October 21, 2020 (City Hall Civic Center) 5:30 P.M.
Page 4 of 9
Note: *Denotes property located in the Planning Jurisdiction
turn lane and exit is a must. He stated his home is his biggest investment and chose his lot due to
the wildlife and lot size. He explained that someone bears the burden of protecting others property
investments. He explained there needs to be consideration as to what is already in place and
something comparable needs to be constructed so people’s investments aren’t killed.
A resident of Forest Lane stated the school system is already overloaded. He explained there will
be no yards for the children to play in and no school for them to attend. He stated he would like to
see the development designed with the houses facing County Road 12. He explained there are
currently several subdivisions in the area with the backyards facing County Road 12. He stated he
has to see everything in their backyards when he drives by the subdivisions.
Mr. Johnny Inzer resident of Cottages on the Green stated he lives in a gated community with
about 2.3 vehicles per house with a total of 370 vehicles. He explained all of those vehicles get to
their homes by County Road12. He stated when they are turning in to Cottages on the Greene the
traffic behind them is stopped until they turn or the vehicles pass them. He explained County Road
12 has got to be widened. He stated the added developments on County Road 12 will cause more
construction traffic. He stated there are also issues with the drainage in the area.
Ms. Peggy Riley resident of 22395 County Road 12 explained the subdivision will be right out her
front door. She stated County Road 12 has got to be widened. She explained she has to sit and wait
20 minutes in order to back out of her driveway. She stated there are flooding issues and the
Commission has a lot of things they need to look at before approving the request.
Mr. Scott Cothron with Skipper stated his company was hired by EDG to perform a traffic study to
see what impacts the development will have on the traffic. He explained there are currently several
improvements being done on County Road 12 and the Foley Beach Express which include turn
lanes on both sides of the street. He stated the improvements are going to help the traffic
immensely. He explained the projections showed any added traffic from the development will be
handled with the improvements that are currently being done. He stated there will be an addition of
a right hand turn lane but the study showed there was not a demand for a left hand turn lane. He
explained there will be a need for an additional 100’ of stacking for the west bound traffic which is
to be added with phase 4 or 5. He stated they used the national average of cars a day and were
extra conservative when doing the analysis for the development.
Commissioner Hellmich stated they have looked at adding stop signs on Fairway Drive to prevent
it from being used as a cut through. He explained there is a light currently being constructed at
County Road 12 and the Foley Beach Express to offset the turn lane to make the area safer. He
explained the new developments currently being constructed need to be incorporated into the
traffic plan analysis. He stated additional traffic information may be required by Skipper. He stated
due to safety they do not want people backing out of their driveways into County Road 12 and that
is the reasoning for houses not facing County Road 12. He explained widening County Road 12 is
a challenge due to the lack of right of way. He stated there are some road improvements being
made on County Roads 8 and in the future County Road 10 may be extended which they are
hoping will relieve some of the traffic on County Road 12. He stated there are no plans to 4 lane
County Road 12. He explained the city is looking at and working on drainage issues in the area. He
explained he would like the traffic improvements for the development to be made up front so new
paving that is currently being done doesn’t have to be ripped up and redone. He stated as part of
the city’s 10 year traffic plan study Wolf Bay Drive will be extended to the Foley Beach Express.