B. Forfeit and/or withhold earned statutory good time or non-vested good conduct time up to 25%
or up to 30 days, whichever is less, and/or terminate or disallow extra good time (an extra good
time or good conduct time sanction may not be suspended).
B.1 Disallow ordinarily up to 25% (1-14 days) of good conduct time credit available for year (a
good conduct time sanction may not be suspended).
C. Disciplinary segregation (up to 3 months).
D. Make monetary restitution.
E. Monetary fine.
F. Loss of privileges (e.g., visiting, telephone, commissary, movies, recreation).
G. Change housing (quarters).
H. Remove from program and/or group activity.
I. Loss of job.
J. Impound inmate’s personal property.
K. Confiscate contraband.
L. Restrict to quarters.
M. Extra duty.
400 (Not to be used).
401 (Not to be used).
402 Malingering, feigning illness.
403 (Not to be used).
404 Using abusive or obscene language.
405 (Not to be used).
406 (Not to be used).
407 Conduct with a visitor in violation of Bureau regulations.
408 (Not to be used).
409 Unauthorized physical contact (e.g., kissing, embracing).
498 Interfering with a staff member in the performance of duties most like another Low severity
prohibited act. This charge is to be used only when another charge of Low severity is not accurate.
The offending conduct must be charged as “most like” one of the listed Low severity prohibited
499 Conduct which disrupts or interferes with the security or orderly running of the institution or
the Bureau of Prisons most like another Low severity prohibited act. This charge is to be used only
when another charge of Low severity is not accurate. The offending conduct must be charged as
“most like” one of the listed Low severity prohibited acts.
B.1 Disallow ordinarily up to 12.5% (1-7 days) of good conduct time credit available for year (to be
used only where inmate found to have committed a second violation of the same prohibited act
within 6 months); Disallow ordinarily up to 25% (1-14 days) of good conduct time credit available
for year (to be used only where inmate found to have committed a third violation of the same
prohibited act within 6 months) (a good conduct time sanction may not be suspended).
D. Make monetary restitution.
E. Monetary fine.
F. Loss of privileges (e.g., visiting, telephone, commissary, movies, recreation).
G. Change housing (quarters).
H. Remove from program and/or group activity.
I. Loss of job.
J. Impound inmate’s personal property.
K. Confiscate contraband
L. Restrict to quarters.
M. Extra duty.
I, , a Federal Resident of City of Faith Residential Re-Entry
Center, pursuant to my signature below, certify that and attest to the following.
1. City of Faith has provided me with a copy of the Federal Bureau of Prisons Prohibited Acts. I
have read, discussed with the staff member whose signature appears below and fully understand
these prohibited acts apply to me as a resident of this facility.
2. City of Faith has provided me with a copy of its Federal Resident Handbook. I have read,
discussed with the staff member whose signature appears below and fully understand how this
Resident Handbook applies to me as a resident of this facility.
3. I fully understand that should I commit any act prohibited by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, or
fail to comply with any of the rules and guidelines contained in the City of Faith Handbook and/
or any condition of residency at this facility, I will be subject to administrative action including
restriction of passes, furloughs, activities away from the facility, as well as possible termination
from this Work-Release Program.
4. City of Faith’s Emergency Evacuation Procedures have been explained to me by the staff
member whose signature appears below. I fully understand my responsibilities during an
emergency evacuation.
5.I wholeheartedly agree to abide and strictly adhere to all of City of Faith’s Federal Resident
Handbook, when filing a formal complaint or grievance.
6.I agree to strictly adhere to the chain of command, discussed in City of Faith’s federal
handbook, when filing a formal complaint or grievance.
7. I understand an agree that the Director, for cause as determined by the Director, at any point in
time during my residency, may, at her exclusive discretion, terminate my residency and
immediately cause my return to the referring agency.