Career Guide
Your guide to a rewarding career at the
Defense Logistics Agency
Helpful Links
DLA uses a variety of hiring methods and authorities to attract diverse,
highly qualied candidates to join our dynamic and engaged workforce.
This booklet is intended to give you an overview of DLA’s mission, the
types of jobs employees hold to execute the mission, and the various
benets available to a new DLA employee.
This booklet will help you determine if DLA’s mission, vision, and goals
align with yours. We hope that you will want to be a part of DLA and its
mission to support the warghter.
DLA oers a tremendous professional opportunity. Are you ready for the
About DLA .......................................................................... 2
Quick Facts
......................................................................... 3
Organizations and Locations
Careers ................................................................................ 5
Hiring Programs
DLA Pathways to Career Excellence Program
DLA Pathways Intern Program......................................18
Persons with Disabilities ...............................................19
Veteran Hiring Authorities ........................................... 20
Workforce Recruitment Program
Benets, Compensation and Work Life Programs
......... 22
Helpful Links ..................................................................... 25
The Defense Logistics Agency
As the nation’s combat logistics support agency, the Defense Logistics
Agency manages the global supply chain – from raw materials to end user
to disposition – for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard,
10 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied
DLA also supplies 86 percent of the military’s spare parts and nearly 100
percent of fuel and troop support consumables, manages the reutilization
of military equipment, provides catalogs and other logistics information
products, and oers document automation and production services to a
host of military and federal agencies.
Headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, DLA is a global enterprise –
wherever the United States has a signicant military presence, DLA is there
to support.
Quick Facts
Provides more than $35 billion
in goods and services annually.
Employs about 27,000 civilians
and military.
Supports more than 2,300
weapon systems.
Manages nine supply chains and
about 5 million items.
Administers the storage and
disposal of strategic and critical
materials to support national
Operates in most states and 28
Operates a global network
of distribution centers. DLA’s
warehousing strategy is driven
by the commitment to better
serve warghters, co-locating
with the armed forces while
placing supplies where they are
most needed. By positioning
material closer to its customers,
DLA is able to decrease wait
time, reduce cost and improve
military readiness.
Leads DoD’s eorts to supply
the military services with
For a listing of these holidays, visit
alternative fuel and renewable
energy solutions.
Supports disaster response and
humanitarian relief eorts at
home and abroad.
Supports other federal
agencies, state and local
governments with items such
as uniforms, food and fuel.
Customers include the Federal
Emergency Management
Agency, Department of the
Interior, Health and Human
Services, Forestry Service, and
the Department of Agriculture
School Lunch Program.
For the most current information, visit
Organizations and Locations
The primary organizations and locations for DLA are:
DLA Headquarters (Fort Belvoir, VA)
DLA Aviation (Richmond, VA)
DLA Disposition Services (Battle Creek, MI)
DLA Distribution (New Cumberland, PA)
DLA Energy (Fort Belvoir, VA)
DLA Land and Maritime (Columbus, OH)
DLA Troop Support (Philadelphia, PA)
DLA Continental U.S. locations
For a complete list of DLA organizations and a description of their mission
emphasis, please visit
o nd a location that meets your career requirements, visit
DLA oers exciting careers and opportunities for growth and
development for any level of your career ladder—from entry to full
performance level. DLA provides the challenges for a satisfying position
with a family-friendly culture and excellent benets.
To utilize this tool, visit:
Accountants throughout the
DLA enterprise manage accounts
receivable and accounts payable;
account for and report on property,
equipment and inventory; analyze
and correct transaction posting and
reconciliation errors; and develop
and maintain nancial system
processes and documentation.
They prepare period end nancial
statements, which includes the
analysis of pre- and post-closing
adjustments and other nancial
data, comparative analysis,
and preparation of statement
Audit functions include developing
the audit program, conducting the
audit, formulating ndings and
recommendations and writing the
audit report. Assignments include
performance audits and oversight
of independent public accountants
performing annual nancial
statement and systems audits at
Employees engaged in administrative
work analyze, evaluate, modify, and
develop the basic programs, policies,
and procedures which facilitate the
work of Federal agencies and their
These employees apply knowledge of
administrative analysis, theory, and
principles in adapting practice to the
unique requirements of a particular
Construction analysts perform
technical work requiring the
application of practical knowledge
of both architectural and
construction practices for housing.
This work includes the examination
of drawings and specications for
compliance with standards;
verication that construction
complies with these standards;
estimation of costs of construction;
extension, alteration, remodeling,
or repair of housing; and collection,
analysis, and development of
basic cost information on housing
Contract specialists develop
announcements; solicit bids and
proposals; evaluate the quality of bids
and proposals in terms of costs,
technology, market conditions, and
reliability of performance; negotiate
terms; and recommend the contract
Contract s
pecialists review purchase
requests and related documents,
clarify all facets of proposed
acquisition to ensure accuracy and
completeness, prepare requests for
proposals, conduct negotiations,
prepare necessary award
documentation, and administer the
contracts until performance is
Engineers provide professional
engineering support in the award
and administration of America’s
defense contracts. Engineers also
provide expertise at both major
industrial sites and small business
facilities engaged in delivering
products to our Nation’s warghters
in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, and Combatant Commands.
Major engineering career elds at
DLA include general, mechanical,
electronics, civil, chemical,
bio-/biomedical, and industrial.
They also interact at various
levels within organizations
throughout the Agency as well
as with external customers and
Environmental Protection
Environmental protection specialists provide oversight and environmental
program support to eld activities. They maintain liaisons with the
Military Services and other Federal agencies to exchange general disposal
information, coordinate new programs, and promote Agency disposal
programs. Environmental protection specialists prepare and present
briengs on eld activity operations or trends and new environmental
They evaluate the eciency of disposal activities using statistical analysis,
automated information systems reports, and through quality assurance
inspections and reports. They also identify and document environmental
compliance status of eld activities, contractor’s storage, treatment or
disposal facilities, and hazardous property sales customers.
Financial management specialists
apply standard practices
and procedures to planning,
programming, budgeting, and
executing the Department of
Defense nancial administration
process; research Congressional
and other regulatory material for
applicability to DLA; apply analytical
techniques to research business
results and report ndings.
They provide technical expertise
to management on budgeting and
cost estimating in conjunction with
multiyear funding programs. They
review and advise on complex
and diverse nancial management
issues requiring innovative
Human Resources
Human resources (HR) specialists
provide a variety of HR management
(HRM) services as well as
consultation on the most eective
alignment of HR systems to support
strategic goals and objectives and
produce the results that accomplish
the Agency mission. Management
relies on these specialists and
systems to help apply merit system
principles to attract, develop,
manage, and retain a diverse, high
quality workforce.
Employees rely on these
specialists and systems to provide
information and assistance that
sustain important features of the
employer-employee relationship,
such as employee benets. These
specialists provide products
and services for a wide variety
of employee categories that
involve dierent systems with
dierent statutory and regulatory
Information Technology
Information technology (IT)
systems and services, including
computer hardware and software,
networks, programming, and
telecommunication equipment,
are used to enhance the
accomplishment of workforce
IT specialists manage a signicant
part of these Agency-wide IT
They provide user support
through concept development,
feasibility determination, design
and development, testing,
implementation, and operational
These professionals apply practical,
in-depth knowledge as well as
analytical and problem solving
abilities to assist in maintaining IT
systems, workow, and control.
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement personnel
maintain the safety and security of
DLA installations. All police activities
associated with DLA facilities,
from securing perimeters, trac
control, entry control points, vehicle
passes, and personnel ID cards to
emergency preparedness, fall under
this career eld. Security personnel
are also trained in the proper use
of rearms and to control and
safeguard arms, ammunition, and
Logistics management specialists
direct, develop, or perform
logistics management operations.
They plan, coordinate, or evaluate
the logistical actions required
to support a specied mission,
weapon system, or other designated
program. The logistics management
specialist also identifies the
specific requirements for
money, manpower, material,
facilities, and services needed to
support the program, and
those requirements
with program plans to ensure
needed support is provided at
the right time and place.
Product Specialists
(Quality Assurance/Technical)
Product specialists ensure that
contractors furnishing supplies and
equipment to the Military meet
all specications and contractual
Quality assurance and product specialists
prepare and issue quality assurance
letters of instruction; and participate in
prebid conferences, preaward surveys,
postaward conferences, and rst article
test inspections.
They also evaluate quality
assurance procedures,
reports, inspections, and test
results/methods as well as
other operational aspects
involving assigned items or
Property Disposal
Property disposal specialists provide
technical advice, guidance, and
assistance on property disposal
compliance and/or the development
of quality assurance programs. They
provide oversight and evaluate
the eciency of assigned disposal
activities through statistical analysis,
automated information system
reports, and quality assurance
inspections and reports.
They assist in the revision or
development of new policy,
procedures, and process
improvements to dene and support
Agency strategic and tactical
They also maintain liaisons with
the Military Services and other
Federal agencies to exchange
general disposal information,
coordinate new programs,
promote Agency disposal
programs, and prepare and
present briengs to senior
property disposal managers
on eld activity operations or
trends/new property disposal
Supply man ag ement specialists
make use of automated data
processing to ensure there is
material to support the
military mission. They manage local
inventories and act as a liaison to
ensure adequacy and availability of
supplies. They specialize in areas
such as inventory control, supply
distribution, storage/shipping,
cataloging, and preservation/
Transportation specialists
arrange transportation for
or perform other actions in
connection with the movement of
freight, passengers, or personal
property by Government or
commercial means.
Hiring Programs
DLA Pathways to Career Excellence
(PaCE) Program
DLA PaCE is a 2-year corporate
training program designed to train
entry-level personnel for subsequent
advancement to the journey-level
in professional, administrative, and
technological career elds. This is
accomplished through
on-the-job assignments, cross-
training, rotational assignments,
and formal training (e.g., classroom,
distance learning, Web-based training,
conferences, and seminars).
Program participants gain
an understanding of the
DLA enterprise, a corporate-
wide perspective of logistics
support, and the skills to build
and maintain contractor and
customer interfaces.
Environmental protection
If you are interested in an intensive
learning environment with an
enterprise focus where you can
jump start your career and gain
the skills to be successful at the
journey-level and beyond, then you
are on the right track.
You would enter the program at
the GS–7 entry-level with a target
grade of a GS–11 (some positions
may be targeted to GS–12) upon
successful completion of the
program requirements. While in the
program, you will enjoy permanent,
full-time employment, competitive
salaries, benets, and career
U.S. citizenship is required and our
best applicants will possess
a 2.95 GPA or higher with strong
academic achievement and
leadership skills. You may also be
required to obtain a security
clearance. Opportunities exist in
many career elds and locations.
For additional information about
our program and application
information, please visit
DLA Pathways Intern Program
Employment opportunities
are available to students who
are enrolled or accepted for
enrollment as degree seeking
students taking at least a half-time
academic, technical, or vocational
course load in an accredited high
school, technical, vocational,
2- or 4-year college or university,
graduate or professional school.
The program benets both
agencies and students. Agencies
can discover rst-hand the
abilities of a potential employee
by bringing students into their
workforce and giving managers the
ability to evaluate the individual’s
performance in real work
You, on the other hand, can avail
yourself to paid employment,
robust benets, exible work
schedules, and exciting,
challenging work experiences while
you complete your education.
The program is a win-win for both
you and DLA, as it can aord a
noncompetitive appointment to a
term or permanent position upon
completion of your academic and
work experience requirements.
You gain exposure to public service
while enhancing your educational
goals and shaping your career
Programs/Internships/ for more
information about Pathways Intern
Persons With Disabilities
If applying under the special Schedule
A appointing authority for individuals
with a disability, you should have
a certication from a medical
professional, a counselor of a State
Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, or
the Department of Veterans Aair’s
Vocational Rehabilitation Oce
documenting your disability.
DLA is a recognized leader amongst
mid-size components within DoD in
recruiting people with disabilities.
If you have the experience and
competencies for our advertised
career vacancies, we are specically
looking for you. To DLA, your disability
is not a detriment. Instead, it is the
opportunity to see if you have the
talents and ability to become an asset
to our business while giving you a
chance to see if DLA is right for you.
Additional information about
positions at DLA for disabled
individuals can be found at
DLA is committed to giving full
consideration to employees
with disabilities for inclusion in
developmental opportunities. This
includes training and other activities
designed to maintain and improve
your technical and management
skills. We have the infrastructure
to provide the reasonable
accommodation you need to be a
success both on the job and in our
many training courses.
To utilize this tool, visit:
Veteran Hiring Authorities
If you are a current or former military member looking for information
about a civilian career with DLA, please visit for answers.
Former military members provide unique and valuable insights as DLA
civilian employees and veterans have special appointing authorities not
available to the general public.
For a listing of these authorities, please visit
Are you unsure how to translate your military experience into a
resume for a civilian job? There’s a tool that can help you translate your
military duties into civilian terms.
DLA Aviation (Richmond, V
DLA Troop Support (Philadelphia, P
Workforce Recruitment Program
The Workforce Recruitment
Program (WRP) for College
Students and Recent Graduates is
a 14-week paid internship program
that connects Federal agencies
and private businesses nationwide
with highly motivated college
students and recent graduates with
disabilities who are eager to prove
their abilities in the workplace.
Additional information may be
found at
This program is managed by the
U.S. Department of Labor’s
Oce of Disability Employment
Policy (ODEP) and the U.S.
Department of Defense, Oce of
Diversity Management and Equal
Opportunity (ODMEO).
Benefits, Compensation and Work Life
We oer a broad spectrum of benets such as health and life
insurance, annual and sick leave, and a retirement plan.
For salary tables and related information please visit
Health and Life
As a Federal employee, you may
be able to enroll in health, dental,
vision, and life insurance; exible
spending accounts; and apply for
long term care insurance.
Please visit
health/ for additional information.
Federal Holidays
As a Federal employee, you are
entitled to 10 holidays per year.
For a listing of these holidays, visit
The Defense Logistics Agency
Annual Leave
You may use annual leave for
vacations, rest and relaxation, and
personal business or emergencies.
A full-time employee with less than
3 years of service accrues 4 hours
of annual leave per pay period; 3
to 15 years of service—6 hours per
pay period; 15 or more years of
service—8 hours per pay period.
Sick Leave
You may use sick leave for personal
medical needs, family care or
bereavement, care of a family
member with a serious health
condition, or adoption-related
purposes. A full-time employee
accrues 4 hours of sick leave per pay
Please visit
leave/html/factindx.asp for
additional information on sick and
annual leave.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
As a Federal employee, you have the opportunity to participate in one
of the nest retirement plans in the world. TSP is a retirement benet
that allows Federal employees to increase their retirement income by
contributing to a long-term savings and investment plan. For additional
information, please visit the TSP Web site at
About DLA .......................................................................... 2
Quick Facts
......................................................................... 3
Organizations and Locations
Careers ................................................................................ 5
Hiring Programs
DLA Pathways to Career Excellence Program
DLA Pathways Intern Program......................................18
Persons with Disabilities ...............................................19
Veteran Hiring Authorities ........................................... 20
Workforce Recruitment Program
Benets, Compensation and Work Life Programs
......... 22
Helpful Links ..................................................................... 25
Tuition Assistance
You may be eligible for tuition as-
sistance and student loan repay-
ment. DLA participation varies by
organization and/or location.
Work/life programs and policies are
designed to create more exible,
responsive work environments
supportive of community, home,
and your loved ones.
DLA strives to create a diverse,
eective, and engaged workforce,
ready to meet the needs of the
American public by enabling you to
be committed to your own health,
careers, families, and communities.
Please visitts/WorkLife/index.asp
for additional information on work/life benets DLA may oer.
Helpful Links
DLA Human Resources
DLA Jobs
DLA Pathways to Career
Excellence (PaCE) Program
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Feds Hire Vets
OPM Salary and Locality Rates
Workforce Recruitment Program
DLA Facebook