Original Paper
Academic Electronic Health Records in Undergraduate Nursing
Education: Mixed Methods Pilot Study
Manal Kleib, MSc, MBA, PhD; Deirdre Jackman, MSc, PhD; Uirá Duarte Wisnesky, MSc, PhD; Shamsa Ali, BSc,
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Corresponding Author:
Manal Kleib, MSc, MBA, PhD
Faculty of Nursing
University of Alberta
5-112 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
Edmonton, AB, T6G1C9
Phone: 1 7802481422
Fax: 1 7804922551
Background: Teaching students about electronic health records presents challenges for most nursing programs, primarily
because of the limited training opportunities within clinical practice settings. A simulated electronic health record is an experiential,
learner-centered strategy that enables students to acquire and apply the informatics knowledge needed for working with electronic
records in a safe learning environment before the students have encounters with real patients.
Objective: The aim of this study is to provide a preliminary evaluation of the Lippincott DocuCare simulated electronic health
record and determine the feasibility issues associated with its implementation.
Methods: We used one-group pretest-posttest, surveys, and focus group interviews with students and instructors to pilot the
DocuCare simulated electronic health record within an undergraduate nursing program in Western Canada. Volunteering students
worked through 4 case scenarios during a 1-month pilot. Self-reported informatics knowledge and attitudes toward the electronic
health record, accuracy of computerized documentation, satisfaction, and students’ and educators’ experiences were examined.
Demographic and general information regarding informatics learning was also collected.
Results: Although 23 students participated in this study, only 13 completed surveys were included in the analysis. Almost
two-thirds of the students indicated their overall understanding of nursing informatics as being fair or inadequate. The two-tailed
paired samples t test used to evaluate the impact of DocuCare on students’ self-reported informatics knowledge and attitudes
toward the electronic health record revealed a statistically significant difference in the mean score of knowledge before and after
using DocuCare (before: mean 2.95, SD 0.58; after: mean 3.83, SD 0.39; t
=5.80, two-tailed; P<.001). There was no statistically
significant difference in the mean scores of attitudes toward the electronic health record before and after using DocuCare (before:
mean 3.75, SD 0.40; after: mean 3.70, SD 0.34; t
=0.39, two-tailed; P=.70). Students’documentation scores varied from somewhat
accurate to completely accurate; however, performance improved for the majority of students as they progressed from case
scenarios 1 to 4. Both the faculty and students were highly satisfied with DocuCare and highly recommended its integration.
Focus groups with 7 students and 3 educators revealed multiple themes. The participants shared suggestions regarding the
DocuCare product customization and strategies for potential integration in undergraduate nursing programs.
Conclusions: This study demonstrated the feasibility and suitability of the DocuCare program as a tool to enhance students’
learning about informatics and computerized documentation in electronic health records. Recommendations will be made to
academic leadership in undergraduate programs on the basis of this study. Furthermore, a controlled evaluation study will be
conducted in the future.
(JMIR Nursing 2021;4(2):e26944) doi: 10.2196/26944
academic electronic health record; Lippincott DocuCare; simulation; nursing informatics education
JMIR Nursing 2021 | vol. 4 | iss. 2 | e26944 | p. 1https://nursing.jmir.org/2021/2/e26944
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Electronic health records (EHRs) are an essential component
of modern-day digitally connected health care. An EHR is a
secure and integrated digital health technology that houses
patients’ information and encounters with the health system.
EHRs help improve access to health services, enhance the
quality and safety of care, and increase the efficiency of the
health system [1]. As the largest group of care providers, nurses
are increasingly using digital health tools across practice settings
[2,3]. Therefore, nursing schools must provide theoretical and
technical knowledge related to these health information systems
for nursing students [4,5]. This is particularly important given
the growing concerns regarding the lack of preparedness in
using health information systems among graduating students
once they join the workplace [6-10]. However, teaching students
about EHRs presents challenges for most schools of nursing,
primarily because of the limited EHR training opportunities
within practice settings and the complexity of educating a large
number of students in busy and often complex clinical
environments [5,11-13].
Simulated EHRs for academic purposes have been proposed as
an innovative pedagogy to promote the acquisition of theoretical
knowledge of informatics and the skills needed to use EHRs in
a safe environment before encounters with real patients [14-25].
Incorporating these learning experiences within undergraduate
nursing education expands the realm of effective teaching and
learning practice, fulfills accreditation requirements, and ensures
graduates have the required entry-to-practice competencies in
nursing informatics upon exiting the program so that they are
better prepared for practice in today’s digitally rich health care
environment [3,26-28]. A simulated EHR is a learner-centered
pedagogy grounded in a constructivist approach of experiential
learning where learners are actively involved in the process of
knowledge construction and reflective learning as opposed to
passively receiving information [15,29,30]. Using case scenarios
that mimic real-world clinical practice enables the students to
learn how to use EHRs for care delivery, eg, identifying and
interpreting patient data such as verifying medication accuracy,
in a supervised environment before clinical encounters with real
patients; thus, it improves learning outcomes and can contribute
to promoting patient safety [20,30-36].
Simulated EHRs resemble electronic patient records used in
practice settings [22,37]. A number of products are available
for nurse educators to choose from including open-source EHR
or electronic medical record (EMR) and vendor-operated EHR
or EMR platforms [38]. Examples of open-source platforms
include OpenEMR, WorldVistA, and OSCAREMR.
Vendor-operated platforms are available through health
information system technology vendors such as Cerner. These
also are offered through publishing companies such as
Lippincott DocuCare by Wolters Kluwer, EHR Tutor by
Assessment Technologies Institute, SimChart by Elsevier, and
NEEHR Perfect, now known as ehr
, by Archetype Innovations.
Although these products have similar platforms, they vary in
cost and functionality [38].
Research suggests that integrating simulated EHRs in
prelicensure nursing education is beneficial to students’learning
and development of important educational outcomes [20,30,34].
Simulated EHRs help improve students’ critical thinking [18]
and their ability to navigate EHRs and understand informatics
concepts such as data management [19,39,40]. Other researchers
found that simulated EHRs help enhance students’ skills in
electronic documentation [24,41,42] and aid in the development
of positive attitudes and perspectives about electronic records
[43,44]. The integration of simulated EHRs also enhances
students’confidence and self-efficacy in using electronic records
[23,44-46] and increases informatics knowledge and competency
[16,40,47]. Despite these benefits, factors such as cost and
faculty expertise continue to be major challenges in integrating
simulated EHRs in nursing education [18,34,48,49].
At our university, curricular revisions presented an ideal
opportunity to explore the integration of a simulated EHR within
undergraduate nursing programs to expose students to health
information technologies used in practice and to acquire the
required entry-to-practice informatics competencies. This
direction was enforced further by the introduction of Connect
Care, a new EMR, in our health system. Although our students
will have the opportunity to complete a user-training program
before their clinical practicum in units that transitioned to
Connect Care, these students have no previous exposure to
hands-on practice with electronic records within their laboratory
or simulation education, which is a gap in our curriculum. To
support students’ learning and application of informatics
knowledge that is currently taught in theory courses and the
computerized documentation introduced in the new curriculum
across all clinical courses, we reviewed a number of simulated
EHR solutions considering the benefits and value in meeting
the students’ and program’s needs [16,18,37,38]. We opted for
the Lippincott DocuCare simulated EHR because it is user
friendly and is aligned with the V-Sim resources currently used
in our simulation laboratory. In addition, the cost of DocuCare
for an individual student’s web access at US $100 for 12 months
(negotiable when based on an institutional purchase plan)
provided additional support for choosing this product over
others. The next step of our evaluation was to obtain feedback
from students and faculty on the suitability of this product for
integration into our programs.
Research Questions
This pilot study aimed to provide a preliminary evaluation of
the Lippincott DocuCare program and to determine the
feasibility issues associated with its implementation. The
following research questions were examined:
Is there a significant difference in the mean scores of
self-reported informatics knowledge and attitudes toward
the EHR before and after using DocuCare?
What is the accuracy of students’electronic documentation?
Are students satisfied with using DocuCare as a learning
How do students and educators describe their experiences
using DocuCare as a learning tool to improve computerized
documentation and overall informatics competency?
JMIR Nursing 2021 | vol. 4 | iss. 2 | e26944 | p. 2https://nursing.jmir.org/2021/2/e26944
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Design and Sample
In this mixed method pilot study, a quasi-experimental
one-group pretest-posttest design using short surveys was used
to answer research questions 1 to 3, which were relevant to
students’learning and satisfaction with DocuCare. Focus group
interviews with students and educators were used to answer
research question 4 [50]. A convenience sample from third- and
fourth-year nursing students enrolled in undergraduate nursing
programs in the Faculty of Nursing was invited to participate
in this study because, at this level of education, they would have
had some exposure to clinical practice and would have
accumulated sufficient theoretical knowledge. Nursing educators
involved in laboratory and clinical teaching within the
undergraduate programs were also invited to participate.
Study Procedures
Students were recruited through an announcement supplemented
with an information sheet on the e-class site, inviting students
registered in a number of third- and fourth-year courses to
express interest in participating by contacting the researchers.
A list of interested participants was then compiled, and the
volunteering students were enrolled in the study on a first-come
first-serve basis.
Interested student participants were contacted via email and
asked to complete a survey (pretest), as described later, and to
indicate their availability for attending an in-person orientation
session to have a practice demo, using a scavenger hunt exercise,
on how to use DocuCare. Two dates were provided with the
option for an evening and weekend meeting time to
accommodate students’ schedules. At the same time, a total of
50 access codes were requested from DocuCare for use by
students and educators in this study at no cost. Students who
completed the pretest survey were then contacted and given the
unique DocuCare access codes. As only a few students were
able to attend the in-person orientation, a supplementary written
guide with step-by-step directions and URL links to DocuCare
publisher training videos on how to use the program was
provided as a reference when they used DocuCare on their own.
The pretest-posttest survey included 18 items organized into 3
sections. This survey was administered to students at the
beginning of the pilot (pretest) and used again as a posttest at
the end of the pilot. Section 1 included 8 questions related to
demographic and general information: program, year of study,
opportunities for learning about informatics competencies in
theory and laboratory training, exposure to electronic
documentation in clinical sites, and support resources available
to students when learning about computerized documentation.
Section 2 included 5 Likert-type scale items (strongly disagree
to strongly agree) that measured self-reported informatics
knowledge using the entry-to-practice informatics competency
indicators relevant to documentation and data management.
These indicators have been validated in another study (Cronbach
α=.93) [51]. Section 3 included 5 Likert-type scale items
(strongly disagree to strongly agree) that measured nurses’
attitudes and dispositions toward the EHRs (Cronbach α=.77)
[52]. A high score on this scale indicates a positive disposition,
and a low score indicates a negative disposition. Research
Electronic Data Capture (REDCap; Vanderbilt University)
software was used to administer the data collection tools [53].
During the pilot, which was conducted over approximately 1
month, the participating students were asked to work on 4 patient
case scenarios within the DocuCare platform, 1 scenario per
week, or as their schedule permitted. Each case scenario required
1 to 2 hours on average, during which time the students needed
to find information required for care planning, electronically
document the care provided, and submit their completed work
to the instructor for assessment. A standardized answer key for
each scenario and a marking rubric, developed for the purpose
of this study, were used to enhance objectivity and consistency
in marking students’ submissions in DocuCare. For each case
scenario, the students’ submissions were marked against the
rubric using a rating scale from 1 to 4 (1=inaccurate,
2=somewhat accurate, 3=fairly accurate, and 4=completely
accurate). A total score of 16 was tallied for the 4 case scenarios
for each student. Students’previous documentation skills were
not tested at baseline. Owing to their workload, laboratory
educators were not available to participate in marking students’
submissions. Instead, a master’s-level graduate student was
hired to assist with the project. The graduate student marked
the students’ submissions, provided feedback, tracked the
students’progress, and responded to questions they had during
the pilot. These marks were not included in academic grades.
The case scenarios used in this pilot were identified from the
Lippincott VR-Sim library and adapted slightly to balance the
difficulty level, that is, simple-to-complex concepts. Each
scenario was also mapped to relevant entry-to-practice
informatics competency indicators as they applied to the focus
of the scenario [27].
A few days after completion of the 1-month pilot, the students
were asked to complete the posttest survey and a satisfaction
survey and to express interest in participating in semistructured
focus group interviews to share their experiences. Two focus
groups were scheduled to accommodate students’ schedules.
The satisfaction survey included 15 items measured on a rating
scale from 1 to 5 (1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very
satisfied). Some of these survey items were related to ease of
use and user experience that, with permission, were slightly
adapted from the DocuCare vendor product satisfaction survey.
The remaining items related to perceptions of the impact on
learning were added by the researchers. This survey was
integrated as a complementary measure in case students were
not able to participate in interviews because of their workload.
For nurse educators, a poster invitation was sent to recruit
interested participants. Those who expressed interest in
participating were offered a training webinar along with access
to DocuCare and the same scenarios that students used for them
to try out the product over a 2-week period and share their
perspectives. Educators were also asked to express interest in
participating in a focus group interview.
Each focus group interview lasted between 60 and 90 minutes.
The interviewers (second and third authors) facilitated all
discussions in English using an interview guide. Field notes
were taken and used, where required, to assist with reflecting
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on the data during analysis. The discussions were audio-recorded
and transcribed verbatim.
Data Analysis
Data from completed surveys were included in the analysis, and
incomplete surveys were excluded. Using IBM SPSS Statistics
version 25.0, descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means,
and SDs, were used to summarize and describe the data. A
two-tailed paired t test using a difference score (posttest and
pretest) was applied to test the null hypothesis: there was no
statistically significant difference in students’ self-reported
informatics knowledge and attitudes toward EHR mean scores
before and after using the DocuCare program for 1 month (H0:
M1M2=0). For the qualitative interview data, the third author
(UDW) compared all transcriptions and audio recordings to
ensure the trustworthiness of the data. All transcripts were
imported into the NVivo 11 data management software (QSR
International Pty Ltd) and the data were coded and analyzed
inductively. All authors discussed and defined emergent codes
and themes to ensure intercoder reliability. The final codes and
themes were refined until a consensus about the interpretations
or coding frameworks was reached. Data were stored, managed,
accessed, and analyzed within a secure SharePoint drive.
Ethical Considerations
This study was approved by the institutional review and ethics
board. Participation was voluntary, and students were assured
that their participation had no impact on their academic
performance. Each participant received an information sheet
detailing the study procedures, benefits, and risks. Surveys were
completed by implied covert action (ie, completion and
submission of surveys). Written informed consent was obtained
from all participants before the focus group sessions. Each
interview began with an explanation of the purpose and
procedures of the interview and assurance that the discussion
would remain confidential.
Characteristics of Participants and General
Information on Informatics Learning
Although 23 students participated in this pilot study, the results
are reported based on an analysis of 13 completed
pretest-posttest surveys. This decision was made because of
missing data between the pre- and posttest surveys. Most of
these respondents represented 2 large undergraduate nursing
programs: the Collaborative Program (n=7 students; 5 were
third-year and 2 were second-year students) and the
After-Degree Program (n=5; all were in their second year of
study). Only one third-year student was from the honors
program. There was no representation from first-year
After-Degree students or those in the bilingual program.
Students (n=13) described their overall understanding of the
concept of nursing informatics and its relevance to their future
practice as moderate (4/13, 31%), fair (6/13, 46%), or inadequate
(3/13, 23%). The majority indicated receiving specific learning
about informatics competencies expected of registered nurses
in Canada: information and knowledge management (12/13,
92%) and professional and regulatory accountability (13/13,
100%), but fewer reported on the competency pertinent to the
use of digital health technology in clinical practice (10/13, 77%).
With regard to learning about computerized documentation in
EHRs during undergraduate education, 54% (7/13) of
respondents indicated yes, whereas 46% (6/13) of them indicated
no. Regarding permissions for students in the clinical setting,
54% (7/13) indicated they were permitted to view patient
information with instructor or preceptor supervision. For
permissions related to electronic documentation, almost
two-third of the students (9/13, 69%) indicated that most clinical
placement sites they went to did not use electronic
documentation, whereas 23% (3/13) indicated yes and 8% (1/13)
indicated sometimes.
Self-reported Knowledge in Informatics and Attitudes
Toward EHRs
Table 1 provides an overview of the mean difference scores for
the pre- and posttest surveys. The two-tailed paired samples t
test to evaluate the impact of DocuCare on students’
self-reported informatics knowledge and attitudes toward the
EHR revealed a statistically significant difference in the mean
score of knowledge before (mean 2.95, SD 0.58) and after using
DocuCare (mean 3.83, SD 0.39; t
=5.80, two-tailed; P<.001).
The mean score was 0.88 (SD 0.54) with a 95% CI ranging
from 1.21 to 0.55. The eta-squared statistic (0.74) indicated
a large effect size. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected.
However, there was no statistically significant difference in the
mean scores of attitudes toward the EHR before (mean 3.75,
SD 0.40) and after using DocuCare (mean 3.70, SD 0.34;
=0.39, two-tailed; P=.70). The mean score was 0.05 (SD
0.43), with a 95% CI ranging from 0.21 to 0.30. Therefore,
we failed to reject the null hypothesis, that is, there was no
statistically significant difference in students’ self-reported
informatics attitudes toward the EHR mean scores before and
after using the DocuCare program.
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Table 1. Self-reported informatics knowledge and attitudes toward electronic health records before and after using DocuCare (N=13).
P valueDifference
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
Informatics knowledge: I have...
.160.1544.15 (0.555)4 (0.577)A good knowledge to critically evaluate data and information from a variety of credible
sources (including experts, clinical applications, databases, practice guidelines, relevant
websites, etc) to inform the delivery of nursing care.
.0031.1543.77 (0.439)2.62 (1.044)
A good knowledge of the various components of the EHR
such as results reporting,
clinical documentation, electronic medication administration, etc).
.080.6923.54 (0.877)2.85 (0.987)A good knowledge related to documenting important nursing and patient data using
standardized nursing languages, such as the International Classification for Nursing
Practice, ie, nursing diagnosis and interventions to support clinical decision-making
and nursing practice improvement.
.0011.1543.92 (0.494)2.77 (1.092)A good knowledge related to gathering and retrieving relevant health care and patient
data from the EHR.
.0041.2313.77 (0.439)2.54 (1.198)A good knowledge related to documenting health care and patient data into the EHR.
Attitudes toward EHRs
.680.2313.62 (1.121)3.85 (1.214)Use of EHRs are more of a help than a hindrance to patient care
.780.0774 (0.913)3.92 (0.760)Use of computerized charting has helped to improve documentation of the clinical
.440.1543.08 (0.954)3.23 (0.599)EHRs pose less threat to the patient’s privacy than do paper records.
.580.0773.54 (0.660)3.62 (0.768)Computerized charting has decreased the workload of nurses and other personnel.
.160.1544.31 (0.480)4.15 (0.376)In time, the use of EHRs will lead to improved patient care
EHR: electronic health record.
Accuracy of Students’ Electronic Documentation
For most students, their scores improved as they progressed
from case scenarios 1 to 4, with more practice and ongoing
feedback. Of the 13 students, 9 completed the 4 case scenarios.
The lowest total score obtained by these students was 11 of 16,
whereas the highest score was 15.
Students’ Satisfaction With the DocuCare Learning
Of the 13 student participants, 12 (92%) completed the
satisfaction survey at the end of the pilot. Only 42% (5/12) of
these students attended the in-person orientation. Of these 5
students, 3 (60%) were satisfied with this session. Regarding
the frequency of accessing DocuCare during the pilot, 58%
(7/12) of students indicated accessing the program once a week,
25% (3/12) accessed it multiple times each week, and 17%
(2/12) accessed it once a day or multiple times each day. Most
students (11/12, 92%) were satisfied to very satisfied with the
ability to access DocuCare at any time and from anywhere, the
ease of use when submitting completed learning activities for
assessment, and the ability to learn at their own pace. In
addition, students were satisfied to very satisfied with the
DocuCare layout (8/12, 67%) and reported that they encountered
no technical glitches when using DocuCare (7/12, 58%).
With regard to learning, two-thirds of the students (9/12, 75%)
were satisfied to very satisfied that DocuCare provided a realistic
learning experience about computerized charting in EHRs
because, in principle, it was similar to the electronic health or
patient records used in the clinical setting. It also helped increase
their confidence in gathering relevant patient information to
inform clinical judgment and nursing care planning for the
assigned case scenarios used in this pilot study and care planning
in general. The majority of the students (11/12, 92%) were also
satisfied to very satisfied that DocuCare increased their critical
thinking and clinical judgment abilities and their overall
confidence in applying computerized charting in a real clinical
setting (10/12, 83%). Overall, 92% (11/12) of students were
satisfied to very satisfied that using DocuCare enabled them to
progressively enhance their informatics competencies and
recommended using it for students’learning about computerized
charting in undergraduate nursing programs.
In their responses to an open-ended question at the end of the
satisfaction survey that asked what was helpful and what could
be improved, the students provided some insights. One student
It could’ve been better if I attended the orientation
session prior to the study as the program was hard
to use in the beginning. However, the program
allowed me to find the areas which I need to improve
on such as critical thinking skills and judgement. I
think it will be helpful/beneficial to students if the
DocuCare program becomes part of the school
Another student asserted that DocuCare was user friendly:
it was nice and simple to follow through with the
steps, and the feedback was really helpful as well.
Another student added:
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definitely getting that feedback..., that did help me
increase my confidence in what I could do on this
system, so I thought that was helpful in that sense.
Focus Group Interviews With Students and Faculty
A total of 7 students participated in focus groups, one interview
had 4 students whereas the other had 3 students. A total of 7
educators attended the DocuCare webinar and tested the product;
however, only 3 educators expressed an interest and participated
in the focus group interview. Participants described their
experiences using DocuCare as a learning tool to improve
computerized documentation and overall informatics
competency. Overall, 5 themes emerged, which were as follows:
(1) current challenges related to documentation, (2) motivating
factors for embracing computerized charting as an educational
tool, (3) educators’ and students’ experiences with DocuCare,
(4) educators’ and students’ suggestions for improving
DocuCare, and (5) recommendations for integrating DocuCare
in undergraduate nursing curricula.
Theme 1: Current Challenges Related to Documentation
Reflecting on teaching and learning experiences in clinical
practicum sites and acknowledging that they may become more
complicated with the ongoing Connect Care implementation,
the participating educators and students agreed that a number
of challenges related to documentation currently exist in clinical
and laboratory learning. This first theme, current challenges
related to documentation, comprised 6 categories, 4 of which
were exclusively from educators’ perspectives: students’ level
of experience, stressful clinical settings, student-instructor ratios,
and limited laboratory training hours. The following excerpt
illustrates educators’ concerns about students’ level of
experience and student-instructor ratios:
For some of them, they’ve never been in the hospital,
so it’s a really, you know, unfamiliar environment,
and it is really high stakes. They’re real people
involved. You know, and so their stress levels are
already really high...I think...if you have eight students
and one instructor to do some of that stuff on the fly,
like with labs we have to do sometimes, is incredibly
stressful for the instructor and really stressful for the
students. [Educator 3]
A number of educators also underlined the limitations in
laboratory training hours and in teaching about documentation
and informatics as obstacles they currently encounter in clinical
we have two-hour labs now—we don’t always have
a lot of time for them to sit down and do a narrative
charting of what they just did [Educator 2]
In addition, educators felt that the stressful clinical setting
compounded the challenges faced by students when learning
about documentation:
you get in front of the computer...it is the time
factor...they get their two minutes on there, because
everybody else is lined up for them, right...and when
they get into a hurry, mistakes get made...they’re
charting on the wrong person and everything, getting
everybody stressed out...and I just find even with the
long paper charting, the entry “I received into care,
blah blah blah, found sitting, breathing
normally,”...they’ve got this whole thing memorized,
so they’re not even critically thinking about that.
[Educator 1]
Similarly, students shared their views on the challenges
encountered with learning about documentation, both in theory
and in a clinical setting. The limited teaching on documentation
and informatics was perceived as a substantial challenge:
I do remember having a couple classes maybe where
they taught us about charting in first year—which, I
mean, it felt really awkward to do it, but I think—they
did kind of tell us the basics. But yeah, I feel it’s just
kind of an awkward process of learning how to do it
properly [Student 1]
Students also mentioned their stressful experiences of learning
through trial and error in clinical sites:
...going through this program one of the biggest
struggles that I’ve had was documentation, period.
Whether it was on paper or in—that’s one thing that
I felt could ’ve been addressed a little bit more...my
very first clinical, I had no idea. Like, not a clue. So,
I’m just copying from what my nurse that was
buddying me, what they did—I mean, it may have
been right, it might’ve been wrong, but that’s the tool
that I had at that time. As time has gone on, I’ve kind
of figured out different ways to do things. [Student 2]
Theme 2: Motivating Factors for Embracing
Computerized Charting as an Educational Tool
Participants’ reflection on informatics and DocuCare as a
simulated record assisted in creating the second theme:
motivating factors for embracing computerized charting as an
educational tool. This theme included 3 categories: ideal timing,
fostering exposure, and learning opportunity.
Participants acknowledged the need to prioritize the introduction
of EHRs during their nursing education. They felt that their
time in school was the ideal time to learn about EHRs because
of their availability and openness and the school’s propitious
learning environment. According to one student:
I think that informatics in general is like, a whole
concept, a language, a culture, a mindset—and you
have to learn how to use that...I think it’s very
important. If we’re using these kinds of systems, I
think this is the perfect time to teach that. It’s a time
when we’re not as worried about maybe—other job
or political ramifications—we’re here at school to
learn and to be educated, and to prepare for that
setting. So, I think this is a captive audience who
wants to learn, and that means it’s a perfect time.
And if we are here for two to four years, that’s enough
time that we can go and ask more questions about it,
and kind of say what we want to see better or worse,
whereas in—afterwards, time sometimes goes a little
bit faster. So, I think the fact that we’re here and
we’re learning about the job—this is in part—a huge
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aspect of the job, and it’s a perfect time to do it.
[Student 2]
Educators followed up by emphasizing that fostering hands-on
experience in simulated electronic records is vitally important
for the development of documentation competencies and for
building confidence in using clinical information systems in
clinical settings:
This will just open their eyes to a bit of what they can
expect...documentation...it’s so different than, you
know, they write essays. But charting is not like
that...it’s like a new language almost for them,
right...it’s such a looming thing you know at the
beginning for them that I think the more that they can
kind of get exposed to it and see it and get familiar
with in ways that sort of—you know, the more we can
kind of tie as many pieces together as we can early
on...you know, the better. [Educator 3]
Similarly, students shared important insights into how fostering
exposure with hands-on practice opportunities with simulated
records may help provide a standardized approach to refine
documentation skills, alleviate anxiety, and enhance overall
readiness for clinical practice:
So, I felt very disorganized going to clinical, even
though I was trying to follow that paper, and I know
it’s somewhat charting by exception, but—I think with
DocuCare it will definitely help me organize my
thoughts better—kind of understand the assessments
and questions they would ask, and to use that to
develop other like, nursing diagnoses. And how to
interpret other kind of orders that are put in place
better...I would say it [DocuCare] definitely gave me
a bit of perspective of what using digital health
resources means, like in terms of navigation, in terms
of like—all those little details and like, the potential
value of it. [Student 3]
Several of the participants highlighted that there were valuable
learning opportunities, especially those regarding the refinement
of documentation skills and enhancing their critical thinking.
One student stated the following:
The learning was multifaceted for me—it did bring
up that systems analysis part, like—what would be
the challenges of implementing this? What would be
the challenges of me using this as a clinician on the
floor? What are the challenges, how do they affect
the patient? I don’t understand why wouldn’t try to
teach the exact programs that we’re trying to
implement in the hospital so that there’s a lot more
confidence when you’re graduating nurses. I’d like
to know how to do it, like—have a computer that
you’ll have on a unit in the lab, so that you’ll have a
chance to see what it feels like to document. [Student
Furthermore, participants agreed that the learning opportunities
offered while using DocuCare would be transferable to different
EHR systems. This transferability would occur in a learning
juxtaposition of facts and theories being formed during school
with DocuCare and the new systems and processes they
encounter when they become clinicians, which may result in
augmenting or restructuring the former. One educator certified
the following:
I work on so many different units, and every chart is
set up a little bit differently, and things are found in
slightly different places...I guess going from
DocuCare to Connect Care, there might be a little
bit of an adjustment if they’re slightly different, but
really once they’re on Connect Care and familiar
with where everything is, it’ll be the same no matter
where they go, which’ll be great. [The systems] are
both different, but I think—it’s similar enough...we
teach our students critical thinking, that sort of
thing—like I actually was really impressed with how
easy I found this. And I think because—even though
they’re not exactly the same, they’re similar enough.
[Educator 3]
Students corroborated educators’ views regarding learning
opportunities and the transferability of knowledge, where
simulated learning with DocuCare may help address gaps and
inconsistencies relevant to the limited opportunities for learning
about clinical informatics systems. This was evident for students
who had opportunities to receive Connect Care training before
the pilot. They were able to compare similarities and differences
and think about how these systems can be used in a
complementary way to address gaps in students’ learning. As
a student explained:
I did start off with Connect Care before I started the
DocuCare so, in some sense, I could see where I’m
navigating, but likewise I’ve never done orders and
stuff on Connect Care—I just know the basic
assessments and stuff. And like, I do see
differences—Connect Care is more advanced with its
formatting, navigating through tabs and the
information they portray, but I think DocuCare is a
great kind of preliminary health record for students
to learn if they can’t have access to Connect Care
yet—because Connect Care is very limited in
locations, and as they slowly roll it out, whereas
DocuCare is a—kind of a good simulation to get
comfortable with, you know, the electronic health
record. [Student 2]
Theme 3: Educators’ and Students’ Experiences With
During the focus group interviews, participants described their
experiences with DocuCare. On the basis of the accounts that
emerged, we attempted to understand the experiences with
DocuCare for both students and educators. This third theme is
divided into 4 categories: ease of use, provision of feedback to
students, well-integrated layout, and tools to provide safer care.
Although educators did not complete a satisfaction survey, they
shared important insights through the focus group interviews.
Educators described DocuCare as easy to use and having many
features that can facilitate engagement with learners:
I think it was pretty easy to go in and find the tabs,
and then you’d find something else the next time you
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went in that you missed last time, so—it was just a
matter of spending that time doing it, right? [Educator
Educators also mentioned the DocuCare feature for providing
feedback to students on their submissions was seamless and
efficient, thus promoting learning and positive interactions with
students. As an educator indicated:
I thought it was kind of easy because you could just
go in there and say, Okay, incomplete assessment,
now please resubmit...It was non-offensive,
supportive, which is sort of what we do, and then
there’s a box to add your comments [Educator 1]
Educators also found that the layout of tabs within DocuCare
was well integrated and presented a comprehensive view of the
clinical information that students need to document, and it
included a review of the care provided. According to one
Well, definitely the tabs. I did like that you had your
flow sheets; you had your assessment...you look at
it...and it’s there. You don’t have to go fishing around,
it’s a click. The layout, the dropdown menus—I mean
everything about it is very familiar, I didn’t have a
hard time navigating it. [Educator 2]
Students also stated that DocuCare reinforced the provision of
safer care. According to them, safer care was linked to
improvements in communication, efficiency, evidence-based
practice, and humanization of care. One student noted:
The doctor’s writing is really confusing, and I think
if you were to consolidate all of that onto electronic
charting, it’d be a lot easier to follow, like, the story
of how they’ve been doing up until like the point that
you’re now taking over...In some situations, it
[DocuCare] does condense the information down and
get you more focused on what’s important, what’s
necessary—and as well for multiple people, it kind
of makes everybody on the same field. So, somebody
might write something or explain something in a
completely different way, but this way—it’s all
uniform almost. So, it’s harder for me to get like, a
full picture of the patient, whereas with the DocuCare
it was actually—once I figured out where to go—it
was pretty easy to see, Okay, this is how they were
on their last shift, because it’s just typing and
everything comes out really clear, because it’s
electronic. So that I actually found it really easy in
terms of finding like, past information. [Student 2]
Theme 4: Educators’ and Students’ Suggestions for
Improving DocuCare
Many responses were assigned to the theme suggestions for
improving DocuCare. This theme, which is concerned with
suggestions for improvement, is divided into 3 categories:
warning signs, search functions, and indexing patient
information. Educators suggested that it might be beneficial to
have a warning sign within DocuCare, allowing users to know
when the data chart is incomplete. Educators clarified that they
always forget something when they do an
assessment...it would be kind of nice if it glowed or
something—it wouldn’t let you carry on unless you
complete it [Educator 1]
Conversely, students felt that having a search function in
DocuCare would make it more user friendly and easier to
navigate. One student explained:
In this world we all know that there’s so much
information, it’s changing all the time, and it could
be found anywhere. If I would’ve had a search bar
where I could have typed in “urticaria, that
would’ve brought up which sections are those in...it
was very inefficient for me to spend an hour trying to
look for something. So, if there’s a tool that allows
me to search for it quick, then—I think that would be
super helpful. [Student 1]
Other students suggested adding a sidebar indexing patients’
most important and recent information would enhance access
to the most relevant information needed when providing care
within DocuCare. This indexing function is actually similar to
what is typically seen in clinical sites. According to one student:
With Connect Care they have the patient’s
information consistently on the side. You can easily
access the main information that you’re reporting,
like, what’s their weight and diet, what’s coming up
for them...so you can view everything, and even vital
signs. So, where DocuCare is very fragmented in
different tabs, Connect Care has it in like an actual
flow sheet, so where you know, you just read, scroll,
and you can add it in at the same time. [Student 3]
Theme 5: Recommendations for Integrating DocuCare
in Undergraduate Curricula
This theme comprised recommendations for integrating
DocuCare in the undergraduate nursing curricula. Specifically,
it included 4 categories: better orientation and support, more
exposure and frequency, scheduling DocuCare in the curriculum
and integrating it within courses, and flexibility of delivery with
a focus on learning, not grading.
Both educators and students agreed that the introduction of
DocuCare in the undergraduate curricula should start with an
orientation for both educators and students on the system usage
coupled with ongoing technical and human support. According
to one student:
It’ll be even good to just have like, one video example
with like, the computer videos of a teacher or
instructor just going through one basic assessment,
or one case scenario, so students can visualize and
see—This is how it [kind of] should be done. [Student
Educators, conversely, found that the orientation session
provided to them was sufficient:
I found the webinar actually really helpful. After I
watched that I was like, “Ah, piece of cake!” You
know—It was not intimidating at all! [Educator 2]
However, educators felt that:
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a designated tech support person would be good
[Educator 2]
having access, like—on [our] time, because setting
things up...so, if there’s a way that we could have sort
of continuous access to it, that would be—I think
better [Educator 3]
Educators and students also agreed that incorporating DocuCare
in the education of nursing students should be systematic, with
more frequent exposure. They suggested that exposing students
to it in the simulation laboratory and, where possible, in clinical
settings would allow adequate opportunities for students to
develop proficiency and integration with their overall repertoire
of clinical skills. One student pointed out:
Yeah, and I mean even still at the end of all the cases
that I did—I still think I wasn’t, I still would’ve
wanted a little bit more practice. If that was my
method of documentation on the floor, I would
definitely want more than what I got in the cases that
I did...I think that it would be beneficial to do it
throughout the program, not just a one-time thing,
and kind of starting it off slow or starting it off
smaller, and then growing the pieces bigger so that
you are constantly exposed to it and constantly
practicing through it. [Student 2]
Students and educators differed in their views about the timing
of introducing DocuCare in the curriculum and integration with
other courses. For students, starting early in their program would
be most useful; however, they believed that having some
foundational knowledge in nursing first would be more
appropriate. According to one student:
I think—maybe at the end of first year, but more in
second year, because I think for me, like figuring out
how to do the assessments first—instead of having
like—learning to do the assessments, and then
learning to use DocuCare—I think I want be more
comfortable with actually what I’m doing before I try
putting in...[Student 1]
Conversely, educators felt:
it would be really valuable, that first year in health
assessment, if we can give them time [Educator 2]
Finally, educators and students provided important insights on
how DocuCare learning could be incorporated despite challenges
with content-heavy curricula and busy students’ schedules.
Flexible delivery, with a focus on learning not grading, was
highlighted. Students highly supported the use of self-directed
learning via online modules that can be incorporated into the
laboratory or e-class platform without imposing a grading
system. According to a student:
I could even see it as an e-class module...and with
the no marks thing. I think it’d be good if simulation
lab had an opportunity to like—you go in, here’s your
patient, here’s your thing. But I think it’d be great if
there was an option—almost like a little certificate
kind of thing. You could come at your own time, here
are the times and dates, we have the operator here,
here’s a case scenario, we need you to come in maybe
with yourself or with a partner, or even as a clinical
group. [Student 3]
Conversely, educators felt the need to engage students in this
learning and to monitor their progress down the road:
You have to make them accountable in some way...you
just put pass or fail. [Educator 3]
Principal Findings
The purpose of this pilot study was to determine feasibility
issues and evaluate the suitability of DocuCare from the
perspectives of students and educators, as a tool for supporting
students’acquisition of informatics competency and to enhance
their readiness for future practice in digital health environments.
The use of DocuCare in this study contributed to improving
students’ knowledge about informatics and accuracy of
electronic documentation, congruent with findings from previous
research [16,19,24,40-42,47]. There was no change in attitudes
toward EHRs. On the basis of the findings from focus group
interviews with students, this could be explained by the fact
that students already had positive attitudes toward this
technology, as demonstrated in their responses. In our study,
educators agreed that hands-on learning opportunities through
simulated electronic records were vitally important for the
application of knowledge, development of critical thinking and
documentation competencies, and building confidence in using
clinical information systems in practice settings. Similarly,
students were overwhelmingly satisfied to very satisfied with
DocuCare and highly recommended using it in undergraduate
nursing programs. They indicated that opportunities for
electronic documentation will not only strengthen their
communication skills but also enhance their critical thinking
skills and their understanding of informatics concepts. It could
ease their transition to using advanced technology in the work
setting, which is congruent with findings from previous research
The results of this study and other research confirm that students
recognize gaps in their informatics preparedness to meet
workplace requirements regarding the use of electronic tools to
support nurses’ work, particularly for data management and
electronic charting [5,6,11,16,42]. Uniquely, in our study,
students and educators provided suggestions for improving the
DocuCare platform. They also shared strategies and
recommendations on how DocuCare could be incorporated in
strategic ways to augment students’learning about digital health
and informatics without creating additional workload or
overwhelming the already content-heavy curricula. Students
were also quite passionate and willing to take on a self-directed
role in embracing this technology to support their education.
They recognize that the technological changes taking place in
the clinical environment warrant action, but their education was
not keeping pace. Although these findings reflect more
awareness among student nurses regarding the importance of
digital health and informatics in nursing practice, they also
assert the need for more work on the part of nursing schools
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and nurse educators in creating learning opportunities within
the curriculum to enhance students’preparedness for their future
nursing roles. Unfortunately, within Canadian prelicensure
education, significant gaps still need to be addressed.
In a recent survey of Canadian schools of nursing, fewer than
20% of 360 nurse educators surveyed reported using EHR
simulation in conjunction with teaching clinical skills in a
simulation laboratory [5]. Congruent with these findings, in
another survey conducted by Canada Health Infoway, only 35%
of the nurse educators surveyed reported using a training version
of an electronic record or clinical information system to support
the teaching of nursing skills [2]. In addition, despite the
increased utilization of digital health tools in practice, only 6
of 10 nurses surveyed about the use of virtual care reported
having adequate knowledge and skills to use these systems [2].
Nagle et al [5] identified that teaching students about the use
of EHRs is challenging in practice settings because there are
few opportunities for students to access or use fully functional
EHR systems in health care facilities. These findings are
congruent with our findings and those in the general literature
[11,34]. Nagle et al [5] also highlighted the need for an
affordable EHR sandbox that could be used in simulation
laboratories to teach students how to integrate these tools as
they learn other clinical skills. They also identified the need for
academic administration support for nurse educators as they
implemented these tools [5,54]. Simulated EHRs are valuable
for students learning about informatics and computerized
charting; therefore, removing barriers to integrating them within
Canadian nursing education should be a priority [5,20,34,42,54].
Educating future nurses about digital health and informatics is
no longer an option but rather a core requirement in modern-day
nursing practice [5,34,40,42,54-59]. Although the abrupt
transition to remote delivery of education during the COVID-19
pandemic highlighted the current gaps in technology
infrastructure and created challenges for higher education
institutions worldwide, it also revealed opportunities for
embracing technology and virtual simulation. This could be an
important opportunity for nursing programs to capitalize on as
we navigate more virtual practice across all domains of nursing
As this was a pilot study and voluntary participation was
appreciated, the small sample size and the use of a one-group
quasi-experimental design affected the power of the study.
Numerous contextual factors may also have influenced students’
willingness to participate in the study. The participants’
recruitment was interrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic
and the public health guidelines restrictions. Students’academic
workload, disruption of clinical placements, stress and feelings
of uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the
uncertainty regarding the completion of their program and
entering the workforce in an evolving global pandemic may
have also influenced students’ desire to participate in this
research. Finally, students who agreed to participate might have
been more interested in the topic of the study compared with
those who did not participate, which may have resulted in a
response bias.
The integration of simulated EHRs within the nursing
curriculum has the potential to improve students’ knowledge
and understanding of informatics and build confidence in using
EHRs, including computerized charting. In this pilot study, the
opportunity to use DocuCare firsthand enabled our students and
educators to provide important insights and recommendations
to the curriculum committee on the suitability and value of this
educational tool for improving teaching and learning about
informatics, computerized documentation, and the use of EHRs.
This preliminary evaluation will also inform the planning of a
future larger, controlled evaluation study, inviting students and
educators from other sites within our collaborative nursing
programs in Alberta. Given the paucity of Canadian research
on simulated EHRs, the findings of this study may also be useful
to other schools of nursing.
The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund from the University of Alberta funded this study.
Authors' Contributions
MK was involved in funding acquisition, conceptualization, designing the methodology, investigation, formal analysis, project
administration, resources, supervision, and writing, reviewing, and editing the original draft. DJ was involved in investigation
and writing the review. UDW was involved in investigation, formal analysis, and writing and editing the review. SA was involved
in investigation, formal analysis, and writing and editing the review.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
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EHR: electronic health record
EMR: electronic medical record
Edited by E Borycki; submitted 04.01.21; peer-reviewed by W Hansbrough, R Chan, T Hebda; comments to author 25.01.21; revised
version received 20.03.21; accepted 07.04.21; published 27.04.21
Please cite as:
Kleib M, Jackman D, Duarte Wisnesky U, Ali S
Academic Electronic Health Records in Undergraduate Nursing Education: Mixed Methods Pilot Study
JMIR Nursing 2021;4(2):e26944
URL: https://nursing.jmir.org/2021/2/e26944
doi: 10.2196/26944
©Manal Kleib, Deirdre Jackman, Uirá Duarte Wisnesky, Shamsa Ali. Originally published in JMIR Nursing
(https://nursing.jmir.org), 27.04.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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