AIB Direct Debit (SEPA) Restriction Application Form
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Direct Debit (SEPA) Restriction Application Form
To add, amend or remove restrictions at account or mandate level
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space between each word
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How to complete the form
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Application Date
MonthDay Year
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To the Manager AIB
I/We hereby authorise and request you to apply direct debit restriction changes on my/our account
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Account Number
Restriction Type: Account Level Restriction Or Mandate Level Restriction
Account Level Restriction
Account Restriction Type (only one option to be selected)
Add Blacklist Remove Blacklist Add Whitelist Remove Whitelist
Blacklist All Remove Blacklist All
Mandate Level Restriction
Mandate Restriction Type (please mark ( ) in the below boxes e.g. Amount limit and Add/Remove)
Amount Limit Frequency Restriction Both
Amount Limit
Please select frequency required: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually
Signature Signature
AIB Direct Debit (SEPA) Restriction Application Form
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Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c., Registered Oce, 10 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, Registered in Ireland, Number 24173
AIB/DDRA 06/20
Help in completing a Direct Debit (SEPA) Restrictions Application Form
Account Level Restrictions
Account level restrictions service can be used to restrict your account from being debited for SEPA direct debits or only
allow specic originators from debiting your account. Through this service you can add/amend the below Account level
Direct Debit Restrictions. Account level restrictions are set against your originators Originator Identication Number (OIN)
which can be obtained from your SEPA Direct Debit Mandate or from your local branch.
Mandate Level Restrictions
Mandate level restrictions service can be used to apply restrictions against your originator’s Unique Mandate Reference
(UMR) which is listed on your SEPA Direct Debit mandate or can be obtained from your local branch. Through this
service you can add/amend the below Mandate level Direct Debit Restrictions.
Important notes on lling out this application
Only one application can be submitted for either Account Level or Mandate Level Restrictions.
To apply Account Level Restrictions for multiple accounts, a separate application form for each Account is required.
To apply Mandate Level Restrictions for multiple UMRs, a separate application form for each Mandate is required.
Only either Whitelisting or Blacklisting will be allowed against an account at any point of time.
Blacklist All service request can be submitted at any time despite existence of Whitelist or Blacklist.
For Blacklist All or Remove Blacklist All service, the OIN is not required.
The frequency restriction will come into eect for all collections received on the mandate after the restriction has
been set up.
The frequency restriction period is dened by calendar days (Monday - Sunday). For example, if a weekly restriction
is set up and a collection is presented on Thursday in Week 1, the next collection will be accepted from Monday
onwards the following week.
By setting up a frequency limit on a direct debit mandate you are agreeing that you will not want to pay a direct
debit more than that frequency. Any collection that is received breaching this frequency restriction will be returned
unpaid, in full.
The frequency restriction will remain in place until you request that it is removed.
Account level restrictions will always take precedence over Mandate Level Restrictions.
Both Account & Mandate Level Restrictions should be applicable only for incoming Direct Debit collections.
Service What does this mean?
Add Blacklist Blocking of specic OIN from debiting your account
Add Whitelist Allowing specic OIN from debiting your account
Blacklist All Blocking your account from all Direct Debit payments
Remove Blacklist Removing specic OIN from Blacklisting
Remove Whitelist Removing specic OIN from Whitelisting
Remove Blacklist All Removing all account level restrictions from your account
Service What does this mean?
Amount Based Restricting the amount that can be debited from your account eg. if the restriction is set
as €50, then any Direct Debit payment greater than €50 will be rejected.
Frequency Restrictions Restricting Direct Debit payments within a certain frequency e.g. if the restriction is set
Monthly, then if a restricted Direct Debit attempts to collect more than once a month it
will be rejected.
Both Restricting direct debit payments with both Amount & Date Restrictions, i.e. direct debit
payments which satisfy both the amount limit & date restrictions will be processed.
For Bank Use Only
Sta Signature
Signature Verified
Staff number
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