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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Finance
Dated : 29 May 2018
S.R.O. No. 161-Law/2018.In exercise of the powers conferred by
section 159 of the Insurance Act, 2010, the Government is pleased to publish the
following English translation of the Act to be called the Authentic English Text
of the Act, and it shall be effective from the date on which the Act comes into
force under sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Act :
Insurance Act, 2010
Act no. XIII of 2010
An Act to re-enact and consolidate the Insurance Act,
1938 upon repeal thereof
Whereas it is expedient and necessary to re-enact and consolidate the
Insurance Act, 1938 (Act IV of 1938) upon repeal thereof; and
Therefore, it is hereby enacted as follows:
( 7113 )
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7114 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
1. Short title and commencement.(1) This Act may be called the
Insurance Act, 2010.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions.In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or contect,
(1) “approved auditor” means the Auditor appointed by the Authority
in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(2) “approved investmentsmeans such investments as the Government
may, for the purposes of this Act, by notification in the official
Gazette, specify as approved investments;
(3) “approved security” means the Government security, and any other
security charged on the revenues of the Government, or guaranteed
by the Government to pay the principal and interest; and any
debenture or other security for money issued under the authority of
any Act of Parliament and specified as a security by the
Government for the purposes of this Act by notification in the
official Gazette;
(4) “participating policies”, in reference to life insurance business,
means such contracts other than the investment-linked contracts,
health contracts, group life contracts and group health contracts,
under the terms and conditions of which the policy-holder has an
entitlement to participate in the distributions of profits or surpluses
by the life insurer; but a benefit payable under a policy shall not be
deemed to be a disrtibution of profit or surplus if the benefit is
determined according to the terms and conditions of the contract
and is not subject to the exercise of discretion by the insurer;
(5) “financial institution” means an institution as defined in clause (b)
of section 2 of the Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (Act 27 of 1993);
(6) “electronic media” means the Internet, mobile, radio, television,
tape-recorder, cassettes and any form of electronic media used for
publicity including computer diskettes and CD-ROMs;
(7) “Islamic insurance business” means the insurance business
regulated in accordance with Islamic Sariah;
(8) “Actuary” means an Actuary possessing such qualifications as
specified by regulations;
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7115
(9) “empolyer of agents” means a person certified under this Act who
procures insurance business for a life insurer by employing or
causing to be employed his full-time or part-time agent;
(10) “Authority” means the Insurance regulatory Authority established
under the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority Act,
2010 (Act 12 of 2010);
(11) “company” means a company as defined in clause (d) of
sub-suction (1) of section 2 of the Company Act, 1994;
(12) “the Company Act” means the Company Act, 1994 (Act 18 of
(13) “continuous disability contract” means such a contract under which
a benefit is payable in the event of :
(i) the death by a cause specified in the contract, of the person
whose life is insured;
(ii) injury to or disability of the insured as a result of accident or
sickness; or
(iii) the insured found to have a medical condition or disease
specified in the contract;
(14) “Schedule” means any Schedule to this Act;
(15) “Scheduled Bank” means the Scheduled Bank as defined in clause
(j) of section 2 of the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 (P.O. 127 of
(16) “encumbrance” means mortgage of any property, movable or
immovable, charge either fixed or floating, hypothecation, pledge,
assignment or transfer of interest by way of security or otherwise
which reduces legal and beneficial ownership.
(17) “registration” means registration under section 9 of this Act;
(18) “family” means husband or wife, father, mother, son, daughter,
brother and sister of a person and will include all who are
dependent on that person;
(19) “policy” means a contract of insurance;
(20) “re-insurance” means a contract of insurance under which the
insurer retains limited liability for his own interest by transferring
the additional insured risk to one or more re-insurer(s) or to another
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(21) “retrocession” means a contract of reinsurance under wich the
re-insurer cedes certain part of his liability to another insurer for its
own interest;
(22) “certified” in relation to any copy or translation of a document
required to be furnished by or on behalf of an insurer or a Society
as defined in chapter-III of this Act, means cerified by the Chief
Executive Officer of such insurer or society to be a true copy or
(23) “regulations” means regulations made under this Act;
(24) “rules” means rules made under this Act;
(25) “insurer” means any company or society or statutory body
incorporated or registered under the low of Bangladesh or the law
of any other country which
(a) carries on insurance business in Bangladesh; or
(b) with the objective of operating insurance business employs a
representative or maintains a business centre within Bangladesh;
(26) “insurance policy-holder” or “policy-holder” means a person to
whom a policy is issued or, in the case of a policy of life insurance,
the person to whom the whole of the interest in the policy is
assigned once and for all;
(27) “policy-holder’s liability” in relation to life insurance, means
(a) a liability that has arisen under a policy; or
(b) a liability that will arise on the appearance of an event
specified in the policy;
(28) “insurance” means the business of entering into and carrying out
policies and contracts, by whatever name called, whereby, in
consideration of a premium received, a person promises to make
payment to another person contingent upon the happening of an
event, specified in the contract, on the happening of which the
second-named person suffers loss, and includes reinsurance and
retrocession including life insurance contracts;
(29) “insurance agent” means a person registered under this Act who
receives or agrees to receive payment by way of commission or
other form of remuneration in consideration of his soliciting or
procuring insurance business including continuance, renewal or
reinstatement of policies of insurance;
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(30) “Insurance Surveyor” means a person, by whatever name called,
licensed under this Act who examines and expresses an
independent opinion as to the cause, extent, location and amount of
any loss incurred or claimed to be incurred in relation to the goods,
property or any intersts insured under a contract of non-life
(31) “Manager” means the Manager as defined in clause (p) of sub-
section (1) of section 2 of the Company Act;
(32) “person” means any person, and shall also include any
establishment, company, partnership business, firm, or any other
(33) “Broker” means an Intermediary or insurance intermediary,
including any bank and financial institution, registered under this
Act to function for procuring non-life insurance business for or on
behalf of a proposer for insurance or reinsurance, in expectation of
payment by way of broker’s fee or commission from the insurer or
(34) “Managing Agent” means a person, firm or company entitled to the
management of the whole affairs of a company by virtue of an
agreement with the company, and under the control and direction of
the Board of Directors except otherwise provided for in the
agreement, and includes any person, firm or company, by whatever
name called, occupying such position;
(35) “Government security” means the Government security as defined
in clause (a) of section 2 of the Securitities Act, 1920 (Act X of
(36) “Cooperative Society Act” means the Cooperative Society Act,
2001 (Act 47 of 2001);
(37) “solvency margin” means the asset, amount of which is prescribed
by regulations, preserved by the insurer;
(38) “subsidiary” or “subsidiary company” means the subsidiary
company as described in sub-section (2) of section 2 of the
Company Act;
(39) “Auditor” means a person qualified under the provisions of section
212 of the Company Act to act as an Auditor of companies;
(40) the words and expressions not defined in this Act shall have the
same meaning as used in the Company Act, 1994.
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3. Act applicable to the insurers while liabilities remain unsatisfied.
(1) Every insurer shall be subject to the provisions of this Act in relation to any
class of insurance business so long as its liabilities in Bangladesh in respect of
business of that class remain unsatisfied or not otherwise provided for.
4. Restriction on transaction of insurance and re-insurance business.
(1) No person shall be permitted to carry oninsurance or reinsurance business in
Bangladesh except for the following companies or societies, namely :
(a) a public limited company under the Company Act;
(b) cooperative societies registered under the Cooperative act having
registration as an insurer under the Insurance act, 1938 immediately
before this act coming into force; and
(c) a statutory insurance company formed under the law of any country
outside Bangladesh not being of the nature of a private company or
a subsidiary of a private company.
(2) No mutual insurance company shall transact a non-life insurance
business under this Act.
5. Classification of insurance business.(1) For thre purposes of this Act,
there shall be two classes of insurance business to be called life insurance and
non-life insurance.
(2) Under this section, life insurance business shall mean the contracts of
insurance upon human life, and it may, subject to sub-sections (4) and (5), be
classified into different sub-classes by rules for the purpose of effectively
carrying out life insurance business.
(3) Under this section, non-life insurance means all other classes of
insurance except insurance contract upon human life, and it may, subject to sub-
sections (4) and (5), be classified in different sub-classes by rules for the purpose
of effectively carrying out a non-life insurance business.
(4) If a contract under this Act, one of the principal objects of which is to
carry on a life insurance business, contains related and supplementary porvisions
of a non-life insurance contract it shall be construed to be executed for the
purpose of life insurance business.
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(5) The effecting and carrying out of contracts, the duration of which is not
more than 1 (one) year, by an insurer registered for transacting non-life insurance
contracts, on condition of payment of money for the loss due to accidental death
or an accident not resulting in death, disease or disability shall be construed to be
non-life insurance contracts.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the life insurance
and general insurance business carried on by an insurer under the Insurance Act,
1938 and the Insurance Corporations Act, 1973 shall be construed to be life
insurance and non-life insurance business, respectively.
6. Insurance business in rural or social sector.Every insurer shall, after
this Act comes into force, undertake such percentages of life insurance business
and non-life insurance business in the rural or social sector as may be specified,
through Gazete notification, by the Authority.
7. Islamic insurance business.(1) The insurers that were registered
under the Insurance Act, 1938 and carrying on the Islamic insurance business
before this Act comes into effcet, and any person or company interested in
carrying on the Islamic insurance business may, subject to other provisions of
this Act and permission of the Authority, carry on any class or sub-class of
insurance businesses :
Provided that no person or company shall carry on any conventional
non-life insurance business along with Islamic insurance business.
(2) The insurers that were carrying on conventional non-life insurance
business along with Islamic insurance business immediately before this Act
coming into force may carry on either conventional insurance business on
Islamic insurance business after this act coming into force :
Provided that the said insurers shall notify about the type of insurance
business they want to carry on to the Authority in writing within 6 (six) months
from the constitution of the Authority.
(3) An insurer may, subject to the permission of the Authority, continue the
type of insurance business for which it has applied to the Authority to carry on
under the proviso to sub-section (2) and shall not continue any other type of
insurance business :
Provided that insurance policies issued earlier under any other type of
insurance business shall remain in force until payment of claims or expiry of its
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8. Registration certificate, etc.(1) No person shall, without obtaining a
registration certificate from the Authority, carry on any insurance business under
this Act :
Provided that the Jiban Bima Corporation and the Sadharan Bima
Corporation established under the Insurance Corporation Act, 1973 shall be
deemed to have been registered for carrying on insurance business under this
(2) Any person willing to carry on any life insurance on non-life insurance
business shall have to apply to the authority for registration certificate in such
form and manner as may be prescribed by regulations.
(3) If an insurer, registered under the Insurance Act, 1938 immediately
before the commencement of this Act, desires to continue insurance business in
Bangladesh, shall have to apply in writing to the Authority for registration
certificate within 6 (six) months from the commencement of this Act.
(4) The applicant shall have to pay such fee as may be prescribed by rules
for issuance of registration certificate and renewal therof under this section.
(5) An applicantion for registration certificate under this section shall be
accompanied by the following documents, papers and information, namely :
(a) where the applicant is a company, a certified copy of the
memorandum of association and articles of association, name,
address, occupation and tax indentification number, if any, of its
(b) where the applicant is an insurance company under the Insurance
Act, 1938, full address of its principal office in Bangladesh and
name, tax indentification number, if any, and address of
correspondence of such company’s Directors and Managers;
(c) where applicant’s principal place of business is outside Bangladesh,
or the applicant is domiciled outside Bangladesh, documents as
mentioned in clause (a) of section 114;
(d) where the applicant is a cooperative society, names of all members,
their addresses, tax indentification numbers, if any, and the address
of registered principal office;
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(e) in the case of an insurer having its principal office of business or
domicile outside Bangladesh, a statement verified by an affidavit
made by the Chief Executive Officer of the insurer setting forth the
requirements, if any, not applicable to nationals of that country in
which such insurer is constituted, incorporated or domiciled which
are imposed by the laws or practice of that country upon
Bangladeshi nationals as a condition of carrying on insurance
business in that country;
(f) a statement of the class or sub-classes of insurance business to be
carried on, and a statement that the amount required to be deposited
by section 23 or section 119 before application for registration is
made has been deposited together with a certificate from the
Bangladesh Bank showing the amount deposited;
(g) where the provisions of section 21 or section 118 apply, a statement
duly certified by an auditor showing the total paid-up capital and
the total working capital of the insurer and a declaration verified by
an affidavit made by the Chief Executive Officer of the insurer that
the provisions of those sections as to paid up capital or working
capital, as the case may be, have been duly complied with;
(h) a certified copy of the published prospectus, if any, and of the
standard policy forms of the insurer and statements of the proposed
premium rates, benefits, terms and conditions in connection with
insurance policies together with a certificate in connection with life
insurance business by an actuary that such rates, benefits, terms and
conditions are implementable and proper:
Porvided that in the case of non-life insurance business other
than workmen’s compensation and motor car insurance, the
requirements regarding prospectus, forms and statements;
(i) the receipt showing payment of such fees as may be prescribed by
the rules for the class or sub-classes of insurance business classified
under this Act; and
(j) such other documents, papers and information as may be specified
in this behalf by regulations.
(6) Every application under this section shall be certified by a declaration
signed by the person making the application that the statements accompanying
the application are true and accurate.
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(7) On receipt of an application under sub-section (3), the Authority may
conduct shch inquiry and investigations as it may consider necessary to verify the
accuracy of the information filed with the application.
9. Issuance of registration certificate.(1) On receipt of an application
for registration under section 8, the Authority may, subject to the provisions of
sub-sections (2) and (3), issue the insurer a registration certificate to carry on life
or non-life insurance business if the Authority is satisfied to the effect that
(a) the applicant is incorporated or registered in Bangladesh or
outside Bangladesh under the law of Bangladesh or of any other
(b) the provisions of this Act in relation to minimum paid-up share
capital requirements have been complied with by the applicant;
(c) the provisions of this Act relating to minimum statutory deposits
have been complied with by the applicant;
(d) the applicant’s general management is good and financial
condition thereof is sound;
(e) the provisions of this Act relating to the effecting of reinsurance
arrangements have been complied with by the applicant;
(f) the projected volume of business of the applicant is likely to
ensure adequate earning prospects to be able to meet its
liabilities; and
(g) the applicant has the situation to have an Actuary and other
qualified officers and employees employed under him to carry
on life insurance business.
(2) Where the Authority finds the application of an applicant not
appropriate, it shall refuse that application in such time and manner as may be
prescribed after giving the applicant reasonable opportunity of being heard and
such decision shall be intimated to the applicant in writing mentioning
appropriate grounds thereof.
(3) A person aggrieved by the refusal of application for certificate may
apply to the Authority for review of the matter within 30 (thirty) days from the
day of intimation of shch decision.
(4) The Authority shall reject the application for registration certificate if
the fee prescribed by rules is not paid in the manner specified by regulations for
each class and sub-class if insurance business and the receipt thereof is not
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10. Suspension or cancellation of registration.(1) The Authority may
suspend or cancel the registration of an insurer, either wholly or in so far as it
relates to a particular class or a sub-class of insurance business, on any one or
more of the following grounds, namely:
if the insurer
(a) fails to comply with the provisions of section 23 or 119 as to
(b) does not commence business within 1 (one) year of being
(c) proposes to make or has made any understanding or arrangement
with its creditors or has amalgamated or its insurance business
has been wound up or otherwise dissolved or has gone into
liquidation or is adjudged insolvent;
(d) is carrying on its business in a manner likely to be detrimental to
the interests of its policy-holders or to the development of the
insurance industry or to be harmful to the national interst;
(e) is unable to meet its obligation;
(f) fails to maintain the solvency margin as specified by the
(g) contravenes any provision of this Act or any rule or regulation
made thereunder or fails to comply with any condition imposed
or any direction given by the Authority;
(h) is found involved in any immoral activity or malpractice or
irregularity in the management of its affairs;
(i) fails to effect satisfactorily reinsurance arrangements; or
(j) does not pay any claim arising in Bangladesh upon it under any
policy of insurance till 3 (three) months after the final judgment
of any Court or direction or the Authority under this Act.
(2) The Authority may, for any one or more grounds specified in sub-
section (1), by issuing a 30 (thirty) days’ show cause notice to the insurer,
suspend the registration granted to it for a period not exceeding 3 (three) months.
It is prohibited for that insurer to issue new policy until such suspension order is
withdrawn and its responsibility to meet obligations under policies already issued
shall continue.
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(3) On receipt of the response from the insurer to the notice sent under sub-
section (2), the Authority may take the following measures, namely:
(a) immediate removal of suspension, where satisfied with the
reason shown by the insurer in favour of removal of the
suspension; or
(b) extension of the term of suspension already in force for a further
period of not exceeding 2 (two) months or cancellaion of
registration, where not satisfied with the reason shown by the
(4) Where the Authority decides to extend suspension for a further period in
accordance with clause (b) of sub-section (3), the Authority shall further inform
the insurer about the following matters, namely:
(a) the period for which the suspension is extended; and
(b) the reason for such extension and the action that needs to be
taken by the insurer to resolve the issue and its time limit.
(5) If the Authority is not satisfied with the actions taken by the insurer
under clause (b) of sub-section (4), it shall forthwith cancel the registration of the
insurer and if satisfied, it shall withdraw the suspension.
(6) When the Authority decides to cancel any registration certificate under
this section, it shall give notice in writing to the insurer of its decision within 15
(fifteen) days and the decision shall take effect on such date as may be specified
in the notice.
(7) An applicant may appeal against any kind of measures taken, and
decision made, by the Authority under section 9, 10 and 11 to the Government
within 90 (ninety) days from the day of being notified of such decision.
(8) When a registration is cancelled under this section, the insurer shall not
enter into any new contracts of insurance after the cancellation has taken effect:
Provided that all rights and liabilities in respect of contracts of insurance,
entered into by the insurer before such cancellation taking effect shall, subject to
the provisions of sub-section (11), continue as if the cancellation had not taken
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(9) Where a registration is cancelled under sub-section (1), the Authority
may at its discretion revive the registration upon satisfaction or the following
grounds, namely :
if the insurer
(a) makes the deposits required by section 23 or 119;
(b) has its standing contract restored;
(c) has complied with the requirement for the non-compliance or
contravention of which the registration was cancelled under clause (g)
of sub-section (1);
(d) keeps no claims under clause (j) of sub-section (1) unpaid; or
(e) complies with the directions given by the Authority.
(10) Where the registration of an insurance company is cancelled under
sub-section (1), the Authority may, after the expiry of 6 (six) months from the
date on which the cancellation takes effect, apply to the Court for an order to
wind up the insurance company, or to wind up any class of insurance businesses
of the insurance company, unless the registration of the insurance company has
been revived under sub-section (9) or an application for winding up the company
has already been presented to the Court.
(11) The Court, considering the application under sub-section (10) to be an
application made under section 103 and section 109, may proceed with.
11. Renewal of registration certificate.
(1) A registration certificate
issued under section 9 is renewable and shall be renewed each year.
(2) An application for the renewal of a registration for any year shall be
made by the insurer to the Authority before the 30
day of November of the
preceding year which shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by
(3) The Authority shall, subject to receipt of application made, and fees
paid, by the insurer under sub-section (2), renew the registration.
(4) The Authority shall maintain a register for registration certificate and its
renewal, suspension and cancellation and keep record of everything in relation
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12. Alterations in the particulars furnished with application for
registration to be reported.
(1) Whenever, after the registration of a company
under section 9, any alteration or change occurs or is made so as to affect any of
the document or particulars submitted with the application for registration or
were required to accompany the application for registration, the insurer shall
forthwith furnish to the Authority a certified statement of such alteration.
(2) If the alteration made under sub-section (1) relates to any life insurance
policy and affects proposed insurance rate, benefits and terms and conditions,
then an actuarial certificate is to be annexed with the statement of alteration.
13. Restrictions on registration of same insurer to transact both life and
non-life insurance business.
An insurer shall not be registered
(a) for life insurance business if already registered for any class of non-
life insurance businesses; and
(b) for non-life insurance business if already registered for any class of
life insurance businesses.
14. Licensing for establishing branch and office of insurer.
(1) No
insurer shall, after this Act comes into force, establish a new branch or office and
make any business transaction there from without obtaining a licence from the
(2) For obtaining a licence under sub-section (1) an insurer shall have to
make an application in such form as may be prescribed by regulation, subject to
payment of such fee as may be prescribed by rules.
(3) On receipt of an application for licence under this section, the Authority
shall, considering the application, issue a licence to the insurer in the prescribed
form for establishing a new branch or office.
(4) If an application is not found appropriate, the Authority may, after
giving the applicant reasonable opportunity of being heard, refuse the application
and shall communicate its decision of refusal, specifying the reasons, thereof, in
writing to the applicant within 6(six) weeks from the date of taking such
(5) A person being aggrieved by the refusal of licence under sub-section (4)
may prefer an appeal against the refusal to the Government within 30(thirty) days
from the date of his being notified of such decision and the decision passed by
the Government on such appeal shall be final.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7127
(6) If an appeal is preferred under sub-section (5), no fresh application shall
be made for a licence to establish a branch or an office or making any business
transaction in the same place until such appeal is disposed of.
(7) If an application or an appeal, as the case may be, for licence to
establish a new branch or a new office and to make any business transaction
therefrom is refused under this section, no fresh application for branch or office
in the same place or transacting business therefrom shall be made within 1 (one)
year from the date of refusal.
15. Restriction on name of insurer.(1) An insurer shall not be registered
by a name identical with or closely resembling to the name, which may mislead
public perception or be considered deceiving, of an insurer registered under this
Act or under the Insurance Act, 1938 before this Act comes into force, unless the
existing insurer is in the course of being wound up and the consent of the
registered insurer as to registration of any person as insurer in identical name or
closely resembling name has already been notified to the Authority.
(2) If any insurer, inadvertently and unintentionally, is registered in a name
which is identical with or closely resembling to an already registered insurer’s
name and the already registered insurer has no consent to this effect, in that case,
if, upon the application of the insurer registered earlier and within the time-limit
determined by the Authority, the insurer registered later does not change its
name, it shall not be allowed to carry on any insurance business.
16. Soundness of premium rates for life insurance.(1) If, when
considering an application for registration under section 8 or at any other time, it
appears to the Authority that the premium rates, benefits, terms and conditions
offered in connection with life insurance business are not acceptable or
appropriate, it may require the insurer to make within such time as may be
specified by it such modifications in the said rates, benefits, terms and conditions
as the Authority thinks to render those acceptable and appropriate.
(2) No insurer shall issue a life insurance policy unless the premium rates,
benefits and terms and conditions specified in the policy have been certified by
its appointed Actuary as acceptable and proper.
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(3) If an insurer carrying on life insurance business wants to launch a new
policy plan, it shall lodge with the Authority, together with its certification by the
appointed Actuary, the prospectus or pamphlet containing full details and
specimen policy plan as the Authority may specify, at least 30 (thirty) days
before marketing it.
(4) If an insurer fails to comply with the provisions of sub-section (2) and
(3), the Authority may impose fine which may extend to Taka 5 (five) lac on the
concerned insurer for each such failure.
(5) The certificate issued by the appointed Actuary shall be in such form as
may be prescribed by regulations.
(6) The Authority may specify the maximum interest rate and the maximum
commission rate to be used in the premium rate.
(7) If the life insurance plan is not considered appropriate by the Authority,
it shall take the following measures within the 30 (thirty) days as referred to in
sub-section (3), namely :
(a) prohibit the insurer from marketing the life insurance plan to the
public; or
(b) direct the insurer to alter or amend the insurance plan as per
direction of the Authority.
(8) The Authority may direct an insurer to furnish information relating to
mortality of policy-holders, rate of income on investments, level of management
expenses and the level of commission paid, and the insurer shall comply with
such direction.
(9) No insurer shall offer any policy or contract in respect of life insurance
business other than those described in the prospectus filed with the Authority
under clause (h) of sub-section (5) of section 8 or any amended statement under
section 12 unless it files with the Authority the certificate in relation to the
premium rates, benefits and terms and conditions of such policy in accordance
with this section.
(10) The Authority shall, at intervals of ten years, prepare mortality tables
indicating the average rate of mortality of the policy-holders.
17. Determination of premium rates for non-life insurance.
(1) The
Authority may, for the purpose of this Act, constitute a Central Rating
Committee (CRC) and determine the rates of premium for non-life insurance
business in consultation with the Committee, and such insurer shall be bound to
comply with such rates.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7129
(2) The Central Rating Committee (CRC) shall be headed by the Chairman
of the Authority and the number of its members and the powers, functions and
management thereof shall be prescribed by regulations.
(3) The Government may, if necessary, dissolve the Central Rating
Committee at any time.
18. Provisions relating to collection of premiums.(1) Every insurer
shall declare to the Authority the total amount of outstanding premiums including
agents’ balances, if any, in respect of fire, marine, and miscellaneous insurance
business within 30 (thirty) days from the date this Act comes into force and shall
recover the same within such time as may be specified by the Authority and
comply with the direction given by the Authority in this respect.
(2) No insurer shall write off any premium in respect of non-life insurance
business which is outstanding on the day this Act comes into force or any time
thereafter without the prior approval of the Authority.
(3) No insurer shall undertake any insurance risk in Bangladesh in respect
of non-life insurance business unless the premium payable or such part thereof as
may be prescribed by rules has been received by it or has been guaranteed to be
paid by such person in such manner and within such time as may be prescribed.
(4) Any refundable premium which becomes due to the insured on account
of the cancellation of a policy of non-life insurance or alteration in its terms and
conditions, shall be paid directly to the insured by a crossed order cheque or by
money-order and a proper receipt thereof shall be obtained from the insured, and
such refund shall in no case be credited to the account of the agent or broker.
19. Provisions relating to insurance abroad.
No person shall insure
outside Bangladesh any risk in respect of any property or interests in Bangladesh
unless a certificate has been obtained from the Authority to the effect that such
risk cannot be covered in Bangladesh:
Provided that the Authority may grant an exemption to any person from the
provisions of this section in respect of such property or interests for such period
as it may deem fit:
Provided further that the Authority shall, if it refuses to grant a certificate
under this section, communicate its decision in writing to the applicant within 15
(fifteen) days from the date of receipt of such application.
7130 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
20. Provisions relating to re-insurance abroad.(1) An insurer may,
subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulations,
reinsure with other insure any liability in or outside Bangladesh arising out of
executed and effected contract or policy of insurance in order to ensure that the
interests of the policy-holders and the insurers are adequately safeguarded.
(2) The Authority may, by a written notice, direct any re-insurer to furnish
necessary information that may ascertain whether it has adequate funds or assets
to satisfy claims under policy, if needed.
(3) The Authority may, from time to time, by notification in the official
Gazette, prohibit all insurers from reinsuring, with any specified re-insurer in or
outside Bangladesh, risks upon policies or contracts of insurance issued or
effected in respect of insurance business transacted by them in Bangladesh,
where any such arrangement with that re-insurer is detrimental to the national
Provided that before issuing any notification under this sub-section, the
Authority shall inform the insurers and re-insures who are carrying on re-
insurance business with such specified re-insurer in or outside Bangladesh, of its
intention to issue such notification, and shall consider the application, if any
made by such insurer or insurers, with reference to the notification to be issued.
21. Requirement as to capital and share holdings.(1) No insurer, other
than insurers who had been transacting any class of insurance business in
Bangladesh before this Act coming into force, shall be registered after this Act
coming into force transacting any class of insurance business unless it has a
minimum paid-up capital of the amount specified in the Schedule-1 and its shares
have been paid up in such manner as may be prescribed by rules:
Provided that Government may, if necessary, by notification in the official
Gazette, increase or decrease the amount of paid-up capital:
Provided further that the sponsors shall deposit full amount of their
contribution to the paid up capital in any Scheduled Bank in Bangladesh
unencumbered in the name of the company before applying for registration and
shall keep it deposited unencumbered.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7131
(2) After submission of application for registration of the insurer or
thereafter in future, no withdrawal, except the interest earned on the deposit, shall
be made from the account of the deposit of paid up capital referred to in sub-
section (1) without the written permission of the Authority, and no lien on the
paid up capital of insurer shall be created except in favour of the Authority,
without the written permission of the Authority.
(3) An insurer, incorporated in or outside Bangladesh before the
commencement of this Act, shall have to fulfill the requirements of its capital
under sub-section (1) within such period as may be prescribed by rules.
22. Foreign sponsor’s share.
Any foreign sponsor may, subject to such
conditions as may be prescribed by rules, subscribe to, or hold the shares of, an
insurance company and the shares held by him shall not exceed the maximum
limit to be determined by the Government.
23. Deposit.
(1) Every insurer registered before the commencement of
this Act or desired to be registered after the commencement of this Act shall, at
the time of making an application for registration under this Act, deposit and
keep deposited with the Bangladesh Bank the amount as specified in Schedule-1,
either in cash or in approved securities estimated at the market value of the
securities on the day of the deposit, or partly in cash and partly in approved
securities so estimated.
(2) The amount deposited under sub-section (1) shall be held to the credit of
the insurer and if such amount becomes refundable in favour of the insurer, the
insurer shall, except to the extent to which the cash has been invested in
securities upon the application of the insurer, be entitled to it and any interest
accrued to the securities deposited shall also be payable to the insurer:
Provided that the commission chargeable for the realization of interest on
securities shall be deductible at such rate as may be determined by Bangladesh
Bank, from time to time.
(3) The insurer may, at any time, replace any securities deposited under this
section with the Bangladesh Bank either by cash or by other approved securities
or partly by cash and, partly by other approved securities, provided that such
cash, or the value of such other approved securities estimated at the market rates
prevailing at the time of replacement, of such cash together with such value, as
the case may be, is not less than the value of the securities replaced estimated at
the market rates prevailing when they were deposited.
7132 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(4) The Bangladesh Bank shall, if so applied by the insurer
(a) sell any securities deposited by the insurer with the Bank under the
section and hold the cash realised by such sale as deposit, or
(b) invest in government securities the whole or any part of a deposit
held by it in cash or the whole or any part of cash received by it on
the sale of or on the maturing of securities as specified by the
insurer and may charge such commission as may be specified by it
on such sale and on such investment.
(5) Where the provision of sub-section (4) applies
(a) if the cash realised by the sale of or on the maturing of the
securities excluding the interest accrued falls short of the market
value of the securities at the date on which they were deposited
with the Bank, the insurer shall make good the deficiency by a
further deposit either in cash or in government securities estimated
at the market value of the securities on the day on which they are
deposited, or partly in cash and partly in government securities so
estimated, within a period of 2 (two) months from the date on
which the securities matured or were sold, otherwise the insurer
shall be deemed to have contravened the requirements of this
section as to deposits;
(b) if the cash realised by the sale of or on the maturing of the
securities excluding the interest accrued exceeds the market value
of the securities at the date on which they were deposited with the
Bank, the Authority shall take necessary measures through the
Bangladesh Bank to facilitate the refund of excess cash to the
insurer; and
(c) if any part of a deposit made under this section is used in the
discharge of any liability of the insurer, the insurer shall deposit
such additional sum in cash or in government securities estimated at
the market value of the securities on the day of deposit, or partly in
cash and partly in such securities, as will make up the amount so
used, and unless the deficiency is made good within a period of
2 (two) months from the date when the deposit or any part thereof
is so used for discharge of liabilities, the insurer shall be deemed to
have contravened the requirements of sub-section (1).
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7133
24. Reservation of deposits.The deposits of the insurer shall be reserved
in the following manners, namely:
(a) any deposit made under section 23 or section 119 shall be deemed
to be part of the assets of the insurer;
(b) the deposit shall not be susceptible to any assignment or charge;
(c) deposits shall not be used for the discharge of any liability of the
insurer other than unresolved liabilities arising out of policies of
insurance issued by the insurer; or
(d) deposits shall not be attached in execution of any decree except
obtained by a policy holder of the insurer in respect of liability
arising out of policy which the holder has failed to realise in any
other way.
25. Refund of deposits.
Where an insurer has ceased to carry on any
class of insurance business in Bangladesh in respect of which a deposit has been
made under section 23 or section 119, and its liabilities in Bangladesh in respect
of business of that class have been satisfied or are otherwise provided for, the
Authority may, on the application of the insurer, return the insurer such deposit.
26. Separate accounts and funds.(1) An insurer, under this Act or the
rules made there under, shall keep separate accounts of all receipts and payments
in respect of each class and, as the case may be, sub-class of insurance business,
either alone or jointly, whatever the manner of business may be.
(2) Where the insurer carries on life insurance business, all receipts due in
respect of such business, shall be deposited to a separate fund to be called the life
insurance fund.
(3) A detailed statement of the deposited money and assets in the fund
referred to in subsection (2) shall be furnished to the Authority duly certified by
the auditor in accordance with regulations within 6 (six) months after the end of
every calendar year.
(4) The Life Insurance Fund shall be solely for the security of the life
insurance policyholders and shall not be liable for any contracts other than life
insurance and shall not be used directly or indirectly for any purposes other than
life insurance business.
7134 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
27. Account, balance-sheet, etc.
(1) Under this Act, every insurer in
respect of all classes of insurance business transacted by it in Bangladesh, shall
prepare the following statements at the expiration of each calendar year with
reference to that year, namely:
(a) a balance sheet in the manner and table set forth in the regulations;
(b) a profit and loss account in accordance with the table set forth in
the regulations;
(c) a revenue account in the form set forth in the regulations applicable
for that class or sub-class of insurance business where an insurer is
required under this Act to keep a separate account of receipts and
payments in accordance with the nature of insurance business; and
(d) a statement containing the names and description of persons
engaged in the management of insurance business during that
period and a report mentioning all information regarding their
business activities.
(2) The balance-sheet, profit and loss account, revenue account and report
referred to in sub-section (1) shall be signed, if the insurer is a company under
the Company Act, by the Chairman, two directors and the Chief Executive
Officer of the company, or, if the insurer is a cooperative society under the
Cooperative Society Act, by two of its members.
(3) Every insurer shall keep separate accounts relating to funds of
shareholders and policyholders according to regulations.
28. Audit.
(1) The balance-sheet, profit and loss account, revenue of any
insurance business carried on and transacted in Bangladesh, shall, unless they are
subject to audit under the Company Act, be audited annually by one or more
(2) An Auditor appointed under this section shall have the authority to
exercise the powers and perform the functions vested in Auditors under section
213 of the Company Act.
29. Special audit.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other
provisions of this Act, the Authority may have all the transactions, records,
documents in relation to insurance of any or all insurance companies carrying on
insurance business in Bangladesh audited by one or more Auditors from time to
time in the manner prescribed by regulations :
Provided that the Auditor appointed under this section for any year and the
Auditor appointed under section 28 shall not be the same person.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7135
(2) An Auditor appointed under this section shall have the right to inspect
all records, books of account, registers, vouchers, correspondence and all other
documents of the insurer in relation to insurance business and for this purpose
shall be entitled to hear from any director, officer and employee of the insurer
and summon any relevant document and information from the insurer.
(3) An Auditor appointed under this section shall prepare an audit report
and shall submit the report in quadruplicate to the Authority within 4 (four)
months from the date of his appointment.
(4) An Auditor appointed under this section shall be paid by the insurer
such fee as may be determined by the Authority.
30. Actuary report and abstract.
(1) Every insurer carrying on life
insurance business shall, at least once in every year cause an investigation to be
made by an Actuary into the financial condition of the life insurance business
carried on by it, including a valuation of its liabilities in such manner as may be
prescribed by regulations and shall cause an abstract of the actuarial report to be
made in such form and manner as may be prescribed in regulations :
Provided that the Authority may, having regard to the particular
circumstances of any insurer, allow it to have the investigation under this section
made at any date not later than 2 (two) years from the date on which the previous
investigation was made.
(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) regarding the making of an abstract
shall apply whenever at any time an investigation into the financial condition of
the insurer is made with a view to the distribution of profits or an investigation is
made of which the results are made public.
(3) There shall be appended to every such abstract a certificate signed by
the Chief Executive Officer of the insurer that full and accurate particulars of
every policy under which there is a liability either actual or contingent have been
furnished to the actuary for the purpose of the investigation.
(4) There shall be a statement appended to every such abstract, in
accordance with the regulations, in respect of the life insurance business at the
date to which the accounts of the insurer are made up for the purpose of such
abstract :
Provided that, if the investigation referred to in sub-section (1) and (2) is
made annually by any insurer, the statement need not be appended every year but
may be appended once in every 3 (three) years.
7136 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(5) Where an investigation into the financial condition of an insurer is made
as at a date other than the expiration of the year of account, the accounts for the
period since the expiration of the last year of account and the balance sheet as at
the date at which the investigation is made shall be prepared and audited in the
manner provided by this Act.
(6) The provisions of this section relating to life insurance business shall
apply also to accident and health insurance business :
Provided that if the Authority is satisfied that the number and amount of the
transactions carried out by an insurer in health insurance business is very small, it
may exempt that insurer from the provision of this sub-section in respect of
health insurance.
(7) The valuation of liabilities under sub-section (1) of this section shall be
carried out in such manner and on such basis that the calculated actuarial reserves
are not less than the actuarial reserves calculated in such manner and on such
basis as may be prescribed by regulations.
31. Register of policies and claims.
Every insurer in respect of insurance
business transacted by him in Bangladesh shall maintain a register of all policies
and claims in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations.
32. Submission of returns.(1) The accounts and balance sheet under
section 27 and audited accounts of liability valuation report, the abstract and
statement under section 30 shall be printed, and four copies thereof shall be
furnished as returns to the Authority in the case of the accounts, balance-sheet
etc. under section 27 and sub-section (5) of section 30 within 6 (six) months and
in the case of liability valuation report, the abstract and statement referred to in
section 30 within 9 (nine) months from the end of the period to which they refer :
Provided that the said period of 6 (six) months may be, in the case of
insurers having their principal place of business or domicile outside Bangladesh
and in the case of insurers constituted, incorporated and domiciled in Bangladesh
but also carrying on business outside Bangladesh, extended by 3 (three) more
months :
Provided further that the Authority, if it deems necessary, may extend the
time allowed by this sub-section for the furnishing of such returns by a further
period not exceeding 1 (one) month.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7137
(2) Out of the 4 (four) copies so furnished under this section, 1 (one) shall
be signed, in the case of a company, by the chairman and 2 (two) directors and by
the Chief Executive Officer of the company and, if the company has a managing
director by that director, in the case of a co-operative society, by 2 (two) of its
members; and 1 (one) copy shall be signed by the auditor who made the audit or
the actuary who made the valuation, as the case may be.
(3) Where the insurer’s principal place of business or domicile is outside
Bangladesh, he shall forward to the Authority, along with the documents referred
to in section 27, the balance-sheet, profit and loss account and revenue account
and the valuation reports and statements, if any, which the insurer is required to
file with the public authority of the country in which the insurer is constituted,
incorporated or domiciled, or, where such documents are not required to be filed,
a certified statement showing the total assets and liabilities and the total income
and expenditure of the insurer at the close of the period covered by the said
[(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, it shall be the
responsibility of an insurer established as “public-interest body” in such meaning
as defined in section 2(8) of the Financial Reported Act, 2015 to submit the
required documents to the Authority along with the auditor’s report prepared by
following the financial standards and auditing standards set forth in accordance
with section 40 of the said Act.
(5) The Authority shall not accept any annual report unless it is presented
with the report of any enlisted auditor.]
33. Exemption from certain provisions of the Company Act.
If it is not
contradictory to the Company Act, where an insurer, being a company
incorporated under the Company Act or under any other Act repealed thereby, in
any year furnishes its balance-sheet and accounts in accordance with the
provisions of section 32, it may at the same time send to the Registrar of
Companies copies of such balance-sheet and accounts and where such copies are
so sent it shall not be necessary for the company to file copies of the balance-
sheet and accounts with the Register as required under the Company Act, and
such copies so sent shall be chargeable with the same fee and shall be dealt with
all respects as if they were filed in accordance with the abovementioned section.
sub-sections (4) and (5) are inserted by section 63 of the Financial Reporting Act, 2015.
7138 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
34. Furnishing reports.
Every insurer shall furnish a certified copy of the
report to the Authority on the affairs of insurance business immediately after
submitting it to the shareholders or policy-holders of the insurer.
35. Abstract of proceedings of Annual General Meetings.
insurer shall furnish a certified copy of the minutes of the proceeding of every
general meeting to the Authority as entered in the Minutes Book of the insurer
within 30(thirty) days from the holding of the meeting to which it relates.
36. Custody and inspection of documents and supply of copies.
Every return furnished to the Authority and a certified copy of the statement
thereof shall be kept by the Authority and shall remain open to inspection and
any person may procure a copy of any such return, or of any part thereof, on
payment of fee as specified by the Authority.
(2) A printed or certified copy of the accounts, statements and abstract
furnished in accordance with the provisions of sections 32 shall on the
application of any shareholder or policy-holder made any time within 2(two)
years from the date on which the documents were so furnished, be supplied to
him by the insurer within 14 (fourteen) days where the insurer is incorporated,
registered and domiciled in Bangladesh and in case of other insurers within
1 (one) month of such application.
(3) A copy of the memorandum and articles of association of the insurer, if
a company, shall on the application of any policy-holder, be supplied to him by
the insurer within 15 (fifteen) days of such application on payment of such fee as
may be specified by the Authority.
37. Powers of the Authority regarding returns.―(1) If it appears to the
Authority that any return furnished to it under the provisions of this Act is
inaccurate or defective in any respect, it may―
(a) require from the insurer such further information, certified if it so
directs by an auditor or actuary, as it may consider necessary to
correct or supplement such return;
(b) call upon the insurer to submit for its examination at the principal
place of business of the insurer in Bangladesh any book of account,
register or other document or to supply any statement which it may
specify in a notice served on the insurer for the purpose;
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7139
(c) examine any officer of the insurer in relation to the return;
(d) decline to accept any such return unless the inaccuracy has been
corrected or the deficiency has been supplied before the expiry of
1(one) month from the date on which the requisition asking for
correction of the inaccuracy or supply of the deficiency was
delivered to the insurer.
(2) If the Authority declines to accept any such return under clause (d) of
sub-section (1), the insurer shall be deemed to have failed to furnish returns in
accordance with section 32.
38. Power of the Authority to order revaluation.―(1) If it appears to the
Authority that for following defective procedure followed, investigation or
Valuation reports under section 32 do not properly indicate the condition of the
affairs, if may, after giving notice to the insurer and giving him an opportunity to
be heard, direct a reinvestigation and revaluation within a date specified by the
Authority to be made at the expense of the insurer by an Actuary appointed by
the insurer and approved by the Authority and the insurer shall place at the
disposal of the Actuary all materials required by the Actuary for the purpose of
the investigation and valuation within a period not exceeding 3(three) months as
the Authority may specify.
(2) The provisions of sub-sections (1) and (3) of section 30, and of sub-
section (1) and (2) of section 32 shall apply in relation to an investigation and
valuation under this section:
Provided that the abstract and statement prepared as the result of such
investigation and valuation shall be furnished by such date as the Authority may
39. Evidence of documents.―(1) Every return furnished to the Authority,
if certified by the Authority to be a return, shall be deemed to be a return so
(2) If a return furnished under sub-section (1) is certified as a return by the
Authority, every document included therein shall be deemed to be a copy of that
return and shall be received in evidence as if it were the original return, unless
some variation between it and the original return is proved.
7140 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
40. Returns to be published in statutory forms.―No insurer shall―
(a) make or cause to be made any estimate, illustration, circular or
statememt misrepresenting any policy issued or to be issued or the
benefits promised thereby or the bonuses, shareholders dividends or
share of the surplus to be received thereon, or make any false or
misleading statement as to the bonuses, shareholders dividends or
share of surplus previously paid on similar policies or make any
misleading representation or any misrepresentaion as to the
financial condition of any insurer of use any name or title of any
insurer or use any name or title of any policy or any class of
policies misrepresenting the true nature of any policy or any class
of policies or make any misrepresentation to any policy-holder
insured in any company for the purpose of inducing or tending to
induce such policy-holder to lapse, forfeit or surrender his
insurance; and
(b) make, publish, disseminate, circulate or place before the public, or
cause directly to be made, published, disseminated, circulated or
placed before the public in a newspaper, magazine or other
publication, or in the form of a notice, circular, pamphlet or poster
or in any other manner any advertisement, announcement or
statement on any person engaged in insurance business, which is
false, untrue, deceptive, misleading or calculated to injure any
person engaged in the business of insurance:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall pervent an
insurer from publishing any return in a from in which it has been
furnished to the Authority or a true and accurate abstract from such
returns or any other factual statement for the purposes of publicity.
41. Investment of assets.―(1) Every insurer shall invest and maintain its
assets in such manner and place, as may be prescribed by regulations, and the
Authority shall power to regulate such investment:
Provided that no investment shall be permissible in the first issue of capital
by a company, firm or other business concern in which any of the directors of the
insurer or any member of the family of such director has any interest as
proprietor, partner, director, manager or managing agent.
(2) Every insurer shall submit a return on such investment under sub-
section (1) in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7141
42. Subsidiary Companies.(1) The Authority may permit an insurer to form
one or more subsidiary companies for the purpose of undertaking such business
as it may deem to be conducive to the promotion and development of insurance
business in Bangladesh, or necessary in public interest or useful in any other way.
(2) Save as provided in sub-section (1), no insurer shall hold shares in any
company exceeding the amount as specified in the regulations.
43. Solyency margin requirements.―(1) Every insurer shall maintain a
solvency margin in respect of its insurance business of such amount and in such
manner as may be perscribed by regulations.
(2) If an insurer, at any time, does not maintain the required solvency
margin in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1), it shall, as per the
directions issued by the Authority in this regard, submit a plan of action to make
good then deficiency to the Authority within a specified period not exceeding
3(three) months from the date of issue of such directions.
(3) If a plan submitted under sub-section (2) is considered inadequate by the
Authority, the insurer shall modify the plan and give effect to the plan approved
by the Authority.
(4) The Authority shall have the power to inspect or verify the assets and
liabilities of any insurer or secure other essential particulars to examine whether
the requirements of solvency margin have been complied with and the insurer
shall be bound to comply with any directions issued by the Authority in this
regard, and if its fails to do so within 2(two) months from the receipt of such
directions, it shall be deemed to have made default in complying with the
requirements of solvency margin and in that case action shall be taken in
accordance with section 95 of this Act.
(5) Every insurer transacting life insurance business shall furnish to the
Authority a statement certified by an actuary, of the required solvency margin
maintained by the life insurer in such manner as may by perscribed by
(6) Every insurer transacting non-life insurance business shall furnish to the
Authority a statement certified by an approved auditor, of the required solvency
margin maintained by the non-life insurer in such manner as may be perscribed
by regulations.
7142 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
44. Restrictions on grant of loan, advance and financing facility.―(1)
No insurer shall grant an advance, a loan or a finacing facility against the security
of its own shares.
(2) No insurer shall grant to any director, manager, actuary, auditor or
officer of the insurer or to any member of their family any loan or temporary
advance, either on hypothecation of property or on personal security or
otherwise, except a loan on life policies issued by the insurer within the surrender
(3) Except with the permission of its Board of Directors and approval by the
Authority, no insurer shall grant any loan or temporary advance to any firm or
company in which any director, manager, actuary, auditor or officer of the
insurer, or member of the family of such director, manager, actuary, auditor or
officer, has any interest as proprietor, partner, director, manager or managing
(4) The concerned director receiving loan shall not vote at, or otherwise
participate in, the proceedings of the Board of Directors considering the grant of
any such loan or advance as is referred to in sub-section (2).
(5) Where any event occues giving rise to circumstances the existence of
which at the time of the grant of any subsisting loan or temporary advance would
have made such grant a contravention of sub-section (1) of sub-section(2) of this
section, such loan shall, notwithstanding any contract to the contrary, be repaid
within 3 (three) months from the occurrence of such event and, in case of default
the director, manager, actuary, auditor or officer concerned shall, without
prejudice to any other penalty to which he may be liable, cease to hold office
with the insurer granting the loan or advance on the expiry of the said 3(three)
(6) Nothing in sub-section(1) or sub-section(2) shall apply to loans or
advances granted by an insurer to a banking company or to a subsidiary company
being an insurer or to any insurer to which the insurer granting the loan or
advance is a subsidiary company.
(7) Nothing in sub-section(1) of this section shall apply to any stipend paid
to any insurance agent or broker or employer of agents while he is undergoing a
training course approved by the Authority.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7143
(8) The provisions of the Company Act shall not apply to a loan granted to
a director of an insurer being a company, if the loan is none granted on the
security of a policy on which the insurer bears the risk and the policy was issued
to the director on his own life, and the loan is within the surrender value of the
(9) Subject to the provisions of sub-section(1) no insurer shall grant to any
officer, employee, insurance agent or broker or employer of agents any loan or
temporary advance except―
(a) loans on life policies issued by him to an officer, employee,
insurance agent or broker or employer of agents within their
surrender value;
(b) loans on mortgage of immovable property provided that―
(i) the Authority certified that the insurer, if it transacts life
insurance business, has complied with all the provisions of
this Act;
(ii) the value of the property is at least twice the amount of the
(iii) the property is situated in such towns as may be notified in
this behalf;
(iv) the loan is made in such installments as may be decided by the
Board of Director of the insurer if the purpose of the loan is to
construct a house;
(v) the loan is repayable within a period not exceeding 15
(fifteen) years; or
(vi) the loan is of such amount that the installment of capital and
interest does not exceed one-fourth of the basic salary of the
officer or employee or one-fourth of the renewal commission
or over-riding commission of an agent or broker or an
employer of agents, as the case may be, during a year;
(c) loans for the purchase of a conveyance to an officer, employee,
insurance agent or employer of agents provided that―
(i) the officer, employee, insurance agent or employer of agents
has served the insurer continually for such period as may be
decieded by the Board of Directors of the insurer;
7144 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(ii) the conveyance purchased is mortgaged to the insuer;
(iii) the loan does not exceed such amount, and allowed subject to
such conditions as to the time allowed for its repayment, as
may be decided by the Board of Diorectors of the insurer:
Provided that the total loan referred to in sub-clause (iv) of
clause (b) and clause (c) of this section shall not exceed 10 (ten)
percent of the net profit of the preceding year of the non life insurer
after payment of income tax:
Provided further that the amount of 10 percent loan referred to
in the first proviso shall under no circumstances exceed 20 percent
of the insurer’s paid up capital;
(d) temporary advances to an officer, employee, insurance agent or
employer of agents not exceeding,―
(i) in the case of an officer and employee, 4 (four) months salary;
(ii) in the case of an insurance agent, the renewal commission
earned by him during 2 (two) years immediately preceding the
date of application for the advance, or a sum not exceeding a
specified amount if he has not earned renewal commission;
(iii) in the case of an employer of agents, the renewal commission
and the over-riding renewal commission earned by him during
the year immediately preceding the date of application for the
advance, or not less than a specified sum if he has not earned
renewal commission and over-riding renewal commission:
Provided that, in respect of the life insurance business of an
insurer, the total temporary advances referred to in this clause shall
not exceed at any time a specified percentage of the life insurance
fund subject to a specified maximum amount in any other case.
45. Liability of directors and others for loss.―If by reason of a
contravention of any of the provisions of section 44 any loss is sustained by the
insurer or by the policy-holders, any director, manager or officer who is
knowingly a party to such contravention shall, without prejudice to any other
penalty to which he may be liable under this Act, be jointly and severally liable
to make good the amount of such loss.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7145
46. Assets of insurer how to be kept.―None of the assets of any insurer
shall, except in the case of deposits made with the Bangladesh Bank under
section 23 or section 119 and deposits with a scheduled bank acting as a
custodian, be kept otherwise than in the corporate name and under the direct
control of the insurer.
47. Restrictions on the appointment of managing agent.―No insurer
shall after the commencement of this Act, appoint a managing agent for the
conduct of its business.
48. Investigation of affairs of an insurer.―(1) The Authority may
institute an investigation into the whole or any part of the business carried on by
an insurer registered under this Act, if it appears to the Authority that―
(a) the insurer is or likely to become unable to meet its obligations;
(b) the insurer has failed to comply with any provisions of this Act
relating to insurance funds;
(c) the insurer, having been given notice under section 49, has not,
within 1 (one) month thereafter furnished the required information
fully and satisfactorily;
(d) the insurer has failed to comply with any provisions of sections 27,
30, 41, 43 and 44;
(e) the expenditure of insurance business or expenditure in procuring,
maintaining or administering any class of insurance business of the
insurer is unduly high in relation to the income derived from
insurance premium;
(f) no appropriate method was followed by the insurer in apportioning
expenditure or particular class of expenditure between insurance
fund and any other fund; or
(g) any information in the possession of the Authority calls for such an
7146 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(2) Before instituting an investigation under this section, the Authority shall
serve on the insurer a notice in wiriting specifying that before the completion of
any investigation under this section the insurer shall not undeer any
circumstances, save with the prior written approval of the Authority, dispose of
any assets vested in or accruing to the insurer.
Explanation.―For the purposes of this section , assets include but are not
limited to the following assets―
(a) immovable assets, namely any land, building and any object firmly
affixed thereto;
(b) movable assets, namely any furniture, equipments, books,
periodicals and any other movable items, any motor vehecles,
vessels, ships, aircrafts and other means of conveyance of whatever
(c) investments, namely any state and local Government securities and
any other securities as approved by the Government of competent
(d) other investments, namely stocks, shares, bonds, debentures and
intual funds that are quoted in any stock exchange or investments
(e) cash, namely any cash deposited in any bank lending institution or
placed with any other bodies or agencies including any
determinable amount of cash in hand;
(f) other assets, namely any outstanding premium, commission and
debt, advance, securities, deposit and security payment of which is
due or payable and rights contractual or otherwise accruing to or
vested in the insurer.
(3) The Authority may itself make the investigation or may direct an
investigator appointed in accordance with sub-section (4) to conduct the
investigation and submit a report within Seven (7) working days in the form of a
(4) The Authority may appoint an auditor other than the auditor who
prepares statements of account or other statements of the insurer under section
27, an actuary, or any other suitable person to be an investigator to carry out the
investigation under this section and the cost of such investigation shall be paid by
the insurer.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7147
(5) In making an investigation under this section, the Authority or
investigator may direct—
(a) the insurer, or any poerson in charge thereof on behalf of the
insurer; or
(b) any person who is or has at any time been or acted as a director,
actuary, auditor, officer, employee or agent of the insurer; or
(c) any past or present participant of the insurer,
to produce or allow him to have access to and to copy the whole or any part of,
any books, accounts, records, or other documents of the insurer, whether kept in
Bangladesh or elsewhere, including documents evidencing the insurer’s title to
any assets :
Provided that a requirement under this sub-section shall extend only to
documents relating to business carried on by the insurer in Bangladesh, or
evidencing the insurer’s title to assets held for the purposes of any such business.
(6) In making an investigation under this section, the Authority or
investigator may require any such individual as is specified in sub-section (5) to
attend before him and make presentation or be examined with respect to the
insurer’s business.
(7) On receipt of any report under this section and after giving opportunity
to the insurer to make application in connection with the report the Authority
shall, if it deems fit
(a) direct the insurer to take effective action in respect of any matter
referred to in the report; or
(b) cancel the registration of the insurer; or
(c) direct any person to apply to the Court for the winding up of the
insurer, whether the registration of the insurer has been cancelled in
accordance with clause (b) or not.
(8) The Authority if necessary may after giving reasonable notice to the
insurer publish the report, of investigation by the Authority or submitted by the
investigator under this section or such portion thereof.
(9) No order made under this section other than an order made under clause
(b) of sub-section (7) shall be sued against or called in question in any Court.
7148 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(10) If any person refuses or fails, when required to do so under sub-
sections (5) or (6), to produce any document in his custody or power or to attend
for or submit to examination by the Authority or investigator, the Authority or
investigator may certify the refusal under his hand to the Court; and the Court
may thereupon enquire into the issue and after hearing any witnesses who may be
produced against or in favor of the accused and after hearing any statement
which may be offered in defense, punish the offender in like manner as if he had
been guilty of contempt of the Court.
49. Power of inspection and call for information, etc.―(1) The Authority
may from time to time inspect the books, accounts and transactions of any insurer
and of any of its branch offices.
(2) For the purposes of an inspection under sub-section (1), the insurer shall
allow the Authority access to his books, accounts and documents and shall give
such information and facilities as may be required to conduct the inspection.
(3) Where the Authority is of the opinion that it is necessary for the
purposes of this Act, it may by notice in writing, if found necessary, require any
director, officer or representative of any insurer, in connection with any matter
related to any business carried on by that insurer in or outside Bangladesh in such
manner as may be prescribed by regulations at the time and place as specified in
the notice, to―
(a) furnish him with any information; or
(b) direct to appear before him.
(4) Any person who refuses to allow an inspection under sub-section (1), or
contravenes any provision of sub-section (2), or fails to comply with any
requirement of the Authority under sub-section (3), shall be guilty of an offence
and shall, on conviction, be liable to fine not exceeding Taka 5 (five) lac and
shall also be liable to a further fine not exceeding Taka 5 (five) lac for every day
during which the offence is continued.
50. Power of the Authority to give directions to the insurer.―(1) Where
the Authority is satisfied that the affairs of an insurer are likely to be detrimental
to the public interest, the interests of the policy-holders, or the interest of the
insurer, the Authority may issue such directions to the insurer as it considers
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7149
necessary and may in particular require the insurer the following actions,
namely :―
(a) to take such action or engage such competent manpower as may be
necessary to enable the insurer to conduct its business in
accordance with the provisions of this Act;
(b) to remove the chairman, any director, adviser, chief executive
officer, by whatever name called, whom the Authority has reason to
believe that holding the office of such person has contravened the
provisions of any law and that the contravention is of such a nature
that the association of such person with the insurer is or is likely to
be detrimental to the interests of the insurer or of the policy-
holders, or is otherwise undesirable, after giving such persons an
opportunity of being heard:
Provided that if, in the opinion of the Authority any delay
would be detrimental to the interest of insurer or its policy-holders,
it may at the time of giving the aforesaid opportunity of being heard
or at any time thereafter while an application is made for aforesaid
opportunity of being heard, if filed, by order direct that, pending the
consideration of the representation aforesaid, the director or, as the
case may be, the Chief Executive Officer shall not, with effect from
the date of such order,―
(i) act as such director or the Chief Executive Officer of the
(ii) in any way, wheather directly or indirectly, be connected with
or take part in the management of the insurer;
(c) not to take any action as to the disposal or recovery of its assets;
(d) not to take any step for the recovery by the insurer of sums
appearing to the Authority to have been illegally or improperly
(e) to refrain from issuing new policy or renewal thereof in relation to
the class of insurance business as referred to in the order.
(2) The Authorityh may modify or cancel any direction issued under sub-
section (1) and in so doing may impose such conditions, as it thinks fit.
(3) Every insurer shall comply with any direction under sub-section (1) or
such direction as modified under sub-section (2) of this section subject to the
fulfillment of all conditions.
7150 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
51. Power of the Authority to require an insurer to call the meeting of
its directors etc.―The Authority may, during the course, or after the completion
of special audit investigation conducted under this Act, by order in writing and
on such terms and conditions as may be specified therein, require to take the
following actions, namely:―
(a) calling a meeting of the Board of Directors for the purpose of
disscussing any matter relating to or arising out of the affairs of the
(b) discussing on any matter pertaining to insurance with the Chief
Executive Officer of the insurer or any of its officer;
(c) allowing any officer deputed for the purpose to watch the
proceedings of, and to speak at any meeting of the Board of
Directors of the insurer or of any committee or other body
constituted by the insurer and directing to furnish such officer with
a copy of the proceedings of such meeting;
(d) allowing any officer appointed or deputed for the purpose to
observe for a specified period which may by extended from time to
time the manner in which the affairs of the insurer or of any of its
offices or branches are being conducted;
(e) making within such time as may be specified such changes in the
management , as the Authority may consider necessary to put the
affairs of the insurer in order.
52. Amalgamatiom and transfer of life insurance business.―(1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Company Act or in the Article of
Association of insurer the following provisions shall apply in the case of merger
and transfer of life insurance business, namely:―
(a) no life insurance business of an insurer incorporated outside
Bangladesh shall be merged with any person or any other insurer
except in accordance with a scheme prepared under this section
and approved by the Authority;
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7151
(b) any scheme prepared under this section shall include the conditions
in detail under which the transfer or merger will be proposed.
Necessary provisions for giving effcet to the scheme shall also be
(c) before an application is made to the Authority to approve any such
transfer or amalgamation, a letter of intent together with a statement
of the nature of the merger or transfer and of the reason there for
shall, at least 2(two) months before the application is made, be filed
to the Authority and certified copies, 4(four) in number, of each of
the following documents shall be furnished to the Authority and
2(two) other copies shall be kept open for the inspection of the
public and policy-holders at the principal and branch offices and
agencies of the insurer concerned, namely:―
(i) a draft instrument for proposed amalgamation or transfer;
(ii) balance-sheets in respect of the insurance business of each of
the insurers concerned in such amalgamation or transfer,
prepared in the form as specified by the Authority and in
accordance with the regulations;
(iii) actuarial reports and abstracts in respect of the life insurance
business of each of the insurers so concerned, prepared in
conformity with the requirements of the Authority and in
accordance with the regulations;
(iv) a report on the proposed merger or transfer prepared by an
neutral Actuary who has never been professionally connected
with any of the parties concerned in the amalgamation or
transfer at any time in the 5(five) years preceding the date on
which he signs his report; and
(v) any other reports on which the merger or transfer was founded.
(2) The balance-sheets, reports and abstracts referred to in clause (c) of sub-
section (1) shall be prepared as at the date on which the amalgamation or
transfer, if approved by the Authority, is to take effect, which date shall not be
more than 12(twelve) months before the date on which application to the
Authority is made under this section :
7152 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
Provided that if the Authority so directs in the case of any particular insurer
there may be substituted respectively for the balance sheet, report and abstract
referred to in sub-clauses (ii) and (iii) of clause (c) of sub-section (1), certified
copies of the last balance-sheet and last report and abstract prepared in
accordance with this Act, if that balance-sheet is prepared as at a date not more
than 1 (one) year, and that report and abstract as at a date not more than 5(five)
years before the date on which the application to the Authority is made under this
53. Approval of amalgamation and transfer by the Authority.
When any application under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 52 is made to
the Authority, the Authority shall cause, if for special reasons it so directs, notice
of the application to be sent to every person resident in Bangladesh who is the
holder of a life policy of any insurance concerned and shall cause a statement of
the nature and terms of the amalgamation or transfer, to be published in such
manner and for such period as it may determine, and after hearing the directors
and such policy-holders as willing to be heard and other persons whom it
considers entitled to be heard, if it is satisfied that objection as to the arrangement
or transfer is not maintainable, it shall make orders as are necessary to give effect
to the proposed arrangement, including orders as to the disposal of any deposit
made under section 23 or section 119.
Provided that
(a) no part of the deposit made by any party to the merger or transfer
shall be returned except where, after effect is given to the
arrangement, the whole of the deposit to be made by the insurer
carrying on the amalgamated business or the person to whom the
business is transferred is completed;
(b) only so much shall be returned as is no longer required to complete
the deposit mentioned in clause (a); and
(c) while the deposit mentioned in clause (a) remains incomplete, no
accession, resulting from the arrangement, to the amount already
deposited by the insurer carrying on the amalgamated business or
the person to whom the business is transferred shall be appropriated
as payment or part payment of any installment of deposit
subsequently due from him under section 23 or section 119.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7153
(2) If the arrangement involves a reduction of the amount of the insurance
and other contracts of the transferor insurer or of any or all of the insurers
concerned in the amalgamation, the Authority may approve the arrangement
reducing the amount of such contracts upon such terms and subject to such
conditions as it may think proper, and the reduction of contracts as approved by
the Authority shall be valid and binding on all the parties concerned.
54. Statements required after amalgamation and transfer.Where an
amalgamation takes place between any two or more insurers, or where any
business of an insurer is transferred whether in accordance with a scheme
confirmed by the Authority or otherwise, the insurer carrying on the
amalgamated business or the person to whom the business is transferred, as the
case may be, shall within three months from the date of the completion of the
amalgamation or transfer, furnish 2(two) copies of the following documents to
the Authority, namely :
(a) a certified copy of the scheme, agreement or deed under which the
amalgamation or transfer has been effected;
(b) a declaration signed by every party concerned or in the case of a
company by the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer that to
the best of their belief every payment made or to be made to any
person whatsoever on account of the amalgamation or transfer is
therein fully set forth and that no other payments beyond those set
forth have been made or are to be made either in money, policies,
bonds, valuable securities or other property; and
(c) where the amalgamation or transfer has not been made in
accordance with a scheme approved by the Authority under section
53, in that case
(i) balance-sheet in respect of the insurance business of each of
the insurers concerned in such amalgamation or transfer,
prepared in the form as specified in the regulations; and
(ii) certified copies of any other reports on which the scheme of
amalgamation or transfer was founded.
7154 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
55. Power of the Authority to prepare scheme for non-life
amalgamation.(1) If the Authority, in case of non-life insurance business, is
satisfied that
(i) in the public interest; or
(ii) in the interest of the policy-holders; or
(iii) in order to secure proper management of an insurer; or
(iv) in the interest of insurance business of the country as a whole,
it is necessary to amalgamate one insurer with another, it may prepare a scheme
for the amalgamation :
Provided that, no such scheme shall be prepared unless the other insurer has
given its written consent to the proposal for such amalgamation.
(2) The aforesaid scheme may contain provisions for all or any of the
following matters, namely :
(a) the constitution, name and registered office, the capital, assets,
power, rights, interests, authorities and privileges and the liabilities,
duties and obligations of the transferee insurer;
(b) the transfer to the transferee insurer the business, properties, assets
and liabilities of the insurer on such terms and conditions as may be
specified in the scheme;
(c) any change in the Board of Directors, or the appointment of a new
Board of directors of the transferee insurer and the Authority by
whom, the manner in which, and the period for which such
appointment of a new Board of Directors or of any director, shall be
(d) the alteration of the memorandum and articles of association of the
transferee insurer for the purposes of altering the capital thereof or
for such other purposes as may be necessary to give effect to the
(e) subject to the provisions of the scheme, the continuation of any
pending action or proceedings by or against the transferee insurer;
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7155
(f) the reduction or alteration of the interest or rights which the share-
holders, policy-holders and other creditors have in or against the
insurer before the amalgamation in the public interest or in the
interest of the share-holders, policy-holders and other creditors or
for the maintenance of the business of the insurer;
(g) the payment in cash or otherwise to policy-holders or other
creditors in full satisfaction of their claims
(i) in respect of their interest or rights in or against the insurer
before the merger;
(ii) where their interest or rights in or against the insurer has or
have been reduced in accordance with clause (f), such reduced
interest or rights;
(h) the allotment to the share-holders of the insurer for shares held by
them therein before the amalgamation whether their interest in such
shares has been reduced under clause (f) or not of share in the
transferee insurer and where any share-holder claims payment in
cash and not allotment of shares, or where it is not possible to allot
shares to any share-holder the payment in cash to those share-
holders in satisfaction of their following claims, namely :
(i) in respect of their interest in shares in the insurer before the
(ii) where their interest or rights has or have been reduced in
accordance with clause (f), in respect of their interest or right
so reduced;
(i) the continuance of the services of all the employees of the insurer
in the transferee insurer at the same remuneration and on the same
terms and conditions of service that prevailed immediately before
the amalgamation :
Provided that the scheme shall contain a provision that the
transferee insurer shall pay or grant not later than the expiry of a
period of 3(three) years from the amalgamation, to the said
employees the same remuneration and the same terms and
7156 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
conditions of service as are applicable to other employees of
corresponding rank or status of the transferee insurer subject to the
educational qualifications and experience of the said employees
being equivalent to those of such other employees of the transferee
insurer :
Provided further that if in any case any doubt or difference
arises as to whether the educational qualifications and experience of
any employees are equivalent to the educational qualifications and
experience of the other employees of corresponding rank or status
of the transferee insurer, the doubt or difference shall be referred to
the Authority whose decision thereon shall be final;
(j) any other terms and conditions for the amalgamation of the insurer;
(k) such incidental, consequential and supplemental matters as are
necessary to secure that the amalgamation shall be fully and
effectively carried out.
(3) In accordance with this section
(a) a copy of the scheme prepared by the Authority shall be sent in
draft to the insurer and the transferee insurer and any other insurer
concerned in the merger, for suggestions and objections, if any;
(b) the Authority may make such modifications in the draft scheme as
it may consider necessary in the light of suggestions and objections
received from the insurer, the transferee insurer, and any other
insurer concerned in the amalgamation and from share-holders,
policy-holders or creditors of each of the abovementioned insurers.
(4) The scheme prepared in accordance with this section shall be placed
before the Government for its approval and the Government may approve the
scheme without any modification or with such modification as it may consider
necessary; and the scheme as approved by the Government shall come into force
on such date as the Government may specify in this behalf :
Provided that different dates may be specified for the implementation of
different provisions of the scheme.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7157
(5) The approval given by the Government under sub-section (4) shall be
conclusive evidence that all the requirements of this section relating to
amalgamation have been complied with and a copy of the approved scheme
certified in writing by an officer of the Government shall in all legal proceedings
(whether in appeal or similar) be admitted as evidence to the same extent as the
original scheme.
(6) The Government may, in like-manner, add to, amend or alter any
scheme made under this section.
(7) On and from the date of the coming into force of the scheme or any
provision thereof; the scheme or such provision shall be binding on the insurer
or, as the case may be, on the transferee insurer and any other insurer concerned
in the amalgamation and also on each shareholders, policy-holders and other
creditors and employees of those insurers and transferee insurer, and on any other
person having any right or liability in relation to any of those insurers or the
transferee insurer.
(8) On and from such date as may be specified by the Government, the
properties and assets of the insurer shall, by virtue of an to the extent provided in
the scheme, be transferred to, and vested in the transferee insurer and the liability
of the insurer shall, by virtue of and to the extent provided in the scheme, be
transferred to and become the liabilities of the transferee insurer.
(9) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of the scheme
the Government may take any action or make order not inconsistent with such
provisions, which appear to it necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing
the difficulty.
(10) Nothing in this section shall prevent the amalgamation with an insurer
by a single scheme of several insurers.
(11) The provision of this section and of any scheme made under it shall be
in force notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other
provisions of this Act or in any other law or any agreement, award or other
instrument for the time being in force.
(12) The provision of section 54 shall not apply in giving effect to
amalgamation under the provisions of this section.
7158 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
56. Assignment and transfer of life insurance policies.(1) A transfer
and assignment of a policy of life insurance may be made only by an
endorsement upon the policy itself or by a separate instrument, signed either by
the transferor or by the assignor or his duly authorized or recognized agent and
attested by at least one witness, specifically setting forth the fact of transfer or
(2) Such transfer or assignment shall be complete and effective upon the
endorsement of the instrument referred to and due attestation but except where
the transfer or assignment is in favour of the insurer, it shall not be operative as
against an insurer and shall not confer upon the transferee or assignee or his legal
representative any right to sue for the amount of such policy or the moneys
secured thereby until a notice in writing of the transfer or assignment and either
the said endorsement or instrument itself or a copy thereof certified to be correct
by both transferor and transferee or their duly authorized agents have been
delivered to the insurer :
Provided that where the insurer maintains one or more places of business in
Bangladesh, such notice shall be delivered at the place mentioned in the policy or
at his principal place of business.
(3) The date on which the notice referred to in sub-section (2) is delivered
to the insurer shall regulate the priority of all claims under a transfer or
assignment as between persons interested in the policy; and where there is more
than one transfer or assignment the priority of the claims under such instrument
shall be governed by the order in which the notices referred to in sub-section (2)
are delivered.
(4) Upon the receipt of the notice referred to in sub-section (2) the insurer
shall record the fact of such transfer or assignment together with the date thereof
and the name of the transferee or the assignee and shall, on the request of the
person by whom the notice was given or of the transferee or assignee, on
payment of a fee prescribed by rules provide a written acknowledgment of the
receipt of such notice, and any such acknowledgment shall be the conclusive
evidence that the insurer has received the notice.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7159
(5) Subject to the terms and conditions of the transfer or assignment, the
transferee or assignee named in the notice shall, from the date of the receipt of
the notice referred to in sub-section (2) of this section, be the only person entitled
to the benefit under the policy, and all the liability and ownership and right
vested in the transferor or assignor shall vest in him on the date of transfer or
assignment and he may institute any suit in relation to the policy without
obtaining the permission of the transferor or assignor or making him a party to it.
(6) Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a policy of life
insurance under an assignment or transfer effected prior to the coming into force
of this Act shall not be affected by the provisions of this section.
(7) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, an assignment in favour of a
person made with the condition that it shall be inoperative or that the interest
shall pass on to some other person on the happening of a specified event during
the life time of the person whose life is insured and an assignment in favour of
the survivor or survivors of a number of persons, shall be valid.
(8) No transferee or assignee of a life insurance policy issued by a Mutual
Insurance Company shall become a member of that company by reason only of
such transfer or assignment of life insurance policy.
57. Nomination by policy-holder.(1) The holder of a policy of life
insurance on his own life, may, when effecting the policy or at any time before
the policy matures for payment, nominate the person or persons to whom the
money secured by the policy shall be paid in the event of his death :
Provided that, where any nominee is a minor, it shall be lawful for the
policy-holder to appoint in the prescribed manner any person to receive the
money secured by the policy in the event of his death during the minority of the
(2) Any such nomination in order to be effectual shall, unless it is
incorporated in the text of the policy itself, be made by an endorsement on the
policy and communicated to the insurer in relation to life insurance and
registered by it in its records and any such nomination may at any time before the
policy matures for payment be cancelled or changed by an endorsement or a
further endorsement or a will, as the case may be; but unless notice of any such
cancellation or change has been delivered to the insurer, the insurer shall not be
liable for any payment under the policy made bonafide by it to a nominee or a
nominee as registered in the records of the insurer.
7160 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(3) The insurer shall furnish to the policy-holder a written acknowledgment
of having registered a nomination or a cancellation or change thereof, and may
charge a prescribed fee for that.
(4) A transfer or assignment of a policy made in accordance with this
section shall automatically cancel a nomination:
Provided that the assignment of a policy to the insurer who bears the risk on
the policy at the time of the assignment, in consideration of a loan granted by that
insurer on the security of the policy within its surrender value, or its
re-assignment on repayment of the loan shall not cancel a nomination; but shall
affect the rights of the nominee only to the extent of the insurer's interest in the
policy until the loan is paid :
Provided further that the assignment of a policy to a party other than the
insurer who bears the risk on the policy at the time of the assignment, in
consideration of a loan granted by that person on the security of the policy within
its surrender value, shall not cancel a nomination; rather it shall remain
suspended, to the extent of the interest of the lender in the policy, until such time
as the policy is re-assigned on repayment of the loan.
(5) Where the policy matures for payment during the lifetime of the person
whose life is insured or where the nominee or, if there are more nominees than
one, all the nominees die before the policy matures, the amount secured by the
policy shall be payable to the policy-holder or his heirs or legal representatives or
the holder of a succession certificate.
(6) Where the nominee or, if there are more nominees than one, nominees
survive the person whose life is insured, the amount secured by the policy shall
be payable to such survivor or survivors.
(7) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any policy of life
insurance to which provisions of the Married Women's Property Act 1874 applies
or has at any time applied :
Provided that where a nomination made before this Act has come into force
in favour of the wife of the person who has insured his life or of his wife and
children or any of them, the said sub-section (6) shall be deemed not to apply or
not to have applied to the policy.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7161
58. Restriction on payment by way of commission or otherwise for
procuring business.(1) No person shall pay or contract to pay any
remuneration or reward whether by way of commission or in any other name for
soliciting or procuring insurance business in Bangladesh to any person except an
insurance agent or an employer of agents or broker.
(2) No person shall pay to any agent any renewal commission in respect of
a life insurance business after the expiry of the term of licence during the validity
of which such business was procured; or the insurance agent referred to shall not
receive commission for insurance business procured by him unless he has been
registered under sub-section (1) of section 124.
(3) No insurance agent in case of life insurance shall be paid or contracted
to be paid by way of commission or remuneration in any form for policy or
policies procured by him an amount exceeding the following limit, namely :
(a) 35 (thirty five) percent of the first year's premium;
(b) 10 (ten) percent on second year's renewal premium; and
(c) 5 (five) percent of renewal premium on subsequent years :
Provided that insurers in respect of life insurance business
may pay during the first 10(ten) years of their business to their
insurance agents commission on any policy or policies procured by
them of 45(forty five) percent of the first year's premium; 12
(twelve) percent on second year's renewal premium and 6(six)
percent of the renewal premiums on subsequent years.
(4) For the purpose of sub-section (2), all the life insurance business of an
agent during the validity of his licence procured shall be deemed to have been
procured by that insurance agent.
(5) No insurance agent shall be paid or contracted to be paid by way of
commission or as remuneration in any form any amount in respect of any policy
not procured through him :
Provided that where a policy of life insurance has lapsed, and it cannot
under the terms and conditions applicable to it be revived without further medical
examination of the person whose life was insured thereby, an insurer, after giving
7162 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
notice in writing to the insurance agent through whom the policy was effected if
such agent continues to be an agent, an opportunity to effect the revival of the
policy, within a time specified in the notice, being not less than 1(one) month
from the date of the receipt by him of the notice, may pay to another insurance
agent who effects the revival of the policy an amount calculated at a rate not
exceeding the rate of commission at which the agent through whom the policy
was effected would have been paid had the policy not lapsed, on the sum payable
on revival of the policy on account of arrear premiums (excluding any interest on
such arrear premiums) and also on the subsequent renewal premiums payable on
the policy.
59. Limitation of expenditure on commission.No person shall pay or
contract to pay to an insurance agent and no insurance agent shall receive or
contact to receive, by way of commission or remuneration in any form, in respect
of any policy of life insurance issued in Bangladesh by an insurer effected
through that insurance agent, an amount exceeding such percentage as may be
prescribed :
Provided that such percentage shall not exceed the rate as referred to in
clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 58.
(2) No person shall pay to any insurance agent in Bangladesh or contract to
pay to any employer of agents and no employer of agents shall receive or
contract to receive by way of commission, or any other remuneration in any
form, in respect of any policy of life insurance issued in Bangladesh by an
amount insurer and effected through an employer of agents, an amount exceeding
such percentage as may be prescribed.
(3) No person shall pay or contact to pay to an insurance agent, by way of
commission or remuneration in any form, respect of any policy of non-life
insurance issued in Bangladesh by an insurer and effected through an insurance
agent, an amount exceeding such percentage as may be prescribed.
(4) No person shall pay or contact to pay to any broker, by way of
commission, overriding commission or any other remuneration in any form in
respect of any policy of non-life insurance issued in Bangladesh by an insurer
and effected through a broker, an amount exceeding such percentage as may be
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7163
(5) No insurer shall pay or contact to pay outside Bangladesh to any person
any commission in any form in respect of the insurance business transacted by
such person in Bangladesh.
(6) Any insurer, agent, employer of agents or broker who contravenes any
of the provisions of sub-section (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) shall be punished with
fine which may extend to Taka 1(one) lac.
(7) An insurer incorporated outside Bangladesh who receives or contracts to
receive any commission in respect of any business transacted in Bangladesh and
reinsured abroad shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions of sub-
section (5) if all amounts received by it outside Bangladesh have been fully
credited following the methods approved by the Government.
60. Restriction of rebates.(1) No person shall allow or offer to allow,
either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew
or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or
properties in Bangladesh any rebate of the whole or part of commission payable
or any of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or
renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be
allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer :
Provided that acceptance by an insurance agent of commission in
connection with a policy of life insurance taken out by himself on his own life
shall not be deemed to be acceptance of a rebate of premium within the meaning
of this sub-section if at the time of such acceptance the insurance agent satisfies
fulfilling the prescribed conditions establishing that he is a bona fide insurance
agent employed by the insurer.
(2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this
section shall be punished with such fine as may be prescribed by rules.
61. Restriction on cessation of payment of commission.(1) Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in any contract executed between any person
and any insurance agent providing for the forfeiture or stoppage of payment of
renewal commission to such insurance agent, no such person shall, in respect of
life insurance business transacted in Bangladesh, refuse payment to an insurance
agent of commission due to him on renewal premium under the agreement by
reason only of the termination of his agreement, except for fraud :
7164 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
Provided that
(a) such agent ceases to act for the insurer concerned after the
Authority is satisfied and has conveyed the fact to the insurer and
the agent that the circumstances in which the said insurer is placed
are such as to justify the agent's ceasing to act for it; or
(b) such agent has served the insurer continually and exclusively
respect of life business for not less than 3(three) years and has
earned a prescribed minimum renewal commission before ceasing
to act as such agent for the insurer.
(2) Any commission payable to an insurance agent whether under the
provisions of sub-section (1) or otherwise shall notwithstanding the death of the
agent and notwithstanding the provisions in this Act regarding the holding of an
insurance agent's licence continue to be payable to his heirs for so long as such
commission would have been payable had such insurance agent been alive or in
one or more lump sums commuted under sub-section (4) of this section :
Provided that no commission on renewal premiums shall be paid under this
section if the total amount of commission on renewal premiums earned by the
insurance agent during the 12(twelve) months preceding the date of his death was
less than the prescribed amount.
(3) For the purposes of sub-section (2) an insurance agent may nominate
any person or persons to whom the commission due to him shall be paid in the
event of his death :
Provided that any such nomination is to be communicated to the insurer and
registered by it in writing and any such nomination may at any time before the
death of the insurance agent, be cancelled or changed by him, but unless a notice
in writing of any such cancellation or change has been delivered to the insurer,
the insurer shall not be liable for any payment of the commission made bona fide
by him to a nominee registered with the insurer :
Provided further that the insurer shall furnish to the insurance agent a
written acknowledgement of having registered nomination or cancellation or
change thereof :
Provided further that where the nominee is a minor, it shall be lawful for the
insurance agent to appoint any person to receive the commission in the event of
his death during the minority of the nominee.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7165
(4) The insurer shall pay the commission payable to any heir or nominee of
a deceased insurance agent under sub-section (2) in one or more lump sums as
mutually agreed upon and payment can be made in other cases in the same
(5) An insurer may recover out of the commission payable under sub-
section (2) of this section any sums owing to the insurer by the insurance agent at
the time of his death.
Explanation.In this section, reference to "insurance agent" shall be
construed as including reference to agent, employer or agents and broker and
reference to commission shall be construed as including reference to commission
62. Limitation of expenses of management in life insurance business.
No insurer shall, in respect of life insurance business transacted by it in
Bangladesh spend as expenses of management including commission or
remuneration for procuring business in any calendar year an amount in excess of
the prescribed limits and in prescribing any such limits regard shall be had to the
size and age of the insurer and the provisions generally made for expenses of
management in the premium rates of insurers :
Provided that the Authority may, on an application made to it in this behalf,
condone the contravention of this sub-section by an insure who has, on
reasonable grounds, spent, as such expenses an amount in excess of such limit.
(2) Every insurer transacting life insurence business in Bangladesh shall
incorporate in the revenue account a certificate signed by the Chairman and two
Directors and by the Chief Executive Officer of the insuerer, and an Auditor’s
certificate, certifying that all expenses of management in respect of life insurence
business in Bangladesh have been fully debited in the revenue account as
Explanation.In this section “expenses of management” means all
expenses incurred whether directly or indirectly, and includes :
(i) payment of all kinds commission;
(ii) a proper share of expenses capitalized;
7166 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(iii) in the case of an insurer having his principal place of business outside
Bangladesh a proper share of head office expenses which shall not
exceed such percentage of the total net premium, that is to say, gross
premiums written direct in Bangladesh minus reinsurances ceded
during the year income as may be prescribed in respect of life
insurance business transacted by him in Bangladesh but dose not
include any share of head office expenses in respect of life insurance
business transacted by him outside Bangladesh.
63. Limitation of expenses of management in non-life insurance
business.(1) No insurer shall, in respect of any class of non-life insurance
business transacted by him in Bangladesh spend in any calender year as expenses
of management, including commission or remuneration for procuring business,
an amount in excess of the prescribed limits and in prescribing any such limits
regard shall be had to the size and age of the insurer:
Provided that the Aythority may, on an application made to it in this behalf,
condone the contravention of this sub-section by an insurer who has, on
reasonable grounds, spent as such expenses an amount in excess of such limits.
(2) Every insurer referred to in sub-section (1) shall incorporate in the
revenue account a certificate signed by the chairman, two directors and by the
Chief Executive Officer of the insurer, and an Auditor’s certificate, certifying
that all expenses of management, whether directly or indirectly, in respect of the
business referred to in this section have been fully debited in the revenue account
as expenses.
Explanation.In this section
(a) “expenses of management” means all expenses, whether directly or
indirectly including payments of all kinds of commission and, in this
case of an insurer having his principal place of business outside
Bangladesh a proper share of head office expenses which shall not
exceed such percentage of the total net premium income, that is to say,
gross premiums written direct in Bangladesh plus re-insurances
accepted minus re-insurances ceded during the year, as may be
(b) “incurance business transacted in Bangladesh” includes incurance
business, wherever effected, relating to any property situated in
Bangladesh or to any vessel or aircraft registered in Bangladesh.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7167
64. Remuneration.For the purposes of sections 58, 59, 62 and 63,
“remuneration” shall include traveling allowance and entertainment allowance
and any kind other payments or expenses.
65. Power to restrict payment of excessive remuneration. (1) The
Authority may, if satisfied that any insurer in respect of all insurance business
transacted by it in Bangladesh is paying any person commission or remuneration
in any other way, on a scale disproportionate according to the normal standerds
prevailing in incurance business to the resources of the insurer, call upon the
insurer to comply within 6(six) months with such directions as the Authority
thinks fit and if in compliance with the direction requires the modification of any
of the terms of the contract entered into by the insurer with such person no
compensation shall be payable to such person by the insurer by reason only of
such modification or of the resignation of such person if the modified terms are
not acceptable to him and no payment by way of renewal commission or
otherwise shall be made to such person by the insurer in respect of any payments
made after the date of such resignation except at such rates as may be approved
by the Authority in this behalf.
(2) Every insurer shall before the fitst day of March every year submit to
the Authority a statement in the prescribed form showing the remuneration paid
by way of commission or otherwise to any person in cases where such
remuneration exeeds minimum taxable limit in the previous calender year.
(3) Where an insurer pays any person remuneration exeeding the minimum
taxable limit under income tax law in pursuance of any agreement between it and
such person, the Authority may, by notice in wriring, direct the insurer to submit
a certified copy of such agreement and the insurer shall comply with that
66. Provisions relating to managers, etc.(1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in the Company Act or, in the case of a company, in its articles of
association or in any contract or agreement, no insurer shall, after the expiry of
1(one) year from the coming into force of this Act be directed by, or employ as
manager or officer or in any capacity, any person whose remuneration or any part
thereof takes the form of commission on the total insurance business or
7168 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
commission or otherwise on the total business of any class or sub-class of non-
life insurance business or any part of that business:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be deemed to prohibit
(a) the payment of commission to an insurance agent or employer of
insurance agent or broker in respect of any insurance business
procured by or through him;
(b) the employment of an insurance agent in a clerical or other
subordinate capacity who receives commission in respect of
insurance business procured by him;
(c) the employment of an insurance agent an employer of agents as an
officer who receives commission in respect of life insurance
business procured by him;
(d) the payment of a share in the profit of non-life insurance business;
(e) the payment of bouns in any year on a uniform basis to all class of
employees by way of additional benefit, not exceeding the amount
received by any employee as salary at that period which, in the
opinion of the Authority, is reasonable.
(2) No person shall have any right, whether in contract or otherwise, to any
compensation for any loss incurred by reason of the operation of any provision of
this section.
67. Appointment of actuary.(1) Every insure registered to conduct life
insurance business shall, where required, appoint an actuary with the approval of
the Authority.
(2) The qualifications, duties and other benefits and terms and conditions of
the actuary shall be prescribed by regulations.
(3) The Authority may, on appropriate ground, disapprove such
appiontment or revoke the earlier approval.
(4) When a person ceases to be the appointed actuary of an insurer other
than the reasons under sub-section (3) the insurer shall notify the Authority in
writing of the cessation and the reasons for it within 15 (fifteen) days from the
date of cessation and shall obtain the approval from the Authority to appoint
another person as its actuary not later than 90 (ninety) days from the date of
cessation or such further period as the Authority may approve.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7169
(5) The actuary appointed by an insurer shall have the freedom to report to
the Board of Directors of the insurer on any matter which in has opinion requires
to be brought to the attention to the Board of Directors.
(6) An actuary shall not be terminated without the permission of the
Authority and the Authority shall not give permission for similar termination
without hearing both the parties.
(7) An actuary who resigns from his office shall inform Authority of the
reasons of his resignation and any matters connected therewith which he believes
should be brought to the attention of the Authority.
(8) Any Dirtector, Chief Executive Officer, officer or employee of the
insurer shall furnish information to the actuary within his knowledge which the
actuary has required and ensure that material particulars furnished to the actuary
is not false or misleading and is not incomplete.
68. Policy not to be called in question on ground of misstatement after
two years.
No policy of life insurance effected before the commencement of
this Act shall after the expiry of 2(two) years from the date of commencement of
this Act and no policy of life insurance effected after the coming into force of
this Act shall, after the expiry of 2(two) years from the date on which it was
effected, be called in question by an insurer on the ground that a statement made
in the proposal for insurance or in any report of a madical officer, or referee or
friend of the insured, or in any other document leading to the issue of the policy,
was inaccurate or false, unless the insurer shows that such statement was on a
material particular or supperssed facts which it was material to disclose and that
it was fraudulently made by the policy-holder and that the policy-holder knew at
the time of making it that the statement was false or that it supperssed facts
which it was material to disclose:
Provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer from calling
for proof of age at any time if it is entitled to do so, and no policy shall be
deemed to be called in question merely because the terms of the policy are
adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured was incorrectly
stated in the proposal.
69. Application of laws of Bangladesh to ploicy issued in Bangladesh.
The holder of a policy of insurance issued by an insurer in respect of insurance
business transacted in Bangladesh after the commencement of this Act shall have
7170 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
the right, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, contained in the agreement in
relation to the insurance policy, to receive payment in Bangladesh of any sum
secured thereby and to sue for any relief in respect of the policy in any Court of
competent jurisdiction in Bangladesh; and if the suit is brought in Bangladesh
any question of law arising in connection with any such policy shall be
determined according to the law in force in Bangladesh :
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to a policy of marine
70. Payment of money into Court.(1) Where in respect of any policy of
life insurance maturing for payment an insurer is of opinion that by reason of
conflicting claims to or of insufficiency of proof of title to the amount secured
thereby or for any other adequate reason it is impossible otherwise for the insurer
to obtain a satisfactory discharge for the payment of such amount, the insurer
may before the expiry of 9(nine) months from the date of the maturing of the
policy or, where the circumstances are such that the insurer can’t be immediately
aware of such maturing, from the date on which the notice of such maturing is
given to the insurer, apply to pay the amount into the Court of competent
(2) A receipt granted by the Court for any such payment shall be a
satisfactory discharge to the insurer for the payment of such amount.
(3) An application for permission to make a payment into Court under this
section shall be made by a petition verified by an affidavit signed by Chief
Executive Officer of the insurer setting forth the following particulars, namely:
(a) the name of the insured person and his address;
(b) if the insured person is deceased, the date and place of his death;
(c) the nature of the policy an the amount secured by it;
(d) the name and address of each claimant so far as is known to the
insurer with details of every notice of claim received;
(e) the reasons why in the opinion of the insurer a satisfactory
discharge cannot be obtained for the payment of the amount; and
(f) the address at which the insurer may be served with notice of any
proceedings relating to the amount paid into Court.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7171
(4) An application under this section shall not be entertained by the Court if
the application is made before the expiry of 6(six) months from the maturing of
the policy by survival, or from the date of receipt of notice by the insurer of the
death of the insurer.
(5) If it appears to the Court that the discharge for the payment of the
amount cannot otherwise be obtained by the insurer it shall allow the amount to
be paid and be invested the amount in Government secruities pending its
(6) The insurer shall transmit to the Court every notice of claim received
after the making of the application under sub-section (3), and any payment
required by the Court in pursuance of the application as a costs of the
proceedings or otherwise in connection with the disposal of the amount paid into
Court shall be borne by the insurer and as to any other costs as approved by the
Court be in the direction of the Court.
(7) The Court shall cause notice to be given to every ascertained claimant of
the fact that amount has been paid into the Court, and shall cause notice at the
cost of any claimant appliying to withdraw the amount to be given to every other
ascertained claimant.
(8) The Court shall decide all questions relating to the disposal of claims to
the amount paid into the Court.
71. Dispute over claims under life and non-life policies of small
amount.(1) Any disput as to the sum of claim arising under a policy of life
insurance assuring a sum (exclusive of any profit or bonus not being a guaranteed
profit or bonus) and under a policy of non-life insurance in respect of insurance
business transacted in Bangladesh, up to a small amount as fixed by rules, may at
the option of the claimant, be referred to the Authority for settlement and the
Authority may after hearing the parties and taking such evidence as it may in its
absolute discretion, consider neccessary, settle the disput.
(2) The decision of the Authority under this section shall be final and shall
not be called in question in any Court of law and shall be deemed to be a decree
of a Court having competence to decide the dispute and would be effected
(3) The Authority shall in respect of the duties performed by it for the
purpose of this section charge and collect such fee whether by way of percentage
or otherwise as may be prescribed.
7172 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
72. Interest on late settlement of claims.(1) Where payment on a policy
issued by an insurer becomes due and the person entitled thereto has filed
complete papers for claiming the payment, the insurer shall if it fails to make the
payment, within a period of 90(ninety) days from the date on which the payment
becomes due or the claimant complies with all formalities, whichever is later, pay
interest as specified in sub-section (2) of this section on the amount so payable
unless he proves that such failure was due to circumstances beyond his control.
(2) The interest under sub-section (1) shall be payable for the period during
which the failure continues and shall be calculated on a monthly basis at the rate
of 5(five) precent higher than the prevaing bank rate.
73. Disputes Resolution Committees.(1) The Authority shall constitue
one or more disputes resolation committees to resolve disputes arising between
an insurer and a policy-holder in respect of claim other than disputes under
section 71.
(2) The constitution of the committees under this section and the procedure
shall be prescribed by regulations, and the Arbitration Act, 2001 or any rules
made thereunder shall not apply to such committees.
(3) No person shall be appointed a member of the committee if he has any
interest in the subject matter of the dispute.
(4) The committee shall have jurisdiction in respect of the life insurance
policies not being group life policies and non-life insurance policies in respect of
(5) Any party aggrieved by a decision of the Committee may prefer an
appeal to the Court within a period of 30(thirty) days from the date of notification
of such decision.
74. Restriction on the insurance agents, employer of agents, surveyor
and insurance brokers becoming directors of insurance companies.(1) No
insurance agent and employer of agents of a life insurer shall be eligible to be or
remain a director of any life insurer.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7173
(2) No insurance agent, surveyor and insurance broker of a non-life insurer
shall be eligible to be or remain a director of any non-life insurer.
(3) Any insurance agent or employer of agents or surveyor or insurance
broker who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) and (2) shall cease to be
a director and shall also be liable to the cancellation of his licence as insurance
agent or insurance broker or of his certificate as employer of agents or surveyor
as the case may be.
75. Restriction on becomirg directiors simultaneously of more than one
insurer or insurer and bank-company or financial institution.Notwithstanding
anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, a director of any
insurer shall not be a director of another insurer registred fot the same class of
insurance business or any bank company or financial institution.
Explanation.For the purposes of this section “bank company shall
mean bank companies as defined in the Bank Company Act, 1991 and “financial
institution” shall main the financial institutions as defined in the Financial
Institution Act, 1993.
76. Board of Directors of insurer.(1) Where the insurer is a company
incorporated under the Company Act, the maximum number of Directors of that
company shall, Notwithstanding anything contained in the memorandum of
association or articles of association of the company, not exceed 20 (twenty) and
in that case 12 (twelve) shall be sponsor Directors, 6(six) shall be Directors
holding public share and 2 (two) shall be independent Directors,
(2) The share-holders shall elect Directors in such manner as may be
prescribed by rules.
77. Restriction on nomination of nominated Directors Notwithstanding
anything contained in any other law for the time being in force or in the articles
of association of any insurer, no person other than a member of the Board of
Directors of an insurer shall act as a Director:
Provided that where a Director is absent from Bangladesh for a period
exceeding 3(three) months, a person qualified to be a Director may be nominated
by him to act as Director in his place with the prior intimation to the Authority:
Provided further that no such nominated Director shall act as Director for
more than 6(six) months without the approval of the Authority.
7174 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
78. Restriction on the employment of DirectorsNotwithstanding
anything contained in any other law for the time being in force or in the articles
of Association of an insurer, no person shall be or remain director of the insurer
if he is engaged in the said insurer as adviser, auditor, consultant or in any other
profitable post.
79. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Directors.Notwithstanding anything contained in the articles of association of
an insurer, the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Board or Directors of an
insurer shall be elected from amongst the Directors:
Provided that there shall not be more than one Vic-Chairman of an insurer.
80. Appointment and removal of the Chief Executive Officer.(1) No
personal shall be appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of an insurance
company without the prior approval of the Authority and the Authority shall not
approve such appointment unless it is satisfied that the person proposed to be
appointed has such qualification and experience in the field of insurance as may
be prescribed by regulations.
(2) No Chief Executive Officer approved under sub-section (1) shall be
removed, terminated or dismissed by the insurer without the prior permission of
the Authority and it shall not give decision in such cases without hearing the
concerned Chief Executive Officer and the insurer or any person authorized by
the insurer in this behalf.
(3) An insurer shall give notice in writing to the Authority of the fact that
any person has become or ceased to be its Chief Executive Officer before the
expiration of a period of 15(fifteen) days from the day on which that fact comes
to the insurer’s knowledge.
(4) The post of the Chief Executive Officer of an insurance company shall
not be kept vacant for a consecutive period of more than three months:
Provided that the Authority may extend the time for further three months in
consideration of unavoidable circumstances.
(5) Where the post of the Chief Executive Officer of any insurance
company is not filled in within the time specified in sub-section (4), the
Authority may appoint an Administrator for the discharge of the responsibilities
of Chief Executive Officer of the company and the company concerned shall bear
the expenses on account of pay and other facilities of the Administrator as may
be determined by it.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7175
81. Appointment of the Advisers.Notwithstanding anything contained
in any other law for the time being in force or in the articles of association of an
insurer, no insurer shall appoint more than 2 (two) Advisers and such
appointment shall not be made without the approval of the Authority:
Provided that an Adviser so appointed shall have specific duties and
responsibilities and shall possess such qualification and experience as may be
prescribed by regulations.
82. Restriction on payment of dividends and bonuses.(1) No insurer
shall pay any dividend on its shares until expenses on account of management
expenses, share selling commission, all expenses related to brokerage, amounts
of losses incurred, and any other item of expenditure, which cannot be met by
adequate assets of the insurer, have been completely written off.
(2) No insurer carrying on the life insurance business shall, for the purpose
of declaring or paying any dividend to share-holders, any bonus to its policy-
holders, paying in relation to any kind of debentures, loans or advances, utilize
directly or indirectly any portion of the insurance fund or the funds of any other
class of insurance business, expect a surplus shown in the valuation balance sheet
submitted to the Authority as part of the abstract referred to in this Act as a result
of an actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the insurer; and such
surplus shall not be increased by transfer of contribution by any other means,
except when the reserve fund is made up of surpluses disclosed to the Authority
by submission of returns unless such contributions have been brought in as
revenue through the revenue account applicable to life business on or before the
date of the valuation aforesaid:
Provided that payments made out of any such surplus in service of any
debentures shall not exceed 50(fifty) percent of such surplus including any
payment by way of interest on the debentures, and interest paid on the debentures
shall not exceed 10(ten) percent of any such surplus except when the interest paid
on the debentures is offset against and credited to the fund or funds concerned in
deciding the interest dasis adopted in the valuation disclosing the aforesaid
7176 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
Provided further that the share of any such surplus allocated to or reserved
for the shareholders, including any amount for the payment of dividends
guaranteed to them, whether by way of first charge or otherwise, shall not exceed
such sums as may be prescribed by regulations and which shall in no case
(a) 10(ten) percent such surplus in case of participating policies; and
(b) in other cases, such percentage of the whole surpluses as may be
perscribed by regulations.
83. Distribution of profits on life insurace business among policy-
holders.Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in its
Memorandum or Articles of Association or any other documents, no insurer
transacting life insurace business shall allocate for the benefit of the policy-
holders a sum less than such percentage of the surplus as may be prescribed by
84. Distribution of Interim Bonuses.Notwithstanding anything contained
in this Act an insurer carrying on the business of life insurance shall be at liberity
to declare an interim bonus or bonuses to policy-holders whose polices mature
for payment by reason of death or otherwise during the inter valuation period, on
the basis of the recommendation made by the investigating actuary at the last
preceding valuation.
85. Notice of options available to the assured on the lapsing of a
policy.An insurer shall before the expiry of three months from the date on
which the permiums in respect of a policy of life insurance were payable but not
paid, give notice to the policy-holder informing him of the options available to
him unless these are set forth in the policy.
86. Nomination under group life insurance policies.(1) A person
whose life is insured under a contract of group life insurance may at any time
nominate one or more persons to whom the money scured by the policy shall be
paid in the event of his death:
Provided that where any nominee is a minor, in the event of death of the
person whose life is insured during the minority of the nominee, any other person
may be appointed in the manner as specified by the regulations to receive the
money secured by the policy.
(2) A nomination made under sub-section (1) shall be made in such manner
as may be prescribed by regulations.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7177
87. Special definitions and interpretation for relevant policy.(1) For
the purposes of this part, a “relevant policy” means a policy of life insurance
under which the whole of the benefits become payable either on, or at a fixed
interval or intervals after, the occurrence of a contingency which is bound to
(2) An amount due under this relevant policy shall mean a premium due
under that policy but unpaid.
88. Acquisition of surrender value.(1) A relebant policy which has
been in force for not less than 2 (two) years shall have a surredder value which
shall be calculated in accordance with such method as may be prescribed by
regulations by the actuary appointed by the insurer.
(2) In the case of a policy issued before commencement of this Act and still
in force after the commencement of this Act, the surredder value shall not at any
time be less than the surrender value of the policy immediately before the
commencement of this Act.
(3) Where under the terms of a policy the basis of calculation of the
surrender value is subject to change by the insurer, the basis such calculation
shall be furnished to the Authority and no variation shall be made there from
unless the insurer, not less than 60(sixty) days before the date of such variation,
furnishes to the Authority a statement of the proposed variation and the reasons
thereof, accompanied by a statement by the actuary of his opinion as to the
proposed variation.
(4) When an insurer furnishes to the Authority the matters referred to in
sub-section (3) relating to a proposed variation, the Authority may whithin
60(sixty) days direct the insurer to make such changes in the proposed variation
as it belives to be reasonable for the protection of the interest of policy-holders
and the insurer shall comply with any such direction.
89. Surrender of policy at policy-holder’s option.(1) The holder of a
relevant policy which has been in force for not less than 2(two) years may make,
in writing, a request to the insurer to surrender the policy.
7178 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(2) Subject to sub-section (3) and sub-section (4), within 1 (one) month of
receiving a request under sub-section (1), such request not having been
withdrawn by the policy-holder in the meantime, the insurer shall pay to the
policy-holder an amount equal to the surrender value of the policy minus the
amount owed to the insurer under, or secured by, the policy.
(3) If an insurer, within 15(fifteen) days of receiving a request under
sub-section (1), communicates in writing with the policy-holder to consider the
advantages of maintaining the policy and to seek professional advice if required,
the period of 1 (one) month referred to in sub-section (2) shall be extended by
15(fifteen) days so far as it concerns that policy.
(4) The Authority may, on application by an insurer, issue a written order
suspending or varying the insurer’s obligation to make payments under
sub-section (2), where the Authority is satisfied that such suspension or variation
is necessary in order to avoid prejudice to
(a) the financial stability of the insurer; or
(b) the interests of the policy-holders of the insurer.
(5) An order issued under sub-section (3) shall
(a) be valid for such period as the Authority may determine; and
(b) be subject to such conditions as the Authority may determine.
90. Surrender of policy at insurer’s option.(1) A policy which has
acquired a surrender value shall not be surrendered other than at the request of
the policy-holders and without complying the provision as set out in this section.
(2) Where the total amount of duse owed to the insurer under, or secured
by, a relevant policy exceeds the surrender value of the policy the insurer may
issue to the policy-holder a written notice setting out the following matters,
(a) the amount owed to the insurer under, or secured by the policy at
the date of the notice;
(b) the surrender value of the policy at the date of the notice;
(c) notifying the policyholder that the policy will be surrendered at the end
of 30 (thirty) days after the notice was issued to the policy-holder and the
surrender value would be applied to satisfy of the debt, if the excess of the debt
over the surrender value is not paid to the insurer before the expiry of that period.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7179
(3) Where at least 30 (thirty) days have elapsed after the issue of a notice
set out in sub-section (2) and the excess of the debt over the surrender value has
not been paid to the insurer, the insurer may by written notice to the policy-
holder effect surrender of the policy and apply the surrender value against the
debt, which shall to the extent of the surrender value be extinguished.
91. Payment of policy at policy-holder’s option.—(1) An insurer shall,
within 30 (thirty) days from receipt of an application in writing by the holder of
the concerned policy which has been in force for not less than 2 (two)
consecutive years, pay out the payment due under the policy.
(2) If an insurer, within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving an application under
sub-section (1), communicates in writing with the policy-holder requesting to
consider the advantages of maintaining the policy and give professional advice if
necessary, the period of 30 (thirty) days referred to in sub-section (1) shall be
extended by fifteen days so far as concerns that policy only.
(3) A policy which is paid-up shall have a paid-up value, which shall,
subject to sub-section (5),—
(a) include all bonuses that have already been earned by the policy; and
(b) where the policy is one on which the maximum number of
premiums payable is fixed and the premiums are of uniform amount
and paid at uniform intervals, be, before the inclusion of such
bonuses, not less that such amount as is prescribed earlier.
(4) A policy paid-up under this section shall not be entitled by virtue only
of this section to participate in any surplus declared distributable after the
conversion of the policy into a paid-up policy.
(5) If, when an application is made to an insurer under sub-section (1) to
settle the paid-up value of the policy, the policy-holder owes a debt to the insurer
under or secured by the policy, the insurer may either—
(a) treat the debt as secured by the paid-up policy; or
(b) in calculating the value of paid-up policy, take the debt into account
in such a manner as considered equitable by the appointed actuary.
(6) If in calculating the paid-up sum insured, a debt is taken into account in
accordance with clause (b) of sub-section (5), the debt will be considered
7180 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
92. Forfeiture.—(1) Any policy is not liable to be forfeited only because of
the non-payment of overdue premium, if—
(a) the policy has been in force for at least 2 (two) years; and
(b) the surrender value of the policy exceeds the total of the amount of
the overdue premium and all debts owed to the insurer under, or
secured by, the policy.
(2) For the purpose of clause (b) of sub-section (1), the surrender value of
the policy shall be calculated at the date on which the overdue premium falls due
as if the premium has been paid.
(3) When the holder of a policy to which this section applies fails to pay a
premium due under that policy, the insurer shall, before the expiry of 3 (three)
months from the date on which that premium was payable but not paid, give
notice to the policy-holder informing him of this responsibility.
(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the policy, the policy-holder
under this section may comply with the following at his option, namely:—
(a) to have the policy paid up in accordance with the provisions of this
(b) to adjust all the surrender value of the policy with due premium;
(c) to have the policy paid up after advancing one year’s premium
subject to the availability of surrender value;
(d) to surrender the policy in accordance with the provisions of this
(e) upon surrender, to issue to the policy-holder a term life insurance
contract for a term as desired specified by the policy-holder and to
determine the insured sum on the basis of the surrender value of the
policy surrendered less the amount of any due owed to the company
under, or secured by, the policy.
(5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the policy, the action taken
by the insurer with respect to the policy under this section shall be—
(a) if a course of action not stated in the notice issued under sub-
section (3) is agreed in writing between the insurer and the policy
holder, after the policy-holder has received the notice, that course
of action;
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7181
(b) if the policy-holder agrees to an option contained in the notice
issued under sub-section (3), that course of action;
(c) if the policy-holder does not respond to the notice issued under sub-
section (3), and after making reasonable efforts the insurer is unable
to contact the policy-holder—
(i) if the policy-holder has agreed in writing, after the time of
taking the policy and before the cessation of the payment of
premium, in favor of taking a course of action; that course of
action, otherwise;
(ii) if a course of action, not being the course of action set out in
clause (b) of sub-section (4), is stated in the policy, that course
of action.
(6) No commission shall be payable to any person in respect of the
following cases, namely :—
(a) adjustment of the surrender value with the payment of premium in
accordance with sub-section (4); and
(b) the issue of a contract of term life insurance under clause (c) and (e)
of sub-section (4).
93. Supply of copies of proposals and medical reports.— Every insurer
shall, on application by a policy-holder and on payment of a prescribed fee,
supply to the policy-holder certified copies of the questions put to him and his
answers thereto contained in his proposal for insurance and in any medical report
supplied in connection therewith.
94. Restriction on business on dividing principle.— No insurer shall after
commencement of this Act begin, or after the expiry of 3(three) years from the
date of commencement of this Act continue to carry on, any business upon the
dividing principle, wherein the benefits of a policy are not fixed but depend
either wholly or in part on the results of a distribution of benefits amongst
policies becoming claims within a specified time, or the amount of premiums
payable by a policy-holder depends wholly or in part on the number of policies
becoming claims within specified time :
Provided that nothing in this section shall prevent an insurer from allocating
bonuses to holders of participating policies of life insurance in accordance with
the provision of this Act, either as reversionary additions to the sums insured or
as immediate cash bonuses or otherwise :
7182 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
95. Appointment of Administrator for management of insurance
business.—(1) If at any time the Authority has reason to believe that an insurer
carrying on insurance business is acting in a manner likely to be prejudicial to the
interest of holders of insurance policies or failing to fulfill the solvency margin
requirements, in this case, it may after giving opportunity to the insurer to be
heard, suspend the Board of Directors and appoint an Administrator to manage
the affairs of the insurer under the direction and control of the Authority.
(2) The Administrator appointed under sub-section (1) shall receive such
remuneration and other benefits, if any, as determined by the Authority and the
Authority may at any time cancel the appointment and appoint someone else the
in that post.
(3) The management of the business of the insurer shall as on and after the
date of appointment of Administrator vest in such Administrator but except with
the leave of the Authority the Administrator shall not issue any new policies.
(4) As on and after the date of appointment of the Administrator any person
vested with any such management immediately prior to that date shall be
divested of that management.
(5) The Authority shall issue necessary directions to the Administrator as to
his powers and duties and the Administrator may apply to the Authority at any
time for instructions as to the manner of conducting insurance business of the
insurer or in relation to any matter arising in the course of such management.
96. Powers and duties of the Administrator.—(1) The Administrator
shall conduct the management of the business of the insurer with utmost
economy compatible with efficiency and shall, as soon as may be possible, file
with the Authority a report stating which of the following courses is in the
existing circumstances most advantageous to the general interest of the holders of
insurance policies, namely:
(a) the transfer of the business of the insurer to some other insurer; or
(b) the carrying on of its business by the insurer (in case of life
insurance business whether with the policies of the business
continued for the original sum insured with the addition of bonuses
that attach to the policies or for reduced amounts.); or
(c) the winding up of business of the insurer; or
(d) such other course, as he deems advisable.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7183
(2) On receipt of the report under sub-section (1) the Authority may take
such action, as it thinks fit for protecting the interest of the holders of insurance
policies in general.
(3) Any order passed by the Authority under sub-section (2) shall be
binding and have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the memorandum
or articles of association of the insurer, if it is a company.
97. Powers of Administrator respecting property liable to attachment.—
(1) If the Administrator is satisfied that any person has rendered himself liable to
be proceeded against under this Act he may, pending the institution of
proceedings against such person under this Act, by order in writing, prohibit him
or any other person from transferring or otherwise disposing of any property
which, in the opinion of the Administrator, would be liable to attachment in
proceedings under that section.
(2) Any person aggrieved by an order made by the Administrator under
sub-section (1) may, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which the order
is received by him, appeal against such order to the Government and the
Government shall take necessary action in relation to that appeal.
(3) An order made by the Administrator under sub-section (1) shall, subject
to any order made by the Government on appeal, be in force for a period of 3
(three) months from the date of the order unless, before the expiry of the said
period, an application is made to the Court competent to exercise jurisdiction,
and when such an application is made, the order, shall, subject to any order made
by that Court, continue in force as if it were an order of attachment made by that
Court in proceedings.
(4) An order made by the Administrator under this section shall
(a) in the case of an order affectig a corporation or firm, be served in
the manner provided for the service of summons in rule 2 of Order
XXIX or rule 3 of Order XXX in the First Schedule to the Code of
Civil procedure, 1908 (Act No. V of 1908); and
(b) in the case of an order affecting a person not being a corporation or
firm, be served on such person
(i) personally, by delivering or tendering to him or by registered
post in the address of his last place of residence and his
permanent address; or
7184 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(ii) where the person cannot be found, by leaving a copy of the
order with some adult male member of his family; or
(iii) by affixing at some conspicuous part of the premises in which
he is known to have last resided or carried on business or
personally worked for gains,
and every such order shall be published in the official Gazette.
(5) If any question arises whether a person was duly served with an order
under sub-section (4) the publication of the order in the official Gazette shall be
conclusive proof that the order was served, and a failure to comply with the
provisions of sub-section (4) shall not affect the validity of the order.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, any property in
respect of which an order has been made by the Administrator may, with the
previous permission of the Administrator and subject to such terms and
conditions as he may impose, be transferred or otherwise disposed of.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being
in force, the transfer of other disposition of any property in contravention of any
order made by the Administrator under this section or of any terms and
conditions imposed by him shall be unlawful.
(8) For the purpose of enabling him to form an opinion as to whether any
property would be liable to attachment in proceedings under this Act or enabling
him to institute proceedings under this Act, the Administrator may require any
person to furnish information on such points or matters as, in the opinion of the
Administrator may be relevant for the purpose, and any person so required shall
be deemed to be legally bound to furnish such information within the meaning of
section 176 of the Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860).
(9) The Administrator shall have all the powers of a civil court under the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) while trying a suit in respect of
the following matters, namely:
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses and
examining them on oath;
(b) requiring the production of documents; and
(c) receiving evidence on affidavits;
(10) Any proceeding and procedure before the Administrator under this
section shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of
sections 193 and 228 of the Penal Code, 1860 (Act No XLV of 1960).
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7185
98. Cancellation of contracts and agreement.—The Administrator may,
at any time during the continuance of his appointment, after giving an
opportunity to the persons concerned of being heard, cancel or vary (either
unconditionally or subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose) any
contract or agreement (other than a policy) between the insurer and any other
person which the Administrator is satisfied is prejudicial to the interests of
holders of insurance policies.
99. Termination of appointment of Administrator.—If at any time, on a
report made by the Authority in this behalf it appears to the Authority that the
purpose of the order appointing the Administrator has been fulfilled or that for
any reason it is undesirable that the order of appointment should remain in force,
the Authority may cancel the order and thereupon the tenure of the Administrator
shall be terminated and the insurance business which shall, unless otherwise
directed by the Authority, again vest in the person on whom it was vested
immediately prior to the date of appointment of the Administrator.
100. Finality of decision of appointing and canceling appointment order
of Administrator.—Any order or decision of the Authority made in pursuance
of section 95 or section 99 shall be final and shall not be called in question in any
101. Penalty for withholding document or property from Administrator.—
If any director or officer of the insurer or any other person fails to deliver to the
Administrator any books of account, registers or any other documents in his
custody relating to the business of the insurer as demanded by the Administrator,
or retains any property of such insurer, he shall be punished with imprisonment
which may extend to 6 (six) months, or with fine which may extend to Taka 5
(five) lac, or with both.
102. Protection of action taken under sections 95 to 99.—(1) No suit,
prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against an Administrator for
anything which is done or intended to be done in good faith in pursuance of
sections 95, 96, 97 and 98.
(2) No suit or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Government or
the Authority for any damage caused or likely to be caused by anything which is
done in good faith or intended to be done in good faith in pursuance of sections
95, 96, 98, 99 or 100.
7186 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
103. Winding up by the Court.—(1) The Court may order the winding up
of any insurance company in accordance with the Company Act and the
provisions of that Company Act shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, apply
in case of such winding up order.
(2) In addition to the grounds on which an order of winding up may be
based, the Court may order the winding up of an insurance company on the
following grounds, namely:
(a) if with the sanction of the Court previously obtained a petition in
this behalf is presented by not less than one-tenth of the share-
holders and holding not less than one tenth of the whole share
capital or by not less than five hundred policy-holders holding
policies of life insurance that have been in force for not less than 3
(three) years and are of the total value of not less than a prescribed
(b) if the Authority who is hereby authorized to do so, applies in this
behalf to the Court on any of the following grounds, namely:
(i) that the company has failed to deposit or to keep deposited
with the Bangladesh Bank the amounts required by section 23
or section 119 of this Act;
(ii) that the company having failed to comply with any
requirements of this Act has continued such failure or having
contravened any provision of this Act has continued such
contravention for a period of 3 (three) months after notice of
such failure or contravention has been conveyed to the
company by the Authority;
(iii) that it appears from the returns furnished in pursuance of the
provisions of this Act or from the results of any investigation
made thereunder that the company failed to maintain solvency
margin; or
(iv) that the continuance of the company is prejudicial to the
interest of the policy-holders, or to the public interest.
(3) An insurance company in respect of which a winding up order is made
under this section shall immediately cease to enter into new contracts of
insurance, whether in life or non-life insurance.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7187
(4) All contracts of non-life insurance issued by an insurer which are in
force at the date of an order for the winding up of the insurer shall be deemed to
be cancelled as at the date of the order or at such later date as may be specified in
the order.
104. Unpaid up share capital.—Notwithstanding anything contained in
any other law, for the purpose of this Act no account shall be taken of any assets
of the insurer consisting of unpaid up share capital in ascertaining the insurer’s
capacity to pay its debt or otherwise.
105. Voluntary winding up.—Notwithstanding anything contained in the
Company Act, an insurance company shall not be wound up voluntarily except
on the grounds of effecting an amalgamation or a re-construction of the company
or on the grounds that by reason of its liabilities it cannot continue its business or
its licence has been revoked.
106. Valuation of liabilities.—(1) In the winding up of an insurance
company or in the insolvency of any insurer the value of the assets and the
liabilities of the insurer or insurance company shall be ascertained in such
manner and upon such basis as the liquidator or receiver in insolvency thinks fit,
subject so far as applicable to the rule specified in the second schedule and to any
directions which may be given by the Court.
(2) For the purposes of any reduction by the Court of the amount of the
conracts of any insurance company the value of the assets and liabilities of the
company and all claims in respect of policies issued by it shall be ascertained in
such manner and upon such basis as specified in the directions given by the
(3) Rules may be made under this section for the purpose of bringing into
force the provisions of this Act in giving effect to the winding up of insurance
companies and such rules may be altered or amended in the same manner as rules
under the company Act can be done.
107. Application of surplus assets of life insurance fund in liquidation
or insolvency.—(1) In the winding up of an insurance company carrying on the
life insurance business or in the insolvency of any other insurer carrying on such
business the value of the assets and the liabilities of the insurer in respect of life
insurance business shall be ascertained separately from the value of any other
assets or any other liabilities of the insurer and no such surplus assets shall be
applied to the discharge of any liabilities other than those in respect of life
insurance business.
7188 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(2) In the winding up of an insurance company carrying on the business of
life insurance or in the insolvency of any other insurer carrying on such business
where any proportion of the profits of the insurer was before the commencement
of the process of winding up or insolvency allocated to policy-holders, if, when
the assets and liabilities of the insurer have been ascertained, there is found to be
a surplus of assets over liabilities (hereinafter referred to as a prima facie surplus)
there shall be added to the liabilities of the insurer in respect of the life insurance
business an amount equal to such proportion of the prima facie surplus as is
equivalent to such proportion of the profits allocated to shareholders and policy-
holders as was allocated to policy-holders during the 10 (ten) years immediately
preceding the commencement of the process of winding up and the assets of the
insurer shall be deemed to exceed his liabilities only in so far as those assets
exceed those liabilities after such addition:
Provided that
(a) if in any case there has been no such allocation or if it appears to
the Court that by reason of special circumstances it would not be
logical or lawful or appropriate that the aforesaid amount should be
added to the liabilities of the insurer in respect of the life insurance
business, the amount to be so added shall be such as the Court may
direct; and
(b) for the purpose of the application of this sub-section to any case
where before the commencement of the winding up or insolvency a
proportion of such profits as aforesaid of a brance of the life
insurance business in question has been allocated to policy-holders,
the value of the assets and liabilities of the insurer in respect of that
branch shall be separately ascertained in like manner as the value of
his assets and liabilities in respect of the life insurance business was
ascertained and the surplus so found, if any, of assets over liabilities
shall for the purpose of determining the amount to be added to the
liabilities of the insurer in respect of the life insurance business be
deemed to be the prima facie surplus.
108. Winding up subsidiary companies.—(1) Where the insurance
business or any part of the insurance business of an insurance company has been
transferred to another insurance company under an arrangement in pursuance of
which the first mentioned company has (hereinafter referred to as the subsidiary
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7189
company) or the creditors thereof have claims against the company to which such
transfer was made (hereinafter referred to as the principal company), then, if the
principal company is being wound up by the direction or under the supervision of
the Court, the court shall order the subsidiary company to be wound up in
conjunction with the principal company and shall by the same or any subsequent
order appoint the same person to be liquidator for the two companies and make
provision for such other matters as may seem to the Court necessary with a view
to the companies being wound up as if they were one.
(2) The commencement of the winding up of the principal company shall,
save as otherwise ordered by the Court, be the commencement of the winding up
of the subsidiary company.
(3) In adjusting the rights and liabilities of the concerned companies among
themselves the Court shall have regard to the constitution of the companies and
to the arrangements entered into between the companies in the same manner as
the Court has regard to the rights and liabilities of different classes of
contributories in the case of the winding up of a single company or as near
thereto as circumstances admit.
(4) Where any company alleged to be subsidiary is not in process of being
wound up at the same time as the principal company to which it is alleged to be
subsidiary the Court shall not direct the principal company to be wound up,
unless after hearing all objections (if any) that may be urged by or on behalf of
the company against its being wound up, the Court is satisfied that the company
is subsidiary to the principal company and that the winding up of the company in
conjunction with the principal company is just and equitable.
(5) An application may be made in relation to the winding up of any
subsidiary company in conjunction with the principal company by any creditor of
or person interested in the principal or subsidiary company.
(6) Where a company stands in the relation of a principal company to one
insurance company and in the relation of a subsidiary company to some other
insurance company or where there are several insurance companies standing in
the relation of subsidiary companies to one principal company the Court may
deal with any number of such companies together or in separate groups as it
thinks most expedient upon the principles laid down in this section.
7190 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
109. Scheme for partial winding up of insurer.—(1) If at any time it
appears expedient that the affairs of an insurance company in repect of any class
of insurance business comprised in the undertaking of the company should be
wound up but that any other class of business should continue to be carried on by
the company or be transferred to another insurer, a scheme for such purposes
may be prepared and submitted for confirmation of the Court in accordance with
the provisions of this Act.
(2) Any scheme prepared under this section shall provide for the allocation
and distribution of the assets and liabilities of the company between the class of
business affected, including the allocation of any surplus assets which may arise
on the proposed winding up, for any future rights of every class of policy-holders
in respect of their policies and the affairs of the company which are proposed to
be wound up and shall contain provisions for altering the memorandum of the
company with respect to its objects and such further provisions as may be
expedient for giving effect to the scheme.
(3) The provisions of this Act relating to the valuation of liabilities of
insurers in liquidation and insolvency and to the application of surplus assets of
the life insurance fund in liquidation or insolvency shall apply to the winding up
of any part of the affairs of a company in accordance with the scheme under this
section in like manner as they in the winding up of an insurance company and the
provisions of the Company Act relating to winding up of companies shall apply
to any scheme under this section with the necessary modifications.
(4) An order of the Court confirming a scheme under this section whereby
the memorandum of a company is altered with respect to its objects shall as
respects the alteration have effect as if it were an order confirmed under
Company Act and shall apply accordingly.
(5) When making an order confirming a scheme under this section, the
Court may make such orders as it considers necessary for the disposal of so much
of the deposit made by the company under section 23 and section 119 as does not
relate to the classes of insurance business, if any, which the company continues
to carry on.
110. Return of deposits.—In the winding up of an insurance company,
otherwise than in a case to which section 109 applies, and in the insolvency of
any other insurer the liquidator or assignee, as the case may be, may apply to the
court for an order for the return of the deposit made by the company or the
insurer, as the case may be, under section 23 or section 119 and the court shall on
such application order a return of the deposit subject to such terms and conditions
as it shall determine.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7191
111. Notice of policy values.—In the winding up of an insurance company
for the purposes of distribution of cash and assets and in the insolvency of any
other insurer the liquidator or assignee, as the case may be, in the case of all
persons appearing by the books of the company or other insurer to be interested
or will be interested in the policies issued by the company or other insurer shall
ascertain the value of the liability of the company or other insurer to each such
persons and shall give notice of such value to those persons in such manner as
the Court may direct and any person to whom notice is so given shall be bound
by the value so ascertained unless he gives notice of his intention to dispute such
value in such manner and within such time as may be specified by rules or order
of the Court.
112. Power of Court to reduce contracts of insurance.—(1) Where an
insurance company is in liquidation or any other insurer is insolvent the Court
may make an order reducing the amount of the insurance contracts of the
company or other insurer subject to such conditions as determined by it.
(2) Where a company carrying on the business of the life insurance has
been proved to be insolvent, the Court may, if it thinks fit, in place of making a
winding up order reduce the amount of the insurance contracts of the company
upon such terms and subject to such conditions as determined by it.
(3) Application for an order under this section may be made either by the
liquidator or by or on behalf of the company or by a policy-holder or by the
Authority and any person whom the Court thinks likely to be affected shall be
entitled to be heard on any such application.
113. Power of Government to impose reciprocal disabilities on non-
Bangladeshi companies.Where, by the law or practice of any country outside
Bangladesh, in which insurers are subject to certain special conditions for
carrying on insurance business in that country and those conditions are also
applicable to insurers constituted or incorporated in Bangladesh; in such cases,
the Government shall, if satisfied of the existence of such special requirement, by
Gazette notification, direct that the same requirement, or requirements as similar
thereto as may be, shall be imposed upon insurers of that country as a condition
of carrying on the business of insurance in Bangladesh.
7192 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
114. Particulars to be filed by insurers established outside Bangladesh.
Every insurer, having its principal place of business or domicile outside
Bangladesh, who establishes a place of business within Bangladesh, or appoints a
representative, in Bangladesh with the object of procuring insurance business,
shall, within 3 (three) mounts from the establishment of such place of business or
the appointment of such representative, file with the Authority the folowing
information, namely :
(a) a certified copy of the charter, statutes, deed of settlement or
memorandum and articles of association or other instrument
constituting or defining the constitution of the insurer, and, if the
instrument is not written in English, an authentic translation thereof;
(b) the full address of the insurer in Bangladesh;
(c) the name and address of one or more persons resident in Bangladesh
authorized to accept any process or notice on behalf of the insurer
together with a copy of the power of attorney granted to him;
(d) a list of the Directors, if the insurer is a company;
(e) a statement of the class of insurance business to be carried on by the
insurer; and
(f) a statement verified by an affidavit setting forth the special
requirements, if any, of the nature specified in section 113 imposed in
the country of origin of the insurer on Bangladesh nationals.
115. Books to be kept by insurer established outside Bangladesh.
Every insurer having its principal place of business or domicile outside
Bangladesh shall keep at its principal office in Bangladesh such books of
account, registers and documents as will enable the accounts, statements and
abstracts which he is required under this Act to furnish to the Authority in respect
of the insurance business in Bangladesh to be compiled and, if necessary,
checked by the Authority and shall furnish to the Authority on or before the last
day of January in every calendar year a certificate from an auditor to the effect
that the said books of account, registers and documents are being kept as required
at the principal office of the insurer in Bangladesh.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7193
116. Definitions.
In this Chapter
(a) “mutual insurance companymeans an insurer, being a company
registered under the Company Act or under any Act repealed
thereby, which has no share capital and of which, by its
constitution, only and all policy-holders are members;
(b) “co-operative insurance society” means a co-operative society
registered under the Co-operative Societies Act and registered as
an insurer under the Insurance Act, 1938 before the
commencement of this Act.
117. Application of this Act to mutual insurance companies and co-
operative insurance societies.
The provisions of sections 21, 22, 23, 36 and
clause (c) of sub-section (9) of section 44, shall, in so far as those provisions are
inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter, not apply to mutual insurance
companies and co-operative insurance societies; and the provisions of this
Chapter shall apply to mutual insurance companies and co-operative insurance
118. Working capital of Mutual Insurance Companies and Co-operative
Insurance Societies
No Mutual Insurance Company and Co-operative
Insurance Society shall be registered under this Act, unless it has as working
capital a sum specified in the First Schedule, exclusive of the deposit to be made
before application for registration and of the preliminary expenses incurred in the
formation of the company or society.
119. Deposits to be made by Mutual Insurance Company and Co-
operative Insurance Societies.
(1) Every Mutual Insurance Company and
every Co-operative Insurance Society shall deposit at the time of making
application for registration and keep deposited with the Bangladesh Bank the
amount specified in the First Schedule either in cash or in approved securities
estimated at the market value of the securities on the day of the deposit, or partly
in cash and party in approved securities so estimated.
(2) A deposit made in cash shall be held by the Bangladesh Bank to the
credit of the co-operative insurance society.
7194 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(3) The co-operative insurance society may at any time replace any
securities deposited by him under this section with the Bangladesh Bank either
by cash or by other approved securities or partly by cash and, partly by other
approved securities, provided that such cash, or the value of such other approved
securities estimated at the market rates prevailing at the time of replacement, or
such cash together with such value, as the case may be, is not less than the value
of the securities replaced estimated at the market rates prevailing when they were
(4) The Bangladesh Bank may, if so applied by the co-operative insurance
(a) sell any securities deposited by it with the Bank under this
section and hold the cash realised by such sale as deposit; or
(b) invest in government securities specified by the insurer the
whole or any part of a deposit held by it in cash or the whole or
any part of cash received by it on the sale of or on the maturing
of securities in which investment is so made as deposit, and may
charge the normal commission on such sale or on such
(5) Where sub-section (4) of this section applies,
(a) if the cash realised by the sale of or on the maturing of the
securities (excluding the interest accrued) falls short of the
market value of the securities at the date on which they were
deposited with the Bank, the insurance society shall make good
the deficiency by a further deposit either in cash or in
Government securities estimated at the market value of the
securities on the day on which they are deposited, or partly in
eash and partly in Government securities so estimated, within a
period of 2( two) months from the date on which the securities
matured or were sold and unless he does so, the insurance
society shall be deemed to have failed to comply with the
requirements of this section as to deposits; and
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7195
(b) if the cash realised by the sale of or on the maturing of the
securities (excluding the interest accrued) exceeds the market
value of the securities at the date on which they were diposited
with the Bank, the Authority may, if satisfied that the full
amount required to be deposited under sub-section (1) of this
section is in deposit, direct the Bangladesh Bank to return the
(6) If any part of such deposit is used in the discharge of any liability of the
insurance society the insurance society shall deposit such additional sum in cash
or in government securities estimated at the market value of the securities on the
day of deposit, or partly in cash and partly in such securities, as will make up the
amount so used and the insurance society shall be deemed to have failed to
comply with the requirements of sub-section (1) of this section, unless the
deficiency is supplied within a period of two months from the date when the
deposit is so used for discharge of liabilities.
120. Restriction on loans.
The provisions of section 44 regarding loans
shall apply to co-operative insurance societies as they apply to other insurers.
121. Transferees and assignees of policies not to become members.
No transferee or assignee of a policy issued by an insurer to whom the provisions
of this Chapter apply shall become a member of a Mutual Insurance Company or
a Co-operative Insurance Society merely by reason of any such transfer of
122. Publication of notice and documents of mutual insurance
companies and co-operative insurance societies.
Notwithstanding the
provisions of the company Act, a mutual insurance company or a co-operative
insurance society shall instead of sending the balance-sheet, revenue account and
other documents which they are required to send to the members under relevant
sections, publish documents once in a newspaper published in English and in a
newspaper published in Bengali circulating in the place where the principal
office of the company is situated.
123. Supply of documents to members.
Every mutual insurance
company or every co-operative insurance society shall, on the application of any
member made within 2 (two) years from the date on which any such documents
is furnished to the Registrar of companies or to the Registrar of co-operative
societies furnish a copy of the document free of cost to the member within 14
(fourteen) days of the application.
7196 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
124. Appointment of Insurance Agents.
(1) An insurer or broker shall
appoint and register a person as an insurance agent and every insurer of broker
shall maintain in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations made by the
Authority, a register of all such appointment and registration as insurance agent.
(2) Every insurer or broker is required to send a copy of the register being
maintained under sub-section (1) annually to the Authority, and shall keep the
Authority informed of any additions or deletions made in the list on quarterly
basis in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations.
(3) The Authority shall have the right to require an insurer or broker to
delete the name of any insurance agent appearing in the register submitted to the
Authority by such insurer or broker, when it considers the person concerned to be
unsuitable to function as an insurance agent, having regard to the interests of the
non-life policy-holders.
(4) The Authority may, by regulations made in that behalf, determine the
qualifications and other conditions for appointment, duration of registration and
renewal fee and manner of payments of such fee of the insurance agents.
(5) No insurer of broker shall appoint as an insurance agent under him any
person who is already registered as an insurance agent with any other insurer or
(6) No insurer or broker shall appoint any registered insurance agent under
him without release order from the previous insurer of broker with whom the
agent was registered:
Provided that if any agent submits application of resignation to the insurer
or broker, then they shall issue release order to him within 15 (fifteen) days from
the date of submission of such application if no dues lies against him.
125. Appointment of employer of agents.
(1) An insurer carrying on life
insurance business shall appoint a person or a body corporate to act as an
employer of agents for the purpose of soliciting or procuring life insurance
business who holds a certificate of employer of agents issued by the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall, by regulations, determine the qualification and
other conditions, duration of the certificate, registration fee and renewal fee and
the manner of payments of such fee for issuing certificate of employer of agents.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7197
126. Insurance broker to be licensed.
(1) An insurer carrying on non-
life insurance business may appoint an insurance broker holding the license of
insurance broker issued by the authority.
(2) No person other than a company will be eligible to receive insurance
broker licence.
(3) The government shall, by rules, determine, among other things, paid-up
capital, qualification, organization, registration fee, renewal fee and the manner
of payments of such fee for issuance of licence and the essential matters relating
to issuance, renewal, deferral of cancellation of licenses.
(4) It shall be unlawful for any person to act as or describe himself or hold
himself out or permit himself to be described or held out as an insurance broker
for non-life insurance business unless he holds a valid insurance broker’s license
issued by the Authority.
127. Licensing of insurance surveyors.
(1) No person other than an
insurance surveyor holding a license under this section shall, undertake in
Bangladesh the surveying, assessment or adjustment of any loss in respect of
non-life insurance business and no insurer shall pay any claim in respect of non-
life insurance business transacted by him in Bangladesh unless the loss has been
surveyed, assessed or adjusted, as the case may be, by an insurance surveyor
holding a license under this section.
(2) An application for a license under this section shall be made to the
Authority in such manner and be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed
by rules.
(3) The insurance surveyors may be classified into such sub-classes as may
be prescribed by rules, and, if so classified, separate applications shall be made
and separate licenses shall be issued in respect of each such sub-class.
(4) The Authority may on receipt of an application under this section, call
for such information or explanation as it may deem fit, or ask the applicant to
appear before it in person, and on being satisfied that the applicant fulfils such
requirements as may be required and is fit to hold the license applied for, grant
such license, subject to sub-section (7) of this section.
(5) An applicant who has been refused a license of any sub-class under this
section shall not be entitled to make a fresh application for a license of the same
sub-class before the expiry of a period of 1(one) year from the date of such
7198 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(6) In the case of an individual, the applicant himself or, in the case of a
company or firm, any of its Directors of partners, shall not suffer from any of
disqualifications mentioned below :
(a) that the person is a minor;
(b) that he has been declared to be of unsound mind by a court of
competent jurisdiction;
(c) that he has been found guilty of criminal misappropriation or criminal
breach of trust of cheating or forgery or an abetment of or attempt to
commit any such offence by a Court of competent jurisdiction ;
Provided that, where in the case of a person convicted of any
such offence, 5(five) years have elapsed since the date of the sentence
or, where the sentence was imprisonment with or without fine, from
the date of his release, the Authority may declare in respect of such
person that his conviction shall cease to debar him from making such
an application;
(d) in the course of any judicial proceeding relating to any policy of
insurance or the winding up of an insurance company or in the course
of an investigation into the affairs of an insurer, it has been found that
he has been guilty of or has knowingly participated in or connived at
any fraud, dishonesty or impersonation against an insurer of an
(7) A license issued under this section shall remain in force for a period of
1(one) year from the date of issue, but shall on application made in this behalf, be
renewed from year to year, if applicant fulfils such requirements as may be
prescribed by the rules.
(8) The Authority shall if it refuses a license or the renewal of a license
under this section, communicate its decision in writing mentioning the reason of
refusal to the applicant for such license or renewal within 3 (three) months from
the date of the application.
(9) Every surveyor and loss assessor shall comply with the code of conduct
in respect of their duties, responsibilities and other professional requirements as
may be prescribed by the regulations.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7199
(10) Where it is found that an insurance surveyor being a person is, or being
a company or firm contains a director or partner who is, suffering from any of the
disqualifications prescribed under sub-section (6), without prejudice to any other
penalty to which he may be liable, and where it is proved to the satisfaction of
the Authority that the insurance surveyor has
(a) given a false report; or
(b) grossly over-assessed or under-assessed any loss; or
(c) made an adjustment of loss in a grossly unjust manner, the Authority
may cancel the license or licenses held by that insurance surveyor :
Provided that in the event of cancellation of a license under the
discretionary powers of the Authority under this section, the Government may,
upon an application made to it in this behalf, call for a report from the Authority
and, after considering such report and hearing the applicant, give such direction
to the Authority as it may deem fit.
(11) The Authority which issued any license under this section may issue a
duplicate license to replace a certificate lost, destroyed or mutilated on payment
of a prescribed fee.
(12) Any person who acts in contravention of this section shall be punished
with fine not exceeding Taka 1(one) lac and where the person contravening is a
company then, without prejudice to any other proceedings which may be taken
against the company, every director, manger, secretary or any other officer of the
company who is knowingly a party to such contravention shall be punished with
fine not exceeding Taka 50 (fifty) thousand.
128. Second Survey.
(1) If the Authority has reason to believe that an
insurance surveyor has given a false report or has grossly over-assessed or under-
assessed a loss or has made an adjustment of loss in grossly unjust manner, in
that case the Authority may direct the insurer to arrange for another survey of
that loss through any other surveyor or surveyors approved by it.
(2) In the event of the second survey under sub-section (1) the surveyor of
surveyors shall forward one copy of the report to the Authority who on
considering such report and after giving an opportunity to the first surveyor to be
heard, may cancel the license of the first surveyor concerned in accordance with
this Act and the Authority may in the interest of the policy-holder on the basis of
the second survey report, give such directions as it deems fit upon the insurer
after giving him opportunity of being heard :
7200 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
Provided that the second surveyor shall be appointed within a period not
exceeding 45 (forty-five) days after the date of submission of the first survey
report to the insurer and the insured as well with due acknowledgement and the
survey shall be completed within such time as may be specified by the Authority.
129. Powers to ensure compliance with certain provisions.
For the
purpose of ensuring compliance with the provisions of sections 58, 59, 62, 63,
124, 125, 126, 132, 135, 138 and 139 the Authority may, by notice,
(a) require from an insurer or an employer of agents or an insurance agent
or an insurance broker or an insurance surveyor such information
certified, if deemed necessary by the Authority, by an Auditor or an
(b) issue such directions to the insurer as it may deem necessary;
(c) require an insurer, an employer of agents, an insurance agent,
insurance broker or an insurance surveyor to submit for its
examination at the principal place of business of the insurer in
Bangladesh any book of account, register or other document or to
supply any statement which may be specified in the notice.
130. imposition of fine for default in complying with, or act in
contravention of this Act.
If any person, under this Act of rules or regulations
made there under,
(a) fails to furnish any statement, account, return or report to the
(b) fails to comply with the directions;
(c) fails to maintain solvency margin;
(d) fails to comply with the directions on the insurance contracts; or
(e) fails to comply with the directions on the reinsurance treaties, he may
be made liable to fine not exceeding Taka 5 (five) lac for each such
failure and in the case of continuing default he may be made further
liable to additional fine not exceeding Taka 5 (five) thousand for every
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7201
131. Penalty for providing false information in document, statement,
account, return etc.
If a person makes a statement or furnishes any document,
statement, account, return or report which is false of which he either knows or
believes to be false or does not believe to be true, he shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 (three) years, or shall be liable to
fine not exceeding Taka 5 (five) lac, or with both.
132. Penalty for carrying on insurance business in contravention of
certain sections.
If any person contravenes the provisions of sections 8,
23,41,43,46 or 119, he shall be liable to fine not exceeding Taka 5 (five) lac for
each such contravention.
133. Misleading statement, promise of forecast for the purpose of
inducing to enter into contract of insurance.
Any person who, by any
statement, promises or forecasts which he knows to be misleading, false, or
deceptive, or by any fraudulent marking of any statement or forecast which is
misleading, false of deceptive, attempts to induce another person to offer to enter
into any contract of insurance with an insurer shall be charged for this offence
and shall, on conviction, be punished with fine not exceeding Taka 10 (ten) lac,
or with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 (three) years, or with both.
134. Personal fine for default in complying with, or act in contravention
of this act.
Except as otherwise provided in this act, any director, share holder,
chief executive officer, manager or other officer of the insurer or broker or any
partner, surveyor or other officer of it or an agent of employer of insurance agent
who makes default in companying with or acts in contravention of any provision
of this Act and who is knowingly a party to the default, shall be punished with
fine for maximum Taka 1 (one) lac and minimum Taka 50 (fiffty) thousand and,
in the case of a continuing default, with an additional fine not more than Taka 5
(five) thousand for every day during which the default continues.
135. Wrongfully obtaining of withholding property.
(1) Any director,
or other officer or employee of an insurer who wrongfully obtains possession of
any property of the insurer of having any such property in his possession
wrongfully withholds it or willfully applies it to purposes other than those
expressed or authorized by this Act, shall, after giving the insurer not less than 15
( fifteen) days notice of its intention, on the complaint of the insurer or any
member or any policyholder thereof be punished with fine for Taka 15 (fifteen)
lac and may be ordered by the Court trying the offence to deliver up or refund
7202 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
within a time to be fixed by the Court any such property improperly obtained or
wrongfully withheld or willfully misused and in default to suffer imprisonment
for a term not exceeding 2 (two ) years.
(2) For the purpose of this section, property of a life insurance statutory
fund maintained by an insurer is property of that insurer.
136. Power of court to order restoration of property of insurer of
compensation in certain cases.
(1) If on the application of the Authority or an
administrator appointed under section 95 or an insurer or any member of an
insurance company or the liquidator of an insurance company (in case of a
company being in liquidation) the Court is satisfied that
(a) any insurer (including in any case where the insurer is an insurance
company, any person who has taken part in the promotion or
formation of the insurance company or any past or present director,
managing director, manager, secretary or liquidator) or any officer,
employee or agent of the insurer;
(i) has misapplied or retained or become liable or become
accountable for any money of property of the insurer, or
(ii) has been charged for any misfeasance or breach of trust in
relation to the insurer;
(b) any person, whether he is or has been in any way connected with the
affairs of the issuer is in wrongful possession of any money or
property of the insurer or having any such money or property in his
possession wrongfully withholds it or has converted it to any use other
than that of the insurer; or
(c) by reason of any contravention of the provisions of this Act, the
amount of the life insurance fund has been diminished; the Court may
examine any such insurer, director, manager, managing agent,
secretary or liquidator or any such officer, employee, or agent of the
insurer or such other person, as the case may be, and may compel him
to contribute such sums to the assets of the insurer by way or
compensation in respect of the misapplication, retainer, misfeasance
or breach of trust as the Court thinks fit, or to restore any money of
property of the insurer or any part thereof, as the case may be; and
where the amount of the life insurance fund has been diminished by
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7203
reason of any contravention of the provisions of this Act, the Court
shall have power to assess the sum by which the amount of the fund
has been diminished and to order the person guilty of such
contravention to contribute to the fund the whole or any part of that
sum by way of compensation; and in any of the aforesaid cases the
Court shall have power to order interest to be paid at such rate and
from such time as the Court may deem fit.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub-section (1) or sub-
section (3) where it is proved that any money or property of an insurer has
disappeared or has been lost, the Court shall presume that every person in charge
of such money or property at the relevant time (whether a Director, Managing
Director, Manager, Chief Executive Officer or any other officer) is liable for such
money or property within the meaning of sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of sub-
section (1) and the provisions of that sub-section shall apply in the same manner,
unless such person proves that the money or property has been utilized or
disposed of in the ordinary course of the business of the insurer or that he took all
reasonable steps to prevent the disappearance or loss of such money or property
and otherwise satisfactorily accounts for such disappearance or loss.
(3) Where the insurer is an insurance company and any of the acts referred
to in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-section (1) has been committed by any person
of that insurance company, every person who was at the relevant time a director,
managing director, manager, liquidator, secretary or other officer of the insurance
company shall, for the purposes of this sub-section be deemed to be liable for
that act in the same manner and to the same extent as the person who has
committed the act, unless he proves that the act was committed without his
permission or connivance and was not facilitated by any neglect or fault on his
(4) Where at any stage of the proceedings against any person under this
section (hereinafter referred to as the accused), the Court is satisfied by affidavit
or otherwise that a prima facie case has been made out against the accused; and
that it is just and proper so to do in the interest of the policy-holders of an insurer
or of the members of an insurance company, the Court may direct the attachment
of the following, namely :
(a) property of the insurer in the possession of the accused;
(b) property of the accused which belongs to him or is deemed to belong
to him within the meaning of sub-section (5);
7204 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(c) any property transferred by the accused within two years before the
commencement of proceedings under sub-section (1) or during the
pendency of such proceedings, if the Court is satisfied by an affidavit
or otherwise that the transfer was otherwise than in good faith and for
equitable consideration.
(5) For the purpose of sub-section (4) the following classes of property shall
be deemed to belong to the accused, namely :
(a) any property standing in the name of any person which by reason of
the person being connected with the accused, whether by way of
relationship or on account of any other relevant circumstances appear
to belong to the accused;
(b) the property of a private company in respect of the affairs of which the
accused by himself or through his nominees, relatives, partners or
persons interested in any shares of the company is able to exercise or
is entitled to acquire control, whether direct or indirect.
For the purposes of this section a person shall be deemed to
be a nominee of an accused if be, whether directly of indirectly, possesses on
behalf of the accused or may be required to exercise on the direction or on behalf
of the accused any right or power which is of such a nature as to enable the
accused to exercise or to entitle the delinquent to acquire control over the
company’s affairs.
(6) Any claim to any property attached under this section or any objection
to such attachment shall be made by an application to the Court and it shall be for
the claimant or objector to adduce evidence to show that the property is not liable
to attachment under this section and the Court shall proceed to investigate the
claim or objection in a summary manner.
(7) When disposing of an application under sub-section (1) of this section
the Court shall after giving all persons who appear to it to be interested in any
property attached under this section an opportunity of being heard, make such
order as it thinks fit respecting the disposal of any such property for the purpose
of effectually enforcing any liability under this section and all such persons shall
be deemed to be parties to the proceedings under this section.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7205
(8) In any proceedings under this section the Court shall have full powers
and exclusive jurisdiction to declare all questions of any nature whatsoever
arising there under and in particular, with respect to any property attached under
this section and no other Court shall have jurisdiction to decide any such question
in any suit or other legal proceedings.
(9) In making any order with respect to the disposal of the property of any
private company referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (5) the Court shall have
due regard to the interests of all persons interested in such property other than the
accused and persons referred to in that clause.
(10) In proceedings under this section the Court shall have all the powers
which a Court has under the Company Act.
(11) This section shall apply in respect of an insurance company or a
cooperative insurance society as defined in Chapter-III as it applies in respect of
an insurer.
(12) The Court entitled to exercise jurisdiction under this section shall be
the High Court Division and any proceedings under this section pending
immediately before the commencement of this Act in any Court other than the
High Court Division shall on such commencement be transferred to the High
Court Division.
(13) For the Purposes of this section, the Supreme Court may make rules on
the following matters, namely :
(a) the procedures in which investigations and proceedings may be
held under this section; and
(b) any or all matters relating to effectively exercise its jurisdiction
under this section.
137. Notice to and hearing of the Authority.(1) When application is
made to the Court for making of any order to which this section applies the Court
shall unless the Authority has itself made the application or has been made a
party thereto send a copy of the application together with intimation of the date
fixed for the hearing thereof to the Authority and shall give it an opportunity of
being heard.
(2) This section shall apply to the following orders, namely :
(a) an order for the attachment in execution of decree of any deposit
made under section 23 or 119;
7206 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(b) an order under section 25 or 110 for the return of any such deposit;
(c) an order approving any arrangement for the transfer or
amalgamation of life insurance business or any order consequential
(d) an order for the winding up of an insurance company or a mutual
insurance company or a co-operative insurance society;
(e) an order under section 109 confirming a scheme for the partial
winding up of an insurance company;
(f) an order reducing the amount of the insurance contracts of
an insurance company or a mutual insurance company or a
co-operative insurance society.
138. Previous sanction of Attorney General for institution of
proceedings.(1) Except where proceedings are instituted by the Authority no
proceedings against an insurer or any director, manager or other officer of an
insurer or any person who is liable under this Act shall be instituted by any
person unless he has obtained thereto previous sanction of the Attorney General
for the institution of such proceedings.
(2) This section shall apply in respect of a Mutual Insurance Company or
Co-operative Insurance Society as defined in Chapter-III as it applies in respect
of an insurer.
139. Power of Court to grant relief.
If in any proceedings either civil or
criminal, it appears to the Court that a person is or may be liable in respect of
negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust but that he has acted
honestly and reasonably and that having regard to all the circumstances of the
case, the Court may relieve him either wholly or in part from his liability for
negligence, default, breach of trust on such terms as it may thinks fit.
140. Cognizance of offence and trial.(1) No Court shall take cognizance
of an offence except upon complaint in writing made by the Chairman of the
Authority or an officer authorized in writing, on his behalf.
(2) The offences under this Act shall be triable by a Magistrate of the First
Class or a Metropolitan Magistrate, as the case may be.
141. Offence to be non-cognizable and bailable.The offences under this
Act shall be non-cognizable, bailable and compoundable.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7207
142. Appeal.(1) An appeal shall lie to any Court having jurisdiction
against any of the following orders, namely :
(a) an order under sections 8 and 10 refusing to register, or canceling
the registration of an insurer;
(b) an order under section 15 directing the insurer to change his name;
(c) an order under section 124, 125, 131 or 138 Canceling the licence
issued to an employer of agents or insurance broker or insurance
surveyor, or deleting the name of any insurance agent appearing in
the register of an insurer;
(d) an order made in the course of the winding up or insolvency of an
(2) The Court having jurisdiction for the purpose of sub-section (1) shall be
the principal Court of civil jurisdiction within whose local limits the principal
place of business of the insurer concerned is situated.
(3) An appeal shall lie against any order passed under sub-section (1) to the
Court competent to hear appeals and the decision on such appeal shall be
considered final.
(4) No appeal under section shall be entertained unless it is made before the
expiration of 4 (four) months from the date on which the order appealed against
was communicated to the appellant.
143. Delegation of powers and duties of the Authority.The Authority
may, by general or special order, delegate any of its powers or duties under this
Act to any person sub-ordinate to it and the powers or duties so delegated shall
be subject to such restriction, limitations and conditions, if any, as the Authority
may impose and shall be subject to control and revision of its Chairperson.
144. Signature of document.Every document which is required by this
Act or by any rule made thereunder to be signed by the Chairperson of the
Authority or by any person subordinate to him or by any officer authorized under
sub-section (2) of section 125 or subsection (4) of section 127 shall be deemed to
7208 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
be properly signed if it bears a facsimile of the signature of such Chairperson or
officer of the Authority printed, engraved, lithographed or impressed by any
other mechanical process approved by the Government.
145. Service of notice.(1) Any process or summon required to be served
on an insurer or mutual insurance company or cooperative insurance society,
shall be deemed to be sufficiently served if addressed to any person registered
with the Authority as a person authorized to accept such process or summon on
behalf of the insurer or mutual insurance company or cooperative insurance
society and left at, or sent by registered post to the address of such person as
registered with the Authority.
(2) Any notice or other document which is by this Act required to be sent to
any policy-holder may be addressed and sent to the person to whom notices
respecting such policy are usually sent and any notice so addressed and sent shall
be deemed to be the notice to the holder of such policy :
Provided that where any person claiming to be interested in a policy as
transferee, assignee or nominee has given to an insurer or to a mutual insurance
company or cooperative insurance society notice in writing of his interest, any
notice which is by this Act required to be sent to policy-holders shall also be sent
to such person.
146. Power to make rules.The Government may, by notification in the
official Gazette, make rules in respect of different matters including Islamic
insurance, under this Act.
147. Power of the Government to amend Schedules.The Government
may, by notification in the official Gazette, make such amendments in the
Schedules as it may deem fit.
148. Power to make regulations.For the purposes of this Act, the
Authority may, with the approval of the Government, by notification in the
official Gazette, make regulations not inconsistent with this Act or rules made
149. Summary of returns to be published.The Authority shall every
year cause to be published in such manner as it may determine a summary of the
accounts, balance-sheets, statements, abstracts and other returns under this Act
and may append to such summary any note of the Authority.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7209
150. Knowledge of and statement by authorized agent to be deemed
knowledge and statement by insurer or broker or employer of agents.(1)
A person who has at any time been authorized as its agent by an insurer or broker
or employer of insurance agents, as the case may be, for the purpose of soliciting
or negotiating a contract of insurance in such capacity shall in every such
instance be deemed for the purpose of execution of the contract to be the agent of
the insurer and the knowledge of such person relating to any matter relevant to
the acceptance of the risk by the insurer shall be deemed to be the knowledge of
the insurer.
(2) Any statement made or any act done by any such person in his capacity
as an agent shall be deemed, for the purpose of the execution of the contract, to
be a statement made or act done by the insurer notwithstanding the fact that such
statement or act contravenes section 145 or any other provision.
(3) This provisions of this section shall not apply to the following,
namely :
(a) where there is collusion or connivance between such person and the
proposed policy-holder in the execution of the contract;
(b) where such person has ceased being its agent and the insurer has
taken all reasonable steps to inform or bring to the knowledge of
potential policy-holder and the public in general the fact of such
151. Saving of Provisions of Company Act.Nothing in this Act shall
affect the liability of an insurer being an insurer or a mutual insurance company
or cooperative insurance society as defined in Chapter-III being a company to
comply with the provisions of Company Act in matters not otherwise specifically
provided for by this Act.
152. Inspection and supply of copies of published prospectus etc.Any
person may, on payment of such fee as may prescribed by rules, inspect the
documents filed by an insurer with the Authority under clause (h) of sub-section
(5) of section 8, and may obtain a copy of any such document or part thereof on
payment in advance at the rate prescribed by rules.
153. Determination of market value of securities deposited under this
Act.The market value on the day of deposit of securities deposited in
pursuance of the provisions of this Act with the Bangladesh Bank shall be
determined by the Bangladesh Bank and in this regard the decision of the
Bangladesh Bank shall be final.
7210 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
154. Advisory Committee.The Authority shall, in consultation with the
Government, form an Advisory Committee in such manner as may be prescribed
by regulations to advise in the performance of its duties under this Act, and shall
determine its mode of operation.
155. To levy tax on net premium income.The Government may levy
and collect tax, from time to time, by order published in the official Gazette, on
the annual net premium income of every insurer and such rate shall not exceed
one half per centum of such annual net premium income.
156. Policy-holders Protection Fund etc.(1) The Authority shall
establish a Fund to be called the “Life Policy holders Protection Fund”. Money
realized from the levy charged on the insurer carrying on life insurance business
shall, in consultation with the Government, be credited to this Fund.
(2) The money lying to the credit of the Fund shall be utilized for the
general protection of the life insurance policy-holders and for such other
purposes as may be prescribed by regulations.
(3) Any money which is not immediately required for any of the purposes
referred to in sub-section (2), shall be invested by the Authority in a prudent
manner which would yield maximum return and safeguard the investment.
157. Statistics.(1) The Authority shall, in such manner and at such
intervals as may be prescribed by regulations, collect statistical information as to
such matters relevant to insurance, and the rules of such collection of information
and use thereof, whether related to insurance or unrelated, shall be contained in
the regulations made under this section.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), regulations
made under this section shall make provision for requiring insurer, insurance
brokers and surveyors to furnish to the Authority, in such form and such
information as may be specified.
(3) No use shall be made of any information obtained by or on behalf of the
Authority by virtue of this section except in a form which does not disclose the
affairs of any particular person.
158. Secrecy.Except for the purposes of this Act or of any criminal
proceedings under this Act, no person appointed to exercise any power under this
Act shall disclose any information with respect to any individual business or the
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7211
affairs of any individual participant of an insurer which has been obtained in the
course of his duties and is not required to be published under this Act.
159. Publication of English translation of this Act.(1) The Government
shall, by notification in the official Gazette, publish an authentic English text of
this Act within 2 (two) years after the Act comes into force.
(2) In the event of conflict between the Bangla and the English text, the
Bangla text shall prevail.
160. Repeal and savings.(1) The insurance Act, 1938 (Act IV of 1938),
hereinafter referred to as the repealed Act, is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal,
(a) every insurer or company or society registered under the repealed
Act to carry on life insurance business or general insurance
business shall be deemed to be an insurer registered under the
provisions of this Act to carry on life insurance business and non-
life insurance business respectively until expiry of the registration
certificate or expiry of 6 (six) months of the commencement of this
Act whichever occurs earlier;
(b) every licensed agent and certified employer of agent under the
repealed Act shall be deemed to be a registered agent and certified
employer of agents;
(c) every insurance surveyor holding a valid survey certificate issued
by the Chief Controller under the repealed Act shall be deemed to
be an insurance surveyor under this Act until expiry thereof;
(d) every suit or any other legal proceeding instituted by or against the
Chief Controller of Insurance under the repealed Act shall be
deemed to be a suit or proceeding instituted by or against the
7212 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(e) any judgment, order or award given in favour of, or against, the
Chief Controller of Insurance by any Court or tribunal or other
body in any action, matter or proceeding under the repealed Act, if
remains unsatisfied on the date of commencement of this Act, shall
with effect from that date be deemed to be a judgment, order or
award entered or made in favour or against the Authority and may
be enforced and continued accordingly;
(f) premium rate approve under the repealed Act by the Chief
Controller of Insurance shall remain effective until re-determined or
modified or repealed; and
(g) any rule or regulation made under the repealed Act, subject to being
consistent with the provisions of this Act, and until amended or
rescinded, shall continue to remain in force and be deemed to have
been framed under this Act.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7213
(See section 21, 23, 118, and 119)
Capital and Deposit
1. Minimum paid-up capital under section 21 :
(a) For life insurance business
(i) In the case of companies
incorporated in Bangladesh :
At least Taka 30 (thirty) crore of
which 60 (sixty) percent shall be
subscribed by the sponsors and the
remaining 40 (forty) percent shall
remain open for public subscription.
In the case of companies
incorporated outside
Bangladesh :
At least Taka 30 (thirty) crore
which shall be deposited in
Bangladesh by transfer of fund
from outside Bangladesh.
(b) For non-life insurance business
(i) In the case of companies
incorporated in Bangladesh :
At least Taka 40 (forty) crore of
which 60 (sixty) percent shall be
subscribed by the sponsors and the
remaining 40 (forty) percent shall
remain open for public subscription.
In the case of companies
incorporated outside
Bangladesh :
At least Taka 40 (forty) crore
which shall be deposited in
Bangladesh by transfer of fund
from outside Bangladesh.
2. Deposit required under section 23:
For Life insurance business:
Taka 1 (one) crore and 50 (fifty)
lac. In the case of c
registered before the commencement
of this Act such required amount
shall be deposited within 3 (three)
years from the commencement of
this Act.
7214 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018
(b) For non-life insurance
Taka 2 (two) crore and 50 (fifty)
lac. In the case of companie
registered before the commencement
of this Act such required amount
shall be deposited within 3 (three)
years from the commencement of
this Act.
Working capital of a Co-operative
Insurance Society under section 118:
Taka 2 (two) crore and 50 (fift
lac. In the case a co-
insurance society does not have
such required capital, it will
increase the required capi
tal within
5 (five) years from commencement
of this Act.
Working capital of a Mutual Insurance
Company under section 118:
1 (one) crore and 50 (fifty)
Deposit to be maintained by a
Co-operative Insurance Society
under section 119:
Taka 2 (
two) crore and 50 (fifty)
lac. S
uch required deposit must be
deposited within 3(three) years from
commencement of this Act.
. Deposit to be maintained by a
Mutual Insurance Company under
section 119:
Taka 30 (thirty) lac.
evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, Ryb 14, 2018 7215
(See section 106)
Basis and rule as to the valuation of the insurer’s capacity to pay
liabilities or Liquidation:
The liabilities of an insurer in respect of current contracts effected in the
course of life insurance business including annuity business, shall be calculated
by the method and upon the basis to be determined by an actuary approved by
court, and the actuary so approved shall, in determining as aforesaid, take into
account the following matters, namely :
(a) the purpose for which such valuation is to be made;
(b) the rate of interest and the rates of mortality and sickness are to be
used in valuation; and
(c) any special directions which may be given by the Court.
It is to be noted that the liabilities of an insurer in respect of current policies
other than life policies shall be such portion of the last premium paid as is
proportionate to the unexpired portion of the policy in respect of which the
premium was paid.
By order of the President
Md. Sayed Kutub
Deputy Secretary
Financial Institutions Division.
†gvt jvj †nv‡mb, DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k miKvix gy`ªYvjq, †ZRMuvI, XvKv KZ…©K gyw`ªZ|
†gvt Q‡ivqvi †nv‡mb, DccwiPvjK (AwZwi³ `vwqZ¡), evsjv‡`k dig I cÖKvkbv Awdm,
†ZRMuvI, XvKv KZ…©K cÖKvwkZ|
website: www.bgpress.gov.bd