Screencastify Tutorial
Screencastify is a Chrome-based extension that allows you to record a video of your browser or desktop
while talking over it.
1. Download Chrome:
2. Add the Screencastify browser extension:
a. Navigate to the Chrome Web Store and search for Screencastify.
b. Select the + Add to Chrome button.
c. A
pop-up will appear, select Add Extension
. Next, a message will appear saying that the extension has been added.
3. Set-up Screencastify
a. Select the Screencastify icon that will appear in the top-right corner of the Chrome
omnibar, next a setup page will appear.
b. If camera and microphone access have not been setup yet: select Setup Camera Access.
Next, you may have a small pop-up appear, select Allow for camera and microphone
access of your device.
c. Then, choose where to store your recordings, select Google Drive and click Next.
d. If you have not logged into your Google account yet, select Sign In where you can log-in
or create a new account.
e. Next, Screencastify will ask if you want to setup tab recording, it is recommended to
select Skip since most likely you will be using desktop recording.
f. Once set-up is complete, select Get Started to continue. A video may start playing for a
quickhow-to” on using Screencastify.
4. Start Recording
a. Open up any content you will need for your presentation (PPT, Google Slides, Keynote,
etc.) and minimize it for quick access.
b. Select the Screencastify icon from the Chrome browser tool bar.
c. Settings:
i. Select Desktop if you are using PowerPoint or Keynote (recommended)
ii. Select Tab if you are using Google Slides.
d. Select your Microphone source and specify your
audio levels.
e. (Optional) Select System Audio if you would like to
include audio or music from your
f. (Optional) Select Embed Webcam if you would like
a webcam recording to be embedded in the
recording. If so, select position (Ex: top-left, top-
right, bottom-left, or bottom-right)
g. (Optional) Show Preview window gives you a
"Screencastify Live Preview" during recording. You
can select this and minimize it once the recordings
have begun.
h. When you are ready to begin, select Start Recording. (If you have multiple screens, you
will be asked to choose which screen you’d like to record)
5. During and the end of the recording
a. Once the recording has begun, you can adjust the audio, turn on/off the preview
window, pause and stop the recording using
the Screencastify icon.
b. Once the recording is over (you only have 10
minutes max per recording), select Stop
c. You will then be re-directed to your recording
and it will automatically be saved in your
Google Drive.
d. Give your recording a title (refer to image
below). It will also show that the video was uploaded to Google Drive.
6. Submit the Video:
a. When the recording is finished and you are ready to submit the recording to Canvas,
navigate to the screencastify extension, select the menu icon (three bars) and select
Your Recordings.
b. Select your finished recording and on the Info bar, select the Copy Link icon.
c. CONFIDENCE TEST: Paste the URL into the Chrome address bar to confirm that the link
works. You can even try another browser to confirm that your video is completely
accessible with that link.
d. Next, with the copied link to your recording, navigate to the Canvas assignment.
e. Select Submit Assignment and paste the URL link into the assignment submission area
(word document or Canvas text entry box).
f. Finally, select Submit.
External Microphones and webcams are available for checkout at the CMET front desk on the
ground floor of the Knight Library. 541-346-3091 //
GET HELP at Student Computer/Canvas support desk: [email protected]
or 541-346-
How long can you record?
10 minutes per recording
How are the videos stored?
In Google Drive, YouTube, or locally on your computer (We recommend Google Drive).
In case you missed the option to save to Google Drive:
g. Click back on the Screencastify button, then the icon with three dashes
h. You’ll be brought to a new menu, select options and choose to save to your Google
I would like to Edit ? (Optional)
It is recommended to only edit the video if you have experience and have purchased the software
(iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, etc.). To convert screencast
recordings so that you can import them into a video editing software, please ask your instructor
for the document: Convert Screencastify Recordings
Note: After you edit, you will have to export the video out of the editing software and upload it
back into Google Drive to obtain the URL link for your instructor to access the video. Instructions
for this process is on the Convert Screencastify Recordings document.
Can I upload my video via YouTube instead of Google Drive?
Yes, you can do either process. After your recording, select Share and follow the steps to upload it
to YouTube. When it is uploaded to YouTube, make sure the recording is viewable by the public
and then copy the URL link and submit it to the Canvas assignments. Note: If you play background
music in your recording, YouTube does run audio scans against copyrighted material and they will
remove your video if you did not have permission to use the music.
Can I use the Screencastify setting to “store videos locally on my computer”?
Yes; however, when videos are directly stored on your computer, they are stored in
Screencastify format and provide a direct Web link to the video. Therefore, you would need to
convert the video into an MP4 to make it accessible offline and able to import into editing
software. If you would like the video stored on your computer, I recommend following the
instructions for Convert Screencastify Recordings to download the video as an MP4.