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In this Policy, unless the context requires otherwise:
Accident means a sudden, unintentional, unexpected, unusual, and specific event that occurs at an identifiable
time and place which shall, independently of any other cause, be the sole cause of Bodily Injury/ Injury;
Administrator means an individual or institution appointed by the court to distribute the estate of the deceased
who died intestate;
Alteration Effective Date means the effective date as stated in the Endorsement;
Annexure means the Annexure, if any, attached to this Policy as specified in the Policy Schedule and the
Annexure, if any, shall be read as and be deemed to be an integral part of this Policy;
“Appropriate Authority” means any government or taxing authority;
Assignment means a transfer of ownership, rights and/or the Benefits under this Policy to any person or
Basic Policy means the Policy contained herein excluding any Annexure;
Basic Sum Assuredmeans the sum assured of the Basic Policy as specified in the Policy Schedule or as varied
by any Endorsement;
Benefit means the benefit payable by the Company under this Policy and specified as such in the Policy Schedule;
Bodily Injury/ Injury means injury suffered or caused solely by an Accident or violent, external and visible means
and not by Sickness, Disease or gradual physical or mental deformity or infirmity;
Commencement Date means the date from which the term of this Policy commences or is deemed to have
commenced as per request of the Policy Owner and does not mean the Issue Date of the Policy;
Company/ we/ us/ our means Hong Leong Assurance Berhad and its lawful assigns and successors in title;
“Contingent Ownermean the persons named as such in the proposal form of the Policy or appointed as such by
the Policy Owner, if any;
Disability means a Sickness, Disease, Illness or the entire Injuries arising out of a single or continuous series of
Due Date means the date for payment of the Total Relevant Amount Payable as stated on the Policy Schedule or
any Endorsement;
Endorsement means the endorsement, if any, attached to this Policy modifying, varying or adding any terms or
conditions contained in this Policy;
Issue Date means the effective date of coverage when the risk or coverage under this Policy commences as stated
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in the Policy Schedule or any Endorsement;
Legal Representative means either the lawful executor or Administrator of the estate of the deceased;
Life Assured means the person named as such in the Policy Schedule and on whose life the insurance is taken;
Maturity/ Expiry Date means the date specified as such in the Policy Schedule or any Endorsement and beyond
which the Policy will no longer be in force and effect if not earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions
Medical Practitioner means a registered doctor qualified and licensed to practise Western medicine in the
geographical area of his practice to render medical care and treatment;
Nominee means the person who has been nominated by the Policy Owner in the nomination form in compliance
with the Financial Services Act 2013 to receive the Policy Moneys payable under this Policy upon the death of the
Life Assured;
Non-Participating means the Policy does not participate in any profits generated from the Company’s life
insurance business;
Physician means a Medical Practitioner who is qualified by degree in Western medicine and who holds or has
held a consultant appointment at a recognised hospital or who otherwise holds a certificate of specialist accreditation
by a competent local medical authority;
Policy Anniversary Date means the same day and month as the Commencement Date in each subsequent calendar
year of this Policy;
Policy Moneys means an amount which includes any Benefit, whether pecuniary or not, which is secured under
the Policy;
Policy Owner means the person who owns this Policy and can exercise all rights, privileges and options available
under this Policy;
Policy Schedule means the Policy Schedule annexed to this Policy;
Policy Year means a period of twelve (12) months commencing from the Commencement Date and, thereafter,
each period of twelve (12) months from a Policy Anniversary Date;
Reinstatement Date” means the date your application for reinstatement is approved;
Renewal Date” means the date when Policy is renewed without any lapse of time upon expiry of a preceding
Policy with the same content;
Rider means the Rider attached to the Basic Policy by way of Annexure;
Sickness, Disease or Illness means a physical condition marked by a pathological deviation from the normal
healthy state;
“Tax” means any present or future, direct or indirect, Malaysian or foreign tax, levy, impost, duty, charge, fee,
deduction or withholding of any nature, that is imposed by any Appropriate Authority, including, without limitation,
any consumption tax such as the goods and services tax ("GST") and other taxes by whatever name called, and any
interest, fines or penalties in respect thereof;
the Policy or this Policy means the Basic Policy, the Annexure and the Endorsement, if any, annexed to this
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Total Relevant Amount Payable means the premiums payable together with any applicable Tax payable by the
Policy Owner to the Company under this Policy;
You/ your means the Policy Owner. The Policy Owner may be the Life Assured or someone other than the Life
Wherever the context requires, masculine form shall apply to feminine and singular term shall include the plural.
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1.1 This Policy has been issued pursuant to a proposal made by the Policy Owner and in reliance upon:
(a) the answers given by the Policy Owner and/or the Life Assured in the application for insurance
coverage for this Policy and any subsequent questionnaire given by the Company in respect of any
matter relating to the application for insurance coverage for this Policy;
(b) any disclosure made and/or information given by the Policy Owner and/or the Life Assured from
the time of submission of the application for insurance coverage for this Policy to the Issue Date
of this Policy; and
(c) any information contained in any medical and/or other reports and questionnaires submitted to the
Company in relation to this Policy;
(hereinafter referred to collectively as ‘the material information)
the material information shall form an integral part of this Policy between the Policy Owner and the
Company and shall, together with the terms and conditions of this Policy, constitute the entire contract
between the Policy Owner and the Company.
1.2 If the Policy Owner is required by the Company, before the Policy is renewed or varied, to answer any
specific question, or if the Policy Owner is required to confirm any matter previously disclosed by the
Policy Owner to the Company in relation to the Policy, it shall be the duty of the Policy Owner to take
reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation when answering any question or confirming any matter
previously disclosed.
1.3 If there has been any non-disclosure or misrepresentation of any material fact, this Policy may be voidable
at the option of the Company.
2.1 The Company will not contest the validity of the Policy if it has been in force during the life time of the
Life Assured for two (2) full years from the Issue Date unless there has been a fraudulent suppression of a
material matter or a material fact in the application for insurance coverage for this Policy.
3.1 The age stated in the Policy Schedule or any Endorsement should be the age at the last birthday of the Life
Assured at the Commencement Date. This age is based on the date of birth stated in the application for
insurance coverage for this Policy.
3.2 If the age of the Life Assured has been misstated, any Benefit payable under this Policy will be adjusted in
accordance with the Financial Services Act 2013.
3.3 If the Life Assured was not eligible to be covered by this Policy because of his true age, the Company will
avoid the Policy and refund to the Policy Owner any Total Relevant Amount Payable which has been paid
without interest less any expenses which may have been incurred by the Company for any medical
examination of the Life Assured and any claims paid.
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3.4 If the Company has not previously verified or confirmed the age of the Life Assured to be correct, the
Company has the right to require proof of the age of the Life Assured before making any payment under
this Policy.
4.1 The sex of the Life Assured as stated in the Policy Schedule or any Endorsement is believed to be the true
sex of the Life Assured.
4.2 If the sex of the Life Assured has been misstated, any Benefit payable under this Policy will be adjusted to
such as would have been payable if the true sex had been stated.
4.3 If the Life Assured was not eligible to be covered by this Policy because of his true sex, the Company will
avoid the Policy and refund to the Policy Owner any Total Relevant Amount Payable which has been paid
without interest less any expenses which may have been incurred by the Company for any medical
examination of the Life Assured and any claims paid.
5.1 The owner of this Policy is the Policy Owner as specified in the Policy Schedule or any Endorsement issued
from time to time on change of ownership. During the lifetime of the Life Assured, and subject always to
any applicable law, only the Policy Owner has the right to exercise any right or privilege in respect of this
Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if this Policy is still in force and if the Policy Owner dies before the Life
Assured, the Contingent Owner, if any, named in the application for insurance coverage for this Policy or
any Endorsement shall become the owner of this Policy upon the death of the Policy Owner. The
Contingent Owner, on becoming the owner of this Policy, shall have all rights and privileges in respect of
this Policy except for such rights or privileges relating to any coverage or Benefit payable on the life or in
respect of the Policy Owner personally.
6.1 Subject to all applicable laws, the Policy Owner may nominate a person or persons to receive the moneys
payable upon death under this Policy. If the Policy Owner is not a Muslim, his nomination will create a
trust of those moneys in favour of his Nominee if his Nominee is his spouse and/or child or, if the Policy
Owner has no spouse and child living at the time of the nomination, his Nominee is his parent.
6.2 While this Policy is in force and subject to all applicable laws, the Policy Owner may, by filing written
notice to the Company, change his Nominee; such change will be effective only if it is duly recorded by
the Company.
7.1 All Total Relevant Amount Payable are payable at the Company's head office or branch offices or via such
other methods as may be notified by the Company from time to time in writing at or before the time
specified in the Policy Schedule or any Endorsement. The Company has not authorised any person to
collect the Total Relevant Amount Payable on its behalf and any person, other than an employee of the
Company, to whom the Policy Owner may pay the Total Relevant Amount Payable for onward payment
to the Company is deemed to be an agent of the Policy Owner.
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7.2 No receipt shall be valid for any Total Relevant Amount Payable received unless issued under the authority
of the Company.
7.3 It is the obligation of the Policy Owner to ensure that all Total Relevant Amount Payable which are payable
for this Policy are duly paid when due; the Company has no obligation to send any reminder or notice to
the Policy Owner in respect of any Total Relevant Amount Payable which are due to be paid. For the
avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, all Total Relevant Amount Payable
payments shall be made payable to HONG LEONG ASSURANCE BERHAD only.
7.4 This Policy will be in force and effect provided always that the Total Relevant Amount Payable are received
by the Company yearly in advance.
8.1 A thirty (30) days' grace period (hereinafter Grace Period) shall be allowed for the payment of subsequent
Total Relevant Amount Payable. The Policy shall remain in force during the Grace Period. In the event the
subsequent Total Relevant Amount Payable is not paid within the Grace Period, the Policy shall forthwith
lapse upon the expiry of the Grace Period and the Total Relevant Amount Payable paid shall be forfeited
to the Company.
8.2 If any claim arises during the Grace Period before the subsequent Total Relevant Amount Payable is paid,
the claim which is payable in accordance with the provisions of this Policy is subject to prior deduction of
such unpaid subsequent Total Relevant Amount Payable due and only the balance or net claim amount, if
any, will be paid.
9.1 The Policy Owner may apply to the Company to reinstate a lapsed Policy within a period of twelve (12)
months from the Due Date of the first (1
) unpaid subsequent Total Relevant Amount Payable. The
reinstatement of a lapsed Policy is subject to the payment of outstanding Total Relevant Amount Payable
with interest chargeable, evidence of insurability being produced to the satisfaction of the Company and
the fulfillment of any requirements or terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary at the sole
discretion of the Company.
10.1 This Policy may be cancelled by the Policy Owner at any time by giving a written notice to the Company.
The cancellation will take effect on the Policy Anniversary Date following the notice.
11.1 The Company shall deduct any premium and any applicable Tax due and unpaid of the respective Basic
Policy or Rider at the date of a claim giving rise to the termination of the respective Basic Policy or Rider
for the full Policy Year from the proceeds payable under the respective Basic Policy or Rider.
12.1 No alteration or waiver of any provision in the Policy shall be valid unless such variation or waiver is made
by an Endorsement and signed by the Company’s authorised officer. The Company may request for the
Policy to be sent to the Company to effect the Endorsement. No sales intermediary of the Company has the
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authority to make any alteration to or to waive any of the terms and conditions in the Policy.
13.1 This Policy, and all rights, obligations and liabilities arising hereunder, shall be construed and determined
and may be enforced in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and the parties hereto submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.
14.1 The premium and all other monies to be paid by the Policy Owner to the Company under this Policy,
including any amount representing reimbursements to be paid by the Policy Owner to the Company, is
exclusive of any Tax, and shall be paid without any set-off, restriction or condition and without any
deduction for or on account of any counterclaim or any deduction or withholding.
14.2 In the event that the Policy Owner is required by law to make any deduction or withholding from the
premium and/or all other monies payable to the Company under this Policy in respect of any Tax or
otherwise, the sum payable by the Policy Owner in respect of which the deduction or withholding is
required shall be increased so that the net premium and/or the net amount of monies received by the
Company is equal to that which the Company would otherwise have received had no deduction or
withholding been required or made.
14.3 The Policy Owner shall in addition to the premium and all other monies payable, pay to the Company all
applicable Tax at the relevant prevailing rate and/or such amount as is determined by the Company to cover
any Tax payments/liabilities/obligations in connection therewith, without any set-off, restriction or
condition and without any deduction for or on account of any counterclaim or any deduction or
withholding, apart from any Taxes which may be required under any laws to be paid by the Policy Owner
directly to any Appropriate Authority, which the Policy Owner shall remit directly to the Appropriate
14.4 If at any time an adjustment is made or required to be made between the Company and the relevant taxing
authority on account of any amount paid as Tax as a consequence of any supply made or deemed to be
made or other matter in connection with this Policy by the Company, a corresponding adjustment may at
the Company’s discretion be made as between the Company and the Policy Owner and in such event, any
payment necessary to give effect to the adjustment shall be made.
14.5 All Tax as shall be payable by the Policy Owner to the Company as herein provided shall be paid at such
times and in such manner as shall be requested by the Company, failing which the Policy Owner shall pay
to the Company interest at the rate of ten per centum (10%) per annum calculated on a day to day basis on
the amount of Tax unpaid from the Due Date until payment.
14.6 The Policy Owner hereby agrees to do all things reasonably requested by the Company to assist the
Company in complying with its obligations under any applicable legislation under which any Tax is
imposed. In the event a new Tax is introduced and such Tax is required to be charged on the transaction
contemplated in this Policy, the Policy Owner agrees to provide its fullest cooperation to the Company in
assisting the Company in complying with its obligations under the relevant laws.
14.7 The Policy Owner shall indemnify the Company and shall hold the Company harmless from any liability
arising as a result of any breach of obligation on the part of the Policy Owner to pay the Tax as set out
herein, together with all loss, costs and expenses resulting from such breach. Nothing in this Policy requires
the Company to pay any amount of fine, penalty, interest or other amount for which the Policy Owner is
liable for.
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14.8 For the avoidance of doubt, the parties agree that any sum payable or amount to be used in the calculation
of a sum payable expressed elsewhere in this Policy has been determined without regard to and does not
include amounts to be added on under this clause on account of Tax.
15.1 All amounts payable either by the Policy Owner to the Company or by the Company pursuant to this Policy
shall be made in the currency as shown in the Policy Schedule.
16.1 This Policy issued shall be free from restrictions in relation to residence, travel or occupation.
17.1 The due observance and fulfillment of the terms of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done
or not to be done by the Policy Owner shall be conditions precedent to any liability of the Company to
make any payment under this Policy.
18.1 The Company before making any payment or refund pursuant to this Policy shall be entitled to deduct any
charges or other amounts due to the Company.
19.1 This Policy shall terminate immediately:
(a) on the day after the end of the applicable Policy Year, subject to Clause 27 of Section A;
(b) upon the death of the Life Assured;
(c) if the Policy lapses, is surrendered or is otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions
contained in this Policy; or
(d) upon the settlement of a valid claim for the Basic Policy’s Benefits in accordance to the provisions
governing the Benefits;
whichever may occur first.
20.1 The Policy Owner may, during the lifetime of the Life Assured, assign this Policy by giving written notice
to the satisfaction of the Company at the head office of the Company. The Company shall not be considered
to have any knowledge of an Assignment unless the original or a duplicate of the Assignment is deposited
at the head office of the Company. The Company does not assume any responsibility for the validity or
sufficiency of any Assignment, charge or other dealings in respect of the Policy.
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21.1 If the Policy Owner is not satisfied with this Policy for whatever reasons, the Policy Owner may return it
to the Company directly by hand, by registered post or electronically within fifteen (15) days from the date
of delivery of the Policy.
21.2 Upon the return of this Policy,
(a) For Perlindungan Tenang Voucher Redemption, the Company shall refund the portion of premium
that the Policy Owner paid out of pocket. The Policy Owner may reuse the Perlindungan Tenang
Voucher for the next purchase of Perlindungan Tenang products.
(b) For non-Perlindungan Tenang Voucher Redemption, the Company shall refund to the Policy Owner
any Total Relevant Amount Payable which has been paid without interest less any expenses which
may have been incurred by the Company for any medical examination of the Life Assured.
21.3 Upon the refund to the Policy Owner, this Policy will be deemed to have been cancelled.
22.1 If any provision or part of a provision of this Policy shall be held or found to be void, invalid or otherwise
unenforceable, it shall be deemed to be severed from this Policy. However, the remainder of the provision
shall remain in force and effect.
23.1 This Policy shall not participate in the profits of the Company.
24.1 Before any proceeds are paid out under this Policy, the following evidence shall be required to be produced
to the Company:
(a) A copy of the Policy;
(b) all relevant forms supplied by the Company, duly completed;
(c) proof of title of the person claiming payment;
(d) proof of the happening of the insured event provided for in this Policy; and
(e) proof of the age of the Life Assured.
The production of the above evidence shall be to the satisfaction of the Company and shall be procured at
the sole expense of the Policy Owner or the person claiming payment.
Payment of proceeds under this Policy is to be made to the Policy Owner or his Legal Representative,
where applicable. This Policy shall terminate upon the full settlement by the Company of all proceeds
payable pursuant to this Policy.
The Company before making any payments pursuant to this Policy shall be entitled to deduct any charges
or other amounts due and owing to the Company under this Policy.
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25.1 Any notices, requests, instructions or correspondences to be given by the Company shall be sent by post,
electronic means or any other methods deemed practicable to the Policy Owner to the last known address
provided by the Policy Owner to the Company in writing or by electronic means, and such communication
shall be conclusively deemed to have been received by the Policy Owner.
26.1 The Company may, at its absolute discretion and in writing, waive any terms and conditions contained in
this Policy or grant an indulgences as may be agreed provided that such waiver or forbearance shall not
prejudice or affect the rights, powers or remedies of the Company at any time afterwards to act strictly in
accordance with the originally agreed terms and conditions and further, such waiver or indulgence shall
not prejudice the rights of the Company in respect of any other existing or subsequent breach of any of the
terms and conditions aforesaid.
27.1 Upon the end of the Policy Year, the Basic Policy will automatically be renewed every subsequent year
without evidence of insurability subject to the condition that:
(a) the Life Assured has yet to attain the age of sixty-one (61) on the Renewal Date of Policy; and
(b) this product is still offered by the Company at the time of renewal.
27.2 The premium charged upon renewal shall be determined by the Company based on the Life Assureds age,
gender, occupation class and/ or any factors of premium structure related to the policy on the Renewal
27.3 Policy Owner who does not want to exercise this option shall notify the Company at least thirty (30) days
prior to the end of the Policy Year.
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1.1 IN CONSIDERATION of the payment to the Company of the Total Relevant Amount Payable AND
PROVIDED ALWAYS that all such Total Relevant Amount Payable have been duly paid AND
PROVIDED FURTHER that this Basic Policy is in force and effect, the Company will pay the Benefit as
stated below SUBJECT ALWAYS to the conditions contained in this Basic Policy and any Endorsement.
2.1 Upon the death of the Life Assured, the Company will pay one hundred per centum (100%) of the Basic
Sum Assured in one (1) lump sum to:
(a) the Policy Owner, if the Policy Owner and the Life Assured are different individuals; or
(b) if the Policy Owner and the Life Assured is the same individual, to the Nominee or if no nomination
is made, to the Policy Owner’s Legal Representative;
SUBJECT TO the conditions set out in Section C of this Basic Policy.
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1.1 While this Basic Policy is still in force and effect, upon receipt of the proof of death of the Life Assured,
the Company will pay the Basic Sum Assured in one (1) lump sum.
2.1 The Policy Owner must give written notice within sixty (60) days from the date of death of the Life Assured
to make a claim under this Basic Policy. Failure to notify the Company within the time stipulated shall not
invalidate any claim if it can be shown that it was not reasonably possible to give such notice earlier and
that such notice was given as soon as was reasonably possible to do so.
3.1 Proof of death and other documents deemed necessary by the Company must be given to the Company at
the claimant's sole cost and expense.
4.1 If the Life Assured whether sane or insane, commits suicide within twelve (12) months from the Issue Date
or the Reinstatement Date, whichever is later, this Basic Policy shall forthwith become null and void and
the Company shall return free of interest the Total Relevant Amount Payable paid or if there are any monies
due and owing to the Company under this Policy, the balance of the Total Relevant Amount Payable paid
(if any) after deducting the amount due.
5.1 Before any payment of the Death Benefit, the following conditions must be fulfilled to the Company’s
(a) the Company shall be entitled to deduct any charges due and owing to the Company;
(b) the production of proof to the satisfaction of the Company of the date of birth of the Life Assured
and the death of the Life Assured and of the circumstances giving rise to the death of the Life
Assured, procured at the sole expense of the Policy Owner or the person or persons claiming
payment; and
(c) the production of a copy of this Policy and all documents considered necessary by the Company
to prove the title of the person claiming payment.
6.1 For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy will cease to be in force and
all other Benefits payable under this Policy will not apply or be payable upon the death of the Life Assured.
“If there is any conflict or inconsistency between any of the contents of this document with any other documents
(if any), the contents of this document shall prevail.”