Deepen Your Knowledge. Become a Teacher.
Exclusive program at Mamallapuram, India.
Internationally recognized qualification.
Hatha Yoga of
Krishnamacharya &
Mindfulness for Svastha
Teacher Training with the Mohans
4-26 January 2020 (200 hours)
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 3
DIRECT STUDY WITH THE MOHANS .......................... 4
ABOUT THE MOHANS ........................................................... 5
MOHANS: LIFETIMES IN YOGA ...................................... 7
PROGRAM STRUCTURE ...................................................... 8
PROGRAM CONTENTS......................................................... 9
COMMUNITY & MENTORING ...................................... 12
PATHWAYS FORWARD ..................................................... 12
PROGRAM VENUE ............................................................... 14
ACCOMMODATION ............................................................. 14
MEALS ........................................................................................ 14
PROGRAM COST................................................................... 15
REGISTRATION ..................................................................... 16
READING LIST ....................................................................... 16
APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................ 18
APPENDIX 2 ............................................................................ 19
“True yoga
education i
lighting a
not filling
A. G. Mohan
The Hatha Yoga of Krishnamacharya Teacher Training is a special program
which integrates the wisdom and teachings of Krishnamacharya, the
classical yoga texts, asana, pranayama, meditation and more, with modern
science and practical application.
Whether your intention is to become a yoga teacher, deepen your own
practice, or integrate practical yogic tools and techniques into your daily or
professional life, this program is designed to inspire and transform you.
You will learn the methods and gain the skills needed to teach yoga from a
foundation of real knowledge. It is also an incredible opportunity for self-
development and personal transformation.
You will receive an extraordinary amount of knowledge which will
radically enhance your understanding and experience of yoga. However,
the focus of this training program is experiential and transformative. So,
you’ll also be guided in establishing and deepening your own yogic
practice; creating sustainable and real well-being and inner peace.
It is a rare and potentially life-changing opportunity to learn from and
have direct access to internationally renowned master teachers who will
guide and support your path forward to experience the peace and
steadiness of a clear, steady mind and open heart. This is after-all the aim
of yoga, and the foundation needed for a happy life and to become a
grounded, inspiring teacher able to guide, support and uplift others.
L-R: Dr. Ganesh Mohan, A. G. Mohan, Indra Mohan, Nitya Mohan
Direct Study with the
This special Svastha Yoga Teacher Training is a
rare opportunity to study the authentic yoga of
Krishnamacharya with A.G. Mohan and Indra
Mohan along with their son Dr. Ganesh Mohan and
daughter Nitya Mohan in a single, comprehensive
training program with all four teachers.
The combined knowledge of the Mohan family is
unsurpassed in contemporary yoga. This training
program combines their collective knowledge,
areas of expertise, and insights to provide a
comprehensive program where the direct teachings
of Krishnamacharya will be conveyed in an
accessible, engaging, and illuminating way.
Krishnamacharya was among the most influential
yoga masters and Vedic scholars of the last
century. A. G. Mohan, a prime disciple of the late
Krishnamacharya, was his direct student for 18
years. He was acknowledged by Krishnamacharya
as his successor and is a direct link to the authentic
yoga traditions.
Mohan kept meticulous handwritten notes and
recordings of Krishnamacharya’s voluminous
teachings during their 18 years together. The
knowledge transmitted directly, and the large
archive of notes continues to inform the Mohans’
yoga teacher training programs and their many
books and lectures. Much material that is still
unpublished is included in this program.
About the Mohans
A. G. Mohan is internationally respected as one
of the most senior yoga masters alive and a
direct link to the authentic yoga traditions of
Krishnamacharya who he studied with
intensively for 18 years.
Indra Mohan is one of the few people ever
awarded a yoga teaching certificate from
Krishnamacharya and is a skillful and
insightful yoga therapist with decades of
experience. Indra is known for her astute
intelligence, and capacity to guide students
and clients to clarity, self-understanding and
Top: A.G. Mohan with his guru Krishnamacharya
at his centenary celebration 1988.
Bottom: Indra Mohan receiving her post-graduate diploma in yoga from the
Dr Ganesh Mohan was trained in yoga from early childhood and is a
medical doctor, trained in both modern western medicine and Ayurveda.
He is at the forefront of the emerging field of Yoga Therapy, and for a
decade has conducted yoga teacher and yoga therapy trainings in India
and around the world.
Nitya Mohan is also a lifelong yoga
practitioner and exponent of chanting, holds
a music degree and perfoms internationally.
She has run Svastha Yoga Teacher Training
programs in Singapore for over a decade.
Collectively, the Mohans have written 6
books which are regularly used as reference
material in teacher trainings. They write for
an Indian national newspaper and contribute
to magazines and journals. They teach and
lecture around the world.
Top: Dr Ganesh Mohan travels the world
training yoga teachers and therapists.
Bottom: Nitya Mohan has trained yoga teachers
in Singapore since 2001.
Mohans: Lifetimes in Yoga
A. G. Mohan started his yoga studies in 1971
upon meeting his guru the yogi Sri
Krishnamacharya. Over 19 years, he studied
personally with his guru the full spectrum of
yoga: asanas, pranayama, meditation, and
philosophy. Following his guru’s passing in
1989, he continued to study further for many
more years, deepening his knowledge of
Ayurveda, tantra, and more. The author of
numerous books on yoga, he has spread the message of yoga across the
world, under the banner of Svastha Yoga and Ayurveda.
A. G. Mohan was one of the early presenters at the European Union of
Yoga, and a contributor to the International Association of Yoga Therapists
in the USA in the 1980s and 1990s. In recognition, he and his family were
guests of honor at the European Union of Yoga Congress in 2016 in
Switzerland and he was awarded an honorary membership for his
contributions to yoga.
Indra Mohan has been practicing and teaching yoga for four
decades now. One of the few people to receive a post-
graduate yoga diploma from Krishnamacharya, she specializes
in yoga for the health and empowerment of women.
Dr. Ganesh Mohan is trained in both modern medicine and Ayurveda. He
directs the Svastha Yoga Therapy programs and other trainings worldwide.
Nitya Mohan has a degree in music and has conducted seminars and
concerts internationally. She has been running Svastha training programs
since 2001.
27 years
71 years
Inaugurating EUY
conference (1983)
Vedic rituals (1988)
Nitya: Asanas as
a child (1977)
Ganesh: Asanas
as a child (1988)
Program Structure
Daily format of the program will include:
Lectures on:
o Yoga Sutra, Samkhya, traditional texts.
o Yoga philosophy and Eastern philosophy
o Understanding yoga psychology
Theory and application of:
o Functional movement
o Breathing techniques
o Meditation and mindfulness techniques
o Guided asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra chanting, mudras,
bhavana and more.
Option of continuing online education at after
program completion
Certificate of completion of 200-hour yoga teacher training registered
with Yoga Alliance.
Yoga Theory
1. Philosophy and psychology of
yoga based on the Yogasutras
of Patanjali.
2. Sanskrit terminology: key
words and concepts to
facilitate and retain
authenticity in the teaching
and transmission.
3. Theory of Krishnamacharya’s
Hatha Yoga practice.
1. Traditional vinyasa system of
Krishnamacharya, combining
breathing and movement.
2. Function-oriented approach to
movement in asanas:
awareness, stability, alignment,
stretching, mobilization, daily
life application.
3. Core asanas essential for
fitness and in a therapeutic
4. Preparation and balancing.
5. Common and useful variations
6. Using asanas in the larger yoga
path. Deepen and broaden by
practicing more asanas and
pranayama and lead on to the
advanced breath work and skill
of the bandhas. Connect this to
the deeper aspects of yoga and
the meditation and
mindfulness. This subject will
also integrate the skills and
topics learned so far.
1. Principles of sequencing from
the traditional approach of
Krishnamacharya and further
developments from there.
2. Foundations of personal course
planning and sequencing.
3. Understand the principles of
sequencing and develop
sequences for different needs.
4. Bring together instructions,
presentation, and teaching
practice learned over the
course to deliver yoga classes.
1. Principles and practice of
working with your breath
2. Using asanas to prepare for
3. Important types of pranayama
with hands-on practice.
Program Contents
1. Using sound in asanas.
2. Using sound in meditation.
1. Theory of meditation and
mindfulness: why, what, and
2. Practicing a core set of useful
meditation techniques and
skillful mindfulness.
Anatomy & Physiology
1. Essential anatomy and
physiology as applied to
2. Practical and functional points
only, without non- relevant
3. Explore how functional
anatomy can help you
understand practicing yoga
4. Key principles of movement
and breathing in asana and
pranayama explored from the
modern science perspective.
Chanting & Mantras
1. Importance and theory of
2. Useful mantras for chanting
and meditation.
According to
practice and
knowledge must
always go together.
He used to say,
practice without right
knowledge of theory
is blind. This is also
because without right
knowledge, one can
mindfully do a wrong
A. G. Mohan
3. Simple chants e.g. traditional
Vedic peace chants.
4. Focus on the use of sound and
mantra in asana, pranayama,
meditation. Practice mantra
meditation, intentions, and
affirmations in yoga practice.
1. Introduction to Ayurvedic
doshas and prakrti.
2. Basic principles of Ayurvedic
Yoga Energetics
1. Mudras and bandhas: their
importance and how to
practice and teach them.
2. System of nadis, prana, cakras
and their relevance to practice.
Personal Practice
Establishing and refining one’s
personal practice is a key element
of this program.
Mohans as Guests of Honor
European Union of Yoga Congress, Switzerland 2016
Community &
After the program, participants can join the larger
Svastha community online and continue with
mentoring sessions with the Mohans and other
teachers as well. contains hundreds of videos
from the Mohans that will help you pursue
deeper studies to further understand the
materials covered in the training, and also
continue learning according to your interests.
Pathways Forward
The Hatha Yoga of Krishnamacharya is a
foundation program for further yogic education,
yoga therapy training programs, and to becoming a
competent, knowledgeable yoga teacher and/or
yoga therapist.
Continue with the Svastha Yoga Therapy Program
offered around the world.
This training program provides you with an
immediate qualification to teach and share yoga in
a variety of settings in your own community.
Drawing on the timeless, practical wisdom of the
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali this program provides a
toolkit of accessible yogic practices which can be
applied to help understand and manage thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors.
The accessible, non-technical format of this
program means it can be taught and integrated
into wellbeing programs in corporate, educational, health, aged care and
other community contexts.
What this program will give you
Skills to deepen your personal growth and effective yoga knowledge
and practice you will use for the rest of your life.
Understanding of the full spectrum of yoga practices: asana, pranayama,
meditation, Yogasutras, mantras and more.
The teachings of the great yogi Krishnamacharya from a trustworthy
and direct source.
Firm foundation and approach to teach yoga to people of all ages and
fitness levels.
A comprehensive base to progress to the Svastha Yoga Therapy
program and deepen and widen your skills of yoga therapy.
An internationally recognized qualification enabling you to confidently
teach yoga anywhere in the world, and gain industry standard
Indra Mohan receiving blessings from
Krishnamacharya, 1988.
Program Venue
The 23-day program is to be held at the
unique Mamalla Beach Resort located just
outside the quaint seaside town of
Mamallapuram, 50 km south of Chennai.
With its pristine beach and lush tropical
gardens, the resort offers a serene
environment for rest and reflection outside of
program hours. There is direct beach access
and an outdoor freshwater swimming pool.
There are 24 twin-share rooms available
onsite, which can be booked directly with the
resort on a first come, first served basis. All
rooms are well-appointed, including wifi, and
open out to views of the beach.
A healthy vegetarian breakfast and lunch are
provided daily and included in the cost of
your accommodation.
Evening meals can be taken in the resort’s
restaurant, alternatively there are many
eating options in the nearby town of
Mamallapuram, approximately 2.5 kms from
the resort.
Program Cost
$3,300 USD Early bird/Upfront
$500 deposit secures your place. Balance of $2800 USD must be paid in
full 8 weeks prior to the program (by 9 November 2019).
$3500 USD - payment after 9
November 2019.
Payment Terms
Your $500 deposit is payable on registration. This reserves your place and
is your commitment to attend and is therefore non- refundable. If you
cancel before the 23
November 2019 all payments made will be refunded
(other than your non-refundable deposit).
Price Includes
23-day training with the Mohans
1-to-1 mentoring session with the Mohans
Comprehensive training manual
Internationally recognized teaching certificate (Yoga Alliance 200-hour)
Other Costs
Mamalla Beach Resort Accommodation Package
Twin Share room including breakfast & lunch: INR $2750 per person, per
night (approximately $40 USD).
Transportation from Chennai Airport to Mamallapuram (estimated around
$30 USD), can be arranged by the resort if you prefer.
Please book your accommodation directly with Mamalla Beach Resort and
mention that you are attending the training program with the Mohans.
To register please click here to access the
application form:
Questions? Please email:
Once your registration is received, you will be
forwarded account details for payment of your
$500 USD non-refundable deposit and your
registration will be confirmed on receipt of the
funds into our account.
To receive the early-bird Price you must pay the
full amount by the required date (9
2019). If your payment is not received by this date
the full price of $3,500 USD is payable.
Note: To receive your teaching certification you are
required to attend the full 23-day program.
Reading List
It is a requirement of attending the training that
you familiarize yourself with the Mohans’ work.
The Mohans’ books Yoga Therapy and Yoga for
Body, Breath & Mind are used around the world in
yoga and yoga therapy teacher trainings as source
texts for course content.
A benefit of training with the Mohans is you learn
directly from the authors!
All of the Mohans’ books can be purchased online
through Amazon and Book Depository.
It is recommended to read these two books prior to
the training:
Yoga Therapy: A Therapeutic Guide to Yoga and Ayurveda for Health
and Fitness. A.G. Mohan, Indra Mohan, Dr. Ganesh Mohan, Nitya Mohan.
Yoga Reminder: Lightened Reflections. A.G. Mohan, Dr. Ganesh Mohan
Other titles by the Mohans which are recommended for you to read are:
Yoga for Body, Breath, and Mind: A Guide to Personal Reintegration.
A.G. Mohan. Foreword by Sri. T. Krishnamacharya.
Krishnamacharya: His Life and Teachings. A. G. Mohan with Dr. Ganesh
Hatha Yoga Pradipika: Translation with Notes from Krishnamacharya. A.
G. Mohan & Dr. Ganesh Mohan
Yoga Yajnavalkya. Translated by A. G. Mohan with Dr. Ganesh Mohan
Mamalla Beach Resort
Appendix 1
This article appeared in The Hindu newspaper June 22nd, 2018
Appendix 2
This article appeared in The Hindu newspaper June 21
, 2019 International Yoga Day.