Thinking about Running Start?
The Running Start Program is authorized by the Washington State Legislature and the Auburn School District. The
program allows qualified students to attend classes at community/technical colleges to earn college and high school credit
simultaneously. Students must pass specific criteria to be eligible to participate in this program. Tuition is funded under
the Running Start Program. Students are responsible for purchasing any required books, lab and miscellaneous fees, and
for providing their own transportation.
A student must be in 11
or 12
grade to participate in Running Start.
A student must be at least 16 years old during the first quarter of enrollment in Running Start.
A student must meet certain requirements to participate in Running Start credits, GPA, and qualify via college
placement test or acceptable substitution.
A student can be Full-Time (only taking classes at college) or Part-Time (taking classes at both the college and at
AMHS) to total full-time schedule status.
A student must have completed Advanced Algebra/Trig with an A or B grade to qualify for college math.
A student must take a class each quarter that meets high school graduation requirements.
Tuition will be paid by the school district for 100 level courses or above for a credit load that does not exceed 15
community college credits. Books, supplies, fees, and transportation are the responsibility of the student and
their family. Tuition for summer courses are not paid for by the district.
Running Start courses may conflict with high school extracurricular activities. This is also true of Auburn School
District breaks and recognized holidays.
Seniors must take a minimum of 3 classes or 10.5 credits either at AMHS or Running Start the spring
quarter/semester of their Senior year in order to walk at Auburn Mountainview graduation in June.
ACADEMIC PROBATION/ALERT: if a student fails one class or withdraws from a class, they may be put on
academic probation or alert. If the student fails a class or withdraws from a class while on academic probation,
they may be dropped from Running Start and will need to return to AMHS for classes.
Non-Resident Waiver/Transfer students must take a minimum of 2 credits at AMHS each year.
Counselor, parent, and student will all meet for 1
EVF meeting to go over expectations, classes, and answer
questions. Plan 30 minutes for this appointment.
Students will meet with their AMHS Counselor before each quarter to review classes and verify that they are
on track to graduate. EVF appointments begin 2-3 weeks before they are due to the college Students are
responsible to make their own appointments with their AMHS Counselor.
o late April or May (May registration for Fall Session)
o late October (November registration for Winter Session)
o late January (February registration for Spring Session)
Students who are home schooled must be enrolled in their boundary high school to enroll.
o Home schooled students must complete the following forms:
Home Schooling Letter of Intent (must be completed each school year)
Request for Ancillary Services
Running Start Enrollment Request Home-Based Instruction Students Only
AMHS Counselor Contract
o Home schooled students do not need an appointment with their Counselor, they only need a signed EVF
How to apply to Running Start
For students interested in Running Start, they must first apply to the college they plan to attend (Green River,
Highline, Bellevue, or Pierce College). Once you complete your application, you should receive a confirmation
email from the college within a few days or up to a week.
Once you have your acceptance email, you will then need to take a placement test to determine whether you
are academically eligible for college classes at this time. You must show that you meet the English Placement
standard to enroll in Running Start.
You should receive your placement tests results immediately. Share them with your counselor via email when
you receive them, and then you will be able to schedule a meeting with them. Counselors are specifically looking
to see that a student earns college level placement scores on the exam to qualify.
As always, students should have a 3.0 GPA or higher to be considered a strong candidate for Running Start.
Please know, that this is not a “soft start” to college, it is the real deal! Students will begin building a College
Transcript through Running Start and will be treated like any other College Freshman with all the same
requirements and standards. Beginning this process does not require you to see it through. Students are not
obligated to take Running Start classes in the fall, even if they are registered.
Please be aware that if a student gets less than 2.0 GPA in Running Start, for 3 quarters, they will be exited from
Running Start and need to return to AMHS (or resident school) for classes.
Where to start:
**These links are for Green River College. If you intend to attend another college, please visit their website for specific links.**
Step 1: Talk with your parents about Running Start. Check your credits. You will want to have 12 credits by
the end of your Sophomore year and 18 credits by the end of your Junior year, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher to
be eligible for Running Start.
Step 2: Apply to Green River (or other college):
started/runningstart/ **Apply online at the College website, obtain your college email account and student ID
number, and complete the Online Orientation. If you have questions about your college application, please
contact the college.
Step 3: Take the College Success Assessment test (English Placement test) at the college:
Step 4: Submit your College Success Assessment results to your AMHS Counselor by email and schedule an
appointment through to determine classes to take and obtain your EVF form. A parent or
guardian must attend this first meeting with you and your counselor.
AMHS Counselors email and Calendly links:
Deb Landis A-Da [email protected] &
Heather Neumann De-H [email protected] &
Melissa Lemanski I-Me [email protected] &
Kevin Nishimoto Mi-Sc [email protected] &
Kari Heinz Se-Z [email protected] &
If you have questions, please contact the Auburn Mountainview Guidance Office at 253-804-4548.
AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT EQUIVALENCY GUIDE • (253) 833-9111 Ext. 2643 • 12401 SE 320th St., Auburn, WA 98092
Green River College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, disability, genetic information or on any other unlawful basis. The college is committed to
preventing and stopping discrimination, including harassment of any kind and any associated retaliatory behavior. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Vice President
of Human Resources, 12401 SE 320th Street, Auburn, WA 98092-3622, (253) 288-3320. To receive this information in an alternate format, please contact Disability Support Services at (253) 833-9111, ext. 2631; TTY (253) 288-3359.
Auburn School District Running Start Equivilancy Guide • 1 of 1
High School Graduation Requirement Green River College Equivalency
American Literature/Writing or
Honors American Literature
English &101, &244, &245, &246
12th Grade Elective English
English &112, &113, &114, 115, 126, 127, 128, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 168, 180,
181, 183, 185, 187, 190, &220, &226, &227, &228, &236, &237, 247, 248, 249, &254,
&255, &256, 257
Below classes may not satisfy NCAA or four year college entrance requirements.
Communication Studies &102, &210, 212, 215, &220, &230, 238, 245
Humanities 100, 110, 133, 186, 190, 191, 224 • Journalism 100.1, 100.2, 100.3, 101
Math 106, &107, &141, &142, 147, &148, &151, &152, &153, 238, 240, &254
Below classes may not satisfy NCAA or four year college entrance requirements.
Math &171, &172, &173 • Engineering 106, &204, &214, &215
Washington State history History &214
U.S. History History 135, &136, &137, &215, 240, 250
Global Issues
Geography 123, &200, 201• History 103 • Philosophy 102, 110
Political Science &203, &204
Civics Political Science &202, 207, 209
Social Studies Elective
Courses which meet Green River’s ‘Social Sciences’ requirement,
with the exception of Business classes.
Lab Science
Courses which meet Green River’s ‘Natural Sciences’ lab requirement
as outlined on the AA Degree.
Non-lab Science
Courses which meet Green River’s ‘Natural Sciences’ requirement
but do not include a lab component.
Health Health Education 150, 160, 180
Physical Education All courses in the PE Dept.
Occupational Education
Any 100 and above level course taken from the following disciplines:
Automotive • Aviation • Business Administration • Business Management Business
Technologies and Administrative Careers (BTAC) • Carpentry
Computer Reporting • Computer Science • Computerized Machining & Manufacturing
Criminal Justice • Design Drafting Tech • Early Childhood Education
Education in Early Childhood • Education • Engineering • Industrial Education
Information Tech • Journalism • Natural Resources • Welding
Fine/Performing Arts Any 100 and above course in Art, Music, or Drama • Photography 101, 111
Foreign Language Any – see counselor/college Running Start advisor.
Other Elective 100 level or above – see counselor.
Please note: Common Course Numbers (CCN) are designated with the “&” symbol.
5 college credits = 1 HS credit • 3 college credits = .5 HS credit
Minimum Green River College grade to earn credit for high school is 1.0.
St, Des Moines, WA 98198
High School Graduation Requirement
Highline College Equivalency
American Literature/Writing or
Honors American Literature
English &101, &244, &245, &246, 247
12th Grade Elective English
Above classes plus:
English 110, &111, &112, &113, 115, 123, 200, 201, 205, &220, &235, &254,
256, 257
Below classes may not satisfy NCAA or four year college entrance requirements.
Communication Studies &101, &102, 200, &210, &220, &230;
Diversity Global Studies 150;
Humanities &116, &117, &118, 120;
Journalism 101, 115
Math &107, 111, &141, &142, &146, &148, &151, &152, &153, 180, 181, 220,
230, &254
Washington State History
History &214
U.S. History
History 115, &146, &147, &148, 225
Global Issues
History &118; Philosophy 110; Political Science &203, &204
Political Science 150, &201, &202
Social Studies Elective
Courses which meet Highlines Social Sciences requirement
Lab Science
Courses which meet Highlines Life and Physical Science lab requirement as
outlined on the AA Degree.
Non-lab Science
Courses which meet Highlines Life and Physical Science but do not include a
lab component as outlined on the AA Degree.
Physical Education 100, 101
Physical Education
Any PE Activity courses.
Occupational Education
Any 100 and above level course taken from the following disciplines:
Accounting, Business, Business Technology, Criminal Justice, Computer Info
Systems, Computer Science, Early Child Education, Engineering, Hospitality and
Tourism Management, Human Services, Healthcare Professions, Interior Design,
Library and Info Services, Multimedia Design, Nursing Assistant, Optical Licensed
Dispensing, Paralegal, Personal Fitness Trainer, Respiratory Care, Visual
Fine/Performing Arts
Any 100 and above level course in Art or Music
Foreign Language
Anysee high school counselor or college Running Start advisor.
Other Electives
100 level or above coursessee counselor.
Common Course Numbers (CCN) are designated with the “& symbol.
5 college credits = 1 high school credit 3 college credits = .5 high school credit
Minimum Highline College grade to earn credit for high school is .9
Auburn Mountainview High School
Memorandum of Understanding Between Students and Parents
Pertaining to Enrollment in Running Start
We, the student and parent, understand the following condions to be true if we choose Running Start as an
educaonal opportunity.
1. We understand that in order to be successful, the student must be self-movated and self-directed,
and that even so, most students experience a drop in their GPA.
2. Full-me Running Start students are eligible for up to 15 college credits per quarter; part-me student
credits will be dependent upon the number of AMHS classes taken.
3. We understand that students seeking an AMHS diploma must meet all graduaon requirements,
including the 4-year porolio program with a senior presentaon in the spring. Students will not be
allowed to go through commencement exercises unless they have met all AMHS graduaon
requirements at the me of Senior Check-Out.
4. We understand that students currently on a waiver from out of our boundary must take a minimum of
2 credits at AMHS to enroll in Running Start each year.
5. We understand that seniors must take a minimum of 5 classes at the high school OR 12 credits at the
college OR a combinaon of both equaling full me school aendance the spring quarter/semester of
their senior year in order to walk at Mountainview graduaon in June.
6. We understand that all students are assigned a senior advisor at the beginning of their 12
grade year
and Running Start students will be responsible to connect with their advisor to receive help.
7. We understand that students will be parcipang in Senior Porolio/Presentaons and are responsible
for all materials required, due dates, meengs with advisor, and presentaon deadlines.
8. We understand that part-me Running Start students will be responsible for checking on any changes
to the AMHS bell schedule (assemblies, late start days, etc.).
It is through this Memorandum of Understanding that we, the student and parent, take full responsibility
for the success of the student while aending Running Start.
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Student Signature Print Student Name Date
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Student college and/or personal email Student Phone Number
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Parent Signature Date Print Parent Name Date
Auburn Mountainview High School
Memorandum of Understanding Between Students and Parents
Pertaining to Enrollment in Running Start
We, the student and parent, understand the following condions to be true if we choose Running Start as an
educaonal opportunity.
1. We understand that in order to be successful, the student must be self-movated and self-directed,
and that even so, most students experience a drop in their GPA.
2. Full-me Running Start students are eligible for up to 15 college credits per quarter; part-me student
credits will be dependent upon the number of AMHS classes taken.
3. We understand that students seeking an AMHS diploma must meet all graduaon requirements,
including the 4-year porolio program with a senior presentaon in the spring. Students will not be
allowed to go through commencement exercises unless they have met all AMHS graduaon
requirements at the me of Senior Check-Out.
4. We understand that students currently on a waiver from out of our boundary must take a minimum of
2 credits at AMHS to enroll in Running Start each year.
5. We understand that seniors must take a minimum of 5 classes at the high school OR 12 credits at the
college OR a combinaon of both equaling full me school aendance the spring quarter/semester of
their senior year in order to walk at Mountainview graduaon in June.
6. We understand that all students are assigned a senior advisor at the beginning of their 12
grade year
and Running Start students will be responsible to connect with their advisor to receive help.
7. We understand that students will be parcipang in Senior Porolio/Presentaons and are responsible
for all materials required, due dates, meengs with advisor, and presentaon deadlines.
8. We understand that part-me Running Start students will be responsible for checking on any changes
to the AMHS bell schedule (assemblies, late start days, etc.).
It is through this Memorandum of Understanding that we, the student and parent, take full responsibility
for the success of the student while aending Running Start.
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Student Signature Print Student Name Date
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Student college and/or personal email Student Phone Number
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
Parent Signature Date Print Parent Name Date
Office Use Only - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
______________________________________ ________________________________________
Counselor Signature Date Principal Signature Date
Cum GPA Credits Earned Grade level as of Fall 2021