GSEModel is a personal computer spreadsheet-based analysis tool that has been
developed to quantify emission benefits and calculate the cost-effectiveness of converting
existing airport ground support equipment (GSE) to cleaner-burning fuels and engine
technologies. The model has been developed as a planning tool for use by metropolitan
planning organizations (MPOs), airports, and other agencies interested in evaluating
potential emission benefits and cost savings resulting from available GSE emission
control technologies. It has been designed with a mouse-enabled graphical user interface
to make it simple and easy to use.
The GSEModel tool is based upon the “best practice” methodologies and information
presented earlier in the body of this report. It has been designed to utilize local (i.e.,
airport-specific) GSE usage and cost information coupled with best-available emission
factor data to perform the following functions using a consistent methodology:
& Estimate current and alternative technology GSE emissions by individual
equipment category (e.g., aircraft pushback tractors, baggage tugs, cargo
loaders, etc.);
& Compute the emission benefits of the available alternative technologies;
& Quantify the incremental capital, operating, and life-cycle costs of converting
GSE units to these alternative technologies; and
& Calculate and compare the cost-effectiveness (cost per unit emissions reduced,
e.g., $/ton) of these alternative technologies for each equipment category under
airport-specific operating and usage conditions.
Nevertheless, as with any analysis tool, the results computed by the model retain the
inherent uncertainties of the data and estimates upon which they are based. As described
in the operating instructions that follow, the model provides “default” values for a
number of inputs to enable the user to quickly develop GSE emission reduction and cost-
effectiveness estimates associated with alternative technologies. Where actual local data
are available, the user is encouraged to utilize them to provide more accurate results.
The GSEModel application should theoretically, also be able to run under Windows NT 4.0, but it has
not been tested under that operating system.
Following this introduction, the remaining sections of the GSEModel documentation are
organized as follows:
& Required Operating Environment - describes the software and hardware needed
to run the GSEModel application;
& Quick-Start Installation and Instructions - provides an overview on installing
and executing GSEModel to get started quickly; and
& Detailed Operating Instructions and Guidance - contains step-by-step
instructions for operating the application and basic guidance for inputting data
and interpreting the results.
Required Operating Environment
Software Requirements - GSEModel is a spreadsheet-based application that runs on
personal computers using Microsoft’s Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating systems.
The model was written in Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), an
extension of the Visual Basic programming language that allows applications to be
designed with a user-friendly interface around a series of Excel spreadsheet calculations.
As a result, users must have Microsoft Excel 95 (i.e., Excel 7.0) or Excel 97 installed on
their computer in order for the GSEModel application to run.
Hardware Requirements - The minimum hardware requirements listed by Microsoft to
run Windows 95 and Excel 7.0 are sufficient to use the GSEModel program. The
application has been satisfactorily tested at 640 x 480, 800 x 600, and 1,024 x 768 display
resolutions, at both 256-color and 16-bit (HiColor) depths, and should run at any
available video display setting.
The GSEModel program requires 500 KB of disk capacity. Each saved scenario file
(described later) occupies 14 KB of disk space.
“Quick-Start” Installation and Operating Instructions
Installation of the application simply consists of downloading or copying the
GSEMODEL.XLS file to any valid directory chosen by the user. However, it is
suggested that a separate, initially empty directory be created for the GSEModel
application (e.g., C:\GSEMODEL) and the GSEMODEL.XLS file copied into it. As
explained later in more detail, a key ease-of-use feature of the application is its ability to
save and re-load “input scenario” files. Thus, it is recommended that a new directory be
If the Windows Explorer has been replaced by Internet Explorer (e.g., in Windows 98), Internet Explorer
can be configured to launch programs with a single mouse click instead of a double-click.
created to store the GSEMODEL.XLS application and the user-created scenario files
(suffixed “.gse”) that it uses in order to separate them from other files on your computer.
Running the Program - From Windows 95 or Windows 98, the GSEModel application
can be executed in several ways familiar to Windows users:
& Create and launch a shortcut to the application (creating a shortcut is discussed
in the next section);
& Double-click
the GSEMODEL.XLS file from within the Windows Explorer or
Internet Explorer window (assuming Excel has been installed and associated
with .XLS file types);
& Right-click the GSEMODEL.XLS file, then click “Open” from the pop-up
menu; or
& Click the Start button at the bottom left of Windows 95 and Windows 98
desktop, select “Documents” from the pop-up menu, and then click the
GSEMODEL.XLS file from the pop-up list of documents.
(Note that this latter method works only when the GSEMODEL.XLS file has been
recently opened and appears in the “Recent Documents” list.)
Inputting Data - Once the program finishes loading (signaled by a “Ready” indicator at
the bottom left of the application window), the user is placed at the top of the first of
three data input screens, the SCENARIO INPUTS screen. Using the graphical “point-
and-click” interface, much of the input data required by the application can be easily
entered by clicking drop-down lists and selecting specific items or clicking various check-
boxes to utilize default information supplied by the model. Table A-1 provides a brief
summary of the data inputs required by the application.
The buttons near the bottom of each input screen allow the user to navigate from screen
to screen.
Viewing Results - After entering all required inputs (or selecting default values),
GSEModel automatically performs the alternative technology emission reduction and
cost-effectiveness calculations. To view the results, simply click the “View Results”
button (the right button at the bottom of each input screen). The user can scroll down the
tabular summary to examine the calculated results.
Table A-1
Summary of GSEModel Data Inputs
Scenario Inputs
IC Technology Activity
& Costs Inputs
Electric Technology Inputs
A scenario title (optional)
The GSE equipment category
being evaluated
The “base” or current
technology used in that type of
The number of units of that
type and technology being
considered for conversion
The alternative technologies to
be assessed
Annual hours of operation (of
the selected equipment type)
Expected equipment and
engine life
Purchase, replacement,
operating and maintenance
Discount rate assumed (for Net
Present Value cost analysis)
The weighting scheme
(optional) used to combine
pollutant emission reductions
in calculating cost-
The amount of time (in %) that
the current technology GSE
equipment being evaluated is
operated at idle
Expected electric GSE
equipment life and battery life
Electric GSE purchase,
replacement, operating and
maintenance costs
Power-generation utility
emission rates reflective of
local conditions
(Note that if complete input data have not been entered, when the View Results button is
clicked an “Incomplete Input” message box is displayed that indicates which data must
still be entered.)
To return to the input screen after viewing the results calculated by GSEModel, click the
“Edit” item on the main menu near the top of the application window. Then click either
of the three “Return to ...” items to go back to one of the input entry screens.
IMPORTANT - Other than exiting the program, this is the only way to navigate
out of the Results screen!
Printing Inputs and Results - To print both the input data and the tabulated emission
reductions and cost-effectiveness results for the current scenario being evaluated, click
the “Print” item on the main menu bar, then click the “Print Scenario” item on the drop-
down menu. A two-page report is then printed on the current “default” printer selected
from Windows. The first page shows a summary of the data inputs; results are displayed
on the second page.
Saving and Loading Scenario Files - To make repeated use of the GSEModel tool quicker
and easier, the application includes the capability to save a complete set of analysis inputs
and re-use them later as a modifiable template for evaluating other GSE scenarios. (This
avoids having to type in complete data from scratch for each analysis.) After inputting
data for a specific analysis case, the information can be saved to a “scenario file”
Figure 1
(indicated by a “.gse” file extension) by clicking “File” on the main menu and then
clicking “Save Scenario.” A dialog box is then displayed, allowing the file to be saved to
disk for later use. Click the arrow to the right of the “Save in” box to select the
destination directory, then type a file name for the scenario to be saved in the “File
name”box, using the .GSE suffix. (It is suggested that the “.gse” scenario files be saved
to the same directory where the application program was stored, e.g., C:\GSEMODEL.)
Similarly, to load and re-use a saved scenario file, click “File” on the main menu, then
click “Load Scenario.” Select the directory and file to be loaded into the application.
Exiting the Program - To exit the GSEModel application, click “File” on the main menu,
then click “Exit GSEModel.” The application will then close and exit. Remember to
save the current inputs in a scenario file as described above if you plan to re-use them
IMPORTANT - Do not close the GSEModel application using the Close Box in
the upper right-hand corner of the application window such as the one
If this happens inadvertently, you may be prompted as shown below in Figure 1
to save changes to the GSEMODEL.XLS file.
Detailed Operating Instructions and Guidance
This section of the documentation provides step-by-step descriptions and guidance for
operating and inputting data to the GSEModel application and understanding the
calculated results.
Creating a Shortcut to Launch GSEModel - Prior to running the application for the first
time, the user may want to create a shortcut to the application, enabling it to be launched
directly from the Windows desktop with a single mouse click. To do so, perform the
following steps:
& Open the Windows Explorer and locate the GSEMODEL.XLS file in the
folder/directory it was installed into;
& Right-click the GSEMODEL.XLS file and click “Copy”on the pop-up menu;
& If necessary, size the Explorer window so that part of the desktop is visible,
then right-click the mouse on any visible portion of the desktop and click
“Paste Shortcut” from the pop-up menu.
Windows then places a shortcut to the application on the desktop called “Shortcut to
GSEMODEL.XLS.” To rename the shortcut (e.g., to simply “GSEModel”), select the
shortcut icon, right-click and select “Rename” from the pop-up menu. Type in the new
name and hit the Enter key on the keyboard when finished.
Inputting Data - Scenario Inputs Screen - After being launched, the GSEModel program
takes several seconds to load. When loading is finishing (denoted by a “Ready” indicator
in the lower left corner of the application window), the user is placed at the first of three
inputs screens, the Scenario screen, shown in Figure 2. The user can navigate from
screen to screen using the buttons located toward the bottom of each input screen.
Figure 2
Scenario Inputs Screen
On the Scenario screen, basic information about the analysis case being evaluated are
entered, including the GSE equipment category and the current and alternative emission
control technologies being considered. White-colored areas indicate where user inputs
are provided. Each of the inputs on this screen is discussed below.
Scenario Title (optional) - If desired, the user can enter a specific title for the scenario
being evaluated.
Equipment Category - Using a drop-down list, accessed by clicking the down arrow to the
right of this input box, one of 19 available GSE equipment categories must be selected for
analysis. (As stated earlier, the GSEModel application is set up to analyze emission
reductions and cost-effectiveness for one category at a time.) Table 2 lists the available
GSE equipment categories.
Table 2
GSE Equipment Categories
Aircraft Pushback Tractor
Air Conditioning Unit
Air Start Unit
Baggage Tug
Belt Loader
Cargo Loader
Fuel Truck
Ground Power Unit
Lavatory Cart
Lavatory Truck
Maintenance Truck
Other GSE
Service Truck
Water Truck
Current Technology - A similar drop-down list feature is used to select the technology
currently used in the GSE equipment being evaluated. The following choices are
& Gas-2 - Two-stroke gasoline engines;
& Gas-4 - Four-stroke gasoline engines;
& LPG - Liquid Petroleum gas-fueled engines;
& CNG - Compressed natural gas-fueled engines;
& Diesel - Diesel-designed and fueled engines; and
& Electric - Electrically powered equipment.
Note that for a given GSE equipment category, any one of these options can be selected.
The GSEModel program does not include logic to identify “valid” choices for each
individual equipment category. That responsibility is left up to the user.
Input Units Method/Number of Units - By clicking either of the two radio buttons, the
user indicates which of two methods will be used to input the number of GSE units (for
the selected category and current technology) to be evaluated:
1. Direct Entry - The user simply enters the number of units being considered in
the cell below (e.g., 30 baggage tractors); or
The GSE Information Series 1 (Basis for GSE Population Estimates) document also prepared under this
EPA Work Assignment provides a detailed discussion of how GSE equipment unit counts can be derived
from air carrier LTO data.
2. Calculate from LTOs - If the number of units of a particular equipment
category is unknown, annual LTO (landing and takeoff operation) information
can be entered and the GSEModel program will estimate the number of units of
the equipment type and current technology selected.
If option 2 is selected, annual LTO data for four commercial air carrier categories are
& Wide-body jets from all carriers except Southwest Airlines;
& Narrow-body jets from all carriers except Southwest Airlines;
& Southwest Airlines jets; and
& Non-jet regional/commuter aircraft (e.g., turboprops).
Alternative Technologies - Using a group of check-boxes, the user can select alternative
technology categories to be evaluated by the program as indicated. (Depending upon the
current technology selected earlier, one of the alternative technology check-boxes may be
disabled and shaded out.) The “All Above” check-box can be used to select or de-select
all available technologies.
Inputting Data - I-C Technology Activity & Cost Inputs Screen - Figure 3 shows the
layout of the I-C Technology Activity & Cost Inputs screen.
Figure 3
I-C Technology Activity & Cost Inputs Screen
This screen is used to enter activity and cost data for the current and alternative
technologies for the GSE equipment category selected earlier. (Information for all
internal combustion (I-C) technologies is entered on this screen. Electric technology-
specific data are entered on the next screen.) Each input area is discussed below.
Activity Inputs - Three “activity”-related data elements are entered in this table for both
the current and alternative technologies being modeled:
& Annual Usage - the number of hours per year that the equipment is operated
(for I-C engines, this consists of the entire time the engine is on and running,
including idling);
& Equipment Life - the expected useful life, in years, of the GSE equipment
(typically 16 years); and
& Engine Life - the estimated interval, in years, before an engine replacement or
rebuild is needed.
This is normal. The GSEModel program uses logic that fixes the columns in these tables to specific
technologies. Depending on which technology has been selected as the current technology and the
alternative technologies chosen, the columns in these tables corresponding to non-selected technologies
will be deactivated.
Most maintenance cost data are reported in these units. If only annual costs are available for a number
of GSE units, simply divide these costs by the product of the number of units and their annual usage level,
i.e., Unit Maint. Cost ($/hr) = Annual Maint. Cost for Multiple GSE Units / [# Units x Usage (hrs/year)].
As Figure 3 shows, check-boxes at the left of each of these activity data inputs can be
clicked to have the program supply default values for each element. However, the user is
encouraged to utilize actual data for the specific airport being modeled, especially for the
annual usage inputs.
Also note that depending upon which current and alternative technologies have been
selected earlier, one or more of the columns in this table (and the Cost Inputs table
discussed below) will be disabled and shaded out.
Cost Inputs - A similarly displayed table is used to enter required cost information as
& Purchase Price - the initial purchase cost of that equipment category and
technology, in dollars;
& Replacement/Rebuild Cost - the cost of rebuilding or replacing the engine of
the equipment category and technology being evaluated at each interval
specified above in the Engine Life inputs, in dollars;
& Fuel Use - the estimated amount of fuel used for each specific technology, in
Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE) gallons per hour of operation;
& Unit Fuel Cost - the cost of each technology-specific fuel, in dollars per gallon;
& Unit Maintenance Cost - the maintenance-related costs of each
equipment/technology combination, in dollars per hour of equipment use.
Reliable, verified data for these costs are not currently available. Therefore, no defaults
have been set up within GSEModel for these inputs. The GSE Information Series
also compiled under this Work Assignment provide rough estimates for
these inputs.
Discount Rate - Below these tables is a cell to enter the discount rate (in percent) to be
used in the Net Present Value (NPV) cost calculations (discussed in detail later). A
typical discount rate used in NPV analysis is 6%.
The California Air Resources Board typically uses a HC-NOx-CO weighting scheme of 1-1-
respectively to assess ozone-related control strategies for which multi-pollutant reductions are anticipated.
This input is used by the model to account for the fact that many I-C engine-powered GSE are left on for
prolonged periods and continue to idle without being used. Conversely, it assumes that electric GSE are
shut off when not actually in use.
Pollutant Cost-Effectiveness Weighting Scenario (optional) - Finally, using a drop-down
list, the user can optionally select a weighting scheme to calculate combined-pollutant
cost-effectiveness in addition to the simple, individual pollutant cost-effectiveness
estimates always produced by the program. For example, for ozone-related control-
strategy analysis, planning agencies often calculate cost-effectiveness by combining HC,
NOx, and CO reductions, where CO is discounted relative to the ozone-formation
potential of HC and NOx.
In addition to ozone, default weighting schemes have been set
up for PM
and CO-only control strategy cost-effectiveness calculations. (To bypass this
option, simply leave the “(none)” item selected in the drop-down list.)
Inputting Data - Electric Technology Inputs Screen - If the electrically powered GSE
alternative technology was selected for evaluation in the Scenario Screen described
earlier, additional electric technology-specific inputs must be entered on this screen,
shown in Figure 4. The inputs required in this screen are defined below.
Activity Inputs - The activity-related data required for electric technology is similar but
not identical to IC engine inputs. These input distinctions are as follows:
& Base Tech. Operation at Idle - the frequency at which the “base” or current
technology engine being modeled operates at idle when turned on
, in percent;
& Battery Life - the expected life of the battery as regularly charged and used to
power electric GSE, in years.
The model provides default battery life estimates by GSE category if the check-box to the
left of the table is clicked.
Cost Inputs - As with the activity data, electric GSE cost inputs required by the model are
similar to their IC engine counterparts, with the following differences:
& Electric Use - the power consumption rate of the electric GSE equipment, in
kilowatts per operating hour; and
& Unit Electricity Cost - the energy rate charged by the local electric utility, in
dollars per kilowatt-hour (airports are typically charged an industrial rate that is
cheaper than residential rates).
Figure 4
Electric Technology Inputs Screen
The program contains default values for both of these inputs based on data contained in
the GSE Information Series 4 - Electric GSE guidance cited earlier. That guidance also
includes estimates for the other electric technology cost data required by the program for
selected equipment categories.
Utility Emission Rates Scenario - Finally, using a drop-down list, the user must select one
of three utility emission rate scenarios contained in the program. This input is used to
account for the emissions generated at the utility power plant due to the incremental
power demand that results from converting IC engine GSE to electric technology.
Table 3 lists these scenarios and shows the utility emission rates assumed by the model.
Once all of the inputs required in each of the screens described above are entered (or
default values are selected), the GSEModel program automatically performs emission
reductions and cost-effectiveness calculations. The “View Results” button located at the
bottom of each of these screen can then be clicked to examine the results, or the “Print”
item on the main menu can be clicked to print them.
Table 3
Electric Utility Emission Rate Scenarios and
Power Plant Emission Factors (g/hp-hr)
Scenario HC CO NOx PM
Minimum 0.008 0.035 0.080 0.004
Typical 0.037 0.109 0.403 0.023
Maximum 0.124 0.185 2.534 1.371
Output Results - Emissions and Cost-Effectiveness Calculations - This final sub-section
of the GSEModel documentation briefly discusses how the emission reduction and cost
calculations are performed and presents results from a sample calculation. The
methodologies (and default data) used by the program are based entirely upon the GSE
Information Series guidance that is summarized in the body of the report to which this
documentation is appended.
Using equipment category-specific “average life” emission factors contained in that
guidance multiplied by the annual usage inputs described in the preceding sub-sections,
GSE emissions (in tons/day) are estimated for current and alternative technologies
Emission reductions (from the current technology emission levels) are then computed on
both an absolute (tons/day) and relative (%) basis.
Lifetime costs (based on the equipment useful life, not the engine replacement interval)
are then forecasted for engine/battery replacement, operation (i.e., fuel or electricity use),
and maintenance by combining the various cost inputs with the equipment usage inputs,
and the initial capital cost.
A Net Present Value (NPV) calculation is then performed on these cash flows, using the
input discount rate, to compute NPV life-cycle costs for each cost component (initial,
replacement, operating and maintenance), and in total under each technology evaluated.
The NPV methodology provides a basis to compare a series of uneven future cash flows
for difference scenarios (i.e., GSE technologies as used in this application) on an
equivalent present value basis, given an assumed discount rate.
Once the NPV costs are computed, individual pollutant cost-effectiveness ($/ton) is
computed by dividing incremental NPV costs (alternative technology costs relative to the
current technology) by incremental emission reductions for each alternative technology,
where the emission reductions are also expressed on an NPV basis. If selected by the
user, combined pollutant cost-effectiveness is similarly calculated by dividing
incremental NPV costs by the summed weighted-pollutant reductions.
A sample GSEModel Results report showing these outputs is provided in Figure 5.
SCENARIO TITLE: Cost-Effectiveness Calculation Example (Baggage Tug)
Emissions (tons/
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
HC 1.148 - 0.574 0.382 0.217 0.006
CO 57.648 - 36.030 36.030 0.686 0.019
NOx 0.699 - 0.525 0.525 1.842 0.068
PM 0.007 - 0.006 0.006 0.136 0.004
Emission Reductions (tons/
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
HC n/a - 0.57 0.77 0.93 1.14
CO n/a - 21.62 21.62 56.96 57.63
NOx n/a - 0.17 0.17 -1.14 0.63
PM n/a - 0.00 0.00 -0.13 0.00
Emission Reductions (%)
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
HC n/a - 50.0% 66.7% 81.1% 99.4%
CO n/a - 37.5% 37.5% 98.8% 100.0%
NOx n/a - 25.0% 25.0% -163.3% 90.2%
PM n/a - 16.3% 16.3% -1758.9% 46.5%
NPV Lifetime Costs ($)
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
Purchase Cost $17,000 - $19,000 $21,000 $22,000 $30,000
Replacement Cost $2,568 - $2,568 $2,568 $2,568 $6,566
Fuel Cost $59,481 - $49,072 $65,058 $27,386 $5,576
Maintenance Cost $47,089 - $37,176 $37,176 $47,089 $15,614
Total Cost $126,139 - $107,816 $125,802 $99,044 $57,756
NPV Lifetime Emissions (tons)
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
HC 10.157 - 5.079 3.381 1.924 0.056
CO 510.265 - 318.916 318.916 6.076 0.164
NOx 6.190 - 4.643 4.643 16.302 0.606
PM 0.065 - 0.054 0.054 1.201 0.035
Weighted Total: Ozone 89.243 55.281 53.584 19.094 0.685
NPV Incremental Cost Savin
s ($)
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
Purchase Cost n/a - -$2,000 -$4,000 -$5,000 -$13,000
Replacement Cost n/a - $0 $0 $0 -$3,997
Fuel Cost n/a - $10,409 -$5,576 $32,095 $53,905
Maintenance Cost n/a - $9,914 $9,914 $0 $31,475
Total Cost n/a - $18,323 $337 $27,095 $68,383
NPV Emission Reductions (tons)
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
HC n/a - 5.079 6.776 8.233 10.101
CO n/a - 191.349 191.349 504.189 510.101
NOx n/a - 1.548 1.548 -10.112 5.584
PM n/a - 0.011 0.011 -1.136 0.030
Weighted Total: Ozone n/a 33.962 35.659 70.149 88.557
Incremental Cost-Effectiveness ($/ton)
Current Alternative Technologies
LPG CNG Diesel Electric
HC n/a - $3,608 $50 $3,291 $6,770
CO n/a - $96 $2 $54 $134
NOx n/a - $11,839 $218 -$2,680 $12,245
PM n/a - $1,742,065 $32,057 -$23,842 $2,278,120
Weighted Total: Ozone n/a $540 $9 $386 $772
Figure 5
Sample GSEModel Results Report
1. GSE Information Series 1, “Basis for GSE Population Estimates,” Energy and
Environmental Analysis, Inc., September 1998.
2. GSE Information Series 2, “GSE Emissions and Activity Estimates,” Energy and
Environmental Analysis, Inc., September 1998.
3. GSE Information Series 3, “LPG and CNG Control Strategies,” Energy and
Environmental Analysis, Inc., September 1998.
4. A. “GSE Control Strategy Summary,” Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc.,
September 1998.
B. “Estimating GSE Activity,” Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc., September
5. GSE Information Series 5, “Emissions Aftertreatment,” Energy and Environmental
Analysis, Inc., September 1998.
6. GSE Information Series 6, “Fixed Gate Support,” Energy and Environmental
Analysis, Inc., September 1998.