How to Obtain Housing
For Next Year -
How to obtain campus housing for next year:
1. Each student signs the Housing License Agreement by April 28.
Each student and/or member of a group should indicate their representative in the proxy section of their Housing License
Agreement. Requests after April 28 should be submitted using the Request for Campus Housing Assignment form
(available on 4/29)
One person from each roommate group OR any student signing up alone should
complete the 2024-25 Sign Ups Request Form
by April 28. This form allows you to submit your
roommate group’s names (if applicable) and assignment preferences. One group representative should fill this out for the
entire group. Each member of the group should indicate their representative in the proxy section of their Housing License
Agreement as mentioned above.
2. Residence Life will assign you and/or your group based on your best lottery
assignment number, preferences, and availability.
Each student will have a lottery number randomly
generated for them. When assigning groups, Residence Life will use the best number of anyone in the group.
3. Students who miss the deadline may request housing after April 28 by submitting a
Request for Campus Housing Assignment form
. These students will not be included in the lottery and
will be assigned based on the date of their request.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should participate?
This process is for current undergraduate students who will be sophomores, juniors, and
seniors in the fall. Students may request housing in groups or request to have Residence
Life assign them to a roommate group. Incoming students, students transferring in, and
graduate students are not eligible for this process.
Am I required to live on campus?
Freshmen and sophomores are required to live in campus housing. Please see more
information about the housing requirement here
. Juniors and seniors are strongly
encouraged to live on campus and benefit from the amazing experience!
Where can I live?
Any returning student is eligible to live in the Residence Halls or Shire for next year. Most
sophomores will live in the halls, though a select amount may live in the Shire based on the
outcome of the lottery. Most juniors and seniors will live in the Village, and sophomores
are only eligible for the Village as part of a junior/senior roommate group. Students are not
guaranteed their preferences.
How should I set up a roommate group?
Residence Hall rooms and one-bedroom units will house two students, and two-bedroom
units will house four students as standard. Students are encouraged to form groups that fill
the units at these capacities. Students who do not form complete groups will be assigned
with others. Students may use the Roommate Resource
site as a tool to connect with
others. Groups may request a private bedroom for one or two roommates; however,
availability will be based on enrollment/demand and cannot be guaranteed. Please check
rates before requesting this option. APU does not offer oversubscriptions (triples).
How do I request housing apart from a group?
Students who do not wish to be part of a group but would like to be part of the lottery will
sign up in the same manner that groups do. They will each complete the Housing License
Agreement as well as the 24-25 Sign Ups Request Form. These students will have the option
of being matched with other students and/or request a private bedroom. Students will be
notified of their assignment over the summer, usually by the first week of July. There is no
guarantee that area or room type preferences can be met.
How will Residence Life make the assignments?
Students will have until April 28 to complete their Housing License Agreement and for their
group representative to complete the 24-25 Sign Ups Request Form. Every student must
sign the license agreement (listing the name of the group representative as their proxy),
while only one member of each group will represent the group by completing the 24-25
Sign Ups Request Form. Students signing up apart from a group will also complete both
forms. The Sign Ups form will allow a group or individual to communicate their preferences
of living areas, room types (Residence Hall room, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom/1-bath, 2-
bedroom/2-bath), upstairs or downstairs, general location in a complex, etc.
Residence Life will make assignments based on the information provided on the 24-25 Sign
Ups Request Form and in the lottery order that is randomly generated for them internally.
Sophomores will have a separate lottery from juniors and seniors. Requests received after
April 28 will not have lottery numbers generated and will be assigned after the initial
process is completed. Every member of the group must indicate their group
representative’s name as their proxy on their
Housing License Agreement.
Housing Options:
Click on the links below for floor plans, pricing,
and other info!
Adams Hall
Engstrom Hall
Shire Mods
Trinity Hall
Renewing a Unit
For students who wish to request to renew
their current unit for 2024-25.
Eligible Units:
Any unit with the exception of RA rooms, ADA
units, Honors units, and LLC units are eligible.
To Qualify:
At least 50% of the current 2023-24
roommate group must be part of the
renewal group for 2024-25 (one student
for a one-bedroom unit and two students
for a two-bedroom unit).
Disputes between current roommates
regarding who can renew the unit will
forfeit any renewal.
In addition, renewal requests must fill
the entire unit: two students for a one-
bedroom and four students for a two-
bedroom. Exceptions will include
students who are currently in a private
bedroom and would like to continue in
that configuration (as availability allows).
How to Apply:
1. Each student should complete the
Housing License Agreement
and indicate
the current occupants of the room in the
proxy section.
2. One of the current occupants of the
room should complete the
24-25 Sign
Ups Request Form for the group and
follow the instructions for unit renewal.
3. Submit both forms by April 28.
Important Note:
Students will be notified of their renewal
confirmation/assignment in late June/early
July. Students should also submit their
preferences in the event their unit is not
renewed. This option does not include leaving
belongings in the units over the summer.
How does the lottery process work?
A lottery number will be assigned to you by Residence Life and used internally by our
office when your group’s housing is assigned during the summer. Sophomore lottery
numbers will be assigned separately from junior and senior numbers. Juniors and seniors
will have priority over apartment spaces, while sophomores will have priority over
residence hall spaces.
Students will not be issued the number directly; rather the number will be assigned and
used internally by Residence Life. Our office will assign groups in order based on the
random draw for each student. The best number of all group members will be used for the
group. There is no guarantee that area or room type preferences can be met.
Is this a commitment?
Students may cancel their request without penalty before they are issued an assignment
(July 1st). Students may cancel their issued assignment before checking in; however, they
will incur a 5% termination fee (of the fall semester rate) for doing so. Students may not
cancel after they have checked-in. Rather, they must submit a petition to be reviewed by
the Office of Residence Life, which will either approve or deny the petition request.
Students who check into campus housing make a commitment to campus housing (and its
associated costs) for the entire academic year per the
Housing License Agreement.
Students who allow a proxy to represent them are making the same commitment.
Campus housing should not be used as a “back-up plan.There is no commitment for
completing the License Agreement; however, once you check into an assigned room,
there is a binding commitment for both semesters.
When will I receive my assignment?
Students are typically notified of their assignment in early July via email.
How likely am I to get my preferences?
This is difficult to predict. Our team will do everything we can to give you your preferences
based on the information you provide and your group’s best internal lottery number. We
can make no guarantees of living area or room type preferences.
Does my class registration affect my housing assignment?
Yes, you must register for at least seven (7) class units for fall 2024 by the add/drop date.
If you are not enrolled at this time, your housing may be dropped and you will incur the
5% termination fee. If this happens, you will have to re-apply for housing after you
register for classes.
What if I need housing this summer?
Please see the information regarding summer housing on our Summer Housing Program
Residence Life would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the revised
process for obtaining housing for next year. Please feel free to email or
call our office at 626-812-3056.