Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15(1):69–78.
Submitted: 30 May 2019; Accepted: 30 January 2020; Published: 30 April 2020.
Copyright © 2020. Wei Cheng Tan
All Rights Reserved.
Dietary ObservatiOns Of fOur sOuthern african
agamiD LizarDs (agamiDae)
Wei Cheng Tan
, anThony herrel
, and John Measey
Unité Mixte de Recherche 7179 Centre National de la Recherche Scientique/ Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
Département Adaptations du Vivant, 55 rue Buffon, 75005, Paris Cedex 5, France
Université de Poitiers - Laboratoire EBI Ecologie and Biologie des Interactions, Unités Mixtes de Recherche Le Centre
National de la Recherche Scientique 7267, Equipe Ecologie Evolution Symbiose, 6, rue Michel Brunet,
TSA 51106, 86073 Poitiers, France
Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Corresponding author, email: [email protected]
Abstract.—Analysis of stomach contents can provide insights into foraging mode, habitat use, and dietary
specialization of animals. In this paper, we make observations on the poorly known diet of four southern African
agamid species, Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), Agama armata (Peters Ground Agama), Agama
atra (Southern Rock Agama), and Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama). We examined the diet of 67
individuals by identifying and weighing prey items after stomach ushing lizards in the eld. We found that these
agama species fed on a broad spectrum of arthropods (11 orders). A high relative importance of ants was present for
all agama species examined here, which suggests that ants are a major food source in the arid ecosystem. We found
that active prey such as ants, beetles, and highly mobile ying insects like wasps and ies to be major components
of the diet, indicating that these lizards are ambush predators. We also found that 43% of the stomachs contained
herbaceous material and 39% contained sand particles. Agama atra had the most diverse dietary niche, eating
fewer ants and more beetles, hemipterans, and dipterans than other species, whereas A. armata had a narrower
dietary niche consisting mainly of ants. Lastly, although low in sample size, we found that juveniles qualitatively
had a diet of functionally similar prey items, albeit with a narrower niche breadth, when compared to adults. We
discuss how diet corresponds with differences in foraging behavior and habitat specialization.
Key Words.—diet; index of relative importance; lizards; reptiles; southern Africa
Diet plays an important role in the daily life of animals
as it provides a source of energy for growth, maintenance,
and reproduction (Huey and Pianka 1981; Zug et al.
2001). Many animals specialize in different prey items
and develop complex feeding behaviors based on their
anatomy or dietary requirements (Schwenk 2000).
Studying the prey eaten by an animal can provide insights
into their ecological roles and the relative importance of
each prey species in their diet (Losos and Greene 1988;
Ortega-Rubio et al. 1995; Znari and El Mouden 1997).
Studies of diet in an inter-specic context may further
provide information on niche overlap and thus on how
animals partition resources (Norval et al. 2012). The
optimal foraging model of MacArthur and Pianka (1966)
predicts that dietary specialization depends on the range
and abundance of available prey, as well as the energetic
gains and losses (handling and search time) associated.
For example, specializing on a narrow range of food
usually results in higher foraging efciency (Britt and
Bennet 2008), eliminating potential competition with
generalists. In a patchy environment with few food
resources, however, generalists tend to do better than
specialists. Generalists have a more diverse diet and a
reduced travel time between suitable patches (less search
time), which makes up for their lower foraging efciency
compared to specialists. This difference has been a
major interest to ecologists as the distribution pattern
of organisms is largely dependent on the degree of diet
specialization (MacArthur 1972).
Agamids are Old World lizards that have successfully
colonized a variety of habitats ranging from hot deserts
to tropical forests (Greer 1989). Some agamids even
appear to favor peri-urban (rural-urban transition zones)
landscapes more than natural or protected areas (Whiting
et al. 2009). Surprisingly, and despite their ubiquitous
nature, southern African agamids remain relatively
poorly studied in terms of their ecology (but see
Anibaldi 1998; Reaney and Whiting 2003; Van Berkel
and Clussela-Trullas 2018). Although most agamids
are generally terrestrial, some specialized saxicolous
and arboreal species exist. Agamids only occasionally
forage outside their home range (Whiting et al. 1999),
suggesting that the microhabitats used by different
species may constrain their diet.
Tan et al.—Feeding ecology of southern African Agamid lizards.
Agamas are widespread diurnal lizards that are
widely distributed in Africa. Eleven agamid species are
common and widespread throughout southern Africa
(Bates et al. 2014). Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern
Ground Agama; Fig. 1A) and A. armata (Peters
Ground Agama; Fig 1B) seem to prefer similar types of
macrohabitat: open canopy and semi-arid areas (Bates et
al. 2014). Although A. a. distanti is normally classied
as a ground dwelling species (Bates et al. 2014), some
A. a. distanti populations appear to be saxicolous,
occurring in rocky woodlands. They are normally
found basking on rocks, branches of bushes or
termitaria (Branch 1998). Similarly, A. atra (Southern
Rock Agama; Fig. 1C) is also a saxicolous species
found on rocky outcrops and mountain plateaus.
Agama atra has a wide distribution throughout
southern Africa compared to the other agamids studied
here, perhaps suggesting a more generalist lifestyle
(Bates et al. 2014). Agama armata, however, tend
to be found in open deep sand savannah and calcrete
ats (Branch 1998). It has been suggested that widely
foraging lizards living in open habitats specialize on
feeding relatively sedentary and clumped prey such
as termites (Huey and Pianka 1981). Contrary to the
other species, Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree
Agama; Fig. 1D) has an arboreal lifestyle, spending
much of its time on trees and logs. They consume
primarily mobile, diurnal insects such as ants, beetles,
and orthopterans, but also ingest occasional millipedes
and centipedes (Reaney and Whiting 2002).
The diet of only a few African agamid species has
been studied (Bruton 1977; Znari and El Mouden 1997;
Heideman 2002; Reaney and Whiting 2002; Ibrahim
and El-Naggar 2013). These lizards have been reported
to be ambush foragers (e.g. Whiting et al. 1999), feeding
almost entirely on insects, including predominance
of Hymenoptera, especially ants (Formicidae) and
Coleoptera. To date, little or no information is available
on the dietary niches of southern African agamids (Fig.
1; but see Bruton 1977; Reaney and Whiting 2002). In
this study, we examined the diet of four agamid species
from South Africa discussed above: A. a. distanti, A.
armata, A. atra and A. atricollis. We determined food
habits by examining their stomach contents. We sampled
across species in summer to gain insights into possible
differences in foraging strategies, niche overlap, and the
presence of possible dietary specialists. We captured
adult and juvenile lizards whenever possible to explore
the presence of ontogenetic shifts in diet.
materiaLs anD methODs
Study areas.We conducted eldwork in three of
the nine biomes of South Africa: Fynbos, Savanna, and
Thicket (Fig. 2). We sampled A. atra primarily on Mui-
zenberg Mountain (34º05´S, 18º26´E) in March 2008.
Muizenberg is a 500 m tall mountain dominated by rich
endemic fynbos vegetation and is situated on the Cape
Peninsula in the Western Cape. We sampled the other
agamid species throughout the austral summer of 2017
(February-March). For every species, we captured in-
dividuals over the course of several weeks. We sam-
pled A. atricollis in Mtunzini (28º58´S, 31º45´E) and
Eshowe (28º52´S, 31º28´E) peri-urban areas, in Kwa-
figure 1. Four agamid species from southern Africa. (A) Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), (B) A. atra (Southern
Rock Agama), (C) A. armata (Peter’s Ground Agama), and (D) Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama). (Photographed by
Wei Cheng Tan).
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
Zulu Natal, where these lizards live in close proximity
to humans. Acanthocercus atricollis has an arboreal
lifestyle and lives on big trees with signicant canopy
cover (Reaney and Whiting 2003). We collected A. ar-
mata in game reserves near Tshipise (22º31´S, 30º39´E)
in Limpopo. Tshipise contained at, open, sandy aca-
cia thornveld and occasionally dry mopane dominated
woodland. We caught Agama aculeata distanti at the
Welgevonden nature reserve, Waterberg District, also in
Limpopo (24º13´S, 27º54´E). The reserve is character-
ized by rocky woodlands and mountain bushveld at high
altitudes with minimal human activity. Note that this
population of A. a. distanti was found predominantly on
We marked all lizards caught with a temporary non-
toxic marker to avoid recapturing and remeasuring
the same individual and returned them within 24 h to
their exact site of capture after we measured lizards
and ushed their stomachs. We considered individu-
als adults if they had a snout-vent length (SVL) above
100mm, while we considered lizards with a SVL be-
low 70 mm juveniles (Appendix Table 1). We assessed
lizards between these sizes individually according to
secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., coloration, scale
ornamentation, etc.) to determine if they were adults or
Stomach contents.We collected stomach contents
of 67 individuals. We ushed stomachs within 4 h of
capture of a lizard according to the protocol of Herrel
et al. (2006). We held the lizard gently with one hand
while opening the mouth by tapping on the sides of the
jaw, which resulted in a jaw-opening threat response.
We then inserted a small plastic ring into the mouth to
keep the jaws open, allowing for a continuous ow of
water and food out of the digestive tract. We used a sy-
ringe with a round-tipped steel needle, which we insert-
ed gently into the stomach through the pharynx. Upon
feeling a slight resistance against the pyloric end of the
stomach, we pushed sufcient water into the stomach
to force food out without injuring the animal. We con-
tinued the sequence while slightly moving the syringe
up and down until a food bolus with fragmented matter
was regurgitated. We kept the diet samples in individual
vials with 70% ethanol and brought vials back to the
laboratory for examination.
We identied the stomach contents to the lowest pos-
sible taxonomic level using a binocular microscope. In
most cases, however, only the Order of the prey item
could be identied due to the fragmented nature of the
prey items. We decided to separate Formicidae prey
from the other Hymenopterans as they are reported to
be an important part of the diet of some agamids (Capel-
Williams and Pratten 1978; Znari and Mouden 1997;
Heideman 2002). We blot-dried the food items thor-
oughly with paper towels before measuring the mass
using an electronic microbalance (AE100-S, Mettler
Toledo GmBH, Zurich, Switzerland; ± 0.1 mg). Be-
figure 2. The ve collection sites used in this study fell into three of nine biomes of South Africa (Coastal Belt, Fynbos, and Savanna)
and three provinces (Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo, and Western Cape).
Tan et al.—Feeding ecology of southern African Agamid lizards.
cause most prey items were crushed into fragments, we
decided to include all fragments, which we sorted into
different prey groups. We feel this approach provides a
reasonable estimate of prey volume as prey bodies were
rarely found intact.
The heads of the prey items were carefully enumerat-
ed to calculate the numeric abundance (N) of each prey
category. For each prey group, we also calculated the
index of relative importance (IRI) to quantify the sig-
nicance of a particular prey item in the diet (Pinkas et
al. 1971):
IRI = (%N + %V) × %Oc
where %N is the percentage of numeric abundance,
%Oc is frequency of occurrence of a certain prey group,
and %V is the proportion of mass of that prey group to
total prey mass. IRI is a compound index that provides
a balanced view of the diet of a lizard due to the
combination of unique properties affecting individual
measures (numbers, mass, and occurrence in the diet).
We also calculated a diet diversity index for each
species. Dietary breadth (B) was computed according
to Levins (1968):
B = 1 / ∑Pi ²
where P is the proportion of records of each species
in prey category, i. The index of Levins is a simple
computation that provides an indication of which species
has a more specialized diet if it had a relatively low
dietary niche breadth (B). In the course of the analysis,
we also discovered nematodes in the stomachs of some
individuals. We reported these separately as parasites.
In addition, we also did not include plant matter, sand
particles, or nematodes in the calculation of IRI or niche
breadth. We classied all prey groups according to their
evasiveness: evasive, sedentary, and intermediate based
on the denitions in Vanhooydonck et al. (2007), and
we used these categories to compare the prey consumed
between adults and juveniles.
Statistical analysis.—To meet normality and
homoscedasticity assumptions, we log10-transformed all
continuous data before further analyses. We conducted
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) on the
IRI of the different prey groups to compare diet between
species. Following this we performed univariate
ANOVAs with LSD post-hoc tests on prey IRI to
determine their relative contribution among species. We
performed all analyses in IBM-SPSS v24 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois, USA). For all tests, α = 0.05.
The IRI between species differed signicantly (Wilks'
lambda = 0.288; F
, 148.46 = 2.158, P < 0.001). There
were signicant differences within each prey group
(Appendix Table 2). Ants (Formicidae) were present
in the stomachs of all agamid species and represented
the majority of their diet (> 90% occurrence; Table 1).
Ants also appear to be the dominant prey by mass and
tabLe 1. The composition of diet of four agamid species from southern Africa (total n = 67): Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground
Agama), A. armata (Peters Ground Agama), A. atra (Southern Rock Agama), and Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama).
Prey items are presented by Order and the corresponding evasive level (Fun.) according to Vanhooydonck et al (2011): e = evasive, i =
intermediate, s = sedentary, and na = not applicable. Ants are removed from other Hymenoptera as they are reported to be a principle
dietary item of agamids and have a different evasive level. Lepidoptera are larvae only. Diet is reported as occurrence (Oc), or the total
number of individual lizards that contain a particular food item, and its frequency (FOO) in percentage.
A. a. distanti (n = 23) A. armata (n = 8) A. atra (n = 15) A. atricolis (n = 21)
Order Fun. Oc FOO (%) Oc FOO (%) Oc FOO (%) Oc FOO (%)
Formicidae i 23 100 8 100 14 93.33 20 95.24
Hymenoptera e 12 52.17 3 37.50 13 86.67 8 38.10
Coleoptera i 16 69.57 4 0.50 15 1 10 47.62
Hemiptera i 10 43.48 1 0.13 10 66.67 1 4.76
Diptera e 5 21.74 1 0.13 10 66.67 2 9.52
Lepidoptera s - - - - 3 20.00 1 4.76
Orthoptera e - - - - 2 13.33 1 4.76
Gastropoda s - - - - - - 1 4.76
Ephemoptera e - - - - - - 1 4.76
Isoptera s 1 4.35 - - - - - -
Diplopoda s - - - - 7 46.67 - -
Plant matter na 8 34.78 3 3.75 13 86.67 6 28.57
Sand particles na 16 69.57 3 3.75 7 46.67 - -
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
A. a. distanti (n = 23) A. armata (n = 8) A. atra (n = 15) A. atricollis (n = 21)
Formicidae No. 495 184 1160 406
Mass 1.444 0.105 0.808 0.433
IRI* 1.348 ± 0.457 1.503 ± 0.498 0.953 ± 0.560 1.428 ± 0.541
No. 28 3 43 20
Mass 0.033 0.002 0.160 0.100
IRI 0.041 ± 0.058 0.011 ± 0.016 0.218 ± 0.300 0.036 ± 0.072
Coleoptera No. 45 9 140 12
Mass 0.191 0.052 0.533 0.019
IRI 0.161 ± 0.208 0.128 ± 0.197 0.362 ± 0.407 0.087 ± 0.230
Hemiptera No. 13 1 23 1
Mass 0.020 < 0.001 0.039 0.002
IRI* 0.019 ± 0.033 0.005 ± 0.014 0.036 ± 0.048 < 0.001
Diptera No. 9 2 16 2
Mass 0.004 < 0.001 0.005 < 0.001
IRI* 0.006 ± 0.017 0.002 ± 0.006 0.014 ± 0.024 < 0.001
No. - - 3 2
Mass - - 0.017 0.006
IRI - - 0.005 ± 0.012 < 0.001
Orthoptera No. - - 3 1
Mass - - 0.591 0.150
IRI - - 0.015 ± 0.054 0.002 ± 0.010
Gastropoda No. - - - 1
Mass - - - 0.002
IRI - - - < 0.001
Ephemoptera No. - - - 1
Mass - - - < 0.001
IRI - - - < 0.001
Isoptera No. 116 - - -
Mass 0.059 - - -
IRI 0.003 ± 0.015 - - -
Isopoda No. 1 - - -
Mass 0.001 - - -
IRI < 0.001 - - -
Diplopoda No. - - 9 -
Mass - - 0.089 -
IRI* - - 0.032 ± 0.075 -
Plant matter Mass 0.017 0.001 0.023 0.141
Sand particles Mass 0.152 0.005 0.058 -
Unidentied Mass 0.039 - 0.066 0.113
B (breadth)
1.909 1.166 1.427 1.203
tabLe 2. Diet comparison between Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), A. armata (Peters Ground Agama), A. atra
(Southern Rock Agama), and Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama) from southern Africa, showing the number (frequency) and
total dry mass (g) of each prey taxon. The Index of Relative Importance, IRI, is displayed as mean ± standard deviation. Niche breadth,
B, is indicated at the bottom of the table. Asterisks (*) indicate prey taxon IRI that were signicantly different between agamid species
(P < 0.05): see Appendix 2.
Tan et al.—Feeding ecology of southern African Agamid lizards.
in IRI, followed by coleopterans, other hymenopterans,
hemipterans, and dipterans (Table 2). Agama atra
had a signicantly lower ant IRI (0.95) than the other
species, while A. armata had the highest ant IRI (1.5),
closely followed by A. atricollis (IRI: 1.43) and A. a.
distanti (IRI: 1.35), although these differences were
not signicant (Table 2). Moreover, Coleoptera seem
to be an important part of the diet of these species,
representing the second highest IRI among the other
prey items. Agama atra, which has a low ant IRI,
showed signicantly higher importance of evasive prey
in its diet (e.g., Hymenoptera and Diptera) compared
to other agamid species (Table 2). We observed large
evasive prey, such as Orthoptera, in the stomachs of two
A. atra individuals (Table 1). Additionally, A. atra was
the only species that was found preying on millipedes
(Diplopoda). Although rare, we also found mayies
(Ephemeroptera), snails (Gastropoda), woodlice
(Isopoda), and termites (Isoptera) in the stomachs of
these lizards.
In addition to arthropods, all species also ingested
plant matter (such as seeds, buds, and small twigs) and
ne particles of sand, observed in 43% and 39% of the
stomachs, respectively. Of the 67 stomachs examined,
36 (57%) also contained nematodes. They were present
in all species: 12 A. a. distanti, three A. armata, 13
A. atra, and 21 A. atricollis. The dietary breadth for
prey number was greatest in A. a. distanti (1.91) and
lowest in A. armata (1.17; Table 2). Juveniles showed
a lower dietary diversity than adults in all four species,
suggesting large quantities of prey items in few
categories (Table 3); however, functionally their prey
types appear to be very similar to that of adults (Fig. 3).
Formicidae appear to be the most important prey type
in the diet of juveniles, and there was a higher ant IRI
in juveniles (mean = 1.47) than in adults (mean = 1.14;
Table 3).
Our results show that the agamids in our study are
insectivorous like most other agamids (see Huey
and Pianka 1981). Ants (Formicidae) were the most
common and important prey items in the diet of these
animals. Other major prey components included other
hymenopterans such as bees and wasps, coleopterans,
A. aculeata distanti A. armata A. atra A. atricollis
A (n = 9) J (n = 14) A (n = 2) J (n = 6) A (n = 10) J (n = 5) A (n = 14) J (n = 7)
Formicidae 1.262 ±
1.402 ±
1.109 ±
1.634 ±
0.705 ±
1.451 ±
1.393 ±
1.484 ±
0.039 ±
0.043 ±
0.035 ±
0.003 ±
0.30 ± 0.34 0.059 ±
0.037 ±
0.036 ±
Coleoptera 0.171 ±
0.155 ±
0.409 ±
0.034 ±
0.484 ±
0.119 ±
0.118 ±
0.038 ±
Hemiptera 0.012 ±
0.023 ±
- 0.007 ±
0.038 ±
0.030 ±
- < 0.001
Diptera 0.010 ±
0.003 ±
- 0.003 ±
0.016 ±
0.010 ±
- < 0.001
- - - - 0.007 ±
<0.001 - < 0.001
Orthoptera - - - - 0.022 ±
- - 0.006 ±
Gastropoda - - - - - - - 0.001 ±
Ephemoptera - - - - - - - < 0.001
Isoptera 0.008 ±
- - - - - - -
Isopoda - < 0.001 - - - - - -
Diplopoda - - - - 0.030 ±
0.037 ±
- -
B (breadth)
2.281 1.352 2.072 1.072 1.691 1.204 1.282 1.173
tabLe 3. Dietary composition and breadths of adult (A) and juvenile (J) Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), A. armata
(Peters Ground Agama), A. atra (Southern Rock Agama), and Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama) from southern Africa
based on Index of Relative Importance, IRI, and Levin’s niche index (B). The IRI is displayed as mean ± standard deviation. Note, small
sample sizes prevented statistical comparisons.
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
and dipterans. These observations agree with previous
studies on the ecology of African agamids (Capel-
Williams and Pratten 1978; Znari and Mouden 1997;
Heideman 2002). Ants are small and hard prey of
intermediate evasiveness (see Vanhooydonck et al.
2007). Hence, they likely provide little energetic value
relative to the handling time needed to process them,
as agamids crush their prey before swallowing (Herrel
et al. 1996; Meyers and Herrel 2005; Schaerlaeken et
al. 2008). Yet, ants are a common component of arid
ecosystems and present an important feature of the diet
of many lizards simply due to their abundance and ease
of capture (Pianka 1986; Branch 1998).
Using quantitative measurements, Agama atra,
A. planiceps and A. atricollis have been previously
classied as ambush foragers (Whiting et al. 1999;
Reaney and Whiting 2002). Not surprisingly, there
was a high relative importance of ants and beetles
(Coleopterans) in the diet of agamids in our study. This
suggests that these lizards are indeed ambush predators
(Pianka 1986) although our study further showed that
A. atra also fed on prey items classied as evasive
prey that typically jump or y to escape. These prey
types are thought to be captured by ambush predators
possibly with very short, quick dashes from a standstill
(Vanhooydonck et al. 2007), suggesting that this species
may be a more specialized ambush predator.
Diet composition can vary greatly according to the
prey availability in specic localities or microhabitats
(Measey et al. 2011). For example, diet of agamids can
change across an urban to rural gradient (Balakrishna
et al. 2016) and this may account for some of the
differences we found between A. atricollis and the other
species. Our results showed a greater proportion of ants
and few ying insects in the diet of A. armata, which is
more of a ground dwelling species.
Our results indicate that the diet differs signicantly
among the four agamid species, but with a very similar
functional grouping of prey types dominated by prey of
intermediate activity with some evasive invertebrates.
Agama aculeata distanti appeared to be the most
generalist species followed by A. atra, based on the niche
breadth index of Levin. One problem, however, with
this index is that it does not take into account the mass
of the prey items, which could play an important role in
the energy gained from ingested prey items. When we
added mass into our diet analyses (IRI calculation), A.
atra stood out as having a more diverse and generalist
diet, with ants being relatively less important compared
to the other species studied here. Agama armata, the
smallest southern African agamid (Branch 1998), preys
primarily on ants and appears more specialized than
the other species, although this may simply reect the
paucity of other prey in their environment. Agama atra
and A. atricollis both consumed larger prey items like
grasshoppers and caterpillars. Perhaps only the small to
medium-sized prey items (e.g., ants and small beetles)
can be consumed by smaller predators simply due to the
limitations on gape or bite force (Capel-Williams and
Pratten 1978). Another explanation may be that the
A. atra population from Western Cape encounters the
greatest diversity of potential prey items compared to
the subtropics where A. armata lives. To better interpret
these differences, future studies should investigate the
availability and abundance of prey, in addition to diet, to
understand whether agamids actively select certain prey
types, avoid others, or are opportunistic predators.
Although not included in the dietary analyses, we
observed that nearly half of the stomachs examined
contained plant matter. Many insectivorous lizards
are known to consume herbaceous material. Capel-
Williams and Pratten (1978) found that plant material is
an important food or water source during the dry season
due to scarcity of animal food or water (Joger 1979).
This feeding strategy has also been observed in Agama
impalearis (Bribon’s Agama; Znari and Mouden 1997)
and Stellagama stellio (Starred Agama; Ibrahim and El-
Naggar 2013). The high frequency of vegetation found
in this study indicates that it could be an important
food source for these agamids as well. We also found
sand particles in the stomachs. These agamids (except
A. atricollis) live in sandveld or rocky habitats, which
likely explains the indirect ingestion of mineral particles
with prey captured on sandy substrates (Capel-Williams
and Pratten 1978; Ibrahim and El-Naggar 2013).
The difference in diet, but not prey functional types,
between juveniles and adults could correspond to the
different microhabitats occupied by juveniles and
adults. For instance, ants are a major component of the
diet of juveniles whereas orthopterans are an important
component of the diet in adult A. impalearis (Capel-
Williams and Pratten 1978). Juveniles may be more
figure 3. Diet as a composition of functional prey types of
Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), A. armata
(Peters Ground Agama), A. atra (Southern Rock Agama) and
Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama). Functional
prey types are sedentary (black), intermediate (yellow) and active
(orange) prey (see Table 1 for classication) for both adults and
juveniles (juv.).
Tan et al.—Feeding ecology of southern African Agamid lizards.
associated with open ground between shrubs and under
rocks where ants are found, and we have observed that
adults and juveniles are rarely in close proximity. This
apparent specialization in juveniles, however, may also
result from morphological and mechanical constraints
that would prevent young (and thus smaller sized) lizards
to feed only on larger prey items (Capel-Williams and
Pratten 1978). Our low sample sizes prevented us from
performing statistical comparisons to test for age effects
and prevented us making any rm conclusions.
Acknowledgments.—This study was carried out under
the permit for scientic collection from CapeNature
(056-AAA041-00168-0056), SANParks, and Ezemvelo
KZN Wildlife (OP 550/2017). This Project was
nancially supported by the European Commission
through the program Erasmus Mundus Masters Course
- International Master in Applied Ecology (EMMC-
IMAE; FPA 532524-1-FR-2012-ERA MUNDUS-
EMMC). WCT and JM would like to thank the DSI-NRF
Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology and National
Research Foundation of South Africa incentive fund
for rated researchers. This project was also supported
by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South
Africa (Key International Science Capacity Fund
Program) to AH. For their invaluable assistance during
eldwork in South Africa, we are indebted to members
of the MeaseyLab, Gareth Coleman, Amy Panikowski,
John Wilkinson, François Meyer, Jason Savage, Krystal
Tolley, and Frederik Igelström for access to various
sites, local knowledge of species, data collection, and
generous hospitality. Additionally, we are extremely
grateful for all the help by the staff and volunteers in the
Welgevonden Game Reserve.
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appenDix tabLe 1. Mean and range values of snout vent length (SVL in mm) and mass (in g) for adults and juveniles of
Agama aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), A. armata (Peters Ground Agama), A. atra (Southern Rock Agama)
and Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama).
A. a. distanti A. armata A. atra A. atricollis
adult juvenile adult juvenile adult juvenile adult juvenile
SVL mean 78.8 40.5 71.6 32.6 83.1 55.4 119.2 61.9
SVL range 71.8–
30.2–48.2 70.8–72.3 28.0–
71.2–95.0 35.4–69.4 100.82–
Mass mean 18.8 2.5 15.5 1.7 20.2 8.9 65.8 16.4
Mass range 16.0–
14.0–17.0 1.0–
12.1–28.1 4.8–
Tan et al.—Feeding ecology of southern African Agamid lizards.
appenDix tabLe 2. Results of the ANOVAs performed on the prey Index of Relative Importance (IRI) comparing Agama
aculeata distanti (Eastern Ground Agama), A. armata (Peters Ground Agama), A. atra (Southern Rock Agama) and
Acanthocercus atricollis (Southern Tree Agama). Asterisks (*) indicate prey taxa that were signicantly different between
species of agamids. The degrees of freedom for all prey taxon is 3 and 61.
Formicidae 0.200 0.022*
Other Hymenoptera 0.566 0.345
Coleoptera 0.106 0.832
Hemiptera 2.537 < 0.001*
Diptera 3.374 < 0.001*
Diplopoda 2.134 < 0.001*
Lepidoptera 0.433 0.114
Orthoptera 0.103 0.345
Gastropoda 0.050 0.532
Ephemoptera 0.110 0.532
Isoptera 0.597 0.619
Isopoda 0.597 0.619
Wei cheng (nichOLas) tan is a Masters graduate from the Université de Poitiers, France, and
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. He received his B.Sc. with a major in zoology at the Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia. Wei Cheng is interested in the evolution of phenotypic
diversity and the mechanisms that drive biodiversity. He is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the
Alexander Koenig Research Museum, Bonn, Germany, where he is conducting further research in
herpetology. Wei Cheng is passionate about conservation of reptiles and enjoys studying them in
the eld. (Photographed by Jason Savage).
anthOny herreL is a Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientique
working at the Natural History Museum in Paris, France. His research interests encompass the
evolution of form and function. He is specically interested in both the drivers of phenotypic
diversity and the constraints that hamper phenotypic diversication. Anthony works at one of the
oldest and largest natural history museums in Europe where he is lucky enough to be able to study
the anatomy and function of a diversity of vertebrate species. He has a keen interest in herpetology
and loves doing eld work to study organisms in their natural environment. (Photographed by
Colin Donihue).
JOhn measey is a Chief Researcher in Invasion Biology at the Department of Science and
Innovation-National Research Foundation, Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology at
Stellenbosch University, South Africa. His research interests encompass all things herpetological,
with a special focus on invasions. John lives and works in the unique and diverse fynbos biome
of South Africa where many species are impacted by invasive species. (Photographed by Thalassa