Hill View
5424 Whiteford Road
Sylvania, OH 43560
Main: 419.824.8612
Fax: 419.824.8639
Staff Directory---------------------------------3
Recess Schedule------------------------------3
Lunch Schedule------------------------ -------3
Dismissal Schedule---------------------------3
Safety & Visiting Procedures------------4
Use of Tobacco on School Property------4
Volunteers-- ------------------------------------5
Attendance & Absence------------------5-7
Personal Convenience Absence (PCA)--6
Professional Appointments------------------6
Notification of Absence-----------------------6
Make-up Work for Absences----------------7
Illness at School--------------------------------7
Withdrawals from School--------------------7
Bus Transportation and Safety-------7-8
Bus Safety & Rules--------------------------7-8
Bus Referrals------------------------------------8
Bus Information---------------------------------8
Bus Assignment Change---------------------8
Bus Students Walking Home---------------8
Walking or Riding a Bicycle to School----8
Cafeteria------------ ----------------------------9
Closings & Delays----------------------------9
Computer Technology & Network------9
Student Discipline Code-----------------10-11
Cell Phones-------------------------------12-13
Video Surveillance/Electronic Monitoring --13
Due Process/Hearings-----------------------13
Dress Code--------------------------------14-15
Field Trips--------------------------------------15
Lost & Found---------------------------------15
Playground & Recess----------------------16
Progress Reports---------------------------16
School Safety---------------------------------17
School Song----------------------------------17
Table of Contents
Name Position Grade/Room#
Sarah Vanni Art 40
Megan Rhodes Music 38
Samantha Baer Phys. Ed Gym
Kris Kieffer Librarian Media Center
Melanie Stutzenstein OT 13
Kelly Borgman PT 13
Emily Bretelson Speech Therapist 07
Tammy Lamont ESL
Cynthia Driftmeyer Para Professional
Connie Howald Para Professional
Lisa Petree Para Professional
Ciara Holinski Psych Office
Alexandria Thornton Counselor
Jessica Positano Coordinator of Special Education
Jackie Kennedy Cafe Manager
Karen Munch Café
Amy Ricker Café
Mark Birr Custodian/Site Coordinator
Linda Kretz Custodian
Carrie Sowers Custodian
Vikki Dunbar Playground Aide
Julie Phillips Playground Aide
Debora Trumbull Playground Aide
Pam Denman Attendance Office
Stephanie Papio Secretary Office
Jeanette Arnsby Nurse Office
Chad Kolebuck Principal Office
Name Position Grade/Room#
Stephanie Evearitt Kindergarten 16
Andrea Swindel Kindergarten 18
Lindsay Templeton Kindergarten 14
Amanda Allen 1
grade 04
Sarah Ison 1
grade 06
Merri Pillar 1
grade 05
Anita Allen 2
grade 03
Jennifer Reynolds 2
grade 02
Ashley VanBuskirk 2
grade 01
Mandy Dolgoff 3
grade 23
Marian Mallon 3
grade 22
Natalie Schulze 3
grade 21
Matthew Barrett 4
grade 26
Mia Kujawa 4
grade 25
Michelle Young 4
grade 24
Jan Masters 5
grade 32
Megan Picott 5
grade 34
Missey Rowe 5
grade 36
Allison DeBruin Reading Intervention 09
Shawn McNair Reading Intervention 10
Deidre Needs Reading Intervention 29
Kayla Nowacki Math Intervention 33
Allison Dietrick Intervention Specialist 11
Sarah Byler Intervention Specialist 30
Joyce Poore-Williams Intervention Specialist 08
Margaret Walsh Intervention Specialist 28
Hill View Elementary
Staff Directory & Schedules
Recess Schedule
11:30-11:50– Kindergarten
11:45-12:05– 1
12:05-12:25– 2
12:30-12:55– 3
12:45-1:10– 5
1:05-1:30– 4
Lunch Schedule
11:50-12:15– Kindergarten
12:05-12:30– 1
12:25-12:50– 2
12:45-1:05– 4
12:55-1:15 – 3rd Grade
1:10-1:30 – 5
Dismissal Schedule
*3:30 p.m. – Student Dismissal
*3:35 p.m. – Buses Depart
The staff at Hill View would like to welcome you to another exciting school year at the “Best Kept Secret in Sylvania!” Elementary
school years are very exciting for both students and parents. While in elementary school, students create positive memories and grow
academically, socially, and emotionally. We look forward to working with your child and providing them with the best educational
experience possible. We have learned that cooperation and communication between the home and the school can greatly minimize the
risk of problems interfering with the success of your child’s elementary years. We encourage you to become involved in the family
life at Hill View. By attending conferences and meetings, supporting school programs, and becoming active with the parent club, we
can accomplish our collective goals for the benefit of your children.
The purpose of this handbook is to make you aware of the policies and procedures of Hill View Elementary School and to better
enable you to be an active participant in your son or daughter’s school program. This handbook contains a partial listing of
procedures, policies and guidelines. For a complete list of these items, please refer to the Sylvania Schools website.
While our mission is to provide our students with the best education possible, our top priority is to provide that education in a safe,
friendly atmosphere. Please help us to accomplish this by reading through and following the procedures outlined whenever you are
visiting Hill View.
1) When dropping your child off at school in the morning, please have your child ready to exit the car while waiting in the car
line. Please pull cars up as far as possible in the curb lane and have your child exit the car from the passenger side of the car.
If you are walking your child up to the entrance doors, please utilize the visitor parking lot. Cars in the car line should not be
left unattended at any time. Staff will be out and about to welcome our students as they enter the building. The only
exception to this would be if you need to assist a child in delivering a project that they are unable to carry safely alone. Also,
when picking your child up at the end of the day, please wait for them inside your car if you are using the car line. If you
have a younger child and you pick them up from the café doors, please park in the visitor parking lot. No cars should be left
unattended in the car line at arrival or dismissal.
2) Whenever you are visiting the school, always come to the office first. All visitors are required to sign in and wear a Visitors’
Pass, which is obtainable in the office. Visitors without a pass will be directed to the office. It is also important to sign out
before leaving.
3) If you are picking up your child for an appointment, or bringing him/her back from one, check in at the office. If you are
picking up your child, he/she will report to the office to meet you. If you are returning your child to school after an
appointment, visit the office to inform us. In addition, if you have items that need to get to your child (forgotten lunches,
glasses, birthday treats) please make sure they are clearly marked with your child’s name and grade and we will make sure
the items get delivered to them.
4) Visitors are not to enter the academic areas of the school unless they have a prearranged appointment with a teacher
and have already signed in at the office. Appointments with teachers can be requested by sending a note in with your
child or calling your child’s teacher at school.
5) Please utilize the visitor parking lot when coming inside of the school building. Due to congestion, the staff parking lot is for
HV staff members only. Also, cars are not permitted in the bus drop off area. Buses are coming and going throughout the
day and cars in this area create an unsafe environment for our students. The visitor parking lot should be utilized to drop off
and pick up students at the beginning and end of each school day.
Your cooperation and understanding in these matters are greatly appreciated. Our intention is NOT to keep parents away from the
school, as we know that your assistance and presence is an important part of student success. Rather, we want to keep instructional
distractions/interruptions minimized and everyone to continue to feel comfortable and secure while your children are in our care.
Use Of Tobacco On School Property
(7434- PROPERTY; June 22, 2015) No student, staff member, volunteer, or school visitor is permitted to use tobacco in any form at
any time including non-school hours in or on Sylvania School District Property, including
In any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented, or chartered.
On school grounds, athletic grounds or parking lots, including personal vehicle.
Welcome to Hill View
Additionally, no student is permitted to possess tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia on any school property
We encourage all parents to become involved at Hill View. One form of involvement is through volunteer work. Periodically, we will
need volunteers to assist with once-a-year activities such as vision testing, etc. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering
some of your time. The following Volunteer Policy Guidelines are, herein, offered for all volunteers:
1. Volunteers will check into the office. Before leaving the building, please sign out. This will help us account for the total
number of volunteer hours spent in our building. State law requires anyone entering a public school building first check-in at
the school office.
2. Volunteer badges are available in our school building. All volunteers should ask for a badge as they sign into the office.
3. Volunteers should become aware of school procedures, such as fire drills and emergency procedures.
4. Volunteers will be expected to maintain the professional confidentiality of the building and what happens within.
5. No volunteers are to grade papers or tests for a staff member.
6. Volunteers may not assume the responsibility of disciplining the students. The professional staff should be notified of any
concerns with the students.
7. In accordance with O.R.C 109.575, all volunteers who work or apply to work unsupervised with children on a regular basis
may/will be required to provide a set of fingerprints at any time so that a criminal records check can be conducted. If a
criminal records check is conducted, it will be done as a condition of initial or continued service as a volunteer.
All visitors will report to the office and not interrupt the classroom while classes are in session.
Teachers are in their classrooms ready to greet their students at 8:50 AM. Students should arrive between 8:50 and 9:05 AM. Classes begin
promptly at 9:05 AM.
Students should not enter the building before 8:50 AM. Students being dropped off should not arrive before 8:50 AM. The school cannot be
responsible for the supervision of children before 8:50 AM or after 3:30 PM. Parents dropping off and picking up students anytime during the day
should park in the visitor parking lot to avoid congestion with the busses loading and unloading in the bus drop off/ pick up area.
Dismissal is at 3:30 PM with busses leaving Hill View at 3:35 PM. A complete Hill View Dismissal Form needs to be on file in the office each year.
All arrangements (changes in transportation, child care, etc.) should be made in writing to the child’s teacher the morning of the day of the change.
Changes can also be faxed to our office at (419) 826-8639 but must be received by 2:30pm. Messages cannot be delivered to a teacher regarding
a student’s dismissal after 2:30 PM unless it is an absolute emergency. Students will be sent home by their routine way unless we receive
notice from the parent(s).
Car riders and/or walkers should exit from café doors and cross the streets at designated cross walks under the supervision of the Hill View Safety
Patrol. Parents should instruct children to go directly to and from school.
Parents will be notified by school personnel when their child must spend additional time before or after school. Under most circumstances, this
notification will occur twenty-four hours in advance.
Delay days / Late Start days
Please refer to the district calendar for dates of scheduled delay days. Emergency Delays due to weather, etc. are two hours. School will begin at
11:05 AM on those days and students should arrive between 10:50 and 11:05 AM. No breakfast will be served on Delay or Late Start days
The compulsory attendance laws of the State of Ohio are clear. Under the law, parents are responsible for their children attending
school on a regular basis. The only legal excuses for absences are: a) personal illness, b) illness in the family, c) quarantine of the
home, d) death of a relative, e) work at home in parents absence, f) observance of religious holidays and, g) emergency or set of
It is important that children attend school regularly; therefore, parents will be notified by letter once a student’s absences have reached
ten (10) days and again after fifteen (15) days. Excessive unexcused absences may lead to legal action against the parents under the
State of Ohio Truancy Laws. In addition, once a student reaches 7 days tardy, a letter is sent home. The building principal has the
authority to request that the open enrollment privileges of a student be revoked if the student has fifteen (15) tardy days and/or
absences within a school year.
Personal Convenience Absence (PCA)
Uninterrupted attendance in school is essential for student success. It is therefore expected that absences from class should occur only
in unavoidable circumstances. Absence from school for student and/or parent personal convenience in not provided for under school
attendance laws of the State of Ohio. Therefore, such absence will be considered unexcused. Personal convenience absences are
available to parents for students participating in special trips or family activities. The absence is unexcused and must be taken in
compliance with the following provisions:
a) The PCA will be considered unexcused.
b) PCA forms will be issued only to parents/guardians by the student’s principal or his/her designee. Notes from parents will not
be accepted. Phone calls may be made to the Attendance Office at any time. Evenings-leave a voice message for the student
to pick up the PCA the next school day.
c) The PCA forms must be completed and on file BEFORE the date(s) of the absence.
d) The PCA forms will not be issued for absences (during district wide testing including exams, as well as the first two
weeks and the last two weeks of the school year.)
e) The PCA absences are applicable only to trips on which students accompany their parents or a designated chaperone.
f) Students/parents are responsible to inform each teacher of the dates of the PCA.
g) Students will be permitted to makeup graded assignments and classroom tests that are recorded or calculated as part of the
student’s grade.
h) Students/parents are responsible to make arrangements to make up tests by the second day the student returns.
i) Failure to abide by the above procedures and other administrative guidelines will result in denial of make-up
j) Sylvania Schools assumes no responsibility for a drop in grades.
k) Teachers are not required to prepare assignments in advance for students who are anticipating days of absence.
l) Teachers are not required to review assignments missed during a PCA that are not recorded or calculated as part of the
student’s grade.
m) Teachers are not required to grade, examine, or replicate any missing activity, written work, or class experience the
completion of which is predicated upon a student’s attendance or in-class participation (e.g. lab, class play, etc.).
Absence During the School Day for Professional Appointments
Parents are encouraged to schedule medical, dental, legal, and other necessary appointments other than during the school day. Since
this is not always possible, when a student is to be absent for part of the day:
1. The student shall have a statement to that effect from his/her parents.
2. The student shall bring a signed statement from the doctor, dentist, lawyer, counselor, etc. to the effect that he/she reported
promptly for the appointment.
3. The student shall report back to school immediately after his/her appointment if school is still in session.
Notification of Absence:
The State of Ohio Safe School Act requires parents or guardians to notify the school when their child will not be in attendance.
You may call the office any time before 9:00 AM to notify us of the absence by leaving voicemail. When returning to school, a
written note must be sent stating the date and reason for absence.
If a student arrives before 11:00 AM he/she is considered tardy and after 11:00 AM he/she is considered absent for 1/2 day. If a
student leaves before 2:00 PM he/she is considered absent for 1/2 day. When a student leaves after 2:00 PM it is considered an early
The District accepts only the following reasonable excuses for time missed at school. Each absence shall be explained in writing and
signed by the student’s parents. The excuse shall be submitted to the building principal/designee and filed as part of the student’s
school record.
A written excuse for absence from school may be approved for one (1) or more of the following reasons or conditions:
A. Personal Illness The principal/designee may require a doctor’s confirmation if he/she deems it advisable.
B. Illness in the Family The absence under this condition shall not apply to children under fourteen (14) years of age.
C. Quarantine of the House This is limited to the length of the quarantine as fixed by proper health officials.
D. Death in the Family The absence arising from this circumstance is limited to three (3) days unless a reasonable cause may be
shown by the applicant child, parent/guardian for a longer absence.
E. Necessary Work at Home Due to Absence or Incapacity of Parents/Guardian Any absence arising because of this condition
shall not extend for a period longer than for which the parents were absent from the home or incapacitated, or to any student
younger than fourteen (14).
F. Observation or Celebration of a Bona Fide Religious Holiday Any student shall be excused for the purpose of observing or
celebrating a bona fide religious holiday consistent with his/her creed or belief.
G. Emergency or Set of Circumstances The building principal shall serve as the Superintendent’s designee in the determination of
such emergency or set of circumstances.
Make-up Work Due to Absence:
If your child is not in school due to illness for only one day, we suggest that you allow your child to return to school rested and make
up the one-day of homework the next school day. In case of prolonged absences (two or more days) notify the office in the morning
of your homework request and we will have it for you within twenty-four hours. This gives your child’s teacher adequate time to
prepare assignments without interrupting instructional time. Students are expected to ask the teacher for make-up assignments the day
of return to their class. Students are responsible for making up work in a timely manner. Assignments not completed will be reflected
in the grade.
Illness at School: Children who become ill at school can be better cared for at home by their parents. Ultimately, the care of sick
children is not the responsibility of the school. The school will release sick children only to the child’s custodial parent or a person
identified by the custodial parent who is listed on the Student Information Verification Form. Parents are responsible for providing
the school with current work telephone numbers or information about where the parents can be reached during the day. The parents
are responsible for providing information about someone who can care for the sick child if the parents are not available. It is the
responsibility of the parent to see that information is updated when changes occur. Reminder, students must be fever free for 24 hours
without taking Tylenol, Motrin, or any type medication to reduce the fever before returning to school.
Withdrawals: In the event that it becomes necessary for a family to move from the district. The school should be notified at once so
the parent may complete a withdrawal form. The Withdrawal Form will make it possible for us to withdrawal the student. Official
school records will be sent to the new school by the Hill View secretary upon parent’s completion of the “Consent for Student Record
Release” form. All fees must be paid and books and materials returned upon withdrawal from school.
Balloons and flowers interfere with safety on the bus and walking home; therefore, we do not accept or deliver these for students.
We ask that invitations to birthday parties be mailed from home. Please do not use the school to pass out the invitations unless you are
planning to invite all the girls or boys in the classroom. Many children get their feelings hurt if only a select few are invited and
others are left out of a party. Your classroom teacher will share the procedures for celebration of student birthdays with you. Please be
aware of allergies inside of your child’s classroom when you are planning to bring in a birthday treat.
Bus Transportation and Safety:
For questions relating to transportation, please contact the Office of Transportation at 419-824-8686. Rules of conduct for student bus
passengers are basic and are necessary for safe operation. Students are asked to be on time to their bus stops. It is the responsibility of
parents to supervise students at the bus stops. Students should wait until the bus comes to a full stop before crossing, and if on the
opposite side of the road, wait until a signal from the driver is given, indicating that it is safe to cross.
Once having boarded the bus, the student should always remain seated while the bus is in motion. The bus driver has the authority,
granted by the Ohio Legislature, to require student riders to sit in assigned seats, appoint school bus stewards, or use any of the other
classroom techniques of maintaining order and discipline on the bus.
Follow these rules:
1. Observe same conduct as in the classroom.
2. Be courteous; use no profane or obscene language.
3. Do not eat or drink on the bus.
4. Leave the bus clean; no littering.
5. Cooperate with driver.
6. Do not be destructive or tamper with emergency equipment.
7. Stay in your seat.
8. Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus.
9. Be quiet at railroad crossings.
STUDENTS ARE TO FOLLOW BUS SAFETY RULES; Referrals may be given for the following reasons:
1. Be on time at bus stop. The driver has been instructed not to wait.
2. Crossing in front of the bus as it approaches the loading stop.
3. Improper unloading procedures. Once off the bus move away from it rapidly.
4. Wait for the signal from the driver before crossing the road in front of the bus when loading or unloading
5. Stay in seat upon entering the bus. Moving from seat-to-seat is forbidden.
6. Fighting on bus.
7. Obscene language or signs.
8. *Smoking on bus or lighting matches/lighters.
9. No electronic devices are permitted on the bus.
10. Eating on bus.
11. Damaging personal property.
12. Gambling.
13. Personal disrespect to bus driver.
14. Throwing litter on the floor or out of the window.
15. Head and/or arms outside the window.
16. Tampering with emergency equipment.
17. Destroying school property.
18. Disobeying driver instructions.
19. Shouting on bus.
20. Noise at railroad crossing.
* This offense, by Board of Education policy, levies an automatic five (5) school days suspension from school for the first
Penalties for bus misconduct:
FIRST REFERRAL: Principal notification, signed referral by parents and student.
SECOND REFERRAL: Three to Ten days denial of bus privileges. Conference if deemed necessary.
THIRD REFERRAL: Denial of bus privileges for remainder of current semester, minimum of 30 days.
Note: If the offense is deemed serious enough by school officials, any of the preceding steps may be superseded and the next step
enforced, with possible permanent loss of bus privileges being the result.
Bus Information: If a student misses his/her bus or boards the wrong bus, please follow these instructions:
1. If your child misses the bus, the office will immediately contact you by telephone.
2. If your child does not arrive home at the correct time, please call the school office at 419-824-8612 ext. 2300 or the
Transportation Department at 419-824-8686
3. Kindergarten students may be issued a bus tag with their bus number listed. Make sure they wear it daily until notified
otherwise, generally about one week after the start of school. They will also be paired with 5
grade “bus buddies” to get
them on the bus at the end of the school day.
4. Please instruct your child to find any teacher or go to the school office if he or she should miss the bus.
Assignment Change: Any student wishing to ride a different bus to and from school must bring a parent note to the school office
stating such a need. This note must include the student’s name, the number of the bus the student wishes to ride, reason, and
parent signature and emergency phone number. After turning this note in to the office, the student will receive a bus pass from the
office and the student must give the pass to the driver of the bus the student wishes to ride.
Bus Students Wishing To Walk Home: Bus students are not permitted to walk (ride bikes, roller blade, etc.) without written
permission from a parent. A written note must be presented to the classroom teacher the morning of the change in transportation.
We do not encourage bus students to walk due to safety concerns. Student that choose to walk home without permission may face
disciplinary action from the office.
Walking or Riding a Bicycle to School
Students are allowed to walk or ride their bike to school but must have written permission from home. Students living west of
Whiteford Road must use the light at the front of the school to cross the street. Please do not cut through other yards or property.
Walkers should not disrupt traffic. Bicycles should be parked and locked in the rack.
Hot lunches are available for all elementary students for $2.75. Students who bring lunches may buy milk for $.50. Lunches may be
paid by the day. Charge options are not available, but parents may pay in advance. Checks can be made out to Sylvania Schools.
Please include name(s) of children on check. Children who forget their money are provided a substitute item and milk. Lunch Menus
can be downloaded from the Sylvania School’s Website and they will be updated on HV’s morning email announcements.
Applications for free or reduced price lunches are available in the office. For health and safety, children are asked not to bring
carbonated beverages, glass or aluminum containers.
Cafeteria Behavior: Students are expected to exhibit good manners and self-discipline while in the cafeteria. Failure to cooperate
will result in a specific seat assignment or the loss of lunch room privileges for a period of time. Safety is also important in the
cafeteria. Students should talk quietly, remain seated, eat only at the table, leave own area clean, and follow directions by cafeteria
personnel. Cafeteria rules include:
1. Show respect to all adults, to other students, and to yourself
2. Food is to be eaten, never thrown
3. Sit facing forward with your legs under the table
4. Use a quiet voice; speak only to people who are sitting beside or across from you.
5. Clean above and below your table
6. Stay in your seat until you have permission to get up
There are days when, due to fog, snow, ice, or other inclement weather, it is deemed unsafe to transport students on busses. Please
tune in to major television and/or radio stations for an accurate list of delays or closings. You could also sign up for Hill View’s
remind101 text messaging alerts. Just text the message @hillvi to phone number 419-464-9925 to receive our text message alerts.
Hill View is committed to the effective use of technology to enhance the quality of student learning. Students are to make appropriate
and ethical use of the computers and other electronic equipment, accompanying software, as well as any networking. Disciplinary
action will be taken against students if equipment technology and/or networking are abused in any way or used in an illegal, unethical
Learning proper behavior, cooperation, respect, and self-discipline is critical to a child’s educational development. Without these
qualities, it is difficult for a person to maintain the proper attitudes to develop intellectually. It is the school’s responsibility as part of
the total educational process to assist the family in the development of each student’s self-discipline. An effective school-wide
discipline plan also provides for a safe learning environment. Students will be recognized by staff for demonstrating good citizenship.
Recognition may be in the form of verbal praise, positive reward tickets, parent letters, stickers and extra privileges.
On the other hand, it may become necessary to apply appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior that interferes with the
educational process. Due process will be followed in all disciplinary actions in accordance with Sylvania Schools Discipline Policy
The rules and standards set forth in this student discipline code apply to conduct on school premises on or off school buses or
involving school property, to misconduct by a pupil that occurs off of property owned or controlled by the district but that is
connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on property owned or controlled by the district and misconduct by a pupil that,
regardless of where it occurs, is directed at a district official or employee, or the property of such official or employee.. Any conduct
which causes or creates likelihood that it will cause disruption or interference with the health, safety or well-being, or the rights of
other students or Board of Education employees is prohibited.
The preceding standard is a general standard that is to be used as a guide by all students. Not all aspects of misconduct can be
itemized. This policy contains an enumeration of some areas of conduct which will lead to disciplinary action.
The consequences for violation of this policy will be decided upon by the administrative staff. Such action can come in the form of
counseling, parent conference, assignment of additional work, rearrangement of class schedules, detention, Saturday school,
placement in the In-School Reassignment Program, out of school suspension, to the maximum of ten (10) days, recommendation for
expulsion from school and/or referral to juvenile authorities.
The rules and standards set forth in this student discipline code apply to conduct on school premises, on or off school buses, or
involving school property, to misconduct by a pupil that occurs off of property owned or controlled by the District but that is
connected to activities or incidents that have occurred on property owned or controlled by the District and misconduct by a pupil that,
regardless of where it occurs, is directed at a District official or employee, or the property of such official or employee. Any conduct
which causes or creates likelihood that it will cause disruption or interference with the health, safety or well-being, or the rights of
other students or Board of Education employees is prohibited.
The preceding standard is a general standard that is to be used as a guide by all students. Not all items of misconduct can be itemized.
This policy contains an enumeration of some areas of conduct which will lead to disciplinary action.
The consequences for violation of this policy will be decided upon by the administrative staff. Such action can come in the form of
counseling, parent conference, assignment of additional work, rearrangement of class schedules, detention, Saturday school,
placement in the In-School Reassignment Program, out of school suspension, to the maximum of ten (10) days, recommendation for
expulsion from school and/or referral to juvenile authorities.
A. Disruption of School. A student shall not by use of force, violence, coercion, threat, harassment, insubordination or
repeated lack of cooperation, cause disruption or obstruction to the educational process including repeated or flagrant
violations of any school rule or accepted standard of behavior.
B. Vandalism. A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause damage to school
property or facilities, or to private property which is on school premises. Parents are responsible for such damages and it is the
policy of the School District to seek financial redress to the limits of the law.
C. Stealing. A student shall not steal, be a party to a theft, possess stolen property, or attempt to steal school property, or private
property, which is on school premises or in vehicles on school premises. This includes library books and supplies.
D. Unauthorized Use of Fire. A student shall not threaten, set, or attempt to set, any fire on school
property, including the use of fire or fireworks. Making false fire alarms or tampering with a fire alarm is a violation of this
E. Loitering/Trespassing. A student without a specific school-related reason or purpose shall not be on school property or at
school-sponsored activity. Any unauthorized entry of school property or any refusal to leave school property when ordered will
be considered trespassing.
F. Causing Harm. A student shall not act in such a way as to cause physical injury to another student, any school employee
or any other person on school property or at a school-sponsored activity.
G. Threats. A student shall not, through verbal, written, technological, or any other means, make a
statement that physical or emotional harm may come to another person or institution. A direct or indirect threat to commit a
crime of violence with the purpose to terrorize another or with reckless disregard of the risk of causing terror in another is
H. Bomb Threats. Making a bomb threat (i.e., intentionally giving a false alarm of a bomb) against a school building or any
premises at which a school activity is being held at the time the threat is made may result in expulsion for a period of up to one
(1) school year.
I. Interference with Security Measures/Procedures. A student shall not tamper with property
installed for security purposes (including, cameras, door locks, emergency kits, etc.). A student must follow safety protocol,
including participating in safety drills and following building safety rules.
J. Aggressive Behavior. Stalking, bullying, intimidation, coercion, teasing, taunting, name-calling
or other aggressive behavior towards another student, staff member or school guest is prohibited.
K. Disrespect. A student shall not use profane, indecent or obscene language either verbally or in
writing toward any student, staff member, or school guest or visitor. Included in this prohibition is the use of obscene gestures,
signs, pictures, or publications.
L. Weapons. A student shall not possess, handle, transmit, or conceal a weapon or any object or
look-alike weapon that in fact or under the circumstances can be considered to constitute a weapon. Prohibited weapons include
a firearm, firearm part, starter gun, pellet gun, bb gun, air gun, knife, blade, razor blade, box cutter, or other implement for
shooting or cutting that may cause death or serious bodily injury. A student shall not use a permissible object in a manner to
threaten, harm or harass another.
M. Knowledge of dangerous weapons or threats of violence. Because the Board believes that
students, staff members, and visitors are entitled to function in a safe school environment, students are required to report
knowledge of dangerous weapons or threats of violence to the Principal. Failure to report such knowledge may subject the
student to discipline.
N. Gambling. A student shall not be involved in the act of gambling while on school premises or at
school-sponsored activities.
O. Alcohol and Other Drugs. A student shall not possess, transmit, conceal, consume, or show
evidence of having consumed or used, or offer for sale any alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, unprescribed drugs, look-alike
drugs, narcotics, or any mind-altering substance while on school property, both inside and outside of buildings and school buses.
Included in this prohibition is the possession of any drug-related paraphernalia.
P. Tobacco Products. Smoking, evidence of smoking, use of snuff, chewing tobacco, electronic
cigarettes, vaporizers, or other tobacco or tobacco-like products on school property or at any school activity, during school
hours, (which includes the hours going to and from school) in any school building or on campus, is not permitted.
Q. Falsification and Misrepresentation. A student shall not falsify, orally or in writing, the
name of another person or falsify signatures, times, dates, grades, addresses, or any other data on school forms or
correspondence directed to the school. A student shall not use the name or identity of another person.
R. Inappropriate Attire. A student shall not dress or appear in a fashion deemed inappropriate because it either (a) interferes
with the student's health, safety, and welfare or the rights of other students, or (b) causes a material interference with or
substantial disruption of the educational process.
S. Truancy. A student shall not be truant from class, Commons, study halls, or school. Excessive
tardiness is cause for disciplinary action.
T. Cheating. A student shall not work with another person or persons in the execution of a test,
report, or paper without authorization to do so. A student shall not use, or assist another student in using, unauthorized material
to cheat on a test or other assignment.
U. Plagiarism. A student shall not intentionally represent another person's work, words, thoughts or
ideas as his/her own, or assist another student in such misrepresentation.
V. Failure to Comply. A student shall not fail to comply with the directions of teachers, student teachers, school aides, bus
drivers, principals, or other authorized school personnel.
W. Hazing. Hazing activities of any type shall be prohibited at all times. No employee of the School
District shall encourage, permit, condone, or tolerate any hazing activities. No student, including leaders of student
organizations, shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing.
X. Excessive show of affection. Any public display of affection between couples that attracts
undue attention to them shall be considered in poor taste and is prohibited. This will include close body contact, hugging,
kissing, and like action.
Y. Careless or Reckless Driving. Driving on school property in such a manner as to endanger persons or property is prohibited.
Z. Electronic Devices. A student shall not violate Policy 5136 Cellular Telephones and Electronic
Communication Devices. Radios/Walkman/Pagers/Cell Phones/Smart watches and any other items or electronic devices which
disrupt the educational process may be confiscated from students and held until the end of the current grading period or school
year. A parent conference may be requested before the confiscated item(s) are returned.
AA. Unlawful Harassment/Discrimination. A student shall not violate Policy 5517 Anti-harassment,
including harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other unlawful
BB. Misuse of Computers and Other Equipment. A student shall not violate the School District's
Policy 7540.03 Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety. Students shall not use the School District's computers
or other equipment except as authorized by a teacher or other supervisor, shall not misuse or abuse such items, and shall not use
such items to obtain, generate, or use information in an illegal or unethical manner or for illegal or unethical purposes. As used
in this Discipline Code, "computers" includes software, hardware, and related devices.
CC. Inappropriate material. A student shall not possess, distribute or display material, including a picture that is obscene
or pornographic, including material that depicts a
person in a state of nudity or undress. Any person possessing, taking, disseminating,
transferring, or sharing nude, obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal images or photographs may be disciplined and
reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities.
DD. Copyright infringement. A student shall not violate Federal copyright law.
EE. Video and photography. A student shall not capture, record or transmit the voice (i.e., audio) and/or images (i.e.,
pictures/video) of any student, staff member or other person in the school or while attending a school-related activity, where
prohibited or where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy. For example, video/audio recording and photography
is not permitted in classrooms without teacher permission and is prohibited in locker rooms or restrooms.
FF. Libel/slander. A student shall not commit libel or slander. Libel is the writing and publication of a
false and defamatory statement or report. Slander is the oral communication of a false and defamatory statement.
GG. Harassment, intimidation and bullying. A student shall not violate Policy 5517.01
Bullying and Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior, which prohibits harassment, intimidation and bullying.
HH. Violations of law. Committing any act not listed herein as a major infraction that is a criminal
offense when committed by an adult.
II. Refusing to accept discipline. A student failing to comply with disciplinary penalties may face enhanced penalties for such
action. Violating the conditions of a suspension or expulsion as specified in writing when a student has been suspended or
expelled. (Appealing a suspension or expulsion is not considered refusal to accept discipline).
JJ. Violent Conduct. A student may be expelled for up to one school year for committing an
act at school, on other school property, at an interscholastic competition, extracurricular event, or any other school program, or
their property that would be a criminal offense if committed by an adult and results in serious physical harm to person(s) or
Students are to be informed of this Student Discipline Code on an annual basis through the posting of the code and reproduction of the
code in student and parent handbooks.
Cell Phones
Cell phones are becoming common place in our world. They can be quite a problem in our educational setting. We would
prefer that cell phones be left at home. We do understand that some students need a cell phone to check in with their
parents after school. Phones that are brought to school are to be turned off and kept in the student’s book bag in their
locker. The school will not accept any responsibility for the loss of a phone, nor will we spend time searching for a
missing phone. Students who have their phones on their person (ringing, texting, out in plain sight) will have it taken and
turned into the school office. In addition, disciplinary consequences may be assigned.
occurrence phone returned at end of the day
occurrence phone picked up by parent
occurrence phone picked up by parent, loss of privilege of bringing phone to school
Please keep in mind that a phone is always available in the school office and in the classrooms in an emergency situation.
Fighting is not permitted. The school does not make a distinction between students taking an offensive or defensive action. Students
are encouraged and expected to avoid confrontations. Students who choose to fight and/or participate in disruptive behavior will be
subjected to the consequences set forth in the Student Discipline Code (#5600) which is detailed in this handbook. Parents will be
called to meet with the principal and/or take their child home.
Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring
Students, parents and visitors should be aware that the school premises are under video camera surveillance. Contact the main office
for further information.
Policy 5611 Due Process/Appeal Hearing Guidelines
Policy 5611 prescribes the due process procedures that are followed by Sylvania Administration when students are suspended out of
school or an expulsion is recommended by the building principal.
When an incident occurs that may lead to the implementation of disciplinary action to students, the school administration must follow
this protocol:
A. Informal Hearing with student
B. Written Notice of Intent to Suspend
C. Decision
D. Action per Discipline Code #5600
E. Notification to Parent/Guardian
Specific reasons per Policy #5600
Number of school days suspended
Possible parent conference with school administration
Right to appeal the decision to the Hearing Officer (Director of Student Services)
Appeals must be submitted in writing to Student Services Department within forty-eight (48) hours after notification of
F. Appeal Hearing (see procedural outline)
Appeal Procedures
Before an appeal hearing will be scheduled by the Director of Student Services, the following procedures must be completed:
Conference between the school administrator(s) and parent/guardian.
Parent/Guardian must submit in writing their intent to appeal within two (2) days after notification from school
administration DO NOT expect to schedule an appeal hearing the next day after receipt of the written appeal.
Parent/Guardian’s written appeal will be submitted to Student Services Hearing Officer will schedule hearing per contact
with parent/guardian.
Hearing Officer may reject appeal if due process has been followed by school administration and no rationale supports the
appeal per documentation.
All expulsion recommendations will have an appeal hearing scheduled automatically by the Hearing Officer within the ten
(10) day suspension.
Student Services will not schedule an appeal hearing unless these procedures are followed. Contact Student Services at 419-824-8581
regarding an appeal hearing written requests may be submitted to Student Services at the Administration Offices, 4747 N. Holland
Sylvania Rd.
Hazing activities of any type shall be prohibited at all times. No employee of the school district shall encourage, permit, condone or
tolerate any hazing activities. No student, including leaders of student organizations, shall plan, encourage or engage in any
hazing. Hazing is defined as doing any act or coercing another to do any act that may create and/or cause mental and/or physical harm
to another. Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual subject to hazing does not lessen the prohibition contained in
this policy. (Board policies 5516 and 5517).
House Bill 276 (March 2007) defines bullying as “an intentional written, verbal or physical act that a student has exhibited
toward another particular student more than once, and the behavior both causes mental or physical harm to the other student
and is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational
environment for the other student.”
Harassment of student(s) by other student(s) or any member of the staff is a violation of Federal law and is contrary to the Board of
Education’s commitment to provide a physically and psychologically safe environment in which to learn.
In addition to sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexual advances or any form of improper physical contact or sexual
remark, harassment shall also include any speech or action that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive learning environment.
It should be noted that whether or not an act or situation is actually regarded as sexual harassment, is, ultimately, determined
by the recipient of the act or receiver of the message.
When unwelcome activities described above of a milder nature occur, the best thing is to say that you are uncomfortable with
the behavior and ask that it cease. If you are subjected to behavior which you consider to be sexual harassment or bullying,
promptly notify the school counselor or administrator. You will be asked to put your complaint in writing and an investigation
will be made into the matter.
The following are interventions, which may be used to resolve disciplinary problems:
1. Note or call home.
2. Conferencing - may involve parent, teacher counselor/social worker and /or an administrator via telephone, written
communication or meeting.
3. Loss of privileges - may include recess and/or special programs.
4. Additional tasks - assignment of tasks, which may or may not interfere with non-academic or after-school activities.
5. Detention - a student may be required to make up time before school or after school. Parents will be responsible for
transportation of your student to before or after school detention.
Hill View’s Detention Guidelines
A. Stay in your seat
B. No talking
C. Must have reading book or schoolwork
D. Must be on time -
If these guidelines are not followed another detention will be issued. If a student does not show up for a detention, two
detentions are issued. The teachers who issued the first detention will communicate with the parent(s) to determine the reason
prior to further consequences.
6. Emergency Removal -when a student’s presence poses a threat to the educational process a principal may initiate an emergency
7. Suspension/Expulsion - such actions may be taken by the administrative staff in response to violations of the Sylvania District wide
Student Discipline Code (5600) to ensure the maintenance of effective school conditions and good school order.
The Sylvania School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs
and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The appearance of any child is primarily the responsibility of the child and parents. Students are encouraged to wear clothing that is
functional and appropriate for classroom activities and weather condition. Sylvania District-wide Dress Code (# 5511) states students
are expected to maintain the type of appearance that is conducive to a good school atmosphere and is not distracting. When a
student’s appearance is considered improper, he/she will be sent home or detained in the school office until appropriate clothing is
brought to school. Clothing considered to be inappropriate or distracting include 1) anything which advertises or promotes the use of
tobacco, alcohol, and/or other drug related substances and 2) anything containing language or pictures which are suggestive in nature
or offensive. Shorts should be mid- thigh in length. The wearing of hats, caps, hoods, and bandannas in the building is not permitted.
Students who dye their hair in bright colors or display their hair in a drastic fashion cause quite a commotion in the classroom. Please
consider the difficulty of teaching a class with this type of distraction. We urge you save the hair dye and special hair fashions for the
summer. Students should wear appropriate footwear for safety. No Flip-Flops.
If a student is inappropriately dressed, or if their attire is disruptive, unsafe, or obscene, the parent will be notified and the student may
be sent home to change clothes or detained in the office until a parent/guardian arrives with appropriate attire.
We recognize the importance of daily outdoor play. Children will be outdoors for recess unless it is raining or temperature and wind
result in a 20* F or colder wind-chill factor. During cold weather, please make sure your child wears a warm coat, hat, gloves, and
boots for comfort and safety. Please label each garment with your child’s name.
Field trips are arranged for students during the year as part of the curriculum to enhance learning. Admission costs are sometimes
incurred by students.
Parents will be asked to sign permission slips when children take field trips. The parents’ signature acknowledges that the parents are
aware that the child will be away from the school, and are aware of the nature of the trip and its purpose. These slips do not remove
any liability from the teacher. The parents have the right to deny participation. Only students whose parents have signed permission
slips will be permitted to participate in such activities.
Any pupil who, through neglect or carelessness, loses or damages any book or piece of equipment belonging to the Board of
Education or school library shall be fined the purchase price or replacement cost of the book or item which was lost or destroyed.
Grades and records may be withheld until fines are paid and or obligations are met.
Homework is recognized as an essential part of schooling. Out-of-school assignments provide supplementary reinforcement and
foster self-discipline. Make it clear at home that you firmly support the role that homework plays in your child’s education.
Encourage your child to talk to the teacher when help is needed.
Please note on a home calendar when your child’s library day is so that books can be returned on time. 1st graders and
Kindergarteners can check out 1 book for 1 week. 2nd 5th graders can check out 2 books for 2 weeks. Students may reserve or
renew almost any book. There are special library passes available for students wishing to visit the library on days not scheduled for
their class. Overdue lists are given to homeroom teachers weekly. Books overdue for one month will be considered lost and the
student will be billed.
Lockers are located inside of each classroom. Students are not permitted to put locks on lockers.
A “lost and found” container is kept in the Special Areas hallway. Parents can help reduce the number of lost items by labeling each
with the child’s first and last name. Students should know where the container is kept and check for lost personal articles. All
unclaimed items will be given to a charitable organization on a periodic basis. Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items;
i.e., electronics, large sums of money, expensive calculators, etc. to school. Hill View is not responsible for these items if lost, stolen
or damaged.
5330-Use of Medication
The Board of Education shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness. The administration of prescribed
medication and/or medically-prescribed treatments to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to do so would
jeopardize the health of the student. The student would not be able to attend school if the medication or treatment was not made
available during school hours, or if the child is disabled and requires medication to benefit from his/her educational program.
For purposes of this policy, “medication” shall include all medicines including those prescribed by a licensed health professional
authorized to prescribe drugs and any nonprescribed (over the-counter) drugs, preparations, and/or remedies. “Treatment” refers
both to the manner in which a medication is administered and to health-care procedures which require special training, such as
Before any prescribed medication or treatment may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the
written prescription from a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs accompanied by the written authorization of the
parent. Before any non-prescribed medication or treatment may be administered, the Board shall require the prior written consent of
the parent along with a waiver of any liability of the District for the administration of the medication. These documents shall be kept
in the office of the principal, and made available to the persons designated by this policy as authorized to administer medication or
treatment. No student is allowed to provide or sell any type of over-the counter medication to another student. Violation of this rule
will be considered violation of policy 5530- Drug Prevention and of the Student Code of Conduct/Discipline Code.
Only medication in its original container; labeled with the date, if a prescription; the student’s mane; and exact dosage will be
administered. The Superintendent shall determine a location in each building where the prescribed medications to be administered
under this policy shall be stored, which shall be a locked storage place, unless medications require refrigeration in which case they
shall be stored in a refrigerator not commonly used by students. Parent, or students authorized in writing by a licensed health
professional authorized to prescribe drugs and parent, may administer prescribed medication or treatment but only in the presence of
another adult.
All students are required to go outside during recess unless the temperature and/or wind chills are below 20 degrees. The only other
exception is when a signed note from a student’s physician indicates a medical necessity. While at recess keep hands, feet, & other
objects to yourself; treat everyone with respect; avoid jumping on or from the playground equipment; play under control so that you
can help avoid injuries. Students wishing to play in the snow at recess need to wear boots. Extra clothes can be kept in a child’s
locker in the event that he/she gets wet. Any activity that could be potentially harmful is not allowed during recess including:
tackling; hitting, pushing, spitting kicking; king of the hill games; dog pile games; chicken; bullying; running up the slide the wrong
way; and jumping out of the swings. Any playground issues should be addressed with the playground monitors.
Hill View makes reports to parents on specific dates and others on an as-needed basis.
Progress Reports: On a standards-based progress report, each of the subjects is divided into a list of skills and knowledge that
students are responsible for learning. Students receive a separate mark for each standard. The achievement marks indicate a child’s
progress towards meeting specific grade-level standards. The student’s proficiency may be reported separately from his or her effort.
Students receive their progress reports at school during the week following the end of each quarter.
Interim Reports: These reports are sent home by teachers to parents and indicate if the student may be having difficulty.
Personal Contacts: Parents may make individual contacts with teachers on topics of concern by letter or telephone. Teachers will
also contact parents by telephone to discuss concerns.
All exterior doors (except the office door) are locked during the school day. All visitors and volunteers must report to the office to
receive a visitors’ badge. Parking will be reserved at the southwest side of the building for quick drop offs. A sign in sheet is on the
office counter for volunteers and other visitors. Please avoid going to the classroom without checking in. Your cooperation will help
to provide a safe environment at school.
Emergency Drills
Fire and/or tornado drills are held monthly throughout the school year to familiarize the students with the procedures to follow in case
of an emergency. We also run lock-down (ALiCE) and emergency evacuation drills as part of our Safety Plan throughout the year.
Emergency Form
Each student must have a signed Sylvania Information Verification Form filed in the school office. If there are any changes in your
family status during the school year, i.e., place of employment, custody, telephone numbers, doctors, etc., please notify us so we can
keep this information up to date. Information will be kept confidential.
All classrooms have telephones. You can access the system by calling 419-824-8612. Teachers are not available to receive phone
calls from 8:45am 3:45pm.
SCHOOL SONG- Hill View Hawks!
We’re the Hill View Hawks
We’re the high-flying Hawks
And the other teams shake when we play.
When the home crowd roars
The Hawk team soars
Each day is victory day.
Watch the Hawks all fly
As they take to the sky
It’s our winning again that talks.
Though other teams may be forgot
Keep your eye on the Hill View Hawks!