MAIN: (903) 893 - 9673
FAX: (903) 892 - 3825
The Primary Mission of Grayson Central Appraisal District is to provide quality
service with the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and respect. We
will strive to uphold these standards for the property owners of Grayson County
while providing an accurate, fair, and cost-eecve appraisal roll to the taxing
enes in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas.
he informaon provided herein was designed with the property
owner or business owner in mind and is for informaonal
purposes only. We, at the Grayson Central Appraisal District,
pride ourselves on our ability to provide accurate informaon
regarding the Texas Property Tax System and Appraisal Process,
Residenal Homestead Exempons, the Appraisal Review Board,
protesng your Market Value, as well as many other topics related
to the Texas Property Tax Code and Frequently Asked Quesons.
Appraisal Page 1
Noce of Appraised Value Page 3
Property Taxes Page 4
Exempons Page 6
Ownership & Address Page 12
Agricultural Special Valuaon Page 12
Business Personal Property & Rendion Filing Page 14
Protest & Appraisal Review Board Hearings Page 15
Grayson Central Appraisal District is responsible for the appraisal of all
Real property and tangible business personal property within Grayson
County for Ad Valorem taxaon. The district appraises property for 34
taxing enes located within Grayson County including:
Bells ISD
Celina ISD
Collinsville ISD
Denison ISD
Gunter ISD
Howe ISD
Pilot Point ISD
Pottsboro ISD
Sherman lSD
Southmayd/Sadler ISD
Tom Bean ISD
Tioga ISD
Trenton ISD
Van Alstyne ISD
Whitesboro ISD
Whitewright ISD
City of Bells
City of Collinsville
City of Denison
City of Gunter
City of Howe
City of Knollwood
Van Alstyne MUD#1
City of Pottsboro
City of Sherman
City of Southmayd
City of Tom Bean
City of Tioga
City of Van Alstyne
City of Whitesboro
City of Whitewright
Grayson County
Choctaw Water
Grayson Jr. College
In appraising property for Ad Valorem taxaon,
the appraisal district ulizes a method called
mass appraisal to calculate the value of a large
number of properes. Mass appraisal is the
process of valuing a group of properes as of
a given date using common data, standardized
methods, and stascal tesng.
In mass appraisal, values for individual parcels
should not be based solely on the sale price
of a property; but rather, valuaon schedules
and models should be consistently applied to
property data that is correct, complete, and up
to date.
In the State of Texas, the appraisal date for
property tax purposes is generally January
1st of each given year or September 1st for
certain inventories as dened in secon 23.12
of the Texas Property Tax Code. Property must
be appraised at 100% of fair market value as
of January 1st. The property tax code denes
market value as: The price at which property
would transfer for cash or its equivalent under
prevailing market condions if:
•Exposed for sale in the open market with a
reasonable me for the seller to nd a purchaser;
•Both the seller and the purchaser know of all
the uses and purposes to which the property
is adapted and for which it is capable of being
used and of the enforceable restricons on its
use; and
•Both the seller and purchaser seek to maximize
their gains and neither is in a posion to take
advantage of the exigencies of the other.
Many factors are considered during the appraisal
of your property, such as size, age, condion,
quality, locaon, and recent sales of comparable
Parcularly, Grayson County has been in a pocket
of rapid growth for new construcon, exisng
construcon, employment, and other economic
factors for many months, and the enre market,
as a whole, is trending upward.
Similar to any other product, market value does
not have an annual limitaon of increase and
is determined by market condions of actual
There are two types of value, ‘assessed’ and
‘market. The market value of your property is
reecve of current market condions. (this is
what property is typically selling for at the me).
If you have an exempon on your property the
assessed value is limited to increases of 10% per
year for value carried as your home-site, this
results in a value that escapes taxaon.
The limitaon is to protect the owner from a
sharp increase due to market condions, easing
the tax burden over me in 10% increments.
This is a feature of your Homestead Exempon.
The 10% limitaon on a homestead is eecve
January 1st of the tax year following the rst full
tax year the owner qualies the property for a
homestead exempon.
The focus of a protest should be market value.
If the appraiser is unable to jusfy a market
adjustment in excess of the cap loss amount
you will not see relief to your tax liability and in
fact, may cause addional tax as the exempon
amount is driven by a percentage of market the
Why can’t an appraisal district just
choose to hold last years values?
Appraisal districts are subject to two dierent
audits; a Property Value Study and a Methods
and Assistance Program Review. The Property
Tax Assistance Division of the State Comptroller
performs an audit on each appraisal district
using the same data the appraisal district uses.
If we fall out of the condence interval of 95-
105% on this study, then taxing enes can
lose state funding and put more pressure on
local taxes. Appraisal districts are charged with
reporng 100% of market value as of January
1st each year.
What, if anything, can be done for
property tax relief?
At the local level, owners should be sure that
they have applied any exempon they are
qualied for. Such as homesteads, Over-65,
disabled person(s), disabled veterans, etc.
Taxpayers should also stay informed about their
respecve taxing enes’ tax rate hearings.
At a state level, taxpayers can contact their
representaves and peon for legislave
acon or the Governors acon.
Can someone come look at my
The appraisal district will look at your property
at your request under certain restricons. If an
on-site inspecon is required, the appointment
will be during normal working hours.
An inspecon request during the Appraisal
Review Board process would be dicult because
of me and stang constraints
Noces of Appraised Value (NAV) are mailed in late April. A small number of
noces may be sent at a later date. The chief appraiser sends out a detailed
Noce of Appraised Value (NAV) to the owner of the property annually in
most cases. The noce of appraised value contains a descripon of your
property, its value, and exempon details. Property value informaon is
also available on our website under Property Search.
When do you mail Noces of Appraised
Noces of Appraised Value (NOAV) are typically
mailed out in April of each year. Values on our
website are not updated unl the noces have
been mailed.
I did not receive a Noce of Appraised
Value, why not?
If you have a tax agent or representave, you
may not receive the noce. The noce may have
been mailed to the agent of record according to
your instrucons. Please contact your tax agent
for a copy of the noce.
Property values are available on the GCAD
website aer noces have been mailed. Please
search for your property on the Property Search
If your property value increased less than $1,000,
you may not receive a Noce of Appraised Value.
Your current value informaon is now available
on our website. Please search for your property
on the Property Search page of GCAD’s website.
Can I get another copy of the Noce of
Appraised Value, I received it but need
another one?
The informaon is on the GCAD website. Please
search for your property on the Property Search
page of GCAD’s website.
I protested last year: Why did my value
As of each January 1st, GCAD reports each years
market condions. Each year stands alone.
How do I protest my property value?
We want to ensure that every property owner
has the opportunity to protest their property if
they choose. Our online protest portal will help
us expedite selements or protests. You will be
able to get data as well as submit any evidence
for us to review through this portal. We will also
accept mely protests by regular mail, fax or
Why is the assessed value on my NAV
Your property’s “assessed” value is not the
same as its “market” value. The market value of
your property may increase or decrease by any
amount year-to-year.
If you have a residenal homestead exempon
on your property, the increase in your assessed
value is limited to 10% from year-to-year so long
as changes have not been made that add “new
value” (such as an “addion”).
When I protest my property am I
protesng the market value or the
assessed value?
Per the Texas Property Tax Code “market value”
is the only value permied to be protested,
through the Appraisal District. The assessed
value is a statutory calculaon based on the
previous years assessed value and cannot be
What will be the deadline for ling a
Per the Texas Property Tax Code, not later than
May 15th or the 30th day aer the date of the
noce. Should you have a dispute regarding your
MARKET value, please do not let this deadline
pass by.
Note: Grayson County is currently in a pocket of
rapid growth and the enre market, as a whole,
is trending upward. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH
value could be seled and the protest waived.
Texas property taxes are ad valorem taxes, meaning taxes according to
value”. Appraisal districts are charged with reporng the value for the
purpose of taxaon by the taxing enes. The taxes collected are used
to provide local services such as schools, roads, hospitals, libraries, parks,
and services like re, ambulance, and police.
What is a taxing enty?
Taxing enes are the local government enes
such as cies, junior colleges, and municipal
ulity districts. Taxing enes provide services
to the taxpayers they service such as schools,
roads, police, re, and other services taxpayers
Who sets the rate at which my property
is taxed?
The taxing enes set the tax rate which
determines how much property tax each
property owner pays.
What does the Tax Assessor-Collector
The Tax Assessor-Collectors oce is responsible
for the collecon and distribuon of tax revenue
to the enes.
By what authority is my property taxed?
Property is taxed by the authority of the Texas
Constuon. The Constuon sets forth ve
basic principles for property taxes in Texas.
1. Taxes must be equal and uniform. No single
property or type of property should pay more
than its fair share.
2. Property must be appraised on its current
market value meaning the price that it would
sell for on the open market when both the
buyer and seller seek the best price and neither
is under pressure to buy or sell.
3. Each property in a county must have a single
appraised value. This is guaranteed by the use
of the county appraisal districts.
4. All property is taxable unless federal or state
law exempts it from the tax.
5. Property owners have a right to reasonable
noce of increases in their appraised property
What, if anything can be done for
property tax relief?
At the local level, owners should be sure that
they have applied any exempon they are
qualied for. Such as homesteads, Over-65,
disabled person(s), disabled veterans, etc.
Taxpayers should also stay informed about their
respecve taxing enes tax rate hearings. You
can review the enes and
their informaon at: www.
At a state level, taxpayers can
contact their representaves
and peon for legislave
acon or the Governors acon.
When are my taxes due?
You have unl January 31st of
the following year to pay your
taxes at the Tax Collectors
When are my taxes
Penalty and interest charges
begin accumulang on most
unpaid tax bills on February
What happens if I do not
pay my taxes?
Penalty and interest charges
will be added to your original
tax obligaon; you will receive delinquent tax
noces; you may be sued, and you may face
problems in selling your property.
What if I cannot pay my taxes?
Contact the tax oce. You may have the opon
to set up an installment plan. In some cases, you
may request a deferral.
I have applied for a tax deferral. How
will I know for which tax year my
deferral will be processed?
Tax Deferrals are not year specic. GCAD
processes the deferral request and sends the
informaon to the Tax Assessors Oce. You
may contact the tax oce with any concerns or
quesons you may have.
Why did I receive a tax statement from
two counes?
If your property boundaries span more than one
county you will receive appraisal noces from
each county’s appraisal district.
What are the taxes on this property?
How much are my taxes?
Grayson Central Appraisal District does not
access taxes, set the tax rate or collect tax. You
must call your appropriate tax oce for that
How do I pay my taxes?
Call the tax oce at (903) 892-8297 or access
your account on the tax oce website at:
You can pay by cash, check, debit or credit card
at any of their four oce locaons throughout
Grayson County.
Payments by check only should be mailed to:
Grayson County Tax Oce
P.O. Box 2107
Sherman, TX 75091
Please make your check payable to Bruce
Sdham, and if possible, enclose the copy of
your tax statement with your payment.
Online property tax payments by credit card or
e-check are also accepted.
What is a general homestead
The general homestead exempon is provided
by State law for owner-occupied residenal
properes. The exempon removes a poron of
your value from taxaon providing a lower tax
amount for the homestead property.
What exempons are available?
There are several paral and absolute
exempons available. However, typically for
a single family home exempon could include
General Residenal Homestead, Over 65, Over
65 Surviving Spouse, Disability Homestead, and
Disabled Veterans.
Charitable, Religious, Freeport, and Polluon
Control are also available. Addional informaon
can be found on the Forms page of our website:, under
Exempons or by contacng Customer Service
at (903) 893-9673.
How do I qualify for the general
homestead exempon?
In order to qualify for this exempon, the
property must be your primary residence and
you must own and occupied the property. You
may not claim another homestead on another
property. You must submit a copy of your drivers
license or State ID issued by the Texas Dept. of
Public Safety with your applicaon.
PLEASE NOTE: The address on the idencaon
presented MUST match the address of the
property for which you are requesng the
homestead exempon.
When and where do I apply for my
homestead exempon?
You may apply at the Grayson Central Appraisal
District before April 30th of the tax year, with
some excepons for late ling. The homestead
exempon applicaon is available in our oce
or on the Forms secon of our website:
I own more than one home; can I get a
homestead on both?
No, you may only receive a homestead exempon
on one property, your primary residence.
Do I need to reapply every year for my
homestead exempon?
No, you do not have to reapply unless the chief
appraiser requests a new applicaon in wring
or you move to a new residence.
Do I have to le another applicaon for
the new home I just bought?
Yes, a new applicaon is required when a
property owners residence homestead is
changed. However, if your qualicaon ceases
you must nofy our oce.
Can I claim a homestead on a mobile
home if I do not own the land?
Yes, please include a copy of your tle or
statement of ownership and locaon to the
mobile home or a veried copy of your purchase
contract along with the exempon applicaon.
Is there a fee to le for an exempon?
There is no fee to le and you do not have to
hire anyone to le for you. It is not necessary
for homeowners to pay anyone to le for a
homestead exempon or to obtain a refund for
the late ling of a homestead or senior cizen
Homestead exempon applicaons are
available on the Forms secon of our website
under Exempons or you can request that
an applicaon be mailed to you by contacng
Customer Service at (903) 893-9673.
The applicaons must be returned to the
appraisal district and may be returned by the
following methods:
•Hand deliver or mail to:
512 N Travis, Sherman, TX 75090
Lobby Hours 8am-4pm M-F
•Fax to: (903) 892-3835
•Email to:
Subject: Homestead Applicaon
If my drivers license does not match
the property address, will you accept a
No, per the Texas Property Tax Code the
district cannot accept a passport or Concealed
Handgun License (CHL). A Texas issued drivers
license or a idencaon card displaying the
property address are the only acceptable forms
of idencaon that the appraisal district can
use allowed by law.
Does the rule that the drivers license
address must match the homestead
address apply to everyone?
No. However, there are some excepons in most
cases shown below:
•Police Ocers, other law enforcement, and
judicial personnel do not have the home
address on their drivers license as provided
for by the Transportaon Code 521.121(c) or
521.1211. These individuals must aach a copy
of the applicaon to the Texas Department of
Transportaon for the license when subming
the exempon request.
•Vicms of family violence are protected by
the Aorney General through the Address
Condenality Program (ACP). When applying
for an exempon please present the exempon
applicaon in person to customer service
along with the ACP card issued by the Aorney
•Homeowner living in a facility for reasons of
health, inrmity, or aging.
•Acve duty members of the armed services or
his or her spouse. Aach a copy of the military
idencaon card and a copy of a ulity bill for
the property subject to the claimed exempon
in the name of the military member or spouse.
•No other excepons can be considered
Will the appraisal district accept a
notarized cercate of occupancy as
proof of residence for the homestead
Will I get a nocaon that my
applicaon has been approved?
Homestead status is displayed on our website
and is updated regularly. However, your annual
Noce of Appraised Value (NAV) will indicate
exempons as well.
Can the district Email the homestead
The homestead exempon applicaon is
available on the Forms secon of our website
and you may le the form in the following ways:
However, if you require a form to be mailed to
you, please send your request to exempons@
May I le my homestead exempon
Grayson County Central Appraisal now has an
Online Forms secon you can use to submit
your Homestead Applicaon. You can access the
Online Forms Portal here:
You may also email the exempon applicaon.
In order to email the exempon applicaon, you
must print the applicaon, sign it, and scan it as
a PDF or it may have an electronic signature.
•Send to: exemp
Subject: Homestead Applicaon
There is more than one owner of the
property. Do all the owners have to sign
the applicaon?
Yes, unless the owners are married. If the
owners are married, then only one has to sign
but we encourage both. The signing party must
include a copy of their Texas Drivers License or
state issued ID Card with a matching address.
How long before I can view my
exempon on the website?
Exempon applicaons typically take 2-4 weeks
to process. Posng to aect tax liability may take
up to 6 weeks.
What if I owned the property before I
was married?
You are able to claim one homestead on your
principal residence per married couple.
I own my own home and have a
homestead exempon. I also own a
home with my child would that home
qualify for a homestead exempon?
The property you own with your child or any
other person may qualify for a homestead
exempon applied according to his or her
ownership in the property; if he or she has no
other property with a homestead exempon.
There are two types of value, ‘assessed’ and
‘market. The market value of your property is
reecve of current market condions. (this is
what property is typically selling for at the me).
If you have a homestead exempon on your
property, the assessed value is limited to
increases of 10% per year for value carried as your
home-site. The 10% limitaon on a homestead
is eecve January 1st of the tax year following
the rst full tax year the owner qualies the
property for a homestead exempon.
When more than one property is included with
the homestead exempon the accounts are
‘linked’ and then ‘share’ the exempon between
the two accounts. So, when calculang your
10% cap limitaon, you must consider both
accounts ‘cumulavely.
What is a homestead tax ceiling? (Also
known as “Freeze”)
It is a limit on the amount of taxes you must pay
on your residence. If you qualify your residence
homestead for an age 65 or older or disabled
person homestead exempon for the taxes on
that homestead cannot increase as long as you
own and live in that home for most taxing units
in Grayson County. The tax ceiling is the amount
you pay in the year that you qualied for the age
65 or older or disabled person exempon. The
taxes on your homestead may go below but not
above the ceiling amount.
If you improve the homestead (other than
normal repairs or maintenance), the tax ceiling
may go higher because of the new addions. For
example, if you add on a garage or game room
to the house aer you have established a tax
ceiling, the ceiling will be adjusted to a higher
level to reect the value of that addion. Also
applies to addional homesite land.
My homestead exempon has been
removed, why?
Exempons can also be removed if the district
sends a leer requesng reapplicaon and
the owner does not respond. If an exempon
or exempons are removed the homeowner
may reapply with appropriate supporng
documentaon. If the new applicaon is
submied no later than two years aer the taxes
are due, the exempon not be interrupted.
A homeowner is entled to an exempon on his
or her primary residence as provided by the Texas
Property Tax Code. If the homeowner has more
than one homestead exempon the erroneous
exempon will be removed, the Texas Property
Tax Code requires that the district calculate the
taxes owed for the period of me the erroneous
exempon was in place up to 5 years.
I forgot to apply for my exempon, can I
receive it retroacvely?
You may le a late homestead exempon
applicaon if you le it no later than two years
aer the date the taxes become delinquent.
Is it true that once I become 65 years
of age, I will not have to pay any more
No, that is not true. If you are 65 or older
your residence homestead qualies for more
exempons which will result in greater tax
savings. These addional exemponsare
subtracted from the assessed value of your
residence and the taxes are calculated on the
taxable value.
In addion, when you turn 65, you may receive
a tax ceiling; that is, the school taxes for most
taxing units on your residence cannot increase
as long as you own and live in that home. The
ceiling is set at the amount you pay in the
year that you qualify for the aged 65 or older
Can my tax ceiling (Freezes) change?
Yes, If you signicantly improve your home
(other than ordinary repairs and maintenance),
tax ceilings can go up. For example, if you add a
room or garage to your home, your tax ceiling
can rise. Addionally, It will also change if you
move to a new home.
I will soon be 65, when should I apply
for the over 65 exempon?
You may apply at any me during the year
you turn 65 years of age. You will receive the
exempon for the full year.
If I am disabled and over 65 can I claim
both exempons in the same tax year?
You may claim both an over 65 and a disabled
person’s exempon. The appraisal district will
work with you to determine which will give you
the most tax savings.
Freeze qualify year: Why can’t I see my
The year that you turn 65 years of age is your
qualifying year. This is the year that determines
your freeze/ceilings. The actual freezes appear
on your account the following year.
My taxes are supposed to be frozen:
Why is my bill higher?
There are several reasons that you may be
seeing a tax increase on an account with ceilings.
You may have been paying less than your
established freezes in prior years. The ceiling is
the ‘maximum’ it can be, it may fall lower, but
will not go above the ‘ceiling. You may have
also added new value, which is value that was
not in your freeze before.
If the spouse qualifying for the over
65 exempon dies does the surviving
spouse keep the over 65 exempon?
The surviving spouse qualies for an extension
of the Over 65 exempon if:
•The surviving spouse was 55 years of age or
older on the date the qualifying spouse died
•The deceased spouse was receiving the age
65 or older exempons on this residence
homestead or would have applied and qualied
for the exempon in the year of his or her death.
I have a disabled child. Would that
qualify me for a disabled exempon?
No, the person applying for the exempon must
own the home.
I am a surviving spouse of an owner
who had been receiving a tax ceiling
on school taxes. Am I eligible for any
exempon benets?
If a homeowner who has been receiving the tax
ceiling on school taxes dies, the ceiling transfers
to the surviving spouse, if the survivor is 55
or older and has ownership in the home. The
survivor must apply to the appraisal district for
the tax ceiling to transfer.
How do I transfer my senior cizen or
disabled person tax ceiling?
To transfer the tax ceiling, you must qualify for an
Over-65 or Disabled Person exempon at your
previous residence and complete the Request
to Cancel/Port Exempons form. A current
Homestead Exempon applicaon must also
be completed for the new residence aaching
current proof of age or the date your disability
began. Acceptable proof of age includes either
a copy of the front side of your Texas drivers
license or Texas Idencaon card.
I am a homeowner with disabilies.
What help is available to me?
A person with a disability may qualify for
exempons if you are:
•Unable to engage in gainful work because of
physical or mental disability
•55 years old and blind and cannot engage in
your previous work because of blindness
•If you receive disability benets under the
Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability
Insurance Program through the Social Security
Administraon you should qualify. Disability
benets from any other program may or may
not qualify.
I am a disabled veteran. Am I entled to
any property tax exempons?
You may qualify for a property tax deducon if
you are either:
•a veteran who was disabled while serving with
the U.S. armed forces or
•the surviving spouse (not remarried.
You must be a Texas resident and must
provide documentaon from the Veteran’s
Administraon reecng the percentage of the
service-connected disability and the name of
the surviving spouse. The disability rang must
be at least 10%.
You may also qualify for the 100% Disabled
Veterans Residenal Homestead exempon if:
•you have 100% service-connected disability
•you are found to be unemployable due to a
service-connected disability.
•you are receiving monetary compensaon for
the disability from the Veterans Administraon
Must I nofy the Appraisal District if my
entlement to an exempon ends?
Yes, a person who received an exempon that is
not required to be claimed annually must nofy
the Appraisal District in wring before May 1
aer the entlement to the exempon ends.
If you fail to do so and don’t pay your taxes in
full, you will face a delinquent tax penalty, plus
•Hand deliver or mail to:
512 N Travis, Sherman, TX 75090
Lobby Hours 8am-4pm M-F
What types of exempons require an
annual applicaon?
The law requires an annual applicaon by
April 30 for some types of exempt, including
property exempted from Taxaon by Agreement
(Property Tax Abatement), Historical and
Archeological Sites, exempon of Freeport
Goods, and exempon of Polluon Control
property approved by the Texas Commission on
Environment Quality (TCEQ).
Cemeteries, charitable organizaons,
youth development organizaons, religious
organizaons, and non-prot private schools
do not have to reapply for the exempon each
year once the property tax exempon is granted
unless, by wrien noce, the Chief Appraiser
requests the property owner to le a new
However, if their exempt property changes
ownership or if their qualicaons for exempon
change, they must reapply.
Does a non-prot organizaon
automacally receive a property tax
No, oen organizaons mistakenly believe
they are entled to a property tax exempon
because they have received a federal income
tax exempon under Secon 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code or an exempon
from State sales taxes. The Constuonal
requirements for property tax exempons are
dierent than the provisions covering income
and sales taxes.
Why can an appraisal district not
consider a temporary exempon under
disaster relief?
Disaster relief that the Tax Code allows tends
to point towards natural disasters like oods,
hurricanes, and tornadoes where there is actual
property damage to some quanable level by
FEMA standards.
What does the landowner need to do to
have their land appraised at producvity
A landowner who believes that land qualies for
special valuaon should ll out an applicaon
form that contains all the informaon necessary
for the appraisal district to determine the validity
of the claim and le it with the appraisal district.
If approved, the land will connue to receive
agricultural appraisal every year unless the
How do I search by property address?
Why is there a “No Match” response
when I enter the correct address?
Even a slight deviaon from the format entered
on the district records will prevent retrieval
of the informaon, entering “Street instead
of “Stfor example. If you are uncertain as to
how the property address should be entered,
you should broaden your search by entering
less informaon. If you are looking for 306
Shadowcrest, enter “Shadow in the street
name. The search will return all street names
beginning with “Shadow.
What do I do if the ownership on the
district records does not reect the
current ownership of a property?
GCAD uses deed records recorded with the
Grayson County Clerk’s oce to update
ownership informaon. If aer 90 days from
the date the deed was recorded, the appraisal
records do not reect the current ownership,
please contact the Grayson Central Appraisal
District at (903) 892-3835.
There are several owners of the
property, why is only one name on the
district record?
In the case of mulple owners, the rst owner
listed on the deed will be added to the district
record followed by Et al, meaning “and others”.
When will my name reect as the owner
if I purchased a property that has been
Splits of land with a 2022 deed are separated
through March only aer that, we move into
the equalizaon phase (protests) of the tax
cycle and create our preliminary roll so that the
taxing units can set their annual budgets.
GCAD is unable to eecvely make splits while
sll honoring the equalizaon rights of the
property owners aer the preliminary roll has
been created. Therefore, the seller and buyer
will need to work together to each pay their
poron of the bill(s) when issued in the fall of
each year.
The property will be physically split for the
following appraisal/tax year.
There is no such thing as a property tax exempon for agricultural land that
is similar to what a residence homestead might receive. Rather, it is a type of
special appraisal that produces a producvity value (such as on agricultural
ownership changes, the land’s eligibility ends or
the chief appraiser requires a new applicaon.
By law, landowners must nofy the appraisal
district in wring before May 1 if the agricultural
use changes or the land’s eligibility for special
valuaon ends. If not, the chief appraiser must
impose a penalty for failure to nofy.
When is the deadline for ling
The deadline for ling applicaons is before May
1, meaning the applicaon must be postmarked
April 30 or led no later than midnight April 30.
The chief appraiser may extend the deadline if
the property owner makes the request in wring
for good cause, but not for more than 60 days.
How is producvity value calculated?
Producvity value is based on net income (that
an owner using ordinary prudence would earn
over the ve-year period two years prior to
the appraisal year) divided by a cap rate. For
example, the ve years used as the basis for
2021 producvity values were 2015 to 2019.
Appraisers determine net-to-land value using a
cash or share lease method, or other typical and
prudent arrangement, less typical landowner
Cash leases are an agreement between a
landowner and tenant for a xed cash payment
for a set me period, and are common on both
cropland and pastureland.
On cropland share leases, the landowner pays
a share of producon expenses and receives a
share of gross receipts.
What is a rollback tax on 1-d-1 land?
When the landowner diverts the property to
a nonagricultural use, it triggers a rollback tax.
Land that connues in agricultural use aer it
no longer qualies will receive market value,
but not the rollback tax.
The rollback tax equals the dierence between
the taxes actually imposed in the three years
preceding the change in use and the taxes that
would have been imposed on the propertys
market value (recapture period).
How do I qualify for Wildlife
Management Use?
To qualify for agricultural appraisal under the
wildlife management use, land must rst qualify
for agricultural appraisal under Tax Code Chapter
23, Subchapter D, at the me a conversion can
then be made to wildlife management use.
The second requirement for qualied wildlife
management use is that the land must be used
to propagate a sustaining breeding, migrang or
wintering populaon of indigenous wild animals.
Land may qualify for wildlife management use
if it is instrumental in supporng a sustaining
breeding, migrang or wintering populaon. A
group of animals need not permanently live on
the land, provided they regularly migrate across
it or seasonally live there.
Under the law, an owner must perform at least
three of seven listed wildlife management
acvies on the land. An owner may qualify by
doing more than three, but may not engage
in fewer than three of the acvies.
These acvies are explained in detail in Part
Two of this booklet, but a short summary of each
management acvity listed in the law appears
•Habitat Control (Habitat Management)
•Erosion Control
•Predator Control (Predator Management)
•Providing Supplemental Supplies of Water
•Providing Supplemental Supplies of Food
•Providing Shelter
•Making Census Counts to Determine Populaon
Most people know that property tax applies to real property. However,
some people may not be aware that property tax also applies to personal
property unless specically exempt by law.
Real and personal property are dened
dierently. The characterisc that disnguishes
personal property from real property is mobility.
Personal property tax rates are the same as
those for real property.
In general, real property includes land,
improvements to land, structures, and certain
equipment axed to structures.
Per Secon 22.01(a) of the Texas Property Tax
Code, taxable personal property includes assets
used for the producon of income, such as
inventories, machinery, equipment, vehicles,
furniture and supplies used in the business.
Rendions are required annually to be led by
business owners to report all taxable personal
property located in the county as of January 1
of the current year. As a courtesy, the Appraisal
District mails a rendion form each year.
If not received, one can be obtained
from: or (Form 50-144). The
completed form is due no later than April
15TH. Owners can render either a “good faith
esmate of market value” or a list of business
assets, with each asset acquision cost and
year acquired, or both. The chief appraiser can
require documentaon to support a good faith
esmate of market value.
A detailed list of assets with cost and year
acquired can be used as documentaon.
The appraiser determines the value for
assessment purposes based on this informaon,
as well as on observaons made during on-
site inspecons of the business. If a business
owner neglects to le an annual rendion
with the Appraisal District, accepted appraisal
procedures will be ulized to place a value on
the property. Failure to render, or submission of
a late rendion without a wrien ling extension
request will result in a penalty equal to 10% of
the total taxes due.
Filing a report with the intent to commit fraud
or evade taxes will result in a penalty equal to
50% of the total taxes due.
What happens when a chief appraiser
denies an applicaon?
The burden of proving land’s agricultural
qualicaons rests on the applicant. If the
chief appraiser denies an applicaon, he or she
must nofy the applicant in wring not later
than the h day aer the determinaon by
cered mail. The wrien noce must state
and fully explain each reason for the denial. The
landowner can le a protest of the denial with
the appraisal review board.
If a detailed list of assets is rendered, the
rendion should:
•Idenfy each taxable category. For example,
oce furniture and equipment must be
separately idened as computers, desks,
facsimile machines, copiers, etc., and include
the year in which each item was acquired.
•Include the total purchase cost of each item.
The total purchase cost of an item includes
all costs associated with making the property
For example, installaon, freight, and
engineering charges are costs that may be
incurred while placing property into operaon.
The value of any trade-in is to be included as
part of the total purchase cost.
•Include all supplies on hand as of January 1.
This includes oce, retail, and manufacturing
supplies (computer paper, cash register tapes,
shipping cartons, etc).
•Include the cost of inventory on hand as of
January 1. The total cost of inventory is the
amount the business owner paid to acquire the
goods, including freight and handling expenses,
minus any discounts or returns.
The property owner must complete, sign and
return the rendion form to the Appraisal
District no later than April 15th, unless a wrien
extension request has been approved.
How to Protest Property Value?
Appraisal districts must send required noces
and appraisal value annually.
The noce will also include the date and place the
appraisal review board (ARB) will begin hearing
protests and an explanaon of the availability
and purpose of an informal conference with
the appraisal district to resolve your concerns
before your ARB hearing.
If you are dissased with your appraised
value or if errors exist in the appraisal records
regarding your property, you should le a Noce
of Protest with the ARB.
The fastest and potenally most eecve way
to le a protest is through the online portal. The
owner and appraiser will communicate one-to-
one to exchange informaon before advancing
to a formal hearing.
Contact your local appraisal district for more
details on ling a protest electronically.
What Can Be Protested?
You may protest the value on your property in
the following situaons:
A) the value the appraisal district placed on
your property is too high and/or your property
is unequally appraised;
B) the appraisal district denied a special
appraisal, such as open-space land, or incorrectly
denied or modied your exempon applicaon;
the appraisal district failed to provide you with
required noces; or other maers prescribed
by Tax Code Secon 41.41(a). The Noce of
Protest may be led using the model form on
the Comptrollers website: comptroller.texas.
gov/forms/50-132.pdf. The noce need not be
on this form. Your noce of protest is sucient
if it idenes:
•the protesng person claiming an ownership
interest in the property,
•the property that is the subject of the protest,
•dissasfacon with a determinaon of the
appraisal district.
You may request the ARB to schedule hearings
on protests to be held consecuvely concern¬ing
up to 20 designated properes on the same day.
You may use a special noce on the Comptrollers
website: forms/50-131.
How to Complete the Protest Form?
If using the protest form, these ps will help
ensure that you can present your evidence and
preserve your appeal rights. You should pay
parcular aenon to the reason for protest
secon of the form.
What you check as the reason for the protest
inuences the type of evidence you may present
at your hearing. Your next level appeal opons
aer the ARB determinaon are inuenced by
what you protest.
In the case of a typical residenal property,
checking for incorrect appraised value and/or
unequal appraisal will allow you to present the
widest types of evidence and preserve your full
appeal rights.
How to Resolve Concerns Informally?
Appraisal districts will informally meet with you
and try to resolve your objecons prior to your
ARB hearing. You must request the informal
conference with the appraisal district on either
your Noce of Protest form or in wring before
your scheduled hearing date.
What is an ARB?
The ARB is an independent, imparal group of
cizens authorized to resolve disputes between
taxpayers and the appraisal district. It is not
controlled by the appraisal district. The local
administrave district judge, or the judge’s
designee, appoints ARB members, including
special panel ARB members to hear complex
property protests. ARB members cannot discuss
your case with anyone outside of the hearing.
Protest hearings, however, are open to the public,
and anyone can sit in and listen to the case. A
closed hearing is allowed on the joint moon of
the property owner and chief appraiser if either
intends to disclose proprietary or condenal
informaon at the hearing.
When are Protests Filed?
You must le your Noce of Protest with the
ARB no later than May 15 or 30 days aer the
appraisal district mailed the Noce of Appraised
Value, whichever is later. You may request
an evening or Saturday hearing. The ARB will
nofy you at least 15 days in advance of the
date, me, and place of your hearing. Under
certain circumstances, you may be entled to a
postponement of the hearing to a later date.
The ARB begins hearings around May 15 and
generally completes them by July 20. Start and
end dates can vary from appraisal district to
appraisal district.
At least 14 days before your protest hearing, the
appraisal district will mail a copy of a pamphlet;
a copy of the adopted ARB procedures; and
a statement that you may request a copy of
the data, schedules, formulas and any other
informaon the chief appraiser will introduce at
your hearing.
What will be the deadline for ling a
Per the Texas Property Tax Code, not later than
May 15th or the 30th day aer the date of the
A property owner or owners agent who fails
to appear at the hearing is entled to a new
hearing if the property owner or owners agent
le, not later than the fourth day aer the date
the hearing occurred, a wrien statement with
the ARB showing good cause, as dened in
Tax Code Secon 41.45(e-2), for the failure to
appear and requesng a new hearing.
The postponement request must contain the
mailing address and email address of the
person requesng the postponement. The
ARB must respond in wring or by email to the
postponement request not later than the 7th
day aer the date of receipt of the request.
The ARB must postpone a hearing to a later date
(1)the property owner or the owners agent
is also scheduled to appear at an ARB protest
hearing in another appraisal district;
(2)the other scheduled ARB protest hearing is
scheduled to occur on the same date as the
hearing set by this ARB;
(3)the hearing noce delivered to the property
owner or the owners agent by the other ARB
bears an earlier postmark than the hearing
noce delivered by this ARB or, if the postmark
date is idencal, the property owner or agent
has not requested a postponement of the other
hearing; and
(4)the property owner or the owners agent
includes with the postponement request a copy
of the hearing noce delivered to the property
owner or the owners agent by the other ARB.
Why is the assessed value on my Noce
of Appraised Value important?
Your property’s “assessed” value is not the
same as its “market” value. The market value of
your property may increase or decrease by any
amount year-to-year. If you have a residenal
homestead exempon on your property, the
increase in your assessed value is limited from
year-to-year to 10% so long as changes have not
been made that add “new value” (such as an
When I protest my property am I
protesng the market value or the
assessed value?
Per the Texas Property Tax Code “market value”
is the only value permied to be protested,
through the Appraisal District. The assessed
value is a statutory calculaon based on the
previous years assessed value and cannot be
I protested last year: Why did my value
Each year stands alone. As of each January 1st,
GCAD is assigned with assessing and reporng
each years market condions.
Evidence Is Required
Before or immediately aer an ARB hearing
begins, the appraisal district and the property
owner or the owners agent shall each provide
the other party with a copy of the materials
the person intends to submit to the ARB for
consideraon at the hearing. One set of these
materials should also be provided for the ARB
as evidence. The ARB’s set of material should
be presented at the me of registraon for
scanning. The ARB is required to retain a record
of all evidence oered or submied.
The documents shall be produced in either
paper or electronic form. For security purposes,
the electronic les produced shall be capable
of being scanned or reviewed for the presence
of any malicious soware or computer viruses
before acceptance by or exposure to the CAD’s
computer system.
Electronic le format types and
Audiovisual requirements.
The ARB will accept evidence on USB ash
drive, CD/DVD or uploaded through the online
Electronic evidence must be submied in
the following le types: PDF, MS Oce (Word/
Excel); or image types: JPEG, PNG, TIFF;
Mulple les may be submied however the
total combined size must not exceed 20MB per
The ARB will not accept evidence on SD
memory cards or any other type of memory
cards, cameras, video cameras, phones,
computers, tablets, or any other medium that
cannot be retained for the record, this evidence
can be uploaded through the website
•The ARB does not have the ability to view or
listen to audio and/or video les, NO MOV;
•Property owners and their agents may not
access the appraisal district oce’s network
or internet connecon nor any of the appraisal
districts oce’s technology or equipment other
than that made available and described in these
Prohibion of Consideraon of
Informaon Not Provided at the ARB
In a protest hearing, the ARB will not consider
any appraisal district informaon on a protest
that was not presented to the ARB during the
protest hearing. In order for any appraisal
district record (i.e., appraisal roll history,
appraisal cards) to be considered by the ARB, it
must be presented as evidence by or on behalf
of a party (e.g. chief appraiser, appraisal district
representave, property owner, agent, or
witness) at the protest hearing.
Exclusion of Evidence Required by Tax
Code Secon 41.67(d)
If it is established during a protest hearing that
informaon was previously requested under
Tax Code Secon 41.461 by the protesng party
and that the informaon was not delivered to
the protesng party at least 14 days before the
scheduled or postponed hearing, the requested
informaon is not made available may not be
used or oered in any form as evidence under
Tax Code Secon 41.67(d) only if the evidence
presented at the hearing establishes that:
the informaon sought to be excluded as
evidence was not delivered at least 14 days
before the hearing, and
the informaon sought to be excluded as
evidence was previously requested by the
protesng party. The appraisal district may,
however, use evidence that was provided in
advance to rebut the protesng partys evidence.
Late Protest Filing Opons
Late appeals to the Appraisal Review Board
can be found in secons 25 and 41 of the Texas
Property Tax Code. You may le any of these late
protest appeals with the Appraisal Review Board
and you must provide evidence that supports
your appeal. You can nd out more informaon
on the late appeals process by vising the
comptrollers website at
41.411 – Failure to receive noce
You may protest the failure to receive a noce
that the appraisal district or ARB was required
to send you. You must le this protest before
the delinquency date and you must not allow
your taxes to go delinquent.
25.25c (1,2,3) – Moon for Correcon of
Appraisal Roll
You may le a moon for the correcon of a
clerical error, mulple appraisals, and property
on the appraisal roll that should not have been
included, or an error of ownership. This type of
late hearing may include the current year and
the ve previous tax years.
25.25d (1) – Late Protest
•25.25(d)(1) Moon to Correct One-Fourth
Over-Appraisal Error of HOMESTEAD Property
You may le a moon for correcon that the
appraisal district appraised your homestead
property at least one-fourth higher than its
market value. You must le this moon before
the delinquency date and you must not allow
your taxes to go delinquent. You may not receive
a hearing if the property was subject to a board
order or you have signed an agreement with the
appraisal district or you have let the tax become
•25.25(d)(2) - Late Protest Moon to
Correct One-Third Over-Appraisal Error
of NON-RESIDENCE Homestead Property
You may le a moon for correcon that the
appraisal district appraised your non-residence
property at least one-third higher than its
market value. You must le this moon before
the delinquency date and you must not allow
your taxes to go delinquent.
You may not receive a hearing if the property
was subject to a board order or you have signed
an agreement with the appraisal district or you
have let the tax become delinquent.
•There will be several appointments scheduled
for the same me block.
•You may register for your hearing 30 minutes
prior to your scheduled me.
•Appointments will be taken on a rst-come,
rst-serve basis.
•If you have not designated an agent to
represent you before the ARB you are entled
to one postponement without showing cause.
Requests for rescheduling must be made prior
to your scheduled appointment me.
•A second request for rescheduling must be
submied in wring along with supporng
documentaon prior to your scheduled
appointment me. The Appraisal Review Board
is unable to reschedule hearings a second me
unless you have good cause including Acve
military duty, hospitalizaon, death in the
immediate family, or judicial service (jury duty).
Secon 41.461 (a) (2) of the TEXAS PROPERTY
TAX CODE states that a property owner or agent
may inspect and may obtain a copy of the data,
schedules, formulas, and all other informaon
the chief appraiser plans to introduce at the
hearing to establish any maer at issue. Should
you wish to obtain this informaon please
submit your request to
TX 75090
Phone: 903-893-9673
Fax: 903-892-3835
Exempon Email: exemp
Rendions Email: rendi
Appointment of Agent Email:
General Email:
512 N. Travis Street
Sherman, TX 75090
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Open to the Public
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 512-346-5480
Fax: 512-346-5482
Email: webmast[email protected]
9300 Research Blvd, Suite 100
Ausn, TX 78759
Phone: 903-892-8297
PO BOX 2107, Sherman, TX 75090
100 W Houston St.
Sherman, TX 75090
Phone: 512-475-2200
Toll Free: 800-500-7074
PO BOX 12489, Ausn, TX 78711
Twin Towers Oce Center,
1106 Clayton Lane, Suite 270W
Ausn, TX 78723
Property Tax Phone: 800-252-9121
PO BOX 13528, Capital Staon, Ausn, TX 78711-3528
Lyndon B. Johnson State Oce Building
111 East 17th Street
Ausn, TX 78774
Phone: 903-893-4941
115 E. Lamar St.
Sherman, TX 75090
Phone: 903-813-4200
100 W. Houston
Sherman, TX 75090