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Exercise Prescription for Low Back Pain Management
in Parkinson’s Disease
Joe H. Ghorayeb, DC, MHA
Gregory Grigoropoulos, BS
Elsa George, MD
Evan Arbit, MD
Hong Wu, MD, MS
University of Medicine & Health Sciences, New York, NY
Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rush University, Chicago, IL
Published: December 2022
Journal of the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine
Volume 19, Issue 2
This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited. The article copyright belongs to the author and the International Academy of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and is
available at: https://ianmmedicine.org/ © 2022
People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) frequently experience low back pain (LBP). LBP
often causes significant disability and reduced quality of life. A body of literature exists
supporting the utility of exercise for the management of LBP in the general population.
However, no such guideline exists to aid clinicians in exercise prescription for the
management of LBP for individuals with PD. This descriptive literature review summarizes
the current knowledge with respect to the mechanism and utility of physical exercise (PE)
interventions, issues related to exercise prescription, the influence of patient expectations on
exercise adherence and outcomes, and the process of encouraging behavior modification in
the context of managing LBP in individuals with PD. The effects of the interventions
prescribed may vary depending on content-related factors (i.e., type of exercises, dosage,
frequency, stage of disease progression, etc.) and contextual factors (i.e., treatment setting,
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access to organized programs, etc.). Patient expectations also significantly influence
adherence to, and outcomes of, PE. Treatment goals and timing are also important as they
relate to the amount and type of PE to be prescribed within each stage of the disease and the
expectation of outcomes of both clinicians and patients, respectively. Despite the need for
more quantitative and qualitative investigations to further clarify the formulation and dosage
of PE for patients with PD who experience LBP, this article outlines tailored PE prescription
recommendations in this context based on the current body of knowledge available at this
Key words: Parkinson’s disease; low back pain; exercise
Key Points:
The prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is on the rise and is expected to continue
to increase over the next 20 years.
Low back pain (LBP) is highly prevalent in individuals with PD with a longer
duration and higher pain intensity when compared to the general population.
Traditional treatment of PD including pharmacotherapy and neurosurgical
procedures can be effective in treating PD-related symptoms, but cannot slow disease
Engagement in exercise and physical activity has demonstrated evidence of disease-
modifying capabilities in PD in addition to LBP management.
A sound exercise program to manage LBP in the context of PD ought to include a
combination of aerobic and resistance training, flexibility exercises, gait and balance
training, postural control exercises, and adjunct therapy, and should be individually tailored
to the abilities, disease stage, precautions, and goals of each person.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder defined by
loss of dopaminergic neurons and the presence of alpha-synuclein within the midbrain.
is one of the fastest growing neurologic disorders
, affecting 2-3% of the population over 65
years of age
with a yearly incidence estimated to be as high as 35 in 100,000
, and is
estimated to affect more than 12 million people worldwide by 2040
. PD peak prevalence is
between 85-89 years of age, with the relative risk being 1.4 times higher in men than in
. Beta-adrenergic antagonist, pesticide exposure, and dairy product consumption
have been identified as potential risk factors in the development of PD. Coffee consumption
and a history of engagement in physical activity and competitive sports have been shown to
slow motor and cognitive decline with reduced mortality in those with PD.
Pain is a common symptom of PD that negatively impacts quality of life. Patients with PD
have been reported to experience five distinct types of pain: 1) musculoskeletal pain as a
result of rigidity and/or skeletal deformity, 2) radicular-neuropathic pain due to either a root
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lesion, focal or peripheral neuropathy, 3) dystonia-related pain, 4) central pain, and 5)
akathitic pain.
Of the many musculoskeletal pain conditions affecting individuals with
PD, low back pain (LBP) is the most prevalent (87.6%) with a longer duration and higher
pain intensity when compared to the general population.
Back pain ranks highest in terms
of disability according to the Global Burden of Disease Study
and accounts for $134 billion
in public and private healthcare spending in the United States
Physical Deficits and PD Staging
The loss of dopaminergic neurons leads to the cardinal physical deficits associated with PD,
beginning with early and prominent tremors of the hands followed by bradykinesia,
whereby patients notice that simple everyday tasks take longer to perform. Rigidity proves
to be the main obstacle to ambulation for the PD patient, resulting in shorter steps, an
altered walking pace, reduced arm swing, and postural alterations. Spinal abnormalities and
gait disturbance appear as a late manifestation of PD with characteristic festination when
standing, initiating a step, and/or turning.
PD may be staged descriptively for impairment and disability using the Hoehn & Yahr
(H&Y) scale
, which outlines an approximation of symptom progression by assessing
impairment and disability, with the former equating to objective indicators of the disease
and the latter being the apparent functional deficits as described in Table 1. The Unified
Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) is another rating tool used to gauge the severity
and progression of PD.
Table 1. Stages of PD Progression
Hoehn and Yahr Scale
Modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale
1 Unilateral involvement only, usually
with minimal or no functional
Unilateral involvement only
2 Bilateral or midline involvement
impairment of balance
Bilateral involvement without impairment
of balance
2.5 - Mild bilateral disease with recovery on
pull test
3 Bilateral disease: mild to moderate
disability with impaired postural
reflexes; physically independent
Mild to moderate bilateral disease; some
postural instability; physically
4 Severely disabling disease; still able
to walk or stand unassisted
Severe disability; still able to walk to
stand unassisted
5 Confined to bed or wheelchair unless
Wheelchair-bound or bedridden unless
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Mechanisms of Low Back Pain Development in PD
In addition to age-related degenerative changes that contribute to the development of LBP,
two prevailing theories have been proposed as mechanisms that describe the increased
prevalence of LBP among individuals with PD; altered posture and aberrant muscle tone,
intensifying stress on the soft tissues and bony structures of the lumbar spine.
Watanabe et
al. established that increased thoracic and/or thoracolumbar kyphosis as well as reduced
lumbar range of motion occur in conjunction with progressive sagittal malalignment in the
absence of sufficient compensatory postural alterations such as reduced thoracic kyphosis
and pelvic retroversion, correlating strongly with the complaint of LBP and reduced walking
Parkinsonian central pain is also implicated in the development and persistence of
PD-related LBP due to diminished descending inhibitory control
and the influence of
dopaminergic pathways on the basal ganglia and pain pathways
PD-related rigidity has also been implicated with higher pain frequency and intensity. Allen
et al. found that increased rigidity is strongly associated with pain and interfered with
engaging in work and activities of daily living, even after adjustment for age and gender.
Some evidence suggests that changes in muscle structure and quality may contribute to the
development of LBP in PD. Margraf and colleagues interpreted focal myopathy among
patients with PD with camptocormia by way of identifying fatty infiltration in the
paravertebral muscles as a potential reason for disease progression and muscle
Though, the mechanism behind how these findings might contribute to the
clinical presentation of LBP in the context of PD remains to be understood.
Treatment of PD and the Role of Exercise in PD
Pharmacologically, PD is typically managed with Levodopa in combination with Carbidopa
to reduce adverse effects and improve CNS bioavailability. Anticholinergics or Amantadine
may be employed if tremors are the primary symptom to be controlled. Selegiline, a
selective MAO-B inhibitor, is typically used to treat early-stage PD and offers mild
symptom relief.
While most anti-Parkinson medications may provide effective symptom
control, the disease eventually progresses and becomes resistant to pharmacotherapy. In
such instances, deep brain stimulation is an effective therapy to treat severe motor
fluctuations or tremors in advanced PD.
Though, neither pharmacotherapy nor
neurosurgical procedures confer disease-modifying capabilities in PD.
On the other
hand, exercise, among other lifestyle factors, has been shown to slow PD progression.
animal models of PD, regular exercise produces neuroprotective effects against the
neurotoxins 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-
tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)
, which decidedly cause a loss of dopaminergic neurons
Exercise further induces the accumulation of the ketone body D-b-hydroxybutyrate (DBHB)
in the hippocampus, which in turn promotes the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF); an important protein involved in plastic changes related to learning and
Exercise dose has also been shown to play a factor, with greater physical
activity conferring greater protection.
In addition to the aforementioned observations,
attenuation of α-synuclein expression in conjunction with reduced α-synuclein-mediated
inflammation via downregulation of toll-like receptor 2 and decreased NADPH oxidase
expression has been observed in MPTP-induced mice following an 8-week treadmill
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exercise program.
With respect to the effect of exercise on individuals with PD, Shulman et al.
conducted an
important randomized clinical trial (RCT) of three types of exercise in order to determine
whether superiority of outcomes exists in favor of one exercise modality compared to
another. The authors randomized study participants with a diagnosis of PD (H&Y1-3) with
at least two of the three cardinal signs of tremor, bradykinesia or rigidity in addition to the
presence of mild to moderate gait impairment across three exercise groups: 1) high-intensity
treadmill training; consisting of 30 minutes at 70%-80% of heart rate reserve (HRR), 2)
low-intensity treadmill training (50 minutes at 40%-50% of HRR), and 3) stretching and
resistance training (2 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg on 3 resistance machines [leg press,
leg extension, and curl]). All three groups engaged in exercise 3 times per week for 12
weeks, for a total of 36 sessions. At the conclusion of the interventions, it was determined
that both types of treadmill training improved cardiovascular fitness with no difference
between groups. Unsurprisingly, stretching and resistance training resulted in the greatest
increases in muscle strength and were the only group that improved in the UPDRS motor
subscale (p<0.05). Moreover, the study authors reported no adverse effects with the
engagement of either of the aforementioned exercise interventions, and no changes of
antiparkinsonian medications were made during the trial.
The aim of this article is to summarize how exercise therapy exerts its effects on pain
control, postural correction and control, flexibility, general fitness, gait performance, and
balance in the context of PD, in addition to offering exercise prescription recommendations
for this patient population.
Search Strategy
A literature search using MEDLINE was conducted from inception to June 2022. The
search terms included (e.g., MeSH in MEDLINE) are depicted in Appendix 1.
Study Selection
A two-phase approach to screening was used with two independent reviewers screening
each citation and article. Phase one included screening of titles and abstracts for possible
relevance. Phase two included full-text screening of possibly relevant studies. Any
disagreement was resolved by discussion between the paired reviewers.
Inclusion Criteria
Studies were included if they met the following criteria: 1) published in English and in a
peer-reviewed journal; 2) study designs included experimental (Randomised Clinical Trials)
and observational (Cohort and Case-Control) studies; 3) study populations included adults
(19+years old); 4) study populations confined to individuals with PD (H&Y 1-5); and 5)
studies addressed one or more of the physical deficits and/or symptoms associated with PD
such as aerobic fitness, muscle strength, gait performance, postural correction, flexibility,
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balance and pain control with some form of exercise as the primary intervention.
Exclusion Criteria
Studies which did not include some form of exercise as the primary intervention along with
perspective articles, opinions, comments, letters to the editor, and articles without scientific
data or a report of their methodology were excluded.
A total of 618 entries were identified after conducting the database searches, of which 44
were removed due to duplication. A total of 574 abstracts were then screened, and 48 full-
text articles were selected for full-text review. Following this process, 22 studies were
included in the review. Nine articles related to enhancing general fitness
, 4 related
to improving postural correction
, 2 related to increasing flexibility
, and 7 related to
balance improvement
in the context of PD. Experimental studies describing the
mechanisms in which exercise exerts its pain modulating effects in individuals with PD
were unavailable. Therefore, a broad summary regarding the analgesic properties of exercise
is offered based on review of 7 articles.
Pain Control
Exercise has been shown to be a powerful intervention to lessen the perception of pain as
well as improve mood and reduce stress.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s
opioid prescribing guideline, published in 2016, recommends exercise as a first-line
treatment in pain management.
Three distinct mechanisms explain how exercise modulates
pain symptoms. The first is the reconceptualization of pain-related fear via the development
of new inhibitory associations that compete with and suppress the original conditioned
response to movement and physical activity in the individual with pain.
The second
mechanism describes the effect of painful exercise on the activation of the conditioned pain
modulation response, where an individual may report a lower pain rating of a primary pain
complaint in the presence of a secondary painful stimulus.
Finally, the third mechanism
highlights exercise’s role in blunting the immune system’s function in exacerbating pain
states, in turn promoting an anti-inflammatory state with long-term engagement in exercise
and physical activity.
Various modalities of exercise are capable of exerting pain
modulating effects in addition to developing favorable phenotypic and functional
adaptations as described below.
General Fitness and Gait Performance
Aerobic training improves general fitness
as well as gait performance and speed in
patients with PD.
The risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality is also greatly
reduced in individuals who engage in both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities at the
levels recommended by the 2018 physical activity guidelines for Americans.
Of the
various modes of aerobic training to enhance cardiorespiratory fitness for individuals with
PD, treadmill training, overground walking, and cycling have consistently produced the
greatest improvements in gait performance, speed, stride length, and cadence.
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the addition of auditory cueing by way of rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) may be a
useful adjunct to gait training, as evidenced by the finding of an RCT conducted by Calabro
et al.
, in which 50 patients with PD (H&Y 2&3) were randomly allocated to one of two
groups: 1) treadmill gait training with RAS; where patients were instructed to synchronize
their footsteps to the beat of the music played during the training sessions, and 2) treadmill
gait training without the assistance of RAS. Each session lasted 30 minutes in duration and
was completed 5 days per week over an 8-week period. While both groups demonstrated
improvements in gait performance at the conclusion of the study, the RAS group
demonstrated superior improvement in functional gait assessment (FGA), falls efficacy
scale (FES), timed up-and-go test (TUG), and UPDRS (p<0.001). Both moderate-intensity
aerobic exercise (50% of HRR) and high-intensity training (HIIT) (85% of HRR)
have been
shown to improve pain symptoms. However, HIIT also improves cardiorespiratory fitness.
A 6-week moderate-intensity treadmill walking program (50% of HRR) for 52 sedentary
patients with chronic LBP was compared to a 6-week program involving specific
strengthening exercises targeting the trunk and upper and lower limbs.
Walking and
resistance training were shown to be equally effective in reducing LBP symptoms with no
significant difference between the two exercise modalities.
Twenty study subjects with chronic LBP (CLBP) and similar baseline characteristics were
enrolled in an RCT conducted by Chatzitheodorou et al.
and were randomly allocated to
an intervention group consisting of a 12-week high-intensity exercise treadmill program
(85% of HRR) or a passive treatment group, which included the administration of 10
minutes of shortwave diathermy, 5 minutes of continuous pulse therapeutic ultrasound, 10
minutes of low-level laser therapy laser, and 12 minutes of electrotherapy at varying
intensities per each subject’s tolerance. Study subjects in the high-intensity exercise
program reported significant reductions in LBP, disability, and psychological strain
compared to no improvement in the passive treatment group. These findings are further
supported by a subsequent RCT carried out by Chatzitheodorou and colleagues
, with a
larger sample size (n=64), in which study subjects with CLBP were randomized into a
dexamethasone suppression group (dex+) and a control group without dexamethasone
suppression, and both groups engaged in high-intensity aerobic exercise. Subjects in the
dex+ group reported a significant reduction in pain complaints and anxiety/depression, in
addition to improved physical function and adrenocortical responsiveness (p<0.001) when
compared to subjects in the control group. These findings suggest that for individuals with
CLBP and associated psychological strain, engagement in high-intensity aerobic exercise
may be a preferred strategy to induce a cortisol response, as a direct relationship between
the strength of the cortisol response to a stressor (e.g., exercise) and developing a higher
pain threshold has been reported in a number of studies.
A more recent RCT by Harvey et al.
found that 36 HIIT sessions (85% of maximal heart
rate) over a 12-week period among patients with PD (H&Y 1-3) with a mean age of 68.5
years resulted in an increase in peak oxygen consumption by 2.8mLkg
in the
intervention group compared to 1.5mLkg
in the control group, suggesting that HIIT
may be a feasible and acceptable exercise strategy in people with early to mid-stage
Parkinson’s disease.
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Because muscle strength declines in almost all patients with PD
, the general physical
requirements necessary to execute a controlled gait pattern, rise from a chair, and negotiate
stairs are compromised, in turn increasing the risk of falls. If an individual with PD also
presents with concomitant low bone mass, the risk of fractures with falls increases, resulting
in a medical emergency. Strength training, characterized as contracting muscles against
resistance, is accomplished using free weights, resistance machines, elastic bands, and
resistance against water or one's own body weight is not only an effective hypoalgesic in
patients with PD
but also derives desirable adaptations that counteract the development
and progression of chronic disease in aging populations
in addition to reducing all-cause
In individuals with mild to moderate PD, high-force eccentric resistance
training is both a safe and feasible strategy to bring about favorable adaptations in muscle
structure and mobility with clinically insignificant serum CK and muscle pain levels
following training sessions.
In this landmark study, 10 patients with PD (H&Y 1-3)
between the ages of 40 and 85 engaged in a 12-week course of high-force eccentric
resistance training on an eccentric ergometer 3 times per week
and responded similarly to
both young
and frail elderly people
without PD who were exposed to high-force
eccentric exercise. These findings illustrate the benefits of high force eccentric training for
patients with PD due to the high levels of muscle force generated in eccentric exercise with
associated low metabolic demands.
Corcos et al.
conducted a two-year RCT involving pairs of patients with PD who were
matched by age, sex, disease stage, and off-medication UPDRS-III, and engaged in either
progressive resistance exercise (PRE), which consisted of a weight lifting program, or the
Fitness Counts (FC) exercise program, recommended by the Parkinson’s Foundation
which focuses on performing stretches, balance exercises, breathing, and non-progressive
strengthening exercises. Study subjects engaged in exercise twice per week for 24 months at
a gym under the supervision of a personal trainer, and were followed for 24 months at 6-
month intervals. At the conclusion of the study, the mean off-medication UPDRS-III score
decreased more with the PRE group than with the FC group (mean difference: - 7·3 points;
95% CI: -11·3 to -3·6; p<0.001), denoting a significant improvement in motor signs,
strength, and movement speed, and physical function.
Postural Correction
Common postural abnormalities occurring among patients with PD include camptocormia,
antecollis, Pisa syndrome, and scoliosis.
While no formal treatment has been established to
correct postural abnormalities associated with PD, which may contribute to LBP symptoms,
several studies have demonstrated positive clinical outcomes with conservative care.
A retrospective pilot study by Lee et al.
involving 9 patients with PD (6 inpatient, 3
outpatient) (H&Y stages 2-4) with camptocormia who engaged in core strengthening and
back extensor strengthening exercises of varying frequencies (once per week for 3 months v
twice daily for 5 weeks) in addition to walking with a weighted low-slung backpack showed
that 8/9 patients achieved a mean camptocormia flexion angle reduction of 20º (p=0.012) at
3 months post-treatment, in addition to mean changes of 2.788 (p=0.011) and 3.788
(p=0.012) in UPDRS II and III scores, respectively, reflecting a clinically important
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Ye et al.
reported a case of a 70-year-old man with PD and hyperflexion of the
thoracolumbar supine, which would resolve on recumbent positioning. The patient was
instructed to perform neck and back extensor exercises daily for 30 minutes and was fitted
with a cruciform anterior spinal hyperextension brace (CASH). After four months, his
functional ambulation categories (FAC) score improved from 3 to 5 and his TUG improved
from 16 seconds to 9 seconds. At the end of a 5-month follow-up, he was reportedly able to
maintain an improved posture without the brace.
A pilot study conducted by Lena et al.
followed 6 patients with PD (H&Y 2-3) with Pisa
syndrome, and lateral flexion of the trunk (LFT) >10º, who engaged in 10 consecutive 90-
minute exercise sessions, under physiotherapist supervision, to correct postural trunk
deviation. The patients presented with one of two patterns of muscle hyperactivity,
confirmed by EMG; either ipsilateral or contralateral to the bending side. At the conclusion
of the intervention, all participants demonstrated improvement in UPDRS-II, UPDRS-III,
back pain rating, and LFT degree. Only 1 participant did not show improvement on
Gandolfi et al.
conducted a single-blind RCT involving 37 patients with PD (H&Y ≤4) and
≥ 5º of forward trunk flexion (FTF) to determine whether a trunk-specific rehabilitation
program was more efficacious than conventional exercise at improving both postural
orientation and FTF severity. The experimental group (n=19) engaged in 60-minute
individualized sessions consisting of active self-correction exercises, trunk stabilization
exercises, and functional tasks. The control group (n=18) intervention consisted of joint
mobilization, muscle strengthening and stretching, and overground training and balance
exercises. Participants in both groups engaged in individualized 60-minute sessions with a
physiotherapist twice daily for 4 weeks. FTF significantly improved in the experimental
group at the end of the intervention course (p=0.003) and at the 1-month follow-up
Engaging in regular stretching is widely accepted as an essential component of a sound PD
exercise program
, though an optimal dose of stretch therapy remains unknown. When
coupled with resistance exercise, stretching helps diminish muscle rigidity.
Some evidence
demonstrates positive acute effects of stretching, as seen in a recent RCT by Vialleron et
In this study, 19 age-matched patients with PD (H&Y 2&3) were randomly allocated to
a stretching group (n=10); who were exposed to 4 minutes (4 sets x 60 seconds) of triceps
surae stretching, a sham stretching group (n=9); who were exposed to 4 minutes of forearm
stretching, and a control group consisting of 10 age-matched healthy older adults who were
not exposed to any form of stretching. The acute effects of the triceps surae stretching
intervention demonstrated appreciable improvements in ankle mobility and gait initiation
with large effect sizes (d ≥ 0.8). The authors concluded that triceps surae stretching ought to
be integrated into a multicomponent exercise program to include strength, balance, and gait
training. This notion comports with the findings reported in an RCT by Santos and
, in which patients with PD (H&Y 1&2) with akinesia and rigidity (AR-
subtype), also defined as the “postural instability gait difficulty subtype” (PIGD- subtype)
engaged in 16 PRE training sessions over 8 weeks, beginning with workloads at 40-50% of
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their tested 1 repetition maximum (1RM) and progressing to 80-85% of 1RM. The PRE
group realized significant improvements in static posturography, gait, and quality of life
when compared to AR-subtype patients with PD with matched baseline characteristics in the
control group.
PD-related axial rigidity also causes various biomechanical impairments that result in
unfavorable postural alterations such as abnormally stooped posture, which impacts range of
motion, brings about low back pain, and negatively impacts postural control
stooped posture has a destabilizing effect on postural control, and the condition may not
always be fully corrected with exercise or adjunct therapy, patients with PD need to retrain
their spatial awareness with the postural alterations that they have acquired in order to
improve their balance and gait so as to prevent falls. Balance training, of various forms, has
been studied in isolation and in combination with resistance training for individuals with
early-to-mid stage PD with the general consensus being that highly challenging balance
exercises yield the greatest positive effects
. More recently, Capato and colleagues
conducted an RCT to evaluate the effectiveness of balance training in individuals with
advanced-stage PD (H&Y 4). The study results demonstrated that patients who engaged in
10 45-minute balance training sessions twice weekly, over a 5-week period, supported by
RAS, realized significant improvements in balance and fall prevention when compared to
age- and stage-matched controls who engaged in the same balance training program but
without RAS support. Furthermore, the improvements were retained at 1-month and 6-
month follow-ups.
These findings are encouraging and suggest that improving balance and
preventing falls is still possible and a worthwhile goal at this stage of PD progression.
An RCT conducted by Silva-Batista and colleagues
compared the effects of three types of
exercise on balance improvement in patients with PD (H&Y 2&3). Patients were
randomized into a resistance training group (RT) (n=13), a resistance training with
instability group (RTI) (n=13), and a placebo-control group (n=13). Study participants in the
RT and RTI groups engaged in challenging exercises that demanded standing and balance
for execution twice per week for 12 weeks. The RTI group also utilized various devices
such as a BOSU ball and balance discs to progressively induce instability that challenged
balance and postural control during resistance exercise. The control group engaged in upper
body machine-based exercises that did not require a standing or balance component for
execution, at the same frequency and duration as the other groups. While both the RT and
RTI groups showed improvements in muscle strength, only the RTI group produced
significant improvements in balance testing per the BESTest; a widely used clinical balance
examination with good validity and reliability.
The RTI group showed improved post-
intervention balance test scores with a mean difference of 18% (95% CI=12.7-23.4, p<
0.001), while the RT group showed no significant changes in balance performance
(MD=2.9%; CI=−2.4 to 8.2; p=0.579), and the control group showed a significant decrease
in balance performance (MD=−6.0%; CI=−11.4 to −0.7; p=0.018). The authors concluded
that the balance improvements realized by the RTI group came as a result of increased force
production capacity of the plantar flexors and knee extensors, in addition to enhanced
anticipatory postural adjustments. The RTI group also demonstrated a reduced fear of
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falling (p<0.05), supporting the notion that challenging balance training in combination with
resistance training can decrease barriers to exercise and allow individuals with PD to
become more confident in executing demanding motor tasks.
Complementary Physical Interventions
In addition to the aforementioned exercise modalities, various complementary physical
interventions have been shown to confer improvements in both motor and non-motor PD
symptoms. Tai Chi and Qigong, mind-body intervention with roots in martial arts training,
have demonstrated small-to-medium effects on motor function and balance.
styles of dance have been shown to improve balance and motor symptom severity in
individuals with mild to moderate PD.
Technologies that promote healthy behaviors by
combining video games and exercise have also been employed in the context of PD
rehabilitation, with evidence demonstrating some effectiveness in the utilization of these
technologies to improve balance, functional mobility, and cognitive skills.
boxing programs for patients with PD have surged in popularity and have been promoted as
an effective means to improve PD motor symptoms.
Though, recent reports suggest
that the utilization of boxing as an established intervention for PD symptom management
has expanded beyond the current evidence to substantiate its utilization.
Exercise Prescription for LBP in Patients with PD
While no evidence currently exists to suggest that specific exercises or a specific exercise
program is superior to another in the context of managing low back pain in the context of
PD, strong evidence supports the recommendation of programs prescribed for patients with
PD that involve at least 3 hours of exercise per week, as prescribed by the American College
of Sports Medicine’s Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults
and the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
, which
recommend engagement in a minimum of 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate-
intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity
aerobic physical activity or a combination of both and muscle building and bone
strengthening exercises a minimum of 2 days per week. In addition to the aforementioned
recommendations, we have modified and adapted our exercise prescriptions to also include
flexibility and balance training as supported by several high-quality studies
, as well as
prescription exercises for postural correction in those patients who present with postural
It is the responsibility of clinicians to tailor the specific exercise programs
chosen for each patient, based on individual physical deficits and impairments. Therefore,
the exercises selected must be meaningful to each patient and relevant for them to carry out
their activities of daily living. Working with experienced rehabilitation professionals at the
outset in a skilled exercise facility is crucial to reduce the risk of falls and to ensure that the
prescribed exercises are appropriate and well-tolerated. Providing patient and family
education regarding exercise therapy, precautions, and injury/fall prevention, in addition to
enhancing family and community support and advice regarding exercise adherence will help
to improve clinical outcomes.
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We have stratified general exercise prescriptions to improve pain control, general fitness,
and gait performance, in addition to enhancement of balance and flexibility, and improved
postural correction, where necessary, across the 5 H&Y stages of PD.
For individuals with early-stage PD (H&Y 1-2)
The general goals of treatment during the early stage of PD are to educate patients about the
disease, promote increased activity and improve strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility
to enhance functional capacity. Exercise recommendations doses for patients with PD in
these stages are aligned with the American College of Sports Medicine’s Physical Activity
Guidelines for Adults
with modifications to include daily engagement in stretching
exercises, and balance training performed 3 days per week. Complete exercise prescription
recommendations for patients with PD in these stages (H&Y 1-2) are summarized in Table
2. These recommendations are modified and adapted to also include balance training and
postural correction exercises, where necessary.
For individuals with mid-stage PD (H&Y 3)
The general goals of treatment during the mid-stage of PD are to preserve early-stage goals
in addition to improving transfer, gait, and reaching performance, improving posture,
improving steadiness, freezing control, and fall prevention in addition to caregiver
For individuals with late-stage PD (H&Y 4-5)
The general goals of treatment during the late stage of PD are to preserve mid-stage goals in
addition to maintaining vital functions, preventing contractures and pressure sores, and
educating caregivers about bed mobility, transfer, ADLs, and exercise.
Complete exercise prescription recommendations for patients with mid-to-late-stage PD
(H&Y 3-5) are summarized in Table 3. These recommendations are modified and adapted
to also include balance training and postural correction exercises, where necessary, and
align with the most recent recommendations made by the ACSM’s Guidelines for Persons
with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities (Basic CDD4 Recommendations).
52 | J I A N M V o l u m e 1 9 , I s s u e 2
Table 2. Exercise Prescription for PD H&Y 1&2 modified and adapted from American
College of Sports Medicine Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults
RPE based on modified RPE scale
Warm-up and cool-down
Before and
after each
10-15 min
RPE <3/10
Should be
as transition phase,
especially for those
doing higher-
intensity physical
Aerobic Training
• Large-muscle easily
accessible activities such
as walking as the basic
• Types include walking,
jogging, cycling,
exercise, or other enjoyable
physical activities that may
be sustained over a
prolonged period of time
5+ days/
Start at any duration, as
Ultimate weekly goal is to
build up to a minimum of
150 to 300 minutes per week
of moderate-intensity aerobic
physical activity or 75 to 150
minutes per week of
vigorous-intensity aerobic
physical activity or a
combination of both
Light (casual walk)
RPE of 2
Moderate (brisk
walk) RPE of 3
Vigorous (like
jogging) RPE of 4-6
Progression week
over week in either
intensity, volume, or
a combination of
both should not
exceed 10%
Strength Straining
• High force eccentric
• Functional gravity-based
• Weight training is an
alternative for those
who are interested and
motivated to do it
2-3 days/
8-12 repetitions x 2-4 sets
RPE of 3-7
Build gradually to as
many sets a day as
Stretch Therapy
Major muscle groups and
calf stretches
60 s/stretch, repeat 3x
Entire stretching session
~ 30 min
Maintain stretch
below discomfort
Discomfort point
should occur at a
ROM that does
not cause instability.
This discomfort
point will vary
between people and
with different joints
each person.
Balance Training
3 days/
~45 min
Supervised side to
side sways and
weight shifting,
along with variable
footwork exercises
with the support of
walkers and other
assistive devices
Postural Correction
20-90 min/session
1-2x/day per PT
To tolerance
Supervised exercises
to correct postural
trunk deviation,
individually tailored
to the patient in
addition to wearing a
weighted low-slung
backpack or brace, as
53 | J I A N M V o l u m e 1 9 , I s s u e 2
Table 3. Exercise Prescription for PD H&Y 3-5 modified and adapted from Basic CDD4
RPE based on modified RPE scale
Warm-up and cool-down
Before and
after each
10-15 min
RPE <3/10
Should be maintained
as transition phase,
especially for those
doing higher-intensity
physical activity
Aerobic Training
• Large-muscle easily
accessible activities such
as walking as the basic
• Types include walking,
jogging, cycling,
exercise, or other enjoyable
physical activities that may be
sustained over a prolonged
period of time
• Walking under supervision
with assistive devices and
y harness
5+ days/
Start at any duration, as
Ultimate weekly goal is to
build up to a minimum of 150
to 300 minutes per week of
moderate-intensity aerobic
physical activity or 75 to 150
minutes per week of vigorous-
intensity aerobic physical
activity or a combination of
Light (casual walk)
RPE of 2
Moderate (brisk walk)
RPE of 3
Vigorous (like
jogging) RPE of 4-6
Progression week over
week in either
intensity, volume, or a
combination of both
should not exceed
Strength Straining
• High force eccentric training
• Functional gravity-based
exercises (avoid free weights
in advanced PD)
• Weight training is an
alternative for those
who are interested and
motivated to do it
2-3 days/
8-12 repetitions x 2-4 sets
RPE of 3-7
Build gradually to as
many sets a day as
Stretch Therapy
Major muscle groups and calf
Independent and assisted
stretching exercises
60 s/stretch, repeat 3x
Entire stretching session
~ 30 min
Maintain stretch
below discomfort
Discomfort point
should occur at a
ROM that does
not cause instability.
This discomfort point
will vary between
people and with
different joints in
each person.
Balance Training
3 days/
~45 min
Somewhat challenging
Supervised side to
side sways and weight
shifting, along with
variable footwork
exercises with the
support of walkers and
other assistive devices
Postural Correction
20-90 min/session
1-2x/day per PT
To tolerance
Supervised exercises
to correct postural
trunk deviation,
individually tailored to
the patient in addition
to wearing a weighted
low-slung backpack or
brace, as needed
54 | J I A N M V o l u m e 1 9 , I s s u e 2
Barriers to Exercise Engagement and Strategies to Enhance Exercise Adherence
Perceived barriers to exercise engagement are predictive of exercise behavior. The most
commonly reported perceived barriers to exercise in healthy older adults include lack of
interest, poor health, weakness, fear of falling, pain, bad weather, lack of time, and limited
access to exercise resources.
In the context of PD, these aforementioned concerns in
addition to scheduling issues, commuting challenges, medical comorbidities,
hospitalizations, family demands, and low outcome expectations appear to be the major
perceived barriers to exercise.
Moreover, a lack of structured community-based PD-
specific exercise programs may further reduce the motivation for engagement, though
efforts are being made to adapt and scale such exercise programs to serve the needs of
patients with PD.
Working with an experienced physical therapist, rehabilitation-oriented chiropractor, and/or
physical trainer who understands how to optimally dose exercise prescription for each
individual in order to ensure that engaging in exercise is tolerable and sustainable has been
shown to enhance exercise adherence in this patient population.
Once individuals are able
to engage in exercise independently, booster supervised sessions have been shown to
improve exercise adherence.
Exercise snacking, a strategy that calls for breaking up daily exercise recommendations into
several shorter bouts of physical activity or “exercise snacks” throughout the day has
demonstrated improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic markers of health
muscle mass and function
in small proof of concept studies
. This strategy may prove to
be worthwhile in enhancing exercise adherence among people with PD.
Autoregulation describes the means of selecting and adjusting training intensity based on
one’s performance during a given training session. Because consistency of effort during
every exercise session is unlikely for a variety of reasons, in order to maintain adherence to
exercise, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), a validated and reliable psycho-physical tool may
be taught to patients for them to assess their subjective perception of effort exerted during
physical activity in order to allow them to adjust their level of exertion during physical
training based on real-time psychological and physiological feedback (Table 4).
Table 4. Modified RPE Scale Reproduced from (Haddad 2017)
Very, Very Easy
Somewhat Hard
Very Hard
55 | J I A N M V o l u m e 1 9 , I s s u e 2
Low back pain in the context of PD is a complex condition that may be influenced by
pathology, pain intensity, physical impairment, and psychosocial reinforcements, resulting
in disability. To date, multiple lines of empirical evidence demonstrate that activities and
exercises that challenge physical impairments result in improvements in low back pain and
quality of life among individuals with PD. The exercise prescription recommendations
outlined in this article exemplify an approach that combines strength training, aerobic
training, stretching, and balance training, in addition to postural correction exercises, where
necessary, that is modified across the stages of PD progression based on the current body of
knowledge available at this time. Future high-quality studies with longer intervention and
follow-up periods would help to further ascertain the effects of exercise dose and type on
managing both LBP and PD progression in addition to exploring strategies to enhance
behavior modification in order to improve adherence, and ultimately, outcomes.
Conceptualization, J.G., H.W..; methodology, J.G., H.W.; formal analysis, J.G., G.G.;
investigation, J.G., G.G.; original draft preparation, J.G., G.G., H.W.; writing—review and
editing, J.G., G.G., H.W., E.G., E.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
This research received no external funding.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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