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This document provides you with the rules for creating and
advancing characters within the D&D Adventurers League,
an official organized play program for Dungeons & Dragons.
Companions to this document include the D&D
Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide and the
D&D Adventurers League FAQ. Note that this document is
not a comprehensive guide to all possible adjudications; see
the companion documents above for more information.
This document covers participation in D&D Adventurers
League adventures in the following campaign worlds: the
Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Ravenloft, and Dragonlance.
Use the character creation rules as presented in the Player’s
Handbook (PH), with the following notes. You begin play at
1st level.
Step 0: Choose Your Campaign. You may choose to attach
your character to the Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Ravenloft,
or Dragonlance campaign. Your choice affects a few rulebook
options available to you and limits your adventures to those
attached to a specific campaign or available to more than
one campaign. Once your choice is made, you cannot change
it for that character after you’ve played your first adventure.
Step 1: Choose a Race or Lineage. See the sidebar for
available rules choices. Custom lineages found in Tasha’s
Cauldron of Everything are available.
Step 2: Choose a Class. See the sidebar for available rules
Step 3: Determine Ability Scores. Your ability scores are
generated using one of the following methods.
Standard set (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8).
Variant: Customizing Ability Scores (PH).
Step 4: Describe Your Character. See the sidebar for
available rules choices.
Alignment: Choose a non-evil alignment.
Background: You can create a custom background or
use any available background as presented. If you
choose a background that does not grant a feat, you
may choose one of the following feats for your
character: Skilled or Tough.
Deity: You may choose any deity to worship from
official rulebooks that is unique to your campaign world
or is not unique to another world. Clerics must choose a
Faction: You may choose one faction at character
creation or anytime the opportunity arises during play.
Benefits for faction membership are detailed within
adventures where relevant. The starting factions are
listed in appendix C in the Basic Rules. You may only
have membership in one faction at a time and may
switch whenever you’d like.
Step 5: Choosing Equipment. Your starting equipment
and gold are determined by your class and background. You
don’t roll for gold. You may start with a trinket of your
choice from available rules choices. You can sell starting
equipment using the rules in the PH and can buy equipment
and spell components found in the PH or available rules.
You may choose to create a 5th level character instead of
starting at 1st level. As a 5th level character, you may choose
one of the following magic items to possess in addition to
your standard gear from your class and background.
+1 weapon
+1 shield
+1 rod of the pact keeper
+1 wand of the war mage
+1 all-purpose tool (TCE)
+1 amulet of the devout (TCE)
+1 arcane grimoire (TCE)
+1 bloodwell vial (TCE)
+1 dragonhide belt (FTD)
+1 moon sickle (TCE)
+1 rhythm-maker’s drum (TCE)
Bag of holding
You can play any adventures you’d like that are available as
a part of the D&D Adventurers League, provided you meet
the level requirement for play. Each adventure has a tier,
which tells you what level characters can participate in it.
Effective Date: December 19, 2022. Version 13.0.
You can use non-optional rules found in the Players Handbook,
the Basic Rules, and all the books listed below. If a rule has been
reprinted in a newer resource, you must always use the latest
Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons (FTD)
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (MPMM)
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (TCE)
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGE)
Additional rulebooks for your campaign as presented later in
this document
Additional options as presented in the FAQ
You may also use the rules found in the following digital
publications, available on DMsGuild:
Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (EEPC)
Locathah Rising (LR)
Additionally, the following variant or optional rules are available:
Chapter 6: Customization Options (PH)
Customizing Your Origin (TCE)
Optional Class Features (TCE)
Variant Human Traits (PH)
© 2022 Wizards. All rights reserved. Not for resale.
Character Level Tier
5 – 10 2
17 – 20 4
You should use a logsheet to track rewards and note any
other important information from play of an adventure.
Identify each adventure and session by providing a code
(listed on many adventures) or a title (for official D&D
products). A logsheet is available on the official website
You gain a level at the end of each play session that
completes an Adventurers League adventure or a part of an
official D&D adventure, at your discretion. If you’d like to
continue playing at your current level, you can decline to
gain a level. You keep any rewards earned.
You gain hit points listed as the fixed value for your class
(plus any modifiers) when you level up.
Whenever you could gain a level, you may rebuild any
aspect of your character. See Rebuildingbelow.
Once you achieve 5th level, you may choose a magic item
as presented in “Starting Play at 5th Level” above.
Whenever you like, you can rebuild your character.
However, you only retain equipment and magic items earned
by adventuring and lose access to any items gained from
class features. If you rebuild back to the class, you regain
access to those items.
Whenever you have the option to level up and at other times
during play, you’ll earn rewards. These may include the
Magic items
Coins and other treasure
Story awards
Event awards
Whenever your party finds a magic item during play, the
party determines who has it for the remainder of the
adventure. At the end of play, any number of characters may
keep the magic item (including consumable items) if it
wasn’t consumed or destroyed during play. You may keep as
many magic items as you are awarded but must limit the
number of magic items you bring to play sessions.
Tier Uncommon+ Common Consumable
1 5 5
3 5 10
6 5 10
10 5 15
Uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, and unique
permanent magic items are included in the “Uncommon+
column. Common permanent magic items are included in the
“Common” column. Consumable items include any magic
item that is consumed if used (potions, scrolls, ammunition,
etc.). If an item is destroyed, consumed, or lost during play, it
is removed from your character and cannot be reacquired
unless rewarded again through play.
Legendary magic items may only be used in tier 4 play.
Characters of lower tiers that encounter a legendary magic
item as a reward may possess it, but it remains unavailable
for use until 17th level.
Additional magic items may be available through events,
such as a trading post or a special play opportunity. These
items are subject to the magic item limits presented above.
Whenever your party finds treasure of a monetary value,
they can keep it with them to use during play. Any remaining
treasure unused at the end of the adventure is converted to
gold pieces and divided evenly between all the characters.
The Dungeon Master can assist in this process.
Mundane items, such as found equipment, are divided
however the party chooses at the end of the play session.
Your Dungeon Master will have more specific guidance on
mundane items as treasure.
Sometimes you may earn a story award. This is a special
award or item, sometimes presented as a certificate, that
may have significance in future adventures in the same
storyline and has no effect outside of that storyline.
Whenever applicable, the Dungeon Master may ask if any
of the characters in the party possess a story award. In
certain circumstances, such as the case of story items, the
party may have to determine who has it for the purposes of
that adventure.
You may attend an event and receive a certificate, such as a
pet or interesting trinket, as a reward for participation or
engaging in a specific activity. These rewards are attached to
the player, not a specific character. At the beginning of each
play session, you may select one event award you possess to
use. You may only have one event award active at any time,
and event awards do not count as a carried magic item.
1 – 4 1
11 – 16 3
Long a
dventures such as The Wild Beyond the Witchlight have
different rules for leveling. You may
leave those adventures at
specified points
to play other adventures, but you may be
ineligible to return
if you level your character outside of the book
adventure. Consult with your
Dungeon Master.
© 2022 Wizards. All rights reserved. Not for resale.
During sessions of play, if you die, are subject to a lingering
effect such as a disease or curse, or removed from the
adventure, you deal with the consequences for the duration
of the session of play. At that session’s conclusion, you may
choose the following fate:
You return your character to life or remove the negative
effect. If you were removed from the adventure, you
gain rewards earned until removed. You may gain a
You retire the character, succumbing to your fate.
If you are returned to the adventure before the conclusion of
the session of play, you may earn all the rewards offered to
the party, including during your absence.
Your Dungeon Master may have additional guidance through
documentation on adjudicating specific rewards. If you have
questions using a particular reward during play, ask your
Dungeon Master.
You can sell and buy equipment and spell components using
the rules in the Player’s Handbook. Spell scrolls and potions
can be purchased for prices listed under Appendix A: Shared
Campaigns in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything in addition to
any component costs.
Equipment and consumable items can be lent to other
characters during play but must return at the end of
the session (unless it’s been consumed or lost).
Permanent magic items (including legendary magic items)
can be traded (see below). Unique magic items may not be
Trading permanent magic items with other characters in
your character’s campaign is on a one-for-one basis of
equivalent rarity. Certificates (if present) must also be
traded or destroyed. You cannot trade with characters
attached to a campaign world other than the one you’ve
chosen for your character.
You earn 10 downtime days between each session of play.
Your character can participate in downtime activities
between sessions as listed under “Downtime Activities” in
the Player’s Handbook. The following additional downtime
activities are available; all others are unavailable unless
offered in an adventure.
Catching Up. Spend 10 downtime days to gain a level.
Copying Spells. If you can copy spells, you may use the
rules presented in the “Your Spellbook” sidebar in the
Player’s Handbook to copy spells found in adventures, except
it costs 1 downtime day for each spell up to 4th level and 2
downtime days for each spell 5th level and above. If you are
copying spells from another character’s spellbook, you may
do so immediately after a session of play in which both
characters were present. You are always successful at
copying spells from scrolls.
Brewing Potions. You may brew potions of healing as
presented under “Crafting an Item” in Xanathar’s Guide to
Everything. A “workweek” is defined as 5 downtime days.
You do not suffer a complication when engaging in this
activity. Potions brewed count towards your consumable
item limit.
Scribing Scrolls. You may scribe spell scrolls as presented
under “Scribing a Spell Scroll” in Xanathar’s Guide to
Everything. A “workweek” is defined as 5 downtime days..
You do not suffer a complication when engaging in this
activity. Scrolls scribed count towards your consumable item
Trading Magic Items. Whenever you trade a magic item,
you spend 5 downtime days.
The following resources are available to you to keep up with
all the latest Adventurers League news and discussion!
Official D&D Adventurers League website
. Your
source for general information, as well as all of the
campaign documents for play. The FAQ is also found
here, which gives more in-depth answers for specific
Official D&D Adventurers League Discord. Join in the
lively discussion with channels devoted to all sorts of
topics! All the latest news gets pushed here too.
Official D&D Adventurers League Blog. The Yawning
Portal is the home for our blog! Learn all about new
adventure releases, dive into the whys and hows, and
see what the staff is talking about.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon
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logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
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The Forgotten Realms campaign comprises most past
adventures for D&D Adventurers League. The following
changes to the rules presented above are in effect for
characters attached to the Forgotten Realms campaign.
Default Setting. If it is not clear what campaign world an
adventure is attached to, it defaults to the Forgotten Realms.
Spelljammer Adventures. Spelljammer adventures are
considered part of the Forgotten Realms campaign.
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
feat: Magic Initiate.
Additional Rules Sources. Characters attached to the
Forgotten Realms campaign may select additional rules
options from the following products: Sword Coast
Adventurer’s Guide (SCAG) and Spelljammer: Adventures in
Space (SAS). The optional rules Half-Elf and Tiefling Variants
and Option: Human Languages from SCAG are available for
Forgotten Realms characters.
The following changes to the rules presented above are in
effect for characters attached to the Eberron campaign.
Older Adventurers League Adventures. The Eberron:
Oracle of War storyline adventures and associated Salvage
Missions are now considered part of the Eberron campaign.
They do not need to be played in a specific order, and
characters can freely move between those adventures and
newer Eberron Adventurers League adventures, provided
they meet the level requirements for specific adventures.
Adventures in Official Products. The Eberron: Rising from
the Last War adventure “Forgotten Relics” is available for
play. In addition, adventures presented in Journeys through
the Radiant Citadel are available for play.
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
feat: Magic Initiate.
Additional Rules Sources. Characters attached to the
Eberron campaign may select additional rules options from
the following products: Eberron: Rising from the Last War
(EBR). Note that where applicable, the artificer class and
subclass rules use the most recently published source
(Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything) in the case of rules changes.
Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron is not an approved Adventurers
League source for rules options.
The following changes to the rules presented above are in
effect for characters attached to the Ravenloft campaign.
Character Origins. You may choose to be a Ravenloft
native from a Domain of Dread or a traveler entering the
mists from another world. However, your character must
choose options available only within the Ravenloft campaign
no matter your origin.
Older Adventurers League Adventures. The Ravenloft:
Mist Hunters storyline adventures are now considered part
of the Ravenloft campaign. They do not need to be played in
a specific order, and characters can freely move between
those adventures and newer Ravenloft Adventurers League
adventures. The season 4 Adventurers League season
(attached to Curse of Strahd, set in Barovia) is available for
play for Ravenloft characters, and characters may freely
leave and return to play the adventures in any order they
choose provided they meet the level requirements.
Adventures in Official Products. Curse of Strahd and the
adventure ”House of Lament” in Van Richten’s Guide to
Ravenloft are available for play.
Background Feats. Characters selecting backgrounds
without a feat option have an additional choice of a starting
feat: Magic Initiate.
Additional Rules Sources. Characters attached to the
Ravenloft campaign may select additional rules options from
the following products: Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
Available January 1, 2023
The following changes to the rules presented above are in
effect for characters attached to the Dragonlance campaign.
Adventures in Official Products. The adventure Shadow
of the Dragon Queen is available for play.
Additional Rules Sources. Characters attached to the
Dragonlance campaign may select additional rules options
from the following products: Dragonlance: Shadow of the
Dragon Queen (DLS).