Rating API
User Manual
Rating API Manual
Table of Contents
Rating API Rules
Business Processes and Rules
Rating Ground Freight Rules
Negotiated Rates
TForce Freight Density Rates
About the TForce Freight Rating API
Who Should Read This Manual
Manual Organization
Getting Started with Rating API
Key Steps to Begin
Helpful Resources
Rating API Endpoints
OpenAPI Metadata
Get Rate
Volume Rating
Making a Request
Base URL
Query Parameters
Details for /getRate Endpoint
Details for /volumeRating Endpoint
Details for /openapi Endpoint
API Throttling
Rating API Response Structure and Codes
Rating Response Body Properties
Formatting and Common Element Constraints
Property details
Application Integration and Testing
Using Negotiated Rates in CIE
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
HTTP Response Codes
Response Status Codes
Service Codes
Rate Codes
Pickup Codes
Delivery Codes
Packaging Type Codes
Billing Codes
Call Type Codes
Freight Classifications
Country Codes
Canadian Province and Territory Codes
US State Codes
This section contains important legal and regulatory information that governs the use of TForce Freight
APIs. By accessing or using the API, you agree to comply with the terms outlined in this section. Please
take a moment to review the following notices before proceeding.
Copyright Information
The content and materials provided in this documentation are the property of TForce Freight and are
protected by applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. You may use the documentation for your
internal purposes related to using this TForce Freight API, but you may not reproduce, distribute, modify,
or otherwise exploit the content for commercial purposes without express written consent from TForce
"TForce Freight" and the TForce Freight logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of TForce Freight
in various jurisdictions. Other names, logos, and trademarks appearing in this documentation are the
property of their respective owners.
Terms of Use
Your use of this TForce Freight API is subject to the TForce Freight Terms of Use, which can be accessed
on our official website. By using the API, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to
abide by the Terms of Use.
API Usage Policies
Please note that the use of this TForce Freight API is subject to specific usage policies, which may
include rate limits, acceptable use guidelines, and data usage restrictions. These policies are designed to
ensure fair and responsible use of the API and to maintain the quality of service for all users. Be sure to
review and adhere to these policies to avoid any disruptions to your API access.
Legal Disclaimers
The information and materials provided in this documentation are for informational purposes only and are
provided "as is" without any warranties, expressed or implied. TForce Freight makes no representations
or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information contained herein.
TForce Freight disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions in the documentation.
Privacy Policies
Your privacy is important to us. TForce Freight's privacy practices are outlined in our Privacy Policy, which
can be accessed here on our official website. The Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose,
and safeguard your personal information in connection with the use of our services, including this API.
Attribution Requirements
If you are a third-party developer using this API to provide services to your clients, you may need to
adhere to certain attribution requirements as specified by TForce Freight.
Contact Information
For inquiries related to this API, its usage, or any other matter, please contact our support team at
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Rating API Rules
The TForce Freight Rating API gives client applications a way to determine the rates available for a
ground freight shipment. To use this service, an application sends TForce Freight details about the
shipment such as its origin, destination, and contents as well as the specific TForce Freight service
Business Processes and Rules
TForce Freight expects schema as defined in the request structure i.e., no spelling or structural
deviations. Elements that are not defined in the data request will result in request being rejected.
Only users that plan to ship packages manifested, tendered, and delivered by TForce Freight can
use the API.
Any customers/developers abusing or data mining the API will have their access revoked.
To access API documentation, users must be have a registered TForce Freight profile and be
logged in.
To access testing and production sites, users must have OAuth Credentials and be enrolled as an
API End User. For more details, see our website to help you get started.
Rating Ground Freight Rules
The Rating API cannot be used to access rates or data from proprietary rate basing systems or
licensed products that are not the property of TForce Freight. The Rating Ground Freight API may
not be used by brokers or resellers of transportation services.
Ground Freight does not offer void, label recovery, or return services.
Ground Freight does not offer Paperless Invoice.
Users must be registered with a user ID and password for TFF API portal in order to see
Negotiated Rates. For additional information, refer to the TFF API portal instructions for negotiated
rates guide in the Developer Kit.
All shipping and billing locations must be included in the Ground Freight registration.
Requests for utilizing the Rating API with data from proprietary rate basing systems or licensed
products that are not the property of TFI International Inc. can only be considered after approval
from the owning authority. Upon application for access to the Rating API, TForce Freight will
request approval from the owning authority prior to completing the application request.
The Rating API may only be used by brokers or resellers of transportation services with a current
and active TForce Freight agreement/partnership. The Shipping and Pickup APIs are the products
of TForce Freight and are available to all customers.
Negotiated Rates
To view negotiated rates for Ground Freight rates please contact your Account Executive.
Users must be registered with a user ID and password for the Developer Portal and have an approved
TForce Freight Account Number to see Negotiated Rates.
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TForce Freight Density Rates
TForce Freight Rates, Density Based Rating (DBR), provide a new rating method based on dimensional
weight for the TForce Freight Less Than Truckload (LTL) and UPS® Ground with Freight Pricing* (GFP)
customers who ship using the Shipping API – Ground.
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
Note: *TForce Freight is an authorized reseller of UPS® Ground with Freight Pricing but is not
authorized to resell any other services offered by United Parcel Service, Inc. or its affiliates.
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 3
Welcome to the TForce Freight Rating API Manual. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist
developers use the TForce Freight Rating API to access and calculate shipping rates. Whether you are
building applications to enhance customer experience or streamline internal operations, this manual will
provide you with the knowledge to seamlessly integrate with TForce Freight’s rating services.
About the TForce Freight Rating API
The TForce Freight Rating API offers a powerful set of endpoints that allow you to retrieve detailed
shipping rates based on various parameters such as shipment size, weight, and destination. By
integrating our API into your applications, you can provide your users with precise and real-time shipping
rate calculations.
Who Should Read This Manual
This manual is intended for developers, software engineers, and technical teams who are responsible for
integrating the TForce Freight Rating API into their applications. Whether you are new to APIs or an
experienced developer, this guide will provide you with the necessary information to get started and make
the most out of TForce Freight’s rating capabilities.
Manual Organization
To help you navigate this manual, we’ve outlined the following sections that cover different aspects of the
TForce Freight Rating API:
Notices: Important legal and disclaimer information.
Introduction: An overview of the manual's purpose and organization.
Getting Started with the TForce Freight Rating API: Guidelines on accessing the API, including
authentication, base URLs, and versioning.
Rating API Endpoints: A detailed exploration of the available rating endpoints, their specific
functions, and guidelines for effective utilization.
Request and Response Format: Information about the structure of API requests and responses,
including headers, URL formats, and data formats.
Integration and Testing Guidelines: Recommendations for testing your integration, including a
testing environment, sample data, and rate limiting considerations.
Appendix: Additional resources, including error codes, enumerations, and additional reference
Before you proceed, it's recommended that you have a basic understanding of HTTP, API concepts, and a
programming language you intend to use for API integration. Additionally, you should have an active
TForce Freight developer account and the necessary credential approval to access the API endpoints.
Please reach out to the TForce Freight API support team if you have any questions or need assistance
during the integration process.
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Getting Started with Rating API
TForce Freight APIs allow for seamless third-party integrations, enabling TForce Freight customers to
enroll their accounts with your application and access/update their account information.
Key Steps to Begin
The following is a high level overview of the client registration and authorization process:
1. User Onboarding: Users can sign up for a new TForce Freight account or log into an existing one.
Once enrolled, they'll grant consent for your application to access their TForce Freight account
data. This process is managed by the TForce Freight Customer Identity and Access Management
(CIAM) platform.
2. Configuring Your Application: Visit your developer portal profile to configure your application
Set up your application's display information (e.g., logo, display name, home page URL).
Provide a webhook URL for receiving events from the TForce Freight API.
Manage your OAuth client secrets for secure exchanges.
3. Handling Webhook Events: Upon user consent, an event (UserOnboardedEvent) will be
dispatched to your configured webhook. This event contains essential information about the
onboarded user, which you can use to make further requests to the TForce Freight Tracking API.
4. Token Management: Use the provided JSON Web Token (JWT) from the UserOnboardedEvent to
retrieve access and refresh tokens from the TForce Freight CIAM platform. These tokens are
essential for accessing user data through the API.
5. Accessing the API: With a valid token, you can then access the TForce Freight API to retrieve or
update the onboarded user's data.
6. Recovering Access Rights: If tokens expire, users will need to reaffirm their consent. To
streamline this process, consider implementing a mechanism to refresh tokens before they expire.
Helpful Resources
For more detailed and technical guides on integrating with the TForce Freight API, visit the TForce Freight
Developer Portal and see our resource pages.
Additional references:
Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow
Overview of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
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GET /openapi
POST /getRate
Rating API Endpoints
The TForce Freight Rating API offers endpoints for calculating shipping rates based on various
parameters like service options, shipment details, and commodities. This section provides an overview of
the main endpoints available for use.
This overview highlights the key rating endpoints offered by the TForce Freight Rating API. Each endpoint
serves a specific purpose, providing different ways to calculate and retrieve rate information. Detailed
information on utilizing these endpoints can be found throughout this manual.
OpenAPI Metadata
This endpoint provides the OpenAPI metadata for the TForce Freight Rating API, detailing the
available endpoints, request and response formats, and other crucial API information.
Request Details
Get Rate
This endpoint allows for retrieving shipping rates based on detailed request parameters. These
include service codes, pickup dates, shipping locations (ship from, ship to, and payer), service
options, and commodities details.
Request Body Description:
The request must include detailed information such as requestOptions (like service code, pickup
date, etc.), ship from, ship to, payment, service options, and commodities. Each part has specific
required fields like addresses, billing codes, and packaging types.
Request Details
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POST /volumeRating
Volume Rating
The Volume Rating endpoint is designed for obtaining shipping rates for large-volume or less-than-
truckload (LTL) freight shipments. It caters to scenarios where the shipment size is substantial and
requires special handling or rate calculation.
Request Body Description:
The request must encompass details such as requestOptions (like service code and pickup date),
shipFrom and shipTo addresses, serviceOptions, and commodity details (linear feet, weight, etc.).
This endpoint is particularly relevant for larger shipments where the total volume and weight
significantly influence the rate estimation.
Request Details
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Making a Request
This section focuses on the specifics of making a request to the TForce Freight Rating API, including
required headers, parameters, and the format of the request body.
Base URL
The following URL allows you to access the TForce Freight Rating API Endpoints:
Below is a table of the headers supported and required by the API:
Header Name Description Req? Example Value
Used for passing the OAuth2.0
access token.
REQ (for
Bearer [Access-
Cache-Control Directive for caching mechanism. OPT no-cache
Acceptable content type for
OPT application/json
The media type of the body of the
request (used with POST, PUT and
REQ (for requests
with a body)
Query Parameters
Below is a table of the query parameters supported by the API:
Parameter Name Description Req? Example Value
Specifies the version of the API to use.
'v*' (e.g., v1) for live production
'cie-v*' (e.g., cie-v1) for customer
integration environment matching the
production version
'cie-vNext' for testing upcoming versions
Please visit the APIs page for available versions.
v1, cie-v1, cie-
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
Note: It is critical to understand the way versioning is handled through query parameters. Review
the section on testing environments for an example of the version query parameter in use.
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Details for /getRate Endpoint
This endpoint allows for retrieving shipping rates based on various parameters.
Request Body Properties
The request body must include detailed information such as requestOptions (service code, pickup date,
etc.), shipFrom, shipTo, payment, serviceOptions, and commodities.
Property Name Type Description
requestOptions Object
Container for request option
{ }
requestOptions.serviceCode String
The service code associated with
the shipment.
requestOptions.pickupDate String Date of the Pickup. '2024-03-29'
requestOptions.type String
Rating Call Type. Possible values:
requestOptions.densityEligible Boolean
Indicates whether the rate request
is eligible for density-based pricing.
requestOptions.timeInTransit Boolean
Indicates if Time in Transit
information is requested and will be
requestOptions.quoteNumber Boolean
Indicates if a Quote Number will be
returned for this LTL Freight Rate
quote request.
requestOptions.customerContext String
Contextual information provided by
the customer for the request.
shipFrom Object Origin information container. { }
shipFrom.address Object
Origin location information
{ }
shipFrom.address.city String Shipper's city. Richmond
shipFrom.address.stateProvinceCode String Shipper’s state or province code. VA
shipFrom.address.postalCode String Shipper’s postal code. 23224
shipFrom.address.country String Shipper’s country code. US
shipFrom.isResidential Boolean
Indicates that the shipment requires
a residential pickup.
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Property Name Type Description
shipTo Object
Destination information
{ }
shipTo.address Object
Destination location information
{ }
shipTo.address.city String Destination (consignee's) city. "Richmond"
shipTo.address.stateProvinceCode String
Destination (consignee's) state
or province code.
shipTo.address.postalCode String
Destination (consignee's) postal
shipTo.address.country String
Destination (consignee's)
country code.
shipTo.isResidential Boolean
Indicates that the shipment
requires a residential delivery.
payment Object
Container for information about
the payment.
{ }
payment.payer Object
Container for information about
the payer.
{ }
payment.payer.address Object
Container for information about
the payer's location.
{ }
payment.payer.address.city String Payer's city. Richmond
String Payer’s state or province code. VA
payment.payer.address.postalCode String Payer's postal code. 23224
payment.payer.address.country String Payer's country code. US
payment.billingCode String Shipment Billing code. 30
serviceOptions Object Service options for the shipment. { }
Array of
Shipment Pick up service
Array of
Shipment delivery service
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Property Name Type Description
serviceOptions.shipment Object
Includes properties for
freezableProtection, extremeLength,
adjustedHeight, sortAndSegregate, and
{ }
Indicates whether freezable protection
is required.
Container indicating the shipment
contains an item of extreme length.
{ }
Indicates the shipment contains an item
of extreme length. Dimensional length
of the article(s) given in feet.
Unit of measurement for extreme
length, default is FEET.
Object Adjusted height container. { }
String Adjusted height value. '10'
Unit of measurement for the adjusted
Information on units for
{ }
Quantity of units to be
serviceOptions.shipment.excessValue Object
Information container for excess value
{ }
String Excess value amount. '1000'
Excess value amount currency type.
Valid value: USD - United States Dollar.
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Property Name Type Description
Array of
List of commodities information for
the shipment. Must have at least 1
item and can have up to 100.
[ { } ]
commodities[].class String Freight Classification. '100'
commodities[].nmfc Object Container for NMFC information. { }
commodities[].nmfc.prime String
National Motor Freight Classification
Commodity prime code. Consists of 6
digits representing the NMFC prime
commodities[].nmfc.sub String
National Motor Freight Classification
Commodity sub code. Consists of 2
digits representing the NMFC sub
commodities[].pieces Integer
Number of pieces of the commodity in
the handling unit.
commodities[].weight Object
Container for the weight of the
{ }
commodities[].weight.weight Number
The value for the line item weight
associated with the shipment.
commodities[].weight.weightUnit String
Commodity Weight Unit Of
Measurement. Accepts 'LBS' for
commodities[].packagingType String
TForce Freight packaging type
associated with the shipment. See
the appendix.
commodities[].dangerousGoods Boolean
Indicates that the commodity is of
type dangerous goods.
commodities[].dimensions.length Number
The length of the line item used to
determine dimensional weight. Max
value: 324 inches.
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Property Name Type Description
commodities[].dimensions.width Number
The width of the line item used to
determine dimensional weight. Max
value: 96 inches.
commodities[].dimensions.height Number
The height of the line item used to
determine dimensional weight. Max
value: 102 inches.
commodities[].dimensions.unit String
The code associated with the unit of
measure for the line item.
Array of
List of handling unit information for
the shipment.
[ ]
handlingUnits[].pieces Integer
Handling Unit Quantity for Density
based rating.
handlingUnits[].weight Object
Container for the weight of the
handling unit.
{ }
handlingUnits[].weight.weight Number
Handling unit weight value for the
handlingUnits[].weight.weightUnit String
Unit of Measurement for the Handling
unit weight. Accepts 'LBS' for pounds.
handlingUnits[].packagingType String
Packaging Types for the Handling
Unit. See the appendix.
handlingUnits[].dangerousGoods Boolean
Indicates that the commodity in the
handling unit is of type dangerous
handlingUnits[].dimensions Object
Container for the dimensions of the
handling unit.
{ }
handlingUnits[].dimensions.length Number
The length of the line item in the
handling unit used to determine
dimensional weight. Maximum 324
handlingUnits[].dimensions.width Number
The width of the line item in the
handling unit used to determine
dimensional weight. Maximum 96
handlingUnits[].dimensions.height Number
The height of the line item in the
handling unit used to determine
dimensional weight. Maximum 102
handlingUnits[].dimensions.unit String
Unit of measurement for the
dimensions of the handling unit.
Accepts 'IN' for inches.
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Property Name Type Description
ShipmentTotalWeight Object
Container for the total weight of the
{ }
ShipmentTotalWeight.weight Number Total weight of the shipment. 500
ShipmentTotalWeight.weightUnit String
Unit of measurement for total shipment
weight. Accepts 'LBS' for pounds.
HandlingUnitWeight Object
Container for the weight of the
handling unit.
{ }
HandlingUnitWeight.weight Number Weight of the handling unit. 250
HandlingUnitWeight.weightUnit String
Unit of measurement for the handling
unit weight. Accepts 'LBS' for pounds.
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Details for /volumeRating Endpoint
This endpoint allows for retrieving shipping rates on large volumes.
Request Body Properties
The request body must include detailed information such as requestOptions (service code, pickup date,
etc.), shipFrom, shipTo, payment, serviceOptions, and commodities.
Property Name Type Description
requestOptions.serviceCode String
The code for the TForce Freight
Service associated with the
shipment. For Volume Rating, only
code `308` is allowed.
requestOptions.pickupDate Date
Date of the Pickup in YYYY-MM-DD
requestOptions.type String
Rating Call Type. Possible Values in
V1 - L
requestOptions.timeInTransit Boolean
Indicates if Time in Transit
information is requested and will be
requestOptions.quoteNumber Boolean
Indicates if a Quote Number will be
returned for this LTL Freight Rate
quote request.
requestOptions.customerContext String
Contextual information provided by
the customer for the request.
shipFrom.address.city String Shipper's city. Richmond
shipFrom.address.stateProvinceCode String Shipper’s state or province code. VA
shipFrom.address.postalCode String Shipper’s postal code. 23224
shipFrom.address.country String Shipper’s country code. US
shipFrom.isResidential Boolean
Indicates that the shipment requires
a residential pickup.
shipTo.address.city String Consignee's city. "Richmond"
shipTo.address.stateProvinceCode String Consignee’s state or province code. "VA"
shipTo.address.postalCode String Consignee’s postal code. "23224"
shipTo.address.country String
Consignee's country code. See
shipTo.isResidential Boolean
Indicates that the shipment requires
a residential delivery.
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Property Name Type Description Example Value
Array of
Shipment Pick up service
options. See appendix.
['INPU', 'LIFO']
Array of
Shipment delivery service
options. See appendix.
['INDE', 'LIFD']
serviceOptions.shipment Object
Includes properties for
extremeLength, adjustedHeight,
sortAndSegregate, and
Indicates whether freezable
protection is required
Indicates the shipment contains
an item of extreme length.
Dimensional length of the
article(s) given in feet.
Unit of measurement for
extreme length, default is FEET.
Quantity of units to be
String Excess value amount '1000'
Excess value amount currency
type. Valid value: USD - United
States Dollar
Array of
Details of the commodities
included in the shipment
commodity[].linearfeet String
Linear Feet of the commodity
for volume calculation
commodity[].pieces Integer
Number of pieces of the
commodity in the handling unit
commodity[].weight Object Weight of the commodity
{ "weight":
"LBS" }
commodity[].weight.weight Number Weight value of the commodity 10000
commodity[].weight.weightUnit String Weight unit of the commodity 'LBS'
commodity.dangerousGoods Boolean
Indicates whether dangerous
goods are included.
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Property Name Type Description
commodity[].packagingType String
TForce Freight packaging type
associated with the shipment. See the
Details for /openapi Endpoint
This endpoint provides the OpenAPI metadata for the Rating API and does not require a request body,
specific headers, or parameters.
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API Throttling
TForce Freight APIs implement throttling mechanisms to ensure equitable distribution of resources among
all users and to safeguard the system's stability and reliability. This section clarifies the different throttling
policies in place.
Rate Limiting
Our system implements rate limiting when a large volume of requests is received in a short time frame.
This limiting helps balance server load and maintain consistent performance even during traffic spikes.
Renewal Time: 60 seconds.
High request volumes may result in a 429 error response. This indicates that there's a temporary hold on
requests to ensure optimal experience for all users. The rate limit resets after 60 seconds.
Quota Limiting
Different from rate limiting, quota limiting controls the number of requests an individual user can send
over an extended period. Quota limiting ensures no single user overwhelms the system. Each user has a
generous request allowance for this time frame.
Renewal Time: 300 seconds.
Crossing the quota limit threshold will trigger a 403 error response for the user who exceeded the limit.
This error is exclusive to the user who has exceeded their quota, and normal access is restored after 300
Summary of Throttle Limits
The following table summarizes the different throttling limits.
Throttle Type Error Code Renewal Time User Affected
Rate Limit 429 60 seconds All users
Quota Limit 403 300 seconds Requesting user only
The following recommendations will help you manage your API requests to minimize throttling.
Continuously monitor your API usage.
If you receive a 429 or 403 response, consider implementing a method like exponential back-off for
your requests. Wait for the specified renewal time before sending another batch of requests.
Review the HTTP header of our responses. It can offer insights about your current usage relative
to potential limits.
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Note: Customer Integration Environment (CIE) endpoints and Production endpoints maintain
separate throttling counters. Reaching a limit in one environment won’t impact your request
allowance in the other.
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Rating API Response Structure and
The following section details the various codes and responses you may receive from the Rating API.
Rating Response Body Properties
These tables summarize and describe the different response body properties you may encounter.
Understanding These Tables
These tables represent nested JSON structures using dots to denote parent structures.
For example, consider the following field from our table:
This corresponds to the nested structure in the JSON response:
"summary": {
"responseStatus": {
"code": "OK"
In the response, the
is nested within
which itself is nested within
Hence, the dot notation
Rating Response Properties
The response properties are the same for both GetRate and VolumeRating endpoints
Property Type Description
summary object Summary of the rating operation result.
summary.responseStatus object Object containing the response status.
summary.responseStatus.code string
The response code indicating the result of the
rating operation.
summary.responseStatus.message string
The descriptive message corresponding to the
response code.
summary.transactionReference object
Object containing the transaction reference
summary.transactionReference.transactionId string The unique identifier for the rating transaction.
summary.classDensityIndicatior string Indicates the conversion code of the rates.
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Property Type Description
summary.quoteNumber string
The Quote Number returned in the response associated
to the specific LTL Freight Rate returned in the response.
summary.minimumChargesApplied boolean
The presence of the tag indicates the rate returned has a
minimum charge applied to it.
summary.customerContext string
The Customer Context Information which will be echoed
during response.
summary.isRegisteredUser boolean Indicated whether the user is registered or not.
summary.publishedRates boolean Indicates when the published rates are returned.
detail array
An array of details for each item in the rate request. All
applicable services will be returned for each call.
detail[].detailStatus object
Object containing the status details for the individual
detail[].detailStatus.code string The code indicating the status of the rate detail.
detail[].detailStatus.message string The message describing the detail status code.
detail[].alerts[] array
An array of rate items, each containing a code,
description, value, and unit.
detail[].alerts[].code string The code for the specific rate type.
detail[].alerts[].message string A text description of the rate type.
detail[].service object
Object containing information about the service
associated with the shipment.
detail[].service.code string
The code representing the specific TForce Freight
Service for the shipment.
detail[].service.description string
A description of the TForce Freight Service related to the
service code.
detail[].rate array
An array of rate items, each containing a code,
description, value, and unit.
detail[].rate[].code string The code for the specific rate type.
detail[].rate[].description string A text description of the rate type.
detail[].rate[].value number The numeric value of the rate.
detail[].rate[].unit string The unit of measure for the rate, typically currency.
detail[].commodities array An array of commodities included in the rate detail.
detail[].commodities[].description string Description of the commodity.
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Property Type Description
detail[].commodities[].weight object
Object containing weight details of the
detail[].commodities[].weight.weight string The actual weight of the commodity.
detail[].commodities[].weight.adjustedWeight string
The adjusted weight of the commodity, if
detail[].commodities[].weight.weightUnit string The unit of weight measurement.
detail[].shipmentCharges object
Object containing the total charges for the
detail[].shipmentCharges.total object
Object containing the total value and currency of
the shipment charges.
detail[].shipmentCharges.total.value string The total charge value for the shipment.
detail[].shipmentCharges.total.currency string
The currency code for the total shipment
detail[].shipmentWeights object
Object containing information about the shipment
detail[].shipmentWeights.billable object
Object containing the billable weight of the
detail[].shipmentWeights.billable.value string The billable weight value for the shipment.
detail[].shipmentWeights.billable.unit string
The unit of measurement for the billable weight
(e.g., LBS).
detail[].serviceCenter object Object containing service center details.
detail[].serviceCenter.origin.code string Code for the origin service center.
detail[].serviceCenter.origin.name string Full name of the origin service center.
detail[].serviceCenter.destination.code string Code for the destination service center.
detail[].serviceCenter.destination.name string Full name of the destination service center.
detail[].ratedAs[].class string Freight Classification.
detail[].ratedAs[].weight string Weight value for the class.
detail[].timeInTransit object
Object containing the time in transit for the
detail[].timeInTransit.value string
The value representing the time in transit for the
detail[].timeInTransit.unit string
The unit of measurement for the time in transit
(e.g., DAY).
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 21
Formatting and Common Element
Understanding the constraints on data elements is crucial when integrating with the TForce Freight Rating
API. This section outlines common element constraints specific to this API.
Data Types
The Rating API utilizes various data types, including:
String: Used for textual data such as names, email addresses, codes, and other descriptive
Integer: Represents numeric values without decimals, used for properties like pieces and weight.
Boolean: Indicates true/false values.
Array: A collection of elements, often used for lists like 'service options' and 'email notifications'.
Object: Represents complex data structures that can contain multiple properties.
Value Constraints
Certain elements have specific constraints. For example:
Service Code: Must be one of the specified enumeration values (e.g., '308', '309').
Review the appendix and property tables for additional enumerations.
Length and Format Constraints
Some string values have specific formats or patterns they must adhere to.
The date format follows the ISO 8601 standard. The date should be in the format YYYY-MM-
DD. Example: 2024-12-31.
The time format uses a 24-hour clock. The time should be in the format HHMM. Example:
1300 for 1:00 PM or 0930 for 9:30 AM.
The postal code format must match typical postal codes used in the US, Canada, and
Mexico. Example: US - 12345, Canada - A1A1A1, Mexico - 12345.
Also note:
Weight Unit: Must be a valid unit (e.g., 'LBS' for pounds).
Dimensional Units: Length, width, and height units must be consistent and valid (e.g., 'inches',
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
Note: Adhering to these constraints is essential for successful API requests. Ensure that your
requests conform to these guidelines for effective integration with the TForce Freight Rating API.
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 22
Property details
The following section details constraints for each property.
Details for /getRate requests
"requestOptions": {
Req: Yes
"serviceCode": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"pickupDate": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Date
"type": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"densityEligible": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"timeInTransit": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"quoteNumber": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"customerContext": "",
Req: Opt
"shipFrom": {
Req: Yes
"address": {
Req: Yes
"city": "",
Req: Opt
"stateProvinceCode": "",
Req: Opt
Characters: =2
"postalCode": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Postal Code
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
Note: The "Req" field denotes whether each property is required (Yes), conditionally required
(Con), or optional (Opt). Required properties must always be included in requests. Conditionally
required properties must be included if their parent property is included. Optional properties can
either be included or excluded in your requests.
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 23
Details for /getRate requests (cont)
"country": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"isResidential": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"shipTo": {
Req: Yes
"address": {
Req: Yes
"city": "",
Req: Opt
"stateProvinceCode": "",
Req: Opt
Characters: =2
"postalCode": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Postal Code
"country": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"isResidential": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"payment": {
Req: Yes
"payer": {
Req: Yes
"address": {
Req: Yes
"city": "",
Req: Opt
"stateProvinceCode": "",
Req: Opt
Characters: =2
"postalCode": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Postal Code
"country": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"billingCode": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 24
Details for /getRate requests (cont)
"serviceOptions": {
Req: Opt
"pickup": [ "" ],
Req: Opt
Items Allowed: ≥0
Enum: Appendix
"delivery": [ "" ],
Req: Opt
Items Allowed: ≥0
Enum: Appendix
"shipment": {
Req: Opt
"freezableProtection": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"extremeLength": {
Req: Opt
"value": "",
Req: Con
Value: >0
"unit": ""
Req: Con
Enum: FEET
"adjustedHeight": {
Req: Opt
"value": "",
Req: Con
Value: >0
"unit": ""
Req: Con
Enum: FEET
"sortAndSegregate": {
Req: Opt
"quantity": ,
Req: Con
"excessValue": {
Req: Opt
"value": "",
Req: Con
"currency": ""
Req: Con
Enum: USD
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 25
Details for /getRate requests (cont)
"commodities": [
Req: Yes
Items Allowed: ≥1 and ≤100
"class": "",
Req: Opt
Enum: Appendix
"nmfc": {
Req: Opt
"prime": "",
Req: Opt
Characters: =6
"sub": ""
Req: Opt
Characters: =2
"pieces": ,
Req: Yes
Value: ≥1 and ≤9999
"weight": {
Req: Yes
"weight": ,
Req: Yes
Value: ≥0
"weightUnit": ""
Req: Yes
Enum: `LBS` - Pounds
"packagingType": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"dangerousGoods": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"dimensions": {
Req: Opt
"length": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0 and ≤324
"width": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0 and ≤96
"height": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0 and ≤102
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 26
Details for /getRate requests (cont)
"unit": ""
Req: Con
Enum: `IN` - Inches
"handlingUnits": [
Req: Opt
Items Allowed: ≥0
"pieces": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥1 and ≤9999
"weight": {
Req: Opt
"weight": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0
"weightUnit": ""
Req: Con
Enum: `LBS` - Pounds
"packagingType": "",
Req: Con
Enum: Appendix
"dangerousGoods": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"dimensions": {
Req: Con
"length": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0 and ≤324
"width": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0 and ≤96
"height": ,
Req: Con
Value: ≥0 and ≤102
"unit": ""
Req: Con
Enum: `IN` - Inches
"shipmentTotalWeight": {
Req: Opt
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 27
Details for /getRate requests (cont)
"weight": ,
Req: Opt
Value: ≥0
"weightUnit": ""
Req: Opt
Enum: `LBS` - Pounds
"handlingUnitWeight": {
Req: Opt
"weight": ,
Req: Opt
Value: ≥0
"weightUnit": ""
Req: Opt
Enum: `LBS` - Pounds
Details for /volumeRating requests
"requestOptions": {
Req: Yes
"serviceCode": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"pickupDate": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Date
"timeInTransit": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"customerContext": "",
Req: Opt
"shipFrom": {
Req: Yes
"address": {
Req: Yes
"city": "",
Req: Opt
"postalCode": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Postal Code
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 28
Details for /volumeRating requests (cont)
"country": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"isResidential": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"shipTo": {
Req: Yes
"address": {
Req: Yes
"city": "",
Req: Opt
"postalCode": "",
Req: Yes
Format: Postal Code
"country": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: Appendix
"isResidential": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"serviceOptions": {
Req: Opt
"pickup": [ ],
Req: Opt
Items Allowed: ≥0
Enum: Appendix
"delivery": [ ],
Req: Opt
Items Allowed: ≥0
Enum: Appendix
"shipment": {
Req: Opt
"freezableProtection": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"extremeLength": {
Req: Opt
"value": "",
Req: Con
Value: >0
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 29
Details for /volumeRating requests (cont)
"unit": "",
Req: Con
Enum: FEET
"sortAndSegregate": {
Req: Con
"quantity": ,
Req: Yes
Value: >0
"excessValue": {
Req: Opt
"value": "",
Req: Con
"currency": "",
Req: Con
Enum: `USD`
"commodity": {
Req: Yes
"linearfeet": ,
Req: Yes
Value: ≥8 and ≤28
"pieces": ,
Req: Opt
"weight": {
Req: Yes
"weight": ,
Req: Yes
"weightUnit": "",
Req: Yes
Enum: `LBS` - Pounds
"dangerousGoods": ,
Req: Opt
Enum: Boolean
"packagingType": "",
Req: Opt
Enum: Appendix
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 30
Application Integration and Testing
TForce Freight's integration environment is available 24/7 for your application testing.
Integration Testing
For integration testing, please point your Rating RESTful API requests to:
Production Environment
Upon the conclusion of testing, redirect your Rating RESTful API to the following production URL:
Using Negotiated Rates in CIE
The negotiated rates returned do not reflect the contractual rate. Typically the Negotiated Rates in CIE will
differ from your actual rates.
Additionally, the shipper eligibility for negotiated rates is not fully verified in the Customer Integration
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
Note: All API URLs are case-sensitive.
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 31
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Category Question Answer
How can I view my TForce Freight
(TFF) negotiated rates?
To view your TFF negotiated rates, the postal
code must match the payer and the postal code
of the set-up account.
Fuel Surcharge
Is the Fuel Surcharge listed as a
separate line item in the response
for TFF Rating API?
Yes, the fuel surcharge is listed as a separate
line item within the response.
TForce Freight
What are the supported TForce
Freight countries and territories?
TForce Freight country or territory origins include
US, CA & MX. Service for other territories is
available by contacting Customer Service.
What is the maximum shipment
weight for TForce Freight LTL?
The maximum weight for TForce Freight LTL is
19,999 lbs. Shipments 20,000 lbs. or over are
considered a Truckload (TL) movement.
Is Pallet Rating supported for
TForce Freight?
Pallet rating is not supported for online rating
with TForce Freight.
Does the API rate offshore
shipments for TForce Freight?
No, please contact Customer Service for
offshore rating.
Are there any rate structures that
are not allowable for TForce
Is 3rd Party or Freight Collect
available through the TForce
Freight Rating or Shipping APIs?
Yes, but only for the customer that is paying the
invoice. Others can create a Bill of Lading.
What rates can be returned using
the TForce Freight rating API?
Published rates based on the TForce Freight 560
tariff or a contract rate negotiated with TForce
Can I choose the rate I want
returned in the rate request for
TForce Freight?
No, the API supports a single rate type based on
your setup with TForce Freight.
Time in Transit
Is Time in Transit available through
the TForce Freight Rating or
Shipping APIs?
Yes, Time in Transit is available and does not
include Weekends or Holidays.
Linear Feet
What is the maximum Linear feet
allowed for TForce Freight LTL
Ground Freight?
The maximum dimensional length is 26 feet,
subject to change based on business rules.
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 32
Category Question Answer
How can I add locations to
a contract with TForce
Contact our Freight sales representative to add accounts
and locations to the negotiated rates.
Is phone support provided
for TForce Freight
Developer APIs?
Support will be provided via email at
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 33
HTTP Response Codes
These are some of the HTTP status codes that the API may return in response to your requests:
Description Additional Info
200 OK The request was successful and returned the expected data.
400 Bad Request
The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Check
your request body or parameters.
401 Unauthorized
The user is not authenticated. Ensure that your API key or authentication
token is valid.
403 Forbidden
When the user's request quota is exceeded. The response will include a
Retry-After header indicating the recommended retry interval in seconds.
This typically affects the requesting user only.
404 Not Found
The server could not find the requested endpoint or resource. Ensure your
URL is correct.
Too Many
The call rate for the API has been exceeded. The response will include a
Retry-After header indicating the recommended retry interval in seconds.
This affects all users.
Response Status Codes
Code Description
PRT Partial return.
OK Successful operation
NFO Rate not found.
Service Codes
Service Code Description
308 TForce Freight LTL (US/US, US/ CA)
309 TForce Freight LTL - Guaranteed
349 TForce Standard LTL (US/MX)
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 34
Rate Codes
Code Description Example Value Unit
DSCNT Discount 0 USD
DSCNT_RATE Discount Rate 0 USD
FUS_FEE Fuel Surcharge Fee 249.45 USD
Pickup Codes
Code Description
WHPU Weekend Holiday Pickup
INPU Inside Pickup
RESP Residential Pickup
LIFO Liftgate Pickup
LAPU Limited Access Pickup
TRPU Tradeshow Pickup
Delivery Codes
Code Description
NTFN Notification Before Delivery
WHDL Weekend Holiday Delivery
INDE Inside Delivery
RESD Residential Delivery
LADL Liftgate Delivery
LIFD Limited Access Delivery
TRDS Tradeshow Delivery
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 35
Packaging Type Codes
Handling Package Codes
Handling Code Description Handling Code Description
CY Cylinder CAR Carrier
SCN Screen LSE Lease
LOO Loose PAL Pail
OTH Other PLT Pallet
SKD Skid TOT Totes
CBY Carboy
Commodity Package Codes
Commodity Package Type Code Description
BAL Bale
BAR Barrel
BDL Bundle
BSK Basket
BUN Bunch
CAB Cabinet
CAR Carrier
CAS Case
CBY Carboy
CON Container
CRT Crate
CSK Cask
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 36
Commodity Package Type Code Description
CTN Carton
CYL Cylinder
DRM Drum
LOO Loose
OTH Other
PAL Pail
PCS Pieces
PKG Package
PLN Pipe Line
PLT Pallet
RCK Rack
REL Reel
ROL Roll
SKD Skid
SPL Spool
TBE Tube
TNK Tank
UNT Unit
VPK Van Pack
WRP Wrapped
Billing Codes
Billing Code Description
10 Prepaid
30 Bill to Third Party
40 Freight Collect
Call Type Codes
Type Code Description
L LTL only
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© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 37
Freight Classifications
Class Numbers Class Numbers Class Numbers Class Numbers
50 55 60 65
70 77.5 85 92.5
100 110 125 150
175 200 250 300
400 500
Country Codes
Country Abbreviation
Canada CA
Mexico MX
United States of America US
Canadian Province and Territory Codes
Province/Territory Abbreviation Province/Territory Abbreviation
Alberta AB Nunavut NU
British Columbia BC Ontario ON
Manitoba MB Prince Edward Island PE
New Brunswick NB Quebec QC
Newfoundland and Labrador NL Saskatchewan SK
Northwest Territories NT Yukon YT
Nova Scotia NS
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
© 2024 TFI International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary Page 38
US State Codes
State Abbreviation State Abbreviation
Alabama AL Montana MT
Alaska AK Nebraska NE
Arizona AZ Nevada NV
Arkansas AR New Hampshire NH
California CA New Jersey NJ
Colorado CO New Mexico NM
Connecticut CT New York NY
Delaware DE North Carolina NC
Florida FL North Dakota ND
Georgia GA Ohio OH
Hawaii HI Oklahoma OK
Idaho ID Oregon OR
Illinois IL Pennsylvania PA
Indiana IN Rhode Island RI
Iowa IA South Carolina SC
Kansas KS South Dakota SD
Kentucky KY Tennessee TN
Louisiana LA Texas TX
Maine ME Utah UT
Maryland MD Vermont VT
Massachusetts MA Virginia VA
Michigan MI Washington WA
Minnesota MN West Virginia WV
Mississippi MS Wisconsin WI
Missouri MO Wyoming WY
Rating API Manual June 07, 2024
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