Agreement Between the
and the
PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION .................................................................................................. 2
ARTICLE II - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ................................................................................ 3
ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE AND ASSOCIATION RIGHTS ................................................. 4
ARTICLE IV - NEGOTIATION ............................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE V - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES .......................................................................... 8
ARTICLE VI - PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE ....................................................................... 11
ARTICLE VII - UNDERSTANDINGS ................................................................................... 14
A. Payment Schedule for Mileage, Convention Expenses and Meals .............................. 14
B. Professional Standards .................................................................................................. 14
C. School Calendar ............................................................................................................ 15
D. Substitute Teachers ....................................................................................................... 15
E. Excused Absence for Association Business ................................................................. 16
F. Contracts - Duties and Pay ........................................................................................... 16
G. Personnel File - Review ................................................................................................ 16
H. Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 17
I. Teachers' Salaries ......................................................................................................... 17
J. Payment Schedule for Out-of-Class Responsibilities ................................................... 18
K. Payroll Conveniences ................................................................................................... 22
L. Personal Leave .............................................................................................................. 23
M. New or Vacant Teaching Positions .............................................................................. 24
N. Involuntary Transfer Teachers ..................................................................................... 25
O. Dismissal of Teachers……………………………………………………………...26
P. Retirement Incentive Program ...................................................................................... 27
Q. Insurance ....................................................................................................................... 30
R. Security Cameras .......................................................................................................... 31
S. Pupil Discipline ............................................................................................................ 32
T. Sick Leave .................................................................................................................... 32
U. Leave of Absence ......................................................................................................... 33
V. Services to be Made Available for Student Services & Special Education Students ... 36
W. Class Size ...................................................................................................................... 38
X. Workday/Work Schedule ............................................................................................. 39
Y. Overload Teaching Assignments .................................................................................. 43
Z. Professional Relations .................................................................................................. 43
AA. District Level Committee Guidelines………………………………………………...44
AB. Building Level Committees ………………………………………………………….46
ARTICLE VIII EFFECT OF AGREEMENT ....................................................................... 47
ARTICLE IX - DURATION OF AGREEMENT .................................................................... 47
ARTICLE X ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................................... 47
Salary Schedule 2023-2024 .......................................................................................... 48
Salary Schedule 2024-2025
Salary Schedule 2025-2026
Agreement between the GEA and the Board of Education Page 1
2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026
The Board of Education of District 304, (hereinafter referred to as “Board,”) and the Geneva
Education Association, (hereinafter referred to as “Association,”) recognize that the ultimate aim
of public schools is to provide the best education possible for children and youth in the District.
Attainment of these educational objectives is a joint responsibility of the Board, the
administrative and supervisory staff, and the professional teaching personnel.
Attainment of educational objectives requires mutual understanding and cooperation between the
Board, the administrative and supervisory staff, and the professional teaching personnel. To this
end, free and open exchange of views between the parties is desirable and necessary.
It is recognized that teaching is a profession requiring specialized educational qualifications and
that the success of the educational program in the District depends upon the maximum utilization
of the abilities of teachers who are reasonably well satisfied with the conditions under which
their services are rendered.
The administrative staff constitutes the agency by means of which the Board administers its
policies throughout the District, and the Superintendent of Schools is the chief administrative
officer of the Board. Board Policy administration is the responsibility of the Superintendent and
the administrative staff and cannot be delegated to others.
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A. The Board hereby recognizes the Association and its affiliates [Illinois Education
Association (IEA), National Education Association (NEA)] as the exclusive and sole
negotiation agent for the bargaining unit that includes all regularly employed certificated
teaching personnel. Regularly employed certificated teaching personnel include but are not
limited to teachers, librarians, nurses, counselors, replacements for leave of absences of one
semester or more (in the period they are employed), and similar positions for which a
certificate is required.
Department chair positions requiring an administrative endorsement, who are teaching the
equivalent of 50% or more of the “full-time high school teacher” as defined in this
Agreement are also considered regularly employed certificated personnel and are included in
this unit.
Excluded from this unit shall be any other position, which upon mutual agreement between
the Superintendent and the President of the Association is designated to spend more than
50% of its time on administrative or supervisory duties.
B. The term “teacher,” when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees
represented by the Association in the negotiating unit defined above.
C. The Board agrees not to negotiate with any teachers’ organization other than the Association
or with any individual teacher for the duration of this Agreement.
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The parties to this Agreement reaffirm their understanding and agreement that the Board is, by
direct delegation of the Legislature, an actual portion of the sovereign government of the State of
Illinois. As such it is recognized that the Board has the power and the obligation to provide for
all aspects of the local operation of the District, including the terms and conditions of
employment. As the legal representative of the citizens of the District, including District
employees, the Board may enact an adequate system of rules, but none of the power vested in the
Board may be delegated or abrogated. Policy adoption is the prerogative of the Board and
cannot be legally delegated to any group or individual.
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A. Professional employees shall have the right to form, join or assist professional employees'
organizations, and to participate in professional negotiations with the Board. Professional
employees shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities. Article III,
Section A shall not be interpreted in any way to abrogate Article I, Section A.
B. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under the laws of the State of Illinois,
the Board undertakes and agrees that it will continue not to directly or indirectly discourage
or deprive or coerce any teacher(s) in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by the laws of
Illinois or the Constitution of Illinois and the United States; that it will continue not to
discriminate against any teacher(s) with respect to hours, wages, terms, or conditions of
employment by reason of membership in the Association, participation in any legally
permissible activities of the Association or collective professional negotiations with the
Board, or institution of any grievance, complaint, or proceeding under this Agreement.
C. The Association shall have the right to post notices of its activities and matters of
Association concern on teacher bulletin boards, at least one of which shall be provided and
located in a faculty room in each school building.
D. The Association shall have the right to reasonable use of the District mail service, teacher
mailboxes, and the District email service for communications to teachers.
E. The Association and its members shall have the right to use school buildings for meetings,
provided that when special custodial service is required, the Board may make a reasonable
charge therefore. Such use is subject to clearance from the building principal or Director of
Facility Operations or their designee(s). The Association and its members shall have the
right to use school equipment such as computers and duplicating equipment for business of
the local membership only, providing that such use shall not interfere with normal school
F. Duly authorized representatives of the Association and its respective affiliates shall have the
right to transact official Association business on school property at reasonable times,
provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. Access to
professionals during the teachers' workday shall be requested through the building principal,
who may grant the request or propose a more convenient time. It is further provided that no
Association views on matters relating to supervisor-teacher or Board-teacher relationships
will be discussed in the presence of students.
G. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association, in response to reasonable requests from time
to time, all regularly and routinely prepared information concerning the financial resources of
the District including but not limited to annual financial reports and audits, register of
certificated personnel, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations, agenda and minutes
of all board meetings, treasurer's reports, sixth day enrollment data, second semester
enrollment updates, census and membership data, names and addresses of all teachers, and
such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate,
informed and constructive programs on behalf of the teachers, together with information
which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint. As
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appropriate, and in a timely manner, the District will advise the Association President or their
designee, of any emergency or environmental conditions which may disrupt the educational
process or impact the working conditions of any teacher. Nothing herein shall require the
Central Office administrative staff to research and assemble information for the Association.
H. The Association will furnish copies of all regularly and routinely prepared information as
reasonably requested by the Board or its representative.
I. No employee covered by this Agreement, nor the Association, shall engage in, authorize, or
instigate any strike of the District during the term of this Agreement. Likewise, the Board
shall agree not to engage in a lockout during the term of this Agreement.
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In connection with contract negotiations, it is the right and responsibility of both the Board and
the Association to do the following:
A. Make a written request to commence negotiations, if negotiations are desired by either party,
for a subsequent Agreement to take effect at the expiration of this current Agreement. Such
request must be made before April 30 of the year in which this current Agreement expires.
Negotiations shall begin before May 15 of the year in which the current Agreement expires,
unless both parties agree to an alternate date.
B. Select its own negotiating representatives, provided that the Board shall not select a teacher
as herein defined as its representative.
C. Confer upon their respective representatives the necessary power and authority to make
proposals, consider proposals, and make counterproposals in the course of negotiations, and
to reach tentative agreements.
D. Meet at reasonable, mutually agreeable times.
E. During negotiations, each party shall be responsible for keeping its own minutes and records
of the proceedings.
F. When the Association and Board reach tentative agreement on matters being negotiated,
these matters will be reduced to writing. Once all matters are agreed to and reduced to
writing, the final agreement shall be submitted to the membership of the Association for
ratification and then to the Board for official approval. Upon ratification by both parties, the
final agreement shall take effect by the date specified in the agreement.
G. Each party has the right to be represented by counsel, legal or otherwise, during all meetings.
Cost for said counsel shall be paid by that party.
H. Mediation may be initiated in the event that:
1) both parties agree that mediation is necessary;
2) one party declares impasse and requests mediation; provided, however, such declaration
shall only be made after a reasonable period of negotiations and no sooner than ninety (90)
days before the scheduled start of the forthcoming school year; or
3) the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board (IELRB), on its own motion, initiates
1. A mediator shall be secured from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(FMCS), provided that such mediator shall not be a resident of the School District.
2. If the FMCS cannot supply a mediator, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) will
be asked to supply a mediator selected according to current selection procedures of the
AAA. A resident of the School District will not be eligible as mediator. If the AAA is
utilized, a mediator shall be selected within seven days (7) from the date that the parties
are notified that FMCS cannot supply a mediator.
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3. The mediator shall meet with the parties or their representatives, or both, forthwith, either
jointly or separately, and shall take such other steps as may be deemed appropriate by the
mediator in order to persuade the parties to resolve their differences and effect a mutually
acceptable agreement. The mediator shall not make public any recommended terms of
settlement. If expressly agreed to and requested by both parties, the mediator may
perform fact-finding, and in so doing, conduct hearings and make written findings and
recommendations for resolution of the dispute; provided, however, said findings and
recommendations shall be kept confidential.
4. Once mediation is initiated, as set forth herein, it shall be governed by the provisions of
the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act ("IELRA"), as amended.
5. Any expenses associated with mediation and/or fact-finding shall be shared equally by
the parties.
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2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026
A grievance is any claim or complaint by an employee, a group of employees or the Association,
hereafter referred to as the grievant, that there has been an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or
misapplication of any provisions of the Agreement or Board Policy.
Class grievances regarding the same circumstances and involving two (2) or more employees
will be filed at Step I, unless the circumstances giving rise to the grievance occur at more than
one building, in which case the grievance will be filed at Step II.
A grievant can be represented at all stages of the grievance process by an Association
representative selected by the Association. Should the grievant choose self-representation, the
Association may be present at all meetings and hearings. The Association shall receive a copy of
the grievance and decisions.
All time limits consist of working days. A working day is defined as a day when the District
Office is open.
The failure of the grievant(s) or the Association to act on any grievance within the prescribed
time limits will act as a bar to any further appeal. An administrator’s failure to act on any
grievance within the prescribed time limits shall permit the grievant(s) to automatically proceed
to the next step. The time limits, however, may be extended by mutual agreement, in writing,
signed by both parties.
The hearing or conference will be held, whenever possible, after regular school hours or during
non-teaching time of the grievant(s). However, an administrator may wish to discuss a grievance
during school hours, in which case all employees whose presence is required shall be excused,
with pay, for that purpose. Investigation or processing of any grievance shall be conducted
without interference or interruption of instructional programs.
All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be
maintained separately from the personnel file of the grievant(s).
The parties may bypass a grievance step by mutual agreement and proceed directly to the next
step in the grievance process.
At any point in the proceedings the grievance may be withdrawn by written notice by the
grievant(s) without establishing a precedent.
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At any point in the proceedings, the grievance may be settled by agreement of the parties.
Optional individual reconciliation
It is most desirable for the parties directly involved to attempt to resolve any issue through
informal discussion. If an informal discussion fails to satisfy either party or fails to timely
resolve the issue, a grievance may be filed and processed as follows:
The grievant shall file the grievance, in writing, with the principal within twenty (20) days from
the date of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance. The written grievance shall
state the basis of the complaint, the specific provisions of the Agreement or Board Policy
allegedly violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied, and the remedy requested. Within ten (10) days
of receipt of the grievance, the principal shall schedule and conduct a meeting to discuss the
matter with the grievant(s) and, if requested, an Association representative. The principal shall
make a decision and communicate it in writing to the grievant(s), the Association, and the
Superintendent within five (5) days after the meeting.
In the event a grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step I, the grievant(s) may appeal
the grievance, in writing, to the Superintendent within five (5) days of receipt of the Step I
decision. The Superintendent shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of the written appeal,
schedule and conduct a meeting with the grievant(s), and, if requested, an Association
representative. The Superintendent shall make a decision and communicate it in writing to the
grievant(s), the principal and the Association within five (5) days after the meeting.
If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step II, the grievant(s) may appeal the
grievance, within five (5) days of delivery to the grievant(s) of the Superintendent's written
decision, in writing to the Board President. The appeal may include a written request for an oral
hearing on the grievance that may be granted at the discretion of the Board President. If the oral
hearing is granted the hearing will be conducted by the full Board or by a subcommittee of the
Board, as the Board President may designate. Such hearing shall be held within twenty (20)
days after the request for an oral hearing has been filed. The Board shall make a decision on the
grievance and communicate it in writing to the grievant(s), the Association, the Superintendent
and the principal, within five (5) days after completion of the oral hearing. In the event no oral
hearing is granted, within fifteen (15) days after the appeal is filed.
If the grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at Step III, the Association may submit the
grievance to final and binding arbitration through the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(FMCS), which shall act as the administrator of such further proceedings. If a demand for
arbitration is not filed within twenty (20) days of delivery to the grievant(s) of the Board's
decision, then the grievance shall be deemed withdrawn. In no case will the Arbitrator selected
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be a resident of School District 304. Expenses for the Arbitrator's services and the expenses that
are common to both parties to the arbitration shall be borne equally by the Board and the
Association. Each party to an arbitration proceeding shall be responsible for compensating its
own representatives and witnesses. The Arbitrator shall not amend, modify, nullify, ignore, or
add to the provisions of the Agreement. The Arbitrator's authority shall be strictly limited to
deciding only the issue or issues presented to the Arbitrator in writing by the Board and the
Association and the decision rendered must be based solely upon the Arbitrator's interpretation
of the meaning or application of the express relevant language of the Agreement.
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A. Definition
Progressive discipline shall be defined as verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension,
with or without pay, and discharge for cause.
B. Statement of Basic Principles
1. The Board and the Association recognize the importance of protecting the due process
and human rights of all teachers. The Board and the Association also recognize the
desirability of establishing and utilizing a system of progressive discipline.
2. The Board shall have the right and duty to discipline members of the bargaining unit for
acts of insubordination, misconduct, cruelty, negligence, immorality, and other sufficient
cause per Section 105 ILCS 5/10-22.4 of the School Code.
3. Insubordination shall include any willful refusal to follow an order, direction, regulation,
or policy of the Board or directive of any person who has the responsibility to supervise
the member of the bargaining unit.
4. Misconduct shall include any act, which reasonably relates to any of the employee’s
duties that jeopardizes the health, safety, and welfare of any student, parent, or school
5. Any member of the bargaining unit who is disciplined shall, other than in the case of
discharge for cause, have the right to appeal such discipline by filing a grievance in
accordance with the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure set forth in this Agreement.
Any member of the bargaining unit who is disciplined may write a response to any
disciplinary documentation placed in the employee's file.
6. The administrator will notify the teacher within four (4) working days from the date that
the administrator becomes aware that a disciplinary offense has likely occurred. Fact-
finding will be done as expeditiously as possible by the administrator. The administrator
will inform the teacher of the results of the fact finding within ten (10) working days
from the day that the teacher is informed of the potential disciplinary offense. A working
day is defined as a day when the District Office is open.
7. The teacher has the right to be accompanied by an Association representative or someone
else of their choice at any meeting or hearing involving potential disciplinary action. If
the Association representative cannot attend the meeting or hearing, the meeting or
hearing will be postponed until such time that an Association representative can attend.
8. Nothing herein shall limit the authority of the Board to issue a notice to remedy, suspend
in connection with a dismissal proceeding, or dismiss a teacher. The parties understand
and agree that any challenge to the termination of a tenured teacher for cause shall be
solely in accordance with the applicable provisions of the School Code.
C. Disciplinary Steps
1. Except for serious offenses where the Superintendent of Schools recommends to the
Board immediate suspension or termination, the Board and the Association agree to the
concept of progressive discipline following a disciplinary conference when dealing with
matters of insubordination, misconduct, cruelty, negligence, immorality, and other
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sufficient cause per the School Code. When in the judgment of the Superintendent, the
circumstances of a particular case and/or seriousness of the particular offense make the
application of progressive discipline inappropriate, the disciplinary steps outlined below
may be bypassed. The Association President or their designee and the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources will be informed of any situation resulting in
progressive discipline. The steps for employee discipline are outlined below:
a. Verbal Warning: This warning, issued by the teacher's immediate supervisor, will be
summarized in writing and given to the teacher within two (2) working days after the
meeting to document the verbal warning. This written summary will not be placed in
the teacher's personnel file. A copy will be sent to the Association President and the
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
b. Written Warning: This warning, issued by the Superintendent or their designee, will
be summarized in writing and given to the teacher within two (2) working days after a
meeting where the teacher has had the opportunity to respond to the information
presented at the meeting. This written summary will be placed in the teacher's
personnel file. Upon the teacher's written request, and if approved by the
Superintendent following their review, the document will be removed from the
teacher's personnel file after four (4) years from the date of the written warning
assuming no similar disciplinary infraction has occurred during this time.
c. Suspension: The decision to suspend, with or without pay, will be made by the
Superintendent or their designee. Except in circumstances warranting suspension
pending a meeting/hearing pursuant to a Discharge for Cause, as set forth below, the
Superintendent or their designee shall have the authority to suspend for up to ten (10)
working days. In the event of disciplinary action involving possible suspension, the
teacher shall be informed in writing twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting
with the Superintendent or their designee. A suspension letter if warranted will be
given to the teacher within two (2) working days after a meeting where the teacher
has had the opportunity to respond to the information presented. This suspension
letter will be placed permanently in the teachers personnel file.
d. Discharge for Cause: When an administrator calls for a meeting with a teacher which
might lead directly to dismissal, the following provisions shall apply:
i. Except in circumstances warranting immediate action (including but not limited to
actions resulting in criminal charges; physical threats against other personnel,
students, or parents; or sexual conduct with or harassment of a minor), the teacher
shall be informed twenty-four (24) hours in advance, in writing, as to the purpose
of the conference.
ii. The teacher has the right to be accompanied by an Association representative
and/or someone else of their choice at the conference.
iii. If the teacher will have an attorney present, the teacher must make that known to
the administrator prior to the meeting. If the administrator determines that a
District attorney should also be present, the hearing may be postponed to a date
and time when legal counsel for the teacher and the District are available.
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iv. Except in circumstances warranting immediate action (including but not limited to
actions resulting in criminal charges; physical threats against other personnel,
students or parents; or sexual conduct with or harassment of a minor), the
administrator will not take disciplinary action against the teacher without first
affording the teacher the opportunity to respond to the matter being discussed.
v. If, after a disciplinary hearing, an administrator takes disciplinary action against
the teacher, the administrator shall provide the teacher with written notification of
the reason for the action within two (2) working days after the date of the action.
vi. The discharge of a teacher for cause shall be in accordance with all appropriate
provisions of the Illinois School Code 105 ILCS 5/10-22.4.
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A. Payment Schedule for Mileage, Convention Expenses and Meals
When teachers travel on pre-approved professional business, they will be reimbursed as
1. Mileage for use of personal car will be reimbursed at the current rate established by the
Internal Revenue Service. Parking fees and tolls will be reimbursed when accompanied
by a receipt.
2. Reimbursement for transfers will be approved if receipted.
3. Meal allowances will be based on the standard per diem rate for Naperville / Aurora,
Illinois established annually by the Federal General Services Administration
( For individual meals, the rate will be based on the per diem rate
according to the following percentages: Breakfast - 20%, Lunch - 30%, and Dinner -
4. Lodging will be reimbursed as approved in advance based on the cost of a single room.
5. Registration fees for professional meetings will be shared equally between the District
and the teacher. Membership dues, if part of registration costs, are the responsibility of
the teacher.
6. When a teacher represents the District at the request of the District, that teacher will be
reimbursed for the full cost of any program meal and the full cost of registration, rather
than the flat meal allowance and half registration.
B. Professional Standards
1. It is the responsibility of each teacher to contribute to the ongoing improvement of the
District's schools. When committees are established at the building level to facilitate
improvement of the school, the time commitment will not exceed ten (10) hours of
meeting time on an annual basis (not including meetings referenced in Article VII, W.1,
of this Agreement).
2. In order to advance horizontally on the salary schedule a teacher will typically complete
graduate coursework in a course of study leading to an advanced degree or leading to
improved expertise. All graduate coursework used to advance horizontally on the salary
schedule must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources using
the pre-approval process for graduate coursework. The Office of Human Resources will
maintain a list of approved post baccalaureate degree programs. Generally, only degree
programs from accredited college/universities in the State of Illinois will be placed on the
approved degree program list. Online degree programs will be reviewed by the
administration on a case-by-case basis.
Teachers who receive approval for, complete, and submit official transcripts for graduate
coursework prior to the first day of the school year will be eligible to move horizontally
to the relevant lane on the salary chart.
Teachers who are unable to submit official transcripts for graduate coursework prior to
the first day of school should submit official transcripts "to date" before the summer
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classes have ended and submit a letter from the university or professor confirming a.)
enrollment in the summer classes; b.) a current passing grade in the classes; and c.) the
teacher is currently on track to complete the classes. Teachers will then be awarded lane
advancement if the official transcript is submitted by September 1.
Local workshops, seminars or courses may qualify for horizontal advancement. Local
workshops, seminars or courses qualifying for horizontal advancement will be indicated
in advance to the teaching staff by the Superintendent or designee.
3. Teachers will not be advanced horizontally on the salary schedule for credits earned to
remove deficiencies for Illinois certification.
4. Teachers who attend professional conferences may be required by their principal or
immediate administrative supervisor to share their professional experiences and/or
acquired skills and knowledge with other faculty members during faculty meetings,
department meetings, team or grade level meetings, teacher in-service days, or school
improvement days. Presentations will not exceed one half (1/2) hour in length and
preparation time should be limited to approximately one (1) hour. Preparation for such a
presentation or the time required to present will not be compensated.
C. School Calendar
The school calendar shall comply with the laws of the State of Illinois.
The school calendar for the next succeeding school year shall be established as early as
possible in the current school year by the Superintendent with the approval of the Board. In
setting the calendar, the Superintendent shall consult with the Association President or
designee. The salary agreement with the Association shall be based on the calendar so
Days added at the end of the school year because of emergency closings of the school during
the year shall not be deemed to change the calendar.
The school calendar shall not exceed one hundred and seventy-seven (177) pupil attendance
days and one hundred and eighty-one (181) teacher attendance days.
D. Substitute Teachers
When a teacher is absent, the building principal will secure a qualified substitute whenever
possible. A substitute from the District's list of currently qualified substitute teachers is the
preferred method of providing for teacher absence. After all avenues to secure a substitute have
been exhausted, any teacher may be required by the principal or designee to serve as a substitute
for one period two times per school year. When a full-time teacher or for the first hour that a
part-time teacher serves as a substitute for an absent teacher, the teacher shall be paid at the rate
of $40 per hour. When a teacher who does not have students rostered to them as the teacher of
record is redirected from their regular responsibilities to substitute for a classroom teacher, or
when a teacher absorbs students from another class due the absence of another teacher, the
substituting teacher shall be paid at the rate of $20 per hour for such substitution work. When an
elementary classroom teacher provides scheduled instruction when an art, music, or physical
education teacher is absent from school, the teacher shall be paid at the rate of $20.00 for a class
period of thirty (30) minutes or less and $40 for a class period of thirty-one (31) to sixty (60)
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E. Excused Absence for Association Business
Representatives of the Association shall be permitted excused absences without loss of salary
in accordance with the following conditions:
1. Effective with the 2013/2014 school year and each school year thereafter, aggregate
release time of up to .5 FTE will be provided to the President of the Association or
designee. A mutually acceptable annual plan for the President’s release time shall be
developed between the President and the Superintendent in consultation with the building
2. A maximum aggregate of fifteen (15) days may be taken during the school year for
business of the local Association, provided that the teacher to be absent provides the
usual plans and aids for use of the substitute. This time may be taken in 1/2 day or whole
day units.
3. Written advance notice of the request for excused absence in accordance with this
provision shall be provided the Superintendent at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the
time when the absence will occur.
F. Contracts - Duties and Pay
The District will endeavor to inform each teacher before the end of the school year of the
teacher's status for the coming school year in terms of salary, building assignment, teaching
assignment and extra duties. The District will continue to inform each teacher of that
teacher's accrued sick leave status through the Human Resources information system .
A teacher shall be given written notice of any intended change of their assignments for the
forthcoming school year no later than the last day of the current school year. Such notice
shall include location(s), work schedule, and job assignment. If, subsequent to the current
school year, circumstances require any changes in teacher instructional assignments, the
affected teacher(s) shall be notified within two (2) business days via email and U.S. mail.
Teachers who are asked to perform their regularly assigned professional duties beyond their
regular scheduled times shall be compensated at a per diem rate equal to their regular salary.
When required staff development is held during the summer months, compensation will be
provided at the prevailing summer school rate.
All benefits to teachers, unless otherwise specified in the contract, will be pro-rated on the
basis of the full-time equivalency of the employees teaching assignment.
G. Personnel File - Review
Each teacher shall have the right, upon request, and with twenty-four (24) hours advance
notice, to review the contents of the teacher's official personnel file. A representative of the
Association may, at the teacher's request, accompany the teacher in this review.
The teacher shall be made aware of, and have the right to respond to, any material placed in
the teacher's official personnel file. The teacher's response shall be submitted to the principal
and forwarded to the District office, where it shall be placed in the file.
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Any information accumulated or collected by an administrator relating to a teacher’s
performance which is not contained in the teacher’s official personnel file is not to be used or
referenced by a subsequent administrator in the evaluation or discipline of a teacher.
Unofficial information or notes should not be passed on by an administrator when the
administrator leaves the District or the school. Nothing herein shall limit an administrator
from discussing the performance or discipline of a teacher with another administrator.
H. Evaluation
The District Teacher Evaluation Plan, which is incorporated into this agreement by reference,
will be the process by which teachers are evaluated and all procedures described therein will
be followed by teachers and administrators. Any deviation of procedure from the Plan that
that teacher believes adversely affects the evaluation may be shared by the teacher with the
GEA President (or designee) who may then report the irregularity to the Superintendent (or
designee). Teachers shall not be precluded from exercising any other rights of process
available under this agreement.
Teachers who receive a summative evaluation rating of "unsatisfactory" will be frozen on
their current step and lane position for the duration of their remediation plan. After
completion of a successful remediation plan, the subsequent school year the teacher will
advance on the salary schedule, if applicable, as provided for in this Agreement.
A standing committee will oversee the implementation of and changes in the District Teacher
Evaluation Plan. This committee will consist of the Superintendent or designee as chair, the
President of the Association or designee, a principal from each level, and at least one teacher
from each school. The teachers shall be appointed by the Superintendent and the GEA
Association President (or designee). Any changes in the Teacher Evaluation Plan shall be
made only after consultation with this committee. Either the Superintendent or the President
of the Association may call for a meeting of the standing committee as needed. The joint
committee shall track and document any reported procedural deviations concerning an
evaluator. The joint committee shall develop protocols to be used by any evaluator or
teacher who must reschedule a previously scheduled observation or evaluation-related
The District shall annually share evaluation report data from each building with the GEA
President (or designee). The GEA President (or designee) may use the data to address
individual member concerns, but may not disclose any data or information that is unique or
specific to any one member.
I. Teachers' Salaries
1. The appropriate salary charts for years 2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026 are attached
to and part of this contract. Teachers employed prior to November 1 in any academic year
will qualify for step advancement, if applicable, for the subsequent year.
2. Teachers whose salary placement is at the maximum step in their respective lane on the
salary schedule shall receive the following increases:
For the 2023-2024 school year, 3.5%
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For the 2024-2025 school year, 3.0%
For the 2025-2026 school year, 2.5%
Any members in longevity-2 in 23-24 that get leapfrogged by new step 23 members in
23-24 will be made whole by bringing them up to Step 23 salary levels.
3. The Board and Association agree that should any of the following events occur, the parties
will convene to negotiate how to deal with the impact of any such legislation impacting
District revenues:
a. Pension shift: any legislatively mandated increase in the Board’s required employer
contribution to TRS;
b. Property tax freeze: any freeze or reduction in property tax revenue as a result of
newly enacted legislation; or
c. State aid: any decrease in general state aid of 10% or more than the 2018-2019
4. Under section 105 ILCS 5/21-27 of the School Code, any teacher who holds the Master
Certificate of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBCT) shall receive
an annual payment of $3,000 through the State of Illinois. If for any reason the State of
Illinois is unable to fully fund this annual payment to teachers with valid up-to- date
National Board Certification, the District will insure that a qualifying teacher will receive
this total annual payment of $3,000.
J. Payment Schedule for Out-of-Class Responsibilities
The appropriate Payment Schedule for Out-of-Class Responsibilities for each year of this
Agreement is below.
The District shall annually post a list of out-of-class positions and each position’s
corresponding payment column on the District’s website. Any vacancy in an out-of-class
position shall be communicated to staff via email.
The index of the attached schedule is applied to the following salary figures:
2023-2024: $46,000
2024-2025: $47,000
2025-2026: $48,000
A “stipend committee” composed of equal numbers of Administration and Association
representatives shall be a standing committee and meet as needed for the following purposes:
1. Assess the viability of each activity/coaching/club position and make recommendations to
the Board concerning the addition/subtraction of positions;
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2. Analyze the appropriate placement of each position on the compensation chart and make
recommendations to the District regarding modifications, if any;
3. Periodically analyze the District’s current market competitiveness and make
recommendations to the District concerning compensation; and
4. Any other objectives as mutually agreed.
Extra-class responsibilities may be eliminated and not performed for budget considerations,
reduction of student participation, lack of qualified staff, or any other reason.
Payment Schedule for Out-Of-Class Responsibilities
Min Min+ A B C D E F G H I J K O
1-3 yrs.
4-6 yrs.
7-9 yrs.
10-12 yrs.
13+ yrs.
Payment Schedule Guidelines
1. For teachers new to the School District, experience credit is determined using the following
formula: one (1) year of experience equals .5 year on the out-of-class responsibilities
payment schedule.
For example: a teacher with six (6) years of experience as a coach, sponsor, director, etc.,
would be placed in year three (3) on the payment schedule. A teacher with seven (7) years of
experience would be credited with 3.5 years (rounded up to four [4] years) on the payment
2. Experience will be credited for satisfactory work in the School District in one general
classification even though the specific assignment may change.
For example: a teacher with three (3) years of experience as an 8th grade volleyball coach in
the District will move to year four (4) on the payment schedule if he/she assumes the
responsibility of coaching the varsity team at the high school.
3. Experience earned in one general classification cannot be used in another classification.
For example: a teacher with five (5) years of experience as a girls’ sophomore softball coach
will start at year one (1) on the payment schedule if they assume the responsibility of
coaching the boys’ varsity baseball team.
4 . Stipends will be paid in three lump sums on October 15, February 15, and May 15, or nearest
available work day.
5. A list of approved out-of-class responsibilities is available from the building principal,
Association building representative, and on the District’s website.
6. Special increases in compensation may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent of
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7. There are no tenure or seniority rights in connection with out-of-class responsibilities.
Appointment to an out-of-class responsibility will be reviewed annually.
General Stipend Guidelines
1. Teachers receive additional compensation beyond their annual teacher salary for a variety of
out-of-class responsibilities. A list of approved out-of-class responsibilities is maintained by
the Office of Human Resources and distributed to building principals and Association
building representatives and posted on its website by October 15 of each year.
2. Compensation for an out-of-class responsibility is determined using a payment schedule
maintained by the Office of Human Resources and listed on the stipend contract. Placement
on the payment schedule is based on prior experience with an out-of-class responsibility and
the index value of the out-of-class responsibility. The index of the payment schedule is
applied to the following salary figures:
2023-2024: $46,000
2024-2025: $47,000
2025-2026: $48,000
3. A stipend contract for each out-of-class responsibility (except committee stipend contracts) is
issued to a teacher each school year.
4. A stipend contract for a committee assignment, generated by the Office of Human Resources, is
issued to a teacher in September of each school year. Compensation for committee work will
take place following the completion of the work of the committee or not later than the first pay
period in June.
5. There are no tenure or seniority rights in connection with any out-of-class assignment. Out-of-
class assignments will be reviewed annually. Discussion and evaluation of a teacher’s
performance in an out-of-class assignment may occur during the teacher’s formal evaluation
conference, but will not be included in the teacher’s formal evaluation report.
6. A teacher intending to resign their out-of-class responsibility should notify their building
principal by March 15 of each school year.
7. A list of all extracurricular vacancies throughout the School District will be posted in each
building by April 15 of each school year. This list of vacancies will include those
extracurricular positions held by individuals who are not teaching in the School District.
Stipend Change Guidelines
1. A teacher requesting a stipend change must complete the appropriate form and submit it to
their Association building representative by January 15 of each school year. An elementary
teacher requesting a change in an out-of-class responsibility should complete the appropriate
document in consultation with those who hold the same position at other elementary schools
prior to January 15. The Association building representative may schedule a meeting with
the person initiating the change to clarify/discuss the merits of proposed change. A stipend
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change may include but is not limited to an increase/decrease in compensation, a change of
title or job description, or the addition/deletion of an extracurricular position.
2. The Association building representative and building principal (or designee) will meet prior
to February 15 of each school year to review proposed stipend changes, including those
initiated by a building administrator. A teacher who requests a stipend change or who may
be directly impacted by a stipend change may request or be invited to the meeting between
the Association building representative and the building principal (or designee).
3. The role of the Association representative at this meeting is to offer insight regarding the
proposed change and answer questions that will assist the building principal (or designee) in
evaluating each request for a stipend change.
4. The building administrator and the Association building representative will determine if the
stipend change request will impact existing equity relationship with other stipends within the
same category (i.e. athletic, non-athletic, drama, music, etc.). If other stipends require review,
the current staff members receiving those stipends will be required to submit information as
requested by the building administrator. This information will be used to determine if the
original stipend change request can stand-alone or if equity issues require all stipends within a
category to be reviewed. The building administrator will complete all stipend reviews and
prepare a recommendation.
5. Following a review of all proposed stipend changes, the building principal (or designee) will
make a recommendation regarding each stipend change proposal to the Assistant
Superintendent of-Business and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by April 1. A
copy of these recommendations will be provided to the Association building representative in
each building. Prior to April 1, all elementary principals will meet to review a request for a
change in an elementary stipend.
6. The Assistant Superintendent-Business and the Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources
will review each building principal’s stipend recommendations and take final action on each
request for a stipend change by May 15. Prior to taking final action regarding stipend
modification requests, the Superintendent of Schools will notify the Association President of
the priority rank of stipend modifications. Prior to the end of the school year, the building
principal (or designee) will inform each teacher who has submitted a stipend change request
form the status of that request. The Association building representative will also receive a
status report regarding each proposed stipend change.
7 The Office of Human Resources will update the list of approved out-of-class responsibilities
each summer and forward the revised list to each building principal and Association building
representative by October 15 of each school year.
8. A teacher may appeal a decision not to modify an out-of-class responsibility by using the
appeal process outlined in the Agreement Between the Geneva Education Association and
the Board of Community Unit School District 304
9. A staff member may appeal a denial of a new stipend or a denial of a change in stipend request
in the following steps:
Notify in writing, within five school (5) days the building principal, Association
representative, and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, and the
Superintendent of a request for appeal.
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A meeting will take place with the Superintendent, the staff member, and the
Association representative within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the request of
the appeal.
At the meeting, the Staff member will restate the case for the stipend and add any
additional information that may impact the decision(s) since the original request
was submitted. The Association representative may support the staff member in
the explanation of any new information or a reframing of original information in
the request.
The Superintendent will inform the staff member, Association representative,
building principal, and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources of the
decision on the appeal within five (5) days of the meeting.
If the decision of denial is upheld, the staff member may reapply in the following
school year.
10. Special modifications in compensation for an out-of-class responsibility may be granted at
the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools (or designee).
Per Diem Days: High School Department Chairs
There are times when the hiring process and placement testing must occur during a break period
(such as spring break or summer break). As such, High School Department Chairs shall be
allotted up to five (5) per diem days each year. These per diem days will be used on an “as
needed” basis when a Department Chair needs to complete work of this nature during a break
period, pre-approved by the building principal.
K. Payroll Conveniences
1. Salaries shall be paid in twenty-six (26) installments over the course of twelve (12) calendar
months. The administration shall publish a list of pay dates for each pay year before the
opening of each school year.
2. Stipends will be paid in three lump sums on October 15, February 15, and May 15.
3. Teachers must authorize direct deposit of their entire paycheck to an account in a banking
institution. Direct deposit authorization forms are available in the Business Office.
4. Upon written request of the teacher, the Board shall, in accordance with state and federal law,
withhold a fixed amount as designated by the teacher, from their salary throughout the year
and transfer said amount to: 1) a credit union account of the teacher's selection; and or 2) a
Board-approved tax-sheltered annuity program of the teacher's selection.
5. Any teacher who is a member of the Association, or who has applied for membership, may
sign and deliver to the Business Office an initial assignment authorizing deduction of
membership dues in the Association. Once an initial authorization has been made, the
Business Office will continue the deduction of membership dues until such time that the
teacher notifies the Business Office, in writing, that membership dues should no longer be
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deducted. All such authorizations and notifications shall be provided no later than
September 15.
Pursuant to such authorization, the Business Office shall deduct such sum as authorized in
the ten (10) months, September-June, inclusive, in equal installments on a bi-weekly basis.
The deductions shall be remitted each pay period to the Association, in care of the
Association Treasurer. Upon termination of a teacher's employment, the Business Office
shall deduct all unpaid Association dues from the remaining paycheck(s).
The Association shall defend the District and hold it harmless from any claim(s) or
liability(ies) arising out of the administration of this portion of the Agreement.
6. The Board shall, in accordance with state and federal law, withhold all of the teachers'
required contributions to the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois ("TRS")
and the teachers' required contributions to the Teachers Health Insurance Security Fund
("THIS") from each teacher's salary and remit the same to TRS and THIS (collectively
referred to, for purposes of this paragraph only, as "employee contributions"). It is expressly
understood between the Parties that the employee is responsible for his or her employee
contributions. It is the intention of the parties to qualify these employee contributions as
"pick-up" payments pursuant to Sections 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
Any possible future costs resulting from decisions that may be made by the Internal Revenue
Service or TRS arising from the designation of the employee contributions as "pick-up"
payments shall not result in claims against the District. The Association and individual
teachers shall hold the District harmless from any claim(s) or liability(ies) arising from the
designation of the employee contributions as "pick-up" payments.
7. Teacher contributions to medical/dental insurance shall be deducted from salary prior to
the calculation of income taxes and after deduction for employee contributions to TRS
and THIS.
L. Personal Leave
The purpose of leave for personal reasons is to attend to:
(1) personal matters that cannot be addressed outside of the workday;
(2) emergencies; or
(3) matters requiring the employee's attention that are outside of the employee’s control.
Non-tenured teachers may request leave for paid absence of not more than two (2) days per
year in order to attend to personal matters.
Tenured teachers may request leave for paid absence of not more than three (3) days per year
to attend to personal matters as defined above. After nine (9) years of continuous service,
teachers may request leave for paid absence of not more than four (4) days per year to attend
to personal matters as defined above.
Personal leave shall not be used for the purpose of secondary employment, recreational
(extended) weekends or for recreational purposes in general, or for the purpose of extending
vacation or holiday periods. Personal leave can be used to conduct legal or business matters,
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observe religious holidays, attend funerals not covered by sick leave, or attend to family
matters (e.g., weddings, graduations, taking a child to college, accompanying a child on a
field trip). The foregoing permissible reasons are for illustration purposes only and are not
intended to be exhaustive. Personal leave need not be used when a teacher is called to jury
Teachers are not required to disclose the reason for requesting personal leave except in the
following situations: when the request is for more than two (2) consecutive days, is adjacent
to a holiday or vacation period, is during any parent/teacher conference day, is during a
teacher institute day, is on a school day with a half day of instruction, or is during the months
of May and June.
Except in emergency situations, the request for personal leave shall be submitted two (2)
days in advance of the absence to the building principal/supervisor using the system provided
by the Office of Human Resources for this purpose. Personal leave requests are subject to
review by the building principal and review and final approval by the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources.
Unused personal days will convert to sick leave days at the close of the contract year.
Whenever possible, a teacher will be informed of the status of a personal leave request within
seven (7) work days of the request being filed with the building principal. In the event that a
teacher requires a response to a personal leave request in less than seven (7) work days, a
direct request should be made to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
M. New or Vacant Teaching Positions
When a vacancy occurs within the District, the Superintendent or designee shall post a
vacancy notice in all school buildings and provide a copy to the Association President. This
posting shall occur prior to the public announcement of and recruitment for such openings.
A position shall be considered a vacancy when an outside person could be hired to fill an
opening created through resignation, retirement, promotion, or changing District needs.
Teacher(s) shall have an opportunity to state a preference as to a new assignment and present
their qualifications for the assignment. Teacher(s) who apply for such vacancies shall submit
their applications to the Superintendent or designee within the time limit specified in the
notice, and the Superintendent or designee shall acknowledge promptly in writing the receipt
of all such applications. When the administrative recommendation on filling the assignment
is confirmed by the Board, the teacher shall be promptly informed. If not given the preferred
assignment, the teacher shall receive an explanation from the Superintendent or an
administrator designated by the Superintendent.
Whenever vacancies occur when the regular school year is not in session, the following
procedures shall be followed:
1. Teachers with specific interest in possible vacancies will notify the Superintendent or
designee of such interest, in writing, and provide an address where they can be reached
during the summer.
2. Should a vacancy occur, teachers who have expressed an interest in said positions shall
be contacted in writing by the Superintendent or designee and notified of the vacancy.
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3. The teachers so notified have the responsibility of contacting the administration
indicating their interest in said position within three (3) days of receipt of such notice.
N. Involuntary Transfer of Teachers 
The Board reserves the right to make involuntary transfers for the general welfare of the
District.  An involuntary transfer is the assignment of a teacher, without their consent, to
an elementary or middle school grade level or a home school different from that teacher’s
present assignment.  
Involuntary transfer criteria to be used by the Board include but are not limited to the
teaching experience;
leadership ability;
working relationships with colleagues;
established retirement date;
prior involuntary transfers;
When an involuntary transfer is being considered for performance-related reasons, the
building administrator or supervisor will advise the teacher that such transfer is possible,
and provide the opportunity for both the administrator or supervisor and the teacher to
address these performance concerns before a decision is made to transfer the teacher. 
When an involuntary transfer is determined necessary by the Board, the following
process will apply: 
Step 1 The building administrator or supervisor will meet with the teacher(s) selected
(before any decisions have been finalized) and inform the teacher(s) that an
involuntary transfer is likely.  The teacher(s) shall have the right to be
accompanied by an Association representative or someone else of their
choosing and the building administrator or supervisor shall have the right to be
accompanied by one person at this meeting. At that time, the teacher(s) may
give input and ask questions. Additionally, the teacher will have three (3) school
days after that initial meeting to submit more input and/or express concerns or
objections in writing to the building administrator.  In the event that a grade
level/school change is necessary due to fluctuating enrollment at the elementary
level, a preference questionnaire will be given to each of the teachers and after
completion, submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.  
Step 2 If, after Step 1 is completed, the building administrator or supervisor determines
that the teacher is to be transferred, the building administrator or supervisor will
discuss the transfer with the teacher and the teacher shall be given notice of the
involuntary transfer in writing. Notice of the involuntary transfer will be
delivered to the teacher prior to the end of the school year barring unforeseen
circumstances or a change in elementary section numbers after the school year
has concluded.   
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Step 3 If the teacher objects to the determination of the building administrator or
supervisor, he or she may request a meeting, in writing, with the Superintendent
or their designee. The Superintendent or their designee shall conduct that
meeting within three (3) school days of the request. The teacher shall have the
right to be accompanied by an Association representative or someone else of
their choosing and the superintendent shall have the right to be accompanied by
one person at this meeting. 
Step 4 The Superintendent or their designee shall notify the teacher of his/ her final
decision regarding the transfer of the teacher.  In the event that the
Superintendent or their designee determines that the teacher shall be transferred,
the Superintendent or their designee will provide the teacher with a letter of
assignment within three (3) school days of that meeting.  
Step 5 In the event that after an involuntary transfer decision has been made, a vacancy
occurs in the building or grade level where the teacher is being transferred from,
the affected teacher may be given the opportunity to transfer back to the
building or grade level, pending administrative approval. 
It is expressly agreed that, while the Administration’s failure to participate in any step of
the involuntary transfer process, as set forth above, may be subject to the
grievance/arbitration process, in no event shall any decision made by an administrator or
Superintendent regarding the disposition of the involuntary transfer be subject to the
grievance/arbitration procedure unless the decision was arbitrary or capricious.
O. Dismissal of Teachers
1. Honorable Dismissal of Teachers 
When a teacher, whether or not in contractual continued service, is removed or dismissed
as a result of a decision of the School Board to decrease the number of teachers employed
by the School Board or a decision of the School Board to discontinue some particular
type of teaching service, an affected teacher shall be dismissed according to the
provisions of the Illinois School Code and entitle to all of the rights set forth therein. 
2. Length of Continuing Service 
a. For the purpose of establishing "length of continuing service with the
School District", as used in Section 24-12 of the School Code, the first date of
service will be determined as follows: 
1. For teachers employed before January 1, 2001, the hire date will be the
first day of service or September 1. 
2. For teachers employed after January 1, 2001, the hire date will be
considered the date that the teacher signed their contract or the date that the
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Board signed the contract, or the first day of service, whichever date is
a) In the event that two or more teachers possess the same first date of
service with the School District, the last four digits of the teacher’s social
security number will be used to determine the greater length of continuing
service with the District. The teacher possessing the lower number will be
deemed to have the greater length of continuing service with the District
over the teacher possessing the higher number.  (i.e., 0000 is low, 9999 is
high.  Thus, a teacher with the last four digits of 1982 will be deemed to
have the greater length of continuing service with the District over the
teacher with the last four digits of 2003.) 
b) Any remaining ties will be broken by a toss of a coin or lot.  
c) The School District will provide the Association a copy of the list of
length of continuing service by December 1 of each school year.  A
teacher wishing to appeal their placement on that list must contact the
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by January 15. 
2. Full and part-time teachers will be treated uniformly.
3. A teacher on a Board-approved leave of absence will not disrupt the teacher's
continuing service with the School District. 
4. A teacher who is removed or dismissed but then rehired within fifteen (15)
months of the date that the Board took action regarding the removal or dismissal
will not be deemed to have his or her "continuing service with the School
District" disrupted during said period. 
P. Retirement Incentive Program
1. Eligibility
The Board will offer a retirement incentive program to teachers who meet the following
eligibility criteria:
A. Will have at least fifteen (15) continuous years of full-time service with the
District as a licensed teacher at the time of retirement; and
B. Will be eligible for a retirement annuity from the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement
System (TRS) within a maximum of five (5) school years following delivery of
the required notice of retirement and resignation.
C. Will retire without the Board of Education incurring an “excess salary payment”
(i.e. TRS penalty) in any of the four years of employment used by TRS to
determine the retirement annuity.
D. Retirement must occur at the end of a school year but no later than June 30, 2031.
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2. TRS creditable earnings are defined solely by TRS and include, but are not limited to,
salary for regular contractual teaching duties, extra-duty earnings, substitute teaching,
teachings that is completed after school hours, and homebound teaching.
3. Notice of Retirement and Conditions
A. The teacher must submit a written notice of retirement and irrevocable resignation to the
Superintendent or designee no later than June 30 of the year prior to the year in which the
teacher wishes to first participate in this Incentive Program.
The teacher’s notice of retirement is irrevocable but may only be rescinded if the teacher
experiences a “major life event” as defined by the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Provided, however, that such rescission shall be conditioned
upon the teacher’s timely repayment of any compensation previously received under this
Program. Any such required repayment will be in a mutually acceptable and timely manner.
B. Under no circumstances shall the teacher’s total TRS creditable earnings in any school
year in which notice is given, or in any subsequent school year of employment, increase by
more than six percent (6%) from one year to the next.
C. No teacher shall be allowed to participate in the retirement incentive benefit in this
Agreement if the Board will incur an “excess salary payment” (i.e., a TRS penalty) as a result
of the teacher’s retirement.
D. The teacher will not be required or allowed to perform any paid extra-duty not performed
in the year prior to the first year the incentive is paid for the duration of the retirement notice
E. Prior to submitting the retirement notice, the teacher must meet with the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources to review the retirement program and conditions of
F. A teacher who has submitted their irrevocable notice of intent to retire and who
subsequently decides to retire earlier than stated in the notice of intent to retire and
resignation letter, shall give notice to the Board by February 15 in the school year in which
retirement will occur, will be allowed to retire early provided the early retirement will not
cause the Board to incur an “excess salary payment” (i.e., TRS penalty) in any of the four
years of employment used by TRS to determine the retirement annuity. For notice given after
February 15, the Board may grant the request at its discretion.
4. Benefit
A. Teachers who meet the eligibility and notice requirements set forth above shall be
removed from the salary schedule and extra duty pay schedule, and:
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1. If a notice of retirement is submitted by June 30 five years prior to the retirement,
the teacher shall have their next school year (year immediately following the June 30
notice deadline) earnings increased, where necessary, so that they receive a 6% increase
in total creditable earnings over the prior school year; the teacher shall receive a 6%
increase in their total creditable earnings for each of their five remaining years of service;
2. If a notice of retirement is submitted by June 30 four years prior to the retirement,
the teacher shall have their next school year (year immediately following the June 30
notice deadline) earnings increased, where necessary, so that they receive a 6% increase
in total creditable earnings over the prior school year; the teacher shall receive a 6%
increase in their total creditable earnings for each of their four remaining years of service;
3. If a notice of retirement is submitted by June 30 three years prior to the
retirement, the teacher shall have their next school year (year immediately following the
June 30 notice deadline) earnings increased, where necessary, so that they receive a 6%
increase in total creditable earnings over the prior school year; the teacher shall receive a
6% increase in their total creditable earnings for each of their three remaining years of
service; or
4. If a notice of retirement is submitted by June 30 two years prior to the retirement,
the teacher shall have their next school year (year immediately following the June 30
notice deadline) earnings increased, where necessary, so that they receive a 6% increase
in total creditable earnings over the prior school year; the teacher shall receive a 6%
increase in their total creditable earnings for each of their two remaining years of service;
5. If a notice of retirement is submitted by June 30 one year prior to the retirement,
the teacher shall have their next school year (year immediately following the June 30
notice deadline) earnings increased, where necessary, so that they receive a 6% increase
in total creditable earnings over the prior school year; the teacher shall receive a 6%
increase in their total creditable earnings in their final year of service.
6. For teachers entering the retirement incentive program in the 2023-2024 school
year, their notice will be due on Oct. 15
, 2023.
B. The teacher shall continue to perform all duties performed in the year prior to the
first year the incentive is paid for the duration of the retirement notice period. If a teacher
voluntarily resigns or is removed by the Board from any extra duty assignment following
notice of retirement, the calculation of the teacher’s six percent (6%) increase shall be
reduced by the amount of the extra duty compensation that was being paid to the teacher.
However, in the event the Board eliminates an extra duty position, the parties will agree
on a mutually acceptable substitute assignment; and
C. A teacher who completes coursework or who otherwise would be entitled to
movement on the salary schedule or extra duty pay schedule shall not receive additional
compensation beyond the six percent (6%) increase provided by this retirement provision
excluding earnings that are expressly exempt under state law from the 6% calculation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement or otherwise, a teacher approved
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for the retirement incentive shall not receive more than a six percent (6%) total increase
in their total creditable earnings in any year during their participation in the retirement
incentive excluding earnings that are expressly exempt under state law from the 6%
Q. Insurance
1. Teachers must be employed a minimum of .5 time, to be entitled to participate in the
insurance programs described herein on a pro rata basis.
2. The District will offer health insurance plans and dental plan including PPO and
Managed Care Plan options, subject to the limitations and requirements of any benefit
cooperative in which the District may be a member.
Specific information, including each plan’s out of pocket limit, deductible and co-payment
schedule is available on the District’s website.
3. The following schedule represents the percentage of total premium costs which will be
paid by the District on behalf of the teacher should insurance coverage be requested
through the term of this Agreement.
Single Coverage:
95% Health/Medical
100% Dental
Dependent (Family) Coverage:
75% Health/Medical
50% Dental
4. PPO High Deductible Plan . For the life of this Agreement, any teacher who enrolls in the
PPO 1500 plan during the term of this Agreement shall be entitled to a yearly contribution by
the Board in the amount of $750 to the teacher’s healthcare savings account (HSA).
5. The Board and the Association agree that there exists a mutual, beneficial need to contain
increasing medical insurance costs. To this end, a District Health Insurance Committee will be
established to consider the following:
a) Review data regarding the current benefit costs and utilization rates
b) Research and consider cost-saving measures
c) Explore activities and options to promote employee wellness
d) Review current prescription drug plan costs and utilization rates
e) Review procedures for establishing District insurance premiums
f) Consider necessary changes to plan design
g) Other ideas which may contain or reduce health insurance costs for the District and
bargaining unit members
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In performing its work, the Committee may have access to the District broker/consultant,
as well as other outside resources as may be needed.
The composition of this Committee will be as follows:
a) The GEA President
b) Five (5) teachers selected by the GEA President
c) Two (2) members of the Board of Education
d) The Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
e) The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
f) Representatives from other employee groups including non-union support staff, union
support staff and representation from the Operation and Maintenance staff. The
permissible number of these representatives will be determined by the GEA President
and Superintendent or designees.
In conducting its work, the Committee will be governed by a consensus decisional model.
Committee recommendations must be made to the Superintendent and GEA President no
later than the end of the month following the NIHIP preliminary renewal. Implementation
of any Committee recommendations shall require the approval of the Board and the GEA.
6. The District will provide group term life insurance for teachers equivalent to the
amount of their annual salary as found on the teacher salary schedule rounded up to the
following increments: $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 and $125,000. Additional coverage
may be purchased by individuals, subject to the limits of the policy.
7. Teachers electing not to participate in the health/medical/dental benefit program offered
by the District may be reimbursed, on a calendar year basis, for costs incurred for routine
dental and vision/eye care. Such reimbursement will be limited to an amount not to exceed
$500 per calendar year and is available for an eligible spouse, all dependent children, and
other dependents as defined by the School District family insurance plan.
R. Security Cameras
The purpose and use of security cameras is to monitor illegal activity or activity that violates
the student handbook, unauthorized access to restricted areas, and unauthorized removal of
personal and/or District property or damage to property.
The purpose of security cameras is not to observe or evaluate the performance of a teacher or
monitor their behavior or conduct.
Security cameras will only be used in school common areas, including but not limited to
hallways, building entrances, administrative offices, parking lots, grounds, and cafeterias.
Security cameras will not be placed in classrooms. A teacher who wishes to conduct a class
in an area where a security camera is located can inform an administrator of the time and
duration of the class so that the camera will be turned off for the duration of the class.
Security cameras will not be used to observe a teacher’s performance or be used in the
teacher evaluation process.
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Access to the data from security cameras may be viewed by appropriate District personnel in
connection with investigations of suspected illegal activity or for security violations. Access
to data involving teachers will be limited to appropriate District personnel and school
attorneys, police liaison officers, law enforcement officials, and in response to subpoenas or
court orders. Review of this data will be done in one of the offices of the parties listed
above. If the review of security camera data reveals alleged misconduct by a teacher, the
teacher and the Association President will be notified and may review the data depicting the
alleged teacher misconduct. The imposing of any discipline against a teacher as a result of
an investigation using security camera data shall be in accordance with the Progressive
Discipline section of this Agreement.
At the time any new security camera is activated in any school building, all teachers of the
building shall be notified of the use of security camera, where it is located, and when it shall
be used. All new employees shall be notified of the use and placement of security cameras as
a part of the New Teacher Induction Program.
S. Pupil Discipline
1. The teacher has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within the
classroom and shares responsibility with the Board and the administration for discipline
throughout the school. The Board recognizes the responsibility of the District to provide
reasonable support and assistance to the teacher through its policies and the administration
and organization of the schools with respect to the maintenance of discipline in the classroom
and throughout the school.
2. Since both the Board and the Association realize that little can be done to improve
discipline in a School District without the active involvement of teachers, it is agreed that the
District program of in-service development will regularly include programs to reduce
discipline problems.
3. Appearances in court as witnesses in cases that are school-connected and similar activities
will continue to be treated as regular duty for pay and pay-related matters.
T. Sick Leave
Each teacher will receive at least 10 days of sick leave per year at full pay. Sick leave shall
be interpreted to mean personal illness, quarantine at home, serious illness or death in the
immediate family or household, or birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. For purposes
of this paragraph, immediate family shall include parents, spouse, brothers, sisters, children
(including step children), grandparents, grandchildren, parent-in-law, brother/sister-in-law
and legal guardians. Teachers may accumulate an unlimited amount of unused sick days.
Teachers will receive sick days each year as follows:
In-District Years of Service
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The Parties expressly agree that the Board reserves the right to require any necessary
certification and/or other documentation, as provided for in Section 24-6 of the Illinois
School Code.
During core hours, any absence from the building during unassigned time (not including
duty free lunch periods) will require notification to the principal or other administrator as
assigned through an established procedure at each building and may not be of a routine
nature. Absence during assigned contact or supervision time will be accounted for on a
pro-rata basis using hour increments for elementary teachers (one hour = 1/5 day) and
period increments for middle school (one period = 1/6 day) and high school teachers (one
period = 1/5 day) as either a sick or personal day consistent with the purpose of the absence.
Certified staff (including, but not limited to, guidance counselors, psychologists, social
workers, and student assistance coordinators) without regularly scheduled student contact
time will be allowed absence from the building during core hours equal to the planning
period scheduled for other teachers in their building.
U. Leave of Absence
Various leaves of absence are available to teachers. These include Family and Medical
Leave, Job-Sharing Leave, Sabbatical Leave, and Unpaid Leave. Teachers desiring to apply
for these leaves should reference application procedures described in or attached to Board
Policies #5:250 and #5:185. A brief summary of application procedures for Unpaid Leave
and Family and Medical Leave is provided below.
1. Full Leave Procedures:
The following procedures will be used when a request for an unpaid leave (full or partial)
is received from a certified teacher employed in the District. Unpaid leave is provided
for in Board Policy #5:250.
a. A teacher requesting an unpaid full leave of absence must submit the request in writing
to the Office of Human Resources by October 15 for the second semester and by
February 15 for the first semester of the following year or for both semesters of the
following year. The teacher shall specify the purpose of the leave, specify the start
and end date of the leave. Only tenured teachers are permitted to request a full leave
of absence. Non-tenured teachers (full-time and part-time) are not eligible for a full
leave of absence.
b. Prior to submitting the leave request by the date specified in the above paragraph, the
teacher must schedule a meeting with the Assistant Superintendent of Human
Resources to review the policy and procedural requirements and salary/benefit
implications of the leave.
c. Upon receipt of the written leave request and after consultation with the building
principal who supervises the teacher requesting the leave, the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources will forward the leave of absence request to the
Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent of Schools will then make a final
recommendation to the Board.
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d. Following Board action, and no later than November 15 (for a second semester leave)
and April 15 (for a first semester or full year leave), the Assistant Superintendent of
Human Resources will notify the teacher in writing of the final disposition of the
leave request, and will include when the leave begins, when the leave ends, and the
deadlines for application to extend the leave. Also attached to the letter will be the
appropriate Board policy and leave of absence guidelines.
e. The deadlines for submitting a leave of absence request may be waived at the
discretion of the Superintendent of Schools.
f. If an unpaid leave of absence is granted by the Board in the first semester of a school
year and continues through the remainder of the school year, teachers may be granted
an unpaid leave of absence for all or part of the following school year.
g. If an unpaid leave of absence is granted by the Board in the second semester of a
school year, a teacher may be granted an unpaid leave of absence for no more than
two (2) consecutive years following the school year in which the first unpaid leave of
absence was granted.
h. A teacher on a full leave will receive a letter on or about January 15 requesting
information by February 15 regarding the teacher’s intentions for returning the
following year.
i. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources will forward a report to the
Superintendent of Schools by May 1 of each school year regarding the status of
teachers on leave in the School District.
j. In any academic year, a teacher must serve one (1) semester or more (or the
equivalent number of days) to advance step credit on the salary schedule.
k. A teacher returning from a leave of absence will be notified on or about June 1
regarding the specific teaching assignment for the following academic year.
2. Partial Leave Procedures
a. A teacher may request an unpaid partial leave of absence (i.e., part-time assignment)
depending on the availability of part-time positions in the School District as
determined at the sole discretion of the School District. This request should be in
writing and submitted to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources after the
part-time position is posted throughout the School District. Only tenured teachers are
permitted to request an unpaid partial leave of absence.
b. Prior to submitting the leave request, the teacher must schedule a meeting with the
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to review the policy and procedural
requirements and salary/benefit implications of the leave.
c. A teacher on partial leave has until February 15 of any academic year to declare their
intentions to return to full-time status the following year; to request a full leave of
absence if the teacher is eligible for such leave; or to resign their full-time position.
Requests for a second year of partial leave will be addressed by the administration
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based on the availability of part-time positions, the qualifications of the teacher, and
the needs of the District.
d. The length of a partial leave of absence shall not in any event extend beyond the end
of the school year commencing after the school year in which the leave first
e. The combined length of a full leave of absence (semester or full year) followed by a
partial leave (or vice versa) shall not in any event extend beyond the end of the school
year commencing after the school year in which the leave first commenced.
f. A teacher on a partial leave in any academic year will advance on the salary schedule
(step credit) if he/she works the equivalent of at least one (1) semester. A teacher on
a partial leave will be entitled to salary and benefits, in an amount that is prorated
based on the percentage of a full workday he/she works (e.g., a teacher working a .60
full-time equivalent (FTE) schedule would receive 60% of their normal salary and
60% of the Board’s health insurance contribution for a full-time teacher). A teacher
must be employed a minimum of .50 FTE to be eligible to participate in the
health/dental insurance program.
g. The length of any leave may be extended by the administration at its discretion, based
on the availability of a part-time position, the qualifications of the teacher, and the
needs of the District.
h. If a request by a teacher for a partial leave of absence is denied, the Office of Human
Resources will provide the applicant with a letter stating the reasons for the denial.
3. FMLA Procedures
The following procedures will be used when a request for Family and Medical Leave is
received from a staff member employed in the District. Family and Medical Leave
(FMLA) is provided for in Board Policy #5:185
a. FMLA entitles eligible employees up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid, job-protected
leave for specified family and medical reasons.
b. A staff member requesting a FMLA leave must submit the request in writing to the
Office of Human Resources at least thirty (30) days before the start of the leave when
the need is foreseeable. When possible, it is recommended that a written request for
FMLA leave be submitted at least sixty (60) days before the start of the leave. The
staff member shall specify the purpose of the leave, specify the start and date of the
leave and, when requested, attach the medical certifications supporting the need for
the leave due to a serious health condition affecting the employee, a spouse, a child or
a parent. To be eligible for FMLA leave an employee must have worked for the
employer for at least a total of twelve (12) months or have worked at least 1000 hours
over the prior twelve (12) months.
c. Prior to submitting the leave request, the staff member may schedule a meeting with
the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or designee to review the policy
and procedural requirements and salary/benefit implications of the leave.
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d. Upon receipt of the written leave request and after consultation with the building
principal/director who supervises the staff member requesting the leave, the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources will forward the leave of absence request to the
e. Following receipt of a FMLA request, the Assistant Superintendent of Human
Resources will notify the staff member in writing of the final disposition of the leave
request and will include in the letter when the leave begins, when the leave ends, and
what is required to return to work. Also attached to the letter will be the appropriate
Board policy and leave guidelines.
f. If a request by a staff member for a leave of absence is denied, the Office of Human
Resources will provide the staff member with a letter stating the reasons for the
g. Maximum number of eligible days – childbirth without regard to medical need
1. The Illinois School Code allows teachers to utilize up to 30 days of accrued sick
leave in connection with the birth of a child without regard to medical need. These 30
days may be used anytime within 12 months from the date of birth of the child. These
30 days shall be referred to as the “School Code Days.”
2. In addition to the School Code Days, teachers shall be allowed to utilize up to 30
additional accrued sick leave days for non-medical birth-related leave. These 30 days
shall be referred to as the “District Days.” The District Days must be utilized starting
with the first workday immediately following the birth of a child.
3. As a result of the School Code Days and District Days, teachers may use up to 60
accrued sick leave days for non-medical birth related leave, subject to the time
limitations for the use of those days as set forth herein.
4. Both the School Code Days and District Days will be applied to any FMLA leave
taken by the teacher following the birth of the child (if eligible for FMLA).
V. Services to be Made Available for Student Services and Special Education Students
1. Special Education Assistants’ Qualifications/Teacher Input
Special education assistants will continue to be provided to classrooms in conformity
with the direction of the Individualized Educational Program (IEP). The input of the
classroom teacher and other appropriate certified staff will be solicited in the interview
and placement process, when appropriate, and in the development of the annual
evaluation of the special education assistant.
In order to support students within the least restrictive environment, the classroom
teacher and special education personnel providing services to students requiring the
support of a special education assistant are entitled to the following:
a. Pre-Academic Year Instructional Planning Time
Each classroom teacher, resource teacher, and other appropriate student services
personnel and the special education assistant will be provided with a maximum of
twelve (12) hours of instructional planning time prior to the commencement of the
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academic year to prepare for the instructional needs of the student. Such time will be
developed in cooperation with the Director of Student Services and the building
principal. Certified staff will be compensated for their participation in this
instructional planning time at the regular “Summer School” per hour rate.
b. Academic Year Instructional Planning Time - Curriculum Modification Time
One 30-minute period per week of curriculum and/or behavioral modification time
between the classroom teacher, resource teacher, and student services personnel (as
appropriate) and the special education assistant will be provided as deemed
appropriate by the student's IEP team and will be listed in the IEP.
c. Special Education Instructional Assistant Preparation Time - Implementation of
Curriculum Modification
Each elementary school will assign special education assistants in order to facilitate
planning time for the special education assistant and the classroom teacher. Provision
of such a special education assistant will result in at least thirty (30) minutes common
planning time per week for the special education assistant and the classroom teacher.
2. Elementary, Middle School, and High School Resource FTE Workload Formula
a. Elementary: A full-time resource teacher (1 FTE) will have a maximum caseload of 20
total IEP students. Since each of those students requires about 10% of their time for
meetings, collaboration, and modifying curriculum, and with the additional responsibility
of Problem Solving Team meetings requiring another 5%, that number will automatically
be reduced by 3 (15% of total) thereby reducing the total maximum caseload to 17.
b. A Workload Committee including Board/District representatives and Association
members (including at least one Learning Behavior Specialist {LBS} from each level and
at least one self-contained LBS) shall be established to conduct a study and review of the
total workload / hours for LBS to make recommendation(s) to the Board for
consideration and possible approval.
3. Annual Review Preparation Time
Teachers shall be paid at the rate of $40 per hour up to the following number of days for
completion of paperwork for annual reviews with option for teacher to request additional
time subject to administrator approval:
a. High School – 4 days (32 hours)
b. Self-contained programs at Elementary and Middle School (SLC, FAST) – 4 days
(32 hours)
c. Elementary and Middle School - 3 days (24 hours)
Teachers are expected to complete the paperwork outside of their regularly scheduled
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4. Middle School Resource Study Hall
Middle school special education teachers who have a study hall as their assigned duty
will work with administration to help define a mutually agreed upon structure of that
study hall.
5. Student Services
A Workload Committee shall review the time spent/required for instructional planning
time prior to the commencement of the academic year for Student Assistance
Coordinator, Guidance Counselors and Certified Nurses and make recommendations to
the Board for consideration and possible approval.
W. Class Size and Section Numbers
1. The Board and the Association will work cooperatively to develop pupil-teacher ratios that
promote learning and are possible within the limitations of facilities, finances, and other
considerations. An effort shall be made to balance class size and student needs within grade
levels. As a desirable goal regarding pupil-teacher ratios in the overall School District, the
District will aspire to maintain a District-wide pupil-teacher ratio of no more than twenty-
five (25) students per teacher. Individual conditions such as: the provision of assistants,
available student workstations, learner characteristics and the unique nature of specialized
programs may make more or fewer students appropriate.
2. A Class Size Committee shall be formed and be comprised of equal numbers of
Association and Board/District representatives. The Committee shall include at least one (1)
Board member and at least one (1) LBS Teacher. The Committee shall conduct a classroom
study to begin within the first trimester of the 2023-2024 school year and shall make
recommendation(s) to the Board for consideration and possible approval.
3. At the elementary level, if enrollment in a class exceeds 25 students but is less than 28
students, or if compelling circumstances otherwise exist (e.g., where enrollment is less than
25 students but includes a particularly challenging class composition), and the teacher
believes that the pupil-teacher ratio in their classroom is not appropriate, the teacher may
initiate a review by utilizing the Class Size Form made available by the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources. Elementary specials teachers may use the Class Size
Form to initiate a review of their section numbers when the number of sections reaches 44
sections of Music or Physical Education or 21 sections of Art. The completed Form is to be
submitted to the building principal. If a meeting to discuss the teacher’s concern is requested
on the Form, the building principal shall convene a meeting with the teacher and a
representative of the Association to discuss the concerns. Should an acceptable resolution not
be found at the building level, the teacher may advance the issue to the Superintendent or
designee for resolution.
4. At the elementary level, when a class size exceeds 27 students, the principal shall
automatically review with the teacher and other related staff, the need for additional
classroom support. For elementary specials teachers, when the number of sections exceeds
45 sections of Music or Physical Education or 22 sections of Art, the principal shall
automatically review with the teacher the need for additional classroom support. Additional
classroom support includes but is not limited to the following: an instructional or clerical
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aide; relief from supervision responsibilities; a stipend; additional planning time; class
composition change; splitting the class; or reducing a specials teacher’s load by assigning
some sections to other specials teachers. Unless declined by the teacher, the principal shall
assign an instructional aide to the classroom for at least two and one half hours (2.5) per day,
exclusive of any existing special education assistants. If an instructional aide is declined by
the teacher but the principal determines that the assignment of an instructional aide is
appropriate, the principal’s decision shall be final. The summary of that review will be
forwarded to the Superintendent.
5. At the middle school and high school levels, if the teacher believes that the pupil-teacher
ratio in their classroom is not appropriate, the teacher may initiate a review by utilizing the
Class Size Form made available by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The
completed Form is to be submitted to the Principal. If a meeting to discuss the teacher’s
concern is requested in the Form, the Principal (or designee) shall convene a meeting with
the teacher and a representative of the Association to discuss the concerns. Should an
acceptable resolution not be found at the building level, the teacher may advance the issue to
the Superintendent or designee for resolution.
6. Enrollment in classrooms with limited workstations (e.g., laboratories, shop class, etc.)
shall not exceed the number of workstations in the classroom, unless approved by the
7. Annually, the GEA President and Superintendent, or their designees, shall meet to review
the concerns and information submitted on the submitted Class Size Forms.
X. Workday/Work Schedule
1. Professional Workday
a. Every teacher must work an eight-hour day, which includes a duty-free lunch. Teachers
must be present during core hours, which are fifteen (15) minutes before and twenty (20)
minutes after the student day. The other minutes required to fulfill an eight-hour day may
be added before or after the student day at the teacher’s discretion. For teacher in-service,
teacher institute and school improvement days, teacher attendance will be required for a
period of time equivalent with the regular core hours on normal instructional days.
b. Standard Teacher Workday*
Elementary teacher: 7:40 - 3:40
Middle School teacher: 8:05 - 4:05
High School teacher: 7:25 - 3:25
* Standard teacher workday starting and ending times may be adjusted due to
changing transportation needs or other academic scheduling outside of the standard
workday (i.e. early bird classes).
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On the last day of student attendance, the Elementary student dismissal shall
be at 1:00 p.m. and Elementary teachers shall be released at 1:15 p.m.
On the last day of student attendance, the 6
and 7
grade student dismissal
shall be at 1:45 p.m. and Middle School teachers shall be released at 2:00
On all full-day Teacher Institute Days, all teachers shall be released 30
minutes earlier than the times otherwise listed for the “Standard Teacher
c. Regularly scheduled building level meetings (including, but not limited to, faculty
meetings, student instructional support appointments, parent conferences, student service
meetings and appointments) will be held within the standard workday and participation in
these meetings is not discretionary and will be considered a professional responsibility
unless there are extenuating circumstances or upon agreement of the participants.
Regularly scheduled meetings (including, but not limited to faculty meetings, grade level
meetings, department meetings, team meetings) may be extended fifteen (15) minutes
beyond the end of the standard workday if notice is given at least one (1) week in
d. Additional Duties: The following are understood to be part of the teachers’ regular job
duties and shall not be subject to additional compensation via stipend, per diem
compensations, or other extra compensation for out-of-class responsibilities.
All teachers attending Back to School / Curriculum Night;
Elementary teachers attending Spring Open House;
Elementary teachers assisting with supervision of students during evening
Grade teachers attending Meet the Teacher Night during Locker Set-up Night;
Grade teachers attending Spring 5
Grade Parent Night on a biannual rotation;
Grade teachers attending Promotion Ceremony; and
Middle School teachers who teach more than one level at the middle schools shall
participate in the 6
grade or the 8
grade spring activities. The middle school
principals will ask their respective staff which activity is preferred and make
assignments by preference when feasible. The principal shall split up the
exploratory and P.E. departments to assign grade levels to half of each
e. Attendance by teachers at all other activities not listed in part d. above or otherwise
expressly addressed in the CBA shall be voluntary or pre-approved for compensation
by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
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2. Teaching Load
Teaching positions vary in regard to schedules and job descriptions. However, in an
attempt to maintain reasonable equity among positions, the criteria below will be applied.
An elementary teacher shall teach no more than 1,495 minutes per week. For
purposes of determining Full Time Equivalency for Elementary Content
Specialists (Art, Music, PE) the following standards will be applied:
Physical Education/Music: up to 46 sections – a section is defined as a
30-minute period.
Art: up to 23 sections – a section is defined as a 60-minute period.
If Physical Education/Music sections fall below 46, or if Art sections fall below
23, then the District has the right to fill an Elementary Content Specialist's
schedule with additional duties/responsibilities.
Middle School:
Full-time middle school teachers will be assigned to five (5) instructional periods
and one (1) supervision period, except for band, orchestra and choir teachers, who
will be assigned to six (6) instructional periods.
High School:
Full-time high school teachers will be assigned to five (5) instructional periods
and one (1) five minute hallway supervision duty per day (or time equivalent).
For itinerant teachers, travel time shall be counted as part of their teaching load.
For teachers in positions not adhering to specific class schedules, (including, but not
limited to, guidance counselors, psychologists, social workers, and student assistance
coordinators) student contact time and hallway supervision duty (or time equivalent) is
expected to be maintained between the limits specified above.
3. Teacher Planning Time
Included in the standard teacher work day will be time dedicated to teacher's classroom
preparation, student contact, faculty meetings, parent meetings, student meetings, and
supervision duties.
At the elementary level, preparation time includes one (1) daily planning period within
the student day totally 180 minutes weekly and the time before and after school.
At the middle school level, preparation time includes two (2) planning periods, one of
which may be a team planning period, and the time before and after school. At the high
school level, preparation time includes two (2) planning periods minus one (1) 5-minute
supervision duty and the time before and after school.
Middle school teachers at each building may designate a “Team Communicator,” who will
meet with the Principal (or designee) as needed for the purpose of:
a) Scheduling foreseeable interruptions to team planning meetings;
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b) Setting an agenda for team planning meetings, if necessary;
c) Reviewing elements of effective meetings; and,
d) Annually reviewing the implementation of team planning meetings.
Additionally, the building leadership team (BLT) and middle school administration PLC
will meet to collaborate concerning the introduction of new initiatives appropriate for
team planning periods.
All levels reserve Wednesdays after school for building meeting time. Any request which
may require teachers to take on additional responsibilities during their preparation time
will be mutually agreed upon by the administration and Association representatives in that
4. Supervision
Supervision is defined as non-instructional monitoring of students for the purpose of
ensuring their safety and proper behavior. All teachers are responsible for student
supervision in the general vicinity of their classroom. If a teacher has students entering
their classroom during passing periods, the teacher must remain in view of the classroom
during those periods, when circumstances permit.
A non-precedential exception to this definition of supervision is the Math Lab at the
Middle School level. In place of a supervision period, math teachers will provide small
group remedial instruction for students below grade level in math. The Math Lab will be
structured in the following way for the math teacher: 50% of the class periods will be
reserved for instruction of the math lab and 50% of the class periods will be reserved for
plan time to be used at the discretion of the teacher to be equally distributed throughout
the year.
5. Part-Time Teachers
Part-time teachers will participate at the same level as full-time teachers in required
regularly scheduled faculty meetings, back-to-school nights, parent conferences, other co-
curricular events involving their students and supervisory duty assignments or rotations
with no additional compensation unless there are extenuating circumstances and a written
agreement is entered into between the principal and the part-time teacher and approved
by the Assistant Superintendent - Human Resources.
6. Elementary Teacher Progress Report Preparation Time
To alleviate teacher workload outside of the Professional Work Day related to progress
report preparation at the elementary level:
During the first trimester:
According to the regular District calendar adopted annually by the Board.
During the second trimester:
Teachers at the elementary level with progress report responsibilities shall use any
available time during the period allotted for parent-teacher conferences for
completing student progress reports. Teachers shall schedule only necessary
conferences with parents during the designated conference period in such a manner
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that maximizes available time and shall appropriately limit conference duration
without sacrificing the best interests of the student. Teachers shall schedule
conferences only when requested by the parent or when the teacher believes the
conference is necessary for the educational development of the student. The teacher
shall submit to the Building Principal a written record of conference time. If
scheduled parent-teacher conferences reduce the time available for progress report
preparation and additional time is necessary to complete the reports, the teacher shall
receive a single block of release time scheduled jointly by the teacher and Building
Principal to be used exclusively for the purpose of preparing progress reports. The
release time shall not exceed the time spent in conference with parents on the
designated conference day, up to three hours.
During the third trimester:
According to the regular District calendar adopted annually by the Board.
Y. Overload Teaching Assignments
Neither the District nor the Association will promote the practice of overload teaching
assignments. However, in the event that an overload assignment is required, the following
guidelines will be applied:
1. An overload position will be limited to a single teaching section, no longer than one (1)
year in length.
2. Overload positions will be posted within the building.
3. Assignment to an overload position must be mutually agreeable to the District and the
4. Unless the District and the Association agree, an employee will only be eligible to accept
an overload assignment once every five (5) years.
5. Teachers who have release time for other duties will generally not be eligible to accept an
overload assignment.
7. When a teacher accepts an overload assignment, all benefits will continue to be assigned
based upon a 1.0 full-time equivalent teaching assignment.
Z. Professional Relations
A constant and meaningful professional relationship between teachers and administrators is a
critical element of an effective and productive educational climate. Open dialogue regarding
school operations, school improvement, and the performance of both teachers and
administrators is desired. Consistent with Board Policies addressing teacher and
administrator evaluation, regular formative input will be invited, valued, and applied by both
teachers and administrators. All input shall be presented in a manner that is professional and
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productive and shall be presented primarily during evaluation opportunities established
specifically for the exchange of performance related criticism.
References to personalities or leadership/teaching styles must be directly related to
performance areas specified in employee job descriptions.
If an administrator or a teacher finds that a specific concern arises regarding the performance
of another teacher or administrator that needs to be communicated beyond specific evaluation
opportunities, the following step-by-step process should be followed until the concern is
A. Informal Procedures:
1. Bring the issue to the attention of the individual employee,
2. Communicate the information to the immediate supervisor of the employee,
B. Formal Procedures:
1. Communicate the information in writing and by appointment to the Assistant
Superintendent of Human Resources.
2. Communicate the information in writing and by appointment to the Superintendent of
3. Communicate the information in writing to the Board and appear before the Board in
closed session if requested.
A representative(s) of the Association may be included at a teacher's request at any step in
the process outlined above.
This information will be kept confidential and following these steps will be considered
professional and have no negative consequences. Unprofessional actions will be processed
in accordance with Board policies.
AA. District Level Committee Guidelines
1. All District committees will follow the guidelines below:
a) Openings for committees will be posted through Geneva304 email before the first day of
school. The postings for committees will include the anticipated number of meetings, total
anticipated number of hours required for meetings, any anticipated work required outside of
the committee meetings, length of term on this committee, the goals of the committee, and
the compensation paid.
b) When appropriate, openings for the co-chair of a committee will also be posted. The co-
chair posting will include all of the above posting requirements as well as the listing of any
other duties and meetings required of the position.
c) A contract will be provided to each member of a paid committee no later than the first
committee meeting and will be signed by the teacher and the chair(s) of the committee.
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d) If the number of meetings or the total number of hours exceeds the contract guidelines, the
committee would automatically be increased to the next level committee.
e) It is a responsibility of committee members to communicate committee work to the teachers
in their buildings on a regular basis.
2. There are two levels of compensation that may apply to teacher committee work.
a) A Level 1 committee will meet outside of the student day, a minimum of five (5) times
for at least ten (10) hours. The stipend rate for a Level 1 committee will be .020 of the
correlating school year’s indexing salary figure. Committee chairpersons will receive an
additional .01 rate in compensation for the added responsibility.
b) A Level 2 committee will meet outside of the student day, a minimum of ten (10) times
for at least twenty (20) hours. The stipend rate for a Level 2 committee will be .030 of
the correlating school year’s indexing salary figure. Committee chairpersons will receive
an additional .015 rate in compensation for the added responsibility.
c) Committees that do not qualify for Level 1 will not be compensated.
d) When a committee is required to meet predominantly in the evening, the number of
required meetings needed to qualify for the above stated levels will be reduced by one-
half (1/2). When a committee, upon administrative approval, exceeds the minimum
required number of meetings and hours of the next applicable level, the committee
stipend will be adjusted.
3. It is the responsibility of the committee chairperson(s) to take attendance at all committee
meetings. The expectation for attendance at committee meetings is very high due to the
direct impact that attendance has upon the ability of the committee to complete its task. It
will be the responsibility of the Assistant Superintendent-Learning and Teaching to monitor
the attendance of all committee members and to reduce or cancel committee compensation if
attendance expectations are not met.
4. It is also the responsibility of the committee chairperson(s) to review compensation
guidelines at the first committee meeting to ensure that all committee members understand
the number and length of committee meetings.
5. Compensation for committee work will take place following the completion of the work of
the committee or no later than the first pay period in June. A committee member will have
their compensation reduced by 10% for each committee meeting absence in excess of one
(Level I committee) or in excess of two (Level II committee), excluding those committee
absences on a day that a teacher is on sick or personal leave.
6. Acceptance of a committee assignment is made with the expectation that it may be a multi-
year commitment. Most committee assignments will be limited, however, to three (3) years.
7. In addition to compensation, teachers may earn recertification credit for membership on
certain committees. The Office of Human Resources maintains a list of committees that
qualify for recertification credit.
8. Teacher Administration Communication Team
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A Teacher Administration Communication Team (TACT) will meet at least three (3) times a
year to discuss items of mutual concern in a collaborative setting. The makeup of this
committee will include district administration relevant to particular agenda topics as well as
GEA leadership. This committee shall discuss matters of mutual concern, work to resolve
issues, provide input to committees as needed, and discuss the implications of possible future
District initiatives. The TACT will be co-chaired by the Superintendent and the President of
the Association.
AB. Building Level Committee Guidelines
Building Leadership Teams
Each school will have a Building Leadership Team (BLT) that will resolve issues that arise
in the building, plan new initiatives to be undertaken in the building, and carry out any other
duties necessary to planning and preparation for the building.
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A. The parties mutually agree that the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement represent
the full and complete understanding and commitment between the parties hereto which may be
altered, changed, added to, deleted from or modified only through the voluntary, mutual consent
of the parties in an amendment hereto, during the term of this Agreement.
B. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an
amendment in writing duly executed by both parties.
C. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be reflected in individual contracts and shall
be implemented through Board policy. During the term of this Agreement, contracts and
notifications will be consistent with the Agreement.
D. Should any Article, Section, or clause of this Agreement be declared illegal by a court of
competent jurisdiction or be found to be in violation of any Illinois or federal statute or any rule
or regulation of an Illinois or federal administrative agency, said Article, Section, or clause, as
the case may be, shall be automatically deleted from this Agreement to the extent that it violated
the law, statute, rule, or regulation, but the remaining Articles, Sections and clauses shall remain
in full force and effect for the duration of the agreement, if not affected by the deleted Article,
Section or clause. Either the Association or the District may request interim bargaining to resolve
the issues related to deleted Articles, Sections and clauses.
This Agreement shall be effective beginning August 15, 2023, and expire August 14, 2026.
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Salary Schedule 2023-2024
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Salary Schedule 2024-2025
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Salary Schedule 2025-2026