Swivl User Guide
C Series Robot
Swivl User Guide
Swivl Robot
Swivl App Swivl Cloud
Swivl robot follows you with
great quality audio. Now it has
twice the speed of response,
a simpler Lightning inter-
face and multi-channel audio
tracks so you can hear every-
This free iOS and Android
compatible app controls the
rmware and settings for
the Swivl Robot. The app al-
lows users to easily record
lessons or presentations.
A FERPA/COPPA compliant
video reection and skill
development cloud platform
for teachers and students.
The Swivl solution has the power to enhance teaching and learning. Some uses include:
Self Reection: Get the perspective you need to improve your practice and keep time stamped
notes for future reference.
Peer Feedback: Give annotated feedback to peers based on your current observational goals.
Presentations: Use our Screen recording tools to capture and dialogue about events, lessons, stu-
dent projects and more.
Flipped Class: Upload, annotate and dialogue about any video content. Upload content from any
Video Observations: Live or recorded. Use video for more natural and eective classroom observa-
tions with built-in rubrics.
Professional Learning Community: Build a culture of collaboration with organized cohorts of teach-
ers sharing video and dialoguing.
Best Practices Libraries: Build searchable libraries of the best teaching practices in your school for
everyone to learn from.
Swivl Robot
Swivl User Guide
Pair Power
Charge Status
Mobile Device
Charge Status
Power status
Power button
Record status
Record button
Button Pad
Marker (docked in the base)
USB Wall Charger
Base Charger
Lanyards - Wrist & Neck
Shims (3)
Micro USB - Lightning Cable
Android Cable
Key Features
Marker Lanyards
Base Charger
Micro USB - Lightning (iOS)
Micro USB - Micro USB (Android,
not shown)
Ext. Microphone /
Expansion USB
Swivl User Guide
LED Status Guide
Solid red
No Marker connected
Flashing red
Pairing Marker
Solid green
Marker connected
Solid red
No device connected
Solid green
Device connected
(Both) Flashing Red
Battery Low
Swivl User Guide
Top: Green
Bottom: Flashing Red
Marker looking for base
Top: Green
Bottom: Green
Primary Marker
Top: Green
Bottom: O
Secondary Marker
Top: Flashing Red
Bottom: Flashing Red
Battery low
Plug the charging cable into bottom of the base and place marker in the base dock to charge. The Charging LEDs will blink when
plugged in. The battery life of the base and the marker can be checked in the Swivl app Settings. (Mobile device must be connect-
ed to the base via Swivl cable connetion). The charging LEDs will indicate the charge status of the base and Marker as described in
the key below. The rechargable batteries in the base and Marker will produce about 4-6 hours of usage time.
Charge Status
Charge Status
Marker Charge Status
Flashing Red
Charging, less than 40% battery
Flashing Green
Charging, more than 40% battery
Solid Green
Marker fully charged
Base Charge Status
Flashing Red
Charging, less than 40% battery
Flashing Green
Charging, more than 40% battery
Solid Green
Base fully charged
Swivl User Guide
Step 1: Determine which shim best ts your device.
First, determine which shim best ts your device.
Next, push removable grip holder left and lift to remove.
Finally, insert shim into grip holder and place in base.
Step 2: Power on the device.
Swivl User Guide
Getting Started
There are three shims that hold your mobile device. Each shim has a dierent thickness. Select a shim and test on edge of
mobile device. Fit should be snug with no force. (For devices with large cases, a mount anything kit is available for purchase.)
Press and hold the Power button on the Swivl base until LEDs light-up. Remove the Marker from its dock in the back of the base.
Then hold the power button on the marker for 3-4 seconds. The LEDs on the Marker will light up and the bottom LED will ash
red as it searches for the base. Both lights on the Marker should turn green, indicating that it is the Primary Marker paired with this
base. The Primary Marker is the one that the base will respond to and track.
Swivl User Guide
Insert your device, screen forward into the base. Use the included Lightning cable to connect the base to your iOS device. If you
are using Android, you must use a Swivl Android cable (Type C Adaptor is sold separately). When connected to a mobile device, the
System Status LED next to the Power Button will turn solid green. You will be prompted to open or download the Swivl app.
Step 3: Connect your device.
The Swivl C Series Robot has the ability to collect audio from up to ve
Markers simultaneously. Aside from the Primary Marker, which comes
pre-paired in the base, you may need to pair Secondary Markers to the
base. You will only need to perform pairing process once.
Step 4: Pair Secondary Markers
Pair LED
Secondary Marker
With the Swivl base on and connected to a
mobile device running the Swivl app, remove
packaging on the marker you wish to pair, and
dock it in the Swivl base. Pair LED will blink
multiple times to indicate pairing is in prog-
ress. When the Pair LED turns solid, remove
the Marker from the dock and turn it on.
When you rst turn on the Secondary Marker after pairing, the
Swivl app will prompt you to choose a color for that Marker. When
you have conrmed a color in the app, label the Marker with
one of the included colored stickers. Each Marker should have a
unique color label.
The color of the Marker will appear in the software to indicate
which audio track was recorded from each Marker.
Swivl User Guide
Horizontal motion
Stand back at least 3 feet. While
holding the Marker or wearing it on the
lanyard, walk at a normal pace across
the room and the base will follow.
Vertical motion
With Auto-Tilt turned on in the Swivl
app settings, the Swivl will follow the
up-and-down movement of the
Place Swivl approximately 5-30 feet from the presenter in the front or middle of the room. Use the Swivl oor stand for best
results. The heads-up display allows the teacher to view the live recording and uploaded presentations.
Step 5: Select room placement.
Swivl User Guide
Step 6: Capture video.
Tap the red Record Button on the side of the Primary Marker to start re-
cording. The Record LED on the Marker will turn red and the app will begin
capturing audio and video. To stop recording, tap the Record Button on the
Marker again.
Videos stored within the app take up space on your mobile device, therefore it is recommended that you upload your videos to
your Swivl cloud account where they can be shared via email, URL, groups on Swivl cloud or embedded into another platform.
Read on to learn more about the Swivl app and cloud.
2. Login at cloud.swivl.com
to view your videos and
hear the separate audio
tracks from the markers.
3. You can view screen recorded
presentations side by side with your
Swivl video. Share with others to
receive time-stamped feedback.
Step 7: Share video.
Swivl User Guide
1. Within the Swivl app,
upload your video to your
Swivl cloud account.
Swivl App
When rst opening the Swivl app you will be prompted to create a Swivl
account. This will allow you to manage all of your videos on any device
with an Internet browser.
When you open the Swivl app, you will have two login options:
Log In with Email: Create a Swivl account using an email address
and password. Use these credentials to sign into the Swivl app and
cloud account.
Log In with Google: Sign in using your Google credentials.
The interface of the capture screen dis-
plays certain key pieces of information, and
provides the capture options below:
Marker Menu: This icon expands the
Marker menu which displays the power
status and level of audio recording from
the Markers. Tap each of the Markers
currently connected and adjust record-
ing levels.
Record Button: Tap to begin recording
Video/Screen Record Menu: This icon
expands the Multi-Camera and Screen
Recording Session Pin. Learn more at:
Tap Capture in the lefthand navigation bar in the Swivl app to open the video recording screen. Here you can re-
cord video with or without a Swivl robot connected to your mobile device. The video will initially be stored on your
device but can be easily uploaded to your Swivl account.
The interface of the capture screen displays certain key pieces of information, and provides the capture options below:
Max recording time: (along the top)This displays the maximum recording time available. This is dependent on your de-
vice’s storage space. (hours:minutes:seconds)
Swivl Status: (next to max recording time)This icon will appear in white if a Swivl robot is connected, otherwise it will be red.
Return to Library: Tap the ‘X’ to go back to the app Library or to app Settings.
Swivl User Guide
(Only available when connected to the Swivl base.)
Auto tilt: Enable Swivl base to tilt automatically.
Audio route: Indicates where audio is being captured.
Setup Status: Displays the status of the device’s
connection with the robot.
Base battery health: Indicates battery life remaining
in base unit.
Marker Setup: Indicates battery life remaining in
marker(s) and prompts for rmware update if re-
Region of Swivl Usage: This setting allows you to
adjust which region you are in while using Swivl. We
recommend using the Automatic option.
Auto microphone selection: When enabled, this set-
ting allows the app to select the optimal microphone
to use. Recommended: Enabled.
Tracking: This setting will manually disable tracking.
Center button action: The checkmark action by de-
fault is set to pause tracking. It can also be set to tell
the robot to do a 360° pan of the room.
Video quality: Determine the size of video your
mobile device captures. SD is recommended and re-
quires 1.2 GB of space per 1-hour video. HD requires
2.4 GB of space per 1-hour video. It is important to
note that videos are stored on your mobile device
until deleted.
Auto-upload: By enabling this function, your videos
will automatically be uploaded to Swivl Cloud. This is
recommended if you are using a wi connection.
Auto-delete: When Auto delete is enabled, as soon
as a video has been fully uploaded to Swivl Cloud, it
Auto-exposure: By enabling Auto-exposure, you allow the Swivl app to adapt the video capture to the lighting conditions of
the capture environment.
Upload over cellular: Enables upload of videos using cellular data.
Max recording time: Indicates maximum amount of video (in minutes) that can be recorded on your device, based on your
device’s storage limitations. To enable more time for recording, keep your shared devices clear of large media les.
App version: Indicates which release of Swivl app is being used.
Swivl rmware: Indicates which release of base rmware is being used.
Update rmware: If a rmware update is available, you will be prompted to update within the app. If you decline the update, you
can initiate it from the bottom of the Settings menu.
Tap on Settings in the navigation bar on the left of the app interface to access settings for the Swivl app and robot.
Swivl User Guide
Swivl User Guide
It is important to note that videos are stored in the app and consume space on your mobile device until they are deleted. It is
recommended that you upload videos to Swivl Cloud and then delete them from your device when possible. If you are sharing a
device with others, be sure to delete your videos and logout of the app after use.
The library has three tabs at the top:
Slides, Videos, All. It is within these tabs
that you will see your recorded or upload-
ed content.
To upload videos to Swivl Cloud, click on
the cloud icon.
The ellipsis will open a menu of options
that include:
Preview: Watch your video
Save: Save your video to your de-
vice’s camera roll.
Edit Video: Trim the beginning or end
of the video.
Delete: Remove video from device.
Swivl User Guide
Uploading to Swivl
The icon to the far right of your video will let you know at what stage in the upload process your video is. The cloud icon will ap-
pear in dierent forms depending on whether the video has already been uploaded, is currently uploading, etc. The key below will
explain the meaning of each icon.
Start Upload
Tap to upload video
to Swivl
Video not yet stored
on cloud, in device
memory only
Upload takes place
over wi connection
Upload in Progress
Video currently
uploading to Swivl
Tap to pause or
cancel upload
Upload time varies
based on video
length and wi net-
work strength
Upload Complete
Video fully uploaded
to Swivl
Video currently
stored both on de-
vice and in cloud
Delete video from
app to reclaim stor-
age space
Uploaded, Auto-
Video fully uploaded
to Swivl
Auto-delete has
removed video from
You can no longer
watch the video in
the app
Swivl User Guide
Swivl Cloud
Login to cloud.swivl.com to access your videos. At the top, you will notice three tabs to the left of your initials:
My Feed: Contains videos or presentations shared with you by others
Library: Your videos and presentations
Lists and Groups: View your created lists or groups. Groups are available for teams only. More information on Lists and
Groups is available for download at: Swivl.com/training.
The Library contains two view-
ing options:
Projects: See all your vid-
eos in chronological order
Folders: Sort videos into
private folders to keep
your Library organized
Add New Project: While most
videos are uploaded from
the Swivl App, videos can be
manually uploaded from other
programs (MP4)
Slides may also be uploaded
to use during recording. These
slides may include teaching
notes, discussion questions,
or presentation materials.
Projects can be shared in four dierent ways:
Direct Share: Send email invite, requires Swivl login.*
Share to List or Group: Invite a group of users, requires Swivl login.*
Share Weblink: Create unlisted url, anyone with link can view.
Embed: Embed this project on your website or blog using HTML.*
*Requires Pro or higher
Sharing Projects
Video projects can be exported as an .mp4 or .mov le. When projects are exported, viewers lose the benets of Swivl Cloud.
Download Project: Save the .mp4 video le on your computer.
Produce: Prepare your project (slides + video) for export and save it as a new project. There are a variety of options for combin-
ing the slides and video into a single le.
Export to YouTube: Export the video le as a .mov. Only the video le is exported. If you want to export both slides and video,
you should produce the video rst.
Send a Copy: Clone your project for another use to own.*
*Requires Pro or higher
Exporting Projects
Swivl User Guide
Viewing and Editing Projects
When you open a project in your Library, you have the following options to edit, produce, share or export your project.
Videos without slides have the following editing options:
Edit Project: Create a unique name and description for
your video.
Add Slides: Add slides to your video (.jpeg, .png, .ppt,
.pptx, .pdf). When slides are uploaded you are able to
set the time when the slides progress.
Trim Video: Trim the beginning or ending of a video and
save as an existing or new project.
M o v e To : Move the project to a folder in your Library.
Delete: Permanently delete the video from Swivl Cloud.
When editing slides, you have the ability to change the timing of the slides so that they are aligned to the video content.
The editing functions also include the ability to:
Upload new slide
Replace selected slide
Hide selected slide
Remove selected slide
Swivl User Guide
Swivl User Guide
Time-stamped Comments
When projects are shared through Swivl, viewers are able to leave feedback and pose questions using two-way time-stamped
Because comments are time
stamped with the appropriate
time from the video, users are
able to dialogue and ask questions
about the video.
Commenting is great for instruc-
tional coaching feedback, self
reection and student discussion.
Bookmark moments using the
Marker up/down arrows during
recording to create a placeholder
timestamp. Then, during review,
you can edit all of your bookmarks
to write out a full comment.*
*Requires Pro or higher
When projects are shared, the owner has the ability to
see viewing analytics including:
Total visits and views
Visits per day
Percentage the video viewed
Names of viewers and what percentage of the video
was watched (users with a Swivl account)
Swivl User Guide
1450 El Camino Real | Menlo Park CA 94025 | (888) 837 6209
TM and © 2014 Swivl. All rights reserved. Swivl, the Swivl logo and all other company, product and
service names or slogans are trademarks of Swivl. Patent pending.
iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Designed in California.
Support database, submit a support ticket, or leave us feedback.
ask us anything: support@swivl.com