United States Government Accountabilit
Report to Congressional Committees
Observations on
Efforts to Quantify the
Economic Effects of
Counterfeit and
Pirated Goods
April 2010
What GAO Found
United States Government Accountability Office
Why GAO Did This Study
Accountability Integrity Reliability
April 12, 2010
Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic
Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods
Highlights of GAO-10-423, a report to
congressional committees
In October 2008, Congress passed
the Prioritizing Resources and
Organization for Intellectual
Property Act of 2008 (PRO-IP Act),
to improve the effectiveness of U.S.
government efforts to protect
intellectual property (IP) rights
such as copyrights, patents, and
trademarks. The act also directed
GAO to provide information on the
quantification of the impacts of
counterfeit and pirated goods. GAO
(1) examined existing research on
the effects of counterfeiting and
piracy on consumers, industries,
government, and the U.S. economy;
and (2) identified insights gained
from efforts to quantify the effects
of counterfeiting and piracy on the
U.S. economy.
GAO interviewed officials and
subject matter experts from U.S.
government agencies, industry
associations, nongovernmental
organizations, and academic
institutions, and reviewed literature
and studies quantifying or
discussing the economic impacts of
counterfeiting and piracy on the
U.S. economy, industry,
government, and consumers. GAO
is making no recommendations in
this report.
According to experts and literature GAO reviewed, counterfeiting and piracy
have produced a wide range of effects on consumers, industry, government,
and the economy as a whole, depending on the type of infringements involved
and other factors. Consumers are particularly likely to experience negative
effects when they purchase counterfeit products they believe are genuine,
such as pharmaceuticals. Negative effects on U.S. industry may include lost
sales, lost brand value, and reduced incentives to innovate; however, industry
effects vary widely among sectors and companies. The U.S. government may
lose tax revenue, incur IP enforcement expenses, and face risks of
counterfeits entering supply chains with national security or civilian safety
implications. The U.S. economy as a whole may grow more slowly because of
reduced innovation and loss of trade revenue. Some experts and literature
also identified some potential positive effects of counterfeiting and piracy.
Some consumers may knowingly purchase counterfeits that are less
expensive than the genuine goods and experience positive effects (consumer
surplus), although the longer-term impact is unclear due to reduced incentives
for research and development, among other factors.
Three widely cited U.S. government estimates of economic losses resulting
from counterfeiting cannot be substantiated due to the absence of underlying
studies. Generally, the illicit nature of counterfeiting and piracy makes
estimating the economic impact of IP infringements extremely difficult, so
assumptions must be used to offset the lack of data. Efforts to estimate losses
involve assumptions such as the rate at which consumers would substitute
counterfeit for legitimate products, which can have enormous impacts on the
resulting estimates. Because of the significant differences in types of
counterfeited and pirated goods and industries involved, no single method can
be used to develop estimates. Each method has limitations, and most experts
observed that it is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify the economy-wide
impacts. Nonetheless, research in specific industries suggest that the problem
is sizeable, which is of particular concern as many U.S. industries are leaders
in the creation of intellectual property.
Negative Effects of Counterfeiting and Piracy, by Stakeholder
Stakeholders Negative effects
Consumers Health and safety risks, low quality goods
Industries Lost sales and brand value, increased IP protection costs
U.S. government
Lost tax revenue, increased enforcement costs, and risks to supply
chains with national security or safety implications
U.S. economy
Lower growth and innovation, declining trade with countries having weak
IP rights enforcement
Source: GAO analysis.
View GAO-10-423 or key components.
For more information, contact Loren Yager at
(202) 512-4347 or [email protected]ov.
Page i GAO-10-423
Letter 1
Background 3
Counterfeiting and Piracy Have a Wide Range of Effects on U.S.
Consumers, Industry, Government, and the Economy 9
Lack of Data Hinders Efforts to Quantify Impacts of Counterfeiting
and Piracy 15
Appendix I Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 29
Appendix II GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments 33
Bibliography 34
Table 1: DHS Seizures of IP-Infringing Goods, Expressed as a
Percentage of Total Domestic Value of Goods Seized
Annually, Fiscal Years 2004–2009 7
Table 2: Potential Direct Effects of IP Infringements in the United
States by Stakeholder 9
Intellectual Property
BSA Business Software Alliance
CBP Customs and Border Protection
DHS Department of Homeland Security
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FTC Federal Trade Commission
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
IP intellectual property
ITC International Trade Commission
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
PRO-IP ACT Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual
Property Act of 2008
RIMS II Regional Input-Output Modeling System
TRIPS Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights
USTR Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
WTO World Trade Organization
This is a work of the U.S. government and is not subject to copyright protection in the
United States. The published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety
without further permission from GAO. However, because this work may contain
copyrighted images or other material, permission from the copyright holder may be
necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
Page ii GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Page 1 GAO-10-423
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC 20548
April 12, 2010
The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy
The Honorable Jeff Sessions
Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary
United States Senate
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr.
The Honorable Lamar S. Smith
Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary
House of Representatives
In October 2008, Congress passed the Prioritizing Resources and
Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (PRO-IP Act) (P.L. 110-
403), to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of U.S. government
efforts to protect the intellectual property (IP) of U.S. industries and IP
rights holders. In the PRO-IP Act, Congress noted that U.S. IP industries
have created millions of highly skilled, high-paying U.S. jobs and continue
to represent a major source of creativity, innovation, economic growth,
and competitiveness.
The PRO-IP Act directed GAO to provide information on the quantification
of the impacts of counterfeit and pirated goods on the economy and
industries of the United States to help the U.S. government better protect
the IP of rights holders.
Our work: (1) examined existing research on the
effects of counterfeiting and piracy on consumers, industries, government,
and the U.S. economy; and (2) identified insights gained from efforts to
quantify the effects of counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy.
The PRO-IP Act also directed GAO to report on the nature and scope of IP statutory and
case laws and the extent that they are being used to investigate and prosecute acts of
trafficking and counterfeits. As agreed with congressional committees, this part of the
mandate was addressed by GAO’s report, Intellectual Property: Federal Enforcement Has
Generally Increased, but Assessing Performance Could Strengthen Law Enforcement
Efforts, GAO-08-157 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 11, 2008).
Intellectual Property
To address these objectives, we interviewed officials and representatives
from U.S. government agencies, industry associations, nongovernmental
organizations, academic institutions, and a multilateral organization, and
we reviewed documents and studies quantifying or discussing the impacts
of counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy, industry, government,
and consumers. We met with officials and reviewed documents from the
Departments of Justice (Justice), Homeland Security (DHS), Commerce
(Commerce), and Health and Human Services (HHS), the Office of the U.S.
Trade Representative (USTR), and the International Trade Commission
(ITC). We conducted a literature search of studies and estimates of the
economic impact of IP infringements published since 1999 to examine
various aspects of the economic impacts of counterfeiting and piracy, and
to identify other insights about the role IP plays in the U.S. economy.
Among the studies we reviewed was the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) 2008 report, The Economic
Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy.
Although this study was global
rather than focused on the U.S. economy, its unique nature and
prominence as the most comprehensive attempt to quantify the impacts of
counterfeiting and piracy warranted its inclusion within our reviews. We
also interviewed subject matter experts from a range of governmental,
nongovernmental, academic and industry sources, and OECD officials to
discuss efforts to quantify the economic impacts of counterfeiting and
piracy and to obtain their views on the range of impacts of counterfeits
and piracy, insights on counterfeiting activities and markets, and the role
of IP in the U.S. economy. Unless otherwise noted, in our discussion of the
impacts and insights on counterfeiting and piracy, we do not distinguish
between imported counterfeit and pirated goods and those produced
domestically. The literature we reviewed and experts we spoke with
focused primarily on imported counterfeit goods rather than those
produced within the United States. We determined that the U.S.
government did not systematically collect data and perform analysis on
the impacts of counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy and, based
on our review of literature and interviews with experts, we concluded that
it was not feasible to develop our own estimates or attempt to quantify the
economic impact of counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy. We
shared a copy of the draft report with officials from Commerce, DHS,
HHS, Justice, ITC, USTR, and the Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property
See the Bibliography for a list of studies and estimates that we reviewed.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The Economic Impact
of Counterfeiting and Piracy. Paris: OECD, 2008.
Page 2 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Enforcement Coordinator to obtain technical comments. We received
comments from the DHS and Justice, and the Office of the U.S. Intellectual
Property Enforcement Coordinator and made changes as appropriate.
We conducted our work from April 2009 to April 2010 in accordance with
all sections of GAO’s Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to
our objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the
engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our
stated objectives and to discuss any limitations to our work. We believe
that the information and data obtained, and the analysis conducted,
provide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions in this
product. For additional details regarding our scope and methodology, see
appendix I.
Importance of Protection
for Innovators Has Long
Been Recognized in the
United States
The importance of patents and other mechanisms to enable inventors to
capture some of the benefits of their innovations has long been recognized
in the United States as a tool to encourage innovation, dating back to
Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution and the 1790 patent law. Ensuring the
protection of IP rights encourages the introduction of innovative products
and creative works to the public. Protection is granted by guaranteeing
proprietors limited exclusive rights to whatever economic reward the
market may provide for their creations and products.
Today, eight federal agencies and entities within them undertake the
primary U.S. government activities in support of IP rights. These agencies
and entities include Commerce, HHS, DHS, Justice, ITC, State, USTR, the
Copyright Office, and entities such as Customs and Border Protection
(CBP), the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI).
In addition to domestic efforts for protecting IP, the U.S. government
participated actively in negotiating the World Trade Organization’s (WTO)
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS), which came into force in 1995 and broadly governs the
multilateral protection of IP rights. Under TRIPS, all WTO member
countries are obligated to establish laws and regulations that meet a
minimum standard for protecting various areas of IP rights. It also
provides for enforcement measures for members. One of USTR’s priorities
in recent years has been negotiating free trade agreements. Since 2000,
Page 3 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
USTR has completed negotiations for free trade agreements that have
entered into force with Australia, Bahrain, Central America,
Chile, Jordan,
Morocco, Oman, Peru, and Singapore.
According to officials at USTR,
these agreements offer protection beyond that required in TRIPS.
Intellectual property is an important component of the U.S. economy, and
the United States is an acknowledged global leader in the creation of
intellectual property. According to the USTR, “Americans are the world’s
leading innovators, and our ideas and intellectual property are a key
ingredient to our competitiveness and prosperity.” The United States has
generally been very active in terms of advocating strong IP protection and
encouraging other nations to improve these systems for two key reasons.
First, the U.S. has been the source of a large share of technological
improvements for many years and, therefore, stands to lose if the
associated IP rights are not respected in other nations. Secondly, a
prominent economist noted that IP protection appears to be one of the
factors that has helped to generate the enormous growth in the world
economy and in the standard of living that has occurred in the last 150
years. This economist pointed out that the last two centuries have created
an unprecedented surge in growth compared to prior periods. Among the
factors attributed to creating the conditions for this explosion in economic
growth are the rule of law, including property rights and the enforceability
of contracts.
Participants in the Central America Free Trade Agreement are Costa Rica, the Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the United States.
The United States also has signed free trade agreements with Colombia, Korea, and
Panama, but Congress must enact legislation to approve and implement each individual
agreement in order for them to go into effect. Prior to 2000, two other free trade
agreements had entered into force: the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Agreement (entered into
force in 1985) and the North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, Mexico,
and the United States (entered into force in 1994).
For example, these protections include adherence to new World Intellectual Property
Organization Internet treaties, a longer minimum time period for copyright protection,
additional penalties for circumventing technological measures controlling access to
copyrighted materials, transparent procedures for protection of trademarks, stronger
protection for well-known marks, patent protection for plants and animals, protection
against arbitrary revocation of patents, new provisions dealing with domain name disputes,
and increased enforcement measures.
William J. Baumol, The Free-Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle
of Capitalism. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2002).
Page 4 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
While these conditions are clearly important for generating economic
growth, determining the contributions of innovation to economic growth
at the level of the overall economy has been a challenging task.
Economists have used a variety of techniques to better understand the role
of innovation in growth, and historical evidence shows that growth rates
have periodically been driven upward by major technological
improvements, beginning with the industrial revolution and the role of
electricity, and continuing with the current revolution in information
Common Protections
Related to IP
Generally, individual countries grant and enforce IP rights. IP is any
innovation, commercial or artistic, or any unique name, symbol, logo, or
design used commercially. IP rights protect the economic interests of the
creators of these works by giving them property rights over their
Copyright. A set of exclusive rights subsisting in original works of
authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression now known or later
developed, for a fixed period of time. For example, works may be literary,
musical, or artistic.
Trademark. Any sign or any combination of signs capable of
distinguishing the source of goods or services is capable of constituting a
trademark. Such signs— in particular, words (including personal names),
letters, numerals, figurative elements, and combinations of colors, as well
as any combination of such signs— are eligible for registration as
Edwin Mansfield, Industrial Research and Technological Innovation. (New York, N.Y.:
W.W. Norton, 1968); Nathan Rosenberg, Exploring the Black Box: Technology, Economics,
and History. (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1994); J.
Schumpeter, Business Cycles, A Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist
Process. (New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1939).
In addition to copyrights, trademarks, and patents, two other IP protections are trade
secrets and geographical indications. Trade secrets are defined as any type of valuable
information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program device, method, technique,
or process that gains commercial value from not being generally known or readily
obtainable; and for which the owner has made reasonable efforts to keep secret.
Geographical indications are defined as indications that identify a good as originating in a
country, region, or locality, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the
good is essentially attributable to its geographic origin. Definitions used in this report for
the various types of IP are provided by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Page 5 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Patent. Exclusive rights granted to inventions for a fixed period of time,
whether products or processes, in all fields of technology, provided they
are new, not obvious (involve an inventive step), and have utility (are
capable of industrial application).
“Pirated copyright goods” refer to any goods that are copies made without
the consent of the right holder or person duly authorized by the right
holder. “Counterfeit goods” refer to any goods, including packaging or
bearing without authorization, a trademark that is identical to a trademark
validly registered for those goods, or that cannot be distinguished in its
essential aspects from such a trademark, and that, thereby, infringes the
rights of the owner of the trademark in question. According to the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “counterfeit drugs” are defined
under U.S. law as those sold under a product name without proper
authorization, where the identity of the source drug is knowingly and
intentionally mislabeled in a way that suggests that it is the authentic and
approved product.
Counterfeiting and Piracy
Cover a Wide Range of
CBP data show that between fiscal years 2004 and 2009, the domestic
value and number of U.S. seizures of counterfeit goods imported from
other countries have fluctuated.
These seizures have been concentrated
among certain types of products. For example, seizures of footwear,
wearing apparel, and handbags accounted for about 57 percent of the
aggregate domestic value of goods seized in those 6 years. Table 1 shows
the percent of total domestic value for different types of commodities
seized as well as the domestic value of all goods seized and total number
of seizures. The value of wearing apparel and cigarette seizures generally
declined, while the value of pharmaceutical seizures generally increased.
Several factors influence trends in seizure values. For example, values of
Counterfeit drugs under this definition may include products without the active
ingredient, with an insufficient quantity of the active ingredient, with the wrong active
ingredient, or with packaging that falsely suggests the drug was manufactured by an FDA-
approved manufacturer.
CBP data represent seizures made by CBP or Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
CBP measures IP activity two ways: number of seizure actions and estimated domestic
value of goods seized. The number of goods in one seizure action can range from a few
items shipped via international mail to hundreds of boxes in an ocean-going cargo
container. Domestic value is calculated as the landed cost plus profit (the cost of the
merchandise when last purchased, plus all duties, fees, broker’s charges, profit, unlading
charges, and U.S. freight charges to bring the good to the importer’s premises), a value
generally lower than the price at which the goods might sell to the final consumer.
Page 6 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
seized goods can vary from year to year due to counterfeiters’ responses to
changes in marketplace demand or enforcement actions. For instance, in
fiscal year 2006, a federal enforcement investigation resulted in the seizure
of 77 cargo containers of counterfeit Nike Air Jordan shoes and one
container of counterfeit Abercrombie & Fitch clothing. The estimated
domestic value of these goods was about $19 million, representing about
12 percent of the total domestic seizure value that year. In addition, the
level of federal border enforcement effort varies across ports, resulting in
different seizure rates, which is discussed in a later section of this report.
Table 1: DHS Seizures of IP-Infringing Goods, Expressed as a Percentage of Total Domestic Value of Goods Seized Annually,
Fiscal Years 2004–2009
Dollars in millions
percentage of
2004-2009 totals
Footwear 1 10 41 40 38 38 32
Wearing apparel 37 17 16 14 9 8 15
backpacks 17 16 9 7 11 8 11
Consumer electronics 6 9 5 8 8 12 9
hardware 1 5 9 5 3 5 5
Pharmaceuticals - 2 1 6 10 4 5
Cigarettes 17 10 - - 2 1 4
Media 4 - 4 4 2 4 3
Watches/parts 2 3 2 - - 6 2
Toys/electronic games 3 9 - - - 2 2
Batteries 2 - - - 1 1 1
Sunglasses/parts - - - 2 3 1 1
Perfumes - 3 - 1 2 1 1
Jewelry - - - - - 4 1
Headwear - - 2 - - - -
Health care - - 2 - - - -
All other commodities 10 15 8 14 10 3 9
Total domestic value
of all seizures
$139 93 155 197 273 261 $1,118
Total number of
7,255 8,022 14,675 13,657 14,992 14,841 73,442
Source: GAO analysis of CBP data.
Page 7 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Note: Where percentages are not provided, CBP either did not report the commodity as a separate
category in a given year or the percentage seized of the commodity was less than 1 percent of the
total domestic value of all commodities seized. Seizures of these commodities may be included in the
“All other commodities” category. The percentage values may not add up to 100 percent due to
According to CBP data, seized counterfeit goods are dominated by
products from China. During fiscal years 2004 through 2009, China
accounted for about 77 percent of the aggregate value of goods seized in
the United States. Hong Kong, India, and Taiwan followed China,
accounting for 7, 2, and 1 percent of the seized value, respectively. CBP
data indicate certain concentrations of counterfeit production among
these countries: in 2009, about 58 percent of the seized goods from China
were footwear and handbags; 69 percent of the seized goods from Hong
Kong were consumer electronics and watch parts; 91 percent of the seized
goods from India were pharmaceuticals and perfume; and 85 percent of
seized goods from Taiwan were computers and consumer electronics. CBP
data show that goods were also seized frequently from Russia, Korea,
Pakistan, Vietnam, and certain Southeast Asian countries. Unlike imported
counterfeits, there is little information on the extent and sources for
domestically produced counterfeits. According to the Congressional
Research Service, the United States is especially concerned with foreign
counterfeits of U.S. intellectual property. Compared to foreign countries,
counterfeits produced in the United States are estimated to be relatively
Another significant aspect of IP infringement is the piracy of digital
copyrighted products, which is not captured by CBP seizure data. The
development of technologies that enable the unauthorized distribution of
copyrighted works is widely recognized as leading to an increase in piracy.
The rapid growth of Internet use, in particular, has significantly
contributed to the increase. Digital products are not physical or tangible,
can be reproduced at very low cost, and have the potential for immediate
delivery through the Internet across virtually unlimited geographic
markets. Sectors facing threats from digital piracy include the music,
motion picture, television, publishing, and software industries. Piracy of
these products over the Internet can occur through methods including
peer-to-peer networks, streaming sites, and one-click hosting services.
There is no government agency that systematically collects or tracks data
on the extent of digital copyright piracy.
These technological developments, along with an increase in the
sophistication of packaging for counterfeit goods, have changed the nature
of counterfeiting and piracy substantially in recent years. Industry
Page 8 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
associations with whom we met commented that technological changes
and increased sophistication among counterfeiters have affected their
businesses significantly.
According to experts we spoke with and literature we reviewed,
counterfeiting and piracy have produced a wide range of effects on
consumers, industry, government, and the economy as a whole, depending
on the type of infringements involved and other factors. Most of the
information and views we obtained from our interviews and literature
review focused on the significant direct negative effects of counterfeiting
and piracy on stakeholders, including health and safety risks, lost
revenues, and increased costs of protecting and enforcing IP rights.
However, some experts and literature point out that certain stakeholders
may experience some positive effects from counterfeits and piracy, though
there is little information available on potential positive effects. Table 2
summarizes the positive and negative effects by stakeholder, based on our
discussions with experts and literature we reviewed.
Counterfeiting and
Piracy Have a Wide
Range of Effects on
U.S. Consumers,
Industry, Government,
and the Economy
Table 2: Potential Direct Effects of IP Infringements in the United States by
Stakeholders Potential effects
Consumers Negative effects
Damage to health and safety
Costs incurred when product fails due to lower quality of
counterfeit good
Positive Effects
Perceived benefits from lower prices of counterfeit and pirated
Industry Negative effects
Lost sales
Lost brand value or damage to public image
Cost of IP protection
Decreased incentive to invest in research and development
Positive effects
Increased sales of legitimate goods based on consumer
“sampling” of pirated goods
Page 9 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Stakeholders Potential effects
Government Negative effects
Lost tax revenue due to illegal sales of counterfeit and pirated
Cost of IP enforcement
Risks of counterfeits entering supply chains with national security
or civilian safety implications
Economy as a
Negative effects
Lower economic growth as a result of reduced incentives to
Lost revenue from declining U.S. trade in countries with weak IP
rights regimes
Source: GAO analysis of data collected through interviews with experts and literature reviewed.
Note: These effects may differ greatly in magnitude by industry and stakeholder, with specific impacts
depending on which product or industry is being discussed.
Consumer Effects Include
Danger to Health and
A commonly cited concern about counterfeit trade is that certain types of
counterfeit goods can have harmful effects on consumers’ health and
safety, causing serious illness or death. Experts we spoke with and
literature we reviewed identified certain counterfeit products, such as
pharmaceuticals, automotive parts, electrical components, toys, and
household goods, as having potentially damaging health and safety effects.
According to experts we spoke with, a key characteristic of these types of
counterfeit goods, which distinguishes their effects from other types of
counterfeiting or piracy, is that U.S. consumers are likely to have been
deceived about the origin of the product. In addition, some studies and an
expert reported that counterfeiters have increasingly diversified beyond
their traditional products, such as luxury goods, to more functional
products such as baby shampoo and household cleaners, and will continue
to expand their product portfolios since the profit incentives are large.
Examples of the types of counterfeit products that may have negative
health and safety effects on consumers are presented below.
Counterfeit pharmaceuticals may include toxic or nonactive ingredients,
correct ingredients in incorrect quantities, or other mislabeling. These
products can be ineffective in treating ailments or may lead to adverse
Page 10 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
reactions, drug resistance, or even death.
The FDA has specifically
highlighted and issued warnings to U.S. consumers on the dangers of
buying prescription drugs over the Internet.
Counterfeit automotive products may be substandard. A representative of
a U.S. automotive parts supplier stated that it tested a supply of
counterfeit timing belts that did not meet industry safety standards and
could potentially impair the safety of vehicles.
Counterfeit or pirated software may threaten consumers’ computer
security. The illegitimate software, for example, may contain malicious
programming code that could interfere with computers’ operations or
violates users’ privacy.
Effects Vary Across
Industries and Include Lost
Sales and Reduced
Incentives to Innovate
Counterfeit or pirated products that act as substitutes for genuine goods
can have a wide range of negative effects on industries, according to
experts we spoke with and literature we reviewed. These sources further
noted that the economic effects vary widely among industries and among
companies within an industry. The most commonly identified effect cited
was lost sales, which leads to decreased revenues and/or market share.
Many industries lose sales because of consumers’ purchases of counterfeit
and pirated goods, particularly if the consumer purchased a counterfeit
when intending to purchase a genuine product. In such cases, the industry
may lose sales in direct proportion to the number of counterfeit products
that the deceived consumers purchased. Industries in which consumers
knowingly purchase counterfeits as a substitute for the genuine good may
also experience lost sales. For example, recording companies have lost
sales on a wide scale as a result of pirated music distributed over the
Internet and producers of high-end fashion goods have lost sales from
purchases of counterfeit goods made to look similar to genuine products.
Lost revenues can also occur when lower-priced counterfeit and pirated
goods pressure producers or IP owners to reduce prices of genuine goods.
In some industries, such as the audiovisual sector, marketing strategies
must be adjusted to minimize the impact of counterfeiting on lost
revenues. Movie studios that use time-related marketing strategies—
introducing different formats of a movie after certain periods of time—
For example, the FDA in recent years has found cases of a counterfeit HIV/AIDS drug that
contained nonsterile tap water instead of an active ingredient; a fake schizophrenia
medication that contained aspirin; a counterfeit influenza vaccine; and a misbranded cough
suppressant that caused the death of five consumers.
Page 11 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
have reduced the time periods or “windows” for each format as a
countermeasure, reducing the overall revenue acquired in each window.
Experts stated that companies may also experience losses due to the
dilution of brand value or damage to reputation and public image, as
counterfeiting and piracy may reduce consumers’ confidence in the
brand’s quality. Consumers who are unaware that a product is counterfeit
may blame the manufacturer of the legitimate good for negative effects of
the fake. Some manufacturers learn of the existence of counterfeit
versions of their products from returns of inferior counterfeit goods.
Companies are affected in additional ways. For example, to avoid losing
sales and liability issues, companies may increase spending on IP
protection efforts. In addition, experts we spoke with stated that
companies could experience a decline in innovation and production of
new goods if counterfeiting leads to reductions in corporate investments
in research and development. Another variation in the nature of the effects
of counterfeiting and piracy is that some effects are experienced
immediately, while others are more long-term in nature, according to the
OECD. The OECD’s 2008 report cited loss of sales volume and lower
prices as short-term effects, while the medium- and long-term effects
include loss of brand value and reputation, lost investment, increased
costs of countermeasures, potentially reduced scope of operations, and
reduced innovation.
Finally, one expert emphasized to us that the loss of the IP rights is much
more important than the loss of revenue. He stated that the danger for the
United States is in the accelerated “learning effects”—companies learn
how to produce and will improve upon these goods. They will no longer
need to illegally copy a given brand—they will be in the aftermarket. He
suggested that companies should work to ensure their competitive
advantage in the future by inhibiting undesired knowledge transfer.
U.S. Government Loses
Tax Revenue, Incurs
Enforcement Expenses,
and Faces Risks to Supply
Many of the experts we interviewed identified lost tax revenue as an effect
of counterfeiting and piracy on governments. IP owners or producers of
legitimate goods who lose revenue because of competition from
counterfeiters pay less in taxes. The U.S. government also incurs costs due
to IP protection and enforcement efforts. Researchers have found
anecdotal evidence that organized criminal and terrorist organizations are
involved in counterfeiting and piracy. A 2009 RAND Corporation study, for
Page 12 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
example, presented case studies showing the involvement of organized
crime or terrorist groups involved in film piracy to generate funding for
their activities.
Because criminal networks are involved, government law
enforcement priorities may be affected since more resources are devoted
to combating these networks. Researchers have identified economic
incentives that have contributed to the increase in counterfeiting and
piracy in recent years. Economic incentives include low barriers to
entering the counterfeiting and piracy business, potentially high profits,
and limited legal sanctions if caught.
The federal government also incurs costs to store and destroy counterfeit
and pirated goods. Seized goods have to be secured, as they have potential
value but cannot be allowed to enter U.S. commerce. Storage may be
prolonged by law enforcement actions, but the goods are generally
destroyed or otherwise disposed of when they are determined to be illegal
and are no longer needed. According to CBP officials, as seizures have
increased, the agency’s storage and destruction costs have grown and
become increasingly burdensome. CBP reported that it spent about $41.9
million to destroy seized property between fiscal years 2007 and 2009.
Counterfeits also pose a threat to the reliability of supply chains that have
national security or civilian safety significance. According to a recent
Commerce report, counterfeit electronics parts have infiltrated U.S.
defense and industrial supply chains and almost 40 percent of companies
and organizations—including the Department of Defense—surveyed for
the report have encountered counterfeit electronics.
Commerce reported
that the infiltration of counterfeit parts into the supply chain was
exacerbated by weaknesses in inventory management, procurement
procedures, and inspection protocols, among other factors. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) tracks and posts notifications of incidents
of counterfeit or improperly maintained parts entering airline industry
supply chains through its Suspected Unapproved Parts Program in an
effort to improve flight safety. The FAA program has identified instances
of counterfeit aviation parts, as well as fake data plates and history cards
to make old parts look new. FAA’s program highlights the risks that
counterfeit parts pose to the safety of commercial aircraft.
RAND Corporation, Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism, RAND Safety and
Justice Program and the Global Risk and Security Center, (Santa Monica, Calif., 2009).
Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Technology Evaluation, Defense
Industrial Base Assessment: Counterfeit Electronics (Washington, D.C., January 2010).
Page 13 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
The U.S. Economy May
Experience Slower Growth
The U.S. economy as a whole may grow at a slower pace than it otherwise
would because of counterfeiting and piracy’s effect on U.S. industries,
government, and consumers. According to officials we interviewed and
OECD’s 2008 study, to the extent that companies experience a loss of
revenues or incentives to invest in research and development for new
products, slower economic growth could occur. IP-related industries play
an important role in the growth of the U.S. economy and contribute a
significant percentage to the U.S. gross domestic product. IP-related
industries also pay significantly higher wages than other industries and
contribute to a higher standard of living in the United States. To the extent
that counterfeiting and piracy reduce investments in research and
development, these companies may hire fewer workers and may
contribute less to U.S. economic growth, overall. The U.S. economy may
also experience slower growth due to a decline in trade with countries
where widespread counterfeiting hinders the activities of U.S. companies
operating overseas.
In addition to the industry effects, the U.S. economy, as a whole, also may
experience effects of losses by consumers and government. An economy’s
gross domestic product could be measured as either the total expenditures
by households (consumers), or as the total wages paid by the private
sector (industry). Hence, the effect of counterfeiting and piracy on
industry would affect consumers by reducing their wages, which could
reduce consumption of goods and services and the gross domestic
product. Finally, the government is also affected by the reduction of
economic activity, since fewer taxes are collected.
Certain Stakeholders May
Experience Positive
Economic Effects of
Counterfeiting and Piracy
Some experts we interviewed and literature we reviewed identified
potential positive economic effects of counterfeiting and piracy. Some
consumers may knowingly purchase a counterfeit or pirated product
because it is less expensive than the genuine good or because the genuine
good is unavailable, and they may experience positive effects from such
purchases. For example, consumers in the United States and other
countries purchase counterfeit copies of high-priced luxury-branded
fashion goods at low prices, although the products’ packaging and sales
venues make it apparent they are not genuine. Consumers may purchase
movies that have yet to be released in theaters and are unavailable in
legitimate form. Lower-priced counterfeit goods may exert competitive
pressure to lower prices for legitimate goods, which may benefit
consumers. However, according to the OECD, the longer-term impact for
consumers of falling prices for legitimate goods is unclear, as these
changes may affect the speed of innovation.
Page 14 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
There are also certain instances when IP rights holders in some industries
might experience potentially positive effects from the knowing
consumption of pirated or counterfeit goods. For example, consumers
may use pirated goods to “sample” music, movies, software, or electronic
games before purchasing legitimate copies, which may lead to increased
sales of legitimate goods. In addition, industries with products that are
characterized by large “switching costs,” may also benefit from piracy due
to lock-in effects. For example, some experts we spoke with and literature
we reviewed discussed how consumers after being introduced to the
pirated version might get locked into new legitimate software because of
large switching costs, such as a steep learning curve, reluctance to switch
to new products, and search costs incurred by consumers to identify a
new product to use.
Some authors have argued that companies that experience revenue losses
in one line of business—such as movies—may also increase revenues in
related or complementary businesses due to increased brand awareness.
For instance, companies may experience increased revenues due to the
sales of merchandise that are based on movie characters whose popularity
is enhanced by sales of pirated movies. One expert also observed that
some industries may experience an increase in demand for their products
because of piracy in other industries. This expert identified Internet
infrastructure manufacturers (e.g., companies that make routers) as
possible beneficiaries of digital piracy, because of the bandwidth demands
related to the transfer of pirated digital content. While competitive
pressure to keep one step ahead of counterfeiters may spur innovation in
some cases, some of this innovation may be oriented toward
anticounterfeiting and antipiracy efforts, rather than enhancing the
product for consumers.
According to experts we spoke with and literature we reviewed,
estimating the economic impact of IP infringements is extremely difficult,
and assumptions must be used due to the absence of data. Assumptions,
such as the rate at which consumers would substitute counterfeit goods
for legitimate products, can have enormous impacts on the resulting
estimates and heighten the importance of transparency. Because of the
significant differences in types of counterfeit and pirated goods and
industries involved, no single method can be used to develop estimates,
and each method has limitations. Nonetheless, research in specific
industries suggest that the problem is sizeable. Most experts we spoke
with and the literature we reviewed observed that despite significant
Lack of Data Hinders
Efforts to Quantify
Impacts of
Counterfeiting and
Page 15 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
efforts, it is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify the net effect of
counterfeiting and piracy on the economy as a whole.
Lack of Data Is the
Primary Challenge for
Quantifying Economic
Impacts of Counterfeiting
and Piracy
Quantifying the economic impact of counterfeit and pirated goods on the
U.S. economy is challenging primarily because of the lack of available data
on the extent and value of counterfeit trade. Counterfeiting and piracy are
illicit activities, which makes data on them inherently difficult to obtain. In
discussing their own effort to develop a global estimate on the scale of
counterfeit trade, OECD officials told us that obtaining reliable data is the
most important and difficult part of any attempt to quantify the economic
impact of counterfeiting and piracy. OECD’s 2008 report, The Economic
Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy, further states that available
information on the scope and magnitude of counterfeiting and piracy
provides only a crude indication of how widespread they may be, and that
neither governments nor industry were able to provide solid assessments
of their respective situations. The report stated that one of the key
problems is that data have not been systematically collected or evaluated
and, in many cases, assessments “rely excessively on fragmentary and
anecdotal information; where data are lacking, unsubstantiated opinions
are often treated as facts.”
In cases in which data on counterfeits are collected by federal agencies,
such as CBP or FAA, it is difficult to know how complete the data are. For
example, it is difficult to determine whether CBP’s annual seizure data in
table 1 reflect the extent and types of counterfeits entering the United
States in any given year, the counterfeit products that were detected, or
the level of federal border enforcement effort expended. FAA’s
notifications on counterfeit parts through its Suspect Unapproved Parts
Program rely, in part, on reported incidents or complaints from members
of the aviation community.
Commerce and FBI officials told us they rely on industry statistics on
counterfeit and pirated goods and do not conduct any original data
gathering to assess the economic impact of counterfeit and pirated goods
on the U.S. economy or domestic industries. However, according to
experts and government officials, industry associations do not always
disclose their proprietary data sources and methods, making it difficult to
verify their estimates. Industries collect this information to address
counterfeiting problems associated with their products and may be
reluctant to discuss instances of counterfeiting because consumers might
lose confidence. OECD officials, for example, told us that one reason some
industry representatives were hesitant to participate in their study was
Page 16 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
that they did not want information to be widely released about the scale of
the counterfeiting problem in their sectors.
Assumptions Are Used to
Compensate for the Lack
of Data
Because of the lack of data on illicit trade, methods for calculating
estimates of economic losses must involve certain assumptions, and the
resulting economic loss estimates are highly sensitive to the assumptions
used. Two experts told us that the selection and weighting of these
assumptions and variables are critical to the results of counterfeit
estimates, and the assumptions should, therefore, be identified and
evaluated. Transparency in how these estimates are developed is essential
for assessing the usefulness of an estimate. Two key assumptions that
typically are required in calculating a loss estimate from counterfeit goods
include the substitution rate used by consumers and the value of
counterfeit goods.
Substitution rate. The assumed rate at which a consumer is willing to
switch from purchasing a fake good to the genuine product is a key
assumption that can have a critical impact on the results of an economic
loss estimate. For example, if a consumer pays the full retail price for a
fake movie thinking that it is the genuine good, an assumption can be
made that a legitimate copy would have been bought in the absence of the
fake product, representing a one-to-one substitution rate. However, this
one-to-one substitution rate requires three important conditions: (1) the
fake good is almost identical in quality to the genuine one; (2) the
consumer is paying full retail price for the fake product; and (3) the
consumer is not aware he is purchasing a counterfeit product. When some
of these conditions are not met (e.g., the consumer paid a significantly
lower price for the counterfeit), the likelihood that the consumer would
have purchased the genuine product at full price is not clear. Substitution
rates also vary by industry, since factors such as product quality,
distribution channels, and information available about the product can
differ significantly.
Value of fake goods. Valuation of the fake goods constitutes another set of
assumptions that has a significant impact. There are several measures of
value that can be used, such as the production cost, the domestic value, or
the manufacturer’s suggested retail price. For example, CBP announced in
a January 2010 press release that it had seized 252,968 DVDs with
counterfeit trademarks. The agency reported that the manufacturer’s
suggested retail price of the shipment was estimated to be more than $7.1
million and the domestic value was estimated at $204,904. Officials from
the International Trade Commission stated that counterfeits are very
difficult to price and estimates of economic impact would benefit from
Page 17 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
including a range of prices, from the spot price of the fake on the street
corner at the bottom to the manufacturer’s suggested retail price at the
The level or extent of deception that consumers face is also an important
factor to consider when developing assumptions for the substitution rate
and value of the fake goods. If a consumer is completely deceived, it could
be reasonable to assume a one-to-one substitution rate (i.e., the purchase
of a legitimate good in lieu of the counterfeit one) and a full retail price
(i.e., the manufacturer’s suggested retail sales price). Price, packaging, and
location of the transaction are the most important signs to the consumer
indicating the legitimacy of a good. Many of the experts we interviewed
said that a one-to-one substitution rate is not likely to exist in most
circumstances where counterfeit goods are significantly cheaper than the
legitimate goods. Some experts also noted that the level of consumer
deception varies across industries. For example, consumers who purchase
counterfeit pharmaceuticals are more likely to be deceived, particularly
when the counterfeit good is sold through the same distribution channel as
the genuine product. Some experts observed that few, if any, consumers
would willingly purchase a pharmaceutical product they knew might be
However, the extent of deception among consumers of
audiovisual products is likely lower because sales venues for counterfeit
audiovisual goods tend to be separate from the legitimate ones. Unless the
assumptions about substitution rates and valuations of counterfeit goods
are transparently explained, experts observed that it is difficult, if not
impossible, to assess the reasonableness of the resulting estimate.
Three Widely Cited
Estimates Sourced to U.S.
Agencies Cannot Be
Three commonly cited estimates of U.S. industry losses due to
counterfeiting have been sourced to U.S. agencies, but cannot be
substantiated or traced back to an underlying data source or methodology.
First, a number of industry, media, and government publications have
cited an FBI estimate that U.S. businesses lose $200-$250 billion to
counterfeiting on an annual basis. This estimate was contained in a 2002
FBI press release, but FBI officials told us that it has no record of source
data or methodology for generating the estimate and that it cannot be
corroborated. Second, a 2002 CBP press release contained an estimate that
U.S. businesses and industries lose $200 billion a year in revenue and
750,000 jobs due to counterfeits of merchandise. However, a CBP official
A FDA official told us that most of the fake pharmaceutical purchases were made through
the Internet, where consumers were seeking drugs without prescription.
Page 18 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
stated that these figures are of uncertain origin, have been discredited, and
are no longer used by CBP. A March 2009 CBP internal memo was
circulated to inform staff not to use the figures. However, another entity
within DHS continues to use them. Third, the Motor and Equipment
Manufacturers Association reported an estimate that the U.S. automotive
parts industry has lost $3 billion in sales due to counterfeit goods and
attributed the figure to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The OECD
has also referenced this estimate in its report on counterfeiting and piracy,
citing the association report that is sourced to the FTC. However, when we
contacted FTC officials to substantiate the estimate, they were unable to
locate any record or source of this estimate within its reports or archives,
and officials could not recall the agency ever developing or using this
estimate. These estimates attributed to FBI, CBP, and FTC continue to be
referenced by various industry and government sources as evidence of the
significance of the counterfeiting and piracy problem to the U.S. economy.
No Single Approach for
Quantifying Impacts of
Counterfeiting and Piracy
Can Be Used, but Different
Studies Indicate Problem
Is Sizeable
There is no single methodology to collect and analyze data that can be
applied across industries to estimate the effects of counterfeiting and
piracy on the U.S. economy or industry sectors. The nature of data
collection, the substitution rate, value of goods, and level of deception are
not the same across industries. Due to these challenges and the lack of
data, researchers have developed different methodologies. In addition,
some experts we interviewed noted the methodological and data
challenges they face when the nature of the problem has changed
substantially over time. Some commented that they have not updated
earlier estimates or were required to change methodologies for these
reasons. Nonetheless, the studies and experts we spoke with suggested
that counterfeiting and piracy is a sizeable problem, which affects
consumer behavior and firms’ incentives to innovate. The most commonly
used methods to collect and analyze data, based on our literature review
and interviews with experts, are presented below.
Seizure data from CBP is one of the few types of hard data sources
available and is often used to extrapolate the level of counterfeit and
pirated trade. This approach provides hard evidence of the minimum
quantity of counterfeit goods, but a major limitation is that levels of border
enforcement efforts can vary. For example, in our study of seizures made
by the CBP field offices, we calculated “seizure rates” for the top 25 U.S.
ports, based on the dollar value of IP seizures at each port compared to
Extrapolation of Enforcement
Seizure Data
Page 19 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
the dollar value of IP-related imports there. These ports accounted for
over 75 percent of the value of all IP-related imports into the United States
in fiscal year 2005.
We found that the top 3 ports seized over 100 times
more IP counterfeits than the lowest 5 of these ports per dollar of IP-
related imports. As a result, it appears that the importance of IP
enforcement and the skill of the personnel at the ports have significant
impact on the level of seizures. This suggests that seizure data might be
useful as a floor, but are not indicative of the actual level of U.S. imports of
counterfeit goods.
A study conducted by the Los Angeles County Economic Development
Corporation, A False Bargain: The Los Angeles County Economic
Consequences of Counterfeit Products,
used extrapolation of seizure
data as one of its three approaches to estimate the economic impact of
The authors noted that the key variable in extrapolating
seizure data from CBP was to determine CBP’s success rate in interdicting
illegal goods, which they acknowledged was “unknowable.” One of the
study’s estimates that used CBP seizures to extrapolate the value of
counterfeit and pirated goods in Los Angeles County calculated a range
between $1 billion and $4.6 billion in 2005. This range was based on
different assumptions used for seizure rates and other variables.
Another challenge when extrapolating seizure data is determining the
dollar value to assign to the seized good, which can have a significant
impact on the magnitude of the estimates. For example, in 2009, CBP
seized a shipment of counterfeit sunglasses from China and reported an
estimated total domestic value at $12,146 and a manufacturer’s suggested
retail price at $7.9 million.
This method enabled us to perform a better comparison across ports by reducing the
influence of non-IP-related imports, as well as eliminating the impact of the fact that some
ports handle many times the volume of imports compared to other ports. For a more
detailed explanation of U.S. custom seizure data and our analysis see GAO, Intellectual
Property: Better Data Analysis and Integration Could Help U.S. Customs and Border
Protection Improve Border Enforcement Efforts, GAO-07-735 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 26,
Gregory Freeman, Nancy D. Sidhu, and Michael Montoya, A False Bargain: The Los
Angeles County Economic Consequences of Counterfeit Products. (Los Angeles, Calif.: Los
Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, February 2007).
The authors used the extrapolation method in combination with two other methods as
tests of reasonableness.
Page 20 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Researchers have conducted surveys to gather data on the consumption or
sales patterns of counterfeit or pirated goods. The main advantage of this
method is that it can also show consumers’ behavior in terms of their
preferences. For example, a survey could collect information on the
consumer’s willingness to pay for a counterfeit good; the number of
counterfeit units purchased in a determined period of time; the minimum
expected quality; the necessary price reduction of the legitimate good to
avoid the consumer’s purchase of the counterfeit good; the knowledge of
sanctions if caught purchasing the counterfeit good; and the knowledge of
potential “side effects” due to the purchase of fake goods. However, a
survey can be a labor-intensive project and can cost in the millions of
dollars. Moreover, one expert stated that the bias in surveys is hard to
identify. For example, he commented that students, who are often the
subjects in surveys of illegal file sharing, may either not admit that they are
engaging in illegal activity, or may admit to such behavior because it may
be popular for this demographic.
Surveys of Supply and Demand
The Business Software Alliance publishes piracy estimates based on a set
of annual surveys it conducts in different countries.
Based on its survey
results, the industry association estimated the U.S. piracy rate at 20
percent for business software, carrying a loss of $9 billion in 2008. This
study defined piracy as the difference between total installed software and
legitimate software sold, and its scope involved only packaged physical
software. While this study has an enviable data set on industries and
consumers located around the world from its country surveys, it uses
assumptions that have raised concerns among experts we interviewed,
including the assumption of a one-to-one rate of substitution and questions
on how the results from the surveyed countries are extrapolated to
nonsurveyed countries.
Another example of the use of surveys is the study by the Motion Picture
Association, which relied on a consumer survey conducted in several
This study found that U.S. motion picture studios lost $6.1
billion to piracy in 2005. It is difficult, based on the information provided
in the study, to determine how the authors handled key assumptions such
Business Software Alliance (BSA), Sixth Annual BSA-IDC Global Software 08 Piracy
Study. (Washington, D.C.: BSA, May 2009).
L.E.K. Consulting, The Cost of Movie Piracy, sponsored by the Motion Picture
Association, 2006.
Page 21 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
as substitution rates and extrapolation from the survey sample to the
broader population.
In a smaller-scale example of a survey method, Rob and Waldfogel
surveyed students in American universities during parts of 2003 and 2004,
asking not only about the amount of music albums they purchased and
illegally downloaded, but also the titles and their valuation for the albums
they purchased and illegally downloaded. Their main findings are: (1)
downloading reduces legitimate purchases by individuals by 20 percent in
the sample, that is, every five music downloads substitute one legitimate
purchase; (2) on average, respondents downloaded music that they valued
one-third to one-half less than their legitimately purchased music,
suggesting that some of the music that was downloaded would never have
been purchased as an album; and (3) while downloading reduces per
capita expenditures by $25, it raises per capita consumers’ surplus by $70.
The study indicated that downloading illegal music can have a positive
effect on total consumer welfare. However, as explained by the authors,
this experiment cannot be generalized; the data consist of a snapshot of
undergraduate students’ responses, which is not representative of the
general population.
As previously discussed, Commerce recently conducted a survey of 387
companies and organizations participating in U.S. defense and industrial
supply chains and reported that almost 40 percent of them encountered
counterfeit products between 2005 and 2008.
The report focused on basic
electronic parts and components, including microcircuits and circuit
boards, throughout the entire electronics industrial base in the United
States. The report noted that these parts are key elements of electronic
systems that support national security missions and control essential
commercial and industrial operations. Information provided by these
companies and organizations also demonstrated an increase in the number
of reported counterfeit incidents from 3,868 in 2005 to 9,356 in 2008. Some
of these counterfeit incidents could include DOD-qualified parts and
Rafael Rob and Joel Waldfogel, Piracy on the High C’s: Music Downloading, Sales
Displacement, and Social Welfare in a Sample of College Students. Journal of Law and
Economics, vol. XLIX, April 2006.
Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Technology Evaluation, Defense
Industrial Base Assessment: Counterfeit Electronics (Washington, D.C., January 2010).
Page 22 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Economic multipliers show how capital changes in one industry affect
output and employment of associated industries. Commerce’s Bureau of
Economic Analysis guidelines make regional multipliers available through
its Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II). These multipliers
estimate the extent to which a one-time or sustained change in economic
activity will be attributed to specific industries in a region.
can provide an illustration of the possible “induced” effects from a one-
time change in final demand. For example, if a new facility is to be created
with a determined investment amount, one can estimate how many new
jobs can be created, as well as the benefit to the region in terms of output
(e.g., extra construction, manufacturing, supplies, and other products
needed). It must be noted that RIMS II multipliers assume no job
immigration or substitution effect. That is, if new jobs are created as a
result of investing more capital, those jobs would not be filled by the labor
force from another industry.
Use of Economic Multipliers to
Estimate Effects on the U.S.
In the case of estimating the effect of counterfeiting and piracy, RIMS II
economic multipliers are applied to U.S. industry loss figures, which have
been derived from other studies, and used to calculate the harm on
employment and output due to reduced investments. Using the RIMS II
multipliers in this setting does not take into account the two-fold effect:
(1) in the case that the counterfeit good has similar quality to the original,
consumers have extra disposable income from purchasing a less
expensive good, and (2) the extra disposable income goes back to the U.S.
economy, as consumers can spend it on other goods and services.
Most of the experts we interviewed were reluctant to use economic
multipliers to calculate losses from counterfeiting because this
methodology was developed to look at a one-time change in output and
employment. Nonetheless, the use of this methodology corroborates that
the effect of counterfeiting and piracy goes beyond the infringed industry.
For example, when pirated movies are sold, it damages not only the
motion picture industry, but all other industries linked to those sales.
The Institute of Policy Innovation has commissioned three studies in the
audiovisual industries using economic multipliers; the most expansive of
the studies covers motion pictures, sound recordings, business and
Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis and Economics and Statistics Administration,
Regional Multipliers. A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System
(RIMS II) 3rd ed., Washington, D.C.: 1997.
Page 23 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
entertainment software, and video games for the year 2005.
This study
found that losses in the U.S. economy due to piracy accounted for $58
billion in output, over 370,000 jobs, and $2.6 billion in tax revenue. It was
calculated by taking industry estimates of loss revenue and applying the
RIMS II multipliers to these figures.
Several additional studies that we reviewed provided alternative data
collection and modeling techniques to quantify the effect of counterfeiting
on a specific industry or, in the case of the OECD, on world trade. The
OECD, for example, adopted an approach of combining different
methodologies to develop a single estimate. The OECD triangulated a
combination of data sets: extrapolating seizure data provided by national
customs authorities, comparing the seizure data to international trade
data, and using these data in an econometric model. The seizure data were
used to develop a model that would measure the magnitude of global
counterfeit trade.
Other Data Collection and
Modeling Methods
The OECD estimated that the magnitude of counterfeit and pirated goods
in international trade could have accounted for up to $200 billion in 2005,
and later updated this estimate to $250 billion based on 2005-2007 world
trade data.
As noted by the OECD, most of the international trade data
were supplied by national governments and relevant industries, and the
OECD did not independently assess the reliability of the figures. Its
methodology is based on matching, to the best of its knowledge, the
industry data with customs seizure data from the OECD members,
acknowledging the limitations of working with customs seizure data.
OECD heavily qualified this estimate, however, reporting that “the overall
degree to which products are being counterfeited and pirated is unknown
and there do not appear to be any methodologies that could be employed
to develop an acceptable overall estimate.” A second phase of the OECD
project covered digital piracy, but did not attempt to quantify the effects.
Stephen E. Siwek, The True Cost of Copyright Industry Piracy to the U.S. Economy,
Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), IPI Center for Technology Freedom, Policy Report 189,
(October 2007).
In some cases, the author adjusted the industry estimates of loss revenue in order to
make them comparable across industries.
The OECD estimate was limited to internationally traded hard goods and did not include
digital piracy or counterfeit goods produced and consumed within the same country.
OECD, Magnitude of Counterfeiting and Piracy of Tangible Products: An Update, Paris:
OECD, November 2009.
Page 24 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
In a more narrowly focused study on downloads of music, Oberholzer-Gee
and Strumpf
used modeling to determine that illegal downloads have no
effect on record sales. They concluded that, in contrast with industry
estimates, declining sales over the period of 2000-2002 were not primarily
caused by illegal downloads. The results were found after compiling a data
set of illegal downloads from a prominent server and testing the variation
between illegal downloads and legal sales in the United States of specific
albums on a weekly basis for 17 weeks in the second half of 2002. This was
done by modeling album sales as a function of the quantity of album
downloads and other album specific characteristics. While this is an
enviable data set of actual illegal downloads, the study has two main
limitations: first, the study uses a static model which does not reflect the
effect of downloads apart from the week the download occured. Second,
the study only observed the supply side of music. Thus, it is not clear if
consumers who are illegally downloading music would have purchased the
genuine albums.
Hui and Png’s
study provided another example that used modeling. This
study estimated that piracy in the music industry caused revenue losses of
6.6 percent in 1998. The authors stated that their estimate is significantly
less than the industry loss estimate. In particular, for the year 1998 in the
United States, legitimate sales of CDs were 3.73 CDs per capita, and the
average loss in sales per capita due to piracy was 0.044 CDs. The data set
included CD prices, music CD demand, piracy level and country-specific
characteristics for 28 countries, mostly provided by the International
Federation of the Phonographic Industry.
The main limitation for this
study was that it only covered physical piracy. While digital piracy was not
a major concern during the time period sampled, it has become so for at
least the last decade due to the Internet. Another limitation is that the
study used piracy rates that assumed a one-to-one substitution rate,
including those used by the Business Software Alliance.
Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf, The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales:
An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Political Economy, vol. 115, no. 1, 2007.
Kai-Lung Hui and Ivan Png, Piracy and the Legitimate Demand for Recorded Music,
Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, Volume 2 Issue 1, Article 11, 2003.
The piracy rates used in the study were provided by the International Federation of the
Phonographic Industry and Business Software Alliance for music cassettes and business
computer software, respectively.
Page 25 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Many experts we interviewed also agreed that general or partial
equilibrium models would offer useful insights if the input data existed.
These involve modeling the supply and demand of a good and simulating
the effect of how counterfeiting affects the market for that good (in the
case of a partial model) and the economy as a whole (for a general
equilibrium model). The approach allows a systematic analysis of the
problem, but depends on the quality of the data used to develop the
models. The benefit of an equilibrium model is that assumptions can be
tested based on the results obtained and modified if the results fall outside
of established parameters. Experts agreed on the potential benefits of this
approach, but recognized that data limitations make it currently close to
impossible to implement. Officials from the International Trade
Commission and other industry experts said that this would be their
preferred approach to think of the problem in question, but they also
acknowledged that data reliability is a major concern, as with the other
According to experts we interviewed and the literature we reviewed, there
is no evidence to support a “rule of thumb” that measures counterfeit trade
as a proportion of world trade to estimate the amount of counterfeit trade
that occurs in a local economy. The advantage of finding a so-called “rule
of thumb” for counterfeit trade is that it can be applied generally and does
not try to take into consideration the different rates of counterfeiting and
piracy for each of the different industry sectors. However, as noted earlier,
piracy rates differ enormously across industries, so it is not possible to
generalize findings. Moreover, not all goods from world trade can be
counterfeited or pirated.
“Rule of Thumb” for Measuring
Counterfeit Trade as a
Proportion of World Trade
The most commonly cited “rule of thumb” is that counterfeit trade
accounts for 5 to 7 percent of world trade, which has been attributed to
the International Chamber of Commerce. The Office of the Comptroller of
the City of New York used this rule of thumb in its 2004 study to estimate
the total dollar exchange of counterfeit goods in the United States and in
New York State.
This study first applied a 6 percent rule (an average of 5
to 7 percent “rule of thumb”) to the total value of world trade in 2003 ($7.6
William C. Thompson, Jr., Bootleg Billions: The Impact of the Counterfeit Goods Trade
on New York City, (New York City Office of the Comptroller, November 2004).
Page 26 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
trillion) to calculate the value of world trade that is made up of counterfeit
goods, arriving at $456 billion.
This rule of thumb was widely spread by a 1998 OECD report, although
OECD and experts cautioned that this estimate was not verifiable and the
source data were not independently calculated. In its 2008 report, The
Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy, the OECD commented
that the “metrics underlying the International Chamber of Commerce’s
estimates are not clear,” nor is it clear what types of IP infringements are
included in the estimate. In a 2009 update to the report, the OECD
estimated the share of counterfeit and pirated goods in world trade as 1.95
percent in 2007, increasing from 1.85 percent in 2000. Many of the experts
we interviewed also expressed skepticism over the estimate that
counterfeit trade represents 5 to 7 percent of world trade.
Economy-Wide Impact of
Counterfeiting and Piracy
Is Unknown
While experts and literature we reviewed provided different examples of
effects on the U.S. economy, most observed that despite significant efforts,
it is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify the net effect of counterfeiting
and piracy on the economy as a whole. For example, as previously
discussed, OECD attempted to develop an estimate of the economic
impact of counterfeiting and concluded that an acceptable overall estimate
of counterfeit goods could not be developed. OECD further stated that
information that can be obtained, such as data on enforcement and
information developed through surveys, “has significant limitations,
however, and falls far short of what is needed to develop a robust overall
estimate.” One expert characterized the attempt to quantify the overall
economic impact of counterfeiting as “fruitless,” while another stated that
any estimate is highly suspect since this is covert trade and the numbers
are all “guesstimates.”
To determine the net effect, any positive effects of counterfeiting and
piracy on the economy should be considered, as well as the negative
effects. Experts held different views on the nature of potentially offsetting
effects. While one expert we interviewed stated that he did not believe
there were any positive effects on the economy due to counterfeiting and
piracy, other experts stated that there were positive effects and they
This study does not specify which industries are covered or whether it includes piracy,
and does not explain the linear proportion between trade and counterfeiting for the world
or the United States.
Page 27 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
should be assessed as well. Few studies have been conducted on positive
effects, and little is known about their impact on the economy. Although
some literature and experts suggest that negative effects may be
overstated, in general, literature and experts indicate the negative effects
of counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy outweigh the positive
effects. Since there is an absence of data concerning these potential
effects, the net effect cannot be determined with any certainty.
The experts we interviewed also differed regarding the extent to which net
effects of counterfeiting and piracy could be measured in certain parts of
the economy. For example, one expert we spoke with has conducted
research that found that employment numbers may be lost to the U.S.
economy when copyright industries lose business due to piracy. Other
experts we interviewed stated that, in their view, employment effects are
unclear, because employment may decline in certain industries or rise in
other industries as workers are hired to produce counterfeits. Another
expert told us that effects of piracy within the United States are mainly
redistributions within the economy for other purposes and that they
should not be considered as a loss to the overall economy. He stated that
“the money does not just vanish; it is used for other purposes.” Other
experts we spoke with focused more on the difficulties of aggregating the
wide variety of effects on industries into a single assessment.
We are sending copies of this report to interested congressional
committees; the Secretaries of Commerce, Health and Human Services,
and Homeland Security; the Attorney General; the Chairman of the
International Trade Commission; the U.S. Trade Representative, and the
Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator. This report will also be
available at no charge on GAO’s Web site at
If you or your staffs have any questions about this report, please contact
me at (202) 512-4347 or Contact points for our Offices of
Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found on the last page
of this report.
Loren Yager
Director, International Affairs and Trade
Page 28 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 29 GAO-10-423
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
The Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act
of 2008 (PRO-IP Act) directed GAO to conduct a study on the
quantification of the impacts of imported and domestic counterfeits on the
stry and the overall economy of the United States.
form analysis on the impacts of
counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy, and concluded that it was
not feasible to generate our own data or attempt to quantify the economic
impact of counterfeiting or piracy on the U.S. economy based on the
review of existing literature and interviews with experts. In addition, we
noted that many of the existing studies and literature on economic effects
address both counterfeiting and piracy. Based on discussions with staff
from the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, we agreed that we
would (1) examine existing research on the effects of counterfeiting and
piracy on consumers, industries, government, and the U.S. economy; and
(2) identify insights gained from efforts to quantify the effects of
counterfeiting and piracy on the U.S. economy. To address both of these
objectives, we interviewed officials and representatives from industry
associations, nongovernmental organizations, academic institutions, and
U.S. government agencies and the multilateral Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD). We also reviewed documents and
studies quantifying or discussing the impacts of counterfeiting and piracy
on the U.S. economy, industry, government, and consumers.
Specifically, we reviewed quantitative and qualitative studies published
since 1999 of the economic impact of intellectual property (IP)
infringements to examine the range of impacts of counterfeiting and piracy
on various stakeholders (both positive and negative) and to identify other
insights about the nature of counterfeit markets, approaches to developing
estimates, and the role IP plays in the U.S. economy. We identified these
reports and studies through a literature search and discussions with
representatives from industry associations, nongovernmental
organizations, academic institutions, U.S. government agencies, and the
OECD to obtain their views on the most relevant studies to review. Our
literature review also included the OECD studies that examined the
economic impact of counterfeiting and piracy. Although the OECD studies
are global in scope rather than focused on the U.S. economy, their unique
nature and prominence as the most comprehensive attempt to quantify the
impacts of counterfeiting and piracy warranted their inclusion within our
scope. See the bibliography for a partial list of references we consulted.
We did not assess or evaluate the accuracy of quantitative estimates or
other data found in these studies. We reviewed the studies primarily to
obtain information on the range of effects from counterfeiting and piracy,
U.S. manufacturing indu
After conducting initial research, we determined that the U.S.
did not systematically collect data and per
Intellectual Property
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Page 30 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
different methods and assumptions used in determining effects, and
insights gained from these efforts. In selecting studies for review, we
sought to include a range of industries and methodologies. In some cases,
we interviewed the authors of these reports to obtain additional
We conducted structured interviews with subject matter experts to obtain
their views on efforts to quantify the economic impacts of counterfeiting
and piracy and methodological approaches, the range of impacts of
counterfeits and piracy, and insights on counterfeiting activities and
markets. We identified experts through a literature review and discussions
with relevant government officials, industry and consumer
representatives, academics, and other stakeholders. These subject ma
experts were selected from a population of individuals from government,
academia, industry, and professional organizations. More specifically, our
criteria for selecting experts to interview included:
type and depth of experience, for instance, whether the expert had
authored a widely referenced study or article on the topic, and whether
the expert was referred to us by at least one other interviewee as someone
knowledgeable about the topic;
relevance of published work to this engagement;
representation of a range of perspectives;
representation of relevant organizations and sectors including, where
applicable, representatives from government, academia, industry, and
professional organizations; and
other subject matter experts’ recommendations.
We developed a common list of structured interview questions that we
asked of each of the experts. We pretested our questions with two of our
initial respondents and refined our questions based on their input. The
structured interviews included questions on definitions of counterfeit and
pirated goods; effects of counterfeiting and piracy; and their views on
methodologies and studies that quantify the effects of counterfeiting and
piracy, as well as assumptions used. Individuals or organizations that we
met with for these structured interviews are listed below:
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Trade Commission
er industry associations and
s of Justice, Homeland Security,
We found
e data to be sufficiently reliable for background purposes of reporting
w enforcement seizures. We shared a copy of the draft report
with officials from the Departments of Commerce, Justice, Homeland
Business Software Alliance (BSA)
Peggy Chaudhry, Villanova University
Joe Karaganis, Social Science Research Council
Keith Maskus, University of Colorado
Felix Olberholzer-Gee, Harvard University
Stephen Siwek, Economists Inc.
John Spink, Michigan State University
Thorsten Staake, ETH Zurich, Department of Management, Technology,
and Economics
Office of the U.S. Trade Represen
Alan Zimmerman, City University of New York
We also met with representatives from oth
other organizations outside of the structured interview process in order to
gain more in-depth information and additional perspectives on both of
objectives. In addition, we interviewed U.S. agency officials and review
documents from the Department
Commerce, and Health and Human Services, the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative, and the International Trade Commission. U.S. agen
documents that we reviewed included counterfeiting and piracy studies
press releases, and other documents. For background purposes, we
updated CBP data on counterfeit seizures and costs to store and destroy
seized counterfeit goods from our 2007 report, Intellectual Property:
Better Data Analysis and Integration Could Help U.S. Customs and
Border Protection Improve Border Enforcement Efforts (GAO-07-735). To
assess the reliability of the seizure data, we reviewed our prior work that
reported on seizure data, examined them for internal consistency, and
discussed with CBP how the data are collected and reviewed.
trends in la
Page 31 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Appendix I: Objectives, Scope, and
Security, Health and Human Servic
es, the Office of the U.S. Trade
epresentative, the International Trade Commission, and the Office of the
Coordinator to obtain technical
omments. We received comments from the Departments of Homeland
e of the U.S. Intellectual Property
nforcement Coordinator and made changes as appropriate.
he PRO-IP Act also directed us to report on the nature and scope of IP
that they are being used to
ate and prosecute acts of trafficking and counterfeits. As agreed
ngressional committees, this part of the mandate was addressed by
nforcement Has
ance Could Strengthen Law
9 to April 2010 in accordance with
ework that are relevant to
btain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our
tated objectives and to discuss any limitations to our work. We believe
nd the analysis conducted,
rovide a reasonable basis for any findings and conclusions in this
U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement
Security and Justice, and the Offic
statutory and case laws and the extent
with Co
our 2008 report, Intellectual Property: Federal E
Generally Increased, but Assessing Perform
Enforcement Efforts (GAO-08-157
We conducted our work from April 200
all sections of GAO’s Quality Assurance Fram
our objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the
engagement to o
that the information and data obtained, a
Page 32 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff
Page 33 GAO-10-423
Appendix II: GAO Contact and Staff
Intellectual Property
Loren Yager, (202) 512-4347 or
In addition to the contact named above, Christine Broderick, Assistant
Director; Jeremy Latimer; Catherine Gelb; Pedro Almoguera; Shirley
Brothwell; Karen Deans; Matthew Jones; and Diahanna Post m
GAO Contact
ade key
contributions to this report. In addition Virginia Chanley and Ernie
Jackson provided technical assistance.
Studies and Litera
the Nature of
ture on
Counterfeiting and Piracy
eir Economic
Studies and Government
Estimates We Reviewed that
Quantify Economic Impacts on
the U.S. Economy or Industry
and Th
Business Software Alliance (BSA), Sixth Annual BSA-IDC Global
Software 08 Piracy Study, Washington, D.C.: BSA, May 2009.
Customs and Border Protection. Press Release, May 29, 2002,
Washington, D.C.: May 2002
2/52002/05292002.xml (accessed April 4, 2009).
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Press Release, July 17, 2002, Washington,
D.C.: July 2002
(accessed March 30, 2010).
Freeman, Gregory, Nancy D. Sidhu, and Michael Montoya, A False
Bargain: The Los Angeles County Economic Consequences of Counterfeit
Products. Los Angeles, Calif.: Los Angeles County Economic Development
Corporation, February 2007.
Hui, Kai-Lung and Ivan Png, “Piracy and the Legitimate Demand for
Recorded Music,” Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, vol. 2,
issue 1, article 11 (2003).
International Chamber of Commerce, Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau,
London: 2010.
29&Ite mid=39 (accessed March 30, 2010).
L.E.K. Consulting, The Cost of Movie Piracy, sponsored by the Motion
Picture Association, 2006.
Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA), Stop
Counterfeiting of Automotive and Truck Parts. MEMA, 2005.
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix and Koleman Strumpf, “The Effect of File Sharing
on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Political Economy,
vol. 115, no. 1, 2007.
Page 34 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The
Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy. Paris: OECD, 2008.
OECD, Magnitude of Counterfeiting and Piracy of Tangible Products: An
pdate, Paris: OECD, November 2009.
OECD, Piracy of Digital Content. Paris: OECD, 2009.
Downloading, Sales Displacement, and Social welfare in a Sample of
April 2006).
PI), IPI Center for
Technology Freedom, Policy Report 189, (October 2007).
ity, City of New York, Office of the
Comptroller, November 2004.
Intellectual Property Rights and Developing Countries.
roperty Institute, 2003.
U.S. Industries. No. ID-14, U.S. International Trade Commission, Office of
dustrial Research and Technological Innovation.
New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton, 1968.
Other Literature We Reviewed
Rob, Rafael and Joel Waldfogel, “Piracy on the High C’s: Musi
College Students,” Journal of Law and Economics, vol. XLIX, (
Siwek, Stephen E., The True Cost of Copyright Industry Piracy to the
U.S. Economy, Institute for Policy Innovation (I
Thompson, William C. Jr., Bootleg Billions: The Impact of the Counterfeit
Goods Trade on New York C
Baumol, William J. The Free Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the
Growth Miracle of Capitalism. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton
University Press, 2002.
Chaudhry, Peggy and Alan Zimmerman, The Economics of Counterfe
Trade: Governments, Consumers, Pirates, and Intellectual Property
Rights. Berlin: Springer, 2
Fink, Carsten and Carlos M. Correa, The Global Debate on the
Enforcement of
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. Issue Paper
No. 22, February 2009.
Forzley, Michele, Counterfeit Goods and the Public’s Health and Safety
International Intellectual P
Horan, Amanda, Christopher Johnson, and Heather Sykes, Fore
Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for Select
Industries Working Paper, October 2005.
Mansfield, Edwin, In
Page 35 GAO-10-423 Intellectual Property
RAND Corporation, Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism,
RAND Safety and Justice Program and the Global Risk and Security
Intellectual Property
Center, (Santa Monica, Calif., 2009).
k Box: Technology, Economics,
and History, Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press,
January 2010.
Rosenberg, Nathan, Exploring the Blac
Schumpeter, J.A. Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and
Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process, New York: McGraw-Hill,
Siwek, Stephen E., Engines of Economic Growth: Economic
Contributions of the US Intellectual Property Industries. Washing
D.C.: Economists Incorporated, 2005.
Staake, Thorsten, Frederic Thiesse and Elgar Fleisch, “The Emergence of
Counterfeit Trade: A Literature Review,” European Journal of M
Vol. 43 No. 3/4, (2009).
Staake, Thorsten and Elgar Fleisch, Countering Counterfeit Trade: Illicit
Market Insights, Best-Practice Strategies, and Management Tool
Berlin: Springer, 2008.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, Office
Technology Evaluation. Defense Industrial Base Assessment: Counter
Electronics. Washington, D.C.,
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis a
Economics and Statistics Administration, Regional Multipliers. A User
Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) 3rd
ed., Washington, D.C.: 1
Page 36 GAO-10-423
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