State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707-7841 Street Address: 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI 53702
Telephone: (608) 266-3390 Toll Free: (800) 441-4563 FAX: (608) 267-1052 TDD: (608) 267-2427 Internet Address:
DATE: December 6, 2007
TO: District Administrators
FROM: Carolyn Stanford Taylor, Assistant State Superintendent
Division for Learning Support: Equity and Advocacy
SUBJECT: Photocopying Birth Certificates for School Admission
It has been brought to our attention that many school districts in Wisconsin have the practice of
photocopying birth certificates as part of their admission process for new students. Wisconsin law
strictly prohibits copying vital records. The applicable state statute is attached. This prohibition applies
to everyone, including school staff, the subject of the birth record, and his or her parents.
In addition, a school staff person may not:
ask a parent or anyone else to make a copy,
accept an unauthorized copy of a birth certificate from another person, or
make a copy of the birth certificate for a school file.
Photocopied records do not contain the security features that are present on a certified copy, i.e., the
raised seal and the features that show if an alteration has been made. Copying makes alterations difficult
or impossible to detect. Tests run by the State Vital Records Office demonstrate a person can make
undetectable changes on a photocopied birth certificate in less than 30 minutes, using standard computer
and copier equipment available to the average person. Clearly, these illegal copies do nothing to deter
falsification of documents.
Making a photocopy of a true certified copy of a birth certificate for the school file also poses a liability
risk to staff and school districts. This situation is also true for schools that legally accept true certified
copies of birth certificates and put the legal copies in their files. These documents are prime targets for
identity theft because they contain essential information about the person, including mother’s maiden
name. For persons who are adopted or who have paternity established through the courts, the
information contained on their birth certificates may be sealed by a court of law.
There are at least two legal and practical alternative methods that some schools are using to collect the
pertinent information and store it in their school records.
Use an existing school district form to annotate that a school staff person viewed a true certified
copy of a birth certificate and checked the information against the information collected or
copied on the form.
District Administrators
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December 6, 2007
Design a separate form to annotate the viewing of the true certified copy of the birth certificate.
Relevant information would be copied onto the form.
If your school district currently has the practice of photocopying birth certificates as part of your school
admission process, please take immediate steps to discontinue this practice. In addition, you may wish to
destroy any filed copies of birth certificates within pupil records.
Please direct any questions you may have to the State Vital Records Office at (608) 266-1373 or
c: John Kiesow, State Registrar
State Vital Records Office
Division of Public Health
Department of Health and Family Services
69.24 Penalties. (1) Any person who does any of the following is guilty of a Class I felony:
(a) Other than as authorized under s. 69.21 (2) (d), prepares or issues any paper or film which purports
to be, or carries the appearance of, an original or a copy of a vital record, certified or uncertified, except
as provided under this subchapter or s. 610.50 and except for any hospital which issues any written
announcement of the birth of a person to the parents of the person if the announcement contains plain
notice that the announcement is not for official use.
(am) Makes available to the public in electronic format an uncertified photocopy of a vital record for
an event occurring before October 1, 1907, that is issued under s. 69.21 (2) (d).
(b) Willfully and knowingly makes any false statement in a birth or death certificate under s. 69.09,
69.10, 69.14 or 69.18, in an application for an amendment to a birth or death certificate under s. 69.11 or
69.12 or in a request for a certified copy of a birth certificate under s. 69.21.
(c) Willfully and knowingly supplies any false information with the intent that the information be used
in the preparation of a birth or death certificate or the amendment of a birth or death certificate.
(d) Counterfeits or, without authorization, makes, alters or amends any birth or death certificate
required by this subchapter or a certified copy of such certificate.
(e) Mutilates or destroys an original birth or death certificate filed under this subchapter.
(f) Willfully and knowingly obtains, possesses, uses, sells, furnishes or attempts to obtain, possess, use,
sell or furnish to any person for any purpose of deception, any vital record or certified copy of a vital
record which is counterfeited, altered or amended or false in part or in whole or which is related to the
birth, death, marriage or divorce of another person, whether living or dead.
(g) Illegally possesses any vital record required under this subchapter with knowledge that the vital
record has been illegally obtained.
(h) As a public officer or public employee, furnishes or processes a birth or death certificate or a
certified copy of a birth or death certificate with the knowledge or intention that the certificate or copy
will be used for the purpose of deception.