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Parent’s and Student’s
Handbook for
Rev: 8/17/2020
South Lane
School District
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Table of Contents
Student Expectations ............................................................................................................. 3
Parent/Guardian/Others Present at Home Guidelines ......................................................... 3
How to Know if a Student’s Assignment is Finished .............................................................. 4
1. First Login ........................................................................................................................... 5
2. Joining a Class .................................................................................................................... 6
3. Navigate the Classroom ..................................................................................................... 7
Classes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Stream ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Classwork ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Assignments ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
People ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1. To Do List and Google Calendar ....................................................................................... 11
2. The Assignment in Google Docs ....................................................................................... 11
3. The Assignment that Requires Writing without a Doc attached ..................................... 12
4. The Assignment that Requires a Photo ............................................................................ 13
5. More Methods of Turning In Photos ............................................................................... 16
6. Draw on diagrams, maps, or pictures .............................................................................. 16
7. Finish Turning In Work ..................................................................................................... 18
8. Assignment is Turned In and You Need to Revise It ....................................................... 18
9. Where Are Assignments Stored? ..................................................................................... 18
1. Overview .......................................................................................................................... 19
2. Student South Lane E-mail Account ................................................................................. 19
3. Contact a Teacher ............................................................................................................ 19
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How to Find a Teacher’s E-mail .................................................................................................................................... 19
Writing the E-mail ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Text ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Phone Calls ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Private Comments ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Comments to the Stream .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Notifications Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Google Meets ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Parent Notifications ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
District Technology Center................................................................................................... 28
Help with Home Access Center and Google Classroom ....................................................... 28
More Help with Google and Chromebooks ......................................................................... 28
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This handbook is designed to be a Google Classroom reference guide for parents and students. It has three basic
sections: Access Lessons and Learning, Respond to Instruction, and Communicate with Teachers and Staff (ARC). The
table of contents is linked to the sections of the handbook to help find what you need quickly.
To begin there are a few behavior guidelines for digital citizenship that students are expected to follow during online
instruction. In addition to these digital citizenship guidelines, students must continue to adhere to all school rules and
classroom rules, and all other SLSD and school policies, including but not limited to policies related to Student
Discipline, Harassment, Bullying and Acceptable Use of Technology.
Student Expectations
Below are important behavior guidelines for Zoom, Google Hangouts (Meets), or any online classroom setting students
and teachers will share.
1. Please be on time to scheduled online sessions to the best of your ability, mute as you enter, or watch the
recorded session as quickly as possible once it is available. Do not go into an online space when you are not
scheduled to be there unless you have permission.
2. Please get permission from your teacher before taking photos, screenshots, audio or video recordings, etc. of
any online classes or meetings. Links to any teacher’s online space are ONLY for your classmates and your
3. We know you cannot always prevent the appearance of a pet or others, but please make your best effort to
minimize distractions in the class setting.
4. Avoid backgrounds that are distracting. Backgrounds and student work areas must be free of any material that
violates the law or school policy.
5. Students should not engage in side conversations on any other device or use devices for texting/playing games,
etc. during an online lesson or live session with teachers.
6. If the teacher asks you to mute or unmute yourself, please respond appropriately.
7. Avoid background noise or talk that is distracting to the group. The teacher may have to temporarily mute you
until the distractions stop.
8. Take care of any borrowed district devices and follow the guidelines in the SLSD Chromebook Loaner
Expectations. If you need help with passwords or a Chromebook, please call the technology department:
(541)767-3778; Option 1.
Parent/Guardian/Others Present at Home Guidelines
Because we are all in this together, the schools need the help of parents and guardians. Teachers do not expect parents
to have to teach the kids; however, we do need your help. Below are some things parents and guardians can do.
1. A parent/guardian or responsible adult caregiver should provide direct supervision during online education
when possible.
2. Family members or others in the home should not interfere, interrupt or engage in online sessions, unless
requested by the teacher.
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3. Students will have questions. The best way parents can help is to see that the students receive all parts of the
instruction. Please have students attend or watch video classes, take notes, engage in the activities that are
posted, and read the directions.
4. If a student is receiving virtual, online or telephonic counseling services from a SLSD employee or contractor, to
ensure student privacy, no other individual is allowed in the room or within seeing or hearing distance of the
room or place in which the student is receiving the counseling service.
5. Parents/guardians and responsible adult caregivers must maintain strict confidentiality of any personal
information they obtain regarding other students while supervising a student’s virtual or online instruction or
school-related activities.
It is important to remind students to act kindly, show consideration for others, and treat one another online
appropriately. Any behavior that falls out of the above guidelines will be discussed with families/guardians. Students
who repeatedly violate expectations may lose their privilege to join future live sessions and will be expected to watch
recorded sessions and complete any work assigned on their own. Thank you for everyone’s cooperation in making this
distance learning experience a positive and productive one.
How to Know if a Student’s Assignment is Finished
Sometimes, students will turn in an assignment and it may not be finished. How can parents double check? One way is
to wait for a notification after the teacher has graded the assignment. Often the teacher will put a comment on the
assignment that will indicate the work was unfinished.
Another way is to have the student show you the work before it is turned in. This may not be very efficient given work
schedules and family life.
If there is a particular assignment parents want to know about, parents can have the student sign into Google
Classroom and show the parent the finished work. If it is already turned in, the assignment can be “unsubmitted” so the
parent can see it. For information about unsubmitting and resubmitting assignments click (8. Assignment is Turned In
and You Need to Revise It).
This video shows how a student can view their grade on an assignment, if it is missing, or assigned (not turned in yet), if
there is a message, or if there is an attachment. Asking to see this page, may help parents know how kids are doing in a
class. This is viewed through the student’s access to the classroom. Click Here the last half is the part that shows how to
view the grade: How to check for completed work. Or this web site:
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ccess Lessons and Learning
1. First Login
Google Classroom allows teachers and students to communicate and collaborate, manage many assignments
paperlessly, and stay organized. Google Classroom is part of the Google Apps for Education suite of tools and is only
available to Google Apps for Education accounts. How to sign into your SLSD Google Account for the first time (video)
or use this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsQsoprByck&feature=youtu.be
On a Chromebook, students simply need to login to the Chromebook with their South Lane School account:
On a different computer (not a Chromebook), open the Chrome browser. Next you will need to click on the icon in the
upper right hand corner. Other users of the computer will need to change this for their work. This one says “paused”
yours might not, either way is fine.
If Google Classroom icon isn’t shown in the menu, type classroom.google.com in the address bar.
Next click on the nine dots in the upper
right corner and click on Google
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2. Joining a Class
Next you will be asked what your role is in Google Classroom. Select “I’m a student.”
Click on the “Join a Class” button; it is the plus sign in the upper corner of the screen. How to join a Google Classroom
(video) or this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrvtwLTEn2M You will need a class code.
You will need a code to join a class. The list of class codes for your teachers based on your class schedule are included
at the end of this handbook in Appendix C. Type the code in the box.
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3. Navigate the Classroom
Once you have joined your classes, you will see a screen like this with a box for each of your classes.
When you click on a class, you will first see the “Stream.” This is where you will find announcements from the
teacher. Some teachers will also allow students to post to it as well. Here is what you see for the class “Stream” page.
Important parts of this page are labeled.
Class title
Due date and time and
the status of the
assignment (assigned,
turned in, or missing)
Assignment posted to
the class
are coming up
for this class
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The most important page is the “Classwork” page. To get there, you click on “Classwork” at the top middle part
of the “Stream” page.
The Classwork page will have an organized set of lessons and assignments. There are several parts to the page as
shown below. The three lines before the class title will take you back to a list of classes.
Class title
Listed by
Class Drive folder will
show you all of your
classwork that is in
Google Calendar is a
good tool to know
what assignments for
all of your classes are
and when due. Click
this to add the class
calendar to yours.
View your work: Here
you can look at the
work you turned in,
what is assigned, and
what is missing.
Topic with all
assignments and materials
listed below. Topics are arranged by
most recent first.
Assignments will have a due date and
time listed.
Materials will have the date posted.
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This is what you see when you click on an assignment. On this page there is the due date, instructions for the
assignment, a schedule for the week, and a personalized assignment sheet. For each class each part will look
different, but all will have these parts.
If you click on “View assignment” at the bottom of the page, you will get some added information like this. The part
of the assignment that is work for the student to do will appear in a box to the right. There is more about this later in
the document under Respond to Instruction.
When a student clicks on the assignment, a Google Doc will likely open because the assignment is a Google Doc with
questions. The assignment could be in a different program as well. Another common one is Google Forms. If a
teacher needs to have the student go to a different site, the link will be here. There is more information later in this
handbook regarding the assignments.
Due date
Information or the
Lesson (this could be
a reading or a video
or something else)
The assignment
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Below is an example of how an assignment may look.
There is another page to access from the Classroom page. It is labeled “People.” By clicking here you will find the list
of teachers for the class and the list of students participating in the class.
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espond to Instruction
1. To Do List and Google Calendar
Students and parents can see the list of all assignments coming due and the status of finished assignments by clicking
on the three lines before the class title. An option for “To Do” will be in the list along with all classes the student is
enrolled in. If you click on the “Done” tab in the top center of the page, you will see a list of all completed assignments.
Click here: How to check for work to do. Or URL:
Another way to see and link to assignments is to click on Google Calendar in the same drop down menu. This will show
all assignments, the due date and time, and if an assignment is clicked it will link directly to the assignment.
2. The Assignment in Google Docs
When a student clicks on the assignment, a Google Doc will likely open. The assignment could be in a different
program as well. Another common one is Google Forms. If a teacher needs to have the student go to a different site,
the link will be here. In this case the document looks like this Click here: How to turn in an assignment. Or use the
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-af6doIpWHI
Once you have finished and assignment, click on “TURN IN” to send it to your teacher.
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3. The Assignment that Requires Writing without a Doc attached
Sometimes there may be an assignment that requires a written answer and there is not a document for you to open
and write the answer. If that happens, the Doc can be created by following the steps below.
A box will be added to the screen. Then click on “+ Add or Create.
Click on “View
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A Google Doc will be created. It will have a TURN IN button at the top. Write your name and the answer(s) to the
assignment. Use the TURN IN button to hand in the assignment once you have finished.
4. The Assignment that Requires a Photo
Some assignments cannot be handed in through a Google Doc like the one above. There are cases when a photo
must be taken and handed in. Some teachers will have students text the photo in order to hand in the assignment.
Another way is to hand in the photo as a Google Doc. This will place the photo directly into the Google Classroom and
you and the teacher will have an easy to find record of it.
The assignment below may have a picture to send in. To do this, take the picture with your phone or with the camera
on the computer (be careful to get the entire assignment and to have something solid behind the work if using the
computer camera). From either the phone or camera, place the picture in Google Photos or on the desktop of the
computer so they will be easier to access.
Next, click on “View Assignment” at the bottom of the assignment page.
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You will then see a box added to the screen. Click on “+ Add or create.”
Select Docs. A link to a Google Doc will appear just above the Add or create button. Click on that and a Google Doc will
show and it will have the TURN IN button at the top. Type your name at the top of the page.
This is what the Google Doc will look like.
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Next, in the menu bar click Insert, then from the drop down menu, choose image. You will get another drop down
asking where the image is. Here Google Photos was selected, and the images from Google Photos show on the right
hand side of the page. Click on the image you need to send to your teacher and click on insert (the blue box below
the images). The photo will appear in the document. See the steps and the outcome below. More than one photo can
be added to a document.
Now your assignment is ready to be turned in make sure your name is on the page, then click on the turn in button.
See below for a simpler way to attach a video or photo from your phone.
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5. More Methods of Turning In Photos
If the picture is on the computer, then select Upload from computer instead of Photos. You may
have to resize the picture to fit on the document. Make sure the work shows clearly so it can be
You can also take a photo and save it right to the Doc by going to the Camera at the bottom of the
menu. This will use the camera on the computer and place the photo directly into the document.
Another way to hand in multiple photos is to place the photos in one PDF document (see Appendix
A: Make a PDF of Photos for instructions)
Some teachers may prefer that photos be submitted by text or email attachment. See the section in
“Communicate with Teachers and Staff” about text and email.
Photos and videos can be uploaded directly from your phone if you have Google Docs and Google
Classroom on your phone. Here are the instructions Click Here: How to upload a photo or video
from your phone or use the URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwl45PEvwi0
6. Draw on diagrams, maps, or pictures
Sometimes you will have to label diagrams, or color maps, or make notes on pictures. To do this you will need your
phone or mobile device like a tablet or iPad. As of now, this won’t work on the computer.
First, make sure you have the Google Classroom App on your Android or iOS mobile device. Then click on Classroom
and select the class. Next open the assignment that you need to write on; it may be already attached or you may have
to Add Attachment. Most will likely be already attached (see section 2 and 3 above).
In the upper right hand corner, click on the Edit button ( Edit ). Now you can make your notes or drawings. Once
you click on the edit button, you will see a set of tools.
The write, mark, and highlight tools are available in different sizes and colors.
1. To see color and size options, double-click Write, Mark, or Highlight.
2. To see more colors, click the Up arrow ^.
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3. Click a color or point size to use it.
Resize Erase
4. To resize an image or Erase, use these buttons. Adding an image, first select the resize button, then select your
image. Resized by pinching and moving apart or together and move by dragging it.
5. Click on Erase once to erase a mark. To delete ALL marks on the page, double click erase then “clear page.
6. If your assignment is a Google Doc or Microsoft Office document, the new document (with the drawings and
comments will be saved as a PDF. If the original is a picture (JPEG or PNG) or a PDF, the new one will replace the
Click on the A and drag your finger
to where you want to write. Write
your comment or label. This can
be resized by dragging the corner
or pinching the text and making it
larger or smaller.
To UNDO or Redo Actions
To Undo, click the back curved arrow. To
Redo, click the forward curved arrow.
You can undo and redo more than one
action by clicking again.
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7. Finish Turning In Work
Once you have clicked on the TURN IN button, another dialog box will appear. It will ask if you are sure. When you
click Turn in again, the assignment will be sent to Google Classroom for your teacher.
8. Assignment is Turned In and You Need to Revise It
If you realize you need to change something in the assignment or revise it, but it is already turned in, you can get it
back to make the revisions. After the assignment is turned in, the box to the upper right will change to look like the
figure below. To change the document, click on “Unsubmit”. Another dialog box will show up and click “Unsubmit”
Once you are done with the revisions, turn in the document again.
9. Where Are Assignments Stored?
When a student enrolls in a class, a folder is created in Google Drive. It is named “Classroom.” This folder will contain
another folder for each class. Student work and other items for the class are stored here.
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ommunicate with Teachers and Staff
1. Overview
Communication is a critical component of Distance Learning and allows students, parents, and teachers to stay in touch
Lesson instructions and due dates
Grades and progress
Academic questions and needs
Non-academic services and supports for students and families
School and District related events and announcements
To make sure communication occurs easily, please take a moment to:
Update your contact information with the school (email, mobile numbers, work numbers, etc.)
Confirm all email addresses are functioning (student South Lane accounts and guardian accounts)
Set up voicemail inboxes for all phone numbers (mobile, home, work) and make sure they can accept messages
2. Student South Lane E-mail Account
E-mail is the most powerful tool for communicating with your teachers and other school staff. Your teacher, school, and
the South Lane School District will send messages to your South Lane School District account. Check your email DAILY to
keep track of important messages and updates.
3. Contact a Teacher
Please understand that immediate messages to your teacher after school hours or on weekends may not be seen until
the next school day. Teachers will do their best to respond as quickly as possible.
How to Find a Teacher’s E-mail
Students can access the link to their teacher’s email by clicking on the envelope to the right of their name while in the
People tab of Google Classroom.
Your teachers’ email addresses will be formatted like this: first.last@slane.k12.or.us
Staff emails can also be located on each individual school’s web page.
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Writing the E-mail
When communicating via email make sure that you:
Fill in the subject line so your teacher can quickly see what you are communicating about.
Begin the message with a greeting (“Hello Mr. X…).
Be clear and specific regarding your main thoughts or questions.
End with an appropriate parting phrase (“With thanks, Andy T.”) and any additional contact
Teachers will read and respond to emails as quickly as possible during regular school hours (do not expect immediate
responses on evenings and weekends).
3. Text, Remind, and Phone
Your teacher may invite you to use other tools for communication, including text, Remind, and phone. Below is what
each may look like.
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Text messages: Many teachers have a Google Voice number specifically for handling school communications. Your
teacher may invite you to text when you have a question/need, and they may use text as a means to initiate and
maintain contact with you.
Remind messages: You may be asked to join the Remind group for a class as the Remind app allows your teacher to text
with you, or the entire class, without the exchange of phone numbers.
Hi Ms. Jones,
Can you help
me with
problem 12 on
today’s work?
Sure, what
can I help
you with?
This is the
screen to
join Remind.
This is a
screen in
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Phone Calls
Your teacher may simply phone you when they need to communicate, and they may ask you to use their dedicated
Google Voice number or Remind to do the same. Make sure your phone number has a functioning voicemail inbox and
check your phone messages regularly.
4. Google Classroom Comments
In addition to the above methods of communication, your teacher may also Google Classroom tools for communication,
including private comments or the stream. While there are several ways to contact the teacher, you will need to choose
the most effective method for the need you have.
Private Comments
Private comments in Google Classroom will be used by your teacher to communicate with you regarding your progress
on a specific assignment. The Private Comment section is found on the assignment page in the classroom section of the
class. Please understand that the teacher may not see a private comment on an assignment until they grade the
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Comments to the Stream
Posts in the Google Classroom Stream will be used by your teacher to communicate with you regarding class work or
other class announcements. Some teachers will allow students to post to the stream; others will not in an effort to keep
the stream less cluttered. Anything posted to the stream will be viewed by the entire class. In most cases, you will see a
place under the post from the teacher that has a place to “Add class comment.” If there are comments already, you can
click on the number of class comments and a window like the one below will pop up. Here again you can add a
Under classwork there is another place to add comments that are public. It will be right below the assignments and will
look similar to the one above.
Notifications Settings
Use the notifications settings in Google Classroom to receive an email notification when your teacher communicates
with you using these Google Classroom tools. You need to go to “Settings” to see how your notifications are set.
The settings button is found from most pages in Google Classroom by clicking on the three lines to the left of the class
name, or from the classroom page, the three lines to the left of “Google Classroom.”
When you click on these three lines, you will see a list of your classes. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click on
the settings wheel.
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Here you will see a place to set up your notifications. All of these notifications should be turned on so you will see all
messages and comments that involve your classes and work.
Please note that not all notifications are on for teachers because teachers do not need all of these. Your teachers will let
you know the best way to contact them.
Google Meets
Classes will often meet as a Google Meet (Google Hangout). These are video meetings or class sessions similar to Zoom.
The link for your class will be in the Classroom at the top of the Stream page. It will be under the class title and the class
code. There is a picture of this in the Navigate Classroom section.
To join a Google Meet session, click on the link from the Stream page for the class. You will see yourself and a button to
click to join the meeting. Press this. You will also see a microphone and a video camera icon to turn on and off these
items. It is best to keep the microphone muted (off) so everyone can hear the teacher. Muting the microphone also
keeps background noises to a minimum.
During a Google Meet, please focus on the meeting. Teachers will expect you to be working and paying attention to the
lesson. Watching TV and playing games is distracting for you and for others in the class.
In the Google Meet there is a chat in the upper right corner. This allows people to comment on the conversation and
ask questions. Keep in mind that these comments are public. All people in the Meet will be able to see the chat.
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A picture of the Google Meet screen is below. Important parts of the screen are shown and labeled. To leave a Google
Meet, click on the phone icon.
Parent Notifications
You can ask your child’s school to add you as a guardian and so you will get email updates about your child’s
assignments. You only have to be added for one class, you will receive notifications about all classes your child is
enrolled in if the teacher has turned on the notification setting. Unfortunately, grades are not included. Here is what is
included in the parent reports:
Missing work—Work that’s late at the time the email was sent
Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the
upcoming week (for weekly emails)
Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers
Here is a video that shows a guardian summary Click here: Parent/Guardian summary or the URL:
Note: Due to privacy laws, parents and guardians can't access Classroom or student assignments. They can get email
summaries if the teacher allows it.
In order to see grades, please ask the teacher how to access the grades.
Click the
dots to
get this
If you click
you will be
able to see
people in
the class.
microphone and video buttons
as these are shown the microphone is on and the video is off
Here is
for the
When the Meet is over, press this to
leave the session.
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Appendix A: Make a PDF of Photos
If you are planning to send photos of work to your teacher, you create a PDF and attach it to an email to send to the
teacher. For a Mac Click here” How to Attach a Picture on Google Classroom with a Mac laptop Or use this URL:
For a PC the process is similar to a Mac. First open your pictures folder on the computer. Select all of the pictures you
want to put on a single sheet. To do this click on the first picture, then CTRL click on the rest of the pictures. Then right
click on one of the pictures.
Next, right click on one of the selected pictures. A drop down menu will appear. Then click on “Print.”
Four pictures are
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The next window you will see looks like the one below. Here you will select the layout you want for the pictures by
scrolling through the options. Then use the drop down menu under printer and select Microsoft Print to PDF. Then click
on Print at the bottom of the window.
You will be asked to name the file to save the PDF. You can select a file or the desktop to place it, then give it a name
and press Save. Now you can make it an attachment for an email.
Select the
Select Microsoft
Print to PDF.
Name the
where to
save the
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Appendix B: How to Get Computer Help
District Technology Center
If your student is having issues accessing their South Lane School District related accounts or equipment that has been
issued to your student, please contact the helpdesk:
Via phone: (541)767-3778; Option 1
Via E-mail: [email protected]2.or.us
Via the Online Helpdesk: https://helpdesk.slane.k12.or.us
Help with Home Access Center and Google Classroom
For help with Google Classroom, contact the teacher.
To login to Home Access Center
More Help with Google and Chromebooks
If you need more help with using a Chromebook or Google, here is a link to a Google Sheet with links for help
Student/Parent Tutorials another way to access this is to copy and paste this link
d=0. The links will send you to help for many different parts of Google including Docs, Sheets, Slides, Classroom, etc.
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Appendix C: Class Codes