UPM Plywood Oy
Version 1 April 2020
1. Preamble
These General Sales Conditions shall apply to all contracts, sales
agreements and arrangements governing sales relationships
between UPM Plywood Oy and/or its Affiliates (hereinafter
referred to as the ”Supplier”) and Purchaser of plywood or veneer
Products (“Sale Agreements” or “Sales Agreement”). All
capitalised terms used in these General Sales Conditions and in
any of the Sale Agreements shall have the meanings specified for
such conditions in the Sale Agreement in question or section 16
("Definitions") or in text of these General Sales Conditions.
2. Product information; variations
Unless incorporated in the Sales Agreement by express reference,
Supplier shall have no responsibility of compliance of the
Products with any other or further requirements or standards than
the Supplier’s established quality for the Products in question.
The information and data contained in Product brochures, price
lists or similar documents are binding only to the extent that they
are by reference expressly included in the quotation or Sales
The Products shall comply with the laws and regulations of
Finland applicable to the manufacture, packing, sale and delivery
of such Products as of the date of the Sales Agreement and at the
date when the Products departed from Supplier’s premises
(hereinafter ”the Delivery Date”).
Unless expressly otherwise specified in the Sales Agreement,
Supplier may deliver five (5) per cent more or less of Products in
number than agreed. Purchaser shall pay for the quantity actually
delivered. All modifications to the specifications shall be
mutually agreed with the parties in writing. Due to the character
of the wood, the technologies and the coating materials used, the
Products may show variations. Such variations are beyond
Supplier’s control and shall be allowed.
3. Packing; marking; small deliveries; special deliveries
Unless expressly otherwise agreed, Supplier shall cause the
Products to be packed and marked in accordance with Supplier’s
customary methods, meaning that each package shall be suitably
protected and adequately bound to ensure safety and stability in
transit and compliance with applicable regulations, whether
statutory or otherwise. Special packing or marking arrangements
as well as small deliveries or other special deliveries are subject
to a surcharge in accordance with Supplier’s customary practice.
4. Inspection; returns
Upon receipt of the Products Purchaser shall, without delay,
using due diligence, examine the Products both as to their quality
and quantity.
Unless Purchaser notifies Supplier in writing to the contrary
within a period of two (2) weeks from the receipt of the Products,
the Products shall be deemed to have been duly received in
agreed quantity and free of any apparent or visible quality
defects. No return shall be accepted without Supplier’s prior
written authorisation.
5. Payment
Payment for the Products shall be made by Purchaser to Supplier
in such amount, currency, time and manner as are provided for in
the Sales Agreement. In case no such provision is included
therein, payment shall be made in euros (€) after the receipt of
the invoice on its due date. A payment shall be considered
effected when it is wholly and freely at Supplier’s disposal.
Failure by Purchaser to comply with the terms of payment shall
be regarded as a fundamental breach of Sales Agreement.
Further, Supplier shall be entitled to claim interest on overdue
payments from the due date until the actual payment date at the
rate specified on the invoice or, if such interest rate is not
permissible under the laws of Purchaser’s country, at the
applicable delay interest rate in Purchaser’s country.
When deferred payment has been specifically granted by Supplier,
the time for payment shall, unless expressly otherwise stated, be
calculated from the date of Supplier’s invoice.
Should the Purchaser be in default in making a payment due under
the Sales Agreement, the Supplier shall have the right to withhold
deliveries due to the Purchaser under the Sales Agreement and
under all other Sales Agreements made between the Supplier and
Purchaser until such payment is received by the Supplier. The
Purchaser shall not be entitled to contractual remedies on account
of delay in delivery caused by the exercise of the aforesaid
withholding right.
Should the Purchaser become insolvent, go into liquidation, have a
receiver appointed or be declared bankrupt, or otherwise is found to
be in such a financial position that it may reasonably be assumed
that he will not be able to fulfil his obligations, Supplier shall have
the right to cancel the Sales Agreement if the Purchaser has not
within ten (10) days after giving notice furnished a satisfactory
guarantee for his fulfilment of the Sales Agreement.
6. Delivery, passing of risk, insurance and retention of title
All references to trade terms, Passing of Risk and Insurance shall
be construed in accordance with INCOTERMS 2020 in force
from time to time and as agreed in the Sales Agreement. In
failure of such an agreement, the term of delivery shall be Free
Carrier (FCA) Supplier’s factory (Incoterms, 2020),
Supplier may refuse to make deliveries if Purchaser has any
unpaid amounts that are due, or if Supplier has reason to doubt
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Version 1 April 2020
Purchaser’s ability or readiness to pay. Supplier expressly
reserves the right to stop any shipment in transit and/or continue
providing any services for a reasonable cause.
The full legal title and ownership to the Products shall remain
with Supplier to the extent permitted under the laws of
Purchaser’s country until Purchaser has paid to Supplier all sums
due under the delivery of the Products. Purchaser shall give
Supplier every assistance in taking any measures required to
protect Supplier’s title to the Products or such other right in
respect thereof as the law of the country in which the Products
are situated permits Supplier to retain. Each Party retains
ownership and other rights to any Intellectual Property owned or
used by the respective Party at the time of entering into the Sales
Agreement as well as to Intellectual Property created by the
respective Party in connection with the fulfilment of the Sales
7. Time for delivery; delay
Supplier shall make delivery in such time as is specified in the
Sales Agreement. In case no such time is so specified, delivery
shall be made in the framework of Supplier’s customary delivery
schedule. If Supplier anticipates that it will not be possible to
deliver the Products at the agreed time, Supplier shall forthwith
notify Purchaser thereof, stating the reason for such delay, and if
possible, the time when delivery can be expected.
In the event that delivery is not effected at the time originally
agreed or during any extension period granted, for causes other
than excusable causes referred to in section 8 below or an act or
omission on part of Purchaser, and such delay continues for more
than two (2) weeks and causes actual damage to Purchaser,
Purchaser is entitled to terminate the Sales Agreement, if the
production has not started and/or Services have not yet
performed. All other claims against Supplier based on Supplier’s
delay shall be excluded.
8. Force majeure
The Supplier shall not be considered in default if its failure to
perform is attributable to any of the circumstances stated herein if
they occur after conclusion of the Sales Agreement or when they
have occurred before that time, if their effects were not clearly
foreseeable before the conclusion and they prevent, hinder or
delay the production in which the Purchaser intends to use the
Products or the Purchaser’s acceptance of the Products or the
Supplier’s production or delivery by agreed means. The
following shall be considered cases of relief (force majeure):
industrial and labour disputes and any other circumstances
including but not limited to fire; flood; mobilization; war;
insurrection; requisition; embargo; blockade; Sanctions, currency
restrictions; general shortage of labour, transport, materials,
energy and water; obstructions of railways or obstruction of
navigation by ice at port of shipment, non-delivery or faulty or
delayed delivery by the supplier of raw materials, Acts of God,
labour disputes, strikes, acts of governmental agencies, or other
commodities and any other circumstance beyond the control of
the Supplier whether or not similar to the causes enumerated
The Supplier shall without delay inform the Purchaser of the
intervention and cessation of any of the aforesaid circumstances
impeding the performance of the Supplier. If by reason of any
aforesaid circumstances the performance of the Supplier under
the Sales Agreement within a reasonable time becomes
impossible, the Purchaser as well as the Supplier shall be entitled
to cancel the Sales Agreement forthwith by written notice.
Neither Party shall be entitled to claim damages due to
cancellation of the Sales Agreement on the aforesaid grounds.
9. Defective Products
The Products and/or Services shall at the Delivery Date be of the
kind and quality specified by Supplier and comply with the
requirements and standards referred to in section 2 above. In
respect of Products manufactured by Supplier, Supplier further
confirms that the same shall meet Supplier’s standard with regard
to gluing, materials or workmanship.
Purchaser shall be obliged to notify Supplier in writing of any defects
of the Products without delay and no later than fourteen (14) days
after the date when Purchaser noticed or reasonably should have
noticed the defect. No claim for quality and/or manufacture and/or
condition will be recognized by Supplier upon any delivered items
unless a detailed and final statement of claim in written form has
been handed to the Supplier, and a notice that the Products and/or
Services are ready for inspection at one or more sites.
Purchaser shall grant to Supplier a chance to inspect the defective
Products. Supplier’s liability in respect of defective Products shall in
any event expire after 12 months from the Delivery Date. Supplier
shall have no liability for any defects which appear after 12 months
from the Delivery date or for which Purchaser makes the claim after
the expiry of 12 months from the Delivery Date. If Supplier has
delivered to Purchaser replacing Products Purchaser’s claim period
for defects shall be 12 months from the Delivery Date of the
replacing Products.
Supplier’s obligations as set forth above shall not apply to defects of
the Products and/or Services arising out of normal wear and tear or
deterioration of quality, improper storage, installation, use,
maintenance or repair, modifications made not in conformity with
Supplier’s instructions or approval, misuse, wilful or negligent
handling by Purchaser or any third party or any detrimental exposure
or accident. Supplier is not liable for defects arising out of materials
provided or a design stipulated or specified by or on behalf of
This section sets forth the exclusive remedies for claims based upon
defects or failures in or nonconformity of the Products and/or
Services, whether the claim is in Sales Agreement, warranty, tort
(including negligence) or otherwise. The foregoing provisions are in
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Version 1 April 2020
lieu of all other warranties, whether oral, written, express, implies or
statutory. No implied or statutory warranties of merchantability or
fitness for particular purpose shall apply.
10. Limitation of liability
Defective Products shall be replaced by Products of agreed
quality as soon as possible. The replacement shall be carried out
by the Supplier without cost to the Purchaser. The Parties may
alternatively agree upon a price reduction or a reimbursement of
the price paid in order to compensate the Purchaser for the
difference in the value of Products of agreed quality and
defective Products. The liability of the Supplier shall not apply to
defects due to causes arising after the risk of Products has passed
on the Purchaser. Replacement of defective Products or a price
reduction shall exclude any other remedies of the Purchaser
pertaining to inferior quality of the Products delivered. Defective
Products replaced or reimbursed as aforesaid shall upon request
of the Supplier be placed at the disposal of or returned to the
The Supplier shall in no circumstances be liable for any indirect,
consequential, incidental or punitive damages or losses incurred
by the Purchaser in connection with the Products or the Sales
Agreement or otherwise, including but not limited to loss of
profits, revenue, production or goodwill.
In the event of the Supplier being liable in damages under any
Sales Agreement or otherwise, the damages shall be limited to (i)
any proven direct damages (but excluding loss of revenues or
profits) incurred by the Purchaser up to the amount equal to the
purchase price of the Products giving rise to such claim or (ii) to
10,000 euros if the liability is not arising from or relating to a
Product. The Purchaser shall use its best endeavours to mitigate
the damages arising in relation to any claim which the Purchaser
may bring against the Supplier under or in connection with any
Sales Agreement or otherwise.
In the event that the Supplier can prove that the specification
provided by the Purchaser has been duly complied with, no
liability for damages exists.
The failure of either Party at any time to require performance by
the other Party of any provision hereof shall in no way effect the
full right to require such performance at any time thereafter. Nor
shall the waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision
hereof be taken to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such
provision or a waiver of the provision itself.
11. Taxes, Duties and Other Fees
Unless otherwise agreed in the confirmation of the order or Sales
Agreement, the prices, fees and charges do not include, and the
Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of, VAT, any other
taxes, withholding taxes, levies, duties, charges, assessments or
fees of any nature (including interest, penalties and additions
thereto) now existing or hereafter enacted which relate to the
sale, delivery and purchase of the Products under Sales
Agreement or these General Sales Conditions.
12. Data Protection
The data necessary for Sales Agreement fulfilment is recorded in
compliance with the appropriate legal requirements. When
processing an order or providing a service, data may be
transmitted to Affiliates and third parties for the purposes of
Sales Agreement fulfilment and commissioned data processing.
Purchaser acknowledges that data may be transmitted to
countries which are not members of the European Union and
which are not in accordance with the European data protection
standards. Supplier may also use the data collected during the
business relationship with Purchaser to inform Purchaser about
the Supplier's products. In case Purchaser does not want to
receive such information, it may at any time notify Supplier
13. General Compliance
Purchaser shall comply with these General Sales Conditions and
conduct its business, throughout the entire supply chain in
accordance with 1) highest ethical standards, any and all
applicable legislation and regulations. Purchaser shall (a) comply
with all applicable anti-bribery laws, anti-money laundering laws
and related books and records requirements, including but not
limited to applicable anti-bribery and anti-money laundering
legislation of the countries where the Products are sold and/or
services are performed, (together “Anti-Bribery Laws”); (b)
maintain adequate written anti-corruption procedures and internal
accounting controls designed to ensure compliance by Purchaser,
its affiliates and their respective employees, directors and officers
(“Employees”) with all Anti-Bribery Laws; (c) Purchaser shall
further monitor and take reasonable measures to ensure that the
performance of its suppliers, any agents or other third parties
acting on Purchaser’s behalf in connection with the UPM
business (“Agents”) comply with all Anti-Bribery Laws; (d)
notify Supplier promptly of any breach of Anti-Bribery Laws by
Purchaser or any affiliate, Employee or Agent (a “Breach”); and
(e) take immediate and thorough actions in cases where their
performance is questioned.
Purchaser warrants that it shall comply with all applicable laws
and regulations, among others applicable Sanctions regulations
and anti-money laundering legislation as well as best industry
practices when performing its obligations under the Sales
Agreement or these General Sales Conditions, purchasing and/or
utilizing Products from Supplier, or otherwise conducting
business with UPM Plywood Oy and/or its Affiliates. Purchaser
shall cooperate fully with Supplier in any official or unofficial
audit or inspection related to applicable Sanctions regulations.
Further the Purchaser warrants that: (a) it is not a person that is
listed on, or owned or controlled by a person listed on, a
Sanctions List; and (b) to the best of its knowledge and belief, it
does not engage, without prior authorisation from a competent
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authority (where permitted), in activities that are prohibited by
Sanctions applicable to the Purchaser under the Sales Agreement
or otherwise. For the purposes of this section, “ownership” and
“control” have the meaning given to them in the applicable
Sanctions or in any official guidance in relation to such
If Purchaser fails to comply with the provisions of this section,
Purchaser shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Supplier
and its Affiliates from and against any claim, loss, damage,
liability, expense, cost of whatsoever nature arising out of or
related to, or connected with any breach of this section by its
agent or employees, consultants or customers.
14. Governing law and settlement of disputes
These General Sales Conditions as well as all Sales Agreement
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of Finland (without reference to the conflict of law rules).
Any disputes arising out of or related to these General Sales
Conditions which Purchaser and Supplier are unable to resolve
through mutual negotiation shall be finally settled by arbitration
in accordance with the arbitration rules of the International
Chamber of Commerce arbitrators appointed in accordance with
the Rules. The arbitration shall take place in Helsinki, Finland
and be conducted in English language. Notwithstanding the
aforesaid, any dispute regarding moneys due by Purchaser to
Supplier or Supplier’s need to protect or enforce any patent,
trademark, copyright or other Intellectual Property right,
confidential information or trade secrets, or proceedings
commenced by a third party, shall allow Supplier to undertake
legal proceedings in the court of Purchaser’s domicile, main
place of business or other appropriate court.
15. Other terms
No modification, amendment, rescission, waiver or other change
of the Sales Agreement shall be binding on Supplier unless
assented to in writing by Supplier. Any representation, warranty,
course of dealing or trade usage not specifically contained or
referenced in writing in the Sales Agreement or these General
Sales Conditions shall not be binding on Supplier.
Purchaser shall not be entitled to assign the Sales Agreement or
any of its rights or obligations thereunder without the prior
written consent of Supplier. Supplier shall be entitled to assign
the Sales Agreement or any of its rights or obligations thereunder
to any companies belonging to the same group of companies with
Supplier. The Supplier shall be entitled to assign its receivables
under the Sales Agreement to any third party.
Unless expressly otherwise agreed, notices and other
communications between the parties shall be in the English
language and shall be deemed to be validly given if transmitted in
written or by e-mail, telex or telefax to the other party at the
address indicated by such party. Either party may change its
address by giving notice in writing thereof to the other party.
UPM Plywood Oy reserves the sole right at any appropriate time
to amend the terms of this document and the supplements thereto.
16. Definitions
The following capitalized terms used in these General Sales
Conditions and Sales Agreement shall have the following
"Affiliate" shall mean any entity controlling, controlled by or
under the common control with a Party.
"Appendices" shall mean the appendices to the Sales Agreement
as amended from time to time by the Parties as well as these
General Sales Conditions.
"Delivery Date" shall mean the date when the Products are due
to be delivered to the Purchaser pursuant to Incoterms 2020
delivery term agreed in any Sales Agreement.
"Force Majeure" shall have the meaning set forth in section 8 of
these General Sales Conditions.
"General Sales Conditions" shall mean these general conditions
of UPM plywood for the supply of plywood and veneer products
and services.
"Intellectual Property" shall mean any patents, utility models,
designs, copyrights, trademarks, trade names, inventions, trade
secrets, know-how and any other industrial or intellectual
property rights, and applications thereof.
"Party" shall mean the Supplier or the Purchaser.
"Parties" shall mean the Supplier and the Purchaser.
"Products" shall mean the products and services to be provided
by the Supplier to the Purchaser as specified in any Sales
"Purchaser" shall mean the legal entity as specified in the Sales
Agreement purchasing the Products or services from the
"Sales Agreement" or "Agreement" shall mean the written or
oral sale and purchase agreement or order of the Purchaser which
is confirmed by the Supplier for the delivery of the Products
entered into between the Supplier and the Purchaser, including its
Appendices and these General Sales Conditions.
Sanctionsshall mean economic or financial sanctions or trade
embargos or other equivalent restrictive measures imposed,
administered or enforced from time to time by the European
Union, the governments of other member states of the European
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Union, the United Nations Security Council, the United States
government or an United States agency (including OFAC, the US
State Department, the US Department of Commerce and the US
Department of Treasury) or the equivalent regulator of any other
country which is relevant to the Sales Agreement.
Sanctions List shall mean any of the lists of specifically
designated nationals or designated persons or entities (or
equivalent) in relation to Sanctions, each as amended,
supplemented or substituted from time to time.
"Supplier" shall mean UPM Plywood Oy or any of its Affiliates
mentioned in the respective order confirmation.