When Am I Mandated to Report?
Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child
abuse or maltreatment when they are presented with a
reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment in
a situation where a child, parent, or other person legally
responsible f or the child is bef ore the mandated reporter
when the mandated reporter is acting in his or her official or
prof essional capacity. “Other person legally responsible
ref ers to a guardian, caretaker, or other person 18 years of
age or older who is responsible for the care of the child.
Mandated reporters who are social services workers have
expanded reporting requirements. Social services workers
are required to report when, in their of ficial or professional
role, they are presented with a reasonable cause to suspect
child abuse or maltreatment where any person is before the
mandated reporter and the mandated reporter is acting in his
or her of ficial or professional capacity.
What is a Professional Role?
For example, a doctor examining a child in her practice who
has a reasonable suspicion of abuse must report her concern.
In contrast, the doctor who witnesses child abuse when riding
her bike while of f-duty is not mandated to report that abuse.
The mandated reporter’s legal responsibility to report
suspected child abuse or maltreatment ceases when the
reporter stops practicing his/her profession. Of
course, anyone may report any suspected abuse or
maltreatment at any time and is encouraged to do so.
Reasonable Cause to Suspect
Reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or maltreatment
means that, based on your rational observations, professional
training and experience, you have a suspicion that the parent
or other person legally responsible for a child is responsible for
harming that child or placing that child in imminent danger of
harm. Your suspicion can be as simple as distrusting an
explanation for an injury.
Summary Guide for
Mandated Reporters
in New York State
This material provides mandated reporters with an overview of their obligations and some basic information about the New York
State Child Protective Services (CPS) system.
Who Are Mandated Reporters?
New York State recognizes that certain professionals are specially equipped to perform the important role of mandated reporter
of child abuse or maltreatment. Those professionals include:
Social services worker
Employees of a health home or health
home care management agency
contracting with a health home, who are
expected to have regular and substantial
contact with children.
Registered physician's
Employee of a publicly funded
emergency shelter for families
with children
Registered nurse
Medical examiner
Social worker
Director of a
- children's overnight camp,
- summer day camp or
- traveling summer day camp
Emergency medical technician
Hospital personnel engaged in the
admission, examination, care or
treatment of persons
Employees who provide home and
community-based services under a
Social Security Act §1115 demonstration
project, who are expected to have regular
and substantial contact with children.
Dental hygienist
Day care center worker
Christian science practitioner
School age child care worker
School official, including (but not
limited to):
- teacher
- guidance counselor
- psychologist
- social worker
- nurse
- administrator or other school
personnel required to hold a
teaching or administrative
license or certificate
- full or part-time compensated
school employee required to
hold a temporary coaching
license or professional coaching
Provider of family or - group
family day care
Licensed creative arts
Employee or volunteer
in a residential care facility
for children
Peace officer
Police officer
Licensed marriage and
family therapist
District attorney or
assistant district attorney
Any other child care or foster
care worker
Licensed mental health
Investigator employed in the office of the
district attorney
Mental health professional
Licensed psychoanalyst
Substance abuse counselor
Any other law enforcement official
Licensed behavior
Alcoholism counselor
All persons credentialed by the
NYS Office of Alcoholism
and Substance Abuse Services
Certified behavior analyst
The entire current list can be found in Article 6, Title 6, and Section 413 of the New York Social Services Law. The website can be accessed
online through the New York State Legislature's Website (http://public .leginfo.state.ny. us/menuf.c gi). Click on Laws of New York to access
Social Services Law.
What Is Abuse and Maltreatment?
Abuse encompasses the most serious injuries and/or risk of
serious injuries to children by their caregivers. An abused
child is one whose parent or other person legally responsible
f or his or her care inflicts serious physical injury upon the child,
creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury, or commits
a sex offense against the child. Abuse also includes situations
where a parent or other person legally responsible knowingly
allows someone else to inflict such harm on a child.
Maltreatm ent (Includes Neglect)
Maltreatment means that a childs physical, mental or
emotional condition has been impaired, or placed in imminent
danger of impairment, by the f ailure of the child's parent or
other person legally responsible to exercise a minimum
degree of care by:
f ailing to provide sufficient food, clothing, shelter,
f ailing to provide proper supervision, guardianship, or
medical care (refers to all medical issues, including
dental, optometric, or surgical care); or
inf licting excessive corporal punishment, abandoning
the child, or misusing alcohol or other drugs to the extent
that the child was placed in imminent danger.
Poverty or other financial inability to provide the above is not
Note: The definitions of abuse and maltreatment are different
for children in residential facilities operated or licensed by the
How Do
Recognize Child Abuse and
The list that f ollows contains some common indicators of
abuse or maltreatment. This list is not all-inclusive, and some
abused or maltreated children may not show any of these
Indicators of Physical Abuse Can Include:
Injuries to the eyes or both sides of the head or body
(accidental injuries typically only affect one side of the
Frequent injuries of any kind (bruises, cuts, and/or burns),
especially if the child is unable to provide an adequate
explanation of the cause. These may appear in distinctive
patterns such as grab marks, human bite marks, cigarette
burns, or impressions of other instruments;
Destructive, aggressive, or disruptive behavior;
Passive, withdrawn, or emotionless behavior;
Fear of going home or fear of parent(s).
Indicators of Sexual Abuse Can Include:
Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases;
Injury to genital area;
Dif ficulty and/or pain when sitting or walking;
Sexually suggestive, inappropriate, or promiscuous
behavior or verbalization;
Expressing age-inappropriate knowledge of sexual
Sexual victimization of other children.
Indicators of Maltreatment Can Include:
Obvious malnourishment, listlessness, or fatigue;
Stealing or begging for food;
Lack of personal carepoor personal hygiene, torn and/or
dirty clothes;
Untreated need f or glasses, dental care, or other medical
Frequent absence from or tardiness to school;
Child inappropriately lef t unattended or without
Mandated Reporters
in New York State
Where Do I Call to Make a Report?
As soon as you suspect abuse or maltreatment, you must
report your concerns by telephone to the New York Statewide
Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR). The
SCR is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to receive
your call. The timeliness of your call is vital to the timeliness of
intervention by the local department of social services Child
Protective Services (CPS) unit. You are not required to notify
the parents or other persons legally responsible either before
or af ter your call to the SCR. In f act, in some cases, alerting
the parent may hinder the local CPS investigation and
adversely affect its ability to assess the safety of the children.
The telephone numbers to report abuse or maltreatment by a
parent, f oster care or day care are:
Mandated Reporter (800) 635-1522
Public Hotline (800) 342-3720
For Abuse by Institutional Staff:
Oral reports to the SCR f rom a mandated reporter must be
f ollowed within 48 hours by a written report to the local
department of social services CPS unit on form LDSS-2221A.
A copy of this f orm and the local mailing address can be
obtained by contacting your local department of social
services, or by visiting the New York State Office of Children
and Family Services (OCFS) website at ocfs.ny.gov
. Click
on “Forms”, then click on “Try a keyword search…”, enter the
f orm number in the box and click “Find”.
To contact your local department of social services, click here:
What Happens When I Call the SCR?
There may be times when you have very little inf ormation on
which to base your suspicion of abuse or maltreatment, but
this should not prevent you f rom calling the SCR. A t rai ned
specialist at the SCR will help to determine if the inf ormation
you are providing can be registered as a report.
The LDSS-2221A Mandated Reporter f orm can be used to
help you organize the identifying or demographic inf ormation
you have at your disposal. Be sure to ask the SCR specialist
for the "Call I.D.” assigned to the report you have made.
If the SCR staf f does not register the child abuse or
maltreatment report, the reason for their decision should be
clearly explained to you. You may also request to speak to a
supervisor, who can help make determinations in difficult or
unusual cases.
Local CPS Role and Responsibilities
When a report is registered at the SCR, the local department
of social services is immediately notified for investigation and
follow-up. A local CPS caseworker will initiate an
investigation within 24 hours.
CPS intervention consists of an evaluation of the child and
other children in the home and the development of a plan to
meet the needs of the child and f amily. If there is an
immediate threat to the child's life or health, CPS may remove
the child f rom the home.
Upon request, CPS may obtain f rom the mandated reporter
those records that are essential to a f ull investigation of
alleged child abuse and maltreatment for any report made by
the mandated reporter. The mandated reporter must
determine which records are essential to the full investigation
and provide those records to CPS when requested to do so.
Within 60 days of initiating the investigation, CPS will
determine whether the report is indicated or unf ounded.
Mandated reporters may ask to be inf ormed of the outcome
of the report.
Law Enforcement Referrals
If a call to the SCR provides information about an immediate
threat to a child or a crime committed against a child, but the
perpetrator is not a parent or other person legally responsible
f or the child, the SCR staf f will make a Law Enf orcement
Referral (LER). The relevant information will be recorded and
transmitted to the New York State Police Information Network
or to the New York City Special Victims Liaison Unit. This is
not a CPS report, and local CPS will not be involved.
Summary Guide for
Mandated Reporters
in New York State
What Protection or Liability Do I Have?
Source Confidentiality
The Social Services Law provides confidentiality for mandated
reporters and all sources of child abuse and maltreatment
reports. OCFS and local CPS are not permitted to release to
the subject of the report any data that would identify the source
of a report unless the source has given written permission for
them to do so. Information regarding the source of the report
may be shared with court of ficials, police, and district
attorneys, but only in certain circumstances.
Immunity from Liability
If a mandated reporter makes a report with earnest concern
f or the welf are of a child, he or she is immune f rom any
criminal or civil liability that might result. This is referred to as
making a report in “good faith.
Protection from Retaliatory Personnel Action
Section 413 of the Social Services Law specifies that no
medical or other public or private institution, school, facility or
agency shall take any retaliatory personnel action against an
employee who made a report to the SCR. Furthermore, no
school, school official, child care provider, foster care provider,
or mental health f acility provider shall impose any conditions,
including prior approval or prior notification, upon a member of
their staf f mandated to report suspected child abuse or
Penalties for Failure to Report
Anyone who is mandated to report suspected child abuse or
maltreatmentand f ails to do socould be charged with a
Class A misdemeanor and subject to criminal penalties.
Further, mandated reporters can be sued in a civil court for
monetary damages for any harm caused by the mandated
reporter's failure to make a report to the SCR.
Who Provides Training for Mandated Reporters?
The New York State Education Department (SED) Office of
the Prof essions oversees the training requirements for
mandated reporters. Some categoriesincluding teachers,
many medical professionals, and social workersneed this
training as part of their licensing requirement. The training may
be included in their formal education program.
The New York State Of fice of Children and Family Services
(OCFS) is proud to be a certified provider authorized by SED
to of fer mandated reporter training and has developed a
comprehensive curriculum with content customized to medical
prof essionals, educators, law enf orcement personnel, day
care providers, and human services staff.
OCFS has shared this well-received curriculum wi t h o t her
certif ied providers of mandated reporter training, as well as
with colleges and universities across the state that provide
educational programming in the fields covered by the mandated
reporter statute.
OCFS provides mandated reporter training through a c
o ntractual
agreement with the CUNY School of Professional Studies.
OCFS of fers a Self -
Directed Online Training f or mandated
reporters. This two-hour web-
based online training course is
available 24/7 and is accessible at:
There is no cost to the participant.
Special Note: Mandated Reporters who require licensure or
certification through the New York State Department of
Education (NYSED) are required to take mandated reporter
training from a trainer who has been approved by the New York
State Education Department. For more information, please go to
or contact the New York State
Education Department at:
Protecting children and preventing child abuse and maltreatment
does not begin or end with reporting. Efforts to prevent child
abuse and maltreatment can only be effective when mandated
reporters and other concerned citizens' work together to improve
the saf ety net in their communities.
To be most effective, your local CPS needs strong partnerships
within your community. By getting to know the staff in your local
CPS unit, you will gain a better understanding of how your local
program is structured, and CPS will better understand how to
work more effectively with you.
By working together, we can better protect our vulnerable
New York State Office of Children & Family Services
Capital View Office Park, 52 Washington Street
Rensselaer, New York 12144
To report child abuse and neglect,
call: 1-800-342-3720
For information on the Abandoned
Infant Protection Act, call:
1-866-505-SAFE (7233)
Mandated Reporters Hotline for
making child abuse and
maltreatment reports:
Justice Center for Institutional
Abuse: 1-855-373-2122
For additional copies of this pamphlet
visit our website at: ocfs.ny.gov and
click on
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Pub-1159 (Rev. 04/2021)
Summary Guide for
Mandated Reporters
in New York State