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Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School
The Effect of Background Music on
Reading Comprehension and Self-Report of
College Students
Amanda Gillis
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A Thesis submitted to the
College of Music
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the degree of
Master of Music.
Degree Awarded:
Summer Semester, 2010
The members of the committee approve the thesis of Amanda Gillis defended on
July 8, 2010.
Jayne Standley
Professor Directing Thesis
Dianne Gregory
Committee Member
Alice-Ann Darrow
Committee Member
The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee
List of Tables ..........................................................................................
List of Figures ........................................................................
1. Introduction.........................................................................
2. Review of Literature ..........................................................
3. Method ................................................................................
4. Results.................................................................................
5. Discussion...........................................................................
APPENDICES ........................................................................
A. Demographic Questionnaire .........................................
B. Music Questionnaire .....................................................
C. Health Article ................................................................
D. Reading Comprehension Test .......................................
E. Human Subjects Committee Approval Letter ...............
F. Consent Form ................................................................
REFERENCES .......................................................................
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ..................................................
Table 1: Participants’ Demographics......................................................
Table 2: Analysis of Variance.................................................................
Table 3: Music Recognition....................................................................
Table 4: Ability to List Title ...................................................................
Table 5: Music Interference with Reading..............................................
Figure 1: Mean Number of Reading Comprehension Questions Completed
Correctly by Group ................................................................................. 15
Figure 2: Elements of Music Interference .............................................. 17 !
The study investigated the effects of background music on reading comprehension
skills of college students. Seventy-one participants read a health related article in one of
three conditions: silence, music with lyrics, and music without lyrics. After reading the
article, participants completed a demographic questionnaire. Participants in the music
conditions completed an additional music questionnaire. To test reading comprehension,
participants were asked to answer five multiple choice and five true/false questions
pertaining to the reading. It was hypothesized that participants in the silence condition
would perform better than participants in the music condition. Results indicated that there
were no significant differences among groups
The presence of music is more prevalent now than ever before in history. Not
only is music an art form for enjoyment, it also serves psychological (Lin, Hsu, Chang,
Hsu, Chou, & Crawford, 2009), behavioural (Hallam & Price), cognitive (Furnham,
Trew, & Sneade, 1999), and emotional functions (Cevasco, 2008). !
To date, the effects of background music have been of interest to various groups
of researchers including psychologists, therapists, and clinicians. Applied psychologists
are interested in how music increases or decreases productivity; cognitive psychologists,
in how music effects attention and processing information during various tasks; and
personality theorists in individual differences in the presence of music while performing
Furnham and Bradley (1997) discovered the particular effects of music are
unpredictable due to various forms of individual experiences associated with specific
music. Although there is a generalization among listeners in our response to stimulating
or relaxing music, individuals experience associations related to particular song or genre
with a past event that may potentially elicit memorable feelings of happiness or sadness.
In the western world, music is available via television, radio, video, recordings,
and also as background music in public places such as shops and hospitals. With such
abundance of music, the need to understand how music affects both our cognition and
change in behavior is universal. Researchers examined the link between stereo headset
use and employee work responses. Results indicated that those in the stereo headset
condition significantly improved their work performance and mood (Oldham, Cumming
Mischel, Schmidtke, & Zhou, 1995). Little is known about the exposure of music with
regard to its effect on children. Given the fact that music is widespread within western
society, we might expect their exposure to be significant. However, we do know that
during adolescent years, music becomes important with teens listening to music
approximately 3 hours a day. North and colleagues found that listening to music was
preferred to other indoor activities such as doing homework, talking with parents, or
reading (North, Hargreaves, & O’Neill, 2000). Studies have also shown that most
studying in the home occurs under music conditions. In a home study survey of 387
students, Patton and colleagues found that most students chose quiet settings to perform
reading assignments, whereas math and written work were completed in the presence of
radio, stereo, or television. Overall, television was a moderate distracter and students
considered radio and stereo as beneficial (Patton, Stinard, & Routh, 1983). Many other
surveys have concluded that students combine homework and studying with listening to
the radio or watching television. Researchers have discovered that 80 % of high school
students do homework while listening to the radio whiled 50 % do homework while
watching television. In general, students have perceived a decrease in performance on
learning assignments in the presence of background media, but an increase of
performance on paper and pencil assignments (Beentjes, Koolstra, & van der Voort,
1996). With research of the aforementioned studies, the question is whether or not
background music or media is beneficial or detrimental to the students’ performance.
According to certain limited-capacity theorists, background music and media
potentially hinder cognitive performance due to the limited amount of mental resources
used for cognitive processing (Basil, 1994; Lang, 2000). Limited capacity theorists have
two schools of though: 1) disturbance occurs when awareness capacity is exceeded and 2)
structural interference occurs when tasks are performed simultaneously.
In two experiments, Bourke and colleagues examined the limitations on
simultaneous tasks and found that tasks should be structured according to a general factor
as measured by interference (Bourke, Duncan, and Nimmo-Smith, 1996). The
combination of homework and media challenges students with maintaining attention on
two tasks. Human mental resources have limited capacity and, therefore, allow only part
of the information to be processed. This is particularly true because content of television
can elicit a response as a reaction to stimuli such as sound effects, movements, visual
complexity, etc (Lang, 2000). For example, Pool, van der Voort, Beentjes, and Koolstra
(2000) found that a Dutch-speaking television program inhibited eighth grade students’
performance on writing assignments, whereas English-speaking music videos did not
cause distraction. Similarly, Pool, Koolstra, and van der Voort (2003) examined how
background soap operas affected homework performance and time. Students performed a
writing task and memorization task in one of three conditions: soap opera episodes,
soundtrack of soap operas or silence. During the memorization task, students were asked
to answer questions without reading material present, whereas during the writing
assignment the reading material was available. Results showed that students in the soap
opera conditions performed worse and used more time compared to the silence condition.
Students in the television condition shifted between television and time spent on task.
However, other background media did not have any affect on performance. The results of
these two studies suggest performance decreased due to shifting between homework and
television, which led to a decrease in the processing of homework assignments. Because
soap operas offer comprehensible information and music videos are easily
understandable, soap operas most likely demand more limited attention capacity. Lang
(1995) indicates that if a message is easily understood, attention capacity is relatively
Within our culture, there are several different types of music. Each individual has
his/her preference of music whether it’s jazz, rhythm and blues, pop, rock, or classical to
name a few. Music affects us in different ways and can either cause arousal or lower
arousal, depending upon the type of music. Music can have emotional effects on mood as
well as varying effects on our ability to concentrate on cognitive tasks. However,
research suggests that many students listen to music while studying (Beentjes, Koolstra,
& van der Voort, 1996; Patton, Stinard, & Routh, 1983). Etaugh and Michaels (1975)
found that college aged students who usually listen to music while studying performed
better on a reading comprehension test in the presence of music. They also found that
males performed better than females while listening to preferred music. This indicates
that unfamiliar sounds are more distracting than familiar sounds. Similarly, Etaugh and
Ptasnik (1982) researched the presence or absence of preferred music on reading
comprehension of forty college students. After reading the passage, students were either
allowed to relax or read unrelated material. They found that individuals who seldom
studied in the presence of background music displayed greater degree of comprehension
during silence conditions, while those who regularly studied in the presence of
background music performed better during music conditions.
Tucker and Bushman (1991) studied the effects of rock and roll music on
mathematical, verbal, and reading comprehension tasks. Results showed that performance
of mathematical and verbal skills decreased, whereas reading comprehension remained
consistent. One element that may affect performance during music conditions is the
complexity of the music. The musical complexity theory states that, although music can
lead to increased performance, increased complexity within music will lead to a decrease
in performance compared to less complex music (Furnham & Bradley, 1997; Furnham &
Strbac, 2002). Previous studies on complexity contained music without lyrics (Furnham
& Bradley, 1997; Furnham & Allas, 1999). However, lyrics can add a dimension of
complexity as another level of processing for the brain. Banbury and Berry (1998) found
that background noise in combination with words decreased memory, while background
noise without words did not have any notable effects. Salame and Baddeley (1989) also
looked at the effects of music on short-term memory (STM). Participants were asked to
recall a number sequence while listening to vocal or instrumental music. Participants in
the instrumental music condition were able to recall numbers more accurately than those
in the vocal music condition. The words were distracting to those in the vocal music
condition, but instrumental music was not distracting. Wolfe (1983) examined the effects
of loudness of background music. Participants were assigned to one of three conditions:
(1) task only, (2) task plus background music at 60-70 dB, (3) task plus background
music at 70-80 dB, and (4) task plus background music at 80-90 dB. Tasks consisted of
completing math problems and answering questionnaires. Results showed there to be no
significant effect on task performance during music conditions. The majority of
participants, in the 80-90 dB music group, perceived loudness as the most distracting
The Yerkes-Dodson law states that arousal levels increase performance to peak
levels, whereas over-arousal or stimulation decreases performance. Also performance
declines more quickly when a task is complex. Research suggests that stimulating music
increases arousal and performance on simple task, while deteriorating performance on a
complex task (Hallam, Price, and Katsarou, 2002). The arousal levels of music may show
a link to personality factors and environmental stimuli. Researchers have highlighted
individual differences as probable influences of response to background music (Furnham
et al., 1999). There has been a variety of studies that have examined the differences
between performance of extroverts and introverts. Furnham, Gunter, and Peterson (1994)
examined the effects of television on cognitive processing. Reading comprehension tasks
were completed in two conditions: silence and the presence of television. Results showed
a significant difference between personality and condition. Both introverts and extroverts
performed better during silence condition and extroverts performed better than introverts
in the presence of television.
Different personality types function differently at various arousal levels. Geen
(1984) measured the preferred stimulation levels in introverts and extroverts and their
effects on arousal and performance. Results indicated that introverts performed most
effectively at lower level arousal than extroverts. Cassidy and Macdonald (2007) studied
the effects of music classified as high arousal and negative affect (HA), low arousal and
positive affect (LA), and everyday noise during cognitive tasks performed by introverts
and extroverts. Results indicated that performance for both introverts and extroverts
decreased while listening to background music and noise compared to performance
during silence conditions. HA music appeared to have more detrimental effects than LA
music. Introverts displayed more negative effects than extroverts during HA music and
noise conditions. Furnham and Strbac (2002) extended a previous study and examined
whether background noise was as distracting as music. Participants were asked to
perform a reading comprehension task, a prose recall task, and a mental arithmetic task in
the presence of silence, garage music, or office noise. Results confirmed that extroverts
performed better than introverts during music and noise conditions, but the same during
silence condition. Daoussis and McKelvie (1986) investigated how rock and roll music
effects task performance on introverts and extroverts. Findings indicated that introverts
performed poorer on tasks during music conditions than silence condition. With the
aforementioned findings, we can expect background music to have a more negative effect
on introverts than extroverts. However, we can conclude that extroverts will be more
distracted by negative affective background music than positive affective music due to
mood type. Belojevic and colleages (2001) examined responses to noise by measuring
concentration, fatigue, and annoyance during noise and silence conditions. They found
that under music conditions, introverts experienced slower performance rate and more
difficulty with concentration.
There has been and continues to be immense interest in the effects of background
sound on individuals’ performance of differing cognitive tasks. Limited research has
focused on the effects of noise on task performance. It has been suggested that short-term
memory may be a fundamental building block of reading comprehension. Boyle and
Coltheart (1996) examined the effects of irrelevant sounds on phonological coding in
reading comprehension and short-term memory. Irrelevant sounds included irrelevant
speech, accompanied and unaccompanied singing, instrumental music, and silence
conditions. They found that accuracy was unchanged by irrelevant sounds, but was a
challenge due to complexity of sentences. However, word recall was affected by
irrelevant sounds. Kjellberg, Landstorm, Tesarz, Soderberg, and Akerlund (1996) studied
responses to noise and factors that influence those responses. After measuring noise in
the workplace, participants were given questionnaires and factors that affected
annoyance. Annoyance was related to sound level, and distraction was related to self-
control of the noise and noise predictability. Results noted that background noise resulted
in stress and had an adverse effect on cognitive performance. A later study (Evans and
Johnson, 2000) suggests that noise is both stressful and harmful to health and decreases
levels of enthusiasm. In this study, results indicated that individuals in the noise condition
experienced higher levels of urinary epinephrine (marker of stress) and had fewer
attempts at unsolved puzzles. In their study of noise distraction on undergraduate
students, Banbury and Berry (1998) examined the effects of office noise (with and
without speech) on memory for recall and mental arithmetic. They found that during
mental mathematics and recall, task performance significantly declined in the presence of
background office noise compared to silence conditions. Broadbent (1958) tested the
effects of noise on complex mental tasks. Results showed that noise, compared to silence
conditions, deteriorated performance over time.
Over the past several decades, there has been great speculation about the benefits
of musical training on academic achievement. There has been speculation that average
musical abilities in both children and adults co-occur with above average abilities in
academic performance. It has been presented that music training potentially enhances
other cognitive functions. The Mozart Effect has generated much controversy in the
research of active participation, music instruction, and passive music listening. There has
been prior research that shows music instruction to be effective in improving spatial skills
(Hetland, 2000) but the Mozart Effect has not been validated by recent research. In a pilot
study, Schellenberg (2004) examined the premise that music lessons increase general
intelligence. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: standard
keyboard lessons, Kodaly voice lessons, or no lessons. Participants were administered the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Third Edition (WISC-III). Schellenberg found
that combined music groups had significantly larger improvement of seven IQ points than
those in the drama and no lessons group. In discussion, Schellenberg concluded that
music lessons may potentially improve IQ by exposing participants to supplemental
Hurwitz, Wolff, Bortnick, and Kokas (1975) compared two groups of primary
grade children on tasks of temporal and spatial abilities. One group received exposure to
the Kodaly Music Training Program, while the other group received no music. They
found that the music group performed better on both temporal and spatial tasks than the
control group. Also children in the music group performed more effectively on the
reading tests. Contrastly, Costa- Gimoi (2004) found that three years of weekly piano
lessons did not affect arithmetic performance. With regard to research of older children
and academic achievement, Barnet (1987) found that SAT scores were predictors of
music grade point average in non-performance courses of freshman music students. Ho,
Cheung, and Chan (2003) found a like between music lessons and verbal memory
performance. Results of the study showed that children with music training illustrated
better verbal memory performance than the control group. There was no significant
difference in the visual memory performance of groups. This study is consistent with a
previous study for adults (Chan, Ho, and Cheung, 1998). Results of both studies suggest
that music lessons may have implications for reading ability and memory processing. To
date, however, research does not fully support the fact that music lessons offer an
advantage over other extracurricular education with respect to academic performance.
Many researchers have been interested in how background music in the classroom
can possibly enhance learning. Typically, studies have suggested that soothing and
calming music may cause arousal for learning. In this area of study, mixed results have
been shown. Hall (1952) explored the effects of music on reading comprehension of 245
and 9
grade students. Results indicated, in the presence of background music, 58 %
of students showed an increase in scores in the Nelson Silent Reading Tests. Also, this
study suggests that background music increased accuracy and those considered ‘below
average’ benefitted more from the background music than those considered ‘above
average’. In a smaller study, Scott (1970) compared performance of arithmetic tasks in
four different conditions: the normal classroom environment; the introduction of
background music into the normal classroom; children sitting in three-sided booths; and
background music. Results revealed that background music in the classroom had a
calming effect on four hyperactive students. Students were observed as being most
attentive when background music was introduced into the normal classroom setting.
Madsen and Forsythe (1973) investigated the effects of contingent music listening on
mathematical skills of 6
grade students. After working on math problems for 20 minutes
students were assigned to one of four conditions: (1) contact control group- students
worked on other subjects, (2) math games control group- students played math games, (3)
dance-listening group- students listened to music that was played through a stereophonic
high-fidelity system and had the option of dancing and listening to music, and (4)
earphone listening group- students listened to music through individual earphones
inhibiting socialization. Results showed that there was no significant difference between
the two control groups, but there was a significant difference between the control and
contingent music listening groups. Contingent music listening increased the number of
correct responses to math problems.
Mitchell (1949) compared performance on a comprehension task in the presence
of a variety show, a musical show, or silence. Mitchell found that reading comprehension
was not adversely affected by the musical selections. Research has also indicated that
background music does not enhance test performance. Henderson, Crew, and Barlow
(1945) examined students on various sections of the Nelson-Denny Reading Test. Pop
music showed significant distraction, whereas classical music showed no indication of
distraction in the vocabulary or paragraph sections of the test. Mowsesian and Heyer
(1973) studied the effects of rock, folk, symphonic music, and opera on test performance
of students. The music did not have any significant effect on students’ performance.
Hallam, Price, and Katsarou (2002) compared arithmetic performance and
memory tasks of children aged 10-12 in the presence of music perceived to be calming
and relaxing and silence conditions. Results showed children performed better on both
tasks during the music condition compared to the silence condition. During the music
condition, children completed more arithmetic problems although accuracy was not
improved. Furthermore, this study also demonstrated that music perceived as aggressive
and arousing impaired performance on the memory task. Hallam et al (2002) also
anticipated that calming music can be useful during times when children are over-
aroused, such as returning to the classroom from lunch. Conversely, music can be used to
stimulate those with a decreased arousal level. Chalmers, Olson, and Zurkowski (1999)
have provided support for the above observations. They examined how music effects
noise level in the lunchroom. In the presence of classical music, noise decreased
approximately six decibels. Hallam and Price (1998) studied the effects of background
music on behavior and performance during a mathematics task. All ten children
significantly improved their behavior and performance during the task. Also observed
was a decrease in aggression following the study. Giles (1991) suggests that background
music can be used throughout the day for several reasons, including, but not limited to:
engaging children who are tired or bored, helping students stay relaxed, and providing a
calming atmosphere during lunchtime.
According to research, music with special education populations has shown
positive results. Savan (1999) examined the effects of Mozart orchestral compositions on
ten 12-year-old boys identified as special needs and having emotional and behavioral
problems. In the presence of music, it was observed that students became calm and their
co-ordination improved. This study suggests that certain sound combinations may
stimulate different parts of the brain, which can cause a calming effect.
For many college students, listening to music is an associative task. According to
Darrow, Johnson, Agnew, and Rink (2006) an associative task is defined as “listening to
music while engaged in other activities.” The majority of college students engage in
activities such as using the computer, completing homework, or studying for test while
listening to music. To date, there have been mixed results on how background music
effects cognitive performance. Ransdell and Gilroy (2001) investigated if background
music effects the ability to word process fluently and effectively. Forty-five psychology
undergraduates wrote an essay in the presence of background music. Results showed that
students with some musical background training wrote higher quality essays and longer,
more complex sentence structures. Pearsall (1989) investigated listening comprehension
in the presence of tonal and atonal background music. Ninety 1
year college students
were administered the Sequential Tests of Educational Progress Listening
Comprehension Test, Level J under three conditions: (1) no background music, (2) tonal
background music, and (3) atonal background music. Pearsall (1989) found that students
performed better during the no music condition. It was observed that tonal music seemed
to distract because of tonality. Similarly, Hillard and Tolin (1979) also tested
undergraduates using the Sequential Tests of Educational Progress found that scores were
higher during the familiar music condition than the unfamiliar music condition.
The aim of the present study was to examine reading comprehension skills of
college students in the presence or absence of background music.
The study was conducted with a sample of 71 students enrolled in a large
southeastern university. The individuals were comprised of both undergraduate and
graduate students, with varying backgrounds of study. Ages ranged from 18 to 43,
averaging 23.6 years. The total sample was composed of 49 females and 22 males.
Participants were acquired on a voluntary basis and were randomly assigned to one of
three groups: Group 1-task only (no music); Group 2- task plus lyrical background music
(“Tik Tok” by Ke$ha); and Group 3-task plus instrumental background music (excerpt
from “The Four Seasons-Spring” by Vivaldi). Participants were tested ranging from one
to ten per group.
Table 1: Participants’ Demographics
Male Female Mean Age Graduate Undergraduate
Silence 8 16 24.6 9 15
Lyrical 5 19 28.4 13 11
Instrumental 9 14 23.3 9 14
Total 22 49 23.6 31 40
A Sony Boombox for IPOD was used to play the lyrical (“Tik Tok”) and
instrumental (excerpt from “The Four Seasons-Spring”) selections.
The stopwatch feature on an IPOD touch was used to time duration of the silence
group reading and studying the article.
Reading material (See Appendix C) was obtained by searching health articles on
www.usnews.com. The excerpt for the study was chosen because of its subject,
scarification, which was considered unfamiliar to people. The excerpt was a total of 386
Music Selections
The experimental conditions consisted of two musical selections: (1) “Tik Tok”
by Ke$ha (3 minutes, 23 seconds) and (2) “The Four Seasons-Spring” by Vivaldi
(excerpt lasting 3 minutes, 23 seconds). Songs were chosen because of popularity as rated
within the top 5 of “Top 100” for popular and classical music (www.billboard.com;
Participants in the task only group were given a demographic questionnaire (See
Appendix A) and reading comprehension test (See Appendix D), and participants in the
task plus music groups were given two questionnaires to complete: demographic and
reading comprehension test and music questionnaire (See Appendix B). The
Demographic questionnaire requested information from participants regarding age, sex,
year in college, musical training, if they usually listened to music while studying, and, if
so, what kind of music.
Questions for the music questionnaire were taken from a previous study; Wolfe,
1983. The questions are stated below:
“Did you recognize any of the selections played during the reading? If so, list the titles of
the selections you recognized. (2) Did the musical selection seem to interfere with your
reading? If so, what aspects of the music seemed to interfere the most? (subjects were
asked to check one or more of the following musical elements—melody, rhythm,
loudness, dynamics, instrumentation, personal associations to music, or specify another).
(3) How much did you like the music selection that was played? (subjects marked a like-
dislike rating scale with score of 1 (dislike very much) to 7 (like very much). (4) How
often do you listen to music while studying? (subjects marked a scale from 1 (never) to 7,
(regularly). (5) How often do you listen to this type of music? (students marked scales of
1 (never), 2 (yearly), 3 (monthly), 4 (weekly), 5 (twice a week), 6 (daily).” Once the
experiment ended, participants were thanked for their participation.
Upon entering the testing room, participants completed a standard consent form
(See Appendix F) and received a brief description of the experiment. Participants were
randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Participants in the task plus music
conditions were informed they would have the duration of the song to read and study the
article. Participants in the task only condition were informed they would have a specified
amount of time (equal to the duration of the music groups) to read and study the article.
At the end of the allotted time, reading excerpts were removed, and all participants were
given a short demographic questionnaire. Next participants were given a reading
comprehension test consisting of five multiple choice and five true/false questions
pertaining to the reading material. A point value of one was assigned to each question on
the test and percentages were calculated. After the tests, participants in the task plus
music conditions completed a music questionnaire related to the background music
presented during testing.
Task Performance
A one-way analysis of variance was completed to establish whether there was an
effect for background music across reading comprehension task performance in the
results (Table 2). Results indicated no significant difference in the number of questions
correctly answered among the three groups.
Table 2: Analysis of Variance: Number of Reading Comprehension Problems
Completed Correctly by Group
The mean number of reading questions answered correctly by each group is
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Mean Number of Reading Comprehension Questions Completed
Correctly by Group
Questionnaire Analysis
Responses in Groups 2 and 3 (n=47) to questions regarding music selections
during reading were also researched. Table 2 reports responses to the questions “Did you
recognize the selection played during the reading?” More participants recognized the
instrumental selection than lyrical selection.
Table 3: Music Recognition
For those who stated they did recognize the music selections, Table 4 shows their
ability to name the selection. More participants accurately named the instrumental
Table 4: Ability to List Title
Responses to the question, “Did the musical selection seem to interfere with your
reading?” are in Table 5. Most participants reported that the music selections interfered
with their reading.
Table 5: Music Interference with Reading
For those participants who stated that music interfered with reading, they were
asked to rate which elements of the music interfered most (Figure 2). Melody interfered
the most with the instrumental group, while rhythm, loudness, and other (tempo change,
lyrics, vocal intonation, & transitions) interfered the most with the lyrical group.
Figure 2: Elements of Music Interference
Other results of the present study are as follows: (1) The majority of participants
in the instrumental group seemed to enjoy the background music selection played during
the task, although many reported they do not usually listen to music while studying. Most
participants reported listening to this type of music monthly. (2) The majority of the
participants in the lyrical group marked 4 on the rating scale for the question, “How much
did you like the music selection that was played?” Most participants reported they do not
usually listen to music while studying. However, many participants reported listening to
this type of music weekly.
The data from this study did not support the hypothesis that music would have a
detrimental effect on reading comprehension performance. The results of this study
showed no significant differences among groups. Although the hypothesis was not
supported, the results of the study are supported by previous research (Wolfe, 1983;
Tucker & Bushman, 1991; & Vaughn, 2000).
Despite the fact that results were not supportive of the hypothesis, participants
commented that the music was distracting. However, the music did not affect reading
comprehension scores when compared to the silence condition. It was observed that
participants were alert to background music as evidenced by song recognition, foot
tapping, head nodding, and statements included in the questionnaires. The majority of
participants noted they had heard the lyrical song previously, but only some correctly
stated the title of that music selection.
There are some limitations to this study. A considerable amount of time (3
minutes, 23 seconds) was given to read the article. It was observed that between 2
minutes and 2 minutes 30 seconds, participants appeared restless as evidenced by eyes
wandering, whispering amongst themselves, fidgeting with items such as purses or
backpacks, and a few stated, “Ok, I’m done.” At times, participants who were late
knocked on the door while testing was still in progress. This disruption may have had an
adverse effect on concentration.
Further research could extend the musical selection during both the reading and
testing conditions. Fill in the blank answers could also be inserted into the reading
comprehension test. Future research could shorten the study and test the progression of
boredom felt by participants. Further research in the area of background music and
reading comprehension is important.
1. Age____________________________________________________________________
2. Gender _________________________________________________________________
3.Year in School ___________________________________________________________
4. Have you had any musical training?_________________________________________
5. If answered yes to above question, how many years and which instruments?
6. Do you usually listen to music while studying? ________________________________
7. If answered yes to above question, what kind of music?
NAME________________________________ DATE____________________________
1. Did you recognize the selection played during the reading test? _____________________
2. If you answered yes to question number one, list the title of the selection.
3. Did the musical selection seem to interfere with your reading? _____________________
4. If answered yes to question number three, circle one or more of the following musical elements:
o Melody
o Rhythm
o Loudness
o Dynamics
o Instrumentation
o Personal association to music
o Other (please specify)
5. How much did you like the music selection that was played? (please mark X above the number)
Dislike very much Like very much
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. How often do you listen to music while studying? ( please mark X above the number)
Never Regularly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7. How often do you listen to this type of music? ( please mark X above the number)
Never Yearly Monthly Weekly Twice a week Daily
1 2 3 4 5 6
Immune Response Better With Skin Scratch Vaccination
NDAY, Jan. 17 (HealthDay News) -- Giving a vaccine through a scratch
the skin (scarification) triggers a stronger immune response than
jected vaccines, say U.S. researchers, who also found that scarification
quires 100 times less vaccine to prompt an immune response.
arification was first used nearly two centuries ago to give the first
allpox vaccinations. Nearly all modern vaccines are given via injection,
cording to background information in a news release about the study,
ich is published in the Jan. 17 issue of Nature Medicine.
a series of tests, the Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers also
und that the memory of T-cells -- the cells that mount an immune
sponse against invading viruses -- may be more important than the
tibodies generated by injected vaccines. T-cells are located in lymph
des and blood, as well as in peripheral tissues such as skin and lung.
his research illustrates the remarkable capacity of the most superficial
yer of skin to generate powerful protective immune responses after
ccination," study senior researcher Dr. Thomas Kupper, chairman of the
rmatology department at the hospital, said in a news release from the
he ability of vaccination through injured epidermis -- or scarification -
to generate such powerful tissue-resident protective T-cells is a
mpletely novel observation that should make us reconsider the way we
ink about vaccine delivery for all infectious diseases, as well as cancer.
ter all, our immune system evolved over millions of years to respond to
fections of injured skin, not vaccines delivered by hypodermic syringe
into muscle," he noted.
In their experiments, Kupper and colleagues found that scarification with
the vaccinia virus offered much greater protection against smallpox than
injecting the vaccine. They also found that a melanoma vaccine delivered
by scarification was much more effective than injected vaccines in
protecting animals against melanoma tumor growth.
"The lessons we are learning from these studies of vaccination by
scarification could help us develop new and more powerful vaccines for
influenza, HIV, malaria and other infectious diseases," Kupper explained.
"We should also continue to explore the implications for developing
powerful cancer vaccines, like the one demonstrated by melanoma
vaccine results in this study."
*(2010, January 17). Immune response better with skin scratch vaccination.
Newsand World Report
. Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com .
Questions below are based on the reading material. Please circle the your answer
1. Giving a vaccine through a scratch on the skin called_____________________________
a. Intradermal c. Scarification
b. Prophylactic d. Epicutaneous
2. This scratch on the skin triggers a/the________________ response than injected vaccines.
a. Stronger c. Different
b. Weaker d. Same
3. This technique, referred to in question # 1, was used nearly two centuries ago to give vaccination for
what disease?
a. Measles c. Mumps
b. Skriljevo (form of syphilis) d. Smallpox
4. Researchers found that T-cells may be more important than_________________ generated by
injected vaccines.
a. Antipyretics c. Antigens
b. Antibodies d. Isomorphs
5. T- cells located in all of the following except:
a. Blood c. Lymph nodes
b. Skin d. Kidneys
6. T-cells are cells that mount an immune response invading viruses.
a. True
b. False
7. Researchers found that injecting the vaccinia virus offered greater protection than the new technique
against small pox.
a.! True
b. False
8. A melanoma vaccine delivered by this new technique was more effective than injecting vaccines in
protecting animals against melanoma tumor growth.
a. True
b. False
9. This new technique could help develop new powerful vaccines for influenza, malaria, HIV and
a. True
b. False
10. In a recent study, giving a vaccine through a scratch on the skin shows promising results and
researchers would like to explore implications for developing powerful cancer vaccines.
a. True
b. False
Office of the Vice President For Research
Human Subjects Committee
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2742
(850) 644-8673 · FAX (850) 644-4392
Date: 3/12/2010
To: Amanda Gillis
Address: 1836 Falconcrest Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32303
From: Thomas L. Jacobson, Chair
Re: Use of Human Subjects in Research
The Effects of Background Music on Reading
Comprehension and Self-Report of College-Aged Students
The application that you submitted to this office in
regard to the use of human subjects in the proposal
referenced above have been reviewed by the Secretary,
the Chair, and two members of the Human Subjects
Committee. Your project is determined to be Expedited
per 45 CFR § 46.110(7) and has been approved by an
expedited review process.
The Human Subjects Committee has not evaluated your
proposal for scientific merit, except to weigh the risk
to the human participants and the aspects of the
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approval does not replace any departmental or other
approvals, which may be required.
If you submitted a proposed consent form with your
application, the approved stamped consent form is
attached to this approval notice. Only the stamped
version of the consent form may be used in recruiting
research subjects.
If the project has not been completed by 3/10/2011 you
must request a renewal of approval for continuation of
the project. As a courtesy, a renewal notice will be
sent to you prior to your expiration date; however, it
is your responsibility as the Principal Investigator to
timely request renewal of your approval from the
You are advised that any change in protocol for this
project must be reviewed and approved by the Committee
prior to implementation of the proposed change in the
protocol. A protocol change/amendment form is required
to be submitted for approval by the Committee. In
addition, federal regulations require that the
Principal Investigator promptly report, in writing any
unanticipated problems or adverse events involving
risks to research subjects or others.
By copy of this memorandum, the Chair of your
department and/or your major professor is reminded that
he/she is responsible for being informed concerning
research projects involving human subjects in the
department, and should review protocols as often as
needed to insure that the project is being conducted in
compliance with our institution and with DHHS
This institution has an Assurance on file with the
Office for Human Research Protection. The Assurance
Number is IRB00000446.
Cc: Jayne Standley, Advisor
HSC No. 2010.4001
o Between!the!ages!of!18!and!45!
o A!student!enrolled!at!The!Florida!State!University!
o Read!a!short!health!related!article!
o Complete!a!questionnaire!(demographic!and!music)!
o Complete!a!10!multiple!choice/true‐false!test!based!on!the!reading!
205‐240‐9868!or!amanda‐[email protected].!!You!may!also!contact!her!academic!
supervisor,!Jayne!Standley,!at!850‐644‐[email protected]!
850‐644‐8633,!or!by!email!at![email protected].!
______________________________________! ! ___________________________!
Signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! Date!
________________!_______________________! ! ____________________________!
Signature!of!Investigator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Date!
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Amanda J. Gillis
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL August, 2010
Master of Music in Music Therapy
Samford University, Birmingham, AL August, 2007
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Certifications and Training
Board Certification in Music Therapy March, 2010
Music Together Teacher Training Workshop March, 2010
Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education Course, Level I July, 2008
NICU-MT Certification July, 2008
Volunteer, Internship, and Practicum Experiences
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Music Therapy Intern 2009
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Main Hospital, Music Therapy Practicum
Student 2009
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Surgery Buddy, Music Therapy Practicum
Student 2008
Creative Child Learning Center, Music Therapy Practicum Student 2008
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Music Therapy
Practicum Student 2007
The Kids Center, Volunteer 2006-2007
Exceptional Foundation, Volunteer 2003-2004
Lakeshore Foundation, Volunteer 2002-2003
Professional Development
American Music Therapy Association 2008-Present
Alpha Mu Alpha, Music Therapy Student Organization 2007-2009
Delta Omicron International Music Fraternity 2006-Present
Golden Key International Honor Society 2008-2010
Dean’s List, Samford University 2007