Using CareerTech to Satisfy 3
Year Math
1. S.B 1370 (Regarding Math)- For students under the age of 18 school districts shall require a
parent or legal guardian of the student to meet with a designee of the school prior to
enrollment in the CORE curriculum. All parties must sign off.
Allows for the acceptance and completion of one (1) year of a full-time, three-hour career and
technology program leading to an industry credential/certificate (endorsed or aligned) to
satisfy a third math to meet graduation requirements for students on the CORE
2. Career Tech programs cannot satisfy both CORE Math and a computer credit in the same
The CORE curriculum counts for high school graduation only. It does not meet college
entrance requirements or OK Promise requirements.
Using Career Tech to satisfy a 3
math credit in high school should be the exception rather
than the rule. Students should not be discouraged from taking Algebra II. (We do not want to
make it more difficult for our students should they choose to continue to higher education, as
52% of our students do.)
How to show on transcript, from SDE: (Found in SDE Graduation Requirements for Math,
PDF on page 4)
Q: A student on the Core Diploma Pathway has opted to take one year of a full-time, three-hour
career and technology program in place of a third mathematics credit. What subject code belongs on
this student’s transcript?
A: If a student is on the Core Diploma pathway and is taking a three-hour career and technology
course in place of a third math credit, the subject code for the course they are taking is recorded on
the transcript. Then, a comment may be added to the transcript stating that the third math
requirement for graduation has been satisfied by [course or program name/code]. Example: mark
the CT course with an * then denote what the * means on the transcript;
9707 Welding MN *
*Student satisfied 3rd math credit with approved 3 hour CareerTech program.
S.B. 1370 is NOT the same as a student taking a pull-out math course at Career Tech.
Student’s taking a math course at a Career Tech need to be transcripted the exact same way
as they would be if the student was taking it at their local High School.
Julie Childers, M.Ed.
Academic Coordinator, ODCTE