BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
Comparing absolute and relative
distance and time travel measures of
geographic access to healthcare facilities
in rural Haiti
Kayleigh Pavitra Bhangdia ,
Hari S Iyer,
Jean Paul Joseph,
Rubin Lemec Dorne,
Joia Mukherjee,
Temidayo Fadelu
To cite: BhangdiaKP, IyerHS,
JosephJP, etal. Comparing
absolute and relative distance
and time travel measures of
geographic access to healthcare
facilities in rural Haiti. BMJ Open
2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history and
additional supplemental material
for this paper are available
online. To view these les,
please visit the journal online
Received 11 August 2021
Accepted 10 April 2022
For numbered afliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Kayleigh Pavitra Bhangdia;
kbhangdia@ gmail. com
Original research
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2022. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
Introduction While travel distance and time are important
proxies of physical access to health facilities, obtaining valid
measures with an appropriate modelling method remains
challenging in many settings. We compared ve measures of
geographic accessibility in Haiti, producing recommendations
that consider available analytic resources and geospatial
Methods Eight public hospitals within the ministry of public
health and population were included. We estimated distance
and time between hospitals and geographic centroids of
Haiti’s section communes and population- level accessibility.
Geographic feature data were obtained from public
administrative databases, academic research databases
and government satellites. We used validated geographic
information system methods to produce ve geographic
access measures: (1) Euclidean distance (ED), (2) network
distance (ND), (3) network travel time (NTT), (4) AccessMod
5 (AM5) distance (AM5D) and (5) AM5 travel time (AM5TT).
Relative ranking of section communes across the measures
was assessed using Pearson correlation coefcients, while
mean differences were assessed using analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and pairwise t- tests.
Results All ve geographic access measures were highly
correlated (range: 0.78–0.99). Of the distance measures,
ED values were consistently the shortest, followed by
AM5D values, while ND values were the longest. ND
values were as high as 2.3 times ED values. NTT models
generally produced longer travel time estimates compared
with AM5TT models. ED consistently overestimated
population coverage within a given threshold compared
with ND and AM5D. For example, population- level
accessibility within 15 km of the nearest studied hospital in
the Center department was estimated at 68% for ED, 50%
for AM5D and 34% for ND.
Conclusion While the access measures were highly
correlated, there were signicant differences in the absolute
measures. Consideration of the benets and limitations of
each geospatial measure together with the intended purpose
of the estimates, such as relative proximity of patients or
service coverage, are key to guiding appropriate use.
Longer distance to health services has been
associated with lower service utilisation rates,
increased health expenditure and poor health
outcomes across multiple diseases.
in low- income and middle- income countries
(LMICs) have described poor geographic
access leading to lower rates of facility- based
deliveries, increased childhood mortality and
worse outcomes in communicable diseases
such as HIV as well as in non- communicable
diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular
disease and breast cancer.
Hence, distance
to health services has been adopted as a popu-
lation measure of health equity, with travel
time a proxy for equitable physical access.
Patient travel distance and travel time
measures can be used to assess disparity and
We compared ve measures of geographic access
based on distance and travel time, using simple
models, such as Euclidean distance, and more com-
plex geographic information system models that
accounted for geographic features in the study area.
Our ndings highlight that there are signicant dif-
ferences in the absolute estimate values of time and
distance produced by each approach, and we pro-
vide generalisable recommendations to guide inves-
tigators when choosing between measures.
To our knowledge, this is the rst study to provide
comparisons between measures of geographic ac-
cessibility to healthcare in the Caribbean region, and
it provides guidance for conducting similar compar-
isons in other resource- limited settings.
By revealing the stark differences in population
coverage estimates obtained using different geo-
graphic access measures, our study demonstrates
the need to carefully consider the geospatial model
used to estimate access when considering absolute
This study did not use a true gold standard mea-
surement of travel time; our analysis relied on key
assumptions that patients used motorised transport,
followed national speed limits and did not account
for possible nancial barriers.
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BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
to describe the trade- offs health systems make between
equity of access and efficiency.
Further, being able to
contextualise the accessibility of particular health service
in relation to relative disease burden is critical for overall
health system efficiency. A 2- hour, one- way travel time
threshold has been proposed for hospital services such
as emergency care, obstetrics and general surgical inter-
ventions and is the threshold often used by policymakers
examining population- level access.
However, a realistic
threshold may vary based on condition or required care,
and a lower threshold may be indicated for more basic
health services provided at health centres, such as malaria
care or immunisations.
Despite the importance of distance and time measure-
ments, there are challenges with obtaining accurate
estimates in LMICs. Historically, Euclidean distance
(ED), or straight- line distance, has been most commonly
used in many LMICs. However, when compared against
distance measures from more sophisticated geographic
information system (GIS) modelling techniques and
patient- reported estimates of travel time, straight- line
distances often result in substantial underestimates,
inaccurately capturing travel burden and erroneously
estimating catching areas of health facilities.
1 7
ingly however, health ministries and service providers
are adopting GIS across resource- limited settings.
mated platforms such as AccessMod 5 (AM5) use publicly
available geographic feature databases including road
networks and local topography to produce valid estimates
of distance and travel time.
26 27
Additionally, raw world-
wide geographic data are becoming more widely avail-
able through platforms such as Google Earth Engine and
Open Street Map (OSM), which, taken together, allow for
more sophisticated modelling techniques to be leveraged
by LMICs to accurately measure population- level access
and ultimately improve health outcomes.
The primary aim of this study is to compare different
GIS measures used to estimate the geographic accessi-
bility of services at seven non- governmental organisa-
tion (NGO) supported public health facilities and the
main national referral hospital in Haiti (figure 1A). The
majority of health services in Haiti are concentrated in
the capital region and distance is a known access barrier
for many Haitians, particularly in rural regions.
31 32
historically there has been substantial variation in quality
of services across the primary care system in Haiti, there
is ongoing strengthening of the healthcare system with a
national goal of achieving universal health coverage by
32 33
As previous studies in Haiti have used ED as a
measure to estimate patients’ physical access to care,
34 35
we sought to compare access measures obtained using
different analytic approaches in this setting given the
increasing availability and usability of these modelling
techniques. This analysis set out to compare increas-
ingly sophisticated models for estimating travel time
and distance from patient residence to healthcare facil-
ities, using both raster and vector approaches. Our study
highlights the importance of appropriately measuring
accessibility and how research questions can inform the
choice of methods. We provide empirical estimates of
geographic accessibility in Haiti, but more importantly
provide guidance to policymakers in other resource-
limited settings seeking to estimate geographic access to
answer public health questions.
Study setting
Haiti is a country in the Caribbean region with a popula-
tion of nearly 11 million, covering a land area of 27 750
km. The country is irregularly shaped and about 80%
of the land area is covered by mountains.
36 37
fied as a low- income country, many Haitians (65%) live
below the national poverty line and the country ranks
poorly relative to neighbouring countries on many
health indicators.
The healthcare system in Haiti
Figure 1 (A) Map of Haiti with seven Zanmi Lasante (ZL)/
Partners In Health supported hospitals throughout the Center
and Artibonite departments. (B) Map of Haiti with road
network by road category and all Zanmi Lasante/Partners In
Health supported hospitals included in analysis.
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BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
is divided into three levels—primary, secondary and
tertiary, managed by the ministry of public health and
population (MSPP). Nearly half of the healthcare facil-
ities are located in the capital, Port- Au- Prince, while
service coverage is poorer in rural areas where many
lack access to essential health and nutrition services.
MSPP collaborates with many NGOs to support care
delivery and emergency response in these rural areas.
Zanmi Lasante (ZL) together with Partners In Health
(PIH) has worked closely with MSPP to provide high-
quality care in Haiti for over 30 years, helping to estab-
lish 16 health centres and public hospitals throughout
the country, and serving as one of the largest health-
care providers outside of the government. These health
facilities are concentrated within the Center and Arti-
bonite departments, two of the most remote and under-
privileged regions in the country.
Given the unique
geography and topography of the country, comparing
the utility of different measures of distance and time
may inform selection of the most appropriate measure
given available resources and precision required to
guide health systems planning efforts.
Data management and data sources
Information regarding geographic and population
features was obtained from publicly available databases.
The basemap of Haiti’s administrative boundaries was
obtained from the Humanitarian Data Exchange.
Road files were acquired from OSM updated in 2018.
Modelled population estimates were obtained from
WorldPop database for 2019.
Measures of geographic access
The administrative level used for this analysis was the
section commune level, the smallest administrative divi-
sion in Haiti with consistently available geographic data
(online supplemental appendix figure 1). There are a
total of 570 section communes ranging in size from 5 to
318 km
with a mean area of 53 km
and average popu-
lation of 19 160 individuals. The geographic centroids of
each section commune were calculated and represent
the 570 origins of our analysis. Two tertiary hospitals,
University Hospital Mirebalais (HUM) and State Univer-
sity Hospital (HUEH) and the six hospitals supported
by ZL/PIH, were chosen as destinations for our analysis.
Geocodes for these hospitals were extracted from Google
We used GIS to produce five different measures
of geographic access: (1) ED, (2) network distance (ND),
(3) network travel time (NTT), (4) AM5 distance (AM5D)
and (5) AM5 travel time (AM5TT).
ED estimation
ED was calculated using geocodes corresponding to the
origin (section commune centroids) and destinations
(HUM, HUEH and six ZL/PIH hospitals), using the
near distance tool in ArcMap V.10.6.1 (Esri, Redlands,
ND and time
First, roads were extracted within the Haiti national
border from a road shapefile obtained for the entire
island of Hispaniola.
A topology profile was added to the
road file using widely accepted topology rules: must not
overlap, must be single part and must not have pseudo
nodes. Using this methodology, errors in topology were
corrected using the following commands: subtracting
shorter road, exploding roads and merging roads.
47 48
Based on Haitian government classification and on prior
published studies, roads were reclassified into five catego-
ries: pedestrian path, residential streets, minor highways,
medium highways and major highways (figure 1B).
49 50
The associated road speeds were based on a previous study
by Mathon et al
and were stored as attributes; they can
be found in online supplemental appendix table 1.
A network dataset was built with the road file and accu-
mulation cost attributes were added for length and times.
The section commune centroids were added as the origin
and the location of the health facilities as the destina-
tions. Using the network dataset an Origin Destination
(OD) cost matrix analysis was performed with time as
the impedance factor. The resultant network was vali-
dated using Google Maps by randomly sampling 30 pairs
(5%) of origin and destination points and comparing the
distance and times from the OD cost matrix with Google
Maps driving directions. Cases which had no connection
network found between an origin point and the destina-
tion were manually identified (eg, located within a water
barrier, located far from road network). After identifying
these cases, in order to assign complete road networks
to these section communes, a road segment was built
connecting centroids located away from existing roads
and walking speeds were assumed for those segments.
The final resultant OD cost matrix for length and time
was exported for data analysis. All spatial data manage-
ment and adjustments to complete the road network, ED
estimations and ND and NTT estimations were done in
AM5 raster model for distance and time
AM5 was developed in 2005 as a suite of GIS tools to
allow countries to evaluate health service coverage using
an algorithm based on least- cost paths and accumula-
tive cost surface ultimately determining the most effi-
cient path between two points on the surface.
26 51
enables estimation of a travel time surface that covers a
geographic area of interest, assigning travel times to each
raster grid cell using the geographic access tool. Using
this travel time surface, AM5 also can estimate referral
times between lower- level health facilities and hospitals
using the referral analysis tool. AM5 uses road networks
and travel speeds similar to the network dataset described
above; however, AM5 further accounts for surface wide
geographic features evaluating the entire study setting
which in turn allows for travel off roads. By incorporating
additional geographic features beyond just road networks,
AM5 estimates may better capture the extent to which
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BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
physical distance impedes access to care in low- resource
settings where private car- based travel is less common.
26 27
The inputs into AM5 consisted of a digital elevation model
obtained from DIVA- GIS with a 1000 m resolution, a land
cover raster file from Google Earth Engine with a 500 m
resolution, rivers and lakes shapefile obtained from
OCHA Services, the road shapefile described previously,
hospital locations and section commune centroid loca-
52 53
Speeds for all land cover types can be found in
online supplemental appendix table 1. After generating a
merged land cover from the input layers listed above in
AM5, 61 (11%) section commune centroids were located
on top of barriers. Facility locations were corrected in
AM5 by using the Interactive Map tool to preview raster
layers and manually move facility locations to the nearest
cell that did not contain a defined barrier (rivers and
lakes). In order to calculate the distance and time from
the section communes to the health facilities, we used the
referral analysis tool to estimate travel time and distance
between section commune geographic centroids and the
hospitals. This table was then exported into Microsoft
Excel V.16.3 (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington) and the
shapefile was exported into ArcMap for visualisations.
Statistical analysis plan
We sought to compare five measures of geographic access
representing travel times and distance between section
communes to closest hospital. Measures of geographic
access are generally used for two purposes in health
services research: (1) obtaining estimates of the propor-
tion of population within a given access threshold and (2)
ranking participants or geographic areas by how far they
are from care.
Obtaining accurate measures of coverage
proportion requires accurate absolute estimate values,
while ranking participants only requires that the relative
ordering of estimate values is preserved. Analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) and pairwise t- tests were used to assess
concordance between absolute measures of geographic
access and correlations to assess concordance of ranking
of geographic access measures assigned to section
After estimating the distance between section commune
centroids within the Center and Artibonite departments
and the seven ZL/PIH hospitals based on three distance
measures: ED, ND and AM5D, one- way ANOVA was used
to test for a global difference between means, and then
pairwise t- tests with equal variances to determine which
measures differed from each other. Similarly, travel time
between the section communes and health facilities were
summarised based on two measures: NTT and AM5TT
and a pairwise t- test was performed to assess differences
between the measures. Following an assessment of the
distribution of the different measures, ANOVA and t- test
were chosen based on the relatively normal distribution
of distance and time measurements.
Given that healthcare planners often implement
services at varying levels of the healthcare system, with
some targeting smaller catchment areas and others rolled
out at a national level, we repeated these analyses at the
national level. Examining geographic accessibility across
Haiti from all section communes to the nearest of the two
tertiary hospitals included in our analysis, we were able
to compare the correlations and absolute differences
between measures at two spatial scales. In our experience,
some specialised health services such as cancer treatment
may only be available in one facility in the country, and
patients of these two hospitals will often travel from every
part of the country to reach these specialised services. In
addition, the population surrounding these two tertiary
hospitals are vastly different with HUM located in a rural
mountainous area and HUEH located in the urban
capital city. Of note, 15 observations (3%) located on
islands off the cost of mainland Haiti were excluded from
this analysis since the distance and time for these section
communes could not be calculated in AM5. In order to
compare relative ranking of section communes across
the five measures, we examined correlations between
the five geographic access measures of distance and time
estimates from section commune centroid nationally to
HUM using Pearson correlation coefficients and 95% CIs.
Lastly, we estimated population- level accessibility
within the Center and Artibonite departments capturing
the proportion of the catchment population that has
geographic access to their nearest ZL/PIH supported
hospital. We report these findings stratified by time and
distance intervals.
All statistical analyses were done in R statistical software
(V.4.0.3). All statistical tests were two sided and p values of
<0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Patient and public involvement
There was no direct patient involvement in the design
and conduct of this analysis. However, the development
of the research question was motivated by patient experi-
ences traveling far distances to reach healthcare services
in Haiti.
Geographic characteristics
Online supplemental appendix table 2 summarises
geographic, health and economic characteristics of each
department. The Center department, home to 701 205
individuals, is composed of 35 section communes and
has four ZL/PIH hospitals including HUM. The Artibo-
nite department, composed of 63 section communes, has
a population of 1 684 599 and has three ZL/PIH hospi-
tals. The Artibonite department is both larger in size and
more densely populated than the Center department.
Comparing mean distances and times across geographic
access measures
The results of the distance and time estimates from each
section commune to selected ZL/PIH- supported hospi-
tals, HUM and Saint Marc Hospital (SM), the largest
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BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
facilities within the Center and Artibonite departments,
respectively, are summarised in table 1.
Table 1 shows that within both the Center and Artibo-
nite departments, ED is significantly shorter than both
ND and AM5D yet ND and AM5D are comparable. For
example, the mean ND to SM was 20.65 km (48%) longer
than ED (p=<0.001) and the mean AM5D to SM was
16.59 km (39%) longer than ED (p=0.001). Findings were
similar for all ZL/PIH supported hospitals in this study as
displayed in online supplemental appendix table 3. The
largest absolute difference between distance measures
appeared for travel to Belladere hospital, where ED was
33.3 km and ND was 77.4 km (2.3 times ED).
NTT and AM5TT were also different, with AM5
producing significantly shorter estimates than NTT. For
example, among section communes in the HUM catch-
ment department, there was a statistically significant
32.5 min (95% CI: 19.7 to 45.3) shorter average time to
HUM when using AM5TT compared with NTT. These
measures followed a similar pattern in the SM catchment
department in addition to the other ZL/PIH supported
hospitals (see table 1 and online supplemental appendix
table 3).
Figure 2A displays choropleth maps of travel times to
the nearest ZL/PIH hospital within the Artibonite and
Center departments in 30 min time intervals comparing
the NTT and AM5TT estimation techniques. The dark
blue colour represents the section communes with the
shortest travel time and the dark red represents longest
travel times. While the maps are generally consistent,
more section communes were classified as having longer
travel times with NTT compared with AM5TT.
The nationwide distance and time estimations from
section communes to the two referral hospitals are
outlined in online supplemental appendix table 4,
expanding the spatial scale of the analysis and comparing
hospitals in both rural and urban settings. Based on the
estimation technique used, the national mean distance to
HUM, averaging over all of the section communes in the
study, ranged from 111.9 (ED) to 167.3 km (ND) and the
national mean distance to HUEH ranged from 108.3 (ED)
to 161.6 km (ND). The findings followed a similar pattern
to the results from the departmental difference with ED
being very different from ND and AM5D; however, in the
national analysis, AM5D was also significantly different
from ND in a pairwise test (p<0.001).
However, comparing the proportional differences from
the national comparison to HUM with the earlier depart-
mental comparison, we see that ND is only 50% longer
than ED nationally compared with 76% longer when
restricting to the Center department. This analysis also
found significant differences in the mean travel time to
these referral hospitals between the estimates generated
from the two techniques used. On average, NTT was 30.4
min (95% CI: 27.4 to 33.4) longer than AM5TT to HUM
(p<0.0001), with a similar pattern observed at HUEH.
Figure 2B displays national choropleth maps of travel
times to the nearest tertiary referral hospital in 1- hour
Table 1 Comparison of mean distance (in km) and time (in min) from section communes to selected hospitals in Center and
Artibonite departments
Distance and time estimates to HUM (N=35) Distance and time estimates to SM (N=63)
Absolute measures
Measure Mean distance (SD) Mean distance (SD)
ED 29.4 (15.7) 42.5 (19.4)
ND 51.7 (30.4) 63.1 (30.1)
AM5D 43.8 (26.2) 59.1 (28.3)
Measure Mean time (SD) Mean time (SD)
NTT 98.7 (61.0) 97.4 (56.8)
AM5TT 66.2 (33.2) 75.8 (34.8)
Distance pairwise comparison
Mean difference (95% CI) T- test
p value
Mean difference (95% CI) T- test
p value
ND–ED 22.33 (8.19 to 36.47) <0.001 20.65 (9.57 to 31.73) <0.001
AM5D–ED 14.44 (0.30 to 28.58) 0.04 16.59 (5.51 to 27.67) 0.001
ND–AM5D 7.89 (−6.25 to 22.02) 0.38 4.06 (−7.02 to 15.14) 0.66
Time pairwise comparison
Mean difference (95% CI) T- test
p value
Mean difference (95% CI) T- test
p value
NTT–AM5TT 32.5 (19.7 to 45.3) <0.001 21.7 (13.8 to 29.5) <0.001
AM5D, AccessMod 5 distance; AM5TT, AccessMod 5 travel time; ED, Euclidean distance; HUM, University Hospital Mirebalais; ND, network
distance; NTT, network travel time; SM, Saint Marc Hospital.
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BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
time intervals comparing the NTT and AM5TT estima-
tion techniques. Similarly, maps are generally consistent,
though AM5 produced shorter travel times in the Center
and Western departments relative to estimates derived
from network calculations.
Correlation between geospatial estimation measures
Table 2 includes Pearson correlations between the five
geographic access measures (travel time and distance
from each section commune centroid to HUM). We
found that the three distance and the two travel time esti-
mation techniques produced values that were all highly
correlated (range: 0.78–0.99) meaning that the rank
ordering of geographic access by section commune is
preserved across most measures.
The strongest correla-
tions were between the various distance measures with
each of the three correlation coefficients >0.96. The
weakest correlation was between ED and NTT (0.78).
Population-level comparison
Online supplemental appendix figure 2 presents
population- level accessibility comparisons between
the three distance estimation techniques across both
the Center and Artibonite departments. The relative
percentage of the catchment population living within
a particular threshold from the nearest hospital varies
based on the estimation technique used, with the differ-
ences being more pronounced in the Center department.
Population- level accessibility comparisons between the
two travel time estimation techniques are also presented
in online supplemental appendix figure 3 stratified by
30 min intervals and follow a similar pattern to distance
techniques. For example, within the Center department,
it was estimated that 54% of the catchment population
lives within 30 min of the closest hospital when using
AM5TT, while only 33% are estimated to live within this
radius when using NTT. In the Artibonite department,
35% of the population lives within 30 min of the closest
hospital when using AM5TT, while only 26% are esti-
mated to live within this radius when using NTT.
Our results indicate that while distance and travel time
estimates were highly correlated, there were differences
in absolute measures across the five approaches. ED
models estimated significantly shorter distance travelled
compared with ND and AM5D models that incorporated
roads and other geographic features. AM5D estimates
were longer than ED but shorter than ND; this pattern was
anticipated as AM5 raster referral analysis allows for travel
off roads. The absolute differences between ND and ED
were more pronounced when the analysis was restricted
to one department as compared with the national anal-
ysis; however, we find that patterns are similar regardless
of spatial scale. Given the increasing focus on tracking
geographic accessibility indicators to reach Universal
Figure 2 (A) Comparison of NTT and AM5TT to nearest
Zanmi Lasante (ZL)/Partners In Health supported hospitals
by 30 min intervals throughout the Artibonite and Center
departments. (B) National comparison of NTT and AM5TT
to nearest tertiary hospitals by 60 min intervals. AM5,
AccessMod 5; AM5TT, AM5 travel time; NTT, network travel
Table 2 Matrix of Pearson correlation and 95% CIs of distance and time values to University Hospital Mirebalais by different
geospatial estimation techniques
ED 1.00
ND 0.97 (0.97 to 0.97) 1.00
AM5D 0.98 (0.98 to 0.99) 0.99 (0.99 to 0.99) 1.00
NTT 0.78 (0.75 to 0.81) 0.83 (0.80 to 0.85) 0.81 (0.78 to 0.84) 1.00
AM5TT 0.88 (0.86 to 0.90) 0.91 (0.89 to 0.92) 0.91 (0.89 to 0.92) 0.93 (0.92 to 0.94) 1.00
All values are signicant at the 0.05 level.
AM5D, AccessMod 5 distance; AM5TT, AccessMod 5 travel time; ED, Euclidean distance; ND, network distance; NTT, network travel time.
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BhangdiaKP, etal. BMJ Open 2022;12:e056123. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056123
Open access
Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals,
accurate estimates of travel distance and times are crucial
to inform progress.
55 56
Recognising we did not present
a gold standard of directly observed patient travel times
and routes,
our analysis highlights possible trade- offs
between ED estimates and more sophisticated estimation
techniques, providing generalisable lessons regarding the
implications for each. These findings contribute to the
international literature by demonstrating the feasibility
of computing multiple measures of geospatial access in
resource- limited settings. Our study showcases the impor-
tance of choosing the appropriate accessibility measure-
ment and methods depending on the research question.
This work provides empirical estimates of geographic
accessibility in Haiti, but more importantly, provides guid-
ance to policymakers in other resource- limited settings
seeking to estimate geographic access to answer public
health questions.
To our knowledge, no earlier studies have provided
comparisons between measures of geographic accessi-
bility to hospitals in Haiti or the Caribbean region. While
few studies have assessed the impact of geographic health
accessibility, they have all used ED estimation. Wang
and Mallick
estimated the extent to which women’s
contraceptive use is associated with the available method
choices in the health facilities throughout Haiti using ED
to link Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) clusters
with facilities.
However, they note that mountainous
terrain and road conditions may have led to misclassifica-
tion of accessibility by inaccurately classifying which facil-
ities were more easily accessed. Kwan et al
evaluated the
poverty distribution among patients with NCD at HUM,
using ED to explore the relationship between poverty
and distance to HUM. They found that among those who
presented at the health facility, those who lived further
were less poor than those living closer, speculating that
those who live further and are more poor face high
barriers to accessing care and therefore were underrepre-
sented in their sample.
Our findings are consistent with other studies from
LMICs; they reinforce the concept that the choice of
geographic accessibility measure may influence conclu-
sions about absolute accessibility. Noor et al illustrated
this issue by comparing multiple spatial models in
Kenya. Their results revealed that ED models incor-
rectly classified roughly 6 million individuals as being
within 1 hour of government health services.
van Duinen et al compared two geospatial models
against patient- reported travel times and found that
the more conservative travel time estimates, with lower
travel speeds, better estimate patient- reported travel
times, highlighting how critical the input variables are
to producing valuable spatial model outputs.
larly, Rudolfson et al found that standard AM5 gener-
ated travel times underestimated patient- reported
travel times for emergency obstetric care in Rwanda;
however, when the GIS models were adjusted to model
patients travel path passing through health centres
enroute to the hospital, modelled times were much
closer aligned to the patient- reported times.
Thomas et al compared modelled travel time to compre-
hensive emergency obstetric care in Lagos, Nigeria, to
measured times from replicated patient journeys. Their
findings confirmed that existing geospatial model-
ling methods underestimate actual travel times when
using a gold standard validation, which these authors
did through actual replication of travel by two inde-
pendent drivers.
These findings further underscore
the importance of understanding true travel patterns
of patient populations. It is critical to note this anal-
ysis is focused on geographic or physical accessibility
to health services and we acknowledge that there
are additional dimensions of healthcare access not
addressed by this study. Although a region may appear
to have geographic access to a health facility, this does
not mean services are available, affordable, accept-
able or that there is appropriate accommodation—all
dimensions that contribute to overall access.
Similar to our findings, Nesbitt et al compared a variety
of spatial models of delivery care access in Ghana and
found that the models were highly correlated with each
other including ED.
Despite its known limitations, ED
may offer a reasonable proxy for other spatial measures,
especially when rank preservation rather than coverage
estimation is the goal of the analysis. Nonetheless, our
findings support growing consensus that ED may severely
overestimate health facility coverage within a given
threshold distance, and therefore should be used with
caution when estimating coverage.
Careful consideration of the benefits and limita-
tions of each measure can help guide appropriate use
and are summarised in table 3. Based on our findings,
ED is acceptable when estimating the relative prox-
imity of patients, with NTT and AM5TT being prefer-
able. However, when estimating coverage, ED results in
underestimates of health services coverage and therefore
would be unfavourable, while NTT or AM5TT would be
preferred. Furthermore, since ND and NTT estimates use
road networks, they would be the preferred options when
approximating actual patient travel routes. However,
it is key to note that ED requires the least amount of
researcher time and effort as well as the least amount of
data inputs, while ND and NTT require the most research
time and effort and AM5D and AM5TT require the most
data inputs.
Given the lack of a true gold standard measure of
travel time from a patient’s address to their health
facility, which would have required greater investments
of resources and time than our study allowed such as
detailed surveys or GIS trackers, our analysis relied on
key assumptions. We assumed that all patients travelled
using motorised transport and followed national speed
limits, which may not accurately reflect the true trans-
portation patterns used by patients to reach care. Our
analysis also assumes uninterrupted travel between two
points; however, we recognise patients may use multiple
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Open access
forms of transportation, which may lead to additional
waiting times. Further, all estimates are measured from
geographic centroids and therefore do not reflect the
distribution of the population within each section
commune nor capture variation in travel patterns
among residents of the same section commune. In
addition, we do not account for travel costs which may
also influence the routes and mode of transportation.
While geospatial estimates may be helpful, assessing
the true burden of travel distance and time frequently
requires detailed survey of patients and the use of GIS
trackers. Future studies in Haiti and beyond should
endeavour to validate geospatial estimation techniques
using patient- reported methods. Lastly, this analysis
focused on a subset of hospitals throughout Haiti
focusing predominantly in the Center and Artibonite
departments. We recommend that future studies in
Haiti and the region explore a wider range of hospitals
and resident locations in order to confirm generalis-
ability of our findings.
Producing the geographic measures presented in this
study requires specialised geospatial analytic skills. Given
the limited published data on healthcare accessibility in
Haiti, we have stored the data and analytic files used in a
publicly available GitHub repository.
This resource will
enable researchers at ZL/PIH and other organisations
in Haiti and elsewhere to produce their own geographic
access measures, identify gaps and underserved areas,
inform allocation of resources and strengthen evidence-
based policy decisions.
Geographic access is a modifiable dimension of acces-
sibility and one where research can inform policy and
programmes such as travel support, strengthening
referral networks, decentralising care or building addi-
tional facilities to improve accessibility. Longer travel
times place an increased burden on patients—especially
the poorest—and may result in delays in treatment, higher
out of pocket expenditures and ultimately increased
14 15
Understanding and measuring geographic
barriers to accessing care is of critical importance, espe-
cially in settings like Haiti where care may be inacces-
sible to many. Our study highlights the advantages and
trade- offs of different geographic accessibility measures
and provides guidance to researchers and policymakers
on choosing between measures when making relative or
absolute population comparisons.
Author afliations
Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard University T H Chan School of
Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Seattle, Washington, USA
Division of Population Science, Department of Medical Oncology, Dana- Farber
Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Partners In Health/Zanmi Lasante, Mirebalais, Haiti
Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Partners In Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Twitter Temidayo Fadelu @temidayo
Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge Partners In Health for
providing administrative support and provision of analysis software. The authors
also express gratitude for technical support from Jeffrey Blossom, MA, and the
team at the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard.
Contributors KPB and TF: Concept, data analysis, interpretation, draft manuscript,
review of manuscript and approval, guarantor. HSI: Concept, data analysis,
interpretation, draft manuscript, review of manuscript and approval. JPJ: Concept,
interpretation, review of manuscript and approval. RLD: Concept, review of
manuscript and approval. JM: Concept, review of manuscript and approval.
Funding This work was supported by the Center for Global Cancer Medicine at
Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation 2019 Young
Investigator Award, grant number 16209, and the National Institutes of Health, grant
number T32 CA009001.
Map disclaimer The inclusion of any map (including the depiction of any
boundaries therein), or of any geographic or locational reference, does not imply
Table 3 Summary of recommendations on application of geospatial estimation measures based on goals of geospatial
analysis and analytic resources
Goals of geospatial analysis Analytic resource
Relative accessibility/
Estimating patient travel
Researcher time and
Required data
ED ++ + + ### ###
ND ++ ++ +++ # ##
NTT +++ +++ +++ # ##
AM5D ++ ++ + ## #
AM5TT +++ +++ ++ ## #
+ Unfavorable.
++ Acceptable.
+++ Preferred.
# High requirement.
## Medium requirement.
### Low requirement.
AM5D, AccessMod 5 distance; AM5TT, AccessMod 5 travel time; ED, Euclidean distance; ND, network distance; NTT, network travel time.
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the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of BMJ concerning the legal
status of any country, territory, jurisdiction or area or of its authorities. Any such
expression remains solely that of the relevant source and is not endorsed by BMJ.
Maps are provided without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Ethics approval This study was reviewed and received Institutional Review Board
(IRB) exemption from both the Zanmi Lasante IRB Committee and the Dana Farber
Cancer Institute IRB Committee.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement All data were obtained from publicly available
sources and do not include individual level or identiable data. Data are available in
a public, open access repository. The full dataset developed for this study has been
made available through GitHub, with open access.
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
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includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
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is non- commercial. See:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
Kayleigh PavitraBhangdia http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4235-0685
TemidayoFadelu http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1323-4119
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